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Job AnalysisA job analysis is the process used to collect information about the duties, responsibilities, necessary skills, outcomes, and work environment of a particular job. You need as much data as possible to put together a job description, which is the frequent outcome of the job analysis.

A job analysis is a step-by-step specification of an employment

position's requirements, functions, and procedures. Just as a seed

cannot blossom into a flower unless the ground is properly prepared,

many human resource management (HRM) practices cannot blossom

into competitive advantage unless grounded on an adequate job


Successful HRM practices can lead to outcomes that create

competitive advantage. Job analyses, properly performed, enhance the

success of these HRM practices by laying the foundation. Job analysis

information can be applied to a variety of HRM practices. We now

take a brief look at some of them.


An employer's recruitment and selection practices seek to identify and

hire the most suitable applicants. Job analysis information helps

employers achieve this aim by identifying selection criteria, such as

the knowledge, skills, and abilities (KSAs) needed to perform a job

successfully. A firm's managers and human resource (HR)

professionals can then use this information to choose or develop the

appropriate selection devices (e.g., interview questions, tests). This

approach to selection is legally required.

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An employer facing discrimination charges must demonstrate to the

courts that its selection criteria are job-related. To support this type

of claim-relatedness, a firm must demonstrate that the challenged

selection practice was developed on the basis of job analysis

information. As one judge noted during a discrimination hearing,

without a job analysis on which to base selection practices, an

employer "is aiming in the dark and can only hope to achieve job-

relatedness by blind luck."

In the 1990s, the need for firms to base selection criteria on job

analysis information became even more important due to the passage

of the Americans with Disabilities Act. This law states that

employment decisions concerning disabled candidates must be based

on their ability to perform the essential functions of the job. For

instance, if report reading were an essential job function, then

applicants whose disabilities prevented them from reading could be

lawfully denied employment (assuming there was no way to

accommodate them). If, however, report reading were not an essential

function, the inability to read could not lawfully serve as a basis for

denial. The determination of which job functions are essential is made

during a job analysis.


Firms can also use job analysis information to assess training needs

and to develop and evaluate training programs. Job analyses can

identify tasks a worker must perform. Then, through the performance

appraisal process, supervisors can identify which tasks are being

performed properly or improperly. The supervisor can next determine

whether improperly performed work can be corrected through


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HR professionals also use job analysis information to develop relevant

training programs. The job analysis specifies how each job is

performed, step by step, allowing HR professionals to develop training

materials to teach trainees how to perform each task. To evaluate the

effectiveness of a training program, the organization must first specify

training objectives or the level of performance expected of trainees

when they finish the program. The success of a training program is

judged on the basis of the extent to which those performance levels

have been reached. Expected performance levels are often specified

during a job analysis.

Information obtained from a job analysis can be used to develop

performance appraisal forms. An example of a job analysis-based form

would be one that lists the job's tasks or behaviors and specifies the

expected performance level for each. The role of job analysis is crucial

here. Without job analysis information, organizations typically use a

single, generalized form in which all workers are appraised on the

basis of a common set of characteristics or traits that are presumed to

be needed for all jobs (e.g., cooperation, dependability, leadership).

Job analysis-based appraisal forms are superior to the generalized

forms because they do a better job of communicating performance

expectations and because they provide a better basis for giving

feedback and for making HRM decisions.

Most companies base pay rates, in part, on the relative worth or

importance of each job to the organization. Job worth is typically

determined by evaluating or rating jobs based on important factors

such as skill level, effort, responsibility, and working conditions. The

information provided by a job analysis serves as the basis for job

worth evaluations.

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Job analysis also plays an important role in the development of

productivity improvement programs. Various pay-for-performance

programs provide rewards to employees who perform their jobs at or

above some desired level. Job analysis is used to identify that level of



A wealth of information may be gathered during a job analysis. Job

analysis information may be divided into three categories: job content,

job context, and worker requirements. Job content refers to workers'

job activities or what workers actually do on the job. Job context

refers to the conditions under which the work is performed and the

demands such jobs impose on the worker. Worker requirements refer

to the worker qualifications needed to perform the job successfully.

The specific information falling within each category is described



When gathering information about tasks, the job analyst seeks to

determine what the worker does, the purpose of the action, and the

tools, equipment, or machinery used in the process. The analyst may

also gather additional information about tasks, such as their relative

importance, the expected performance levels, and the type of training

needed by a new worker to perform tasks satisfactorily. Job content

can be described in a number of ways, depending on how specific one

wants (or needs) to be. The different types of job content information

are described in Exhibit 1.

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Job context refers to the conditions under which work is performed

and the demands such work imposes on employees. Specific types of

job context information typically identified during a job analysis

include reporting relationships, supervision received, judgment,

authority, personal contacts, working conditions, and the physical and

mental demands on the worker.


Worker requirements refer to the knowledge, skill, ability, personal

characteristics, and credentials needed for effective job performance.

These terms are defined as:

Knowledge—the body of information one needs to perform the


Skill—the capability to perform a learned motor task, such as

forklift operating skills and word-processing skills.

Ability—the capability needed to perform a non-motor task, such

as communication abilities, mathematical abilities, and

reasoning or problem-solving abilities.

Personal characteristics—an individual's traits (e.g., tact,

assertiveness, concern for others, objectivity, work ethic) or

their willingness/ability to adapt to the circumstances in the

environment (e.g., ability to withstand boredom, willingness to

work overtime, willingness to treat others cordially).

Credentials—proof or documentation that an individual

possesses certain competencies, such as diplomas,

certifications, and licenses.

The sheer amount of information that can be uncovered during a job

analysis may be overwhelming, but it is usually unnecessary to gather

all possible data. The purpose or intended use of the job analysis

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dictates the particular information to be gathered. Therefore, the

analyst must decide how the job analysis will be used before deciding

what information to seek.

For instance, if a job analysis were to be used to develop a technical

training program for new employees, the analyst should focus on

information about subtasks (a step-by-step description of how the job

is carried out) and the specific knowledge, skills, and abilities (KSAs)

one would need to do well on that job. If the purpose were to develop

a written employment test to assess applicants' knowledge of the job,

the analyst should target information about the specific tasks of the

job and the knowledge required to perform each task (i.e., the facts,

theories, principles, etc., one must know to be able to perform tasks



HR professionals often gather job analysis information. However,

because these individuals lack sufficient expertise in the jobs being

analyzed, they must enlist the actual job incumbents and their

supervisors to gather and interpret the pertinent information. Job

analysis information may be gathered by interviewing these

individuals, observing them at work, and/or having them complete job

analysis questionnaires. The appropriateness of each approach

depends, in part, on the type of information sought.

Exhibit 1

The Different Types of Job Content Information

Broad Level

Function or Duty

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Definition: The major areas of the job-holder's


Example: A professor's functions are teaching, research,

and service to the university/community.

Intermediate Level


Definition: What a worker does when carrying out a

function of the job; it is an activity that results in a

specific product or service.

Example: The function of teaching requires a professor to

perform several tasks like lecturing, giving/grading

exams, and meeting with students.

Work Behavior

Definition: An important activity that is not task specific;

such behavior is engaged in when performing a variety of


Example: "Communicating"—a professor engages in this

behavior when performing several tasks, such as lecturing

and meeting with students.

Specific Level


Definition: The steps carried out in the completion of a


Example: The task of providing lectures consists of

several subtasks, such as reading the text and other

relevant materials, deciding on what information to

convey, and determining how this information can be

communicated in a clear and interesting manner.

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Critical Incidents

Definition: Specific activities that distinguish effective

from ineffective job performance.

Example: "The professor uses several examples when

explaining difficult concepts."


Job analysis interviews are structured conversations between the job

analyst and one or more subject-matter experts. Interviews are

typically held with both job incumbents and their supervisors.

Interviews with incumbents tend to focus on job content and job

context information. That is, incumbents are asked to describe what

they do, how they do it, and the conditions under which they perform

their jobs.

The typical role of the supervisor is to review and verify the accuracy

of the incumbents' responses, and to provide further information

concerning task importance, expected performance levels, training

needs of new workers, and worker requirements.

As the most frequently used job analysis method, interviews provide a

potential wealth of information. However, one-on-one interviews can

be quite time-consuming. An interview usually takes between one and

eight hours, depending on the amount and depth of information

sought. Thus, interviewing can take a great deal of time, especially

when the analyst must interview several people. When time

constraints pose a problem, the best alternative is to conduct a group

interview, where several subject-matter experts are interviewed


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Sometimes a job analyst will supplement interviews with job analysis

observations. As the name suggests, observation means watching the

incumbent perform the job. Observation is most useful when jobs are

complex and difficult to accurately describe. When analyzing such

jobs, the analyst observes or videotapes the job and then interviews

the worker for clarification or explanation. The observation allows the

analyst to gain a better understanding of how the work is done and

the KSAs needed to perform it.

While observation is usually used as a supplement to the interview,

HR professionals sometimes base job analysis solely on observation.

Whether or not observation yields sufficient data for the analysis

depends on the type of information being collected.

For instance, it is an excellent method for identifying subtasks

performed in routine/repetitive types of jobs, such as assembly-line

work. When using this approach, however, analysts should be alert to

the possibility that some workers may behave atypically when

observed. For instance, they may increase their speed to impress the

observer, or slow down in an effort to demonstrate how difficult their

jobs are.


Job analysis questionnaires ask subject-matter experts—workers

and/or supervisors—to record job information in writing. Job analysis

questionnaires contain either open-ended or closed-ended questions.

Open-ended questions ask respondents to provide their own answers

to the questions. Closed-ended questions ask respondents to select an

answer from a list provided on the questionnaire. Closed-ended

questions are more commonly used because they provide greater

uniformity of responses and are more easily scored.

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A job analysis questionnaire containing only closed-ended questions is

called a job analysis inventory. An inventory containing a list of task

statements is called a task inventory; one containing a list of worker

ability requirements is called an ability inventory. Job analysis

inventories ask respondents to rate each item in terms of its

importance to the job. Task inventories also request information

regarding the frequency or time spent performing each task.

Companies use job analysis inventories when information is needed

from several people (e.g., when many people hold the same job title).

Compared to interviews, information can be collected much more

quickly using this approach. Companies also use inventories as a

means of grouping jobs. Grouping refers to categorizing jobs based on

the similarity of tasks performed or skills needed; a group would

consist of jobs in which all workers performed similar tasks or needed

similar skills.

Once groups are established, the organization can determine selection

criteria, training needs, and evaluation criteria applicable to all jobs

within a group. Job analysis inventories are also used to determine

workers' training needs. Workers are presented with a list of tasks or

abilities and are asked to indicate those for which they need training.

A five-point rating scale, ranging from "great need" to "no need," is

typically used.


Once HR professionals have collected job analysis information, it must

be recorded in some systematic way to produce a job description (i.e.,

a summary of job analysis findings). The format of job descriptions

may be general purpose or special purpose.

Job Description

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Job descriptions are written statements that describe the duties, responsibilities, most important contributions and outcomes needed from a position, required qualifications of candidates, and the reporting relationship of a particular job.

Job Descriptions: Why Effective Job Descriptions Make Good Business Sense Effectively developed, job descriptions are communication tools that are significant in your organization's success. Poorly written job descriptions, on the other hand, add to workplace confusion and hurt communication. Here's why effective job descriptions are so important.

How to Develop a Job DescriptionThe process of developing a job description helps you articulate the most important outcomes you need from an employee performing a particular job. A job description is also a communication tool that tells coworkers where their job leaves off and the job of another starts. A well-written job description tells an employee where their job fits within the overall department and the overall company.


A general purpose job description is one that contains a variety of

information that can be used for several purposes, such as

communicating job responsibilities to employees and specifying

minimum job requirements. For instance, a manager would pull out a

job description to review essential functions and worker requirements

prior to developing interview questions for a job applicant.

The particular information contained in the job description varies

depending on company preference and the intended use of the

instrument. A typical general purpose job description contains the

following sections: job identification, job summary, essential

functions, and worker requirements.

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General purpose job descriptions used by most companies provide

only a brief summary of job analysis information, and thus lack

sufficient detail for some HRM applications. For instance, many fail to

indicate subtasks, performance standards, and job context. Subtask

information may serve as a basis for developing training programs;

performance standards may serve as a basis for developing certain

types of performance appraisal forms; and job context information

may serve as a basis for making job evaluation ratings that are needed

to establish pay rates.

A job description method that provides more in-depth information is

called the Versatile Job Analysis System (VERJAS), which contains a

list of duties, tasks, task ratings for importance and needed training,

job context descriptions, and a list of competencies needed for the job.


Several special purpose job descriptions have been developed by a

variety of HRM experts during the past 30 years. A key difference

between general and special purpose job descriptions lies in the

amount of detail they include. Special purpose formats cover fewer

topics, but the topics covered are analyzed in more depth. Some of the

more commonly used special purpose approaches are described next.

Functional job analysis (FJA) focuses primarily on recording job

content information. Each task is analyzed separately on a worksheet

that contains a task statement (specifying what the worker does, how

it is done, and the results or final product of the worker's actions), the

performance standards and training needs associated with the task,

and seven rating scales. Three of the scales are known as worker

function scales, indicating the level of worker involvement with data,

people, and things. The other four scales indicate the level of ability

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needed in the areas of reasoning, mathematics, language, and

following instructions.

Employee Planning, Recruiting, Selecting, Staffing and HiringWhen recruiting, selecting, staffing and hiring, pick the smartest person you can find. Retention of your best employees starts with your recruiting, staffing and hiring strategies, policies and procedures. Recruiting, testing, selection and staffing are the focus of these resources.

Employment LettersThese sample employment letters will assist you to reject job candidates, make job offers, welcome employees, and more. Use these sample employment letters to develop the employment letters you use in your organization.

All About Work SchedulesEmployees' work schedules vary from full time to part time to job shares. All work schedules have one thing in common; the employee is doing work required by an employer. Today's employers understand that flexibility is what employees require in their work schedules. If they don't, employers should beware. You'll lose your best employees to an employer who understands that flexibility in work sch…

Background ChecksBackground checks are a critical component in hiring. When it comes to your business, you cannot afford to make a poor hiring decision. In fact, for most businesses, one bad hire can make the difference between success and failure. According to the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, 30% of small business failure is caused by employee theft. Effective background checks mitigate your risk of hiring objectionable, or even dangerous, employees. Find out more about background checks.

Free Email Class: Recruit and Hire the BestRecruiting the best employees for your organization is an ongoing challenge. If you're looking for solid, proven best practices and up-to-the-minute ideas in recruitment, interviewing and selection, you've found the right course. Sign up today!

Page 14: Job Analysis

Recruiting and Hiring the Best Employees - A Checklist for SuccessWant to recruit and hire a superior workforce? This checklist will help you systematize your employee hiring process. The hiring checklist helps you keep track of your recruiting efforts. It communicates both the recruiting and the hiring process and progress in recruiting to the hiring manager. Take a look and provide feedback.

Recruiting Stars: Top Ten Ways to Get Great CandidatesLooking for talent? The smartest employers, who hire the best people, develop a pre-qualified candidate pool before they need to fill a job. You can develop relationships with potential candidates long before you need them. These ideas will also help you create a large pool of candidates when you have a current position available.

Eight Hiring Mistakes Employers Make: From Application to...Hiring decisions that result in "bad" hires sap your organization's time, training resources, and psychic energy. These are the top hiring mistakes to avoid during your recruiting and hiring process. Do these eight activities with care; your recruiting, interviewing and hiring practices will result in better hires.

Use the Web for Recruiting: Recruit OnlineAre you tempted to recruit talent online? If you haven't started recruiting on the web already, you're behind the curve. Most job sites allow you to reject resumes with unwanted keywords and locations. Do you think executive recruiting is best done in the off-line world? Think again. Executive recruiting is happening online. Here are tips to help you use the power of the web to recruit online.

Use Your Team for Recruitment: A Retention StrategyHow would you like to increase your candidate selection pool, add value to interviews, heighten employee loyalty, build supportive peer relationships, and improve retention rates simultaneously? By implementing a team recruitment strategy, you can achieve this. Find out how.

Behavioral Interview Questions TipI differentiate behavioral interviewing from speculation. But, the supposed behavioral interview questions that I most often hear employers ask in their behavioral interviews, require speculation on the part of the candidate.

Interviewing Styles: Tips for Interview Approaches

Page 15: Job Analysis

Interviewing is often just as stressful for the interviewer as it is for the job seeker. Knowing the different types of interviews, and why and when they are successful, can help make your interviews more comfortable for both parties. Find out more.

Recruiting and Staffing Success Tips - Second Interview TipGenentech, Fortune magazine’s pick as the best company to work for, regards recruiting talented employees as a top priority. Recruiting the “right” employees is a lengthy process that can include a candidate returning to the company to interview 5-6 times. A candidate may participate in 20 interviews. I’ll bet other best companies approach employee selection with just as much care. So should you.

Video ResumesIf you haven't received your first video resumes from candidates yet, you will shortly. The buzz is growing and video resumes are the next "cool" thing to do. In fact, the conversation has already moved from whether to make a video resume to how to make a professional video resume to enhance job applications. So, employers will be seeing video resumes - whether you want them or not.

Ten Deadly Mistakes Job Searchers MakeSometimes the simplest mistakes make all the difference in the potential joining together of an employer and a job searcher. These opportunities to fail occur before the first phone call is ever exchanged. If you’re an employer, these simple, yet serious, job searcher mistakes tell you volumes about the candidate. These ten deadly mistakes matter. Check them out.articles on this site.

How to Retain Your Best EmployeesInterested in keeping your best employees when the job market rebounds? Retention will be a challenge, according to a recent study. Retention requires a competitive salary and great benefits. However, retention of your best requires a whole lot more. Employee involvement, recognition, advancement, development and pay based on performance just get you started in your quest to retain your best.

Initial Phone Screening: Telephone InterviewThe telephone interview or candidate screen allows the employer to determine if the candidate's qualifications, experience, workplace preferences and salary needs are congruent with the position and organization. The telephone interview saves managerial time and eliminates unlikely candidates. Review the suggested format.

Page 16: Job Analysis

Job Candidate Evaluation FormYou want samples and examples, so, this featured tool is a Job Candidate Evaluation Form. Useful for comparing candidates, it also gives your interviewers information about the skills they need to assess in each candidate. Take a look and remember, you can print a printer-friendly version.

Internal Job Application for Career OpportunitiesLooking for a format to use for your internal job application process? You do post job openings for your internal staff first, right? This form will give you a head start as you develop your internal job application and career opportunities process for current employees. Take a look and feel free to use or modify the form to meet your organization's needs.

How to Reduce the Cost of Advertising: Ad AdventuresIt’s expensive to advertise available positions in newspaper classifieds and online. You can significantly reduce the cost of online advertising and classified advertising with a bit of effort and rewriting. The cost savings is definitely worth your time. Want to know more? I'll share a recent experience.

Recruiting and Retention SpecialFinding the best possible people who can fit within your culture and contribute within your organization is a challenge and an opportunity. Keeping the best people, once you find them, is easy if you do the right things right. Take a look at the helpful features in the Industry and Business Recruiting and Retention Special.

HR Staffing Tool: Ask Right to Hire RightLooking for a simple, yet effective way to immediately improve your recruiting and staffing process? Define the characteristics you'd most like to have in a new employee. Then, develop questions that help you in testing the applicant's fit..

Interview Advantages/DisadvantagesThe article provides the advantages and disadvantages of interviewing as an employee selection technique. Interviewing is such a common method used that the disadvantages and potential pitfalls are the most interesting. Read for help in staffing.

Pre-employment Questions During Recruitment

Page 17: Job Analysis

Click on Unacceptable and Acceptable Areas of Pre-employment Inquiries to access a useful summary of questions that you can legally asked job seekers in your recruiting process. The article also lists the many areas which are off limits for questions during interviews for staffing.

Succession Planning Best PracticesBest Practices research succession planning and found some commonalities in the approaches of successful succession planning processes. The first is to select the key leadership criteria.

Testing for EmployersThis personnel assessment guide for employers, developed by the Department of Labor, makes testing for such activities as hiring, promotion, and training, fair, legal, and helpful. Seventy-nine page pdf article. Best I've seen on the topic.

U.S. Federal Succession PlanningTake a look at the recommended succession planning process used by the Federal Office of Personnel Management's Employment Service. You'll get ideas for your own succession planning process.


According to R.D. Gatewood and H.S. Field, employee selection is the

"process of collecting and evaluating information about an individual

in order to extend an offer of employment." Employee selection is part

of the overall staffing process of the organization, which also includes

human resource (HR) planning, recruitment, and retention activities.

By doing human resource planning, the organization projects its likely

demand for personnel with particular knowledge, skills, and abilities

(KSAs), and compares that to the anticipated availability of such

personnel in the internal or external labor markets. During the

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recruitment phase of staffing, the organization attempts to establish

contact with potential job applicants by job postings within the

organization, advertising to attract external applicants, employee

referrals, and many other methods, depending on the type of

organization and the nature of the job in question. Employee selection

begins when a pool of applicants is generated by the organization's

recruitment efforts. During the employee selection process, a firm

decides which of the recruited candidates will be offered a position.

Effective employee selection is a critical component of a successful

organization. How employees perform their jobs is a major factor in

determining how successful an organization will be. Job performance

is essentially determined by the ability of an individual to do a

particular job and the effort the individual is willing to put forth in

performing the job. Through effective selection, the organization can

maximize the probability that its new employees will have the

necessary KSAs to do the jobs they were hired to do. Thus, employee

selection is one of the two major ways (along with orientation and

training) to make sure that new employees have the abilities required

to do their jobs. It also provides the base for other HR practices—such

as effective job design, goal setting, and compensation—that motivate

workers to exert the effort needed to do their jobs effectively,

according to Gatewood and Field.

Job applicants differ along many dimensions, such as educational and

work experience, personality characteristics, and innate ability and

motivation levels. The logic of employee selection begins with the

assumption that at least some of these individual differences are

relevant to a person's suitability for a particular job. Thus, in

employee selection the organization must (1) determine the relevant

individual differences (KSAs) needed to do the job and (2) identify and

utilize selection methods that will reliably and validly assess the

extent to which job applicants possess the needed KSAs. The

Page 19: Job Analysis

organization must achieve these tasks in a way that does not illegally

discriminate against any job applicants on the basis of race, color,

religion, sex, national origin, disability, or veteran's status.


Employee selection is itself a process consisting of several important

stages, as shown in Exhibit 1. Since the organization must determine

the individual KSAs needed to perform a job, the selection process

begins with job analysis, which is the systematic study of the content

of jobs in an organization. Effective job analysis tells the organization

what people occupying particular jobs "do" in the course of

performing their jobs. It also helps the organization determine the

major duties and responsibilities of the job, as well as aspects of the

job that are of minor or tangential importance to job performance.

The job analysis often results in a document called the job description,

which is a comprehensive document that details the duties,

responsibilities, and tasks that make up a job. Because job analysis

can be complex, time-consuming, and expensive, standardized job

descriptions have been developed that can be adapted to thousands of

jobs in organizations across the world. Two examples of such

databases are the U.S. government's Standard Occupational

Classification (SOC), which has information on at least 821

occupations, and the Occupational Information Network, which is also

known as O*NET. O*NET provides job descriptions for thousands of


An understanding of the content of a job assists an organization in

specifying the knowledge, skills, and abilities needed to do the job.

These KSAs can be expressed in terms of a job specification, which is


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Exhibit 1

Selection Process

Source: Adapted from Gatewood and Field, 2001.

1. Job Analysis

The systematic study of job content in

order to determine the major duties and

responsibilities of the job. Allows the

organization to determine the important

dimensions of job performance. The major

duties and responsibilities of a job are

often detailed in the job description.

2. The

Identification of

KSAs or

Job Requirements

Drawing upon the information obtained

through job analysis or from secondary

sources such as O*NET, the organization

identifies the knowledge, skills, and

abilities necessary to perform the job. The

job requirements are often detailed in a

document called the job specification.

3. The

Identification of

Selection Methods

to Assess KSAs

Once the organization knows the KSAs

needed by job applicants, it must be able to

determine the degree to which job

applicants possess them. The organization

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must Once the organization knows the

KSAs needed by job applicants, it must be

able to determine the degree to which job

applicants possess them. The organization

must Selection methods include, but are

not limited to, reference and background

checks, interviews, cognitive testing,

personality testing, aptitude testing, drug

testing, and assessment centers.

4. The Assessment

of the Reliability

and Validity of

Selection Methods

The organization should be sure that the

selection methods they use are reliable and

valid. In terms of validity, selection

methods should actually assess the

knowledge, skill, or ability they purport to

measure and should distinguish between

job applicants who will be successful on the

job and those who will not.

5. The Use of

Selection Methods

to Process Job


The organization should use its selection

methods to make selection decisions.

Typically, the organization will first try to

determine which applicants possess the

minimum KSAs required. Once unqualified

applicants are screened, other selection

methods are used to make distinctions

among the remaining job candidates and to

decide which applicants will receive offers.

organizational document that details what is required to successfully

perform a given job. The necessary KSAs are called job requirements,

which simply means they are thought to be necessary to perform the

job. Job requirements are expressed in terms of desired education or

training, work experience, specific aptitudes or abilities, and in many

Page 22: Job Analysis

other ways. Care must be taken to ensure that the job requirements

are based on the actual duties and responsibilities of the job and that

they do not include irrelevant requirements that may discriminate

against some applicants. For example, many organizations have

revamped their job descriptions and specifications in the years since

the passage of the Americans with Disabilities Act to ensure that

these documents contain only job-relevant content.

Once the necessary KSAs are identified the organization must either

develop a selection method to accurately assess whether applicants

possess the needed KSAs, or adapt selection methods developed by

others. There are many selection methods available to organizations.

The most common is the job interview, but organizations also use

reference and background checking, personality testing, cognitive

ability testing, aptitude testing, assessment centers, drug tests, and

many other methods to try and accurately assess the extent to which

applicants possess the required KSAs and whether they have

unfavorable characteristics that would prevent them from successfully

performing the job. For both legal and practical reasons, it is

important that the selection methods used are relevant to the job in

question and that the methods are as accurate as possible in the

information they provide. Selection methods cannot be accurate

unless they possess reliability and validity.


Validity refers to the quality of a measure that exists when the

measure assesses a construct. In the selection context, validity refers

to the appropriateness, meaningfulness, and usefulness of the

inferences made about applicants during the selection process. It is

concerned with the issue of whether applicants will actually perform

the job as well as expected based on the inferences made during the

selection process. The closer the applicants' actual job performances

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match their expected performances, the greater the validity of the

selection process.


The organization must have a clear notion of the job requirements and

use selection methods that reliably and accurately measure these

qualifications. A list of typical job requirements is shown in Exhibit 2.

Some qualifications—such as technical KSAs and nontechnical skills—

are job-specific, meaning that each job has a unique set. The other

qualifications listed in the exhibit are universal in that nearly all

employers consider these qualities important, regardless of the job.

For instance, employers want all their employees to be motivated and

have good work habits.

The job specification derived from job analysis should describe the

KSAs needed to perform each important task of a job. By basing

qualifications on job analysis information, a company ensures that the

qualities being assessed are important for the job. Job analyses are

also needed for legal reasons. In discrimination suits, courts often

judge the job-relatedness of a selection practice on whether or not the

selection criteria was based on job analysis information. For instance,

if someone lodges a complaint that a particular test discriminates

against a protected group, the court would (1) determine whether the

qualities measured by the test were selected on the basis of job

analysis findings and (2) scrutinize the job analysis study itself to

determine whether it had been properly conducted.


The attainment of validity depends heavily on the appropriateness of

the particular selection technique used. A firm should use selection

methods that reliably and accurately measure the needed

qualifications. The reliability of a measure refers to its consistency. It

Page 24: Job Analysis

is defined as "the degree of self-consistency among the scores earned

by an individual." Reliable evaluations are consistent across both

people and time. Reliability is maximized when two people evaluating

the same candidate provide the same ratings, and when the ratings of

a candidate taken at two different times are the same. When selection

scores are unreliable, their validity is diminished. Some of the factors

affecting the reliability of selection measures are:

Emotional and physical state of the candidate. Reliability suffers

if candidates are particularly nervous during the assessment


Lack of rapport with the administrator of the measure.

Reliability suffers if candidates are "turned off" by the

interviewer and thus do not "show their stuff" during the


Inadequate knowledge of how to respond to a measure.

Reliability suffers if candidates are asked questions that are

vague or confusing.

Individual differences among respondents. If the range or

differences in scores on the attribute measured by a selection

device is large, that means the device can reliably distinguish

among people.

Question difficulty. Questions of moderate difficulty produce the

most reliable measures. If questions are too easy, many

applicants will give the correct answer and individual

differences are lessened; if questions are too difficult, few

applicants will give the correct answer and, again, individual

differences are lessened.

Length of measure . As the length of a measure increases, its

reliability also increases. For example, an interviewer can better

gauge an applicant's level of interpersonal skills by asking

several questions, rather than just one or two.

Page 25: Job Analysis

Exhibit 2

A Menu of Possible Qualities Needed for Job Success

1. Technical KSAs or aptitude for learning them

2. Nontechnical skills, such as

1. Communication

2. Interpersonal

3. Reasoning ability

4. Ability to handle stress

5. Assertiveness

3. Work habits

1. Conscientiousness

2. Motivation

3. Organizational citizenship

4. Initiative

5. Self-discipline

4. Absence of dysfunctional behavior, such as

1. Substance abuse

2. Theft

3. Violent tendencies

5. Job-person fit; the applicant

1. is motivated by the organization's reward system

2. fits the organization's culture regarding such things

as risk-taking and innovation

3. would enjoy performing the job

4. has ambitions that are congruent with the

promotional opportunities available at the firm

In addition to providing reliable assessments, the firm's assessments

should accurately measure the required worker attributes. Many

selection techniques are available for assessing candidates. How does

a company decide which ones to use? A particularly effective

approach to follow when making this decision is known as the

Page 26: Job Analysis

behavior consistency model. This model specifies that the best

predictor of future job behavior is past behavior performed under

similar circumstances. The model implies that the most effective

selection procedures are those that focus on the candidates' past or

present behaviors in situations that closely match those they will

encounter on the job. The closer the selection procedure simulates

actual work behaviors, the greater its validity. To implement the

behavioral consistency model, employers should follow this process:

1. Thoroughly assess each applicant's previous work experience to

determine if the candidate has exhibited relevant behaviors in

the past.

2. If such behaviors are found, evaluate the applicant's past

success on each behavior based on carefully developed rating


3. If the applicant has not had an opportunity to exhibit such

behaviors, estimate the future likelihood of these behaviors by

administering various types of assessments. The more closely an

assessment simulates actual job behaviors, the better the



Three strategies can be used to determine the validity of a selection

method. The following section lists and discusses these strategies:

1. Content-oriented strategy: Demonstrates that the company

followed proper procedures in the development and use of its

selection devices.

2. Criterion-related strategy: Provides statistical evidence showing

a relationship between applicant selection scores and

subsequent job performance levels.

Page 27: Job Analysis

3. Validity generalization strategy: Demonstrates that other

companies have already established the validity of the selection


When using a content-oriented strategy to document validity, a firm

gathers evidence that it followed appropriate procedures in

developing its selection program. The evidence should show that the

selection devices were properly designed and were accurate measures

of the worker requirements. Most importantly, the employer must

demonstrate that the selection devices were chosen on the basis of an

acceptable job analysis and that they measured a representative

sample of the KSAs identified. The sole use of a content-oriented

strategy for demonstrating validity is most appropriate for selection

devices that directly assess job behavior. For example, one could

safely infer that a candidate who performs well on a properly-

developed typing test would type well on the job because the test

directly measures the actual behavior required on the job. However,

when the connection between the selection device and job behavior is

less direct, content-oriented evidence alone is insufficient. Consider,

for example, an item found on a civil service exam for police officers:

"In the Northern Hemisphere, what direction does water circulate

when going down the drain?" The aim of the question is to measure

mental alertness, which is an important trait for good police officers.

However, can one really be sure that the ability to answer this

question is a measure of mental alertness? Perhaps, but the

inferential leap is a rather large one.

When employers must make such large inferential leaps, a content-

oriented strategy, by itself, is insufficient to document validity; some

other strategy is needed. This is where a criterion-related strategy

comes into play. When a firm uses this strategy, it attempts to

demonstrate statistically that someone who does well on a selection

instrument is more likely to be a good job performer than someone

Page 28: Job Analysis

who does poorly on the selection instrument. To gather criterion-

related evidence, the HR professional needs to collect two pieces of

information on each person: a predictor score and a criterion score.

Predictor scores represent how well the individual fared during

the selection process as indicated by a test score, an interview

rating, or an overall selection score.

Criterion scores represent the job performance level achieved

by the individual and are usually based on supervisor


Validity is calculated by statistically correlating predictor scores with

criterion scores (statistical formulas for computing correlation can be

found in most introductory statistical texts). This correlation

coefficient (designated as r ) is called a validity coefficient. To be

considered valid, r must be statistically significant and its magnitude

must be sufficiently large to be of practical value. When a suitable

correlation is obtained ( r > 0.3, as a rule of thumb), the firm can

conclude that the inferences made during the selection process have

been confirmed. That is, it can conclude that, in general, applicants

who score well during selection turn out to be good performers, while

those who do not score as well become poor performers.

A criterion-related validation study may be conducted in one of two

ways: a predictive validation study or a concurrent validation study.

The two approaches differ primarily in terms of the individuals

assessed. In a predictive validation study, information is gathered on

actual job applicants; in a concurrent study, current employees are

used. The steps to each approach are shown in Exhibit 3.

Concurrent studies are more commonly used than predictive ones

because they can be conducted more quickly; the assessed individuals

are already on the job and performance measures can thus be more

Page 29: Job Analysis

quickly obtained. (In a predictive study, the criterion scores cannot be

gathered until the applicants have been hired and have been on the

job for several months.) Although concurrent validity studies have

certain disadvantages compared to predictive ones, available research

indicates that the two types of studies seem to yield approximately the

same results.

Up to this point, our discussion has assumed that an employer needs

to validate each of its selection practices. But what if it is using a

selection device that has been used and properly validated by other

companies? Can it rely on that validity evidence and thus avoid having

to conduct its own study? The answer is yes. It can do so by using a

validity generalization strategy. Validity generalization is established

by demonstrating that a selection device has been consistently found

to be valid in many other similar settings. An impressive amount of

evidence points to the validity generalization of many specific devices.

For example, some mental aptitude tests have been found to be valid

predictors for nearly all jobs and thus can be justified without

performing a new validation study to demonstrate job relatedness. To

use validity generalization evidence, an organization must present the

following data:

Studies summarizing a selection measure's validity for similar

jobs in other settings.

Data showing the similarity between the jobs for which the

validity evidence is reported and the job in the new employment


Data showing the similarity between the selection measures in

the other studies composing the validity evidence and those

measures to be used in the new employment setting.

Page 30: Job Analysis


The extensiveness and complexity of selection processes vary greatly

depending on factors such as the nature of the job, the number of

applicants for each opening, and the size of the organization. A typical

way of applying selection methods to a large number of applicants for

a job requiring relatively high levels of KSAs would be the following:

1. Use application blanks, resumes, and short interviews to

determine which job applicants meet the minimum

requirements for the job. If the number of applicants is not too

large, the information provided by applicants can be verified

with reference and/or background checks.

2. Use extensive interviews and appropriate testing to determine

which of the minimally qualified job candidates have the highest

degree of the KSAs required by the job.

3. Make contingent offers to one or more job finalists as identified

by Step 2. Job offers may be contingent upon successful

completion of a drug test or other forms of back-ground checks.

General medical exams can only be given after a contingent

offer is made.

One viable strategy for arriving at a sound selection decision is to first

evaluate the applicants on each individual attribute needed for the

job. That is, at the conclusion of the selection process, each applicant

could be rated on a scale (say, from one to five) for each important

attribute based on all the information collected during the selection

process. For example, one could arrive at an overall rating of a

candidate's dependability by combining information derived from

references, interviews, and tests that relate to this attribute.

Page 31: Job Analysis

Exhibit 3

Steps in the Predictive and Concurrent Validation


Predictive Validation

1. Perform a job analysis to identify needed competencies.

2. Develop/choose selection procedures to assess needed


3. Administer the selection procedures to a group of


4. Randomly select applicants or select all applicants.

5. Obtain measures of the job performance for the applicant

after they have been employed for a sufficient amount of

time. For most jobs, this would be six months to a year.

6. Correlate job performance scores of this group with the

scores they received on the selection procedures.

Concurrent Validation

1 and 2. These steps are identical to those taken in a

predictive validation study.

3. Administer the selection procedures to a representative

group of job incumbents.

4. Obtain measures of the current job performance level

of the job incumbents who have been assessed in step 3.

5. Identical to step 6 in a predictive study.

Decision-making is often facilitated by statistically combining

applicants' ratings on different attributes to form a ranking or rating

of each applicant. The applicant with the highest score is then

selected. This approach is appropriate when a compensatory model is

operating, that is, when it is correct to assume that a high score on

one attribute can compensate for a low score on another. For

Page 32: Job Analysis

example, a baseball player may compensate for a lack of power in

hitting by being a fast base runner.

In some selection situations, however, proficiency in one area cannot

compensate for deficiencies in another. When such a non-

compensatory model is operating, a deficiency in any one area would

eliminate the candidate from further consideration. Lack of honesty or

an inability to get along with people, for example, may serve to

eliminate candidates for some jobs, regardless of their other abilities.

When a non-compensatory model is operating, the "successive

hurdles" approach may be most appropriate. Under this approach,

candidates are eliminated during various stages of the selection

process as their non-compensable deficiencies are discovered. For

example, some applicants may be eliminated during the first stage if

they do not meet the minimum education and experience

requirements. Additional candidates may be eliminated at later points

after failing a drug test or honesty test or after demonstrating poor

interpersonal skills during an interview. The use of successive hurdles

lowers selection costs by requiring fewer assessments to be made as

the list of viable candidates shrinks.