Download - John Lockley Mathematics, Science and Technology Education Department Faculty of Education

Page 1: John Lockley Mathematics, Science and  Technology Education Department Faculty of Education



John Lockley

Mathematics, Science and Technology Education Department

Faculty of Education

University of Waikato

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Background Faculty of Education Mid-career changers Secondary Education Technology; Intervention by Design Sustainability

MSc ChemistryYr 2 Environmental ScienceYr 2 Computing and Mathematical ScienceNCEA / Cambridge (IGCSE)

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Comments such as:

“90% of the exam was based on the last 2 lectures.”

What teachers think learning is

What do you want?”What students think learning is

Teaching and learning

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Content KnowledgePCK (Schulman , 1987, Gess-Newsome,


LearningThe Influence of Previous Experience

(Osborne and Freyberg, 1985)

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What is learning?What is the difference between learning and

remembering? How do you know if you have learned


Learning is a process of meaning making, not just the collection of new


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Knowledge and Learning

Knowledge as Absolute○ Explicit / Declarative / Universal / Factual

Knowledge as Situated○ language / culture / traditions

Knowledge as Decision Making○ “how and why might we” Knowledge

Knowledge as Action○ Tacit / Technical / Procedural Automaticity

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What is reflection on learning?

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Meaning making

Knowledge construction within the individual

How do we encourage reflection / meaning making / knowledge construction by learners?

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Tasks that encourage reflection

Discussing (compare and contrast) past experiences and new experiences. Expressing the way thinking has changed.

Explaining situations to peers Explaining decisions to peers Individual creative design tasks using new

knowledge and justification of decisions Multichoice quiz, instant feedback Role play. Perceived goal of the learner,

important stakeholders

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Assessment Rules

“What do you want?”

How much water stayed in the jugg????

What sense has been made of this? (so far)

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Knowledge as AbsoluteMultichoice / Short Answer

Knowledge as SituationalCase study / Application in known context

Knowledge as Decision MakingDesign situations / unknowns

Knowledge as ActionDesign and implementation

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Write an essay that critically reviews the models of design education presented in the research literatureand discusses (compare and contrast) the differences between this and examples of design education you observed and/or heard about during practicum.Then reflect upon your understanding of how design can be taught more effectively in your area of expertise and explain how you would improve student learning in technology as intervention by design for year 7-10 students (2000 words maximum)