Download - John de Graff 2019 2020 October Newsletter · 2019-10-22 · working with the Winnipeg Police Service, (as well as referencing materials from the RMP and Mani-toba Education and Advanced

Page 1: John de Graff 2019 2020 October Newsletter · 2019-10-22 · working with the Winnipeg Police Service, (as well as referencing materials from the RMP and Mani-toba Education and Advanced


J o h n d e G r a f f 2 0 1 9 — 2 0 2 0 O c t o b e r N e w s l e t t e r


Thursday, October 24 ................ Mad Science; 3:30 pm - 4:45 p.m. Friday, October 25 ..................... No School - Coordinated PD Day Monday, October 28 ................. Hot Lunch order forms go home Tuesday, October 29 ................. Lockdown Practise in the morning Thursday, October 31 ................ Halloween Costume Parade, 1:00 p.m. Thursday, October 31 ................ No Mad Science



Monday, November 4, 2019 Friday, November 22, 2019

Friday, January 10, 2020 Friday, January 24, 2020

Wednesday, February 12, 2020 Friday, February 28, 2020

Wednesday, March 11, 2020 Friday, March 27, 2020

Thursday, April 9, 2020 Friday, April 24, 2020

Friday, May 8, 2020 Friday, May 22, 2020

Friday, May 29, 2020 Friday, June 19, 2020

*Lunch orders must be handed in to the school by the due date.

No late orders will be accepted*

JOHN DE GRAFF SCHOOL 1020 Louelda Street Winnipeg, MB R2K 3Z4 Phone: 204-669-1280 Fax: 204-668-9413 Email: [email protected]


PRINCIPAL Mrs. Margaret Fair

VICE-PRINCIPAL Mrs. Rachel Reyes

SCHOOL TIMES: School Bell Rings 8:50 a.m. School Starts 9:00 a.m. Lunch Begins 11:45 a.m. Afternoon Bell Rings 12:40 a.m. Afternoon Begins 12:45 p.m. School Dismisses 3:30 p.m.


YELLOW BUS ZONE 8:00 4:00 p.m.

RIVER EAST TRANSCONA SCHOOL DIVISION 589 Roch Street Winnipeg, MB R2K 2P7 Phone: 204-667-7130


Colleen Carswell (Chair) Ward 1 [email protected] Phone: 204-222-1486

Jerry Sodomlak (Vice-Chair) Ward 1 [email protected] Phone: 204-999-1409

John Toews Ward 2 [email protected] Phone: 204-663-0475

Rod Giesbrecht Ward 2 [email protected] Phone: 204-661-5984

Keith Morrison Ward 3 [email protected] Phone: 204-795-3357

Brianne Goertzen Ward 3 [email protected] Phone: 204-955-6782

Susan Olynik Ward 4 [email protected] Phone: 204-661-6440

Peter Kotyk Ward 4 [email protected] Phone: 204-668-4181

Michael West Ward 5 [email protected]


We envision a province where all children can walk and bike to school on safe routes. Walking & cycling to school are on a decline in Canada (due in part of an international trend toward more sedentary lifestyles and an increased dependence on vehicles). Active School Travel wants to change that.

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LEARNING & BEHAVING MATRIX Each year we enhance our positive learning and behaving expectations at John de Graff by: • Holding our "Welcome Back" Assembly in September which includes a review of school wide expectations • Reviewing and practising classroom routines, noise level expectations, problem solving strategies and class

rules that are collaboratively developed with the students • Providing additional playground supervision at the beginning of September and practising safe play rules for

recesses • Recognizing good behaviour and kindness shown by students • Hosting an Open House in September to make positive connections between teachers, students and parents

We also focus on positive ideas and success in all subjects so that there is confidence and pride developed for all learning.


Please note that medication cannot be transported to and from school with a child and must be signed in by a parent at the office.

LIFE-THREATENING ALLERGIES As in the past, there are several students with life threatening allergies in John de Graff School. Several of these students have an allergy to peanuts and nuts. Specific information has been sent home with the appropriate classes related to student specific allergies. However, we would like to ask all families to consider the following in the interest of safety:

• Contact with even a tiny amount of an allergen can cause a severe reaction • Check the labels on food products that are sent to school (avoid nut products) • Remind your child to not share lunches or snacks

THANK YOU for helping us to provide a safe environment for all our students.


The division recognizes that some students attending schools may require the administration of medication in response to an acute allergic reaction. Therefore, for the safety of students, staff and parents/guardians, - Anaphylaxis Procedures and - Anaphylaxis Avoidance Strategies must be followed within the division. The complete policy is available on the website at:



We daily strive to have a school with conditions conducive to good emotional wellbeing. This includes having caring adults listening to, working with and supporting students; opportunities for children to express their emotions through writing, language, drawing, drama, singing, etc.; opportunities for play and conflict solving; and having positive connections with families.

Thank you to families for supporting the school and talking to your children positively about their experiences at school. These are conditions needed to develop the learning potential of each student.

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Positive Behaviour Expectations at John de Graff

include following our motto of:

"Know the Way, Go the Way, Show the Way"

Our School Wide Expectations are:

Environment Be Safe Be Respectful Be Responsible

School Entry

Line up with your class when the bell rings.

Take boots/outdoor shoes off at the mat. Quickly and quietly meet up with your class.

Put your belongings neatly in your space. If late, report to the office first before going to your class.

Moving through the


Walk on the right hand side of the hallway. Walk one behind the other.

Walk silently. Watch out for others.

Washrooms Wash hands with soap and water. Use the hand dryer. Keep the area clean.

Wait your turn. Give others their privacy.

Flush the toilet. Tell an adult if something is needed in the washroom.

Indoor Recess

Stay in the classroom. Ask the on duty teacher if you need to leave. If there is a problem, tell the on duty teacher. Washroom/water breaks only 1 person out at a time per class. Walk & move calmly.

Listen to the on duty teacher. Use the appropriate level of inside voice. Keep out of other people’s belongings or spaces.

Choose an activity (from your class choices) within 2 minutes and begin. Be responsible with equipment/toys. When the bell rings, everyone cleans up.

Swings & Play


Stay off of the gravel if you are not using the swings. Get off of the swings safely. Avoid zigzagging or unsafe play on the swings. One at a time down the slide. Move away from the bottom of the slide. Keep hands + feet to your-self.

Share and take turns. No saving SWINGS for others. Don’t push or block others.

Count to 100, and then take a turn. Never jump off of the play structures.

Soccer Rules

In Grade 3, 4, 5 – you must attend a soccer meeting & sign your contract. Play in designated area. No body contact: kicking, pushing, tripping, grabbing, hitting. Hands off of the ball (except when throwing from out of bounds).

Include everyone who wants to play. Teams are equal and fair. BE A GOOD SPORT!!! Follow the rules of Fair Play.

Take turns at playing goal – only 1 goalie. Pass and share the ball. When a player with the ball is down, stop the play. HAVE FUN!!! When the bell rings – the game is OVER. It is time to come inside.

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October 2019

Dear Parents/Guardians,

Your son/daughter’s safety is very important to us. We have policies and procedures in place at both the divisional and school level to support their safety. In the past our school division has been working with the Winnipeg Police Service, (as well as referencing materials from the RCMP and Mani-toba Education and Advanced Learning), in order to review and strengthen the procedures we have in place to protect students and staff in the event of a safety threat at school. We would like to share details of these updated procedures with you now.

Safety procedures now fall into two categories: Hold and Secure, and Lockdown.

Hold and Secure will be activated if there is a potential threat outside the school. In these situations, the police typically contact the school and direct the school to go into Hold and Secure. When there is no longer a threat outside the school building, the police inform us that we can resume regular activities.

If our school is in Hold and Secure, the following procedures will apply:

All exterior doors will be locked.

NO ENTRY signs will be placed on each door.

No one will be permitted to leave or enter the school until school administration announces that Hold and Secure is over.

Lockdown will be activated if there is a potential threat inside the school building. If the school is in Lockdown, the following procedures will apply:

All students and staff will proceed to the nearest classroom or office.

All doors to classrooms and offices will be locked and/or barricaded by the supervising adult.

Students will be kept away from windows and doors and instructed to remain silent and still.

When the school is safe there will be an announcement that the Lockdown is over.

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All schools in RETSD are required to hold at least two Lockdown and one Hold and Secure practice drills each school year. The purpose of the drills is to provide training for staff and students so everyone knows what to do in the event of a safety threat. Everyone in the school building will participate in these drills. Students, staff and parents will be informed in advance of these practice drills.

If your son/daughter arrives at school during a Hold and Secure or Lockdown procedure, he or she must proceed to the student evacuation site, sign in and remain there until directed otherwise by administration or police. The student evacuation site for your son/daughter’s school is: Bertrun E. Glavin School, 166 Antrim Road, Phone: 204-669-1277.

If you arrive at the school during a Hold and Secure or Lockdown, DO NOT ATTEMPT TO ENTER THE SCHOOL. For serious situations, please proceed to the parent/guardian information site where divisional personnel will arrive as soon as possible to assist you. The parent information site for your son/daughter’s school is: Valley Gardens School, 220 Antrim Road, Phone: 204-668-6249.

If you hear about a serious emergency at your son/daughter’s school through media reports or other means, DO NOT PROCEED TO THE SCHOOL. Instead, proceed to the parent information site identified above.

Please DO NOT CALL ANY CELL PHONE NUMBERS at school during an emergency, particularly in a Lockdown situation where it is critical to remain silent and still, and not draw attention from any threat makers that may be in the building.

In closing, our purpose in sending this letter is to reassure you that we regularly review our divisional safety procedures to ensure that we are doing our best to maintain the safety of your son/daughter’s learning environment. We do this through proactive planning and practise of emergency procedures in all of our schools.

If you would like to read more information about safety policies in RETSD, please visit and scroll to Section E: Support Services.

If you have any questions about the procedures described above, please feel free to contact me or Mrs. Rachel Reyes, Vice Principal.


Mrs. Margaret Fair, Principal

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Feast your eyes upon this Thanksgiving news from Room 5!

Get out a fork and a knife and let your eyes feast on our delicious writing pieces! On the Friday before Thanksgiving Room 5 participated in a Writing Feast! What’s a writing feast you might ask? A writing feast is where you feast your eyes on the turkey and stuffing of our writing! We read our classmates astonishing writing and then gave the chef some fabulous feedback. We had a large variety of delicious writing ranging from sweet, to salty to spicy! We hope that one day soon you will be able to come devour our writing during our next Writing Feast celebration.


Here is a quick and easy way to view your child(ren)s school calendar on your Android or iPhone’s calendar:

1. On your web browser, search John de Graff School

2. Click to view website

3. Scroll to School Calendar and click “View Calendar”

4. From here you can select “Subscribe” (top right of screen)

5. A box will appear Subscribe to the calendar “John de Graff Elementary-Calendar

(sharepoint WebApp-)”

6. You can now press subscribe

7. The John de Graff School calendar has now been fully added to your phone’s calendar.

8. To add other school calendars, the process is the same.

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The gym is filled with energy as we kick-off the new school year! We are looking forward to working with our students on developing skills, improving fitness, and cooperatively completing tasks.


On September 25th we participated in a divisional Cross Country run at Bird’s Hill Park with grade 3 - 5 students. The students had a full day outside enjoying the fresh air and scenery. All students made a great effort in the run! We are proud of how well they performed and how they cheered on their fellow teammates at the finish line.


Our Volleyball Club for grades 3-5 started on October 8th. The grade 5 students who participate in the Volleyball Club at lunchtime will be able to attend a volleyball event at Emerson School on November 14th. The club wraps up on November 13th.


On October 11th at 1:00 pm (due to the early winter storm outside), classes walked around the warm hallways of the school for the annual Terry Fox Walk!

Thank you for your donations to the Terry Fox Foundation for Cancer.



schedule Wednesdays Thursdays Tuesdays

12:10 - 12:40 pm Grade 5’s Grade 4’s Grade 3’s


We have our “Costume Parade” on Wednesday, October 31st at 1:00 p.m. in the gym.

Families are welcome to join us.

We hope to see you – Costumes Welcome!

We request “Peaceful and Respectful Costumes” with no costume accessories such as guns, knives, swords etc.

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If you need to get in touch with Dawn & Dusk or Kindercare, you can reach the coordinator, Deborah at



Our school is alive with the sound of Music! All of the children have begun another year of music making at John de Graff. There are many new learning adventures ahead!! We look forward to sharing our creativity and artistry with the Community!!

RECORDER The grade four and five students are beginning to play their soprano recorders in their Music classes. For those who have not already done so, soprano recorders can be purchased at John de Graff for $9.00. If you send a cheque please make it payable to John de Graff School.

THE WSO & RETSD River East Transcona School Division and the Winnipeg Symphony Orchestra will partner in a Concert on the evening of October 29th, 2019 at 7:00 pm. At the Manitoba Centennial Concert Hall. There will be 11 Grade Five students that will represent the John de Graff School Community at this event. It will be a memorable event filled with hundreds of students from across our School Division. Concert tickets are available for purchase online or at the WSO box office at a cost of $18.00.

VOCAL JAZZ Vocal Jazz is open to all grade five students. The group meets from 12:05-12:30 on Tuesdays and Thursdays. This years group has started and they are sounding fabulous! New students are always welcome to join in the fun! These students enjoy performing and look forward to going out into the Community to sing in December.

HOLIDAY CONCERTS As it is October, preparation for our December Holiday Concerts have now begun! Students will be singing, speaking, moving, playing and acting during these events. We look forward to the students and their families enjoying these upcom-ing holiday celebrations!

Our John de Graff Holiday Concerts will be held on: December 4th for Kindergarten (Odd Days) & Gr. 1-2 December 5th for Kindergarten (Even Days), Gr. 2/3 & Gr. 3 - 5 as well as Vocal Jazz We will begin preparing for these Concerts this week. Thank you

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The Library has been a very busy place since we returned to school! Here are some highlights:

BOOK SHOPPING Once again we have had excellent opportunities to visit 2 travelling books sales, have taken advantage of Teachers Appreciation Days at Chapters and also picked up a few items at McNally Book stores. In all we were able to purchase about $2,700.00 worth of books to add to our collection in the Library at John de Graff. We were able to find an excellent balance of picture books, chapter books and non-fiction. Students can watch for these purchases on the new book shelf! We know they will be excited to see all these new titles!


On Tuesday, September 24th, we had MYRCA nominated author, Larry Verstraete visit John de Graff. The students in grade 4 and 5 heard about how he gets his inspiration for his books and the challenges of writing. He talked about his MYRCA nominated book Coop the Great. This story is about an aging, down-and-out dachshund who is adopted by a man named Mike. Coop is unsure he has what it takes to rescue his new family when they need him most. This is only Mr. Verstraete’s second fiction book. His usual genre is non-fiction specifically science books, survival stories and amazing events from the past.

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On Monday, September 30th staff and students were invited to wear an orange shirt to honour residential school survivors. The message of Orange Shirt Day is Every Child Matters. A variety of activities have hap-

pened at John de Graff to honor and acknowledge Or-ange Shirt Day. Our Kindergarten and Grade 1 classes decorated orange t-shirts with the message I Matter.

They listened to Monique Grey Smith's books My Heart Fills With Happiness and You Hold Me Up. They

also heard Phyllis Webstad's book Phyllis' Orange Shirt . Our Grade 2-5's read a variety of books from author's across Canada. Each student painted a rock

with the messages You Matter, I, Matter, or We Matter. These beautiful rocks will be hidden in special

spots around our community to bring a message of kindness to whomever may discover them. It was

amazing to see so many staff and students wearing something orange on this important day.

ORANGE SHIRT DAY Monday, September 30th

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We are collecting Plastic items during the Month of October. Since the fall of 2008, elementary schools in Manitoba have collected over TEN MILLION plastic bags for recycling into free Frisbees, bird houses, planter boxes, bird feeders and benches for their schools. The goal of this challenge is to teach students to do more to reduce their waste and consider reusing, recycling and remanufacturing options. Students are asked to collect as many plastic shopping bags as possible and bring them to the school for recycling.

We wish to emphasize that Bag Up Manitoba is a learning opportunity to tackle issues around plastic bag over-use and waste - it's *not* just a contest to win! So, to level the playing field for all schools who join the challenge, all grand-prize benches will be awarded via random draw!

We'll count the bags, so that we can measure the impact of our collection on waste reduction.

Plastic items accepted:

Grocery bags Bubble wrap

Retail bags Case over wrap

Newspaper sleeves Pellet bags

Produce bags Salt bags

Bread bags Dry cleaning bags

Ice bags Re-sealable food bags

Cereal bags

Full program details for 2019 are here:

SCHOOL RECYCLING—MESSAGE “WE ARE MAKING A DIFFERENCE” The following items are being collected and can be brought to our school library:

Batteries Pop Tabs Dry Markers


Help keep batteries out of landfills!

Earth Rangers together with Call2Recycle is partnering on a Battery Blitz Mission specifically designed to challenge schools across Manitoba to collect as many batteries as possible. This initiative will give our school the chance to receive a Free Earth Rangers School Assembly!

When batteries are not recycled properly, they can end up in landfills where they not only add to solid waste, but can also potentially release harmful materials into the environment. Call2Recycle collects and recycles almost 3 million kilograms of batteries each year. That’s more than the weight of 500 African elephants! The Battery Blitz School Mission encourages responsible battery recycling to help protect animals and the environment.

Students are asked to bring used batteries to school right away and up until November 12th. Prizes are available once our school collects 150 kg of batteries, including an Earth Rangers School Assembly in Spring 2020 if we collect 300 kg by November 12th.

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Welcome back, family and friends of John de Graff Elementary School. We are the Grade 5 school safety patrol team and we have a special message to deliver to you today.

Crossing the street can be very dangerous at times. We are here to help make sure you get to and from school safely every day.

Here are a few quick safety tips:


* Stop behind the patrols

* Walk your bike across the street

* Cross only when the patrol says it is safe

* Make sure all cars have stopped before crossing if the patrols are not on duty yet

* Always listen to the school patrols

* Be respectful of everybody on the bus and listen to the bus patrols

Family and Friends

* Drivers need to obey the 30km/hr speed zone

* Parked cars need to be at least 10 meters from the patrol crossings

* Please do not drive through the bus loop when patrols are on duty and please do not park in the bus loop

We have all been trained to be reliable and hardworking safety patrols. We are here to be responsible for the safe crossing of all students and families. Let's work together to make this a successful and safe community.

Please remember that it is important that all of us attend to the “No Parking” and “No Stopping” zones to keep John de Graff students safe. If you are able to park on a side street and walk to meet your child it would help keep our students safe. Thank you!

Here's to a great start to the year!

The Grade 5 Patrol Team & Patrol Supervisors


Our first lockdown practice will be: Tuesday, October 29th in the morning.

Teachers will talk to their students before and after the practice about what we are doing and the expectations for safety.


We have started practising our fire drills and will complete 10 in total over the course of the year. Students practise moving quickly and quietly to their outside class area. Our evacuation site, if we need to leave the John de Graff School area is Bertrun E. Glavin School located at 166 Antrim Road. The parent meeting area, if needed, would be Valley Gardens Middle School, 220 Antrim Road.


If you park on Tu-Pelo Avenue, please be mindful of Mondays. Many residences have complained their garbage/recycling isn’t picked up because of how close cars are parking to their bins. The area is between Louelda Street and Siddall Crescent.

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Welcome back families of John de Graff School!

The John de Graff Parent Council (PAC) is a group of parents responsible for running the daily lunch program and fundraising on behalf of the students and their families. PAC works together with the school administration and staff to run additional programs for the school such as Hot Lunch, the noon hour Lunch Program and Playground Development and more.

Our PAC meets one Tuesday a month (dates are in the John de Graff calendar), for about an hour. If you are interested in being involved in PAC or to find out more about PAC, we invite everyone to attend these meetings.

Our Hot Lunch Program (pizza lunch) has become one of PAC’s biggest fundraisers throughout the year. Hot Lunch helps us provide programs to students and purchase additional classroom and gym supplies for the students.

PAC is looking for families to volunteer their time to help with the implementation of our Hot Lunch Program in the following ways:

* Helping out on site on Hot Lunch day

* Purchasing supplies in advance for Hot Lunch days (to be reimbursed by PAC)

If you are able to do any of these items, please contact the school and provide your contact information.

We hope to see you at our upcoming PAC meeting, we encourage everyone to attend and be involved in your child’s school!


Thank you to everyone who has submitted their Lunch Program fees, however if you have not yet submitted your lunch program payment, please do so immediately. If you have any questions regarding the lunch program, Please contact Trisha at [email protected]



We want students to enjoy their lunches, visit with their friends and have fun at recess. We also expect them to wash their hands before eating, use calm voices, eat their lunches, tidy up their desk areas, play kindly and safely. Lunchtime is a great relaxation time to enjoy!


Wash your hands.

Eat your own food.

Stay seated.

Keep hands and feet to


Listen to adults.

Use your manners.

Use an indoor voice.

Raise your hand if you have a question or need to leave.

Bring allergy safe food.

Keep your area clean.

The Lunch Program is currently hiring Casual and Full time Lunch Supervisors.

Please contact Mrs. Kilbrei (204-669-1280) between 11:30 a.m.—1:00 p.m. daily if you are interested.


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Thursday, October 24 .............. Mad Science; 3:30 pm - 4:45 p.m.

Friday, October 25 ................... No School - Coordinated PD Day

Monday, October 28 ............... Hot Lunch order forms go home

Tuesday, October 29 ............... Lockdown Practise in the morning

Thursday, October 31 .............. Halloween Costume Parade, 1:00 p.m.

Thursday, October 31 .............. No Mad Science


Monday, November 4 ............. Hot Lunch orders due

Thursday, November 7 ............ Mad Science; 3:30 p.m. - 4:45 p.m.

Friday, November 8 ................. Remembrance Day Assembly at 10:30 a.m.

hosted by Grade 5’s

Monday, November 11 ........... No School - Remembrance Day

Tuesday, November 12 ........... No School - PD Day

Tuesday, November 12 ........... PAC Meeting at 6:00 p.m.

Wednesday, November 13 ...... Early Dismissal, 2:45 p.m.

Thursday, November 14 .......... Mad Science; 3:30 p.m. - 4:45 p.m.

Monday, November 18 ........... Picture Day K (odd) & Retake Day, 1:00 p.m.

Thursday, November 21 .......... Mad Science; 3:30 p.m. - 4:45 p.m.

Friday, November 22 ............... Hot Lunch

Monday, November 25 ........... Report Cards online

Thursday, November 28 .......... Parent Teacher Student (PTS)

Conferences, evening, 4:00 - 8:00 p.m.

Thursday, November 28 .......... No Mad Science

Friday, November 29 ............... No Classes - Coordinated Day

Friday, November 29 ............... PTS Conferences, a.m.

School Professional Learning, p.m.


Wednesday, December 4 ........ Christmas Concert, 2 performances,

................................................ K (odd days), Gr. 1 & 2

2:00 p.m. & 7:00 p.m.

Thursday, December 5 ............ Christmas Concert, 2 performances,

................................................ K (even days), Gr. 2/3, 3 - 5

2:00 p.m. & 7:00 p.m.

Thursday, December 5 ............ No Mad Science

Tuesday, December 10 ............ PAC Meeting, 6:00 p.m.

Thursday, December 12 .......... Mad Science; 3:30 p.m. - 4:45 p.m.

Thursday, December 19 .......... Last Mad Science; 3:30 p.m. - 4:45 p.m.

Friday, December 20 ............... LAST Day of classes before Christmas


“Songs in the Gym” at 1:00 p.m.

Early Dismissal, 2:30 p.m.


Monday, January 6 .................. 1st Day of classes after Break, Day 6

Monday, January 6 .................. Hot Lunch order forms go home

Friday, January 10 ................... Hot Lunch orders due

Tuesday, January 14 ................ PAC Meeting, 6:00 p.m.

Wednesday, January 15 .......... Early Dismissal, 2:45 p.m.

Friday, January 24 ................... Hot Lunch

Friday, January 31 ................... No School - Coordinated Day


Wednesday, February 5 .......... Hot Lunch order forms go home

Tuesday, February 11 .............. PAC Meeting, 6:00 p.m.

Wednesday, February 12 ........ Hot Lunch orders due

Wednesday, February 12 ........ Early Dismissal, 2:45 p.m.

Monday, February 17 .............. No School—Louis Riel Day

Friday, February 28 ................. Hot Lunch


Wednesday, March 4 ............... Hot Lunch order forms go home

Monday, March 9 .................... Report Cards online

Tuesday, March 10 .................. PAC Meeting, 6:00 p.m.

Wednesday, March 11 ............. Hot Lunch orders due

Thursday, March 12 ................. Parent Teacher Student (PTS)

Conferences, evening, 4:00 - 8:00 p.m.

Friday, March 13 ...................... No Classes - Coordinated Day

Friday, March 13 ...................... PTS Conferences, a.m.

School Professional Learning, p.m.

Monday, March 23 .................. Spring Photos

Friday, March 27 ...................... Hot Lunch

Friday, March 27 ...................... LAST Day of classes before Spring Break

Regular Dismissal


Monday, April 6 ....................... 1st Day of classes after Break, Day 5

Monday, April 6 ....................... Hot Lunch order forms go home

Thursday, April 9 ...................... Hot Lunch orders due

Friday, April 10 ......................... No School - Good Friday

Wednesday, April 15 ................ Early Dismissal, 2:45 p.m.

Thursday, April 16 .................... Growing & Learning Days; hosted by

John de Graff School

Friday, April 17 ......................... No School - Coordinated Day

Tuesday, April 21 ..................... Grandparents’ Day, 10:15 a.m.

Friday, April 24 ......................... Hot Lunch

Thursday, April 23 .................... Volunteer Tea, 2:00 p.m.


Friday, May 1 ........................... Hot Lunch order forms go home

Wednesday, May 6 .................. Early Dismissal, 2:45 p.m.

Friday, May 8 ........................... Hot Lunch orders due

Tuesday, May 12 ...................... PAC Meeting, 6:00 p.m.

Monday, May 18 ...................... No School—Victoria Day

Friday, May 22 ......................... Hot Lunch

Friday, May 22 ......................... Hot Lunch order forms go home

Thursday, May 28 .................... Kindergarten Open House,

6:30—7:30 p.m.

Friday, May 29 ......................... Hot Lunch orders due

Friday, May 29 ......................... Kindergarten Open House,

9:15—10:00 a.m. or 1:00—1:45 p.m.


Tuesday, June 9 ....................... PAC Meeting, 6:00 p.m.

Friday, June 19 ......................... Hot Lunch

Thursday, June 25 .................... Grade 5 Farewell, 1:00 p.m.

Friday, June 26 ......................... No School, Admin Day

Tuesday, June 30 ..................... LAST Day of School Before Summer

Tuesday, June 30 ..................... “Celebration & Farewell” Assembly,9:30 a.m.

Tuesday, June 30 ..................... Early Dismissal, 2:30 p.m.

We continue to add important dates to our Calendar of Events as the year progresses. Please check the monthly calendar that comes home in the newsletter or our Website daily: