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Crime and Punishment

Rules and Regulations


Popular Culture


African American


Immigrant anarchists arrested, tried, convicted and

executed with very little evidence

Who are Sacco and Vanzetti

Biology teacher arrested and tried in

Tennessee for teaching evolution

Who is John Scopes

Constitutional Amendment banning


What is the 18th amendment

Name of Congressional act that was passed to

enforce prohibition and gave the federal

government police powers

What is the Volstead Act

Law limiting European immigration to 3% of an ethnic heritage based on

1910 census data

What is the Emergency Quota Act

Law passed in Tennessee that

outlawed the teaching of evolution in


What is the Butler Act

Constitutional amendment passed

that gave women the right to vote

What is the 19th amendment

African American organization that

successfully lobbied Congress to pass anti-lynching laws in 1922

Who is the NAACP

Psuedo science meant to show inferiority of certain races/ethnic


What is Eugenics

Radical racist organization that promoted anti-

immigrant agenda as well as racial,religious


What is the KKK

Immigration legislation passed to limit

immigration to 2% of ethnic group based on

1890 census data

What is the National Origins Act

Who was exempted from National Origins Act of


Natives of the Western


Area in NY where many Bohemians would gather,

live, work and create

What is Greenwich Village

One of the first radio broadcasts reported

this event

What is Harding’s landside victory in

Presidential election of 1920

Term given to young independent women that

flaunted their independence and willingness to break with

traditional roles

What is a Flapper

This popular figure in American Culture of

the 20’s was known as “The Sultan of Swat”

Who is Babe Ruth

Playwright that brought realism and contemporary

issues to the stage

Who is

Eugene O’Neill

Term given to young American authors like

Fitzgerald and Hemingway that lived

and worked in Paris for a time

What is the Lost Generation

U.S. president whose administration was

marred by numerous scandals and eventually

died in office

Who is

Warren G. Harding

First pilot to cross the Atlantic in a solo


Who is

Charles Lindbergh

African American writer that was the

leading voice of the African American

Experience of the era

Who is Langston Hughes

Nickname for Jazz icon Louis Armstrong

What is “Satchmo”

Type of music said to have evolved from African American


What is the Blues?

Black leader that believed that African Americans

would never achieve equality and justice in the

United States

Who is Marcus Garvey