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Q1 For criminal conspiracy the minimum number of persons required is .

Ans Two.

Q2. Assault can not be caused by

Ans. Mere words.

Q3. For an unlwafull assembly the minimum number of person required is

Ans Five.

Q4. Y insert his hand in to the pocket of Z but the pocket was empty. Y is guilty of

Ans Attempt to theft.

Q5. Permission to investigate in to a non- cognizable offence can be granted by a.

Ans Magistrate having jurisdiction to try the case.

Q6. Period of limitation to take cognizance of an offence punishable for a term more than three years imprisonment is

Ans No period of limitation is prescribed.

Q7. Facts which need not be proved by the parties, includes

Ans Facts which have been admitted by the parties at or before the hearing.

Q8.In Indian Evidence Act, a document required by law to be attested can be proved by calling:-

Ans.Atleast one of the attesting witness.

Q9. Tenant may be evicted on the ground of bonafide need of landlord for residential purpose but need does not exceed to

Ans Need of any other tenant paying more rent.

Q10. In case of transfer of property the seller is .

Ans Entitled to rents & profits of the property till the ownership there of passed to buyer.

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Q11 Number of ingrident of promise is

Ans Two.

Q12. A patient is lunatic asylum, who is interval of sound mind.

Ans May contract during those intervals when he of sound mind.

Q13. A leaves a cow in the custody of B to be take care of , the cow has a calf , in the absence of any contract to the contrary.

Ans B is bound to deliever the calf as well as the cow to A.

Q14 A party against whom an order has been passed in his absence by a Revenue Officer may apply to have it set aside with in

Ans Thirty days.

Q15.Revenue Inspectors measures & patwaris shall not enter in to any building or upon any enclosed court or garden attached to a dwelling house without the consent of .

Ans Occupier thereof.

Q16.By whose order the tenancy of an occupancy tenant in his holding can be terminated.

Ans The Sub-Divisional Officer.

Q17.There shall be no appeal by a convicted person where a magistrate of the first class passes only a sentence of fine not exceeding.

Ans.One Hundred Rupees.

Q18.The stay of the operation of the order of eviction passed by a rent controlling authority or by the high court shall not enure for a total period of more than.

Ans. Six Month.

Q19. For the purpose of making a gift of immovable property the transfer must be affected

Ans By a registered instrument signed by or on behalf the donor & duly attested.

Q20. Where the decree is for the payment of sun of money exceeding one thousand rupees the period of civil prison

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Ans Shall not exceed three months.

Q21.A instigates B to instigate C to murder Z , B accordingly instigates to C to murder Z & C commits that offence in consequence of B's investigation A is

Ans Guilty of abetting murder.

Q22.A an Indian citizen commits adultry in England , which is not an offence in the country.The alleged offence can be tried by

Ans The court of Judicial Magistrate first class situated at any place in india at which he may be found.

Q23. A in good faith says of A book published by Z . Z books is indecent, Z must be a man of impure mind , is this defamation is punishable under section 500 of the I.P.C.

Ans. No, because it falls with in one of the exceptions of section 499

Q24. A district magistrate or a sub -divisional magistrate may prevent environmental pollution under which provisions of Cr.P.C

Ans Section 133.

Q25.If the offence is punishable with fine only the period of limitation for taking cognizance of it shall be.

Ans. Six month.

Q26.Inherent powers under section 482 Cr.P.C can be exercised by

Ans The High Court.

Q27.Confession of an accused is irrelevant & inadmissible when made

Ans Before a magistrate who told him that if he made a full confession he would be released.

Q28.A vouuntarily confession is admissible in evidence

Ans To a magistrate having a competent jurisdiction.

Q29.A landlord disconnects the electric supply of a tenant unlawfully & without a reasonable cause,who can order to remain the electric supply on the applicant's application.

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Ans Rent Controlling Authority.

Q30.In the case of a public nuisance a suit for declaration & injuction may be instituted by.

Ans Two persons, with the leave of the court.

Q31.Where the appellant has withdrawn the appeal preferred against a decree passed exparte the application under Order 9 Rule 13 shall be


Q32.A lets a farm to B on condition that he shall walk hundred miles in an hour.

Ans The lease is void.

Q33.During service of summons defendant was found absent from his residence & with in reasonable time no chance to get back at his residence , service of summon may be made on .

Ans.Adult memeber of family.

Q34.In which condition the officer of incharge of prison may refused to produce the prisoner for evidence despite court's order.

Ans.Where the medical officer has certified the prisoner is unfit to be removed.

Q35.When an Indigent person succeeds the court fee shall be recovered.

Ans From the Plaintiff.

Q36.Appointment of receivers of any property can be made when

Ans.When it appears to the court to be just & inconvenient whether before or after the decree..

Q37.If in a criminal appeal an accused dies & his near relatives wish to countinue , with in how much time they must apply

Ans.Thirty days.

Q38.Three year period of limitation is prescribed for taking cognizance of the offence punishable with imprisonment for a term not exceeding.

Ans Three Year.

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Q39.The term of settlement shall not be less than

Ans 30 Years.

Q40.A is charged with travelling on a rail way without ticket, the burden of proving that A had a ticket is on

Ans A.

Q41.A document is said to be in the handwriting of A the document is produced from proper custody .If the document is purporting or proved to be


Q42.A makes an attempt to pick the pocket of B by thrusting his hand in to B's pocket ,A is guilty of

Ans Attempt of theft.

Q43. A is magistrate in his presence one murder took place during his morning walk, whether he can arrest the culprit himself.


Q44.A has sexual intercourse with his own wife aged about 14 years with her consent. A commited

Ans Rape.

Q45. A finds a ring lying on the highway road , by taking it A commits.

Ans No Offence.

Q46.The appeal against an order of acquittal passed by the court of judical magistrate first class shall lie to

Ans.The Court of Session.

Q47.A is not a servant in Income tax department but showing himself as Income tax Officer putting raid in B business centre & gets vaiuable articles thus A commits

Ans. Cheating by personation.

Q48.Non Cognizable Offence means.

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Ans Police Officer can not arrest without warrant.

Q49.As per Indian law a person attains majority.

Ans When he has completed 18 years.

Q50.Plaintiff live in another city but casually when he comes lives in the suit house with his family.

Ans It doesnot include in bonafide need of plaintiff.



Q1. Contents of document may be proved by

Ans By primary evidence as well as secondary evidence

Q2. Admission is

Ans Can be either oral or in writing.

Q3. In criminal proceedings burden of proof lies

Ans On Prosecution to prove the guilt of accused beyond reasonable doubt.

Q4.Leading question can be asked during

Ans Cross Examinations.

Q5. After a notice of demand for arrears of rent has been served on tenanat, he should pay or tender the arrears of rent to save himself from eviction

Ans With in two months.

Q6.An Agent can be appointed by

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Ans A major of sound mind.

Q7. Any person Aggrieved by any entry made in wajib-ui arj may institute a suit in civil court to have such entry cancelled or modified with in

Ans Three Years

Q8. Caveat shall not remain in force after the expiry of

Ans 90 days.

Q9. Age of minor for kidnapping should be

Ans under 16 years of age if a male & under 18 years of age if a female.

Q10.What is the minimum number of persons required to commit ''dacoity''

Ans Five.

Q11. A has sexual intercourse with an adult married women whom ne knows to be wife of another man, without the consent or connivance of that man but with the consent of that women A is guilty of

Ans Adultery.

Q12. A person shall be eligible to appointed as an additional public prosecutor only if he has been in practice as an advocate for not less than

Ans Seven Years,

Q13. The Court of a Magistrate of First class may pass a sentence of imprisonment for a term not exceeding

Ans Three Years.

Q14. Any person who has accepted a tender of pardon made under section 306 or section 307, has either by wilfully concealing any thing essential or by giving false evidence not complied with the conditions on which the tender was made who will certify this fact.

Ans Public Prosecutor.

Q15. When the person who would otherwise he competent to compound an offence under section 320 of code of criminal procedure is dead then,

Ans Legal representative of such person can compound the offence with the

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consent of court.

Q16. A witness who is unable to speak , gives his evidence by writing in open court, Evidence so given shall be deemed to be

Ans Oral Evidence.

Q17. The examinations after the cross examinations of witness by the party who has called him, is called

Ans Re- Examinations.

Q18.Attested in relation to an instruments means & shall be deemed always to have been attested by the atleast.

Ans Two witness.

Q19.To be competent to transfer property it is not essential that.

Ans Transferable property is his own.

Q20. A lease of immovable property from year to year is terminable on the part of either lessor or lessee by.

Ans Six month.

Q21. Leading question

Ans May be asked in cross examinations.

Q22. Where does Madhya Pradesh Accomodation 1961 apply

Ans Area specified in scheduled - 1

Q23.Who fixes the standard Rent.

Ans Rent Controlling Authority.

Q24. An appeal shall lie against the order passed by Rent Controlling

Ans District Court.

Q25. Rules made under the provisions of Madhya Pradesh Accomodation control Act have to be sent to

Ans Assembly.

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Q26.A proposes by letter to sell a house to B at a certain price , the communication of price complete when

Ans When B receives letter.

Q27. A sell by auction to B a horse which A knows to be unsound . A says nothing to B about the horse's unsoundness , A does

Ans No fraud.

Q28.Where both parties are under mistake as to matter of fact, the agreement will be.

Ans Void.

Q29. A promises, for no consideration, to give to B Rs 1000/- This agreement is

Ans Void.

Q30.Where no application is made & no time is specified for performance of promise there the agreement be performed with in

Ans Reasonable time

Q31. A agrees with B to discover treasure by magic . this agreement is

Ans Void.

Q32. When does agriculture year begin

Ans 1st July.

Q33. When any person neglects to give information required under section 109 of M.P Land Revenue code with in stipulated period ,the Tehsildar may imposed penalty.

Ans Not exceeding Rs 25/-

Q34.Land Revenue for different lands will be assessed by

Ans Settlement Officer.

Q35.The term o settlement shall not be less than

Ans 30 Years.

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Q36.No usufructuary mortgage of any land by a bhumiswami shall be vallid if it is for a period exceeding

Ans Six Year.

Q37. What kind of transfer may be made orally

Ans Surrender of lease

Q38.Whether a transfer can be made in favour of an unborn child

Ans Yes, by machinery of trust.

Q39.When does an unborn person acquire vested interest on transfer

Ans As soon as he is born.

Q40.Who may makes rules consistent with the provisions of T.P. Act:

Ans State government

Q41.In criminal proceeding the fact that the accused is of good character is

Ans Relevant.

Q42. A gives a lakh of rupees to B reserving to himself, with B's assent the right to take back Rs 10000/- at pleasure out of that amount this gift is

Ans Holds goods as to Rs 90000/- but it is void as to Rs 10000/-

Q43.Which is the principal seat of board of revenue

Ans Gwalior..

Q44 If any person fails to comply with a summons to attend as witness the Revenue officer can not

Ans Attach his property.

Q45.Penalty for encroaching upon a recognised road can be imposed by

Ans Tehsildar.

Q46. Any land comprised in his holding may be given on lease continuosly for more than three years by bhumiswami who:-

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Ans Is a minor.

Q47.The composition of an offence under section 320 Cr.PC shall have the effect of

Ans Acquittal

Q48.If any advocate ask questions without reasonable ground what procedure should court adopt

Ans Will hear quietly.

Q49. Dumb witness may give his evidence by writing or signs in open court such evidence shall be deemed in to

Ans Oral Evidence.

Q50.In a suit which relates to a railway authority to be named as plaintiff or defended shall be

Ans The General Manager of the Railway.

Model test paper State judicial Service Test MCQ

law Model test paper  State judicial Service  Test MCQ law

This test is useful For Following Jobs/ExamsHaryana PSC HCS Judicial Examination 2010

Madhya Pradesh Higher Judicial ServiceLaw Officer in Corporation bank vacancy 2010

Law Officer posts in United bank of indiaH.P. Judicial Service (HPJS) Competitive (Preliminary) Examination 2010

1. State the correct answer, the familiar rule ‘redeem up foreclose down’ is a combination of provisions of—

(A) Sections-89 and 91

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(B) Sections-91 and 92(C) Sections-92 and 93(U) Sections-91 and 94

2. ‘A’ gives Rs. 500 to ‘B’ on condition that ‘B’ shall marry A’s daughter ‘C’. On the date of transfer ‘C’ was dead. The transfer is void under which section of

Transfer of Property Act?(A) Section-25(B) Section-26(C) Secion-27(D) Section-28

3. A right of future maintenance in whatsoever manner arising, secured or determined

(A) Can be transferred(B) Cannot be transferred

(C) Can be sold(D) Can be vested

4. A gift of future property is(A) Valid

(B) Voidable(C) Void

(D) Irregular

5. Within the meaning of provisions of section 67 of the Transfer of Property Act the mortgage remedies by suit are?

(A) For foreclosure or for sale(B) For sale

(C) For appointment of receiver(D) All are relevant

6. To which of the following sections 5 to 37 of the Transfer of Property Act, 1882 apply?

(A) Transfers of movable property only(B) Transfers of Immovable property only

(C) Transfers of property whether movable or immovable(D) Specific transfer and not to general principles of transfer of property

7.‘A’ transfers Rs. 5000 to ‘B’ on condition that he shall execute acertain lease within three months after A’s death and if he should

neglect to do so, to C. B dies in A’s lifetime. Which section of the Transfer of Property Act, 1882 shall apply in deciding the legal right of ‘C’?

(A) Section-29(B) Section-26(C) Section-25(D) Section-27

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Codes:8.Assertion (A) : Section 14 of TPA provides for the Rules against perpetuity.

Reason (R) :This Rule is based on public policy.Select the correct answer from the codes given below

(A) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct explanation of (A)(B) Both (A) and (R) are true but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A)

(C) (A) is true but (R) is false(D) (A) is false but (R) is true

9.What is the minimum imprisonment prescribed for use ofdeadly weapons in ‘Dacoity’?

(A) 10 years(B) 07 years(C) 05 years(D) 14 years

10.Under which section of the Indian Penal Code, it is omission, and not an act, which is an offence?

(A) Section-491(B) Section-296(C) Section-468(D) Section-508

11.Under IPC, which one of the following sections makes provision of Solitary Confinement?(A) Section-71(B) Section-72(C) Section-73(D) Section-74

12.Which one of the following offences is not compoundable under IPC?(A) Section 323(B) Section-334(C) Section-448(D) Section-307

13. “1 believe in operation Valmiki because every Sant has a pastand every criminal has a future.”

This statement is of?(A) Justice Sikri

(B) Justice P. N. Bhagwati(C) Justice Krislma Iyer(D) Justice J. S. Verma

14. Which one of the following is an incomplete crime?(A) Public Nuisance(B) Criminal attempt

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(C) Unlawful Assembly(D) Riot

15.A, on grave and sudden provocation from ‘Z’ fires a pistol atZ, who does not die, A is guilty of

(A) Attempt to murder(B) Culpable homicide not amounting to murder

(C) Attempt to commit culpable homicide(D) Grievous hurt

16.‘X’ with the intention to kill ‘Y’ supplies him powdered sugar believing it to be poison. ‘Y’ eats the powder. ‘X’ is guilty of?

(A) No offence(B) Attempt to commit murder

(C) Attempt to commit culpable homicide not amounting murder(D) Abetment to commit murder

17.‘X’ is a good swimmer. He finds, Y, a child of seven years of agedrowning in a canal. He could have saved the child but did not

do so. The child is drowned.‘X’is guilty of?(A) No offence

(B) Murder(C) Abetment of suicide

(D) Culpable homicide not amounting to murder

18. An executioner who execute the death penalty is protected from criminal liability under which section of IPC ?

(A) Section-97(B) Section-78(C) Section-79(D) Section-80

19. ‘A’ finds a purse with money on the high-road, not knowing to whom the purse belong, ‘A’ picks up the purse. He has corn- miffed an offence under—

(A) Section-403 IPC(B) Section-404 IPC(C) Section-405 IPC

(D) None of the above

20. Just after theft, a man is found in the possession of stolen goods. This matter relates to which one of the following sections of Indian Evidence Act?

(A) Section-114-A(B) Section-114(C) Section-1l5

(D) Section-111-A

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21. In which section of IPC the law relating to ‘Dowry death’ is contained?(A) Section-304 (b)

(B) Section-304(C) Section-299(D) Section-302

22. What is the age of the child to get immunity from criminal liability?(A) Less than 10 years(B) Less than 7 years(C) Less than 8 years

(D) Less than 14 years

23. In which case the Supreme Court has struck down section 303 IPCas unconstitutional?

(A) Machchi Singh Vs. State of Punjab(B) Bachan Singh Vs. State of Punjab(C) Santa Singh Vs. State of Punjab(D) Mithu Singh Vs. State of Punjab

24. The law relating to criminal misappropriation of property is given under section?

(A) 403 IPC(B) 404 IPC(C) 407IPC(D) 411 IPC

25. Assertion (A) : Crime is punish able because it is provided in the law.Reason (14) : Crime is revolting to the moral sense of society.

In the context of the above, which one of the following is correct?(A) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct explanation of (A)

(B) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is not the correct explanation of (A)(C) (A) is true, but (R) is false(D) (A) is false, but (R) is true

26. ‘A’ shoots ‘Z’ with the intention of killing him. ‘Z’ dies in consequence. ‘A’ commits—

(A) Culpable homicide(B) Murder

(C) Causing death by negligence(D) None of the above

27. Kidnapping is of?(A) One kind(B) Two kinds

(C) Three kinds(D) Four kinds

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28. ‘X’ sends through his servant a typewriter to be delivered to ‘Y’ his friend. The servant takes the typewriter and uses it over a period of time. The servant is to

be guity of?(A) Extortion

(B) Theft(C) Criminal misappropriation of property

(D) Criminal breath of trust

29. ‘B’ takes a gold ring of ‘A’ out of ‘A’s possession without ‘A’s consent with the intention of keeping it till ‘A’ gives ‘B’ some money for its restoration to ‘A’. ‘B’ is

guilty of—(A) Cheating

(B) Criminal breach of trust(C) Criminal misappropriation of property

(D) Theft

30. ‘X’ with the intention to cause miscarriage, administered a drug to a pregnant lady ‘Y’. The child in the womb died. ‘X’ is guilty of?

(A) Murder(B) Culpable homicide not amounting to murder

(C) No offence(D) Causing miscarriage

31.It cannot be committed in a private place.(A) Murder

(B) Riot(C) Assault(D) Affray

32. In which of the following cases the Supreme Court has laid down important guidelines to abate sexual harassment?

(A) Vishaka Vs. State of Rajasthan(B) Apparel Export Corp. Vs. A. K. Chopra

(C) Chairman Railway Board Vs. Chandrima Das(D) None of the above

33. ‘A’ incites a dog to spring upon ‘Z’ without ‘Z’s consent. Here ‘A’ intends to cause injury, fear or annoyance to ‘Z’.

(A) ‘A’ uses criminal force to ‘Z’(B) ‘A’ uses force to ‘Z’

(C) ‘A’ uses assault to ‘Z’(D) All the above

34. ‘A’ enters Z’s house through a window. ‘A’ commits?(A) Trespass

(B) House trespass(C) House breaking

(D) All the above

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35. Assertion A) Homicide is the killing of a human-being by a human-being.Reason (R) : Homicide is always unlawful.

Select the correct answer from the codes given below?Codes:

(A) Both (A) and (R) are true but (R) is the coned explanation of (A).(B) Both (A) and (R) are true but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A)

(C) (A) is true, but (R) is false(D) (A) is false, but (R) is true

36. ‘A’ has sexual intercourse with his own wife who is living separately from him under a decree of separation without her consent. Which section of Indian Penal

Code covers this matter?(A) Section-376

(B) Section-376-A(C) Section-376-B(D) Section-376-C

37. Which Order under C.P.C. pro vides detailed rules regarding judgements and decree?

(A) Order XIX(B) Order XX(C) Order XXI

(D) Order XXIII

38. Which of the provision of C.P.C. deals with consequences of disobedience of an injunction granted by Court?

(A) Order 39 RI(B) Order39 R2

(C) Order 39 R2-A(D) Order 39 R3

39. Order 21 CRC. dealing with execution of decrees and orders contains?(A) 100 Rules(C) 103 Rules(B) 102 Rules(D) 106 Rules

40. Which of the following is not a case on res-judicata?(A) Duche’s of Kingston case

(B) Chhajju Ram Vs. Neki(C) Mmmi Bibi Vs. Trilok Nath

(D) Byram Pestonji Kariwala Vs.Union of India

41. Which provision of C.P.C. deals with enforcement of a decree against legal representative?(A) Section-50(B) Section-51

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(C) Section-55(D) None of the above

42. An original suit for the value of Rs. 20 lakh shall be instituted inthe Court of?

(A) High Court(B) District Judge

(C) Civil Judge (Junior Division)(D) Civil Judge (Senior Division)

43. Which of the following provisions of C.P.C. provides for adjudication of claims and objections to attachment of property?

(A) Order 21 R 59(B) Order 2l R 58(C) Order 21 R 57

(D) None of the above

44. Which provision of the C.P.C. provides that one person may sue or defend on behalf of all in same interest?

(A) Order 1R1(B) Order 2 R2(C) Order lR8(D) Order lR9

45. The meaning of written statement is?(A) Suit of plaintiff

(B) Suit of defendant(C) Answer by defendant of plaintiff’s suit(D) Answer by plaintiff of defendant’s suit

46. Under which provision of C.P.C. the Collector may be appointedas a Receiver?

(A) Order 40 Rule I(B) Order 40 Rule 2(C) Order 40 Rule 3(D) Order 40 Rule 5

47. ‘Objections as to local or pecuniary jurisdiction shall be raised at the first opportunity.’ This is the essence of CRC.

(A)Section-20(B) Section-21(C)Section-24(D) Section-25

48. The doctrine of res-judicata is not applicable in the case of following writ(A) Habeas Corpus

(B) Certiorari

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(C) Mandamus(D) Quo-warranto

49. All orders and notices served on or given to any person under the provisions of C.P.C. shall be in writing is provided under?

(A) Section-141(B) Section-142(C) Section-143(D) Section-144

50. Provisions relating to set-off and counter claims are contained in which one of the following orders?

(A) Order VI(B) Order VII(C) Order VIII(D) Order IX

51. The court may compel the attendance of any person to whom a summons has been issued under section-32 CRC. and for the purpose may impose a fine

upon him not exceeding(A) Rs. Five hundred(B) Rs. One thousand

(C) Rs. Three thousand(D) Rs. Five thousand

52. No second appeal shall lie under section 102 C.P.C. from any decree, when the subject matter of original suit is for recovery of money not exceeding?

(A) Rs. Three thousand(B) Rs. Five thousand

(C) Rs. Twenty thousand(D) Rs. Twenty five thousand

53. How many minimum number of judges of the High Court are required to sign the confirmation of death sentence?

(A) 3(C) 4(B) 2(D) 5

54. An irregularity by the Magistrate in which one of the following cases will not vitiate proceedings?

(A) Making an order for maintenance(B) Demanding security for good behaviour

(C) Tendering pardon to accomplice(D) Trying an offence summarily

55. Order under section-144 Cr. P.C. 1973 is amenable to writ jurisdiction on violation of any Fundamental Rights. This was

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held in case of—(A) Dibakar Naik Vs. Pushpalata Patel (1997)3 crimes 107

(B) Gopalachari Vs. State of Kerala 1981 SC.R 338(C) Gulam Abbas Vs. State of U.P. 1981 SC. 2198

(D) Shelam Ramesh Vs. State ofA.P. (1999) 8 SCC. 369

56. Classification of compoundable and non-compoundable offences has been provided under Cr. ?

(A) First Schedule(B) Second Schedule

(C) Section 321 Cr. P.C.(D) Section 320 Cr. P.C.

57. Which provision under the Code of Criminal- Procedure, 1973 prescribes the mode of execution of sentence of death that “the convict be hanged by the neck

until he be dead”?(A) Section-413

(B) Form No. 42 of the Second Schedule of the Code(C) Section-416(D) Section-414

58. Which section of Cr. P.C pro vides for confirmation by theHigh Court of an order of death sentence passed by the Session

Court prior to its execution?(A) Section-366(B) Section-368(C) Section-369(D) Section-371

59. The appeal against an order of acquittal passed by the Court ofJudicial Magistrate first class shall lie to?(A) The Court of Chief Judicial Magistrate

(B) The Court of Session(C) The High Court

(D) The Supreme Court

60.In which one of the following sections of Cr. P.C. provision for free legal aid is made

(A) Section-301(B) Section-306(C) Section-304(D) Section-309


1 D2 A3 B

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4 C5 A6 C7 D8 A9 B10 A11 C12 D13 C14 B15 C16 A17 A18 B19 D20 B21 A22 B23 D24 A25 B26 B27 B28 D29 D30 D31 D32 A33 A34 C35 C36 B37 B38 C39 D40 B41 D42 B43 B44 C45 C46 A47 B48 A

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49 B50 C51 D52 D53 B54 C55 C56 D57 B58 A59 B60 C