Download - Joomla! Security 101 - Joomla! Day Bosnia and Herzegovina 2013

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Joomla! Security 101

version 6.0

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Mission: ImpossibleTalking in-depth about Joomla! security in 30 minutes or less... but I’ll try!

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Put your pens awaySit back and enjoy

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Updated server softwarePHP, MySQL, Apache, FTP Server...

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Permissions & ownershipWho can do what and where

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Sane ownership & permissions

All files and folders owned by the FTP user

Use Joomla!’s FTP mode on shared hosts

Folders 0755 permissions • Files 0644 permissions

If you “must” use 0777 (don’t!), protect with .htaccessorder deny, allowdeny from allallow from none

Better yet, use suPHP or FastCGI

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Update, yesterdayJoomla! & extensions

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Think before installingDon’t be the mouse in the trap!

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Length matters

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Your Password’s length matters

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A terrifying thoughtPassword hacking super-computer: 2,700 USD(back in 2010; much cheaper now)

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How safe is your password?

Password Bits Iterations Time to crack15082005




horse correct battery stapler

13,6 12416 0.00038 msec

15,9 61147 0.00185 msec

67,7 2,39e+20 228.95 years

88,2 3,55e+26 340 million years

107,2 1,86e+32 178179 billion years

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Derive from a sentence

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Derive from a sentence


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Derive from a sentence



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Derive from a sentence




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Derive from a sentence





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Derive from a sentence






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Derive from a sentence


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Still unsure? Write it downAnd keep it ON YOUR PERSON!


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Use a password managerAnd keep it on your person (mobile device)

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Lock it downNothing on my site runs unless I say so

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Armor upProtect your site

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BackupsFrequent, automated, off-site backups

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Use myJoomla.comDead easy site auditing – and fixing!

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In spite of it all…

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Dammit!You got hacked, now what?

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We’ve got instructions

Unhacking your site

You do have backups, right?

You did use, right?

Make sure you read the instructions before getting hacked.

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Download this presentation

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Thank you for listening!Image credits for copyrighted images:; istockphoto.comCoprights of the logos and screenshots of software displayed in this presentaiton is owned by their respective companies