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Jessica Sanchez

Jessica SanchezCompany InformationCrossroads has been caring for the pets of the Northwest Houston area since 1994. We are located on 16500 FM 529 Rd. Our staff numbers about 20, plus the non-full time veterinarians that come in.

Services Offered Basic services offered in the clinic are appointments, vaccines, regular checkups, and boarding. Also surgeries and dentistry can also be performed when necessary. Our veterinarians can also give advise on which foods certain pets should consume as well as medications.

ManagersMy main manager is Patricia, although I also work under Jeffrey (Jeff). The overall clinic managers are Sheila, Butch, and Dr. McIntyre.

Future Job DescriptionMy future job will be that of a veterinarian. To even be named a vet I first need to obtain a Doctor of Veterinary Medicine Degree (D.V.M). As a veterinarian, I would have appointments scheduled throughout the day as well as walk- in patients. I would do my best to treat whatever is ailing my patients and to try to prevent any sickness in the future. I also would probably have some emergency cases come in unexpectedly which I would need to treat with caution. If I were to specialize in doing a certain surgery I would have them be in the morning to give the pet time to recover throughout the day. Not only would I care for animals, but also or the staff in the clinic. I would make sure that they are appreciated and have a good working environment.

Current Job Description Typically when I enter the clinic I greet anyone in the lobby, and anyone I may encounter on my way to clock in. After that I head toward the kennels and look for something to work on. During the day I can be seen in the lobby, clinic rooms, kennels, and the vet tech area.My actual job title, other than intern, is Patient Care Assistant. As a part of that I work in the kennels. I feed the pets, walk them, and clean their kennels as well as the clinic at the end of the day. Recently I have been helping the veterinary technicians more as I gain experience. I hold the dog or cat while a regular checkup is done (weight, temperature, body check, and blood drawings).

Training SupervisorsMy training supervisors are Patricia and Jeff. Both of them work in the kennels and do the same as I do, except that they are allowed to treat Caution pets. These are pets that may be aggressive, and I am not allowed to interact with them for safety reasons. Patricias official title is Veterinary Assistant and Jeffs is Patient Care Assistant. Personal ExperiencesMy favorite on-the-job experience was when I had the opportunity to translate for one of the vets and a couple that had come in and only spoke Spanish. It was not very long ago, and I was glad to have seen a real interaction between a veterinarian and her clients. That situation helped me visualize more accurately what it is will be doing when I become a vet. I appreciated the doctor and the rest of the staff for trusting me enough to let me be the translator, and knowing that I could precisely explain what both sides were saying. It was an incredible to be able to interact with the Doctor and the patients, I spoke with them after the appointment and helped them understand what had been said more clearly and the situation they were in.

I AppreciateI appreciate being given the opportunity to come into Crossroads and be an intern. I have learned many things that I will not forget and would not have learned in a classroom. I have gained skills that I will use in the future, and have met people that have helped me achieve this. I am very thankful for all of the staff of Crossroads for teaching me and helping me adapt. Also without them, the clinic would not run as smoothly as it does, and would not be a place to which people would trust their pets with. I Will Always RememberI will always remember the kindness and understanding that the staff have shown toward me. I know that my schedule was difficult to work out, but they were willing to work it out and give me an opportunity to be there. I will forever appreciate the knowledge that I have gained through this experience and the contacts that I have made as well. These will aid me in my future when I am in college. I may know more about a topic than other classmates simply because of experience, also whenever I graduate or am on breaks I know that I will be able to return to Crossroads.

Influenced by Someone that has truly influenced me is Dr. McIntyre, the main veterinarian. She is the owner of the clinic along with Butch, her husband. She has accomplished what I would like to do: become a vet and own a clinic. Since those are my goals, to see them achieved by another has resonated within me and has motivated me even more to put all of my effort to be successful. She attended the school I aspire to attend, Texas A&M. Doctor McIntyres work is admirable and she is successful at it through hard work, it has once again reminded me that to become a veterinarian is not an easy path, but it is rewarding at the end. When I achieve that, I will finally be able to say I am a veterinarian.