Download - Journey Into Holiness – p.5 “Confronting Discipleship” Matthew 19:16-30.

Page 1: Journey Into Holiness – p.5 “Confronting Discipleship” Matthew 19:16-30.

Journey Into Holiness – p.5Journey Into Holiness – p.5

““Confronting Discipleship”Confronting Discipleship”Matthew 19:16-30Matthew 19:16-30

Page 2: Journey Into Holiness – p.5 “Confronting Discipleship” Matthew 19:16-30.

• This is really a story about (This is really a story about (put your name in put your name in

the blankthe blank)! )!

• He has a question about He has a question about lifelife. .

Page 3: Journey Into Holiness – p.5 “Confronting Discipleship” Matthew 19:16-30.

• This guy thinks the question of eternal life is This guy thinks the question of eternal life is

a question of a question of academicacademic goodnessgoodness

Now a man came up to Jesus and asked, Now a man came up to Jesus and asked,

"Teacher, what good thing must I do to get "Teacher, what good thing must I do to get

eternal life?" - v.16eternal life?" - v.16

Page 4: Journey Into Holiness – p.5 “Confronting Discipleship” Matthew 19:16-30.

• Jesus answer directs the man to Jesus answer directs the man to true true


"Why do you ask me about what is good?" "Why do you ask me about what is good?"

Jesus replied. "There is only One who is good. Jesus replied. "There is only One who is good.

If you want to enter life, obey the If you want to enter life, obey the

commandments." commandments."

Page 5: Journey Into Holiness – p.5 “Confronting Discipleship” Matthew 19:16-30.

Romans 3:10-12Romans 3:10-12

As it is written: As it is written:

"There is no one righteous, not even one; "There is no one righteous, not even one;

there is no one who understands, there is no one who understands,

no one who seeks God. no one who seeks God.

Page 6: Journey Into Holiness – p.5 “Confronting Discipleship” Matthew 19:16-30.

Romans 3:10-12Romans 3:10-12

All have turned away, All have turned away,

they have together become worthless; they have together become worthless;

there is no one who does good, there is no one who does good,

not even one.“ not even one.“

Page 7: Journey Into Holiness – p.5 “Confronting Discipleship” Matthew 19:16-30.

• This young guy thinks he could make it if This young guy thinks he could make it if

Jesus would tell him the Jesus would tell him the magicmagic formulaformula

• "Which ones?" the man inquired. "Which ones?" the man inquired.

• ““Did God really say…(Genesis 3:1)Did God really say…(Genesis 3:1)

Page 8: Journey Into Holiness – p.5 “Confronting Discipleship” Matthew 19:16-30.

• Jesus gives the young guy what he is looking Jesus gives the young guy what he is looking

for…for…oror doesdoes hehe? ?

Jesus replied, " 'Do not murder, do not Jesus replied, " 'Do not murder, do not

commit adultery, do not steal, do not give commit adultery, do not steal, do not give

false testimony, honor your father and false testimony, honor your father and

mother,' and 'love your neighbor as mother,' and 'love your neighbor as

yourself.'" yourself.'"

Page 9: Journey Into Holiness – p.5 “Confronting Discipleship” Matthew 19:16-30.

• Leviticus 19:18: Leviticus 19:18: 'love your neighbor as 'love your neighbor as

yourself.'" yourself.'"

• "All these I have kept," the young man said. "All these I have kept," the young man said.

"What do I still lack?" - v.20"What do I still lack?" - v.20

Page 10: Journey Into Holiness – p.5 “Confronting Discipleship” Matthew 19:16-30.

• Jesus answer is where we Jesus answer is where we usuallyusually joinjoin the the

young guy young guy

Jesus answered, "If you want to be perfect, Jesus answered, "If you want to be perfect,

go, sell your possessions and give to the go, sell your possessions and give to the

poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. poor, and you will have treasure in heaven.

Then come, follow me.“ – v.21Then come, follow me.“ – v.21

Page 11: Journey Into Holiness – p.5 “Confronting Discipleship” Matthew 19:16-30.

The first thing Jesus says is: “The first thing Jesus says is: “If If you want to be perfect…”you want to be perfect…”

• The Greek word for perfect is The Greek word for perfect is teleiosteleios and it and it

means means undividedundivided loyalty and loyalty and fullfull--heartedhearted


Page 12: Journey Into Holiness – p.5 “Confronting Discipleship” Matthew 19:16-30.

The last thing Jesus says is: The last thing Jesus says is: Then come, follow me.Then come, follow me.

• Jesus is telling this guy if you really want to Jesus is telling this guy if you really want to

be good, goodness is found in a be good, goodness is found in a relationshiprelationship

withwith meme..

Page 13: Journey Into Holiness – p.5 “Confronting Discipleship” Matthew 19:16-30.

The last thing Jesus says is: The last thing Jesus says is: Then come, follow me.Then come, follow me.

• What Jesus says between the first thing and What Jesus says between the first thing and

the last thing is: the last thing is: go, sell your possessions and go, sell your possessions and

give to the poor, and you will have treasure give to the poor, and you will have treasure

in heaven”in heaven”

Page 14: Journey Into Holiness – p.5 “Confronting Discipleship” Matthew 19:16-30.

The last thing Jesus says is: The last thing Jesus says is: Then come, follow me.Then come, follow me.

• Jesus really told him the thing between Jesus really told him the thing between

where you are (you trying to be good) and where you are (you trying to be good) and

what you are seeking (eternal life) is what you are seeking (eternal life) is youyou!!

Page 15: Journey Into Holiness – p.5 “Confronting Discipleship” Matthew 19:16-30.

What does the Bible say?…What does the Bible say?…(vv.22-26)(vv.22-26)

• Is this story about Is this story about moneymoney??

When the young man heard this, he went When the young man heard this, he went

away sad, because he had great wealth. away sad, because he had great wealth.

Page 16: Journey Into Holiness – p.5 “Confronting Discipleship” Matthew 19:16-30.

What does the Bible say?…What does the Bible say?…(vv.22-26)(vv.22-26)

• The story is about how many people trust The story is about how many people trust

their own their own resourcesresources instead of instead of GodGod..

Page 17: Journey Into Holiness – p.5 “Confronting Discipleship” Matthew 19:16-30.

What does the Bible say?…What does the Bible say?…(vv.22-26)(vv.22-26)

• Is the story about Is the story about richrich peoplepeople don’t go to don’t go to


Then Jesus said to his disciples, "I tell you the Then Jesus said to his disciples, "I tell you the

truth, it is hard for a rich man to enter the truth, it is hard for a rich man to enter the

kingdom of heaven. kingdom of heaven.

Page 18: Journey Into Holiness – p.5 “Confronting Discipleship” Matthew 19:16-30.

What does the Bible say?…What does the Bible say?…(vv.22-26)(vv.22-26)

• Is the story about Is the story about richrich peoplepeople don’t go to don’t go to


Again I tell you, it is easier for a camel to go Again I tell you, it is easier for a camel to go

through the eye of a needle than for a rich through the eye of a needle than for a rich

man to enter the kingdom of God." man to enter the kingdom of God."

Page 19: Journey Into Holiness – p.5 “Confronting Discipleship” Matthew 19:16-30.

What does the Bible say?…What does the Bible say?…(vv.22-26)(vv.22-26)

• This story is about what you put your This story is about what you put your trusttrust in in

to get to to get to heavenheaven..

Page 20: Journey Into Holiness – p.5 “Confronting Discipleship” Matthew 19:16-30.

What does the Bible say?…What does the Bible say?…(vv.22-26)(vv.22-26)

When the disciples heard this, they were When the disciples heard this, they were

greatly astonished and asked, "Who then can greatly astonished and asked, "Who then can

be saved?" be saved?"

Jesus looked at them and said, "With man Jesus looked at them and said, "With man

this is impossible, but with God all things are this is impossible, but with God all things are

possible." possible."

Page 21: Journey Into Holiness – p.5 “Confronting Discipleship” Matthew 19:16-30.

Bottom Line:Bottom Line:

Holy people recognize that the answer to our Holy people recognize that the answer to our

moral dilemma is Jesus Christ. moral dilemma is Jesus Christ.

Page 22: Journey Into Holiness – p.5 “Confronting Discipleship” Matthew 19:16-30.

Checking out the Christian Checking out the Christian faith…faith…

• Eternal life cannot be Eternal life cannot be earnedearned. It can only be . It can only be

receivedreceived as a gift (Weber, 326). as a gift (Weber, 326).

• GoodnessGoodness is not the same as is not the same as godlinessgodliness and and

God requires godliness for eternal life and God requires godliness for eternal life and

the only way to become godly is to the only way to become godly is to knowknow


Page 23: Journey Into Holiness – p.5 “Confronting Discipleship” Matthew 19:16-30.

Checking out the Christian Checking out the Christian faith…faith…

• Sin is serious and God does not Sin is serious and God does not gradegrade on a on a


Page 24: Journey Into Holiness – p.5 “Confronting Discipleship” Matthew 19:16-30.

Checking out the Christian Checking out the Christian faith…faith…

Page 25: Journey Into Holiness – p.5 “Confronting Discipleship” Matthew 19:16-30.

Serious about following Jesus…Serious about following Jesus…

• If you have believed that all you need to do If you have believed that all you need to do

to go to heaven is ask Jesus to forgive your to go to heaven is ask Jesus to forgive your

sins you have not been told the sins you have not been told the wholewhole truthtruth

of the gospel.of the gospel.

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Serious about following Jesus…Serious about following Jesus…

• Whatever you are Whatever you are holdingholding on to that is on to that is

preventingpreventing you from you from trustingtrusting Jesus is not Jesus is not

worth holding on to.worth holding on to.

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