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ethical gelt now hanging friendship builders holiday celebrations

Maurice goes eastSendak exhibit comes to Eastern Washington

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Seattle Jewish Times.indd 1 11/2/11 10:39 AM

Senior Prom

Save the Date! Sunday, December 18th

2–4 p.m.the SUMMIt at FIRSt hILL PReSeNtS:

Calling all Seattle high school grads from the 1930s and the 1940s.

there will be music, there will be dancing, and there will be light refreshments.

Reservations required.Look for an informational insert in the November 18th JtNews.

Christians mostly failed to act in response to KristallnachtRafael Medoff JTA World News Service

WASHINGTON (JTA) — Most Amer-ican Christian leaders strongly condemned the Kristallnacht pogrom that the Nazis car-ried out against Germany’s Jews 73 years ago this week, when hundreds of syna-gogues were torched, the windows of thou-sands of Jewish businesses were smashed, 100 Jews were murdered and 30,000 more were dragged off to concentration camps.

But the words of condemnation were not always accompanied by calls for action. When it came to advocating steps such as opening America’s doors to Jewish refugees or severing U.S. relations with Nazi Ger-many, Christian voices too often fell silent.

The liberal Catholic publication Com-monweal called for suspending Ameri-ca’s immigration quotas in order to admit more refugees. The larger Catholic weekly magazine America, however, took a dif-ferent line. America headlined its post-Kristallnacht issue “Nazi Crisis.” But the two feature stories did not focus on the plight of Hitler’s Jewish victims. The first was a report about the mistreatment of nuns by Nazis in Austria. The second arti-cle charged that protests by American Jews against the Nazi pogrom were generat-ing “a fit of national hysteria” intended “to prepare us for war with Germany.”

The issue did include an editorial titled “The Refugees and Ourselves,” but it was about the “grave duty” of American Cath-olics to help European Catholic refugees. Jewish refugees weren’t even mentioned.

An editorial in the leading Protestant magazine Christian Century did address the Jewish refugee problem: It argued that America’s own economic problems neces-sitated “that instead of inviting further complications by relaxing our immigra-tion laws, these laws be maintained or even further tightened.”

A few months later, refugee advocates proposed legislation to help German Jews that could not be construed as under-mining America’s economy. The Wag-ner-Rogers bill would have admitted 20,000 children — too young to compete with American citizens for jobs. Yet even then, Christian Century found a reason to oppose helping the Jews.

“Admitting Jewish immigrants would only exacerbate America’s Jewish prob-lem,” it wrote.

One notable Christian response to Kristallnacht was an initiative by the U.S. branch of the Young Women’s Christian

Seattleites win education prizeJoel Magalnick Editor, JTNews

Of five young educators recognized nationally by the Covenant Foundation, two hail from Seattle. Robert B e i s e r , t h e campus/Jconnect director for the Repair the World s o c i a l j u s t i c e o r g a n i z a t i o n , based at Hillel at the University of Washington, and Gilah Kletenik, who grew up in Seattle and now serves as congregational scholar at Congregation Kehilath Jeshurun and is the first woman to teach Talmud and Judaism at Ramaz Upper School in New York, were given the foundation’s inaugural Pomegranate Prize, which recognizes educators making a difference while still early in their careers.

“Our goal with this new prize is to pro-vide the means for these already remarkable educators to further develop their skills, ful-fill a dream or two, and have the chance to get to know others who, like themselves, are bringing fresh new ideas and abundant energy to the field of Jewish education,” said philanthropist Lester Crown, whose

Crown Foundation in conjunction with the Jewish Education Service of North America

sponsors the Cov-enant Foundation. The five recipients will each receive $15,000 over the next three years to further their edu-cation.

Despi te ac-tively working to bring awareness of human rights

and environmental issues — to give a couple examples — on campus and in the local Jewish community at large, Beiser said he hadn’t thought of himself as a Jewish educator in the past.

“I’m a community organizer, I’m an advocate for social change, I’m an activ-ist,” he said. “But at the bedrock to all those things and the piece that makes it funda-mentally Jewish is the context of education.”

It is not yet clear to Beiser how he plans to use his prize, but he envisions that he will expand his Jewish textual literacy as well as work on building his professional skills.

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Robert Beiser Gilah Kletenik

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friday, november 11, 2011 . . jtnews opinion

letters to the editorthe rabbi’s turn

“These kids are going to have a rough way to go. But here, they can participate. They can do something and think, ‘I’m just like everybody else.’” — Kung Fu master Jacob Lunon on the special-needs kids he works with at the Sunday Circle. See the story on page 19.

wRite A LetteR to tHe eDitoR: we would love to hear from you! our guide to writing a letter to the editor can be found at,

but please limit your letters to approximately 350 words. the deadline for the next issue is november 15. Future deadlines may be found online.

The legacy of Isaac and IshmaelRabbi olivieR benHaiM Bet Alef Meditative Synagogue

A surprising turn of events happens in next week’s Torah portion, Chayei Sarah. We read: “Abraham breathed his last and died in good ripe age, old and satisfied, and was gathered to his people. His sons Isaac and Ishmael buried him in the cave of Mach-pelah.” (Gen. 25:8-9)

What are Isaac and Ishmael doing here together? This is the first we hear of them since each of their traumatic experiences at the hand of their father. Some 73 years earlier — as far as Ish-mael is concerned — Abraham attempted to kill him by casting him and his mother out to die in the wilderness. He and his father had remained estranged ever since.

The same holds true for Isaac after the Akedah, his binding and near sacrifice. Despite the fact that an angel intervened in the last moment to stay Abraham’s hand, Isaac saw that his father was ready and will-ing to sacrifice him. Arguably, from Isaac’s perspective the angelic intervention didn’t make a difference. Even though the blade of the sacrificial knife never touches him, it may as well have, as their father-son rela-tionship was severed for good. Isaac does not come down from Mount Moriah with Abraham; in fact, there is no record of the two ever having contact again.

For Isaac and Ishmael to be able to bury their father together suggests that they each had made peace with his past, and both were able to forgive what Abra-ham had done. Forgiving doesn’t mean forgetting what has happened or denying it ever took place; but, rather, we are no longer bound by our past, able to cast off our anger, resentment and upset vis-à-vis those who have hurt us; and that our pain and suffering no longer define us. In that space, we are able to let go of the stories we have created about these events and free ourselves from their burden on our lives.

This possibility of forgiveness is the model of what Isaac and Ishmael’s offer-ing could represent. The two half-broth-ers, wounded by the same source, pitted against each other by the circumstances of their lives, show here a willingness to rise above their personal stories and support one another even as they literally lay to rest the person who represents the source of their pain. Can we, Jews and Muslims alike — inheritors of Isaac and Ishmael’s legacy — learn from their example?

Just days before Rosh Hashanah, I tuned in to watch Abbas and Netanyahu address the United Nations. As Abbas spoke I was

hopeful that he would extend an olive branch toward Israel; that he would at least hint at recognizing Israel’s right to exist as a sovereign Jewish state alongside a future Pal-estinian state. He did not. Instead, he retold the old party-line narrative accusing Israel of being led by a brutal apartheid regime whose goal is to oppress the Palestinians and

rob them of their homeland. Perhaps Netanyahu would rise above

the rhetoric of the status quo? I hoped he would take the high road and commit to ordering a freeze of all West Bank settle-ments, dismantle illegal ones, and put a halt to any construction in East Jerusalem as a gesture of good will and a serious com-mitment to peace. But he did not. He, too, redrew the same old caricature that depicts all Palestinians as unrepentant terrorists hell-bent on the total destruction of Israel.

Each side is deeply stuck, bound to a path of destruction in the self-righteous name of their own exclusive narrative. The cost to both people is impossibly high. To be sure, such rhetoric will lead not only to other destruction, but just as surely to self-destruction; as to remain enmeshed in these intransigent stories perpetuates the cycle of misery and collective nightmare, endless cycle of violence and deaths that they and we co-create.

One of my favorite philosophers, Ken Wilber, asserts: “As a general rule, no one is smart enough to be wrong 100 percent of the time.” Can we, then, leave room for the other to be wrong only 99 percent of the time? Because in this 1 percent lies a world of possibilities. By allowing that 1 percent we open a door to hearing a different per-spective, we start with the assumption that our truth is not absolute truth but, rather, that there exist many relative truths; that there is no given reality but only perspec-tives on that reality. By moving out of our entrenched positions we not only become better able to see or hear the other’s posi-tion, but also better able to see our own self and our own stories objectively.

Perhaps it is time — as Isaac and Ish-mael bury Abraham — for us, for Israe-lis and Palestinians, to reframe our stories about the past and stop pretending that these old narratives must define our future. This is not to deny the violence, deaths, and deep wounds that each side has inflicted upon the other in the many decades of this conflict. No — what hap-pened, happened. But we can let go of the

stories that each side has created about it. A real healing process has the possibil-

ity of success not when either side expects the other to recognize the totality of its story any longer, but when each is able to shift its perspective slightly and acknowl-edge the truth of just one aspect, a sliver — that 1 percent of the other’s narrative.

Indeed, this is not only the work of a country’s leaders; it must begin with each of us. What are the beliefs, the positions we are wedded to in our own lives? What are the stories we are bound to that are reflected by the resentments, upsets, and anger we experience when these stories are

challenged? What is it we know ourselves to be so “right” about that we are unable to hear a different point of view? We too must become aware of our entrenched attachment to our stories, to question our assumptions, and gently open ourselves to hear different perspectives.

Isaac and Ishmael were able to forgive. They came to recognize that the historical circumstances of their lives did not have to determine their future. For the democratic values that Israel holds dear, and all peo-ples in the Middle East, I pray that we, too, will awaken to this recognition.

tRue AppReciAtionI congratulate Rabbi Kinberg on her insightful column (“We need to let the world know

how we really feel about Israel,” Oct. 28). She is correct to observe that a millennia-long con-nection to the land of Israel, and contemporary caring about the future of the Jewish State, are key themes that unite Jews everywhere in the world. Whatever one’s political position, as Jews, we share these connections to the land, the state, and the people of Israel.

Israel is by no means perfect, but it’s the only Jewish state we have. Thank you, Rabbi Kinberg, for your support and love for Israel, and for bringing the community together around this love and support.

nevet BaskerBellevue

Association. Less than two weeks after the pogrom, the YWCA established a Com-mittee on Refugees, which undertook information campaigns aimed at persuad-ing the public that refugees were loyal and hardworking. Unfortunately, the YWCA’s national board soon lost interest in the project and declined to fund it. According to Professor Haim Genizi, the American Jewish Committee ended up providing much of the committee’s budget.

Christian Scientists, although small in number, had the opportunity to exercise influence through their mass-circulation newspaper, the Christian Science Monitor. But true to their church’s emphasis on the potential of prayer to heal all ills, the Mon-itor’s editors argued that in response to Kristallnacht, “prayer...will do more than any amount of ordinary protests to heal the hate released in the last few days and to end injustices and excesses practiced in the name of anti-Semitism.”

The Monitor did acknowledge that “finding havens for [the] refugees” was a necessity, but refrained from suggesting that America should serve as one of those havens.

One of the few consistently strong Christian voices in the aftermath of

Kristallnacht was that of U.S. Sen. Wil-liam King of Utah, a former missionary who was arguably the most prominent Mormon in America at the time. While President Roosevelt only recalled the U.S. ambassador from Germany tempo-rarily for “consultations,” Senator King urged the administration to completely break off U.S. diplomatic relations with Hitler. While FDR said that liberalization of America’s immigration quotas was “not in contemplation,” King introduced legis-lation to open Alaska to Jewish refugees.

Sadly, Senator King’s initiatives attracted almost no support from Amer-ica’s churches. The response of most Christian leaders to Kristallnacht, like the response of the Roosevelt administration and most of the American public, was, in the words of Professor Henry Feingold, “no more than a strong spectator sympa-thy for the underdog.”

Dr. Rafael Medoff is director of The David S. Wyman Institute for Holocaust Studies, which focuses on issues related to America’s response to the Holocaust. The material in this article is based on the Wyman Institute’s ongoing research project on American Christian responses to the Holocaust.

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“The help from JFS was a life saver in an ocean of despair.” – Emergency Services Client, Jewish Family Service

return Torah to its place of gloryelie kaunfeR JTA World News Service

DENVER (JTA) — I want to challenge one of the mainstay assumptions of orga-nized Jewish life: Jewish continuity is the end goal, and everything is in service of that goal.

It’s been 20 years since the release of the 1990 National Jewish Population Study, which found an unprecedented rate of inter-marriage. It launched 1,000 ships of Jewish identity efforts in the service of ensuring Jewish continuity. Indeed, in our current language, everything is in service of Jewish identity. Birthright strengthens Jewish iden-tity. Day schools strengthen Jewish identity. Summer camps strengthen Jewish identity.

Our theory: Strengthen Jewish identity and Judaism will continue.

But here’s the problem with that theory: In our zeal to ensure the Jewish future, we forgot to articulate why it mat-ters for Judaism to continue.

Abraham Joshua Heschel already recog-nized this in 1965, when he addressed the 34th General Assembly in Montreal. He said, “The significance of Judaism does not lie in its being conducive to the mere sur-vival of a particular people, but rather in its being a source of spiritual wealth, a source of meaning relevant to all peoples.” (“Moral Grandeur and Spiritual Audacity”)

Jews were not placed on this earth to survive. Jews were placed on this earth to embody and to model the quest for “spiri-tual wealth” and “meaning.”

Jews, like all people, are searching for meaning, substance and connection. The more we are inundated with emails, status updates and tweets, the more we want to go deeper. Our souls are calling out for engagement; our hearts are crying out to be opened.

Judaism, at its core, is a response to that yearning, an answer to that call. What are we “continuing” with our calls for “conti-nuity”? Why does Judaism need a future? Because Judaism offers a system, a cove-nantal language, a heritage and tradition that respond to the human need for mean-ing, substance and connection. It is our system, our language, our heritage; it is relevant, and that is the reason we need a Jewish future.

We Jews have a word for the pathway to meaning, substance and connection. It is called Torah — the wisdom stored up in our textual heritage.

So often we sideline Torah in the cul-

ture of the organized Jewish community. It takes the form of a pithy quote at the top of a website; an icon on our iPad; a glazed d’var Torah at the beginning of a board meeting. It’s what we pay lip service to before we really get down to business. But real Torah is so much deeper.

Torah has the power to draw us into the conversation, and to push us to think more deeply about ourselves and our struggles. Torah gives us a language for clarifying our own life’s mission, and an entryway to express our deepest values.

My dad and I have studied Torah every week over the phone for the past 15 years.

“When I discuss a text with my son,” he said, “I always ask questions to which I do not know the answer. What comes out of these dialogues is a set of novel and excit-ing ideas which never occurred to me. But my son and I do more than connect with the texts and their moral gems; we also connect with each other.”

Torah has the power to push us to ask bold questions and to transform our rela-tionships.

So who is Torah for? Is the search for meaning and content reserved for a few motivated Jews? Is it stuck up in the heav-ens where no one can reach it? Or across the sea where no one can find it? (Deut. 20:12-13)

There is a radical teaching in Jewish tra-dition in Midrash Tehilim 65:6 about the moment of revelation at Mount Sinai that addresses that question:

“When God spoke the word [on Sinai], God’s voice split into seven voices. Those seven voices split into the 70 languages of the world so that everyone could under-stand.”

What’s incredible about this midrash? It means that Torah has something to say to everyone. Not just kids. Not just day school graduates. Not just synagogue goers. Not just rabbis. Not even just Jews!

This Midrash recognizes it is a basic human need to yearn for meaning and substance, and that yearning doesn’t exclude anyone. Our real birthright, our real morasha, is Torah.

Our task is twofold. First, we have to abandon the old paradigm of Jewish con-tinuity as an end in itself instead. Continu-ity must be in the service of Torah; survival

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nYhS girls will sit out volleyball championshipsJoel Magalnick Editor, JTNews

While their competitors spend the weekend in Yakima, the girls’ volleyball team for Northwest Yeshiva High School will be staying home for the state cham-pionships. Though they placed fourth in their division, which qualified them to go to state, the tournament is being held this Friday and Saturday, during Shabbat, meaning the girls will be unable to play.

The Washington Interstate Athletic Association, which administers athletics for approximately 400 public and private schools throughout the state, was unable to make accommodations for the two-day, 48-team tournament.

“We offered a couple different options, including playing one or two matches off-site or playing the games earlier in the day,” said Rabbi Benjy Owen, NYHS’s assistant head of school. “We made some propos-als to them, and they didn’t accept them.”

Mike Colbrese, the WIAA’s executive director, said the situation is complex and difficult.

“We were concerned about the fair-ness to all the teams and also concerned about the safety to individuals,” Colbrese told JTNews.

Making accommodations would have required teams to play two or even three games back-to-back, and he said the fatigue could pose safety issues. Moving the schedule up a day was also not possible.

“The problem with Thursday-Friday is then we’re taking kids out of school more,” he said.

NYHS and WIAA have been working on the issue since March, when it became clear that the volleyball team could qualify for the state championships. This tourna-ment would have been their first.

This is not the first time, however, that the NYHS girls have had to forfeit because of schedule conflicts. In the spring of 2010, the WIAA did not accommodate the girls’ basketball team, which was scheduled to play on the evening following a fast day. Rather than risk dehydration, the team decided to forfeit.

NYHS is also not the only school that has Sabbath issues. There are “a number of Sev-enth Day Adventist schools,” Colbrese said, and he also noted that Christian schools may have issues playing on Sundays.

“It’s a difficult situation,” he said. “It’s not enjoyable and we just have to do what we think is the best way to do it.”

In the meanwhile, Owen said his school is trying to reach a long-term solu-tion to the scheduling problem.

“The school is putting together a pro-posal for how we would like them to accom-modate for Shabbat for the future,” he said.

And as for the girls, he said they’re holding their heads high.

“They’re disappointed. They’re very proud of themselves, as they should be,” he said. “For them, playing on Shabbat is not an option and they’re sure about that, and they’re very sure about their values regarding Shabbat.”

A number of team members have received individual recognition: Senior Ilana Greenberg made the all-league first team; senior Makena Owen and junior Marissa Almoslino made the all-league second team. Co-coach Drew Artiaga received a coach of the year award and the team received a sportsmanship award.

A celebration at the school in honor of the team was scheduled for Thursday, after JTNews went to press.

community news

Master’s coursework isn’t out of the ques-tion, he said.

Kletenik wasn’t given any specific rea-sons for being chosen for this prize, but she said she has been “very much involved in furthering women’s leadership within the Orthodox community and building an organization of female Orthodox rabbis.”

Kletenik serves as clergy at the modern Orthodox synagogue, though she is not formally considered a rabbi.

As an educator, she said, “I’m really advocating for a Judaism that is rigor-ous, sophisticated and open, which has Jewish text standing at its core in bridg-ing both academic and traditional meth-ods of study.”

Kletenik earned a Master’s degree from Yeshiva University in the spring in advanced Talmudic study and is currently working on completing a second Master’s from YU in Jewish philosophy. She hopes to enter a doctoral program in the fall of 2013.

W pomeGranaTe prIze Page 2

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friday, november 11, 2011 . . jtnews inside

JTNews is the Voice of Jewish Washington. Our mission is to

meet the interests of our Jewish community through fair and

accurate coverage of local, national and international news,

opinion and information. We seek to expose our readers to

diverse viewpoints and vibrant debate on many fronts, includ-

ing the news and events in Israel. We strive to contribute to

the continued growth of our local Jewish community as we

carry out our mission.

2041 Third Avenue, Seattle, WA 98121

206-441-4553 • [email protected]

JTNews (ISSN0021-678X) is published biweekly by The Seattle Jewish

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The opinions of our columnists and advertisers do not necessarily

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Publisher *Karen Chachkes 267

Editor *§Joel Magalnick 233

Assistant Editor Emily K. Alhadeff 240

Account Executive Lynn Feldhammer 264

Account Executive David Stahl 235

Account Executive Cameron Levin 292

Classifieds Manager Rebecca Minsky 238

Art Director Susan Beardsley 239

BoArd of direcTorSPeter Horvitz, Chair*; Robin Boehler; Andrew Cohen§;

Cynthia Flash Hemphill*; Nancy Greer§; Aimee Johnson; Ron

Leibsohn; Stan Mark; Daniel Mayer; Cantor David Serkin-Poole*;

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Richard Fruchter, CEO and President,

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*Member, JTNews Editorial Board§Ex-Officio Member

p u b l i s h e d b y j e w i s h t r a n s c r i p t m e d i a

t h e v o i c e o f j e w i s h w a s h i n g t o n

Remember when

inside this issue

From the Jewish Transcript, Novem-ber 10, 1989.

Alan Goldwasser, left, and Eric Ray Anderson, played brothers Eugene and Stanley in the Stroum Jewish Commu-nity Center’s production of Neil Simon’s Broadway Bound. The show ran for nearly a month.

LADino Lesson

by isaac azose

La alguenga tierna, rompe al gueso.A tender tongue breaks bones.

Gentle words and a pleasant approach to a bone-tough problem can be more effective to penetrate than an iron tough instrument. That is to say, a kind appeal works wonders — more than harsh words.

On the cover:This drawing from Maurice Sendak’s 1967 picture

book The Lost World, which he did not publish until 1985, is one of several in his work of a monster invading a child’s room through the window. The intended victim here is a likeness of Sendak’s older brother Jack, with the drawing lifted straight from a 1928 family photograph.

Israel critics fight back with First Amendment 6Two responses filed in state courts over the past two weeks have critics of Israel alleging that their free speech rights have been violated by Israel’s supporters.

Where does your chocolate come from? 7That’s the question two local organizations are asking as they start a campaign to make us aware that the gold-foil–wrapped chocolate Hanukkah gelt we eat may have been made under duress.

Friends for a day 19Kids with special needs in our area have a program that teams them up with teenagers to play, do sports activities, and just hang out every other Sunday. The Sunday Circle just launched for 2011–2012 this past week.

Maurice visits Cheney 21An exhibit about the life and drawings of renowned children’s artist and author Maurice Sendak has landed at Eastern Washington University. But with Klezmer performances, films and bagels, the celebration of Maurice has become a community event.

Which country is Jerusalem in, anyway? 22That’s the question before the U.S. Supreme Court, which this week heard arguments from a family who want Israel listed as place of birth on their Jerusalem-born son’s American passport.

And while that decision is made, building will go on 23Nir Barkat, Jerusalem’s mayor, visited Denver this week for the General Assembly of the Jewish Federations of North America. He told his audience that a building freeze in Jerusalem would mean freezing building for Jews and Arabs alike, and questioned the wisdom of such a move.

MOREA View from the U: What’s in a hat? 9M.O.T.: Waxing nostalgic 10Israel: To Your Health: Travel bugs 11Community Calendar 12Holiday Celebrations 13The Arts 20The Shouk Classifieds 26Lifecycles 27

CorrectionsIn the Five Women to Watch article on Pamela Lavitt (“An historian of theater moves

the Jewish film festival forward,” Oct. 28), we noted that Lavitt is the expert on women in vaudeville. She is actually one of a handful of scholars knowledgeable in the subject.

Also, the correct name for the Seattle Jewish Theater Company’s fall production is Tales of Chelm (“The sophomore season,” Oct. 28).

JTNews regrets the errors.

Look for

November 188 Nights of Hanukkah

November 25Holiday Giving Guide

Build and decorate your tzedakah box

today, and share the joy of tzedakah with your

whole family this Hanukkah. Find your copy of The Tzedakah Book inside this issue, and read about how you can bring tzedakah to your Hanukkah celebration.

ps: Send us pictures of you and your tzedakah box & we’ll post them online and publish three in our first issue of December. E-mail pictures to [email protected].

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Israel critics use courts to protect their speechJoel Magalnick, Editor, JTNews and eMily k. alHadeff, Assistant Editor, JTNews

In the past two weeks, two organiza-tions strongly critical of Israel have decided to use the courts to press their issues.

On November 1, members of the Olympia Food Co-op filed a defen-dants’ special motion to strike the lawsuit brought against the co-op by current and former members on September 2.

The lawsuit, as JTNews reported Sep-tember 28, alleges that co-op board mem-bers violated the co-op’s boycott policies by voting to boycott Israeli goods at a July 2010 board meeting. The plaintiffs, Kent and Linda Davis, Jeffrey and Susan Trinin, and Susan Mayer, want to see the boycott overturned and seek monetary restitution from the board members whom, they say, acted outside their jurisdiction.

The motion filed by the 16 defendants claims that the lawsuit violates Washing-ton State’s 2010 anti-SLAPP law, which is designed to thwart lawsuits that intend to penalize free speech. According to this action, the plaintiffs will have to prove the suit does not attempt to squash free speech.

The defendants’ team of lawyers is headed by Maria LaHood of the Center for Constitutional Rights and Bruce E.H. Johnson of Davis Wright Tremaine LLP. LaHood specializes in international human rights litigation. Her past cases have included Matar v. Dichter and Belhas v. Ya’alon, which fought Israeli officials responsible for military operations that killed Palestinian and Lebanese civilians, respectively. LaHood also represented Rachel Corrie and Palestinians killed by

Caterpillar vehicles in Corrie v. Caterpil-lar. Johnson drafted the anti-SLAPP law.

If the defendants win, the plaintiffs will have to pay their legal fees and $10,000 to each of the 16 people named in the suit.

LaHood believes the plaintiffs have little chance of winning. “I think their claims are without merit,” she said.

She said the people she has represented in these cases, including the co-op board, must have their speech protected because of the human-rights aspects of their work.

“Rachel Corrie as well as folks who advocate for the promotion of inter-national law through their speech are defending human rights,” she said. “I think that deserves to be protected.”

Both LaHood and Jayne Kaszynski, the co-op board’s staff representative and their press contact, emphasized that the plaintiffs had other means of overturning the boycott.

“To put something on the ballot — and that can be almost anything — they just have to get 300 members to sign onto that to say ‘yes,’ this is something that people should vote on,” Kaszynski said. “There’s a lot of leeway for how they could have responded to this.

“I think that people mostly want this decision to be in the hands of our members,” she added, “not in the hands of a court.”

Avi Lipman, attorney for the plaintiffs, said the motion is without merit. “We’ll be opposing the motion vigorously and on multiple bases,” he said.

More information will be available in

about a month, Lipman added. The plaintiffs discussed a number of

ways to address the boycott, said Rob Jacobs, executive director of the Israel advocacy organization StandWithUs Northwest. One was a lawsuit.

“I certainly expected [the defendants] would respond to it,” Jacobs said. But he said the decision for the co-op board members to use the Center for Constitu-tional Rights surprised him.

“Frankly, what you have here are a bunch of activists in Olympia talking to everyone they could to counter the oppo-sition of a boycott that was done in viola-tion of procedures,” he said.

In the second case, the American Civil Liberties Union of Washington, on behalf of the Seattle Mideast Awareness Cam-paign, has filed a notice with the 9th Cir-cuit U.S. Court of Appeals to appeal a summary judgment issued by Federal Judge Richard A. Jones in favor of King County. Late last year the county cancelled advertisements that would have appeared on a dozen Metro buses in Seattle from December 2010 to January 2011.

Following a strong protest and citing security concerns, King County executive Dow Constantine cancelled the ads and the county later changed its rules to not allow political speech in its advertising. Jones cited the county’s decision as “view-point-neutral” and therefore protected SeaMAC’s speech.

The ACLU and SeaMAC disagreed.“There was a contract to run the ads

that had been accepted under the coun-ty’s existing policy for running ads, and we haven’t seen a compelling reason not to run the ads,” Doug Honig, the ACLU’s communications director, told JTNews.

“I don’t understand why this topic,

and most particularly criticism of Israel, should be singled out among all other things for censorship,” said Edward Mast, a spokesperson for SeaMAC. “People have said certain kinds of Israel criticism are not appropriate for this forum. It’s a major setback for free speech generally and for this topic in particular.”

The wording of the ad was carefully chosen by the organization, according to Mast.

“‘War crimes’ is a specific legal mean-ing,” he said. “It met the conventions of King County, such as they were.”

Jacobs of StandWithUs Northwest said that when the ads were originally sched-uled to run, his organization and several others pointed to the 2006 shooting at the Jewish Federation of Greater Seattle and the increased security at Jewish organiza-tions since that time, and because of that sensitivity the ads did have a potential to cause a disruption to bus service or harm to Seattle’s Jewish community.

“We asked them to go back and look at this again in light of our concerns and about security for the Jewish community,” Jacobs said.

StandWithUs is not a party to this appeal.

Though in its defense the county pre-sented a handful of possible threats to dis-rupt bus service from people who said they were Jewish, which Jones cited in his brief, Mast noted that law enforcement had not followed up on the people who had made the threats.

As far as the ACLU is concerned, how-ever, the message is not an issue — Honig said the ACLU of Washington has not taken a position on the Israeli-Palestinian

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Guilt-free gelteMily k. alHadeff Assistant Editor, JTNews

Maybe you’ve felt guilty after eating through too many of those yellow mesh bags of chocolate gold coins during Hanukkah. Now here’s something else to feel guilty about: Your chocolate gelt might have child slavery at its source.

According to the U.S. Department of State, at least 100,000 children work in the cocoa industry in the Ivory Coast, where approximately 40 percent of the world’s chocolate comes from. Ten percent of those children are enslaved or trafficked. Fifty percent of that chocolate is eaten in the United States. Despite the illegality of child labor and slavery, the practice per-sists due to lack of governmental regula-tion and accountability. These practices occur in other countries such as Ghana and Cameroon as well.

Fair-trade chocolate and coffee cam-paigns have long been on activists’ radars, but until now they have never affected the Festival of Lights.

“The goal with this is to have no Jewish organization buy gelt with child slavery [involved]” said Robert Beiser, campus director at the social justice organization Repair the World at Hillel at the Univer-sity of Washington. “And we’re starting with the Seattle Jewish community.”

Beiser calls himself a Jewish abolition-ist. He works with the Not for Sale cam-paign and Freedom Shabbat, national programs that bring awareness to mod-ern-day slavery. Beiser, along with the Kavana Cooperative, is at the forefront of what is officially known as the Fair Trade Gelt Campaign.

“As a people that reminds ourselves every year...that we were once slaves in the

land of Egypt, it’s paramount that we lead around the world,” Beiser said.

“It’s about the core Jewish narrative,” said Rabbi Rachel Nussbaum, Kavana’s executive director. Nussbaum pointed out that buying fair-trade gelt is not exactly the point. Rather, it is thinking about the food we eat and “kashrut as a broader, more ethical system.” The campaign is in step with others in the larger Jewish com-munity, like the new Tav HaYosher ethical kashrut movement.

Beiser said the campaign has two com-ponents: One is “rewarding the companies that have taken on the extra responsibili-ties of ethically sourcing their cocoa,” and the other is asking large companies to change their policies.

Kate Koester, Kavana’s social jus-tice chair, said Kavana has always been interested in local food issues, and fair-trade chocolate was a subject on mem-bers’ minds. She connected with Beiser when they planned a Freedom Shabbat at Kavana last April.

“For last year’s [Hanukkah] party we ended up using Equal Exchange small rectangular bars,” wrote Koester by email, referring to a popular brand of fair-trade products. “No foil. No mesh bags. We posted a sign next to the Equal Exchange bars about why this gelt was different. It raised attention, but people still missed the silver foil discs. So, that is why the issue of the difficulty of finding fair trade gelt was brought up again during the Free-dom Shabbat.”

Koester, Kavana and Beiser approached Seattle-based Theo Chocolate to ask them for a new product line.

“They were very responsive,” Koester said. She said Theo fair-trade gelt is due to hit shelves in time for Hanukkah 2012. A Theo spokesperson said the company could not confirm the new line until December of this year.

In the meantime, fair-trade gelt can be found through Divine Chocolates ( and Sweet Earth Chocolates ( Divine Chocolates’ gelt are certi-fied kosher.

Now the time has come for the inevita-ble question: How much more expensive

is fair-trade chocolate than the standard?Coin by coin, one Divine chocolate

costs 27¢, a 17¢ premium over the generic gelt. In other words, the fair-trade brand costs about 270 percent more than the non-fair–trade brand.

But when you buy the cheaper gelt, “you’re missing out on an opportunity to free someone from slavery,” Beiser said. “To give children in West Africa an’re saving someone who could have been abused and kept in bondage.”

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Kara Jackson, robert Beiser and michelle Bromberg campaign for fair-trade chocolate on the UW campus.  

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Seattle teens say going to Alexander Muss High School in Israel was the best thing they’ve ever doneDespite the fact that she had been to Israel before, Rachel Greene said the time she spent at Alexander Muss High School in Israel (AMHSI) this past summer was the most amazing experience she has ever had. Greene, a junior at Interlake High School, said the AMHSI program was so much more meaningful than when she visited Israel for two weeks in 8th grade be-cause this time she was living the experience, staying in a dorm on campus, not just visiting as a tourist. “We learned both in the classroom and at the actual sites where history took place, often reenacting historical events where they occurred, which was a great way to learn. I understand so much more about the Middle East now and why it is important to support Israel,” Greene said.Lauren Schechter, now a senior at Garfield High School, who returned with the same intense emotional attachment to Israel also reflected on the connec-tions she had made to her classmates. “When you go through such an amazing experience with a group of people, it bonds you in a way nothing else can,” Schechter said.Nick Alkan, a 17 year old from Bellevue who attended the program during the spring semester in 2010, re-flected on how AMHSI affected him. “I really wasn’t that social before and now I have a ton of friends be-cause the AMHSI staff encouraged me to reach out to people in a way I had never done before. This past summer, I even got a job as a camp counselor at a Jewish camp in West Virginia with a group of kids I went to Israel with,” said Alkan.According to Kathy Yeyni, Director of Admissions, what sets the program apart is that AMHSI is a pluralistic high school academic experience, which means there is a mix of reform, conservative and orthodox teens that enroll.Students receive high school credits and may be eli-gible to earn college credits as well. Sessions are of-fered throughout the school year and in the summer.

Yeyni said those who attend during the school year continue with their secular studies on the Hod Hasha-ron campus in Israel, keeping them up to date aca-demically upon their return to the states.

Interested in finding out more about AMHSI? Meet renowned AMHSI educator Elhanan Brown when he visits Seattle in November. Brown will be the guest speaker at two informational meetings held Thursday, Nov. 3rd at 7 p.m. in Bellevue and Monday, Nov. 7th at 6:30 p.m. at the SJCC on Mercer Island. To RSVP or for more information, please contact Director of Admissions, Kathy Yeyni at [email protected] or 206-948-2030.

“We have children who will be playing with the gelt,” Koester said. “And we don’t want our children to play with chocolate that was made by child slaves. That perpet-uates the issue of slavery.”

Could it really be that simple? Beiser said the issues are complicated, but yes. He explained that profits from fairly traded chocolate go back to the communities, where organizations monitor the exploita-tion of children. Because of this reinvest-ment, children who were once enslaved are now free, and in school.

The easiest way to think about it from

a Jewish perspective is to compare it to Jewish law, Beiser said. Kashrut is compli-cated and expensive, but most Jewish orga-nizations will take on the expense, “because it’s the ethical, responsible thing,” he said.

Beiser pointed out another important angle: Fair trade chocolate tastes better. It uses higher-quality cocoa and omits arti-ficial ingredients. The result is a richer, more satisfying chocolate than the tradi-tional waxy coins.

While everyone believes chocolate can be easy to rally around, they acknowledge the campaign won’t change minds right away.

“This is going to be a long-term project,”

Nussbaum said, one that provides opportu-nities for collaborative partnerships across the community and the denominations. She plans to start with the local Jewish infrastructure and the Washington Coali-tion of Rabbis — and, of course, to start engaging people with the chocolate itself.

“It might take a while, but it’s necessary for Jewish people to do,” Beiser said.

“Thinking about how much change can we make,” Koester said, “Hanukkah is a time for miracles.”

For more information about the Fair Trade Gelt Campaign, visit!/fairtradegelt.

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conflict. The appeal is based solely on the policy that Honig said was not honored and a victory, should the case come to trial, would not overturn King County rules.

“Lawful free speech that exists under lawful policy was suppressed because it caused controversy,” Honig said.

In a statement, the ACLU of Washing-ton’s executive director Kathleen Taylor said it is precisely because the ads were con-troversial that they should be protected.

“Mild speech doesn’t need protection,” she said. “It is when we are faced with con-troversial speech, speech that is upsetting to some people, that support of the First Amendment is most important.”

Linda Thielke, communications direc-tor for the King County Department of Transportation, could not comment because she said had not yet seen the suit.

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The black hat that got away: are you really what you wear?MaRtin Jaffee JTNews Columnist

One Shabbos morning, during that rainy spring of 2011, I was late for shul. In a rush, I grabbed my hat out of the closet and, clutching my brand new Shabbos cane (a gift from my brother, the Chassid, who urged me to “use it in good health!”), I trundled off through the mists to shul.

Upon arrival, as is my custom, I went immediately to the wash basin in the lobby to rinse my hands for prayer. After these ablutions, I glanced in the mirror and was struck dumb by shock: Staring back at me was a Haredi Yid, adorned with a high-crowned, wide-brimmed, Black Hat. He looked at me, and I looked at him, I nodded to my right and he to his left, our simultaneously opposite motions like something out of a Charlie Chaplin or Harpo Marx mirror-skit.

What was going on? Where did this resh mesivta (“Yeshiva principal”) come from, and why was he impersonating a shnook like me?

Then I figured it out. In my rush out of the house I had grabbed the wrong hat. Instead of my usual snap-brimmed black fedora (with sporty feather), I had grabbed the wrong lid, a big, black, Bor-salino “Yeshivish Special.”

One problem solved and another opened: Knowing now that the guy in the hat was me, I was left with a greater puzzle — how had this staple of Yeshi-vish male frumkeit found its way into my hall closet in the first place? Our Shabbos guests tend to be of the modern Orthodox

persuasion; their black hats are normally berets or unin-timidating fedoras like my own. Some wear Greek sail-ors caps. Others wear leather. No one dresses up like a kol-lelnik from Boro Park to eat chez Jaffee on a Shabbos — trust me!

So where did this ele-gant and regal chapeau come from? I still have no idea. But the whole event set off a train of nostalgic reflection on the

shaping of my own Jewish identity as rep-resented by head gear.

May I share it with you?Even after my fervent baal teshuvah-

dom of the mid-’80s, I didn’t feel “authen-tic” enough to deserve a black hat until sometime around 1994 or 1995 — about the time I got my first black suit (which, it seems, came with a dandruff attach-ment — I may have had the flakes before then, but I’d never noticed). But unlike the common type of baal teshuvah, who desires to overcome his blemished back-ground by slavish imitation of the style of the surrounding Jews of the “community,” I — a professor, after all — felt compelled to use the common tradition of dress to forge a unique personal Jewish style.

I use the term “forge” in full under-standing that it can mean “to mis-rep-resent a copy as the real thing!” I went downtown to Banana Republic and bought a black Australian outback hat with a leather band. I was so in love with that hat!

But when I showed up in shul that Friday night looking like a cowboy at a Chassidic Bar Mitzvah, only the kindly rabbi (whose identity I shall protect here) acknowledged my bad taste and good intentions with a nod: “Very nice hittl!” he told me.

I wore that hittl on Shabbos for about three years. It took me that long to realize how foolish I looked in it! Now I only wear it at rodeos, of which — as is well-known — I am a pious devotee.

Predictably, as the fervent days of baal teshuvahdom cooled into the rote and automatic rhythms of true religion — and as I realized that I’d never be a model of Jewish sainthood, anyway — I loosened up on my Jewish fashion statements, as I did in other matters, such as holov yisroel (Jewish-supervised dairy).

I’ve ditched the black suit (which I always hated), then moved on to a her-ring-bone blazer (a professor after all!), and now prefer Hawaiian shirts (for Shab-bos and weddings — yontiff is another tale).

As for hats, I shifted to a Greek cap for cold, windy weather, and, for rainy day protection, the aforementioned black fedora (a “pork pie,” you should pardon the expression). For summer wear, each year, I keep planning to buy a straw hat,

but summer is always over in Seattle before I get around to it. So when it’s really fero-ciously hot (in the low 80s) I just wear my yarmulke (still plain black velvet — I’m proud of my roots!).

I think part of the shock I felt when I got to shul that particular Shabbos, with that Borsalino perched rakishly on my head, was this — I recognized in that hat the range of Jewish life that I might have lived, but had not. Because I simply couldn’t.

And you know what? Bittersweet as the moment was, I felt comforted by that fact. In my zeal to make myself over into a “model” of Orthodox Judaism, I had not become “frum,” nor even mildly pious in any common terms. But I had succeeded, in a way I hadn’t anticipated, in making a Yiddishkeit of my own which now fits me more perfectly than any store-bought model!

Martin S. Jaffee currently holds the Samuel & Althea Stroum Chair in Jewish Studies at the University of Washington. His award-winning columns for JTNews have recently been published in book form as The End of Jewish Radar: Snapshots of a Post-Ethnic American Judaism by iUniverse press.




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Spectacular new car


This Week’s Wisdom

Do Everything in Moderationby Mike Selinker

© 2011 Eltana Wood-Fired Bagel Cafe, 1538 12th Avenue, Seattle. All rights reserved. Puzzle created by Lone Shark Games, Inc. Edited by Mike Selinker and Mark L. Gottlieb.

Answers on page 22

ACROSS1 Hypotheticals4 Eagle’s claw9 Northeast neighbor of Israel14 Little kid15 Me, Myself & ___ (Farrelly Brothers comedy)16 Lowest rung on the corporate ladder17 With 24-, 36-, 52-, and 60-Across, “eight things

that taken in large quantities are bad but in small quantities are helpful”

20 Corn chip brand whose ads once featured a “Bandito”

21 Sea-___ Airport22 Him, to an homme23 Insurance firm founded by Eliphalet A.

Bulkeley24 See 17-Across26 Address for an officer, perhaps27 Address for an officer, perhaps30 Soloist?31 Suffix with Vancouver or meteor32 Eagles quarterback Kevin33 Darn34 Inquires36 See 17-Across38 Gush42 Mao ___-tung44 Jacob’s first wife46 Body spray named after a weapon47 Spring for the check50 Sicker than before51 Popular pooch52 See 17-Across54 Paper quantities56 Free-roaming bird in the Melbourne Zoo57 Wimbledon washroom58 Final Sonics GM Sam60 See 17-Across64 Singer Green whose 2010 smash hit is

sometimes called “Forget You”65 “America’s Cleanest City,” according to

Forbes66 The Matrix hero67 First heavyweight boxer to simultaneously

hold the WBA, WBC, and IBF belts68 Succumb to hysteria69 Sphere

The Babylonian Talmud recommends a life of moderation, the midpoint between denial and excess. It specifically lists eight things that are good in manageable amounts and terrible in unmanageable amounts. Some things on the list make sense today, and others… well, you’ll see.

DOWN1 Gomez Addams’s cousin2 Major League Baseball scores them 9-03 Franchise rebooted by J.J. Abrams in 20094 Accessory designed to help avoid soup-

related catastrophes5 Folk singer Guthrie6 Not as much7 U2 single whose proceeds benefitted AIDS

research8 ___ kin9 Tiny dot of color10 Vote of approval11 Aerosmith cover “Train Kept a-___”12 Like a properly prepared guitar13 More pale18 Fast Five star Diesel19 Mars’s domain23 In Risk, its continent bonus is 724 Boys who have advanced past Bear Cub25 Blows away28 Fishnets, for example29 Sick33 Places to get facials35 Use a dagger37 Suffix with musket or rocket39 Font named after a 16th century Italian

calligrapher40 Chronicle alternative, in San Francisco41 What Peter Parker’s shooters shoot43 Cease making forward progress with45 Candidate for excommunication47 You can be caught in it48 2012 presidential hopeful Mitt49 Chopin output50 “___! (There It Is)”53 In addition55 Approximate fig.58 Emulate a mastermind59 “Do-___” (The Sound of Music song)61 Rain-___ (gumball brand)62 Day in Acapulco63 Hunk

Waxing nostalgicdiana bReMent JTNews Columnist

1 A confluence of events brought Susan Szafir to electronically pub-

lish “Bohemia: An Essay,” a brief memoir of part of her father’s life.

“I was getting my certifi-cate in non-fiction from the University of Washington,” she says, and needed a final assignment topic.

“I had always known my father’s [childhood] stories,” Susan says, “and I’d found them fasci-nating.” Her dad, Daniel Offer (born Thomas Hirsch) is an internationally recog-nized psychiatrist and expert on adolescence. His family fled to Palestine in 1936 and his parents brought their unconventional, Bohemian lifestyle to Jerusalem. What young Daniel learned about that life is the crux of Susan’s work.

Susan’s writing group encouraged her to submit the piece to the Pacific Northwest Writers Associa-tion annual contest.

“To my surprise, it was a finalist,” she says, and then, “to my even greater surprise, it won.”

With a husband who works for Ama-zon’s Kindle division, it’s no surprise that he “kept pestering me and pestering me” to put it online. Finally she accepted the chal-lenge, “to experience what was involved.”

Electronic publishing proved fairly easy and an ideal format for the essay. She did it mostly herself using CreateSpace, Amazon’s self-publishing program.

Susan is also the author of Dialysis without Fear: A Guide to Living Well on Dial-ysis for Patients and Their Families, co-written with her dad and her mom Marjorie. Daniel has been on dialysis for over 17 years. (Susan’s family and her parents all live on Mercer Island.)

Originally from Chicago, Susan, her husband and two kids moved to the Seattle area from Austin about three

years ago. She has an MBA from Duke and had worked at Dell computers in marketing. But “I decided I was interested in writing more” when the dialysis book came out in 2007.

Growing up in a Reform congregation in Chicago, she worked for the Chicago Jewish Federation for a while after college.

“I grew up in a very Zion-ist leaning household,” she

recalls, and still has family living in Israel.

She recently started a part-time freelance job, jug-gling that with family life while “percolating” some other creative projects.

“I have a lot to bring to the table,” in the business world, she says, but “I have so much more fun with the literary writing.”

You can find her essay on Amazon.

2 Be sure to see Janet Miller’s encaustic paintings hanging at

Mioposto Caffé in Seattle’s Mt. Baker neighborhood until the end of December. They are created using beeswax, often colored with pigments.

“Beeswax is amazing because you can do so much with it,” says Janet. “You can use it as adhesive for collage, you can carve into it and make it a sculptural process.” Plus, it “has a lovely honey-like smell.”

The Seattle native and Garfield High graduate, who became Bat Mitzvah at Temple Beth Am, lives on Seattle’s Capitol Hill in a “car-free household” with her partner. She maintains a studio downtown, although she recently had to move — along with all the building’s occupants — out of the his-toric 619 Western Avenue building in Pioneer Square. The building was deemed too unstable to withstand construction of the water-

front tunnel that will be built nearby (although it will now be retrofitted).

Janet, 31, attended Antioch University for a year after high school before setting off on a few years of travel, studying Span-ish and teaching self-defense at a Seattle organization called Home Safe (recently closed). She spent “quite a bit of time in Mexico and Guatemala,” where she helped rural farmers with land rights issues and attended classes at the Escuela de la Mon-taña social justice program in Guatemala.

Through those self-defense classes she


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artist Janet miller

CourTESy SuSAN SzAfir

Writer Susan Szafir has just published a short work on her father’s life available at

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Words of wisdom before you board that planeJanis siegel JTNews Columnist

Travel, particularly inter-national travel, proves for many of us to be one of the best ways to explore differ-ent cultures and expand our worldview.

In 2010 alone, there were 1 billion international arriv-als for business and leisure, according to statistics from the World Tourism Organiza-tion — up from 880 million in 2009.

By 2020, the number of travelers that will embark by sea, air, and land to make deals, see friends and family, visit holy sites, or get health treatments is expected to increase to 1.6 billion, says the WTO.

With all that cultural and geographical exchange — and I hate to be the messenger here — health experts say it’s increasingly critical to guard your health, review your personal habits, and study your environ-ment, because there’s a lot more than bed-bugs to worry about as we traipse about the planet.

Whether it’s malaria, dengue fever, air rage or intoxication, taking time to evalu-ate our itineraries for potential threats can pay off by getting the right vaccinations and cueing in on the behavior of others around you.

The latest heal th a lerts from warn that not only is influenza present worldwide, but 20 mil-lion people are diagnosed annually with measles, an illness which it says is on the rise in the U.S.

In its 2011 International Travel and Health report, the World Health Orga-nization cited malaria as one of the most serious threats to international travel-ers and identified dengue fever as “wide-spread” in tropical and subtropical regions

of Central and South Amer-ica and South and Southeast Asia.

The WHO also estimates that 508 million people in 32 countries are at risk for con-tracting yellow fever, another mosquito-borne disease found in sub-Saharan Africa and the Amazon region of South America. Depending

on your destination, it states, vaccination for yellow fever

may be required. Technion professor and health travel

authority Dr. Israel Potasman, who heads the Infectious Diseases and Travel Clinic at the B’nai Zion Medical Center in Haifa, Israel, counsels travelers on their pre-travel health needs. He matches his clients’ desti-nations to the vaccinations they will need. He also researches the health behaviors of the travelers in Israel and around the world.

Potasman and his staff treat nearly 2,500 Israelis every year who return from travel abroad.

“Hundreds of patients who return from their trips with tropical diseases and those with illnesses like dengue fever, malaria, dysentery or typhoid are gener-ally hospitalized,” writes Potasman. “In Israel, after malaria, dengue is the second most frequent cause of hospitalization among returning travelers.”

Potasman considers dengue fever to be a global pandemic. He warns that there is no cure for any of the four forms of dengue fever, only pain relievers, rest, and fluids. In addition, he adds, there are no vaccines for several of the most life-threat-ening infections, including malaria.

Vaccines aren’t 100 percent effective for everyone, Potasman says; however,

some simply won’t get them.In a 2004 study published in the Amer-

ican Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, Potasman and two colleagues from the Carmel Medical Center and the Technion-Israel Institute of Technology, both located in Haifa, found that 20 per-cent of people have a fear of needles, caus-ing them to avoid vaccinations altogether.

His staff takes special care to be warm and friendly, while underplaying the sharp object about to pierce their patient’s skin.

Also, in addition to biological threats, an increasingly frequent travel safety prob-lem is psychiatric emergencies, according to research by Matsumoto and Goebert in the 2011 WHO report. Of all in-flight

disturbances, they said, 90 percent were caused by someone with anxiety, a fear of flying, a panic attack, depression, suicidal tendencies, mania, a psychotic disorder, schizophrenia, air rage, substance abuse, withdrawal, or intoxication.

On a related topic worth noting, sev-eral Israeli researchers, including Potas-man and clinic colleagues Alona Paz and Lior Segev, studied drug use in 18- to 30-year-olds who traveled to the Trop-ics and Southeast Asia between 2002 and 2005 and found the rate “disturbingly high,” according to Segev.

But in the end, the rational advice from Dr. Efraim Jaul, director of the Depart-ment of Geriatric Complex Nursing at Herzog Hospital in Jerusalem who pub-lishes travel tips for the elderly and the dis-abled traveler, should prevail.

“Most importantly,” recommends Jaul, “make sure to enjoy yourself on vacation. There is no reason not to travel and see the world no matter what your health condi-tion, as long as you take the proper pre-cautions outlined.”

Longtime JTNews correspondent and freelance journalist Janis Siegel has covered international health research for SELF magazine and campaigns for Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center.



The tiny mosquito can be more than an itchy annoyance.

Best Jewish bad boys?

JTBest Survey. Coming up December 9.Tell uS whaT you really Think.

Page 12: JTNews | November 11, 2011

12 communiTy calendar JTnews . www.JTnews.neT . friday, november 11, 2011

Have you visited the new online Jewish community calendar? Find it at!

ongoing eventsEvent names, locations, and times are provided here for ongoing weekly events. Please visit for descriptions and contact information.

fRidays9:30–10:30 a.m. — SJCC Tot ShabbatStroum JCC11 a.m.–12 p.m. — Tots Welcoming ShabbatTemple B’nai Torah12:30–3:30 p.m. — Bridge GroupStroum JCC12:30–3:30 p.m. — Drop-in Mah JonggStroum JCC

satuRdays9–10:30 a.m. — Temple B’nai Torah Adult Torah StudyTemple B’nai Torah9:45 a.m. — BCMH youth ServicesBCMH10 a.m. — Morning youth ProgramCongregation Ezra Bessaroth1:15–2:15 p.m. — Middot and Mitzvot Congregation Beth Shalom5 p.m. — The ramchal’s Derech Hashem, Portal from the Ari to ModernityCongregation Beth Ha’Ari

sundays9:15–10:15 a.m. — Advanced Talmud for MenCongregation Beth Ha’Ari

9:30–11 a.m. — Pathways Through the oral Torah: An introduction to the Talmud and MidrashTemple De Hirsch Sinai9:30–11:30 a.m. — reflective Parenting: Disciplining from the HeartTemple B’nai Torah10–11 a.m. — Hebrew Class: Advanced BeginnerCongregation Herzl-Ner Tamid10:15 a.m. — Sunday Torah StudyCongregation Beth Shalom11 a.m. –12 p.m. — Hebrew Class: BeginnerCongregation Herzl Ner-Tamid 11:30 a.m.–12:30 p.m. — Hebrew reading Class – Back to BasicsCongregation Beth Shalom7:30–10:30 p.m. — He’Ari israeli DancingDanceland Ballroom (call to confirm)

Mondays10 a.m.–2 p.m. — JCC Seniors GroupStroum JCC12:30 p.m. — Caffeine for the SoulChabad of the Central Cascades6:15–8:30 p.m. — Bringing Baby HomeJewish Family Service7 p.m. — CSA Monday Night ClassesCongregation Shevet Achim7–8 p.m. — Crash Course in HebrewSeattle Kollel7–8 p.m. — Ein yaakov in English

Congregation Shaarei Tefilah Lubavitch7:45–8:45 p.m. — for Women onlyCongregation Shaarei Tefilah Lubavitch8:30 p.m. — Talmud in HebrewEastside Torah Center8–10 p.m. — Women’s israeli Dance ClassThe Seattle Kollel8:30 p.m. — Talmud, yeshiva-StyleEastside Torah Center

tuesdays11 a.m.–12 p.m. — Mommy and Me ProgramChabad of the Central Cascades12 p.m. — Torah for WomenEastside Torah Center7 p.m. — Alcoholics Anonymous MeetingsJewish Family Service7 p.m. — Teen CenterBCMH7 p.m. — Hebrew (Alef Bet) Level 1Congregation Beth Shalom 7 p.m. — Hebrew (Biblical) Level 2Congregation Beth Shalom7 p.m. — Siddur Hebrew: AmidahCongregation Beth Shalom7 p.m. — intermediate HebrewCongregation Herzl-Ner Tamid7–9 p.m. — The Jewish JourneySeattle Kollel7–9:15 p.m. — Living Judaism: The BasicsCongregation Beth Shalom

7:15–9:15 p.m. — Engaging israel: founda-tions for a New relationshipStroum JCC7:30 p.m. — Weekly round Table Kabbalah ClassEastside Torah Center7:30 p.m. — The TanyaChabad of Central Cascades

Wednesdays 7 p.m. — Beginning israeli Dancing for Adults with rhona feldmanCongregation Beth Shalom7–9 p.m. — Teen Lounge for Middle SchoolersBCMH 7:30 p.m. — Parshas HashavuahEastside Torah Center

tHuRsdays10 a.m.–2 p.m. — JCC Seniors GroupStroum JCC6:50–7:50 p.m. — introduction to HebrewHerzl-Ner Tamid Conservative Congregation7 p.m. — Junior Teen CenterBCMH8–10 p.m. — Teen Lounge for High SchoolersBCMH7:30-9 p.m. — Beth Shalom Beit MidrashCongregation Beth Shalom

Candlelighting Times November 11 .................. 4:20 p.m. November 18 ...................4:12 p.m.November 25 .................. 4:06 p.m.December 2 .................... 4:02 p.m.

fRiday 11 noveMbeR10:30 a.m.–12 p.m. — PJ Library Song and Storytime at the Seattle Jewish Community School

Amy Hilzman-Paquette at [email protected] or, singing and storytelling with the PJ Library and Jeff Stombaugh. Come for the songs and story and stay for activities and playgroup fun. Free. At Seattle Jewish Community School, 12351 8th Ave. NE, Seattle.5–6 p.m. — Song Lover’s Shabbat

Carol Benedick at [email protected] or 206-524-0075 or www.bethshalomseattle.orgCome to Kabbalat Shabbat services for an evening

of harmonizing and table banging. All ages welcome. At Congregation Beth Shalom, 6800 35th Ave. NE, Seattle.7 p.m. — Congregation Shevet Achim’s Scholar in residence: rabbi Moshe Gruenstein

Randy Kessler at [email protected] or 206-275-1539 or Moshe Gruenstein will talk during Shabbat dinner about “Kabbalistic Secrets for Wealth and Health.” At Congregation Shevet Achim, 5017 90th Ave. SE, Mercer Island.

satuRday 12 noveMbeR9 a.m. and 4:25 p.m. — Congregation Shevet Achim’s Scholar in residence: rabbi Moshe Gruenstein

Randy Kessler at [email protected] or 206-275-1539 or Moshe Gruenstein will talk at a sit-down kiddush after morning services on “What’s the

Greatest Mitzvah in the Torah?” At 4:25 p.m., after mincha, he will give another talk, “The Secret to Having Perfect Children.” For more information visit the website. At Congregation Shevet Achim, 5017 90th Ave. SE, Mercer Island.10:30–11:15 a.m. — Learner’s Minyan with ron Schneeweiss

Carol Benedick at [email protected] or 206-524-0075 or www.bethshalomseattle.orgLearn a different part of the Saturday morning service each month. Check the CBS website for updates on topics. At Congregation Beth Shalom, 6800 35th Ave. NE, Seattle.1:15–2:30 p.m. — Human rights and LGBTQ rights in israel

Rob Jacobs at [email protected] StandWithUs Northwest and  the Israeli Consulate present leaders of Hoshen, Israel’s leading LGBTQ education organization. Free. At Congregation Beth Shalom, 6800 35th Ave. NE, Seattle.

5–10 p.m. — SJCC Parents Night out at SJCS

Matt Korch at [email protected] or 206-388-0830 or www.sjcc.orgParents get to go out, while kids 5 through 5th grade spend the evening at SJCS. Games, movies, arts and crafts, and more. $25–$35. At Seattle Jewish Community School, 12351 8th Ave. NE, Seattle.

7:30–9:30 p.m. — An Evening of Jewish Literature

Carol Benedick at [email protected] or 206-524-0075 or bethshalomseattle.orgWine, chocolate and readings by local authors, including Revital Shiri-Horowitz, Wendy Marcus, Joe Orzech and contributors to Drash: A Northwest Mosaic. Books will be for sale. At Congregation Beth Shalom, 6800 35th Ave. NE, Seattle.

X Page 24

Send pictures of you holding your decorated Tzedakah Box + a close-up of the box to [email protected]. We’ll post them all online, and publish three in the December 9 Hanukkah Greetings issue!

because giving feels


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Where Else Can Youfi nd 30,000 sq. ft. of event space ideal for celebrations, outstanding catered meals, and impeccable service...

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Holiday celebrations

Alana Antique & Estate Jewelry..........................14Beehive Bakery & Coffee ..................................15Emmanuel’s Fine Rug & Upholstery Specialists .....13Fireworks ........................................................17Fremont Jewelry Design ....................................18Hotel 1000 .....................................................18Kaspars Events & Catering ................................17K1 Speed ........................................................17Menashe & Sons Jewelers .................................17Michael Bilavsky ..............................................14Nosh Away .....................................................14Pedersen’s .......................................................18The Ruins ........................................................15Sky High Sports ...............................................14Tulalip Resort Casino ........................................13Woodland Park Zoo .........................................18

Photo courtesy Hotel 1000

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14 holiday celebraTions JTnews . www.JTnews.neT . friday, november 11, 2011

Everyone must have a signed waiver. If you are over 18, please bring ID, if under 18 your parent must sign waiver.Sky High Sports 1445 120th Ave NE, Bellevue, WA 98005 • (425) 990-JUMP (5867)


FOR SOME FUN!Nov 21: 11am-10pm

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MAkE yOur SiMChA An EvEnt nEvEr tO BE fOrgOttEn!from Chassidic, klezmer, israeli to swing and rock ’n roll —

Alana: Antique & Estate JewelryEverything in Alana’s is a treasure — something

exquisitely beautiful that can’t be found anywhere else. “People come to Alana’s to find something different,”

says owner Alana Fornoni. “They don’t want something someone picked out of a catalogue or something all their friends have. They also would like to know the story behind the piece.”

Alana is happy to share that story, if she knows it. But she has observed that most people inherit a piece of jewelry with no idea who owned it originally or what it’s worth. With her expert eye and years of experience, Alana recognizes quality when she sees it and can usually tell the owner when their jewelry was made and its market value. For more information about Alana: Antique & Estate Jewelry, visit The website has extensive photographs of inventory and pricing.

FireworksFireworks offers the discerning customer

an eclectic mix of uncommon gifts, jewelry and home accessories ranging from the elegant to the eccentric. They are excited to offer the newest addition to their Judaica section, Michal Aram’s Botanical Menorah! The Botanical Leaf Collection takes its inspiration from the form and texture of eucalyptus and sea grape. The motif conjures a sense of freshness and fragility. The workmanship of the nickel-plated brass menorah is unsurpassed! See the image in this week’s JTNews. The next two issues of

JTNews will feature two more menorah offerings by Michal Aram. Also, come and see the peacock menorahs by Jonathan Adler! Or view them all online at Whatever your occasion or if you just want a personal treat, Fireworks offers a unique selection of one-of-a-kind gifts. Bellevue Square, University Village, Westlake Center, Southcenter and Pioneer Square as well as SeaTac Airport. 425-688-0933.

Fremont Jewelry Design

Fremont Jewelry Design is a small, comfortable, boutique-like shop where there is true passion when it comes to designing and creating jewelry. It flows from owner Lisa Magetteri’s desire to make her customers’ jewelry dreams come true. Design elements are drawn from customers’ ideas as

well as her own sense of style. The heart of the business is in listening and understanding you to create the perfect piece.

Other services offered are jewelry/watch repairs, engraving, appraisals, pearl/bead re-stringing and a unique retail selection.

Visit Fremont Jewelry Design, where ring cleanings are always free and happy occasions are what it’s all about! Call 206-547-5551 or visit

Hotel 1000At Hotel 1000, they don’t just “do weddings.” It is their desire to capture the essence

of unwritten moments. Featuring an opulent, climate-controlled terrace, an ultra-chic and lavish Great Room, and attentive, personalized service. Cutting-edge menu offerings and

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A private dining club with catering available to the public

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handcrafted cocktails will charm your guests throughout your special evening. An urban destination awaits your guests, offering a serene refuge at their Spaahh, or taking a swing in The Golf Club while discovering breathtaking, world-renowned golf courses.

Come take a peek. Discover why Hotel 1000 won 2011’s The Knot Best of Weddings venue and 2011 Seattle Bride magazine Best Hotel for Guests awards. Infinite possibilities await your every desire, speak tenderly to your impending nuptials, and help create an everlasting impression that you and your guests will remember for a lifetime.

Customizing, anticipating, satisfying every need — it’s their pleasure. Be their guest.Contact 206-357-9455 or [email protected], or visit

K1 Speed Seattle Looking to make your Bar/Bat Mitzvah celebration extra

special? K1 Speed Seattle is the premier all-indoor electric go kart racing experience. K1 Speed is a revolution in indoor go karting, with its award-winning centers, European-style racing, and its professionally designed racetracks. The emissions-free electric karts are the best go karts around and can even reach speeds of 45 mph! K1 Speed Seattle provides a large lobby area, pool tables, a pit café, racing memorabilia and exhilarating Indoor Racing Excitement. Are you worried about having enough space for your celebration? K1 Speed’s facility is large enough to host a Bar or Bat Mitzvah of any size. In addition, their facility is perfect for your celebratory meals for this very special day. From the start to the finish line, this is one experience you will never forget. Located at 2207 NE Bel-Red Rd., Redmond. Call 425-455-9999 or visit

Kaspars Special Events and CateringYou will remember your special day for the rest of your life, so

choosing the right partners to help you is an important decision. The team at Kaspars Special Events and Catering, with more than 22 years of experience and a reputation for excellence, will support you through the entire planning process, including venue selection, menu creation, ceremony, and reception planning, ensuring you are stress-free.

Family owned and operated, Kaspars’ passion is to provide creative, fresh cuisine and superior service at a reasonable price. They cater to groups of all sizes, both within Kaspars as well as at off-site locations, including private homes. Whether you are entertaining a few or a few hundred guests, the elements for success are the same: Superb fare, impeccable service, the proper ambience, and the right caterer! Kaspars Special Events and Catering has it all. Visit or call 206-298-0123 or fax 206-298-0146.

Menashe & Sons JewelersMenashe & Sons is a full-service store featuring a large estate jewelry department,

custom design jewelry, and a complete repair department for clocks, watches, and jewelry. The store has a G.I.A. gemologist on staff for a full appraisal service. It also has one of the largest diamond engagement inventories in the city of Seattle. Menashe & Sons specializes in one-of-a-kind custom jewelry pieces featuring oriental jade, Tahitian pearls, fine emeralds, rubies, sapphires, and tanzanite.

For honest, professional service call 206-932-4272 or visit

Michael Bilavsky, MusicianMichael Bilavsky is a professional musician,

singer, and composer with 35 years of experience performing all types of music (from Chassidic, klezmer and Israeli to swing and rock ’n’ roll) for weddings, B’nai Mitzvah, and parties. He has performed with such artists as Shlomo Carlebach, Mendy Wild and Ephee Cohen in Canada, Israel, Australia, Germany, and Moscow, and he has written and produced music for the popular Israeli TV comedy show “Ze-Y-Ze.”

Michael strives to make his clients happy and will go to any length to do so. He will fulfill exactly what you envision for your event, customizing the music to your specific taste and within your budget. Call 206-528-4722 or email [email protected].

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16 JTnews . www.JTnews.neT . friday, november 11, 2011

Share the joy of tzedakah.Filled with inspiring profiles about improving the lives of those in need, both near and far from home, find your copy of The Tzedakah Book inseted in this issue. In each profile, children will see precisely how the gelt they save will help make our world a better place, personalizing the giving experience and bringing it to life.

The gift of giving.This year, devote one night of Hanukkah to a celebration of Tzedakah. The Tzedakah Book elevates one night to a joyful, inspiring shared experience for your family, actively nurturing the relationship between giving and joy, reminding us all that giving feels good. Getting started: Plan an evening at home with the family. Wrap a copy of The Tzedakah Book for each child individually, along with envelopes, stamps, and gelt for giving to the charitable organizations they want to support. When it comes to gelt, choose any amount that fits your family’s budget, from coins to paper.

Take your time.Spend time together looking through the Tzedakah Book, and building your own Tzedakah Box.

Dress it up.Include stickers, glitter, markers, colored pencils, and note cards in the Tzedakah Book present packet so your children can decorate their very own Tzedakah Box using the template provided — or any box or canister that you choose. Plus, they can include beautifully decorated notes with their tzedakah gelt.

OnlineTo download more copies of The Tzedakah Book, go to and click on The Tzedakah Book image.

Or call us at 206-441-4553 for additional copies.

because giving feels






the tzedakah book

because giving feels good

InSIde: Choose your night and let it shine!

Bring the whole family together one night of Hanukkah to

explore the joy of tzedakah, using this step-by-step guide.

Send pictures of you holding your decorated Tzedakah Box + a close-up of the box to [email protected]. We’ll post them all online, and publish three in the December 9 Hanukkah Greetings issue!

Page 17: JTNews | November 11, 2011

friday, november 11, 2011 . www.JTnews.neT . JTnews holiday celebraTions 17

a seattle tradition for over 20 years

19 West Harrison Seattle, WA 98119 206.298.0123 [email protected]

Kaspars will ensure your celebration is spectacular!Kosher-style available

Chef Kaspar offers exceptional Northwest cuisine along with a superior staff versed in weddings, rehearsal dinners, showers and b'nai mitzvahs.

Kaspars can accommodate up to 300 guests or can offer full service off-premise catering at your home

or other special location.


for menus and upcoming events

Menashe & sons Jewelers One of a Kind Jewelry . Custom . Estate . Vintage

4532 California avenue sw . west seattle 206.932.4272 . open Monday–saturday

Family owned for over 39 years. Member of the Jewish community

and West Seattle resident.

Nosh Away CateringVoted best caterer by JTNews readers! Nosh Away, Inc. is a

full-service kosher catering company servicing the greater Seattle community. Size and type of event have no limitations. Whether it is dinner for two, or a gala event for 2,000, Nosh Away will bring to bear amazing concern for the event by paying meticulous attention to all of the details that ensure success. Nosh Away has teamed up with many venues in the Seattle area to provide customers and guests with a wonderful dining experience, providing excellent quality and professional service. Under kosher supervision of the Va’ad HaRabbanim of Greater Seattle, their 3,000-square-foot, fully equipped commissary and bakery operates daily to provide for all of Nosh Away’s catering needs.

The RuinsThe Ruins is a private dining club with

catering facilities open to the public. It is one of the most unique venues in the country. The founder and creator, Joe McDonnal, built a mansion inside of a warehouse with landscaped gardens and four beautifully appointed rooms. The rooms used collectively can accommodate up to 160 for a seated dinner, or 250 for a stand-up cocktail reception. From beginning to end, their professional staff and beautiful venue will offer you and your guests a truly unique and memorable experience. Contact The Ruins at 206-285-7846 or visit

Sky High SportsAlready dreading the cold and

rain? Get a jump on cabin fever this winter at Sky High Sports, the Trampoline Place!

Located at 1445 120th Ave. NE in Bellevue, Sky High Sports is an enormous 35,000-square-foot facility filled wall to wall with nearly 200 trampolines.

Come check out the massive main jump court or take a flying leap into the fluffy foam pit. Looking to partake in some friendly competition? Check out the intense trampoline dodgeball court with

pick-up games running throughout the day.Have a birthday or special event coming up? Call into their office at 425-990-JUMP

(5867) and talk to a friendly associate about details, pricing and availability.You can also check out their website at for information such

as hours, pricing and special events, and be sure to follow Sky High Sports Bellevue on Facebook and @jumpskyhighsea on Twitter for up-to-the-minute news and specials.

From toddlers to teens, to mom and pop, everyone will flip for Sky High Sports.

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18 holiday celebraTions JTnews . www.JTnews.neT . friday, november 11, 2011




Weddings, receptions and rehearsal dinners Bar and Bat Mitzvahs Business meetings and retreats Company picnics, dinners and cocktail parties Family reunions and other private celebrations

For event planning call 206.548.2590 or email [email protected]

Dennis Conner, WPZRic Brewer, WPZ

stephanie cristalli photography

The Terrace and Great Room at Hotel 1000. It’s everything you want for your wedding.

To learn more, call 206.957.1000 or visit

4500–4th Ave. South, Seattle WA

Tulalip Resort CasinoThe AAA Four Diamond Tulalip Resort Casino

takes the stress out of wedding planning and ensures a memorable wedding day, from an elegant rehearsal dinner to a luxurious suite for the bride and groom. The bridal party can begin the day with pampering spa treatments at the luxurious T Spa. The bridal lounge provides a private area for staging and preparation that leads directly to the bride’s perfect entrance: Descending the grand staircase to a ceremonial podium at the edge of the indoor Oasis Pool, complete with rock formations and waterfalls. After the ceremony, 30,000 square feet of elegant function space can accommodate receptions of any size and the resort’s skilled staff can cater events with sophisticated culinary offerings.

To plan your special day, please contact James Hillman at 360-716-6830.

Woodland Park ZooWoodland Park Zoo, one of

Seattle’s most cherished community resources, is the perfect location for your next event! Set on 92 acres with over 300 species of animal, the zoo offers 17 unique venues to host your Bar/Bat Mitzvah, holiday party, picnic, meeting, wedding, family reunion or birthday party. Funds generated by your event help support the zoo’s quality animal care, education programs, and field conservation projects to help preserve wildlife species and habitats in the Northwest and around the world.

For more information contact [email protected] or 206-548-2590, or visit

learned she loved teaching, and recently completed her B.A. at Antioch in Seattle, with teaching endorsements in language arts and visual art. She’s is now a part-time language arts teacher at the Seattle Girls School, and teaches art classes privately.

“I always have loved to draw and paint and do art since I was a little kid,” says Janet. She began studying with local artist Karen Kosoglad at age 9.

“When I met her, all I wanted to do was draw cartoons. She encouraged me to go beyond that,” Janet says. “I really credit everything I know about painting, print making, collage and book making” to her.

You can view and buy Janet’s work, sign up to get info on classes, and read more about her at

W m.o.t. Page 10

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QFC Helps Fight Hunger through Bringing Hope To the Table

For the rest of this year, our QFC stores will continue to focus our charitable efforts on Bringing Hope To the Table, our annual drive to raise both food and cash donations for agencies which are working to feed the hungry. As the effects of our country’s economic recession continue to impact long-term unemployment, more and more people are facing poverty and the prospects of not being able to afford proper food, shelter and health care.

Thanks to the dedication of our store associates and the generosity of our customers, QFC stores are helping to secure critically needed food supplies and money to support the work of our two Bringing Hope To the Table partners: Food Lifeline in Washington and the Oregon Food Bank in our Portland area stores. Food Lifeline states that 96% of its revenue goes directly to feeding hungry people and Oregon Food Bank says, “More than 94 cents of every dollar donated to OFB goes directly to fighting hunger.”

Last year Food Lifeline delivered more than 24 million meals to hungry people through its network of nearly 300 neighborhood food banks, hot meal programs and shelters. From 2005 to 2010, the number of people served by Food Lifeline grew from 550,000 to 686,000, an increase of 24%. Much of the food donated to local our QFC stores is targeted by Food Lifeline to supply the partner agencies it supports in the same areas those stores serve.

The Oregon Food Bank which has a network of 20 regional food banks and 923 partner agencies saw a 12 percent increase in the amount of food it provided from July of 2010 through June of 2011. The Oregon Food Bank distributes food throughout the state and Clark County based on an allocation system that takes each area’s population and poverty statistics into account.

According to statistics provided by Food Lifeline, 37% of the people it serves are children and 12% are seniors; 9% of its clients are homeless. Many Food Lifeline clients have had to choose between food and paying for heat or utilities, between food and paying for medicine or medical care, or between paying for food and paying for rent or mortgage.

For many of us, hunger is something that only happens for short periods between meals. But for many others chronic hunger is a real problem. Food Lifeline points out that “children who are hungry may be less attentive, independent, and curious. Many hungry children have difficulty concentrating; therefore their reading ability and verbal and motor skills suffer.”

“Chronic hunger in adults weakens bones and muscles, increases the risk of illness, worsens existing health problems, and contributes to depression and lack of energy.”

Individuals who wish to contribute to Bringing Hope To the Table can do so in a number of ways. n Purchase a $10.00 pre-made bag. Each bag

contains seven nutritious food products that will be distributed by Food Lifeline: oatmeal, tuna, diced tomatoes, quick rolled oats, pasta sauce, vegetable beef soup and macaroni and cheese.

n Scan a Bringing Hope To the Table” $10 Virtual Bag Donation Card by requesting the cashier to scan a product donation card.

n Donate their 3¢ Bag Re-use Credit . n Scan $1, or $5 Scan cards at the check stand. n Donate any extra coins in the coin boxes

located at the check stand. n Finally, they can purchase food bank

recommended items throughout the store and place them in our donation dump bin. Shelf signs will highlight targeted BHTTT items.

Kids helping kidsJanis siegel JTNews Correspondent

Spencer Freedman, 22, is older than most of the nearly 100 teenage volun-teers that work in the Friendship Circle of Washington’s biweekly program for spe-cial-needs children, but he’s exactly the kind of friend that the kids who go there love to be around. Plus, he’s an ace at shooting hoops.

For almost three years, the basketball player for the Special Olympics Shoreline Shorelions, who works two jobs and is a spokesperson for autism, has been teach-ing the other volunteers at Friendship Circle about how lonely it is to have a con-dition that isolates so many young people and keeps special-needs kids outside of most mainstream social activities.

“I educate them on what it’s like always being by yourself,” said Freedman, “but my main focus is to prove that we can do anything in the world.”

The Friendship Circle program, which operates in 65 cities worldwide, is a Chabad-Lubavitch-inspired community program in its seventh year of operation in Washington. The music, movement, sports and martial arts curriculum is run by Rabbi Elazar Bogomilsky and his wife, Esther Bogomilsky, who view it as chesed, or loving kindness.

“These kids have physical, mental, and emotional conditions from Asperg-

er’s syndrome to mental retardation to those who have no social skills,” Elazar Bogomilsky told JTNews during a visit to the Mercer Island Community and Event Center, where the Sunday program has been held for four years. “We’re the only Jewish program that gives Jewish kids with special needs the many programs that we do.”

Friendship Circle is free and open to anyone with a special-needs child. Last Sunday launched the 2011–12 program, and the community center was buzzing with laughter and play.

“Every other Sunday we take over their building,” Bogomilsky joked. “We saw the need, started out with four families, and today we have 60 families.”

The organization just secured office space on Mercer Island where they can meet with families and find the best fit between the kids, the teen volunteers, and the specialists.

“We’re here to provide them with friendship,” added Bogomilsky.

The two-hour Sunday Circle program matches dedicated and committed local volunteer teens with individual kids as they rotate through activity modules. The teen mentors make a yearlong commit-ment to the program, and stay throughout that year with the same child.

Four specialists work with the chil-dren, including a behavioral specialist, a music specialist, a movement spe-cialist, and a Kung Fu master, Jacob Lunon, who sees them grow in confi-dence and strength.

“Life is just not fair,” said Lunon. “These kids are going to have a rough way to go. But here, they can participate. They can do something and think, ‘I’m just like everybody else.’”

Lunon, who also teaches martial arts classes at the Torah Day School, the Seattle Jewish Community School, and at Green-lake Elementary, heaped great praise on the teen volunteers that choose to devote their Sunday afternoons to lovingly listen, assist, and nurture these special kids.

“In this day, in this time, it’s a rare thing to see these kids,” added Lunon. “They are what is right in America.”

The teens, who range from 8th to 12th graders, take three to four hours of basic training to be in the program. Through-out the year, they participate in special leadership workshops and are continually

upgrading their skills as they work with the children. They are also a non-denom-inational group and Bogomilsky said that several of them are not Jewish.

The Bogomilskys are also starting a B’nai Mitzvah program for 6th and 7th graders so the volunteer work can be used to fulfill their community service hours.

Many teens currently use their volun-teer hours at Friendship Circle as commu-nity service hours at their schools.

“There are so many teens that want to


nate, left, and zach, one of the Sunday Circle’s volunteers, enjoy a snack during the kickoff of the 2011-2012 program.

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november 16 at 7 p.m.Jewish composers in America seriesLectureMusicologist and opera connoisseur Theodore Deacon continues his lecture series with Arnold Schoenberg’s “Finding God’s Voice in the Chaos.” Deacon will try to show the genius behind Schoenberg’s daunting music.At Temple Beth Am, 2632 NE 80th St., Seattle. Free. For more information contact Victoria at 206-525-0915, ext. 205 or [email protected].

november 13 at 1 p.m.Dani conesweet talkPie maven Dani Cone, owner of Fuel Coffee and High 5 Pie and creator of the flipside and the pie pop, will be talking pie. With a new book, Cutie Pies: 40 Sweet, Savory and Adorable Recipes, out and an ap-pearance on Martha Stewart Living under her apron strings, Dani will share recipes and answer questions. At Elliott Bay Book Company, 1521 Tenth Ave., Seattle. For more information call 206-624-6600 or visit

november 12 teDxRainierindependent teD eventThis independent day of TED talks ( features 25 local thinkers, entre-preneurs, academics, artists, environmentalists and engaged citizens speaking on the theme of “Gained in Translation: Ideas Crossing Frontiers.” Among the speakers are, naturally, a number of Jews, including Interfaith Amigo Ted Falcon (along with his amigos), Gideon Rosenblatt and Richard Frumkin. The day of talks will be streamed live online. At Kane Hall, University of Washington, Seattle. For more information and to register, visit

november 17 at 10:30 a.m.Art connected to Life: the wiener werstatte 1903–1932exhibitCurator of Decorative Arts at the Seattle Art Museum Julie Emerson will talk about artists such as Gustav Klimt and Joseph Hoffman who sought to unify painting, architecture, sculpture and decorative arts in turn-of-the-century Vienna. At Temple B’nai Torah, 15727 NE 4th St., Bel-levue. For more information call 425-603-9677. RSVP to Ellen Hendin at 206-861-3183 or [email protected].

november 13 at 5 p.m.interfaith AmigostalkA pastor, a rabbi and an imam walk into a bookstore to discuss their new work, Religion Gone Astray: What We Found at the Heart of Interfaith. The book, by the Interfaith Amigos Imam Jamal Rahman,

Pastor Don McKenzie and Rabbi Ted Falcon, has been described by theologian Karen Armstrong as “a reminder that it is possible to reach across the divisions and find not only common cause but hope and affection.”At Elliott Bay Book Company, 1521 Tenth Ave., Seattle. For more information call 206-624-6600 or visit

november 17 at 7 p.m.steve sem-sandbergAuthor talkSwedish novelist Steve Sem-Sandberg will talk about his novel, The Emperor of Lies, set in the Lodz Ghetto. Based on the historical figure of Mordechai Chaim Rumkowski, the complicated, egomaniacal Jewish savior/Nazi collaborator, Sem-Sandberg intertwines fact and fiction to create a vivid landscape of uncertainties and colorful characters to drive them along. Described as “freshly felt” and “fully absorbing” by the New York Times, Sem-Sandberg is said to have breathed life and creativity into a narrative that, sadly, has become overworked and devalued.At Elliott Bay Book Company, 1521 Tenth Ave., Seattle. For more information call 206-624-6600 or visit

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Cheney, Washington: Where the wild things areneal scHindleR Special to JTNews

The wild rumpus began around 6:30 p.m. In front of buffets packed with lox, knishes, and apricot kuchen, the Kosher Red Hots, Spokane’s preeminent klezmer band, began whirling out songs in Yid-dish and getting the siz-able crowd to sing along. During the first tune, a little girl stood in front of the band, transfixed.

It was an image right out of Maurice Sendak: a curious child coming face to face with the wonder of the unknown. As it hap-pens, this particular child was attending the opening reception for “In a Nut-shell: The Worlds of Mau-rice Sendak.” The touring exhibit originated at Phil-adelphia’s Rosenbach Museum & Library, the world’s largest repository of work by the beloved children’s author and illustrator. By the end of its travels, “In a Nutshell” will have visited 35 librar-ies from Quebec to Wyoming. Eastern Washington University’s John F. Kennedy Library in Cheney, joined the itinerary thanks to the efforts of several local bib-liophiles, as well as support from nearby Spokane’s Temple Beth Shalom, which is cosponsoring the exhibit.

Sendak was born in Brooklyn, to Jewish immigrants from Poland, in 1928. Much of his extended family died in the Holocaust. Inspired by the movie Fantasia to become an artist, he began his career as an illus-

trator of children’s books. In less than a decade, he became an author as well. He has illustrated several books on overtly Jewish themes, including Isaac Bashevis Singer’s Zlateh the Goat (1966) and Tony Kush-

ner’s Brundibar (2003), an adaptation of a children’s opera originally performed at the Theresienstadt con-centration camp. In 1982, Sendak won the National Book Award for Outside Over There, whose premise recalls the 1932 kidnapping of Charles Lindbergh, Jr.

Nadean Meyer, EWU’s learning resources librar-ian, was instrumental in bringing “In a Nutshell” to Cheney. When the uni-versity’s former associ-ate dean of libraries, Julie Miller, learned about the opportunity to host the

exhibit, she contacted Meyer. Soon they had formed a subcommittee and brought in former Temple Beth Shalom president Karrie Brown, who is also a storyteller specializing in Jewish folktales. After the women secured hosting privileges and a grant, EWU’s board of trustees contrib-uted money for events related to Sendak’s oeuvre and Jewish culture.

“When the Sendak exhibit came up, I saw it as an opportunity to connect with Spokane’s Jewish community,” Miller said.

EWU hadn’t hosted many Jewish cul-tural events in the past, but both the uni-versity and the library were eager to

develop diversity programming. Miller noted that many Spokanites have little knowledge of Jewish traditions, so “In a Nutshell” could serve as a kind of “Jewish Culture 101” for the wider community.

To this end, children from Temple Beth Shalom’s Hebrew school created col-lages that illustrate key elements of Jewish faith and cultural identity. The collages are now part of the exhibit: A creative response to Sendak’s art from a new gen-eration of potential fans.

“In a Nutshell” features a collection of informative panels from the Rosenbach. Each takes a deeper look at aspects of Sen-dak’s life and creative output. Newcom-ers to his worlds may be dazzled by the incredibly detailed drawings; longtime Sendak fans will likely discover things they didn’t know. One panel deals with the impact of the Lindbergh baby’s kid-napping on Sendak, who was 3 years old at the time, and that event’s influence on his stories. Several other panels examine Sen-dak’s experience as a child of immigrants.

The exhibit also provides plenty of Sen-dakiana: “We have several people who have loaned their Sendak books,” Meyer said. “First editions, dolls of the Wild Things and Rosie, exhibit catalogues, and [a] special signed Clinton inauguration

drawing.” The “Rosie” Meyer refers to is a Sendak

character who became the subject of a musical, Really Rosie, with songs by Carole King. The Spokane Area Children’s Chorus, led by EWU music professor Kristina Ploeger, performed a shortened version of the show Nov. 9 in the library’s lobby.

If you go:

“in a nutshell: the worlds of maurice sendak” runs through Dec. 15 at eastern washington uni-versity’s John F. Kennedy Library. Visit for details and directions. on mon., nov. 14 at 6 p.m., at spokane’s moran prairie Branch library will screen the 2009 documentary Tell Them Anything You Want: A Por-trait of Maurice Sendak, followed by a panel discussion. At 6004 s Regal st., spokane. Free. on wed., nov. 30, Jewish children’s litera-ture expert and JTNews contributor Rita Berman Frischer will discuss depictions of Jewish history and culture in children’s books, at JFK Library at 3 p.m. and at temple Beth shalom, 1322 e 30th, spokane, at 7 p.m. Free.

a photo of maurice Sendak from the arch ives o f the Rosenbach collection.

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22 world news JTnews . www.JTnews.neT . friday, november 11, 2011

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Is Jerusalem in Israel? Supreme Court takes up passport caseRicHaRd gReenbeRg Washington Jewish Week

WASHINGTON — The U.S. Supreme Court convened Monday to ponder the implications of a single word that is con-spicuously missing from the passport of a 9-year-old boy born in Jerusalem.

His name is Menachem Binyamin Zivotofsky, the son of Ari and Naomi Siegman Zivotofsky, Americans who made aliyah in 2000.

Menachem was born at Shaare Zedek Hospital in western Jerusalem, but due to a controversial State Department policy, his U.S. passport does not designate “Israel” as his place of birth — despite a federal statute enacted in October 2002 that says Americans born in Jerusalem are entitled to have Israel listed on their offi-cial papers as their birth country.

The Zivotofskys want that law enforced so their son can claim what they feel is his birthright — the inclusion of the word “Israel” on his passport, a statement “that the land of Israel has centrality for the Jewish people,” the boy’s father, Ari Zivot-ofsky, told reporters after Monday’s court session.

“It’s a very personal issue,” he said.A decision on the case is not expected

for several months.The arguments and counterarguments

presented before the high court focused on several key issues, including which branch of government has the authority to conduct foreign policy and whether or

not the appearance of the word “Israel” on a passport is in fact tantamount to an expression of foreign policy.

It is not, argued attorney Nathan Lewin, representing the Zivotofskys. “It is purely a means of identification,” he explained in response to a question from Justice Elena Kagan.

The petitioners maintain that Men-achem Zivotofsky is one of an estimated 50,000 Jerusalem-born American citizens who have been unfairly barred from listing their place of birth as “Jerusalem, Israel,” rather than simply “Jerusalem.”

The federal statute that grants those passport holders the right to essentially identify their place of birth as they see fit has been ignored by the administra-tions of both George W. Bush and Barack Obama. Bush claimed it infringes on the president’s authority to formulate foreign policy positions, such as the administra-tion’s stance on the status of Jerusalem.

Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton, the named respondent in the Zivotofskys’ litigation, heads the chief for-eign policy arm of the executive branch. She has argued that the State Depart-ment’s regulations governing the passport designation of Jerusalem-born Ameri-can citizens have rightly served to main-tain U.S. neutrality on the sensitive issue of sovereignty over Jerusalem. The Zivot-ofskys contend that the policy is biased

against Israel and against Jews who have a religious attachment to the land.

“Congress recognized that with regard to the 50,000 people who have a passport that says ‘Jerusalem,’ they are being denied a certain sense of self-respect that they feel they should be able to have in terms of their own identification,” Lewin told the court in reponse to a question from Jus-tice Samuel Alito. “This is not a statute that is designed to create some political brou-haha or make a foreign policy statement.”

Arguing on behalf of Clinton, Solicitor General Donald Verrilli acknowledged the position of the administration is that the status of Jerusalem is disputed.

“A passport is not a communication by the passport holder. It’s an official United States document that communi-cates the position of the United States.” Verrilli said.

In response to a challenge from Chief Justice John Roberts, Verrilli added: “I do think that this is an area in which the exec-utive’s got to make the judgment because it’s of paramount importance that the nation speak with one voice.”

The executive’s handling of the Jeru-salem issue, Verrilli told the justices, “is a very sensitive and delicate matter. This position was arrived at after very careful thought and it is enforced very carefully.”

The State Department has contended, according to the petitioners, that if Amer-

ican citizens who are natives of Jerusalem are permitted to self-identify as being born in “Israel,” that would create the misper-ception among Arab states that official U.S. policy on the sovereignty of Jeru-salem had changed, which in turn could have serious foreign policy repercussions. The Zivotofskys, however, maintain there is no evidence that would happen.

Further exploring that issue, Kagan posed a hypothetical in an exchange with Verrilli. Suppose, she said, the law govern-ing passports included a disclaimer that stated: “The recording of Israel as a place of birth on a passport shall not constitute recognition of Israel’s sovereignty over Jerusalem.”

“Would that be constitutional?” she asked.

Probably not, Verrilli responded.Outside on the sun-drenched court-

house plaza, Ari Zivotofsky, 48, a bearded and kippah-wearing neuroscience instruc-tor at an Israeli university, answered reporters’ questions. His son Menachem was busy trying to shun the limelight, his face nearly buried in his father’s side so that little more than his knit kippah was visible.

It was his first visit to the United States. Asked about his impressions of America, Menachem said quietly: ”It’s bigger than I thought...but it’s not as fun as I thought it would be.”

must be in service of the deep search for meaning and substance. When we are able to articulate why Judaism matters, why it is critical for us to have a future, then conti-nuity will be the obvious result. In the 21st century, Jews are not inspired to survive just to survive. But we can be inspired to

engage in the deepest questions of mean-ing and existence and do that through the wisdom of our heritage.

Second, we have to make Torah acces-sible to all. We have to stop imagining Torah as only for the clergy and the elite. We have to stop telling ourselves, “I do social justice, other people do Torah.” We would never limit the quest for pursuit

of social justice, or charity, or service, to a few elite. Why do that with Torah? We suffer and Torah suffers when we short-sell its relevance.

We often have trouble articulating why Judaism matters, and we start casting about for the “next big idea.” Torah always has been the big idea. Let’s bring it back to its place of glory, and in so doing, remind

ourselves why we care so much about our Jewish future.

Rabbi Elie Kaunfer is the executive director of Mechon Hadar, an egalitarian yeshiva and independent minyan organization. This article is adapted from a speech he delivered Nov. 6 to the Jewish Federations of North America’s General Assembly.

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Jerusalem mayor: ‘If you don’t build, you’re going to lose the city’Jacob kaMaRas JointMedia News Service

DENVER—Pressed time and again by Washington Institute fellow David Makovsky on East Jerusalem construction, Jerusalem Mayor Nir Barkat responded in kind with a query of his own: “When you talk about a freeze in the city of Jerusalem, what do you exactly mean?”

Barkat’s message at the Jewish Federa-tions of North America General Assem-bly on Nov. 6 was that, when the Obama administration criticizes moves like the Israeli government’s expedition of con-struction on 2,000 housing units in East Jerusalem following UNESCO’s decision to accept Palestine as a member state, the administration should define the construc-tion “freeze” it is calling for — a freeze for specifically Jewish construction, or a freeze for Jewish and Arab construction alike?

The Israeli government’s construc-tion plan, Barkat said at a GA session titled “Community Building in Jerusa-lem,” includes community centers, Arab classrooms, and other projects meant to improve quality of life for every reli-gious group. Do the U.S. and the rest of the global community want to freeze that, Barkat asked?

More than once, Makovsky asked Barkat if Prime Minister Benjamin Netan-yahu would be best served focusing on construction in Jewish-only neighbor-hoods, and avoiding the building of “Jewish enclaves” in Arab neighborhoods.

“We have more Arabs living in Jewish neighborhoods than Jews living in Arab neighborhoods,” Barkat responded.

Barkat said he doesn’t envy Netanya-

hu’s position on the building issue, but said the prime minister made the cor-rect decision by not giving in to demands to stop Jewish building. It’s a matter of Jewish survival in Jerusalem, Barkat said.

“You’ve got to build, and you’ve got to build in the city in an honest and fair way,” he said. “If you don’t build, you’re going to lose the city.”

Regarding Israel’s ongoing hous-ing crisis and the social protests of the summer, Barkat pointed to unrented apartments in Jerusalem — units often owned by American Jews — as a primary cause of the exorbitant cost of rent in the city. Some of the best law students get sub-sidies to attend school in Jerusalem but can’t attend because of how much hous-ing costs, he said.

“I am all for people acquiring apart-ments in Jerusalem, [but] you’ve just got to bear in mind that the apartment must not stay empty,” Barkat said. “Imagine 9,000 apartments out of the reach of rent. It’s a huge, huge hit on our economy.”


Jerusalem mayor nir Barkat.

get involved,” said the rabbi. “This is a phe-nomenal experience for a teen, to learn how to give of yourself and give of your time.”

The Friendship Circle also operates several other programs for the parents and siblings of these special-needs kids.

Bogomilsky described its flagship program, Friends@Home, which sends trained teens to the homes of the spe-cial-needs children for a couple of hours a week, giving parents a bit of a time out while the teens agree to play whatever games the kids want.

Sib Shops workshops feature activities

for the sisters and brothers of these chil-dren so they can get together and make friends, and the Mom’s Night Out pro-gram plans a variety of relaxing evening events just for women.

In addition, their Friendship Circle Wraps program coordinates a toy drive with partnering Jewish schools, who then

donate toys to the Friendship Circle kids. The program also operates a summer

camp out of the Mercer Island facility. This year, Bogomilsky said, the camp is their next growth area and it will be “full-blown.”

“Our ultimate goal is to create a center,” he said.

W frIendShIp CIrCle Page 19

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sunday 13 noveMbeR9:30 a.m.– 4 p.m. — Super Sunday

Wendy Dore at [email protected] or 206-443-5400 or members of the Jewish community are invited to help make calls during the annual community-wide phone-a-thon to benefit the Jewish Federation’s Community Campaign. Training, food, fun and prizes provided. Please RSVP. Free. At the Stroum Jewish Community Center, 3801 E Mercer Way, Mercer Island.7–8 p.m. — Congregation Shevet Achim — An Evening for Women

[email protected] or 206-275-1539 or program includes three talks: “Why is Judaism Determined by the Mother?” by Rabbi Yechezkel Kornfeld, “A Jewish Mother’s Spiritual Journey” and “The Legacy of the Jewish Mother” by guest speakers. Free. At Island Crust Pizza, 7525 SE 24th St., Suite 100, Mercer Island.7:30 p.m. — Baron Herzog Wine and Dine Event

Rena Berger at [email protected] or 206-722-1200 or tdsseattle.orgAn elegant evening of wine tasting and education paired with tasty treats. At Torah Day School of Seattle, 3528 S Ferdinand St., Seattle.

Monday 14 noveMbeR6:30–8 p.m. — What Does Palestinian Lead-ership Say in Arabic?

Rob Jacobs at [email protected]

StandWithUs Northwest welcomes Itamar Marcus, founder of Palestine Media Watch, to Seattle. Marcus will speak about what Palestinian leaders and media are saying in Arabic about Jews and Israel. Free. At the Community Center at Mercer View, 8236 SE 24th St., Mercer Island.7 p.m. — Publishing your family History

Beverly Blum at [email protected] or www.jgsws.orgNancy Adelson will present a step-by-step overview of how to easily share genealogical research, publish a book online, and how to work with an agent and publisher. Discover how to start writing and organizing a book, how to apply for a copyright, and get tips on self-publishing, online publishing, and selling options. Free for members/$5 for non-members. At the Stroum JCC, 3801 E Mercer Way, Mercer Island.

Wednesday 16 noveMbeR7–9:30 p.m. — Torahthon

Andi Neuwirth at [email protected] or 206-232-8555, ext. 219Once again Herzl-Ner Tamid Conservative Congregation is hosting Torahthon. Study with university professors, rabbis from every denomination, legal experts, Torah scholars, community leaders and teachers. $15 per session, $36 for all three evenings. At Herzl-Ner Tamid Conservative Congregation, 3700 E Mercer Way, Mercer Island.7:30 p.m. — Seattle NBN Aliyah Planning Workshop

Miriam Lakin at [email protected] or

Thinking about aliyah? Join Nefesh B’Nefesh to learn more about employment opportunities in Israel, rights and benefits, choosing a community, the Israeli health care system and more. At Seattle Crown Plaza, 1113 Sixth Ave., Seattle.

tHuRsday 17 noveMbeR6:30–8 p.m. — Howard Behar: Leadership Lessons from a Life at Starbucks

Kim Lawson at [email protected] or 206-388-0829 or www.sjcc.orgThe 2011–2012 Business Track lecture series begins with local author and former Starbucks president Howard Behar. Behar reveals the 10 principles and wisdom that guided his leadership and success – and none are about coffee. $5–$15. At the Stroum JCC, 3801 E Mercer Way, Mercer Island.7:30 p.m. — Jewish Peoplehood at a Crossroads

Robert Bloom at [email protected] or 206-707-6363 or www.kolshalom.netDr. Noam Pianko, University of Washington Associate Professor of Jewish History, will present “Jewish Peoplehood at a Crossroads: Rethinking the American Jewish-Israel Relationship,” the first in the Current Jewish Issues Forum series held on the third Thursday of each month through May 2012. At Congregation Kol Shalom, 9010 Miller Rd., Bainbridge Island.

fRiday 18 noveMbeR4:10 p.m. — NyHS family Shabbat Dinner

Michelle Haston at [email protected] or 206-232-5272Dinner for Northwest Yeshiva High School families. At Congregation Ezra Bessaroth, 5217 S Brandon St., Seattle.5–6 p.m. — Kabbalat Shabbat with Parallel Kids Program

Carol Benedick at [email protected] or 206-524-0075 or www.bethshalomseattle.orgWhile the adults attend kabbalat Shabbat services, children (2–7 years) will be invited to their own program to hear stories, learn songs, and participate in other activities. At Congregation Beth Shalom, 6800 35th Ave. NE, Seattle.

W Calendar Page 12


Toby harris, left, the librarian at Temple de hirsch Sinai, hands a framed plaque to michele and Jack zukor of their late son at a ceremony marking the 25th anniversary of the Benjamin zukor Children’s library. Benjamin died at the age of 3 from complications during heart surgery to repair a complex birth defect. artist and temple member Cathy Sarkowsky has created a painting featuring Benjamin’s two passions, books and trains, that will be presented to the family later this month.

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Professional portfolio management ser-vices for individuals, foundations and nonprofit organizations.

Mass Mutual Financial GroupAlbert Israel, CFP☎☎ 206-346-3327

☎✉ [email protected] planning for those nearing retirement • Estate planning for those subject to estate taxes • General investment management • Life, disability, long-term care & health insurance • Complimentary one hour sessions available

Solomon M. Karmel, Ph.D First Allied Securities☎☎ 425-454-2285 x 1080 ��

Retirement, stocks, bonds, college, annuities, business 401Ks.

Legal Services

Efrem R. Krisher, Attorney at Law ☎☎ 206-622-1100 x 120

☎✉ [email protected]��

675 S Lane St., Suite 300, Seattle 98104 Auto • Injury claims • Wrongful death Product liability • No recovery, no fee


Dani Weiss Photography ☎☎ 206-760-3336��

Photographer Specializing in People.Children, B’nai Mitzvahs, Families, Parties, Promotions & Weddings. v

Senior Services

Hyatt Home Care ServicesLive-in and Hourly Care ☎☎ 206-851-5277��

Providing adults with personal care, medication reminders, meal preparation, errands, household chores, pet care and companionship.

Jewish Family Service☎☎ 206-461-3240��

Comprehensive geriatric care manage-ment and support services for seniors and their families. Expertise with in-home assessments, residential placement, fam-ily dynamics and on-going case manage-ment. Jewish knowledge and sensitivity.

The Summit at First Hill☎☎ 206-652-4444��

The only Jewish retirement community in the state of Washington offers transition assessment and planning for individuals looking to downsize or be part of an active community of peers. Multi-disciplinary professionals with depth of experience available for consultation.

Funeral/Burial Services

Congregation Beth Shalom Cemetery☎☎ 206-524-0075

☎✉ [email protected] beautiful new cemetery is available to the Jewish community and is located just north of Seattle.

Hills of Eternity CemeteryOwned and operated by Temple De Hirsch Sinai ☎☎ 206-323-8486

Serving the greater Seattle Jewish com-munity. Jewish cemetery open to all pre-need and at-need services. Affordable rates • Planning assistance.Queen Anne, Seattle

Graphic Design

Spear Studios, Graphic Design Sandra Spear ☎☎ 206-898-4685

☎✉ [email protected]• Newsletters • Brochures • Logos • Letterheads • Custom invitations • Photo Editing for Genealogy Projects


Abolofia Insurance AgencyBob Abolofia, Agent☎☎ 425-641-7682

F 425-988-0280

☎✉ [email protected] Independent agent representing Pemco since 1979

Eastside Insurance ServicesChuck Rubin, agent ☎☎ 425-271-3101

F 425-277-3711 4508 NE 4th, #B, RentonTom Brody, agent ☎☎ 425-646-3932

F 425-646-8750 ��

2227 112th Ave. NE, Bellevue We represent Pemco, Safeco, Hartford & Progressive


Betsy Rubin, M.S.W., L.C.S.W.Individual and couple counseling☎☎ 206-362-0502�� [email protected]

I have more than 30 years exerience helping people deal with getting past the parts of their lives that leave them feeling stuck or unhappy. My practice relies on collaboration, which means that together we will create a safe place in which we can explore growth together. I believe that this work is a journey and that I am privileged to be your guide and your wit-ness as you move to make the changes that you wish for.

Jewish Family Service Individual, couple, child and family therapy☎☎ 206-861-3152

☎✉ [email protected]��

Expertise with life transitions, addiction and recovery, relationships and personal challenges —all in a cultural context. Licensed therapists; flexible day or evening appointments; sliding fee scale; most insurance plans.


Toni Calvo Waldbaum, DDSRichard Calvo, DDS☎☎ 206-246-1424

Cosmetic & Restorative Dentistry Designing beautiful smiles 207 SW 156th St., #4, Seattle

Warren J. Libman, D.D.S., M.S.D.☎☎ 425-453-1308��

Certified Specialist in Prosthodontics: • Restorative • Reconstructive • Cosmetic Dentistry 14595 Bel Red Rd. #100, Bellevue

ThouSanDS oF reaDerS In PrInT anD onLIne

= Thousands of prospective clients

professional directory to jewish washington


Care Givers

HomeCare Associates A program of Jewish Family Service☎☎ 206-861-3193��

Provides personal care, assistance with daily activities, medication reminders, light housekeeping, meal preparation and companionship to older adults living at home or in assisted-living facilities.


Matzoh Momma Catering Catering with a personal touch☎☎ 206-324-MAMA

Serving the community for over 25 years.Full service catering and event planning for all your Life Cycle events. Miriam and Pip Meyerson

Certified Public accountants

Dennis B. Goldstein & Assoc., CPAs, PSTax Preparation & Consulting☎☎ 425-455-0430

F 425-455-0459

☎✉ [email protected]

Newman Dierst Hales, PLLCNolan A. Newman, CPA☎☎ 206-284-1383

☎✉ [email protected]��

Tax • Accounting • Healthcare Consulting

College Placement

College Placement Consultants☎☎ 425-453-1730

☎✉ [email protected]��

Pauline B. Reiter, Ph.D. Expert help with undergraduate and graduate college selection, applications and essays. 40 Lake Bellevue, #100, Bellevue 98005

Linda Jacobs & AssociatesCollege Placement Services☎☎ 206-323-8902

☎✉ [email protected] Successfully matching student and school. Seattle.



wITh our



satuRday 19 noveMbeR5–10 p.m. — Parents Night out

Josh Johnson at [email protected] or 206-388-0839 or www.sjcc.orgParents can hit the town while the kids spend a fun evening at the SJCC. Kids enjoy open swim time, dinner, dessert, and an evening movie. $25–$45. At the Stroum JCC, 3801 E Mercer Way, Mercer Island.8 p.m. — BCMH Torah Dedication

Julie Greene at [email protected] or 206-721-0970With the arrival of a new Torah, BCMH celebrates 120 years of existence. Kiddush after Shabbos morning

services, then at 8 p.m. the Torah will be brought to its new home with singing, dancing, desserts and a Klezmer band. At Bikur Cholim Machzikay Hadath, 5145 S Morgan St., Seattle.

sunday 20 noveMbeR10 a.m.–2 p.m. — Kadima Hanukkah Art/Book Sale

www.kadima.orgKadima presents Jewish Threads, a new book on Jewish fabric crafts with a talk by contributor Lois Gaylord on “Working with Spiritual Intention.” Art and books for sale. Free. At Kadima House, 12353 8th

Ave NE, Seattle.11 a.m.–2 p.m. — Turkey Shecht

Josh Furman at [email protected] or is teaming up with Growing Things Farm to ritually slaughter 10 organic turkeys in time for Thanksgiving. Rabbi Avi Rosenfeld will explain what makes an animal kosher, and Rabbi Simon Benzaquen will oversee the slaughter of the birds. Meet at Hillel 4745 17th Ave. NE, Seattle, to carpool to the farm. 5 p.m. — SBH Gala Dinner

Diana Black at [email protected] or

Honoring Dr. Larry and Sharon Adatto with the Community Hesed Award. At Sephardic Bikur Holim, 6500 52nd Ave. S, Seattle.7–9 p.m. — Tales of Chelm

Jennifer Fliss at [email protected] or 425-603-9677 or templebnaitorah.orgThe Seattle Jewish Theater Company presents Tales of Chelm, based on the stories from The World of Sholem Aleichem. The event is free and open to all. At Temple B’nai Torah, 15727 NE 4th St., Bellevue.

Page 26: JTNews | November 11, 2011


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A COLLEGE EDUCATION IS A MAJOR INVESTMENTSensitive professional assistance to ensure a succesful match between student and school

Traditional Jewish funeral services provided by the Seattle Jewish Chapel. For further information, please call 206-725-3067.

Burial plots are available for purchase at Bikur Cholim and Machzikay Hadath cemeteries. For further information, please call 206-721-0970.


For Sale: Three Bikur Cholim plots together — Will sell at a discount.

If interested, please call Ron Saul 425-922-4510

CEMETERy GAN ShALOMA Jewish cemetery that meets the needs of

the greater Seattle Jewish community. Zero interest payments available.

For information, call Temple beth Am at 206-525-0915.

next issue: november 18

ad deadline: november 9

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Call Yolimar Perez or Maria Absalon206-356-2245 or 206-391-9792

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voLuNteer services Program assistaNtJewish Family service of seattle is seeking a full time Volunteer services program assistant to assist with volunteer events, data management and background checks. this position will also support our Big pals mentoring program.

requirements• Ba Degree preferred• excellent computer skills including raiser’s edge or other database.• strong interpersonal skills• attention to detail a must• familiarity with the jewish community and judaism strongly preferred

salary Doe. regular hours: 9:00–5:00 with some sundays required. email your résumé and cover letter to: [email protected]. No phone calls please.

jewish family service – seattle (jfs) firmly embraces the belief that repairing the world begins here at home. jfs delivers essential human services to alleviate suffering, sustain healthy relationships and support people in times of need. It’s been that way since 1892, and we don’t plan on changing now. our 10 different programs are as diverse as the community we serve including domestic violence prevention and alternatives to addic- tion, counseling, refugee and immigrant services, in-home care and a food bank. our staff of friendly, dedicated, passionate professionals is driven by our mission and values. If you want to make a difference in the lives of others, jewish family service might just be the career move you’ve been waiting for! check us out at

jewish family service offers a generous benefits package including:• Medical, dental and vision insurance• life insurance and long term Disability• employer-paid 401K plan• long term care• paid holidays, vacation and jewish holidays

jfs is an equal opportunity employer seekiNg writersPoems (3 max) and/or essays and fiction (under 5,000 words) on Northwest and jewish themes from established and emerging writers for spring 2012 issue of Drash. Include separate page with contact info and short bio.

Deadline: December 15, 2011 submit by snailmail only to: Wendy Marcus, Music Director

temple Beth am 2632 Ne 80th st., seattle 98115


Page 27: JTNews | November 11, 2011

friday, november 11, 2011 . www.JTnews.neT . JTnews lifecycles 27

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Bar MitzvahSimon Louis Wampold

Simon will celebrate his Bar Mitzvah on November 19, 2011, at Temple De Hirsch Sinai in Seattle.

Simon is the son of Jennie Burns of Mercer Island and Jay Wampold of Seattle and the brother of Justin and Samantha. His grandparents are Marlene and Steve Burns of Mercer Island, Fran Lawson of Seattle and Tom Wampold of Seattle.

Simon is a 7th-grader at Islander Middle School. He enjoys basketball and hanging out with friends and family. Simon will donate a portion of his Bar Mitzvah gifts to the Academy of Precision Learning in honor of his friend Josh Gordon.

Bat Mitzvah Sabrina Ruth Ross Neergaard

Sabrina will celebrate her Bat Mitzvah on November 12, 2011, at Congregation Beth Hatikvah in Bremerton.

Sabrina is the daughter of Daria Ross and John Neergaard of Port Orchard and the sister of Gabriel. Her grandparents are Richard Berke and Jacqueline Ross of Madison, Wis., Marilyn Trent of Huntsville, Ala., and John Neergaard of Columbia, Miss.

Sabrina is an 8th-grader at Marcus Whitman Junior High. She enjoys tennis, traveling, baking and hanging out with friends. She volunteers at the synagogue preschool and will donate a portion of her Bat Mitzvah gifts to the local Humane Society.

Bat MitzvahAriel Miriam Simpson

Ariel will celebrate her Bat Mitzvah on November 19, 2011, at Herzl-Ner Tamid Conservative Congregation. Ariel is the daughter of Amy Wasser-Simpson of Bellevue and the late Chuck Simpson and is the sister of Harry and Gillian.

Ariel’s grandparents are Stephen and Barbara Wasser of Schenectady, N.Y. and the late Jean and Charlie Simpson.

Ariel is a 7th-grader at the Jewish Day School. She enjoys volleyball and participating in the Eastside Dream Elite Cheer Team. Ariel will make a donation to the Netzach Yisrael Mitzvah Store in Kiryat Malachi, Israel, which serves mainly low-income Ethiopian children.

Death Notice Frances M. KellerOctober 18, 1916–September 10, 2011

Frances M. Keller was born on October 18, 1916, in Portland, Oregon, and passed away surrounded by the family she loved on September 10, 2011, in Seattle at the age of 94. She was preceded in death by her best friend and devoted husband Howard, whom she was married to for 69 years, her parents, N.B. and Rebecca Mesher, and her brothers and sister. She is survived by her adoring children, Leatrice and Jim Keller, Barbara and Stuart Sulman, and Michele and Nick Keller and will be missed tremendously by her loving grandchildren, Felice and

Colman Becker, Carin and Scott Jacobson, Lainey and Scott Slotnick, Scott Sulman, Caitlin Keller, Michael Keller, and Courtney Keller, and her five great-grandchildren, Keller and Molly Slotnick, Ryan and Luke Jacobson, and Jessica Becker, as well as her nieces and nephews.

Frances attended Reed College at just 16 years old, and graduated from the University of Washington with a degree in sociology. She was instrumental in supporting and building Keller Supply Company, which Howard founded in 1945 and has grown to become a successful, multi-state, wholesale plumbing company.

She was an extraordinary woman who was admired by so many who knew her. Frances treasured time spent with her family and especially loved calls and visits from her grandchil-dren and great-grandchildren. She also cherished the extensive travel she and Howard enjoyed through the years. With a true appreciation for reading and challenging her mind, Frances liked word games, Scrabble, and the daily crossword puzzle. Also, she always looked forward to playing cards with her dear friends.

Frances supported a variety of worthwhile organizations, and was especially committed to Jewish Family Service, where she sat on the board and together with Howard, established the Keller Children’s Fund to give children opportunities they might not otherwise have had. Together, Frances and Howard created a lasting impact on the community. As members of the University of Washington History Department’s Visiting Committee, they became aware of the department’s need for additional funds and created the Howard and Frances Keller Endowed Professorship in History, enhancing the UW’s ability to attract and retain distin-guished faculty. They also established the Howard and Frances Keller Research Fund and were enthusiastic backers of the Huskies and UW athletic department. Longtime members of Temple De Hirsch Sinai, they instituted the Frances and Howard Keller Family Lecture Series at the synagogue, striving to bring important speakers and educators to the community. Also, she enjoyed her membership at the Women’s University Club and Glendale Country Club.

Frances will be remembered for her kindness, strength, quick wit, and no-nonsense approach. She considered her grandest accomplishment to be her role as wife and mother and was proud of her family — all four generations. With overwhelming gratitude for having “the greatest family and friends,” she especially appreciated her loving and devoted caregivers, Brenda Asuncion, Sylvina Llares, Michele Bacani, Betty Laureta, and Rufina Laureta. Frances’ family would also like to thank Dr. Gary Schuster, Dr. Peter Demopulos, and Dr. Grady Hughes for their tireless care and support. Rabbi Daniel Weiner has also been invaluable during this difficult time and the family thanks him.

Frances created a legacy that will live on through her beloved family and community contributions. All who knew her will forever be inspired by her friendship, resilience, positive attitude, and love of life.

Death NoticeDr. Sylvan B. Caditz passed away

September 21, 2011 at the age of 86. In loving memory of my long time special friend.

— Bernie Pickman


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