Download - JOSHUA - JESUS THE CHRIST - NEVER ENDING …...1 JOSHUA - JESUS THE CHRIST - NEVER ENDING SURPRISES There is one thing stronger than all the armies of the World, and that is an idea

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There is one thing stronger than all the armies of the World,

and that is an idea whose time has come.

Victor Hugo

19th Century Author

Author: Stjepan Spanicek – Independent Researcher Version 3.1 – March 14, 2018.

Zagreb, Croatia

Note: This essay does not have any commercial use. Author of the essay does not have any claim on copyrights, so the essay itself can be used freely, partially or entirely, for further researches and for education purpose. The author retains right on changes, modifications, improvements and making some appendices, because of material affluence and complexity, the entire research is just like … the never-ending story. Therefore, always check if you have the latest version of that text.

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* * * * * The Jyotish Chart of the Jesus, which was derived with some great support of Divine Providence, will be a great help to decipher his entire life, no doubt about that.1 Just a few days ago, let’s say so, I couldn’t even imagine something like that to happen. Now we have seen that Vedic Astrology–Jyotish definitely has something to say about ancient history, and because historical events are usually at the basis of every religion, then it is clear that this system of knowledge has something to say about religions themselves as well. Actually, it will be demonstrated soon, that this precious knowledge system seems to be a useful way for religions to track its own way back to the Source. Vedic Astrology is beautiful and so precise knowledge. So beautiful! It is a pity that it is still so neglected. Hope contemporary science will correct that very soon. Furthermore, through the stories of King David and King Solomon, we learned that the true, historical Jesus is not just a coincidence, some randomly generated chart, or the product of weird imagination. We saw that real, historical King David and King Solomon are there as well. They are not just myths and legends. We saw celestial symbolism in action, and what else can we do than to accept and to read all that was given to us. No need to mention that all these fascinating discoveries, they will give entirely new meaning to things so far enshrouded in big mysteries and enigmas, and seemingly completely invisible. That is the power of Vedic Astrology-Jyotish. This is that … light … what stays in the very name of that astrology, because of Sanskrit word … jyoti … denotes exactly this … the light. This is not referring to the outer light, which makes that we can see properly, but more importantly, this is referring to the … inner light … spiritual light, the light which makes we see when there is no other everyday light we usually connect with seeing. This inner light is even more important, so to say. I already mentioned previously one basic principle of the Vedic Astrology. All information about any entity, including, things, animals, and humans, can be found in the place of the birth at the moment of birth. Just look up at the Sky, register where stars and planets are, and make an image of that. Modern science is coming very close to confirm this fact. Quantum Physicists use to say: “Give us the place and the time of any photon appearance, and we can easily determine the past and the future of that photon”. As well, there are two principles that are more important. First, the Infinite Correlation is to be mentioned. Within all the Creation, everything is infinitely correlated to everything else. Everything influences everything else. This is a very important principle. We receive an enormous quantity of influences from all over the Universe. Vedic Rishis established in higher states of consciousness did recognize these influences, simplified them, systemized, and made available for everyone to learn. They cognized that Man is not isolated in time and space. Instead, with billions of influences and impulses, we are connected with the entire Universe. We can say loudly and proudly:

The Individual is Cosmic! The second additional principle of Vedic Astrology lies in the fact that Modern Physics has determined Unified Field as the source of the entire Creation. This correlates with the Pure Consciousness from the field of Vedic Science. This is the source of everything that we see around us, including our own physiology as well. The process of manifestation happens in a sequence of very precise events, step by step, gradually according to the Natural Law. If we know the sequence and if we enter it at a certain point, in a very easy way we can determine what was preceding and what will follow.

1) This essay is connected with and leaning onto previous two writings with titles … THE STAR OF BETHLEHEM AND THE NATAL CHART OF JESUS … and … KING SOLOMON’S TREASURE … in the same sub-serial … BIBLICAL STORY DECIPHERED … within the main serial … DECONSTRUCTING THE ILLUSION … Links on these two essays can be found at the end of this essay.

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No doubt that I am still having this natal chart, chart of Jesus, under the scrutiny. I’ve sent it on many places around, just to see what will be a reaction. I was quite curious if the chart can survive the challenges of good Jyotish experts. Not long was needed to receive some feedback. Good feedback. And now I can finally confirm … we have a very precise natal chart of Jesus. Very precise. Precise to the level of a minute.

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Well, I was watching that natal chart for a long, and now I know this is the right one. Nevertheless, as time was passing, I asked myself, well, is there any other reason that the time of birth is driven almost to the end of the Karkha lagna-ascendant. Just to remind, the longitude of lagna-ascendant is 29 degrees and 47 minutes of arc of Cancer-Karkha rasi-sign, and just minute and a half would change the entire chart drastically because the lagna-ascendant will change. Jyotish experts consider that as a very special situation. In this case, when lagna-ascendant is on the borderline, Jyotishi would say that the chart owner has also some qualities of next coming lagna-ascendant, and in this case, it is about Simha lagna-ascendant. Simha means lion … Lion. Indeed, this is something very possible. It is possible that Jesus has embodied some Leo qualities, qualities of a lion, as well. After all, he needed to confront the huge negativity of that time. Nothing was easy for him. He was involved in so many battles, on so many levels … so many … recognizing negativity, putting it in right place … and that in the world of duality quite often means to oppose the negatives … to fight them … to make rebellion if the system is not appropriate … It is true, that is maybe one good reason, but when thinking properly, Karkha lagna-ascendant offered everything needed for good warrior, rebellion maker … or, to be a king … or whatever else was needed. We saw that very clearly along with the case of King Rama. Therefore, the reason mentioned above is actually not a reason … it’s more of a consequence. If the birth takes place in the middle of the ascendant sign, in the middle of lagna rasi … then this sign-rasi is emphasized and highlighted very much, but if somebody is born at the threshold point, there is a mixture of influences with a previous sign or next coming sign. Mixing with Simha influences, this is definitely not bad in this case, but is this the basic reason? What else, in fact, could possibly be the reason that Karkha lagna is driven so high in longitude, almost to the ending point of this rasi, this sign of Karkha-Pisces? I was thinking for a long … and then … as usual when we ask for something … FLASH! … An unbelievable idea struck me. … TWINS! … What if there are twins!? Well, usually we know twins as very similar ones, almost identical. In many cases, it is very difficult even to distinguish them, not even to mention that their life paths are almost identical. We have heard so many stories about such cases. This is everything all right if they are born within the same lagna-ascendant … and in most cases, with the same Navamsa lagna. In general, they are born within 15-18 minutes as one Navamsa lagna is lasting. Sometimes they can be born with different Navamsa lagna, and that will indicate some smaller differences between

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twins and their life paths. But sometimes twins can be born just on the borderline of Janma Kundali lagna-ascendant change. One is born at ending point of one lagna-ascendant, and another one at the beginning point of next coming lagna-ascendant. In that case, there are few minutes of difference as usual, but a big change in natal charts. Because, lagna-ascendant of the main chart will change, but also, there will be another Navamsa lagna. Such big changes in charts will produce big differences in the lives of twins. They can be of an entirely different nature, mentality, and have entirely different life stories. Nevertheless, is this possible!? I mean, is it possible that Jesus actually had a twin brother? And, if so, why we do not know anything about. This is a big thing actually. This is not like the question if Jesus had a cat or a dog! This is something entirely different. Why doesn’t history say anything about? Why is the Bible silent about as well? Well, all until recently, we even did not know Jesus had any brothers. Then somehow, very recently some authors exposed the fact that Jesus actually had four brothers and two sisters. That was a very big surprise, to be honest. However, it came only recently, and the question is, why such an idea that Jesus had siblings was rejected and suppressed for so long? Now we find indications, that he may have had a twin brother! Amazing! One nice story about brothers, sisters and the entire family of Jesus is given out under the title … Sorting out the Jesus Family: Mother, Fathers, Brothers, and Sisters … by Prof. James Tabor at the … Taborblog … That Jesus had four brothers and at least two sisters is a “given” in Mark, our earliest gospel record. He names the brothers rather matter-of-factly: James, Joses, Judas, and Simon. Mark mentions but does name the sisters, but early Christian tradition says there were two—a Mary and a Salome (Mark 6:3).

Furthermore, I did find that Prof. Tabor developed the story about brothers, sisters and the family of Jesus in his famous book … The Jesus Dynasty … Must say that this book attracted my attention heavily, and it was kind of beginning on my research on Jesus. Actually, that was much before having any clue that just very soon I will start to use Vedic Astrology-Jyotish as the tool to decipher the complete story. I’ve noticed that Prof. Tabor is not burdened with a theological point of view. In fact, I’ve noticed that he is searching for the real, historical Jesus. By following his thinking, I came close to the original true story. The rest, as we know now, was done by the Vedic Astrology-Jyotish itself. Thus, we know now something about brothers and sisters of Jesus, but this is still far away from an idea that one brother was actually … the Judah. We know that in the Bible, the Judah is actually a very negative character, and therefore, associating such character with an idea to be the brother, even twin brother of Jesus, well, that was kind of very radical idea indeed. That was even beyond the story of Prof. James Tabor. He definitely could not go so far, because he needs to stay within the scientific frame. He is the scientist and scholar on Biblical topics. An idea that Judah is the twin brother of the Jesus is not only radical, in fact, but it is also more like a science fiction story. Therefore, as usual when not all mainstream sources offer so much information, or, better to say, no any information at all, we lean toward alternative sources. Alternative stories are never to be neglected entirely, especially not when we are burdened so much with the heavy heritage of the Dark Age, the Kali Yuga, we just passed through. Such periods and world ages are connected with the downfall of the knowledge, with darkness, the consciousness of the people is shrouded by veils of ignorance, and this is fertile terrain for frauds and manipulations of any kind to be born. This is also giving birth to conspiracy theories, and all alternative stories are full of such conspiracy theories. As I said, we are not to neglect them, because in each of them there is a grain of the truth. Now, though such a heavy period of darkness is behind us, we still live in a time when we need to gather these pieces of truth in a form of grains, in order to restore the entire picture. Because, we already have confirmed so

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many times that all knowledge systems of the Dark Age can be polluted with frauds and manipulations, and due to that the knowledge, including all religions, and the entire paradigm which is driving the world of today, can be deviated heavily. Yes indeed, now I can remember, and I can recall some indications from before, some very silent voices here and there, that there were two boys actually … Joshua and Judah. I also made additional comprehensive research overall media and did find that some sources really do mention such alternative options. It seems this is true! There were twins born at that day, they say. There are a few interesting links mentioning this option … In some cases that Judah the twin brother of Jesus was identified with … the Thomas … the author of … The Gospel of Thomas … what I cannot comment right now. Actually, they exposed the name … Judah Thomas … All that would have stayed in the domain of my own personal theorizing only, if I wouldn’t have been forced to think and to find the answer on the question why the ascendant in the natal chart of Jesus is driven so high in longitude. That was the crucial moment in the entire story, kind of turnover, and it happened when I applied the Vedic Astrology-Jyotish again, in order to check, just to check, an option to move the ascendent-lagna of, until that moment still only hypothetical twin brother of Jesus, to the Simha-Leo rasi-sign. Actually, it was then, right at that very moment, that the hidden and so enigmatic twin brother of Jesus was born, but for the second time along with this occasion.

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I think this is the very proper moment to present the natal chart of the Judah. There it is! Judah, the twin brother of Jesus, was born just about 13 minutes after the Jesus. The time is … 11.45 AM LMT. The time of birth of Judah, just about 13 minutes after the birth of Jesus, is my approximation. It is based on some average time difference for twins. It can be shorter, but longer as well. Nevertheless, the birth of Judah definitely did happen in Simha lagna, and Mesha Navamsa lagna, and that means minimum about 2 minutes after Jesus was born, and maximally about 18 minutes after the Jesus. Therefore, the time interval is 11.34 AM … until … 11.50 AM. This will be checked at some later stage of this research. We see the natal chart with Simha-Lion lagna-ascendant, and with Mesha-Aries Navamsa lagna-ascendant. We see Surya-Sun as a lord of first house and lagna-ascendant, to be placed in the ninth house, what will tell us he was righteous very much; he was truth-oriented, very religious and ready to fight for highest moralistic and ethical principles. Surya is in the sign of exaltation, though it is away from the highest point of exaltation itself. Anyway,

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from this point we see he will be a very bright person, very much oriented to the tradition and to the highest religious values. Surya is strong, but it is “mrita” … dead … and it will not expose the full result. Surya is the Atmakaraka at the same time, and it is placed in the eighth house, what is considered very … inauspicious. In addition, there is a big crowd there in the ninth house, many planets are gathered there, and there will be many mutual influences. For instance, Sani-Saturn is debilitated, and he will take some energy from exalted Surya-Sun. As a lord of the sixth house, this planet will be functional malefic. In addition, Sani-Saturn has the lowest degree in this multiple conjunctions, and he will dictate others. However, Guru is there, as a lord of the fifth and eight houses, what will tell that he definitely has achieved some high-level education in the spiritual field or with occult knowledge, to put it simple way, he will achieve high status in religious education. Knowing that this is Jewish tradition, and let say he is the brother of Jesus, what does that mean? That means that he most probably achieved to be the rabbi, same as his twin brother Jesus. Nevertheless, there will be a lot of struggle to achieve the mentioned aims. Furthermore, in the tenth house, there is a planetary war involving Budha-Mercury and Mangal-Mars. They are very close, just about 32-33 arc-minutes apart. This is additionally highlighting the status and recognition problems, with struggles to take any higher post or position. These are just some points taken out from the natal chart of the Judah. The complete analysis could possibly take a lot of time and many words to be exposed, therefore I live this for real experts in Jyotish to do. Now after the natal chart is created and carefully analyzed, possibility and plausibility that there were twins born by Queen Mother Malthace at that fateful day on Thursday, April 13, 5 B.C.E., just about noon time in the forest cave near to the Bethlehem, is not something we can deny anymore. This is not my invention after all. Furthermore, two boys were depicted very often when the Holy Family was being shown. Indeed, this is a very common Biblical topic, and very frequent inspiration for artists, so that we definitely need to turn our attention in that direction, and if possible, to scrutinize such works of these artists entirely. Nevertheless, in most of the cases, another boy was always introduced as … John the Baptizer. We can see this topic in the work of Leonardo da Vinci as well. His painting: The Virgin of the Rocks is one very good example. It is from just mentioned link that initial portion of the text is taken, followed by one photo of the painting itself … The Virgin of the Rocks (sometimes The Madonna of the Rocks) is the name used for two Leonardo da Vinci's paintings, of the same subject, and of a composition which is identical except for two significant details. One painting usually hangs in the Louvre, Paris, and the other in the National Gallery, London. Both paintings show the Madonna and Christ Child with the infant John the Baptist and an angel, in a rocky setting which gives the paintings their usual name. The significant compositional differences are in the gaze and right hand of the angel. There are many minor ways in which the works differ, including the colors, the lighting, the flora, and the way in which sfumato has been used. Although the date of an associated commission is documented, the complete histories of the two paintings are unknown, and lead to speculation about which of the two is earlier.

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The photo was taken from …

The boys exposed here are twins … Judah and Jesus. This is not John the Baptizer depicted there. This is Judah! And we have a baby Jesus as the Truth of the World sitting just at the brink of the abyss, like almost falling down. Only these two mothers, and Judah, they are protecting him from falling down. The Truth is always in danger to fall down and to be lost, especially in the dark ages we just passed through. We see that on one side there is this abyss, where shadows and darkness prevail. Then, just opposite to that point, behind the front scene, and behind the rocks that are also shadowy, dark and represent dangers of dualistic life, so behind all that there is a tiny, almost transcendental source of light. This is our aim, this is where we are heading … and the scene in the front, including

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all actors, they show us the way, and they are helping us to find the way to that tiny light, the way to our Source and to our final destination. In addition, we have this index finger … it shows the way. Then we have a new one painting, recently discovered, and ascribed to Leonardo. It is still questionable whether this is Leonardo’s work or not, they say. If I can say my humble opinion, then I would say: “Yes it is, this is Leonardo’s work!” On this painting, we again have the same topic … TWINS … just as on the previous one … The Virgin of the Rocks …

Indications of a da Vinci: 1. A similarity between the boy and child in his famous piece Madonna of the Rocks, 2. A distinctive 'v' shape in the middle of the woman's hairline reminiscent of that shown in the last supper, 3. The fleur-de-lys is often said to be a hidden emblem of the secretive Priory of Sion, 4. The area by the woman's shoulder is unfinished, common in da Vinci works, 5. A tracing of the figure in the Last Supper matches exactly the outline of the woman in this painting, 6. The baby's second toe is longer than the big toe - another classic da Vinci feature (Photo and text were taken from the link of Daily Mail exposed above).

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We see almost identical young boys with curly hair. The woman is not Mary Magdalene; this is Mother Mary, foster mother of Jesus and Judah. We also see that innocent serene lamb, as a symbol of Truth, is resting under their feet, completely safe and sound, and watching gratefully on Judah. The Truth of the World is in good hands, and completely safe. Judah holds a cross, and now we know why the cross is there. The right foot of Judah is not visible, it is as being unfinished, or it is intentionally shown as buried in the earth. That would be as that under the pressure of cross Judah is sinking into the earth. Everything is so true if we consider this real story of Judah and Jesus, but now we need to explain the complete story in details. The presence of twin brother of Jesus will definitely explain much better all these events along with crucifixion and so-called … death of Jesus. Actually, for a long time, I already know that Jesus did not die at that very challenging moment. Such indications I have received from several sources, but it would be too long right now to enter them. Therefore, what we need to take as a fact now is that Jesus did not die on that crucifixion day. He was not on the cross! However, somebody did die on the cross on that day! Who was that? Who was that person? That was nobody else than Judah, the twin brother of Jesus. They’ve been twins, so that means physically very similar. Definitely, the high resemblance was there when we take in an account the face, possible long curly hear, and not shaving at least for some time. Physically it might be some difference, because, it seems to me Judah was a little bit weaker with body constitution, most probably due to some long disease he was suffering in some period of his life, very possibly in the childhood. Nevertheless, that was not visible for those who do not know both of them personally. In addition, it seems to me he was a little darker in complexion than Jesus was. Now we are coming to the crucial moment of the entire story. During that night when Jesus was supposed to be arrested, they were switched. Judah took the identity of Jesus, and everything that happened later on, it did happen to Judah. He was tortured, sentenced to death, and crucified on the cross. How can that be!? First, I think, Judah did it voluntarily. If we see the natal chart of Judah, then we see some problems. Judah is very spiritual, religious, and with an incredible sense of justice. He is short tempered, with many emotions; not to forget that as lagna is on threshold point, he also had a lot of influence of Karkha rasi on him, and that means many emotions. Even the natal chart-Janma Kundali, indicates that emotions are the weak point of Judah, so much of uncontrolled emotions, I would say. This chart along with many good things is carrying certain problems, as well as all charts do. No one’s chart is ideal, just exactly as that no one life is ideal and perfect. We are all here to become better and more perfect. That is the basic reason we are here. Judah was born when … Magha nakshatra-constellation … was rising up on the eastern horizon. Magha is a very excellent star constellation, which is reflecting the strength and spiritual leadership. Magha is represented by kingly star … Regulus … in the very heart of the Lion zodiac sign. The star Regulus is the essence of Leo-Simha sign, denoting the person who is the real … Braveheart … and this is exactly what Judah was. He was ready to give his last breath for the justice … his twin brother Jesus … and his complete family. Moreover, this is what he literally did. He voluntarily died for all of them. Therefore, all these stories that mentioned star Regulus as an important point of The Star of Bethlehem and the birth of Jesus, are actually true. Star Regulus is very important in this story indeed. Now we exactly know why and how. There is only one dilemma still in the air, just like one remaining not answered question. The dilemma is about the question whether this Judah whose existence we just did discover along with this essay, whether this is the Judah Iscariot, who is so negatively depicted in the Bible? Are they the same person? I think they are. Judah Iscariot is a fictive character. He never did exist. In order to remove the Judah, twin brother of the Jesus from the scene and from all records in general, the Judah Iscariot was invented. Nevertheless, not only that twin brother did disappear from all records, instead, from the biggest hero of the Bible, he was transformed to be the biggest negative, criminal and gangster. Such kind of twists of ancient history, including all religion’s frames, are not unusual at all. It was already proved, and it will be proved even more by entering deeper into Biblical themes, that heroes become

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negatives, while real, true negatives and criminals become heroes. We just need to be prepared for many other very similar twists. Judah and Jesus were of absolutely different nature, absolutely different. Nevertheless, mutual attachment and love were unconditional and undoubted. After all, they were twins, in spite of different Janma lagna and Navamsa lagna, they had so many things in common. At that crucial moment, Judah offered himself to replace the Jesus, and that was somehow done. We should not forget that Jesus was already married at that time. Most probably, the baby was already on the way. From the chart, we can see that Judah is a Braveheart, he was aware that the mission of Jesus was of extraordinary importance, and he offered to take this horrible role on himself. After long thinking, I see this is definitely the case. Any, so to say, forcing, is simply not possible. If that would be the case, a person can easily deny false identity and could say it openly there is a fraud behind. There were so many opportunities for that to be done. Therefore, Judah did it by his own decision, to save the Jesus, his twin brother, and it was he who died on the cross. In addition, here we see another false fabrication of the Bible. Actually, the biggest hero of these biblical times, the man who offered his life in order to save Jesus and the Truth, was proclaimed as … as ... a traitor. And his name became the synonym for betrayal. What a misery! What a miserable twist!!! Nothing is farther from the truth. The fact is that the biggest Hero of Biblical times … is … actually … JUDAH !!!! Judah, the twin brother of Jesus, is the biggest Hero of the Bible. Judah, the twin brother of Jesus, was not known in a bigger circle. We should always have in mind that they grew up in the hide. Once when they were separated from their real mother, Queen Mother Malthace, the wife of King Herod the Great, a very short time after delivery, all connections toward royal family in the Jerusalem were broken for the safety reasons, and due to the situation development that followed. Queen Mother most probably removed all possible traces from the scene, and that can be even close servants who assisted her, and who knew the truth. Alternatively, it can be that the Magi did that after they got all the information they wanted. She, the Queen Mother, as well as King Herod, disappeared from the scene. That happened just shortly after the birth, within one year actually. Many things had changed. Older brothers of Jesus and Judah took places as governors, but without royal status. Two princes, Judah and Jesus, went aside, and for some time to be totally anonymous. Along the time, after maybe some 20 years, Jesus came back on the stage, but alone. That is the reason almost nobody except the closest ones did know that he has a twin brother. That is the reason the trick they performed worked so well. Or, at least it worked for some time. Thus, Judah did die on the cross, and after that, there was a huge rush to remove him quickly. They put him into some temporary tomb. And what happened next? He was somehow removed from this temporary tomb, just not to be discovered afterward that the crucified person is not Jesus. How all that was done, this is another story. After all, real Jesus was being seen walking around after crucifixion, and this is where the story of resurrection originated. The Paul and his company did twist the real story heavily. We see confirmation of this story in the masterpiece of Leonardo … The Last Supper. This work is actually not the last supper. It does not have anything to do with the last supper of Jesus, as they use to say. This work, as well as all other Leonardo’s works, as it will be proved very soon, they are all carrying completely wrong names. I would rather say this is the feast of celebrating newborn baby of Jesus and Mary the Magdalene, his wife, and partner, but with some elements of commemoration to the recently tragically departed Jesus’ twin brother Judah.

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The photo was taken from …

Just recently, the baby in this picture was discovered. The baby is just next to Judah, what means it is carrying the same name … Judah. They named the newborn baby by the name of tragically and heroically departed twin brother of Jesus, to pay homage to his heroic act. We see that Judah is more in dark and black nuances … that means … that person is not alive anymore, he is dead. On the table in front of him, there are a few small bags, filled with golden coins probably. This is again that Leonardo is pricing Judah. “Judah is the most worthy!” - Leonardo said. There is also some music found encrypted into this masterpiece. This is a requiem, requiem for his recently departed twin brother. Finally, we can say, now we know why Karkha-Cancer lagna-ascendant for the birth of Jesus is so high in longitude. He had a twin brother, very similar and almost identical in appearance, but completely different in nature and mentality. That twin brother, Judah, was born as having Leo-Simha lagna-ascendant. Jesus had a long lifespan, Judah short, he departed when he was about 35-36 years of age. This I cannot see. Some better Jyotishi is needed to see when exactly departure had happened. Actually, we have this very helpful clue given by Prof. James Tabor. According to his very exhaustive analysis under the title … Jesus Died on a Thursday, not a Friday … …

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… it comes out that the Crucifixion did happen on April 4, 30 C.E. and that should be considered in our astrological research as well. The Huffington Post has published this story as well, in order to clarify the possible confusion. Only thing, from the point of view of this essay and belonging discoveries exposed, we need to have in mind that they are actually not talking about Jesus being crucified. It was his twin brother Judah instead, who took such a heavy burden on himself. As this research is going on, some new points are popping up, just as out of nowhere. It is becoming obvious that an idea and theme of twins, God-bearer, and twins, Mary-mother of God and twins, was quite well known in the 16th century, later on, but maybe even before. Along with my research, I saw many such paintings. Some of them, as we could see, are attributed to Leonardo himself. Nevertheless, additional one painting has attracted my attention heavily. Painting, oil on canvas, is named … God-bearer with child … and the author is …; well it seems the author is not known. For some time it was ascribed to Titian. Then again, somebody said it is Padovanino (Varotari Alessandro Leone), for whom they say it was easy to copy Titian, and even some other famous painters could have been authors of that painting. One thing is for sure, it is absolutely not clear who made this painting. I was attracted by the scene itself. The main focus is on the Mother Marry who is breastfeeding the child. The child is neither Jesus nor Judah because we see both of them standing a little bit behind. The child is Mary’s firstborn child, and that is supposed to be … James or Jakov-Yakov. This is the main focus. As I already mentioned before, Judah and Jesus are a little bit aside. Jesus holds lamb and now we know the full meaning and the symbolic of lamb. Lamb symbolizes the Truth of the World, and this is exactly what Jesus is. Therefore, now we know for sure this is Jesus who holds the Truth of The World not to fall down and not to be lost. Behind him is Judah, almost identical in face, with curly hear, but the hair and complexion are darker in color. They are the same but different. Now we know for sure this is Judah. They are both about four years of age. I love this painting very much because of what Jesus and Judah are doing. Judah is whispering something to the Jesus silently. It is as they are hiding something, they have a secret. Or, they just did something naughty … and now trying to hide. Officially, they say, this is John the Baptizer and angel, but we know that these two boys do not have anything to do with angels and especially not with John the Baptizer.

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Another person appears on the right side, a little bit aside also. Who is that? Is this some soldier? Perhaps a Roman soldier? What is he doing there? Well, they officially say this is Saint George, protector of Christians. But, is this really the fact? Saint George was a Roman soldier, no doubt about that, but is this really him? If we take into account that all individuals in this painting except Mother Mary are representing someone else, then this is not Saint George. Assigning wrong names to paintings and painted individuals, we can realize easily, this is the game so typical for Leonardo, but it is possible some other authors used the same kind of game. Therefore, my final question is … Is this Holy Family depicted in this painting? Is it possible this is the Holy Family portrayed in this painting? Now we know with big certainty that Joseph, husband of Mary, was not a carpenter. More and more research are saying he was a soldier in Roman military service.2 Therefore, we have there the Mother Marry having her firstborn child. Joseph, the father is there, and fostered twins, Judah and Jesus are there as well. I can say only one thing. This painting is so enigmatic. They say the real author is not known. We see one family portrayed, but who could possibly know all these details? Who knew about twins? And even more puzzling, who knew about Joseph as being soldier or warrior in Roman Army? Fine … Titian, or Padovanino … but is it possible they did copy even ideas? Ideas of Leonardo? Because only Leonardo could have such knowledge and such information. A possible source of all these ideas could be only Leonardo, along with his strong desire to tell the true story of the Bible, but then again, who pained this one painting? They also say that the composition of this painting is very unusual. This point I cannot elaborate on details. But I’ve noticed the window in the background (or maybe picture on the wall) … and dominant dark brownish colors in front plane … and very profound almost transcendental bluish nuances in the far distance. This is also something that we have already seen with Leonardo. This will be elaborated very soon, in some further episodes of this serial. That window or picture frame, it seems as being unfinished, and as we already have seen, this is a very common feature with all Leonardo’s paintings … some details are unfinished. Nevertheless, this is definitely not the end of mysteries about this painting. The history of the painting itself is at least equally interesting and puzzling. It belongs to the nuns of the Benedictine Order, The Order of Saint Benedictine, in the city of Krk on the island of Krk in Croatia. The painting is a donation of Bettina Contarini, the daughter of 100. Doge of Venice, Carlo Contarini. Donation did happen in the 17th century and the painting was staying well protected there in their monastery on the island of Krk all until the beginning of 1990-ties when it was given for restoration to the City of Split, from where it was stolen in 1993. after only partial restoration was done. It was found 20 years later in one private collection. Immediately after rediscovery in 2013, it was returned for the

2) This is very interesting topic indeed. There is a long lasting theory about Roman soldier who was later on proclaimed to be the … Joseph … His name was … Tiberius Julius Abdes Pantera. Please take a look at the following link … Prof. James Tabor argues as well, that Joseph is a Roman soldier, who very possibly died in some battle in Germany, where his tomb was found. There are few very interesting articles of his … The “Jesus son of Pantera” Traditions … to be found at … and … An Unnamed Father of Jesus … at the link … . There he comes very close to the truth by saying … The topic is as controversial

as it is complex. My own position is that Jesus’ biological father remains unknown but is unlikely Joseph, husband of Mary. Of course, he does not speculate yet about the possibility that King Herod is the father of Jesus (and Judah). I am sure he might be surprised with our discovery that Jesus, and now we see even his twin brother Judah, are of royal origin. Must also say, in his book … The Jesus Dynasty … Prof. Tabor speculates that most probably mentioned Pantera comes somewhere from Illyria, or Illyricum, how it was called at that time. He even explicitly mentioned the Dalmatia Province. This is where I would agree with him again. Dalmatia and Judea shared almost the same destiny by being occupied by Romans. Dalmatians had many wars with Romans before they are finally conquered around 168 B.C.E, but the final defeating of all Illyrians did happen around 70 B.C.E. by Julius Caesar himself. Since that moment, they made several unsuccessful uprisings as well, just as Jews did in Judea. Therefore, Pantera and Mary could possibly have been of very similar mentality, but most likely genetic similarity was present as well. Well, in that case, maybe it is not accidental for mentioned painting … God-bearer with child …to be found on island in Croatia. At the contrary, this fact can be proved as quite indicative and meaningful indeed. More about Joseph-Pantera will be exposed in some future essays of mine. Who knows, perhaps we even find their own natal charts? I mean, natal charts of Mary and Joseph-Pantera, foster mother and foster father of Jesus and Judah, and father and mother of six children of their own.

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complete restoration to be done, and then it is finally deposited back to the monastery of the Benedictine Order nuns on the island of Krk. The question who made this painting is still open. We see now that the topic of twins, Judah and Jesus, was quite well known among scientists and artists, especially painters, during the Renaissance period and even later on. We also confirmed that it is actually the great Leonardo da Vinci who definitely had the leading role in depicting true and real Biblical stories. Of course, all were given out in the hidden and secretive way. Because, the fraud about Judah, the twin brother of Jesus, who actually did die on the cross, is the most hidden secret of the twisted Bible. That was maybe the most hidden conspiracy of all times. Hope this will be corrected very soon, and the full honor, recognition, and glory will be given to the Judah, the biggest hero of Biblical times. Just to conclude, after seeing all that, we can raise up only one question:

Does Leonardo narrate the true Biblical Story?

The End

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More to read from the same author in the series …







Version 4.1



7. MAHARISHI JAIMINI – Version 1.0








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8. JOSEPH OF ARIMATHEA – Version 7.0







1. FROZEN WARRIORS – Version 2.0

2. BALTIC MAFIA – Version 2.0