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  • clm home groups study guides 2015Study number:

    Week beginning:




    18 January

    John 3:1-21

    Born from above

    The gospel of John:written so that you may continue to

    believe that Jesus is the Messiah, the Sonof God, and that by believing in him youwill have life by the power of his name.

    Setting the scene

    These verse can be broken down to v 1 15, Christs conversation with NicodemusV 16 21. Gods plan of Salvation for humanity. (There may be too much to study in one session here so you will probably need to choose which part you wish to look at.)

    Finding our feet

    What has struck you most in this passage? Is there anything you don't understand or find unusual? Anything that particularly catches your attention?

    Examine the passage

    V 1 15 conversation with Nicodemus. Note the time of meeting [after dark] Why is this significant? Recognise his position as

    a member of the Sanhedrin, and their attitude toward Jesus. What is the significance of the way he addressed Jesus as Teacher? [Treated Him as

    an equal.] Does this suggest he had first-hand knowledge of Jesus's ministry? Jesus is not answering a question from Nicodemus in v.3 but says something that

    obviously took Nicodemus by surprise. What to you think Jesus was getting at? Does Nicodemus response give us any insight into his understanding of regeneration? How does Jesus deal with this? Note the words We and us in v 2 and 11. Who do they refer to? Does this suggest that he had an understanding of Jesus commission? Is Jesus deliberately belittling him, and if not, what is He doing? What did Jesus mean by born of water and the Spirit and how does the illustration of

    wind help? [The same Greek word pneuma is used for both wind and spirit.] What relevance does the illustration of Moses and the bronze snake have to Christs

    commission, and faith?

    vv.11-18. Many people think that this passage was not part of the conversation with Nicodemus. They say it is in fact Johns commentary on the truths taught in it. Break down the teaching into the following elements.

    A] What was God's motive in sending His Son to earth?B] Who did God send him to?C] How do we obtain the possible benefits God promises?D] When do we obtain these benefits?E] What are the consequences of not accepting His gift?F] What are common reasons for not accepting Gods gift of eternal life?

    In what ways do men choose darkness over light? (see v.15) What are their reasons for doing this? What are the current consequences for doing so? How can this be changed?

    From Sunday Born from above or born again which do you think is most in tune with the passage? Nicodemus was probably looking for a discussion with someone he saw as a fellow

    rabbi on some point of interpretation of the Jewish law. Jesus cuts across all that withhis statement on being born from above why does Jesus do that?

    Are there any areas where you need to hear a clear corrective word from God? What does it mean for you, practically, to have been born from above In what ways do you experience the wind of the Spirit blowing in your life?

    For further thought

    Read the incident of the bronze snake recorded in Numbers 21. Think through all the different parallels of this story with Jesus's words in John 3:14-15. Think in particular of how this must have impacted Jesus's Jewish audience. Thank God for his provision of salvation in Christ and determine to fix your eyes on him.