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Page 1: Joel's 2011 Portfolio

Joel aycock

By Joel Laycock

Page 2: Joel's 2011 Portfolio

Term Reflection My term has been full of fun and exciting things, like Hoop Time, athletics

and a few excursions.

This term all started with a couple of key skills tests and normal work, but

after a week we started getting back into the kick of things. Four weeks

through the term we went to the Melbourne Exhibition Centre for an

excursion. We went there with SMS to get some ideas for an exhibition

were doing at the end of the year. There were a lot of companies

showing off their product in the massive exhibition centre in Melbourne.

Our group got tonnes of ideas of how to run a stall at an exhibition and

they were a bright lit up stall, free giveaways and a lot more similar things

like that.

The next thing we did this term was go to Hoop Time at Cranbourne

Basketball stadium. I was in the All-stars team which is the highest level

in Hoop Time; my team was Yianni Mak, Michael Battye, Jai White, Trent

Bourne, Jackob Bernard, Peter Jennings and

Our team won our first game by 10-20 points, our second was won again

by us easily again by 5-10 points, we won our third game again, and then

it was our fourth games which was the semi-final it was an intense game

with both teams playing good defence but our team came out on top in

the end. It was the final game and it was the grand final, we played good

defence and shot very good and ended up owning the team we played

against by 20 points. It was a Monday and that meant athletics, I was in

four events Long Jump, Triple Jump, Shot Put and Discus. In Long Jump I

came fourth by a meter, in Triple jump I came third by twenty

centimetres, in Shot Put I came second by a meter and finally I came

second in Discus by four centimetres which makes me four centimetres

off going to divisionals. So over all this term has been a great one.

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This term in science we have done studied the Great Barrier Reef,

several assignments and watched a movie.

The first thing we did was study and learned about the Great Barrier

Reef. We studied things like animals there, coral and a lot more

things about it. The next few things we’ve done are assignments and

aren’t they just BORING, one after the other.

The first one was an assignment where we had to make a poster and

everyone had to pick three different types of reefs in a reef and

research and type three hundred words about each reef you picked.

I got a very good mark for that, I got an A-.

The second assignment we did was a speech on any animal in the

Great Barrier Reef (GBR). I had to research about what it eats, who it

lives with, this meaning does it rely on another animal to live and its

circle on life. I did my speech on the Giant Clam, AKA the Southern

Giant Clam. I was really happy with my final marks because I got

38/40. The final thing we did this term was in the last week, we

watched Finding Nemo, this movie related to our topic because the

movie was based in the Great Barrier Reef. This term has been fun

and enjoyable to studying the Great Barrier Reef.

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In sport this term we have been looking at rugby union and league.

Rugby Union is a full contact sport; the rules in Rugby Union are

different to Rugby League because when you get tackled one of your

teammates have to come and roll you over onto you back and get

the ball off you, unlike League where you get straight back up and

roll the ball under your foot and pass it onto the person behind you.

The game of Rugby League is different to Rugby Union too, because

you have a slow but fast when the ball is moving sort of game and

then you have Union which is fast and more continuous sort of

game. Over this whole term I have loved playing Rugby Union and

Rugby League.

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In Art this term we have been doing things like colouring with pencils

and pastels.

In this colour unit we have done several pictures of video games that

we like. We had to use the vanishing point and pastels, my first

picture was a screenshot out of the game NBA 2K11. It was a picture

of Michael Jordan doing a massive slam dunk, all of the grade sixers

got their drawings put on display around the school. The last

drawing that we did was a thing that Mr Bell calls, a stain glass

window; it is constructed of a cartoon character drawn by yourself

and a copy of colour and black and white.

The picture down the bottom of the page is the picture I drew as my

stain glass window.

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In French this term we have done different things like look into the

Tour de France and do an assignment.

The first thing we did was look into the Tour de France because it

had just finished in France. We looked at the countries colours, the

different tops, the route they ride along and the history of it.

The second thing we did this term was make a house in either

Google sketch up or Kahoots that had five economical features; I did

my house but didn’t have to put any economical things on it because

I already have five economical features at home. In the end my

house looked awesome and I think I got an A or an A+.

So throughout this term in French I have had fun using programs on

my computer that I haven’t used many times before.

This picture below is a screen clipping of the house I made.

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In Music this term we have been studying the orchestral piece, the

planets, and been going on keyboards to learn different tunes and


The first thing we did was study the planets, we looked at Mars, the

bringer of war, Venus, the bringer of peace, Jupiter, the bringer of

jollity, Saturn, the bringer of old age and Mercury, the winged

messenger. The all had different sounds and notes and also had a

different theme. The last thing we did in Music this term was learn

tunes and songs on the keyboard that was very fun and I learnt how

to play half a dozen different tunes/songs.

Throughout this term in Music I have had fun learning on and about

the orchestral piece the planets and the keyboard.

This piece of work is one of the planets reflection and we had to

write a story that would fit into the music.

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In Library this term we have had book week and learnt how to find a

book in our library on a programme on our computer called, Siteace.

In book week we had to get a folktale from another country and put

it into a box so it looked like a book, I brought a box from home and

made it a book with my folktale, my folktale was called, The Cat and

the Coq. When we learnt about the programme called, Siteace, I was

thinking, do I have to learn about this, but it ended up being a really

easy site to use to find a book in our library.

Over all in Library this term I have learnt how to work Siteace and

made a book out of a story and a box.

The text below is just a bit of the story of the Cat and the Coq.

The Cat and the Coq

Once upon a time there lived a Cat and a Coq who loved one another dearly. The Cat would

play his fiddle and the Coq would sing, the Cat would go out to get food for the two of them,

and the Coq would stay at home and look after the house. Every time the Cat prepared to

go out he would say to the Coq:

"You mustn't let anyone into the house, Coq, or go out yourself, no matter who calls you."

"I won't, don't you worry," the Coq would reply, and he would get into the house and stay

there till the Cat came home.

Now, a Fox once saw the Coq and decided to lure him out and catch him. She crept up to

the window of their house when the Cat was out and called out:

"Come out, Coq, and join me, and I'll give you grains of wheat and some water clear and

sweet." But the Coq called out in reply: "Coq-a-doodle-doo, I'll do without, For I promised

Puss I'd not go out!"

The Fox saw that this was not the way to go about things, so one night she crept up to the

house, threw some wheat grains under the window for the Coq to see and herself hid

behind a bush.

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In maths this term we have been doing a few tests, looked into

reducing and the enlarging of shapes and have done addition,

subtraction, multiplication and division.

The first thing we did this term was do a key skills test. I nailed that

test by only getting three wrong out of fifty-one. The second thing

we did this term was do more on addition, subtraction,

multiplication and division.

That unit was easy, but then came tests to follow it, fun tests. The

third thing we have done this term was the new wave maths booklet;

we do this every day as usual. The last thing we did this term was do

a few more tests to go towards our report at the end of the year.

Over all, this term has been fun in a way and boring in a test point of


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In UOI this term we have been on an excursion, started to think

about how to do our exhibition at the end of the year and had Mrs

George come in for a talk about indigenous Australians.

This term in UOI has been fun and exciting things.

The first thing we did this term was go on an excursion to the city for

the Melbourne Exhibition centre with SMS, we went there to get

some ideas of how to do our exhibition throughout term four, there

were hundreds of stalls in the massive room and there were to many

to look at properly in one day. The second thing we did this term

was start to sit down with everyone and think about how we are

going to do our exhibition, - (The second thing happened after the

exhibition) The third and final thing we did this term was sit down

with a teacher from SMS, Mrs George, and she talked to the Year 6 at

BGS about the culture and history of indigenous Australians. It was a

good talk and I learnt a lot from it.

So throughout UOI this term it has been really fun and exciting.

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In English this term we have done a test, comprehension and a few

more things along the lines of comprehension.

We did the test in the first week and I nailed it only getting one

wrong out of twenty-two. The second thing we did this term was do

a lot of comprehension sheets on our computers, we have done

about ten-fifteen sheets of comprehension this term.

The term has been a pretty good term in English and I have enjoyed

nailing tests and kind of enjoyed doing comprehension.

This is one of the sheets we do for homework each week.

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PYP Attitudes/ learner profile

Throughout this term I have been open-minded when listening to

other people in our UOI units and I have also showed confidence

when talking to the people holding stalls at the Melbourne exhibition

centre, because it isn’t always easy to approach someone you don’t

know and just start talking to them.