Download - Joint Theory-CMS Seminar, Fermilab, May 31 st 2007 Peter Skands Fermilab / Particle Physics Division / Theoretical Physics Early LHC Physics: Theory Preparations.

Page 1: Joint Theory-CMS Seminar, Fermilab, May 31 st 2007 Peter Skands Fermilab / Particle Physics Division / Theoretical Physics Early LHC Physics: Theory Preparations.

Joint Theory-CMS Seminar, Fermilab, May 31st 2007

Peter Skands

Fermilab / Particle Physics Division / Theoretical Physics

Early LHC Physics: TheoryPreparations for

Page 2: Joint Theory-CMS Seminar, Fermilab, May 31 st 2007 Peter Skands Fermilab / Particle Physics Division / Theoretical Physics Early LHC Physics: Theory Preparations.

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OverviewOverview► Introduction

• A recipe for hadron collisions

• Models by the number, tunes by the score, and none the wiser?

► Theoretical implications of early LHC physics once …

• I got my tracker working

• I got my muon chamber working

• I got my jets working

• I got my photons working (+ electrons)

• I got my mojo working

► Who is who

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► Main Tool

• Matrix Elements in perturbative Quantum Field Theory

• Example:


Reality is more complicated

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Non-perturbativehadronisation, colour reconnections, beam remnants, non-perturbative fragmentation functions, pion/proton ratio, kaon/pion ratio, Bose-Einstein correlations ...

Soft Jets + Jet StructureMultiple collinear/soft emissions (initial and final state brems radiation), Underlying Event (multiple perturbative 22 interactions + … ?), semi-hard separate brems jets

Resonance Masses …

Hard Jet TailHigh-pT wide-angle jets

& W



• QF , QR : Factorisation(s) & Renormalisation(s)



Hadron Decays

A Recipe For Hadron CollisionsA Recipe For Hadron Collisions

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A recipe for hadron CollisionsA recipe for hadron Collisions► Experimental Approach (naïve view)

• Inclusive σpp(14 TeV) Trigger(s) + Calibrations Analysis cuts

• Measure distributions on the accepted events• Taking statistical fluctuations and the risk of systematic mismeasurement into

account to the best of one’s ability (Correlated) Uncertainty Estimate

► Now you want to compare to ‘theory’ but what is that?

• Prohibitive to calculate entire S matrix path integral directly!

► Divide and conquer: calculate small parts of the S matrix at a time

• Cross section = sum over “subprocesses” (w/o interference)• 1 subprocess = [sum at amplitude level]2 (i.e. w/ interference)

o Signalo Other processes which are known to contribute “significantly”o “Unknown” unknowns: mis-ID, “reducible backgrounds”, detector effects, (BSM?), …

• At each step, do further expansions, further approximations, …• Even the most sophisticated calculation can be disastrously wrong

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Models by the number, Tunes by the score …Models by the number, Tunes by the score …UA5 @ 540 GeV, single pp, charged multiplicity in minimum-bias


Simple physics models ~ Poisson

Can ‘tune’ to get average right, but

much too small fluctuations

inadequate physics model

More Physics:

Multiple interactions +


dependenceMorale (will return to the models later):

1) It is not possible to ‘tune’ anything better than the underlying physics model allows

2) Failure of a physically motivated model usually points to more, interesting physics

Sjöstrand & van Zijl PRD36(1987)2019

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OverviewOverview► Introduction

• A recipe for hadron collisions

• Models by the number, tunes by the score, and none the wiser?

► Theoretical implications of early LHC physics once …

• I got my tracker working

• I got my muon chamber working

• I got my jets working

• I got my photons working (+ electrons)

• I got my mojo working

► Who is who

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DisclaimerDisclaimer► I’m not an expert, so will not focus on:

• CMS: triggers, calibrations, analyses, systematics, etc.

• Theory: PDF constraints, BSM physics, discovery potential, etc.

• All of these aspects are vital, and will be carried out by abler people

► Instead, I will try to:

• Give you a pick of some interesting early possible measurements

• Take a look ‘under the hood’ of these and discuss their role, if any, in understanding the universe better (including but not restricted to better calibrations)

► Note: this is not ancient material

• It is fresh off the farm, reflects the uncertainties of current state-of-the-art (or at least the subset obtainable with Pythia)

• All plots below are shown for the first time in this talk

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► Theory “predictions” for tracker occupancy (idealized 4π tracker):

► 106 events will immediately yield a lot of information

► This was theory – how related to what is more realistically measured?

• Restrict to |η| < 2.5, pT > 0.5 GeV

Counting TracksCounting Tracks

A bunch of models

and tunes

<Nch> ~ 80-120

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Counting TracksCounting Tracks► Theory “predictions” for tracker occupancy:

► 106 events will still immediately yield a lot of information, but not all

► Extrapolation to inclusive distribution quite model-dependent, interesting to extend measurements as far as they can possibly go (e.g. ATLAS talks about possibly ~ 150 MeV using Silicon, but this probably does not fall under “early” LHC physics …)

<Nch> ~ 13-20

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The things that tracks trackThe things that tracks track

Under the hood (theory)

Spacetime Matter overlap vs. Nch (~ transverse density

profile folded on itself)

Average number of “colour sparks” per pp collision vs. Nch

<Nint> ~ 4 - 11

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Knowns and UnknownsKnowns and Unknowns► The Nch distributions are sensitive to

• The spatial distribution of the proton mass

• QCD cross sections folded with multiparton densities

• Hadronization (+ string interactions? Other infrared physics?)

• Energy / Collider extrapolation of all of above

► A multi-dimensional theory space better precision

• Look at many variables successively rule out models• Pedestal effect

• Forward-Backward multiplicity correlations• Underlying Event, Rick’s “Transverse” minijets, … (active min-bias similar to UE)

• LEP, HERA, …, but then additional uncertainties from extrapolation to different initial states

Earliest on: pT and η distributions for charged particles

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Multiplicity vs pMultiplicity vs pTT correlation correlation

► Extremely interesting already at Tevatron and RHIC (even UA5)

• An independent / incoherent set of strings flat distribution

► first indication of interacting strings?

• If so, is this a consequence of the area law for classical strings?

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Multiplicity vs pMultiplicity vs pTT correlation correlation

► Persists (but again changed) when restricting to |η| < 2.5, pT > 0.5 GeV

• An independent / incoherent set of strings flat distribution

► first indication of interacting strings?

• If so, is this a consequence of the area law for classical strings?

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D. B. Leinweber, hep-lat/0004025

The (QCD) LandscapeThe (QCD) Landscape



pbar beam remnant

p beam remnantbbar





b from

t d


qbar fro

m W

q from W




q from W

Structure of a high-energy collision

In reality, this all happens on top of each other

(only possible exception: long-lived colour singlet)

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OverviewOverview► Introduction

• A recipe for hadron collisions

• Models by the number, tunes by the score, and none the wiser?

► Theoretical implications of early LHC physics once …

• I got my tracker working

• I got my muon chamber working

• I got my jets working

• I got my photons working (+ electrons)

• I got my mojo working

► Who is who

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Drell-YanDrell-Yan► Muons are a direct light into the heart of the process

• Very clean, highly controllable probe of Initial-State Radiation (ISR)

• Feed back into photon + jet improve jet calibration

► Muons + tracking can also study Underlying Event here (minijets, fragmentation, …)

► Evolution of UE and ISR as a function of Q2 good model constraints

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Drell-YanDrell-Yan► Muons are a direct light into the heart of the process

• Very clean, highly controllable probe of Initial-State Radiation (ISR)

• Feed back into photon + jet improve jet calibration

► Muons + tracking can also study Underlying Event here (minijets, fragmentation, …)

► Evolution of UE and ISR as a function of Q2 good model constraints

K. Lassila-Perini (Moriond 2006) hep-ex/0605042

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OverviewOverview► Who is who

► Introduction

• A recipe for hadron collisions

• Models by the number, tunes by the score, and none the wiser?

► Theoretical implications of early LHC physics once …

• I got my tracker working

• I got my muon chamber working

• I got my jets working

• I got my photons working (+ electrons)

• I got my mojo working

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Jet ratesJet rates► Jet rates: 106 min-bias + 105 pThat > 20 GeV

► First: no huge “hard” differences for first couple of jets.

► Second: Shapes and ratios, e.g. N3/N4, do have information

► Third: isolate special regions, group jets pairwise, j-j angles, etc …



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Got My Mojo WorkingGot My Mojo Working► Once everything is working, put it

all together

• Missing ET, HT Dark Matter

• And all the other fun stuff

► It may be a (long) while till the next collider Turn LHC into a precision


• Example: beautiful Tevatron measurements such as the W and top masses are already providing crucial information

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The Road to Higher PrecisionThe Road to Higher Precision► Go further into perturbative series

• Matching + better-understood resummations

• Very high precision on perturbative part can be expected in the long term

less ‘wriggle room’ for non-perturbative part?

► Beyond LEP fragmentation models

• K-not-so-short? • Is there a strange light at the end of the tunnel?

• Is it the LEP tunnel?

• Lambdas: • How do baryons get made?

• And did people at LEP make them the same way we make them?

• Tracking at very low momenta (150 MeV?)• How much charged energy sits at low momenta?

STAR: neither strangeness nor baryon

production appears to be well described

Rick (Field): the charged/neutral ratio does not appear to be

well described

RHIC Anomaly

RICK Anomaly

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ConclusionsConclusions► When you see the first LHC collisions, take a moment to have

pity on the theorists who will have to wait

• At 14 TeV, everything is interesting

• When you see that first event with 300 charged tracks in it, pause a moment to try to visualize what it must have looked like up close

► Early LHC Physics: theory

• Even if not a dinner Chez Maxim, rediscovering the Standard Model is much more than bread and butter.

• Real possibilities for real surprises

• It is both essential, and I hope possible, to ensure timely discussions on “non-classified” data, such as this allow rapid improvements in QCD modeling (beyond simple retunes) after startup

Both these and Kevin’s slides will be availabe on the theory seminar web page

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Who is WhoWho is Who(obviously somewhat sketchy, floating borders …)

► B Physics, flavor physics, SCET, HQET, form factors, …

• Thomas Becher, Andreas Kronfeld

• Enrico Lunghi, Richard Hill, Jack Laiho, Ruth van de Water

► Lattice QCD, chiral perturbation theory, hadron spectra, …

• Bill Bardeen, Estia Eichten, Andreas Kronfeld, Paul MacKenzie, Chris Quigg, Jim Simone

• Ruth van de Water, Jack Laiho, Elizabeth Freeland

► Perturbative QCD, NLO, jet physics, event generators• R. Keith Ellis (MCFM), Walter Giele (VECBOS, VINCIA), Peter Skands (PYTHIA, VINCIA)

• Steven Mrenna (CMS, PYTHIA, …)

• Jan Winter• Leaving this fall

• Arriving this fall

• Often here on Thursdays

In terms of current work

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Who is WhoWho is Who► SM Higgs & MSSM phenomenology

• Bill Bardeen, Marcela Carena, Estia Eichten, Joe Lykken, Chris Quigg, Peter Skands*

• Stephen Martin, Ayres Freitas*, Carlos Wagner

► non-SM Higgs, non-MSSM BSM (Xtra Dim, Techni, Little H, …)

• Bill Bardeen, Marcela Carena, Bogdan Dobrescu, Chris Hill, Joe Lykken, Chris Quigg, Estia Eichten , Tim Tait

• Richard Hill, Jay Hubisz, K.C. Kong, Rakhi Mahbubani, Jose Santiago

► Neutrino Physics

• Carl Albright, Boris Kayser, Stephen Parke

• Andre de Gouvea,

► + Ties to astro / cosmo / dark matter

In terms of current work

• Leaving this fall

• Arriving this fall

• Often here on Thursdays