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Find Info on Social Networks for Job Seekers

Mary McCaffrey | Sandra SajonasJanuary 12, 2012

Business & Career Library

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• Introduction to online social networking

• A look at LinkedIn

• Learn strategies, tips and tricks to maximize your job search

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Why is networking important

• “hidden job market”

• 65 to 85 % of jobs are found through networking

• build your network

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What is online social networking?

On the internet, it is the process and practice of interacting with each other through web sites for the purpose of sharing, gaining, propagating and discussing all manner of information.

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Why is it important?  

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Why is it important?  

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What are social networking sites?

Social networking sites are websites that connect people. In these online communities, people can join and establish a page with their profile.

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Social networking sites

• 200 + online social networking sites and growing

• Wikipedia list of social networking sites

• eBizMBA Rank – Top 15 Most Popular Sites

• TopTenREVIEWS – 2012 Social Networking Site Comparison

• Mashable Business - Top10 Social Sites for Finding a Job

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Choosing a siteAsk Yourself

•Will this site help me reach my main goal?

• Who is on this site?

•What information is this site asking from me?

• How much will I be able to edit or change my profile?

• Will I be able to change my privacy or security settings?

• Is this site free?

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•LinkedIn is currently the most popular job search and networking tool

•Executives from all Fortune 500 companies are LinkedIn users. (Econsultancy 2010)

•66% of LinkedIn users are decision-makers and tend to be more senior in their companies. (Anderson Analytics, 2008)

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1. Join

2. Create your profile

3. Start looking for connections

4. Start searching for a job

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2. Create your profile

•Premeditate your profile – objectives, main messages

•Create your reputation – brand yourself

•Be authentic and transparent

•Be present – don’t just start then never check in

•Monitor and refine

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3. Start looking for connections•Send invitation to your email contacts•Send invitation to people at school or job•Connect through your connection’s connections•Join groups to expand your connection•Linkedin’s “People You May Know”

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3. Start looking for a job•“Jobs you may be interested in”

•“Search for companies”

•Use your Linkedin connections

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1. Helps you research industries, companies, career• over 100 million companies have profiles from more than 150 industries•industries – monitor LinkedIn discussions to see trends & what people are discussing, look through your network & set up informational interviews, join alumni groups•companies – check groups, info interview follow companies of interest, look for people who left company for info, see if there is a high turnover •careers - More button on top of LinkedIn main menu, type in career, can see people in this career & see their profiles, related skills, job growth, LinkedIn will identify who the major employers are, career related group suggestions to join

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2. Help identify job openings-play around with search keywords, phrases, you may want to change language on your own profile based on what you see in other profiles of people in same field

-can search by keyword, job title, company, location

- sign up for email alerts about jobs

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3. Help to prepare for interview-research company and industry before hand-find someone who works or used to work for a company

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• Twitter chats. Recruiters and job-seekers use a hashtag to be part of a particular Twitter conversation.

• Popular chats include #jobhuntchat (Mondays at 10 a.m. ET) and #careerchat (Tuesdays at 1 p.m. ET).

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How to Network Professionally Online

• Your LinkedIn profile is your online business card, your resume, and your letters of recommendation all in one.

• Think broadly about all the experience you have. The more relevant information you provide, the more people will find reasons to connect with you.

• Don’t be shy, remain professional and make sure you complete your profile

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Reach out and touch

• The best networks begin with those you know and trust, and then grow based on personal referrals.

• Begin with those in your real world: Start building your LinkedIn network by uploading your online address book and connecting to friends, relatives, internship colleagues, and professionals you know in the “real world.”

• Personal Touch: As you build your connections on LinkedIn, always customize your connection requests with a friendly note; a reminder of where you met or what organization you have in common. If you’re being referred by a mutual friend, write a brief intro of who you are and why you’d like to connect. You’ll impress people with your personal touch.

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• Join LinkedIn Groups- your college, professional associations, volunteer organizations, previous employers—as a member you can comment on discussions, find exclusive job listings, and meet people who share common interests.

• Lend a (virtual) hand--as you build connections and group memberships, think about what you can do to support other people. Comment on a classmate’s status update, forward a job listing that fits the criteria of a friend, or write a recommendation for a colleague. You’ll find that your generosity is always rewarded.

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Update Often

• Update status at least once a week—you can do this directly on LinkedIn or by linking your Twitter account and marking tweets with #in. Mention events you’re attending, projects you’ve completed, and other professional news.

• LinkedIn’s Answers feature - great place to seek advice from a global landscape. You can also demonstrate what you have to offer by answering people’s questions about a topic where you have some expertise. The more active you are in Answers, the more people will view your profile and want to connect with you.

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Research & Reach Out

• Do your homework: Prepare for an informational interview, a job interview or a networking get-together by accessing Company Pages to research organizations and their employees. Use the Advanced Search to find things you have in common with people you’re meeting.

• Reach Out: Support your online networking with real human contact. Set up phone calls, attend live events, and send snail mail notes to people you interact with on LinkedIn. Remember: online methods should supplement, not replace, in-person relationship-building.

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Caveats• Keep up-to-date with changes

• What does your web presence say about you?

• Who owns your linked in contacts? – In November 2011, a court in England required an ex-

employee to turn over all of his LinkedIn contacts to his former employer

• Online social networks augments (not replaces) cocktail parties, meetings, etc.

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Other• Twitter chats. Recruiters and job-seekers use a hashtag to be part of a

particular Twitter conversation.

• Popular chats include #jobhuntchat (Mondays at 10 a.m. ET) and #careerchat (Tuesdays at 1 p.m. ET).

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