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By: Josh Whitaker

1862 1863 1864

Homestead Act passed trying to entice people to move west.

African Americans who move west from the deep south in conclusion to the Homestead Act. Become known as exodusters.

Sand Creek Massacre happens in the MidWestern part of the USA.

Soddy Homes are popular to farmers.

1861 1865

600 thousand Homesteaders move west with the homestead acts.

William Randolph Hearst is born


Tammany Hall Democratic political machine in New York City led by Boss Tweed. Oliver Kelly-

Starts the Patrons of Husbandry ,Which give farm families opportunities for social gatherings

1867 18681886

Sitting Bull is Killed by police after that believed he was trying to overthrow the government.

Transcontinental Railroad is completed in Utah

1871 1873 1875

Ellis Island becomes the busiest immigration station in the country.

Greenbacks begin to be issued in the USA

Credit Mobilizer Takes place

Urbanization really begins to shape the country as many families decide to pack their bags and move west.

Andrew Carnegie- relays info that fixes backed up passenger trains.


1876 1878 1880

Alexander Graham Bell Invents the Telephone

Chief Joseph surrenders in the state of Montana

Literacy test comes into law and must be passed to be a US citizen


Poll tax is put into place

Thomas Edison invents the lightbulb

Karl Marx comes up with the idea of modern communism

Jim Crow Laws signed into effect.

1883 1885

Robber Barons are becoming very prominate

Ragtime Music is very popular.


Statue of Liberty Cornerstone is laid

1886 1888 1890

William Jennings Bryan deliveres the cross of gold speech

Grange is started in the USA.

Jane Adams starts the first Hull House

Haymarket Affair occurs in Chicago

Ida B. Wells continues to move up social classes

The controversial Ghost Dance begins

1891 1893 1895

Populist party becomes a factor in US politics

William McKinley is elected president of the United States.

Booker T. Washington Speaks for African Americans rights.

Pullman Strike occurs within the largest manufacturer of passenger cars in the USA

Omaha Platform Convention held in Omaha, Nebraska for the Populist party


John D. Rockefeller has an established monopoly in the oil business.


W.E.B. Du bois receives the peace prize.


Segregation is still a major problem in the USA


Mark Twain dies
