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Page 2: JLC Perspectives - Spring 2013 Issue


Executive Board:President Shannon Glass

President-Elect Lisa Hubbard

VP Communication Meredith Comin

VP Community Projects Vicki Calonge

VP Finance Pam Wise

VP Fund Development Lizzie Polston

VP Membership Jennifer Reed

VP Training & DevelopmentLauren Bosse

Legal Advisor Sara Cooperrider

Recording Secretary Brooke Hiltz

Sustainer Council:Chair Linda Appleby

Vice-Chair Darlene Kamine

Secretary Laura Skidmore

Treasurer Linda Nitzschke

Past Chair Ginny Myer

Sustainer Advisor Susan Shelton

Endowment RepresentativeSandy Donovan

In this issue...2 President’s Perspective3 The New JLC Impact Initiatives Focus Area and Plans4 A Unique Community Cornerstone5 New Member Spotlight: Haley Titus-Mitchell6 Member Spotlight: Liane Szucs Barber8 Sustainer Spotlight: Carol Conlan Tranfers Get to Know Cincinnati Junior League and the 2013 Opera Ball8 The Academy of World Languages Holiday Party 9 Leadership Re-Imagined 11 What's Happening Around the JLC12 CinSation...It's Almost Time!13 JLC 101: JLC Committee of Community Advisors An International Perspective16 Upcoming Member Events WOW Windowboxes17 Member Milestones18 Be Well

Perspectives is the quarterly magazine of the Junior League of Cincinnati. Publication months are September, December, March, and June. Advertising inquiries and items for submission can be sent to: Fran Santangelo or Jamie Humes at [email protected].

Follow us on FaceBook and Twitter @JLCincy

Perspectives Committee: Fran Santangelo, Chair, Jamie Humes, Vice-Chair, Meredith Comin, VP Communication, Meghan Abney, Alisa Strauss, Leah Taylor

Junior League of Cincinnati, 3500 Columbia Parkway, Cincinnati, Ohio 45226, (513) 871-9339,

Our MissionThe Junior League of Cincinnati is an organization of women committed to promoting voluntarism, developing the potential of women, and improving communities through the effective action and leadership of trained volunteers. Its purpose is exclusively educational and charitable.

The Junior League of Cincinnati is an exclusively educational, charitable organization which reaches out to women of all races, religions, or national origins who demonstrate an interest in and commitment to voluntarism.


Spring 2013


Be Well By Fran Santangelo, Certified Lifestyle and Weight Management Coach


How many of you made a New Year’s resolution to lose weight, eat healthy and/or get fit? How many of you are still following through on those resolutions? In the midst of winter with gray days and cold temperatures, it can be anything but easy to get and STAY motivated to be active and healthy. Winter tends to steer people towards craving comfort food and tempts you to lounge on the couch. Here are some tips as we MOVE into spring to get yourself MOVING in the right direction!

1. Temps too cold outside for your workout? Take it in-side for a HOT yoga or bootcamp class for a change! These workouts will be sure to warm you up.

2. Shop fresh! There are fabulous things in season to inspire you to eat healthy. Pomegranate seeds for salad and squash for soup are my favorites this time of year.

3. Need accountability? Buddy-up with a friend for workouts. Once you’ve decided to attend a class, you will be less likely to skip if your friend is waiting for you.

4. Catch up on zzzzz’s. Remember that sleep is an integral part of any healthy living plan. Make sure you are getting enough rest at night so you are maximizing your productivity while you are awake!

5. H2O Check! Grab a cup of hot tea to help you get your water intake up on a daily basis. Everything in your body works better when you’re hydrated…

Send your questions to Fran via email at [email protected] today. I can’t wait to help!

Perspectives Magazine Staff

Jamie HumesVice-Chair

Fran SantangeloChair

Meghan Abney Alisa Strauss Leah Taylor

Page 3: JLC Perspectives - Spring 2013 Issue

Spring 2013

It’s hard to believe only nine short months ago, I stood in front of the general membership sharing my vi-sion and theme for the 2012-2013 year. As the year moves forward with great strides happening in all three focus areas set forth, it's the Community Invest-ment piece that has me the most excited this year with the upcoming selection of our new project initiative!

We are an organization committed to voluntarism, developing the po-tential of women and improving our community. It was with these three things in mind, that my theme for the year ‘Building our Future,’ came to life. As with all great organiza-tions, we must embrace change in order to grow, build, and remain relevant as change agents in our city.

Over the years, we have lovingly referred to our large initiatives as ‘signature projects.’ This year, we are broadening our perspective and galvanizing the new phrase of ‘Impact Initiative’ into our vernacu-lar. We realize as the needs in the community change, so should the way we approach our projects and make them more inclusive as larger initiatives. The new phrasing will not change what we do, but how we approach com-munity needs and the planning process.

This year, our Program Development Committee has had a strong focus on building meaningful programs and initiatives that will transform lives in our commu-nity. Last year, they began by completing a thorough gap analysis to understand the needs that are not adequately being addressed in our community. One such effort came at the recommendation during a meeting of our Committee of Community Advisors, a

group of the city’s elite, non-profit difference makers from organizations all over the Tri-State.

After a presentation by the committee and subsequent approval by the general membership, the selected fo-cus areas became Pediatric Oral Health and Refugee Resettlement in the Cincinnati area. Both topics have already created quite a positive buzz in the commu-

nity and have the ear of many as we move forward with plans.

This year, the Program Develop-ment Committee has been work-ing on a strategic plan, including timing, that will be presented to the Board in March. Come April 2, the same plan will be presented at the General Membership Meet-ing for a vote by the JLC. Once the vote is determined, we will add the initiative into our Strategic Plan, which we are also bringing back to life this year so we can have a meaningful and measur-able roadmap for our future.

This is such an exciting time to be a member of this vibrant organi-zation as we further our efforts to bring the mission of the JLC to life in Cincinnati by building communi-

ty investment. Community initiatives are great corner-stones of our organization and we’ve proven that by showing transformation in the city with programs like ProKids and MindPeace.

Now, as we look toward our two potential initiatives, we’ll continue our rich tradition of making meaningful impact. This will mark a great milestone for the JLC so I would like to invite our Sustainers, Actives and New Members to join us at the General Membership meeting on April 2 to be a part of our history and our future!


President's Perspective

Here’s to an exciting year end,

Page 4: JLC Perspectives - Spring 2013 Issue



By Reba George Dysart, Vickie Calonge & Jenna FilipkowskiThe New JLC Impact Initiatives' Focus Area and Plans

Beginning in December 2011, the Program Development Committee has been thoroughly researching community issues and opportunities for our next JLC focus areas and Impact Initiatives, which will begin in 2013-2014. These results of their research will be presented to the General Membership for a vote before being executed.

At the April 2012 General Membership Meeting (GMM), the Program Development team presented potential project focus areas to the membership. Based on the information presented, members ranked topic areas in order of prefer-ence to support further exploration and research of these issues. Members considered whether they felt the issues were significant within our community, whether the JLC could make an impact within the area, and whether they would volunteer if the topic is crafted into a project initiative. Based upon membership ranking and all data available, we continued researching all three topic areas with the goal of narrowing them to two by December 2012. This is when we decided to develop complete project visions for Pediatric Oral Health and Refugee Resettlement.

At the December 2012 Program Development team meet-ing, both focus areas presented their refined (and incred-ible) project plans. After a thoughtful and mission-driven conversation, the team unanimously agreed we would like to adopt both Impact Initiatives to launch in summer 2013 and simultaneously work on for the next three to five years. Both Impact Initiatives are strong projects and have great potential to make an impact in our community and among our members.

Each initiative is distinct in focus and will appeal to differ-ent members. The project plans in place for Pediatric Oral Health and Refugee Resettlement offer varying levels of engagement for members. The focus areas are so different from each other and we truly believe this will enrich the membership experience while advancing the mission of the JLC. Both are homegrown initiatives meeting unmet needs in our community which can create true impact and increased visibil-ity for the JLC.

The extensive project plans will be sent out to members two weeks prior to the April 2013 GMM for an overview of how each will be

implemented. It is clear to the Board and the Program Devel-opment team it is in the best interest of the JLC and the com-munity to move forward with both. We have an opportunity to make a tremendous impact with each one while providing our members an enriching experience and more choices.

Refugee Resettlement in Greater Cincinnati: 'We Are Together' This Impact Initiative, which focuses on refugee resettle-ment in the Greater Cincinnati area, will create increased visibility for JLC while meeting the needs of approximately 11,000+ local refugees from Burma, Burundi, Bhutan, Iraq, Liberia, Sudan, and Somalia.

A refugee is a person outside his or her country of origin who is unable to return because of persecution on account of race, religion, nationality, membership in a particular social group, or political opinion. Refugees are brought to the United States via the State Department and local organi-zations, like Catholic Charities of Southwest Ohio, who then give funds to provide resources for a newly arrived refugee.

Currently, Catholic Charities is the only organization in Southwest Ohio that provides direct services to refugees. While the organization continues to meet the needs of the newly arrived refugees, significant gaps between what current social services can provide and what is actually needed have presented significant challenges the JLC hopes to address.

The project will train and enable JLC members to serve as ambassadors directly to refugee families. It will challenge JLC members to be more inclusive and serve as leaders in a community that has room for improvement in the area of ac-cepting newcomers. The JLC will hold events in collaboration with the entire community to provide services for refugees and raise awareness, including celebratory meals, book and clothing drives, sporting events and much more. Impor-tantly, JLC will serve as a community connector by provid-

ing a centralized forum for refugee-focused organiza-tions' initiatives that may provide access to quality healthcare, Eng-lish as a Second Language classes and other needed services. The goal of the Impact Initiative is to 1) make the Members of the Refugee Resettlement Team with JLC Actives and Sustainers.

...continued on page 14

Page 5: JLC Perspectives - Spring 2013 Issue

Spring 2013


Unique and Charming Event SpaceLocated just minutes from Downtown Cincinnati

For more detailed information about Columbia Center rental opportunities, please call (513) 871-9339 or email [email protected]/columbiacenter

The Columbia Center, in the Columbia-Tusculum neighborhood of Cincinnati, is a beautiful, historic location that serves as a unique and charming event space. Located minutes from Downtown Cincinnati, Hyde Park, Mt. Lookout and all the major highways. The building features modern amenities with everything needed to create a successful and memorable event. From hosting small-scale and large-scale business meetings to entertaining intimate or elegant social gatherings, the Columbia Center is truly the perfect place.

Columbia Center

By Reba George Dysart

A Unique Community Cornerstone

You all know it as the place we convene for the Junior League of Cincinnati meetings of all kinds. What you may not realize is that the Columbia Center is more than just an ordinary meeting place. This building has a rich history.

The Columbia Center was originally built in 1904 as a Masonic temple. The Junior League of Cincinnati purchased the property at 3500 Columbia Parkway during the 1987-1988. Naming it “Columbia Center,” the JLC moved into the building on June 25, 1988. In that same year, a $1.165 million capital campaign was launched for the purchase and renovation of Columbia Center. Impressively, the mortgage was paid by the first JLC General Membership Meeting of 1994.

The rich history of Columbia Center makes it a true community cornerstone. Today, it’s also open to JLC members and the community as a unique special event venue. Whether you are planning a wedding, celebrating a birthday, or commemorating a milestone, the 10,000 square foot Columbia Center offers a unique, affordable and charming event space to create a memorable event. For more information about rental opportunities, please contact Elizabeth at (513) 871-9339 or [email protected].

Page 6: JLC Perspectives - Spring 2013 Issue



New Member Spotlight: 20 Things You Didn't Know About Haley Titus-Mitchell

1 I am not tech savvy but I have my own website: http://haleytitusmitchell.

2 I believe that in order to take pride and ownership in anything, you

must feel as though you have significantly and consistently contributed. In every commitment, I consider how I can learn and grow as well as the impact I can make.

3 Favorite Meal—Roast Duck with maple glaze & butternut squash. My husband

is a chef; yes I am spoiled.

4 Favorite Sushi—Unagi (Eel). When I first tried sushi it was the only thing I

would eat because it was cooked.

5 Favorite Jewelry—pearls. I was president of the Choraliers, the

women’s chorus at Miami University, and pearls were part of our concert attire. I am a mezzo-soprano and I love to sing.

6 Favorite Season—fall. I was born in November and I am always warm so I

love the 60° weather and all of the colors.

7 Favorite Classical Piece—Grieg, Piano Concerto in A Minor. I love classical

music, especially piano. I frequent the CSO with my husband and will be joining the Encore Committee this year.

8 Favorite Book—Proust Was A Neuroscientist. I am a little biased as a

neuroscientist but I recommend this book to EVERYONE it is fantastic!

9 Favorite Art Style—Impressionism. The Chicago Institute of Art is one of my

absolute favorite places.

10 Favorite Wine—German Riesling. My husband and I are polar

opposites when it comes to wine. If he loves it, I think it's too dry. If I like it, he thinks it's too wimpy or sweet.

11 Favorite Outdoor Activity—Kayaking down Mad River in the

Sea Otter next to Chris (trying not to run into the bank. Yes, I’ve hit the bank before).

12 Favorite Academic Volunteering—judging science fairs!

13 Favorite Beach Spot—Ambergris Caye SanPedro, Belize. This is

where we went on our honeymoon; “You’d better Belize it” is their national motto.

14 Studied abroad in Queensland, Australia working on re-

rainforestation (there is only 2% of it left). I snorkeled the Great Barrier Reef and got to pet a wallaby.

15 I have been in Dublin, Ireland on St. Patricks Day. Several tourists

asked to take pictures with me because they thought I was a local. I obliged, but then told them I was from Ohio.

16 I have almost completed Preparing Future Faculty Certification at

the University of Cincinnati. I want to be equally as active in the classroom as I am in the laboratory as a Primary Investigator.

17 My mother has had Multiple Sclerosis for over 35 years and

my life goal is to find a cure. I have been involved with the National Multiple Sclerosis Society (NMSS), Ohio Valley Chapter, since 2007 and this year I am honored to join the board.

18 I have been in higher education for almost a decade! I have a

Bachelors from Miami University, a Masters from Wright State University School of Medicine, and I am working on my PhD in Neuroscience at the University of Cincinnati College of Medicine in a lab at Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center.

19 I wear many hats and my husband jokes that I am as addicted to

philanthropy as he is addicted to kayaking. I enjoy sitting on planning committees for several fundraisers: The Blue Party for the Wave Foundation at Newport Aquarium, Rock ‘n Aspire for NMSS, and the Once in a Lifetime gala for the Cure Starts Now Foundation.

20 Arachnophobia—I am a huge wimp when it comes to spiders.

This can be very difficult when my husband takes me camping.

Page 7: JLC Perspectives - Spring 2013 Issue

Spring 2013

1 My volunteering began way back as a Girl Scout and continued on through

college when I was Philanthropy Chair of my sorority.

2 My husband, Brennan, and I share a love for traveling. We especially enjoy

exploring cities and have had fun recently taking advantage of Cincinnati's proximity to many fun cities within driving distance. This spring we'll be taking it a little bit further as we explore Montreal.

3 I successfully made the Westside to Eastside transfer, I grew up in White

Oak and now live in Mt. Lookout with no plans to go back.

4 I've spent almost my whole career working as an accountant in non-

profits. Currently, I'm the Controller at the College of Mount Saint Jospeh.

5 McDreamy. Not McSteamy.

6 I am the youngest of five girls and have nine nieces and nephews who

all live in the Cincinnati area.

7 My favorite vacation spot is Hilton Head Island. I grew up vacationing

there and had the opportunity to spend a summer working as a beer-cart girl on a golf course after graduating and starting my "real" job.

8 I enjoy spending time with my little sister. Lately, she has been teaching

me rock climbing.

9 Despite being an accountant, I am a BIG spender! I love to shop for me

and others. Thankfully, my husband is very good at reigning me in.

10 I mountain biked down Haleakala volcano in Maui. (OK, I started to

mountain bike down Haleakala but then got freaked out and rode the rest of the way in the van, but it was still really cool.)

11 I was a stand-out soccer player as a kid, but later lost all athletic

ability. It was fun while it lasted.

12 My husband and I consider ourselves foodies and love to try

new restaurants.

13 Two things you cannot take away from me—my wine and my naps.

14 I really enjoy cooking and have taken several classes at the

Learning Kitchen over the years.

15 My favorite movies are the classics—The Sound of Music, It's a

Wonderful Life, and You've Got Mail.

16 I have a lot of creative energy for an accountant so I tend to express

it though my home decorating and party plannning.

17 You can always find something from HGTV or Food Network on

my DVR. Sarah's House is my favorite!

18 Coke. Always Coke. And no, Pepsi is not okay.

19 My favorite trip of all was my first trip abroad when I traveled to Paris

and Greece alone, meeting up with friends along the way.

20 My secret favorite thing to do is clean and organize. There is

nothing better than hanging out in a clean house where everything has a place. I have even helped friends organize their closets and kitchens. I guess I'm just a regular old before and after junkie.


Member Spotlight: 20 Things You Didn't Know About Liane Szucs Barber

Page 8: JLC Perspectives - Spring 2013 Issue

Perspectives Page 7


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Page 9: JLC Perspectives - Spring 2013 Issue

Spring 2013


Sustainer Spotlight: Carol Conlan

The Junior League of Cincinnati has always supported the local arts scene and this year is no exception. On Saturday, April 27, 2013, Cincinnati Opera will present the 2013 Opera Ball, The Night of the Rose, a Viennese-themed ball inspired by Cincinnati Opera's 2013 production of Strauss's Der Rosenkavalier. As the Creative Chair for the event, Erin Lombardi, a first-year Active, has worked to bring together a visually dramatic evening at the Hilton Cincinnati Netherland Plaza, where soprano Sarah Coburn will perform for guests attending the sumptuous Viennese ball. JLC President, Shannon Glass, heads up the committee for the official after party, RED Vienna After Dark. For tickets to The Night of the Rose or RED Vienna After Dark, please email [email protected] or call 513-768-5565.

The Junior League and the 2013 Opera BallBy Erin Lombardi

I joined the JLC in 1976 because I wanted to be part of the organization that was making such a difference in the Cincinnati community. On the volun-teer level, I was already a tour guide at Music Hall and officer in my children’s school parent association, but by join-ing the Junior League of Cincinnati I would be able to expand my volunteer opportunities while learning new orga-nizational skills. Feeling compelled to stay connected to women who are focused on the welfare of others and not necessarily on them-selves, I have remained in the JLC.My 4-year role as a KITK Advisor is to serve as a hands-on member of the team as well offer advice and coun-sel. The role is both challenging and rewarding. Challenging as we work to complete the transition year by focus-ing on making a well informed decision regarding the future of KITK that is in the best interests of both the community

and the JLC, and extremely rewarding because I am privileged to be working with so many intelligent, dynamic, goal-oriented women, all of whom have a commendable sense of collegiality.

My favorite Mission Moment came this past summer at the Mariemont Kroger store. While I was shopping, three Riv-erview East students ran up to me, gave me a hug and said, “We know you,

you’re one of the KITK ladies. Are you coming back to our school this year? We love KITK!” Then they showed me the KITK recipe cards they had brought to guide them in their ingredient pur-chases for the snacks they planned to make.Currently, I live in Indian Hill with my husband John and have called Cincin-nati my home for the last 46 years. What I love most about our beautiful city is that there is something here for everyone, the Symphony, the Pops, ballet, opera, theater, The Museum Center, art museums, excellent universi-ties, superb dining, river boating and abundant parks.We have raised four children here, Kelly, Wendy, Tara and Brian. Wendy lives in Chicago with her daughter Leila, and Tara, a JLC Active, lives here with her husband Matt and children Quinn, Ryan and Molly. Kelly and Brian

Sustainer Carol Conlan, KITK Advisor

...continued on page 9

On January 12, the Transfer Committee hosted a “Get to Know Cincinnati” interest group event at the Cincinnati Art Museum. The day started with a docent led tour of the Cincinnati Wing at the museum, where we learned about the rich history of art in Cincinnati. The docent led us through the life and career of Cincinnati native, artist Frank Duvenek. We learned about the history and symbolism of Cincinnati’s most famous work of art: the Tyler Davidson Fountain.

Next, we learned about the life and work of Robert S. Duncanson and his relationship with his patron, Nicho-las Longworth, whose daughter later founded another of Cincinnati’s icons, Rookwood Pottery. We then moved on

to the works of Joseph Henry Sharp, focusing on Native American culture. Finally, we completed the tour with a discussion of Joan Miro’s mural, commissioned for the Terrace Palace Hotel in Cincinnati, and its accompanying sculpture.

After the tour, we enjoyed lunch and conversation in the museum’s Terrace Café. It was a wonderful day spent with wonderful ladies from the Junior League of Cincinnati!

We are planning another "Get to Know Cincinnati" inter-est group event, tentatively scheduled for April, so keep an eye out for information in e-blasts, hot sheets, and, of course, Perspectives! We’d love to have you join us!

Transfers Get to Know CincinnatiBy Christy Flanagan

Page 10: JLC Perspectives - Spring 2013 Issue



Continuing the great tradition started by last year's Board of Directors, the JLC Board has adopted a first grade class at the Academy of World Languages. Working through the Adopt A Class Foundation, Board members have been visiting the class weekly and interacting with the students. Besides reading, chatting, and doing crafts, each Board member also writes back and forth with their student pen pal.

In December, Board members and other JLC volunteers helped to set the holiday mood by hosting a party for the class. Students created their own paper snowflakes which were used to assemble a giant snowman. After story time and a snowman-themed snack, it was on to the presents! Board members were asked to fulfill their pen pal's "gift wish" and the students were delighted with the results. Everyone had a fabulous time and the impact of our presence was instantly apparent. This special class buzzed with excitement and couldn't wait to show off what they learned that day.

If you are interested in being a part of future events, please contact Brooke Hiltz at [email protected]. You can also learn more about the Adopt A Class Foundation by visiting their website,

The Academy of World Languages Holiday PartyBy Meredith Comin

are our angels who watch over us.

I love to travel, especially where I can immerse myself in another culture. This type of travel is not only a joy, but opens the doors of understanding and appreciation of the differences in others. I am a voracious reader and espe-cially enjoy the spirited discussions as a member of the evening JLC Book Club.

Following 30 years as an educator, 20 of those at CPS, I left the educational field in 2007 to begin a new chal-lenge as Director of Marketing for Ag-Environ- Tech, LLC, a local “green energy” company.

Fun Fact: I have had supernumerary roles in The Ballad of Baby Doe, Norma, and the Tales of Hoffman for the Cincinnati Opera. No, I do not have an operatic voice, but played a hotel guest, a vestal virgin and a raucous barmaid who danced on the tables. What fun!

Four words that describe me are: creative, compassionate, loyal and focused.

Favorite inspirational quote: “Wherever you go, go with all your heart.” - Confucius

Cont'd...Sustainer Spotlight: Carol Conlan

Looking forEldercare?Transferred Sustainer offerscompanionship, transportation,and shopping services for homebound seniors or those in senior housing.Call Myrna Smith at 512-321-1629 or [email protected] for further information and an interview.

fersrtation,or hose


JLC Board members and volunteers spread holiday cheer at the Academy of World Languages in December

Perspectives Note: Please forgive our error- In the win-ter Issue, "PAC Hosts Forum on Issue 2: Redistricting" was written by Kerrie Martin

Page 11: JLC Perspectives - Spring 2013 Issue

Spring 2013


By Lisa Hubbard, President-Elect

As President-Elect, I had the honor of representing the Junior League of Cincinnati at the AJLI Winter Leadership Conference 2013 in Las Vegas. I was joined by delegates from at least 196 other Leagues across the United States, Canada, and Mexico. The theme of this year's conference was aptly named "Leadership Re–imagined". AJLI Executive Director Susan Danish told the packed conference room that we have been re–imagining leadership for a very long time, from Mary Harriman, who started the first Junior League, to Margaret Chase Smith, the first woman elected to both the United States Congress and Senate, to Sandra Day O'Connor, the first woman appointed to the United States Supreme Court.

The Junior League of Las Vegas graciously hosted a reception on Thursday night at The Morelli House, one of its preservation projects, and arranged for lunch presentations on Human Sex Trafficking from Dr. Musimbi Kanyoro, President and CEO of the Global Fund for Women. On Friday, we began two packed days of leadership workshops, including the always fascinating analysis of our Birkman Method reports (I'm a Red, by the way). I also acted as the JLC's voting delegate during a special meeting where we approved an amendment to the operational policies to provide for an External Resolutions Process, which will permit the Junior Leagues to once again speak with a collective voice on External Policy Resolutions adopted by the Leagues. Coming up in May—Annual Conference in Washington DC and Hill Day!

Leadership Re–imagined

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Page 12: JLC Perspectives - Spring 2013 Issue


Nominating CommitteeThe Nominating Committee is excited to announce the slate for next year’s Board of Directors. They will assume their roles for Board members whose terms are complete in 2013.

President-Elect— Susan SheltonVP of Community Projects—

Liane Szucs BarberVP of Fund Development—

Sarah MooreVP of Training & Development—

Tara Bonistall NolandRecording Secretary— Julie Cayse

In addition, the following ladies have been selected to join the Nominating Committee as wonderful representatives of the Junior League of Cincinnati.

Vice Chair of Nominating—Vicki Calonge

Nominating Committee Members with 4+ Years in the JLC—

Christy FlanaganDanielle DejaDeanna SickingEmily Roberts

Nominating Committee Members with 4- Years in the JLC—

Alison BushmanJacklyn OlingerLizzie PolstonSally Heekin

At the conclusion of the March GMM, we will vote on items for the 2013-2014 JLC Year. This will include the slate for the Board of Directors. Please make a special effort to attend. Heart-felt congratulations to all of the women selected!

CanDoThe January Fleece Blanket Making Event was a success! JLC members made 85+ blankets during the meeting and sent home supplies to complete our goal of 125. Blankets were donated to Cincinnati Children's Hospital patients and families staying at the Ronald Mc-

Donald house during their treatment.On Tuesday, February 12, the JLC proudly hosted the "14th Annual Valentine’s Event" at the YWCA Bat-tered Women’s Shelter. The Battered Women’s Shelter is the only emergency shelter for abused women and their children in Hamilton County.

The shelter facility serves up to 72 women and children at a time; In 2011 alone, over 700 women and children were served at the shelter, and the 24-hour crisis hotline received almost 8,000 calls. This year’s event mission was to pro-vide a festive Valentine-themed evening for the shelter’s women and children. We provided a delicious catered meal prepared by Funky’s Catering and sweets provided by our very own volunteers.The women enjoyed a relaxing adults-only “spa” and received gift bags and make-overs generously provided by professional make-up artists Qiana Har-grove ([email protected]) and Elaine Miller (937-572-5362). Downstairs, we played “Minute-To-Win-It” games and made Valentines with the children, who also received their very own goodie bags.Overall, the night was a smashing success! Our 18 JLC volunteers touched approx 40 lives that night, and we look forward to continuing to host this event in future years.

Dress for Success DriveIt's not too late to donate women's items AND earn points for your team towards the "What Not to Wear" event hosted by the one and only Joe Rigotti! Remember all items are worth

one point but these items are worth five points in the following months. March: Sweaters, Blouses, and Pants. April & May: Accessories.

Transfer CommitteeThe Transfer Committee is happy to introduce our two newest transfers: Keisha Byrd from Washington D.C. and Dana Brown, who is returning to the JLC after stints in many cities, most recently Memphis! That brings the transfer total to 20 for the year. You can read all about our "Get to Know Cincinnati" interest group event in this issue of Perspectives. In March, we will be hosting another All-Transfer Social, so if you were a transfer to the JLC, be on the lookout for information and a Punchbowl invite in early March. Also, we are planning another interest group event for April. Look for details in future e-blasts and hot sheets!

Leadership DevelopmentBeing a leader has never been so excit-ing thanks to the Leadership Develop-ment Committee. This year's Board Bank selections were named during the February General Membership Meet-ing. These 15 talented women will fulfill their training workshops in the spring with the intent of getting matched with local boards that align well with their personal passions. Applicants who were declined will have the option of applying during fall recruitment. Meanwhile, the committee is also col-laborating with council VPs to plan the year-end leadership session, formerly known as Leadership 301. This year's format will allow committee leaders to gain strategic council direction sooner than later, setting them up for success as they leave for summer and prepare for next fall. Stay tuned for more.

New MembersThe New Member class celebrated the midpoint of their introductory year with a Holiday Party in December at the Columbia Center. The party was orga-nized and hosted by a subcommittee headed by two New Member Advisors. Food and wine were donated to the


What's Happening Around the JLC: Committee Updates

Page 13: JLC Perspectives - Spring 2013 Issue

Spring 2013


It's Almost Time for the JLC's Annual CinSation Fundraising Gala!

Saturday, March 16, at The Cincinnati Masonic Center, the Junior League of Cincinnati will be celebrating with an international theme focused on the cultures of countries around the world! The event begins at 5:30 p.m. with a special reception and dinner for sponsors and hosts, and is open to general attendees at 7:30 p.m.

"Come Fly With Me" will feature an international style dinner-by-the-bite provided by several award-winning Cincinnati restaurants. Entertainment will feature live multi-cultural performances and dance music. Tatiana Berman, Founder and Artistic Director of the Constella Festival of Music, will be performing on the violin during dinner. The JLC is expecting over 450 guests this year for a celebration sure to be a success!

This year's gala will honor Kathy Wade, Co-Founder and CEO at Learning Through Art Inc., who is also a sustaining member of JLC. Kathy Wade's community awards include Cincinnati Enquirerer Woman of the Year, YWCA Career Woman of Achievement, and United Way of Cincinnati's Joseph A. Hall Diversity Award.

"When planning this event, we loved the idea of international diversity echoing the kaleidoscope of the JLC's programming and assistance." - Shannon Glass, President, Junior League of Cincinnati

Tickets can still be purchased online at or by calling 513-871-9339

wine cellar, and lots of socializing! We also had games and a photo booth set up with a wide variety of holiday props.

The New Members also donated a large amount of feminine hygiene products to an organization that supports homeless women in Cincinnati.

Public Affairs CommitteeIn February, PAC headed to the State Capitol to learn more about being effective advocates and bringing that training home to share. The March GMM focused on the issue of food deserts' within Cincinnati. The JLC's current Signature Project revolves around childhood obesity and one of the major keys to solving this issue is creating avenues for families to access nutritional, affordable food. So join PAC this spring as we continue to be agents for change!

Membership Outreach & EventsSpring is coming and we are looking forward to our New Member Information Sessions. We have two scheduled; one on April 20 and May 8. Our goal is to increase membership by 100 new women this year. If you have anyone in your community circle who might be interested in joining the JLC, please have them email [email protected]. We are also looking forward to the annual JLC Fashion Show. With a new location and new shop collaborators, this year is going to be bigger and better than ever. The Fashion Show will be on May 16 at Igby's on Sixth St. We hope you will join us! Event Co-Chair Sarah Avila Murphy, Honoree Kathy Wade,

Co-Chair Tracey Lynn Conrad, Vice-Chair Kari Kerns

S d M h 6 h

Do you have your tickets yet?

Cont'd...JLC Happenings

New Members strike a pose at the photo booth

By Tracey Lynn Conrad

Page 14: JLC Perspectives - Spring 2013 Issue



By Melanie Chavez and Darlene Karmine

The Junior League of Cincinnati Community Advisory Board was created more than 20 years ago during the Presidency of Linda Appleby. It was Linda's vision to ensure the JLC had a seat at the leadership table for issues related to the quality of life for our community—a kind of Civic Chamber of Commerce. For many years, the Advisory Board provided guidance on strategic planning and program areas as well as hands–on assistance with the development of the capital campaign for Co-lumbia Center. With the leadership of Past President Melanie Chavez and Sustainers Carolyn McCoy and Darlene Karmine, the Board was reorganized in 2011 and re–launched as the Committee of Community Advisors. Its purpose is to:

• Assist the Junior League of Cincinnati in identifying community needs appropriate for JLC investment of resources;

• Provide collaborative leadership in improving the quality of life for our community; and

• Welcome new civic leaders to the community.

Fourteen community leaders were invited to join the committee, including two who had served as part of the earlier Board, all of whom eagerly accepted the invitation. Over the course of four meetings, this group has provided invaluable insight into our community's needs and how we might intersect as we all move forward with the goal of improving the quality of life within our community.

2011-2013 Committee of Community Advisors

JLC 101: JLC Committee of Community Advisors

Eve BoltonPresident, Board of EducationCincinnati Public Schools

Dan HurleyDirector, Leadership CincinnatiCincinnati USA Regional Chamber

Shep EnglanderChief Executive OfficerJewish Federation of Cincinnati

Jane GarveyVice President, Marketing & CommunicationsCincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center

Susan IngmirePresidentIgnite Philanthropy Advisors

Heidi JarkManaging DirectorThe Foundation Office at Fifth Third Bank

Tim MaloneyPresident and Chief Executive OfficerThe Carol Ann & Ralph V. Haile, Jr., U.S. Bank Foundation

Edwin RigaudDirectorTaft Business Consulting, LLC

Jim SchwabPresident and Chief Executive OfficerThe Health Foundation of Greater Cincinnati

Barbara TerryVice President, Community ImpactUnited Way of Cincinnati

Shiloh TurnerVice President for Community InvestmentThe Greater Cincinnati Foundation

Judith Van GinkelPresidentEvery Child Succeeds

Ellen Van der HorstPresident and Chief Executive OfficerCincinnati USA Regional Chamber

Charlene VenturaPresident and Chief Executive OfficerYWCA

By Lisa Hubbard, President- ElectThe JLC recently had the honor of participating in the U.S. Department of State’s International Visitor Leadership Program when we met with representatives from six countries participating in the Education and Activism for Young Women program. Shannon Glass, Sara Cooperrider, and myself, Lisa Hubbard, spent an afternoon with women from Gambia, Ghana, the Netherlands, the Palestinian Territories, Poland, and the Republic of Korea. We discussed the importance of leadership and voluntarism for young women in the U.S. and explained our focus on effecting community change. We shared details about our current and past projects and Sara shared her work in the Refugee Resettlement issue area, a topic that generated much discussion! Our visitors left with a sense of the work we do in the community and our passion for volunteering—and in the case of our visitor from Gambia, the desire to start a Junior League in her own country!

An International Perspective

Page 15: JLC Perspectives - Spring 2013 Issue

Spring 2013


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lives of resettled refugees in Greater Cincinnati easier, 2) help them achieve self-sufficiency and 3) turn this initiative into a freestanding program at the end of the three to five-year project period.

Pediatric Oral Health: Dental Decay is 100% preventableAccording to a 2011 report from The Ohio Department of Health, dental care remains the single most common unmet health care need for nearly 157,400 children in Ohio. Almost 340,000 children in Ohio have never been to the dentist. Sadly, 51% of children have experienced tooth decay by third grade.

• Children who report having recent tooth pain are four times more likely to have a low grade point average

• The average high school student misses 2.6 days per year; 2.3 days are due to dental issues

The JLC will work to educate the community on this service need through a branded oral health awareness campaign.

One component of this initiative will be a partnership with the Cincinnati Children’s Museum in which a state-of-the-art Oral Health Exhibit will reside. Targeted messaging specifically aimed at healthcare pro-fessionals, parents, and children will also be created.From an advocacy perspective, the JLC will work to elimi-nate barriers preventing children from receiving optimal oral health care, such as working to create toothpaste and tooth-brush coverage with food stamps, advocating for increased reimbursement rates for specific dental procedures and much more.The goal of the Pediatric Oral Health Impact Initiative is to turn it into a freestanding program at the end of the three to five-year project period.

Cont'd...The New JLC Project Focus Area and Plans

Page 16: JLC Perspectives - Spring 2013 Issue











[email protected] [email protected]

Page 17: JLC Perspectives - Spring 2013 Issue

Spring 2013


Upcoming Member EventsMarch 13 » Choral Group PerformanceMarch 14 » Board BankMarch 16 » CinSation GalaMarch 20 » KITK at Riverview East

» All-Transfer Happy HourMarch 27 » Choral Group Performance

» KITK at Academy of WorldLanguages

March 28 » Board Bank

April 2 » Membership Dues DeadlineApril 3 » Choral Group PerformanceApril 10 » Choral Group PerformanceApril 11 » Board BankApril 13 » KITK “Be Healthy, Be Active” EventApril 16 » New Member Year-End

CelebrationApril 17 » Choral Group Performance

» KITK at Riverview EastApril 20 » New Member Info Session #1

» Transfers/Cincinnati Interest Group Event

April 24 » Choral Group PerformanceApril 25 » Board BankApril 30 » Leadership Wrap-Up Event

May 1 » Choral Group Performance» HSD Luncheon honoring the JLC

May 8 » Sustainer Luncheon

May 8 » New Member Info Session #2May 11 » CandO Children’s Hospital Spring Party Girls on the Run 5KMay 14 » JLC Annual Meeting May 16 » Membership Outreach & Events Fashion ShowMay 21 » Community Projects Council CelebrationMay 22 » KITK at Academy of World Languages

Check the online calendar at for updated event listings.

Many thanks to WOW Windowboxes for making the Columbia Center look AMAZING this winter season!

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�e JLC Preferred ListWhen you need a great referral on a local service, look to fellow JLC members for tested and approved recommendations. Please take a few moments to provide your favorite or highly recommended businesses and services in the Greater Cincinnati area. If you are an expert in one of these areas, please submit your company. Send recommendations to [email protected]. We appreciate your contribution to the growing list!

� e JLC Preferred ListWhen you need a great referral on a localservice, look to fellow JLC members for tested and approved recommendations. Please take a few moments to provide your favorite orhighly recommended businesses and services in the Greater Cincinnati area. If you are an expert in one of these areas, please submit your company. Send recommendations to [email protected]. We appreciate yourcontribution to the growing list!

Page 18: JLC Perspectives - Spring 2013 Issue



Weddings & Engagements

JLC Members in the NewsJulie Niesen-Godsen – has taken a new position as Senior Manager, Social Strategy/Professional & Career- Health Science & Careers with Pearson EducationPriya Patel-Rolfes, New Member— has been promoted to Site Operations Manager at Fidelity InvestmentsLaura Shamp, New Member— recently took the position of Giving Strategies Officer with The Greater Cincinnati FoundationHaley Titus-Mitchell, New Member—has recently been named to the Board of Trustees for the National Multiple Sclerosis Society, Ohio Valley ChapterDenise Carl – has taken a new position with the UC Foundation as Associate Director of Development, McMicken College of Arts & SciencesTanja Goldman, Emily Roberts & Sarah Reiger have been named to the Chamber's 2013 C-Change Class 8

Share With Us! Having a baby? Getting married? New job or promotion? Share your Milestones with Perspectives Magazine for

inclusion in upcoming issues. Please send announcements to [email protected]

Member Milestones

FarewellWe are saddened to learn of the passing of Kathleen "Katie" Sikes, Sustainer, on January 9, 2013, at the age of 84 years. Please keep her family in your thoughts.

Congratulations to our other new mom,

Kristen Myer!

Kelly & Nick Birkenhauer welcomed Nicholas Charles, Jr. "Charlie" on December 3

Paige & Josh Nepute welcomed James "Parker" November 1

Pam & Creighton Long welcomed Alexander

Cameron December 1

Gaby & Luke Blocher welcomed Adelaide Mary December 27

Kathryn & Sean Balnes welcomed Mary

Elizabeth "Lizzie" on December 2

Welcome JLC "Little Leaguers"!

Rene Brunelle and fiancé Matt Robers got engaged on August 4, 2012.

New Member Erika Schiff and fiancé Timothy Weara

got engaged on January 11, 2013.

Page 19: JLC Perspectives - Spring 2013 Issue


Executive Board:President Shannon Glass

President-Elect Lisa Hubbard

VP Communication Meredith Comin

VP Community Projects Vicki Calonge

VP Finance Pam Wise

VP Fund Development Lizzie Polston

VP Membership Jennifer Reed

VP Training & DevelopmentLauren Bosse

Legal Advisor Sara Cooperrider

Recording Secretary Brooke Hiltz

Sustainer Council:Chair Linda Appleby

Vice-Chair Darlene Kamine

Secretary Laura Skidmore

Treasurer Linda Nitzschke

Past Chair Ginny Myer

Sustainer Advisor Susan Shelton

Endowment RepresentativeSandy Donovan

In this issue...2 President’s Perspective3 The New JLC Impact Initiatives Focus Area and Plans4 A Unique Community Cornerstone5 New Member Spotlight: Haley Titus-Mitchell6 Member Spotlight: Liane Szucs Barber8 Sustainer Spotlight: Carol Conlan Tranfers Get to Know Cincinnati Junior League and the 2013 Opera Ball8 The Academy of World Languages Holiday Party 9 Leadership Re-Imagined 11 What's Happening Around the JLC12 CinSation...It's Almost Time!13 JLC 101: JLC Committee of Community Advisors An International Perspective16 Upcoming Member Events WOW Windowboxes17 Member Milestones18 Be Well

Perspectives is the quarterly magazine of the Junior League of Cincinnati. Publication months are September, December, March, and June. Advertising inquiries and items for submission can be sent to: Fran Santangelo or Jamie Humes at [email protected].

Follow us on FaceBook and Twitter @JLCincy

Perspectives Committee: Fran Santangelo, Chair, Jamie Humes, Vice-Chair, Meredith Comin, VP Communication, Meghan Abney, Alisa Strauss, Leah Taylor

Junior League of Cincinnati, 3500 Columbia Parkway, Cincinnati, Ohio 45226, (513) 871-9339,

Our MissionThe Junior League of Cincinnati is an organization of women committed to promoting voluntarism, developing the potential of women, and improving communities through the effective action and leadership of trained volunteers. Its purpose is exclusively educational and charitable.

The Junior League of Cincinnati is an exclusively educational, charitable organization which reaches out to women of all races, religions, or national origins who demonstrate an interest in and commitment to voluntarism.


Spring 2013


Be Well By Fran Santangelo, Certified Lifestyle and Weight Management Coach


How many of you made a New Year’s resolution to lose weight, eat healthy and/or get fit? How many of you are still following through on those resolutions? In the midst of winter with gray days and cold temperatures, it can be anything but easy to get and STAY motivated to be active and healthy. Winter tends to steer people towards craving comfort food and tempts you to lounge on the couch. Here are some tips as we MOVE into spring to get yourself MOVING in the right direction!

1. Temps too cold outside for your workout? Take it in-side for a HOT yoga or bootcamp class for a change! These workouts will be sure to warm you up.

2. Shop fresh! There are fabulous things in season to inspire you to eat healthy. Pomegranate seeds for salad and squash for soup are my favorites this time of year.

3. Need accountability? Buddy-up with a friend for workouts. Once you’ve decided to attend a class, you will be less likely to skip if your friend is waiting for you.

4. Catch up on zzzzz’s. Remember that sleep is an integral part of any healthy living plan. Make sure you are getting enough rest at night so you are maximizing your productivity while you are awake!

5. H2O Check! Grab a cup of hot tea to help you get your water intake up on a daily basis. Everything in your body works better when you’re hydrated…

Send your questions to Fran via email at [email protected] today. I can’t wait to help!

Perspectives Magazine Staff

Jamie HumesVice-Chair

Fran SantangeloChair

Meghan Abney Alisa Strauss Leah Taylor

Page 20: JLC Perspectives - Spring 2013 Issue

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