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  • December 6, 2001 14:43 WSPC/124-JEE 00050

    Journal of Earthquake Engineering, Vol. 6, No. 1 (2002) 1{15c Imperial College Press



    Civil Engineering Department, Kobe University, Japan


    Department of Science & Technology,Kobe University, Japan

    Received 7 July 2000Revised 12 January 2001Accepted 27 March 2001

    In this paper, we analysed the damage ratio in water distribution, gas and telecommu-nication pipelines buried normal and parallel to the fault direction using GIS database.We attempt to simulate strong ground motions in these two directions at near-eld con-sidering the S-wave radiation pattern. We have also analysed and compared the buriedpipes behaviour located normal or parallel to the fault direction in the ground withhorizontal or inclined bedrock, using a three-dimensional nite element approach. Bothstatistical and analytical results show that response and damage ratio of the pipes buriednormal to the fault direction are larger than those in parallel direction. It is also shownthat the eect of seismic directivity at near eld is large, while at far eld, the eectdue to inclination of the bedrock on the ratio of pipe damage in these two directions ispredominant.

    Keywords: Damage directivity; pipeline damage; wave radiation pattern; seismicdirectivity; bedrock inclination.

    1. Introduction

    Lifelines suered extensive damage in the 1995 Hyogoken Nambu Earthquake and

    the role of urban lifelines were much more closed up. Damage to the water and

    gas distribution pipes in Kobe City, which is located near to the source fault,

    happened in thousands of locations. The analyses of the recorded accelerations

    show that the ground displacement and velocity were larger in normal direction

    to the fault comparing to those in parallel [CIHAE, 1998; Mori, 1998]. There is

    also a special characteristic in this city and that is the inclination of bedrock

    from the mountainside to the seaside [CIHAE, 1998; Mori, 1998] (north to south).

    ProfessoryAssistant ProfessorzGraduate Student


  • December 6, 2001 14:43 WSPC/124-JEE 00050

    2 S. Takada, N. Hassani & K. Fukuda

    Therefore, these two characteristics are supposed to have eective role on dam-

    age directivity in buried pipelines during the earthquake in Kobe City. The GIS

    based statistical analysis of data collected from the performance of buried pipes

    in water, gas and telecommunication networks in this city showed that damage

    in those pipes which were buried normal to the faults direction was conside-

    rably more than those in the parallel direction. Also for studying the eect of

    bedrock inclination on damage directivity, the generated earthquake waves, con-

    sidering the radiation pattern of S-wave are used in the FEM analyses of pipe-

    ground system with and without bedrock inclination using the ABAQUS computer


    2. Relation Between Damage and Burial Direction of Pipelines

    The damage ratios of water, gas and telecommunication pipelines in two di-

    rections of parallel and normal to the fault were statistically analyzed using

    the GIS medium [Takada et al., 1999a; 1999b]. The four faults used for the

    present analyses were not the main ones having a rapture origin. However surface

    fault displacements along these faults were recognized by SAR analysis [Fujiwara

    et al., 2000]. Here, the method that we have used for determining angles be-

    tween pipes and fault is explained. Assuming an axis for the fault and using an

    angle-step of 30, the pipe directions have been divided into six parts as shown inFig. 1.

    Then considering the end points of each pipe in ve wards of the city, their

    angles with the fault direction are calculated. In more general division the pipes in

    directions 3 and 4 are assumed normal to the fault while the ones in directions

    1 and 6 have been considered as parallel to the fault. Using such a classica-

    tion, the pipe length, damage number and ratios have been determined for each

    divided part, which we named them directions 1 to 6 to avoid complicated descrip-

    tion in the paper. We have showed the directivity characteristics by concentrating

    Fig. 1. Burial directions of the pipes.

  • December 6, 2001 14:43 WSPC/124-JEE 00050

    Damage Directivity in Buried Pipelines of Kobe City 3

    on directions 3 (as normal to the fault) and 6 (as parallel to the fault) [Fukuda,


    2.1. Water distribution pipelines

    The water distribution pipes in the ve wards of Nada, Higashinada, Chuo, Hyogo

    and Suma which are located close to the four faults of Gosukebashi, Suwayama,

    Egeyama and Suma in Kobe City are selected for the analysis. The materials of

    pipelines are ductile iron with dierent joint type in more than 90% of total length in

    Kobe City. Those pipes in the back ll lands which suered more from liquefaction

    than being near to the fault are excluded in this analysis. Comparisons of directions

    3 and 6 in dierent wards are given in Table 1 and Fig. 2.

    The results show that the damage ratio in direction 3, which is normal to the

    fault direction, is more than that in the area 6, which is parallel to the fault.

    In those wards such as Nada, Higashinada and Chuo where the damage ratio is

    large, the dierence between the ratios in two directions is also large, while in the

    other areas, there is not so big dierences between the ratios in two directions.

    Table 1. Comparison among damage condition of water distribution pipes in dierent wards ofKobe City.

    The wards inDamage ratio

    Kobe CityLength of buried pipes (km) Damage locations (location/km)

    Direction 3 Direction 6 Direction 3 Direction 6 Direction 3 Direction 6

    Nada and 152.05 228.83 150 166 0.99 0.73


    Chuo 74.92 107.85 61 44 0.81 0.41

    Hyogo 51.13 60.93 28 23 0.55 0.38

    Suma 46.24 59.42 22 26 0.48 0.44











    in w









    D i rec t ion 3Di rec t ion 6

    N ada andHigash inada WardsGosukebashi Faul t

    C h u o W a r dSuwayama Fau l t

    H y o g o W a r dEgeyama Faul t

    S u m a W a r dSuma Faul t

    Fig. 2. Comparison of damage ratios in water distribution pipes for dierent burial direction.

  • December 6, 2001 14:43 WSPC/124-JEE 00050

    4 S. Takada, N. Hassani & K. Fukuda

    Therefore, it is concluded that in those areas with big dierences in damage ratios

    for two directions, the earthquake motion in the normal direction to the fault was


    2.2. Gas pipes

    Considering the reliability degree of damage data of gas pipes in three wards of

    Chuo, Nada and Higashinada the total damage location is decreased somewhat.

    The same method of analysis in water distribution pipes, is used for nding the

    relation between damage ratio and pipe directions against the Suwayama fault.

    The length, damage location and damage ratio of gas pipes, are given for each

    direction in Table 2. The materials of gas pipelines are mostly ductile iron and

    steel pipe with screw joint.

    The comparison between the damage ratios in directivity areas 3 and 6 are given

    in Fig. 3. The damage directivity analysis was also done for the dierent types of

    pipes. The results show that in the gas pipes damage ratio for the pipes in direction

    Table 2. Comparison of damage condition of gas pipes indierent directions.

    Direction Buried length Damage Damage ratio

    (km) location (location/km)

    1 201.89 33 0.16

    2 228.67 55 0.24

    3 813.05 292 0.36

    4 143.82 34 0.24

    5 231.12 35 0.15

    6 1147.95 266 0.23

    Fig. 3. Comparison of damage ratio for dierent directions.

  • December 6, 2001 14:43 WSPC/124-JEE 00050

    Damage Directivity in Buried Pipelines of Kobe City 5

    3, is more than that in direction 6 (considering total whole lines). This dierence is

    much greater (about 1.7 times) for the pipes with screw joints (considering damage

    ratio in pipelines with screw joints).

    2.3. Telecommunication pipelines

    In a damage investigation, NTT performed the Street Mandrel Test for two vacant

    conduits among several ones in each span between manholes. The judgement on

    damage was done whether the Mandrel passes smoothly or not. The results showed

    that the interruption rate has increased to 36% which is bigger than usual rate by

    6% [CIHAE, 1998]. For telecommunication analysis, the damage data of pipelines

    in Nada and Higashinada (the Nada, Mikage and Higashinada blocks) were used

    against the Gosukebashi fault. Assuming 3 number interruption of Mandrel as the

    damage to the pipeline, the interruption rate is calculated for whole length of the

    pipeline. Figure 4 shows the comparison between the interruption rate in direction

    3 and 6. It is shown that the damage ratio in normal direction to the fault is

    somewhat greater than in the parallel direction without Mikage Block.

    However, comparing to the water and gas pipes, there is dierent tendency for

    damage dierence in block with less damage. Due to this reason, it is supposed that

    there are some other causes for damage except earthquake that is necessary to be

    included in the analysis of data. One of the main reason for interruption of Mandrel

    is the influence of rust in the pipe accumulated during the past time.

    One of the reasons for more damage in pipes buried in normal direction to the

    fault is the eect of the predominant ground motion in this direction. Generally

    speaking, the behavior of buried pipelines follows the ground deformation and the

    longitudinal behavior is much predominant compared with perpendicular one due to

    soil stiness in each direction. Since the motion in the normal direction to the fault

    is predominant, the longitudinal strain in those pipes which are buried in this

    direction is also predominant. Due to the pipe longitudinal severe compression and

    tension, there is a lot of damage to the joints (such as pulling-out) and to the pipe-

    body (such as buckling) both for water and gas buried pipes. However, since the

    Fig. 4. Comparison of interruption percentage in dierent areas.

  • December 6, 2001 14:43 WSPC/124-JEE 00050

    6 S. Takada, N. Hassani & K. Fukuda

    pipelines in Kobe City are buried also parallel to the bedrock inclination from the

    mountains in the north to the sea in the south, there is possibility of topography

    influence on the pipe damage in this direction. Therefore, the eect of bedrock

    inclination is also investigated in this paper.

    3. Introduction of Function of S-Wave Radiation Pattern

    For analysis of damage directivity in pipelines, the earthquake waves are generated

    through a statistical synthesis method. In order to make waves for small earth-

    quakes (due to incremental fracture of the fault), the random phase is applied

    to the spectrum model of the source fault using the Boor Statistical Simulation

    Method [Mori, 1998; Boore, 1983]. The large earthquake wave is generated through

    the summation of these small waves. It is not necessary to estimate the path of wave

    propagation or ground characteristics in this method. Although the advantage of

    empirical Green Function is not used very well, the best use of the propagation of

    fault surface rupture and geometrical relation among fault and any arbitrary point

    is the advantages of the method. By introducing the Radiation Pattern Function

    in the relation between the location of epicenter and observation point, the same

    earthquake is obtained in any direction at observation point. In this way, after

    making ground motion for each short path in the fault, the radiation pattern of

    displacement amplitude directivity is used and then the main earthquakes in nor-

    mal and parallel direction to the fault are generated by summation of the small


    Hirasawa and Stauder [1965] have considered the characteristics of rupture pro-

    pagation in a single direction of fault with vertical-horizontal displacements and

    calculated the radiation pattern of the S-waves. Here, by assuming the unilateral

    epicenter line of a vertical-horizontal fault as the fault rupture direction, the radia-

    tion pattern of P - and S-waves are calculated in any arbitrary point. If the angle

    between the rupture propagation direction and the line to the observation point is

    Fig. 5. Radiation pattern of S-wave.

  • December 6, 2001 14:43 WSPC/124-JEE 00050

    Damage Directivity in Buried Pipelines of Kobe City 7

    , the radiation pattern (Fig. 5) for S-wave is obtained through Eq. (1).

    R =cos 2

    R Vp=Vs

    1 VrVs

    cos : (1)

    Here, R is the Radiation Pattern Function of the S-wave, Vr; rupture propagation

    velocity, Vp and Vs; velocities of P - and S-waves, respectively and R is the distance

    between the epicenter and observation point. As the analytical parameters it is

    assumed that Vs = 3:0 km/s, Vr = 2:7 km/s, Vr=Vs = 0:9, Vp=Vs = 1:5 and

    Vp = 4:5 km/s [Hirasawa and Stauder, 1965].

    4. Simulated Earthquake Motions using Radiation Pattern

    The resulted waves by the statistical synthesis method in an observation point

    1.0 km far from the epicenter for any direction without considering the radiation

    pattern is shown in Fig. 6.







    0 1 2 3 4 5 6time(sec)

    The same wave in any direction


    Fig. 6. Example of statically synthesised wave at ground surface (distance from the fault 1.0 km).








    0 1 2 3 4 5 6Time(sec)

    Parallel to the faultNormal to the fault


    Fig. 7. Wave at the ground surface using radiation pattern (distance from the fault is 1.0 km).

  • December 6, 2001 14:43 WSPC/124-JEE 00050

    8 S. Takada, N. Hassani & K. Fukuda

    By introducing the Radiation Pattern Function, it became possible to estimate

    the wave components in normal and parallel directions to the fault direction sepa-

    rately as shown in Fig. 7. Here, the distance from the fault as shown in Fig. 8,

    is measured from the end point of fault rupture to the observation point in the

    normal direction to the fault. Figure 7 shows that for 1.0 km far from the fault,

    the maximum acceleration in normal direction is 1.5 times larger than the one in

    parallel direction to the fault. The relation between the maximum acceleration at

    ground surface and the distance from the fault is depicted in Fig. 9 for ground

    with horizontal bedrock. This gure clearly shows that the maximum acceleration

    at ground surface in normal direction is much greater than the parallel one and the

    former one is 1.5{5.2 times larger than the latter one.

    Comparison among the results with those from the attenuation formula of

    Fukushima and Tanaka [1990] shows that the maximum acceleration in normal

    direction at a distance of 10.0 km to the fault is more than that obtained by the

    formula. While in the parallel direction, by increasing the distance from the fault, it

    decreases very fast, and for a distance of 2.0 km, it becomes less than that calculated

    by the attenuation formula. The displacement hysteric paths are shown in Fig. 10

    for dierent distances from the fault. The displacement amplitudes in the normal di-

    rection are also larger than the ones in parallel direction to the fault. Figure 10 also

    shows that the displacement amplitudes for normal to parallel direction increases

    by increasing the distance from the fault. The next is determination of ground mo-

    tion at underground bedrock. Figure 11 shows the velocity response spectra for the

    Source fault

    Distance from the fault


    Observation point

    Fig. 8. Relation between presumption point and its distance from the fault.

    dis tance f rom the faul t (km)1 0 0

    1 0 0 0

    2 0 0 0

    1 1 0

    Normal to the fau l tParal le l to the faul tFukush ima-Tanaka fo rmu la






    n at







    5 0 0


    Fig. 9. Relation between maximum acceleration at ground surface and distance from the fault.

  • December 6, 2001 14:43 WSPC/124-JEE 00050

    Damage Directivity in Buried Pipelines of Kobe City 9

    (a) Distance from the fault: 1.0 km (b) Distance from the fault: 2.0 km

    (c) Distance from the fault: 3.0 km (d) Distance from the fault: 4.0 km

    Fig. 10. Path of a ground particle at dierent distances from the fault.





    0.1 1 5



    Period (sec)0.5 2



    Distance from the fault

    Waterguideline 90%Non-excessprobability

    Waterguideline 70%Non-excessprobability

    Sv (c


    c) 8km6km


    (a) Normal to the fault





    0.1 1 5






    Period (sec)0.5 2



    Distance from the fault

    Water guideline90%Non-excessprobability

    Sv (c



    probability 70%Non-excess probability

    (b) Parallel to the fault

    Fig. 11. Velocity spectra obtained from numerically generated wave.

  • December 6, 2001 14:43 WSPC/124-JEE 00050

    10 S. Takada, N. Hassani & K. Fukuda





    0.1 1 5

    Higashi-Ohashi.y(GL-33m)Port Island.y(GL-83m)Kansai Electric Co.Research Center.y(GL-100m)

    0.5 2



    Period (sec)

    Water guideline 70%Non-excess probability

    Water guideline 90%Non-excess probability

    Sv (



    (a) Normal to the fault

    Period (sec)1




    0.1 1 50.5 2



    Sv (cm/sec)

    Kansai Electric Co.Research Center.y(GL-100m)

    Port Island.y(GL-83m)


    Water guideline 70%Non-excess probability

    Water guideline 90%Non-excess probability

    (b) Parallel to the fault

    Fig. 12. Velocity spectra from the waves recorded during Kobe Earthquake.

    generated earthquakes in normal and parallel directions to the fault. The two bold

    lines in the gure are the design velocity spectra, which are proposed in the Re-

    commended Anti-Seismic Construction of Water Facilities (revised 1997) [JWWA,

    1997] for design of underground structures against level 2 earthquakes in Japan.

    These lines are corresponded to 90% and 70% non-excess probability. This gure

    shows that the spectrum characteristics are clearly dierent for normal and parallel

    directions to the fault and the one in the normal direction is much larger than that

    in the parallel direction. At a distance of 6.0 km in the normal direction to the fault

    and for periods more than 1.0 second, the velocity spectrum exceeds the 100 kine

    (given for 90% non-excess probability), which shows the importance of considering

    directivity in velocity spectra for seismic design of buried structures. This is also

    clear from the Fig. 12 which depicts velocity spectra for two directions obtained

    from recorded waves during Kobe Earthquake.

    5. Performance Characteristics of Buried Pipes Network in

    Dierent Distances from the Fault

    5.1. Outlines and conditions of analyses

    In this part, the generated waves by the Statistical Synthesis Method using Ra-

    diation Pattern Function are used for increment distances from the fault as input

    waves for response analysis of a 3D model of buried pipes in two directions using the

    ABAQUS code. The generated waves in two directions are applied in two orthogo-

    nal directions, normal and parallel to the faults, for comparison and investigation

    of pipe seismic responses. The rupture length and width of the fault corresponded

    to a magnitude 7.0 are obtained as 40.0 km and 20.0 km empirically. The waves at

    the bedrock are generated for every 1.0 up to 10.0 km from the fault and applied

    in direction 1 (parallel to the fault), direction 2 (normal to the fault) and both

    directions simultaneously. The input earthquakes for distances 1.0 km and 2.0 km

    are given in Fig. 13 as examples.

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    Damage Directivity in Buried Pipelines of Kobe City 11








    0 1 2 3 4 5

    Parallel to the fault

    Maximum acceleration405.0gal

    Maximum acceleration604.4gal





    Normal to the fault

    (a) Distance from the fault: 1.0 km








    0 1 2 3 4 5Time(sec)

    Parallel to the faultNormal to the fault

    Maxmum acceleration574gal

    Maximum acceleration139gal





    (b) Distance from the fault: 2.0 km

    Fig. 13. Example of input ground motions.

    Parallel to thefault buried pipe



    1.5m 1.5mDirection 3

    Direction 2iParallel to the fault j

    Direction 1iNormal to the fault j


    Normal to thefault buried pipe


    (a) Case 1



    Normal to thefault buried pipe

    Direction 2Parallel to the fault j

    Direction 1(Normal to the fault)

    Direction 3










    Parallel to thefault buried pipe


    (b) Cases 2 and 3

    Fig. 14. Model for analysis.

    Table 3. Cases of analyses.

    Case Ground Input ground motion

    Case 1 Uniform Direction 1: Normal to the fault , Direction 2: Parallel to the fault

    Case 2 Inclined bedrock Normal one was applied in directions 1 and 2

    Case 3 Inclined bedrock Direction 1: Normal to the fault, Direction 2: Parallel to the fault

    There are three cases of analyses, which are given in Table 3. The models of

    the cases are also shown in Fig. 14. The length, width and depth of the models are

    100.0, 100.0 and 25.0 m, respectively. The N -value is 10 and there is 45 bedrockinclination in the model for Cases 2 and 3. The Mohr{Coulomb criterion is used

    for soil failure. The bottom of the models is xed while the other boundaries are

    viscous. The pipe is a 150 mm welded steel with bilinear characteristics buried

    in a depth of 1.5 m and simulated as a beam element in both directions.

  • December 6, 2001 14:43 WSPC/124-JEE 00050

    12 S. Takada, N. Hassani & K. Fukuda

    Normal to the faul t

    Paral le l to the faul t0.25










    in in


    e ax

    ial d



    0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10Dis tance f rom the fau l t (km)

    Fig. 15. Relation between the maximum axial strain in the pipes and distance from the fault(Case 1).


    1 .1

    1 .2

    1 .3

    1 .4

    1 .5

    0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 0Distance f rom the faul t (km)


    in in





    n /


    in in



    l dire



    Fig. 16. Distance from the fault and ratio of axial strains of pipe (Case 1).

    5.2. Results of the analyses and discussion

    The relation between the pipes maximum strain and the distance from the fault

    for the Case 1 is shown in Fig. 15. According to this gure, up to 7.0 km from

    the fault, the strains in normal direction, are larger than those in parallel di-

    rection. The relation between the maximum strain ratio of these two directions

    and the distance from the fault is given in Fig 16. The ratio of strains in normal

    to parallel direction in this gure for 1.0 to 7.0 km distances from the fault is

    about 1.2 to 1.3 times, while for the distances more than 8.0 km, it decreases to

    1.1 times.

    The similar results are given in Fig. 17 for Cases 2 and 3. This gure also

    shows that the maximum strain of pipe buried in normal direction are greater

    than those buried in parallel. The ratio of maximum strains of normal to parallel

    direction is shown in Fig. 18 for Cases 2 and 3. Figure 19 shows the influence ratio

  • December 6, 2001 14:43 WSPC/124-JEE 00050

    Damage Directivity in Buried Pipelines of Kobe City 13



    0 .05

    0 .1

    0 .15

    0 .2

    0 .25

    0 .3

    0 .35

    0 .4

    0 .45

    0 .5

    0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 0

    Case2 Para l le l to the faul t

    Case3 Normal to the fau l t

    Case3 Para l le l to the faul t

    Dis tance f rom the fau l t (km)




    al st


    of p



    Case2 Normal to the fau l t

    Fig. 17. Relation between the maximum axial strains in the pipes and distance from the fault(Cases 2 and 3).

    Dis tanse f rom the f au l t (km)


    in in



    to th

    e fa



    in p


    lel t

    o th

    e fa


    0 1 2 3 54 6 7 8 9 101 .8

    2 .22 .42 .62 .8

    33 .23 .43 .63 .8

    1 .8

    2 .22 .42 .62 .8

    33 .23 .43 .63 .8 P [

    X Q P [ X RC a s e 2C a s e 3


    Fig. 18. Distance from the fault and the ratio of maximum axial strains in the pipes (Cases 2and 3).

    of bedrock inclination (Case 2) in the total ratio of maximum strain of normal to

    parallel direction, which includes the eects of both seismic directivity and bedrock

    inclinations (Case 3 in Fig. 18. The strain ratio is dierent for any distance from

    the fault and is larger in normal direction for any distance in Case 3, in which the

    directivity is also included.

    The results in Figs. 18 and 19 show that at near eld of the fault, the directivity

    of ground motion (seismic directivity) is considerable. However for the distances

  • December 6, 2001 14:43 WSPC/124-JEE 00050

    14 S. Takada, N. Hassani & K. Fukuda

    Dis tance f rom the fau l t (km)0.5

    0 .6

    0 .7

    0 .8

    0 .9


    0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 0


    ct o

    f bed





    on p



    n ra


    2 d



    Fig. 19. Distance from the fault and the influence ratio of bedrock inclination on ratio of strainin pipe axial direction (Case 3).

    more than 7.0 km from the fault (far eld), there is almost no eect of seismic

    directivity and the eect of bedrock inclination becomes predominant.

    6. Conclusions

    Damage directivity in buried pipelines in Kobe City during the 1995 Hyogoken

    Nambu Earthquake are investigated. For investigating the eect of seismic direc-

    tivity and bedrock inclination eects at near and far elds, two orthogonal pipes

    are analyzed in a 3D model of ground. The input waves for normal and parallel

    direction are generated using a Statistical Synthesis Method considering Radiation

    Pattern Function. The main ndings are as follows:

    (1) The statistical analyses of the GIS based data in Kobe City show that the

    water, gas and telecommunication pipelines, which were buried normal to the

    faults suered much damage comparing to those in the parallel direction.

    (2) Comparison among the results with those from the attenuation formula of

    Fukushima{Tanaka shows that the maximum acceleration in normal direction

    at a distance of 10.0 km to the fault is more than that obtained by the for-

    mula. While in the parallel direction, by increasing the distance from the fault,

    it decreases very fast, and for a distance of 2.0 km, it becomes less than that

    obtained by the attenuation formula.

    (3) The spectrum characteristics are clearly dierent for normal and parallel direc-

    tions to the fault and the one in the normal direction is quite larger than that

    in the parallel direction, which shows the importance of considering directivity

    in velocity spectra for seismic design of buried structures.

  • December 6, 2001 14:43 WSPC/124-JEE 00050

    Damage Directivity in Buried Pipelines of Kobe City 15

    (4) In the case of horizontal bedrock the ratio of pipe strain in normal to parallel

    direction in the near eld is not increasing so severely (about 1.2 to 1.3 times)

    and for the distances more than 8.0 km decrease to 1.1 times.

    (5) At near eld of the fault, the directivity of ground motion is very eective.

    However for the distances more than 7.0 km from the fault, there is almost no

    eect of ground motion directivity and the eect of bedrock inclination is the

    predominant one.


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    CIHAE [1998] Committee of Investigation on Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake, \Report onHanshin-Awaji disaster," JSCE, pp. 58{68 (in Japanese).

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    Fukuda, K. [2000] \Study on dynamic behavior of buried pipelines and aseismic de-sign in the vicinity of active faults," Ph.D. dissertation, Kobe University, pp. 73{94(in Japanese).

    Fukushima, Y. and Tanaka, T. [1990] \A new attenuation for peak horizontal accelerationof strong earthquake ground motion in Japan," Bull. Seism. Soc. Am. 80(4), 757{783.

    Hirasawa, T. and Stauder, W. [1965] \On the seismic body waves from a nite movingsource," Bull. Seism. Soc. Am. 55(2), 237{262.

    JWWA [1997] Japan Water Work Association, \Recommendation for anti-seismic con-struction of water facilities," JWWA, pp. 17{18 (in Japanese).

    Mori, K. [1998] \A study about the strong motion estimation considering ground motionobservation near source fault and using asperity model," Master thesis, Civil Eng.Dept. Kobe University, pp. 32{56 (in Japanese).

    Takada, S., Fukuda, K. and Kitada, T. [1999] \Damage directivity in buried pipelines,"The 4th Symposium on Urban Inland Earthquakes, pp. 511{514 (in Japanese).

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  • December 6, 2001 16:46 WSPC/124-JEE 00049

    Journal of Earthquake Engineering, Vol. 6, No. 1 (2002) 17{30c Imperial College Press



    Department of Earthquake Engineering,University of Roorkee, Roorkee{247 667, India

    [email protected]

    Received 23 August 2000Revised 15 January 2001Accepted 30 May 2001

    A new approach has been developed for nding optimal location of sensors in 3D multi-storeyed buildings. This approach is based on the compact probabilistic representationof acceleration response in terms of its covariance matrix. For a specied number ofsensors, the optimal location has been taken to be the one for which the computedcovariance matrix is closest to the exact covariance matrix of the random eld constitutedby the acceleration response process. It has been found that the determined sensorlocations match favourably with those predicted by earlier studies for the special case ofshear buildings. Further, the optimality of the determined sensor locations has also beenveried by identifying the system parameters from the time series data and comparingthem with those of the Finite Element Model.

    Keywords: Optimal sensor location; system identication; structural health monitoring.

    1. Introduction

    The response of large, complex structural systems to external loads is usually

    predicted by using a mathematical model developed with the help of a suit-

    able discretization procedure, e.g. nite element method. The reliability of such

    mathematical models can only be assessed by comparing the predicted response

    with the response of the prototype structure recorded in eld conditions. The

    mathematical model, if required, can be rened with the help of structural pa-

    rameters estimated from eld measurements by using system identication tech-

    niques [Friswell and Mottershead, 1995]. In addition to calibrating the analytical

    model, the identied structural parameters are also very useful in damage assess-

    ment or health monitoring, re-evaluating the original design, and for controlling the

    vibrations. For this purpose, response has to be recorded at several locations in the

    Research Scholar, on leave from Regional Engineering College, Durgapur, India.yAssistant Professor, Corresponding author.zProfessor.


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    18 A. K. Datta, M. Shrikhande & D. K. Paul

    building/structure and it is desirable to install as many sensors as possible. The high

    costs of data acquisition systems (accelerometers, recorders, etc.) and accessibility

    limitation, however, often put a constraint on the number of sensors. Therefore, it is

    important to determine the optimal location of sensor(s) in the building such that

    selected locations maximize the information content with respect to the parameter


    Shah and Udwadia rst formulated the problem of optimal location of sensors as

    a statistical inference problem, wherein a norm of the covariance matrix of the esti-

    mated parameters (from the time-domain records) is minimised [Shah and Udwadia,

    1978]. The covariance matrix was computed by using a linear relationship between

    small perturbations in a nite dimensional representation of system parameters and

    nite sample of observations of the system time response. Another approach to solve

    the optimal sensor location problem was presented by Udwadia [1994], in which the

    optimal sensor locations were dened as those for which a norm of the Fishers

    information matrix is maximised. A method for locating sensors in reinforced con-

    crete structures to gain maximum information about the damage distribution has

    also been presented on the basis of numerical simulation studies [Skjrbk et al.,

    1996]. The method proposed by Udwadia was extended by Heredia-Zavoni and

    Esteva [1998] to account for the uncertainty about the structural parameters and

    the seismic ground motion excitation within the framework of Bayesian Decision

    Theory [Goodwin and Payne, 1977]. The optimal locations were so selected that

    the expected Bayesian loss function, expressed in terms of the Fishers information

    matrix of the response records, is minimised. Recently, this approach has been fur-

    ther extended to the case of optimal instrumentation of structures on flexible base

    [Heredia-Zavoni et al., 1999].

    All the above mentioned studies have focussed on the issue of locating sensors

    in a structure so as to facilitate the best possible identication of a set of structural

    parameters selected a priori. In spite of a rigorous formulation of the optimal sen-

    sor location problems, the two approaches followed by Udwadia and Heredia-Zavoni

    and his co-workers respectively, provide contradictory results in so far as the eect

    of noise on optimal sensor locations is concerned. Moreover, these formulations may

    not appeal to a majority of civil engineering community not trained in information

    theory. On the other hand, the method proposed by Skjrbk et al. [1996], using

    sub-structuring technique, does not guarantee convergence of the iterative proce-

    dure. Therefore, we look for a simple and robust technique for solving the optimal

    sensor location problem in this study. The excitation and response processes have

    been modelled as stationary Gaussian with zero mean. The problem of optimal

    sensor locations has been formulated in the form of compact probabilistic represen-

    tation of random processes similar to the one considered by Masri and Miller [1982].

    Two example cases (for dierent building congurations) have been considered for

    illustration of the proposed approach.

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    On the Optimal Location of Sensors in Multi-Storeyed Buildings 19

    2. Formulation

    The equation of motion for a multi-degree-of-freedom (MDOF) system subjected

    to earthquake excitation can be written as

    Mx + C_x + Kx = Mrxg (1)where, M, C and K are the inertia, damping and stiness matrices of size N Nrepresenting the structural system, x is the N 1 vector of nodal displacements,r denotes the N 3 matrix of the rigid body influence coecients, xg is the 3 1vector of translational ground acceleration time histories, and a dot (_) over a

    variable indicates the time derivative.

    A 3-dimensional nite element model of multi-storeyed buildings is considered

    in this study. It is assumed that each node of the the model represents a possi-

    ble sensor location and the nodal accelerations (translational) correspond to the

    sensor records. The ground acceleration process is assumed to be stationary Gaus-

    sian with zero mean. Assuming that the structural system responds linearly, the

    response process will also be stationary Gaussian with zero mean (neglecting the

    eect of start-up transients). Since a Gaussian process is completely described by

    the rst two spectral moments, it follows that a complete statistical representation

    of the zero mean, Gaussian random process representing the response of a linear

    system requires an accurate representation of the covariance kernel. Therefore, to

    preserve the information content of the response process, its covariance needs to be

    reproduced as faithfully as possible. The problem of determining optimal locations

    of the sensors can be now recast in the form of determining the degrees of freedom

    (DOFs) in the structural system for installation of a given number of sensors, say

    m N , which provide the best estimate of the covariance kernel of the responseprocess.

    As a rst approximation, let us assume the response process to be a zero mean,

    ergodic Gaussian process. The sample realisation being characterised by concate-

    nation of the response of all nodes for increasing the length of the time history

    in order to get more stable estimates of the temporal statistics. For example, the

    sample realization in the longitudinal direction is considered as the time history

    obtained by appending the response in longitudinal direction of a node to the tail

    of the response of previous node resulting into one long stretch of response time his-

    tory in longitudinal direction. Similarly, realisations of the response time history in

    other two orthogonal directions can be characterised. The 33 temporal covariancematrix of these three time histories represents the exact covariance matrix, C of theresponse process. Thus the ijth element of the temporal covariance matrix, Cij , isgiven by

    Cij = 1N 1


    (ai(k) i)(aj(k) j) ; i; j = 1; 2; 3 (2)

    where, ai and aj denote the two orthogonal components of acceleration, N is the

    total number of data points in the time history, and i(=1N

    PNk=1 ai(k)) is the

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    20 A. K. Datta, M. Shrikhande & D. K. Paul

    temporal mean of the ith component of acceleration. Assuming that m number

    of tri-axial sensors are available, these can be distributed among the N possible

    locations in(Nm

    dierent ways. For each such combination, sample realisations

    can be characterised similarly by the concatenation of response of each of the m

    selected nodes. The temporal covariance matrix of these realisations characterises

    the approximate covariance matrix, C^ of the response process. The optimal locationsfor these m number of sensors will be those for which the dierence between some

    suitable norm of C and C^ is minimised. In this study, the goodness of approximationof C by C^ is measured by using (i) the determinant norm, (ii) the trace norm, and(iii) the eigenvalues of these matrices.

    The response records from the sensors thus located may be used for the system

    identication studies. It will now be shown with the help of illustrative examples

    that the response records corresponding to the derived optimal sensor locations

    indeed lead to robust estimation of the system parameters.

    3. Illustrative Examples

    The optimal sensor locations have been derived for two multi-storeyed reinforced

    concrete buildings shown in Figs. 1 and 2. One of these buildings is symmetric

    in plan, while the other building, with asymmetry in both plan and elevation, is

    typical of constructions on hill slopes. The column cross-section (300 mm 300 mm)







    3.0m 2.0m

    Fig. 1. Schematic diagram of 5-storeyed symmetric building.

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    On the Optimal Location of Sensors in Multi-Storeyed Buildings 21







    5.0m 5.0m 5.0m 4.0m




    Fig. 2. Schematic diagram of 6-storeyed asymmetric building.

    is assumed to be uniform throughout the height for both the buildings, whereas the

    beam cross-sections are taken as 300 mm 300 mm and 300 mm 230 mm for thesymmetric and asymmetric buildings, respectively. The slab thickness is taken to

    be 150 mm at all levels. The rst six modes were used in the mode superposition

    for computation of the response of buildings to the earthquake excitations. The

    damping has been assumed to be of Rayleigh type with the viscous damping ratio

    of 5% in the rst and sixth mode. The resulting modal damping for intermediate

    modes is approximately 5%, whereas the higher modes | with modal damping pro-

    portional to the square of the natural frequency | are damped out of the response.

    An in-house general purpose dynamic nite element analysis code [Kumar 1996]

    has been used to compute the acceleration response at each node of the linear nite

    element models of these buildings for two dierent types of earthquake motions,

    viz., (i) Uttarkashi Earthquake of 21 Oct., 1991 in Western Himalayas recorded at

    Bhatwari, 20 km from the epicentre, shown in Fig. 3, and (ii) Michoacan Earthquake

    of 19 Sept., 1985 in Mexico recorded at CDAO station, 400 km from the epicentre,

    shown in Fig. 4. While the Uttarkashi Earthquake records are representative of

    near-eld motion due to a moderate size earthquake, the Michoacan Earthquake

    time histories represent the far-eld motions due to a large (magnitude 8+) earth-

    quake. No appreciable eect of the flexibility of the floor diaphragm was noticed in

    the analysis. Hence the floor diaphragm is assumed to be rigid for all calculations

    and the response of any one node on a floor is considered to be representative of

    the floor response.

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    22 A. K. Datta, M. Shrikhande & D. K. Paul


    0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40Acc



    n (g)

    Time (s)



    0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40Acc



    n (g)

    Time (s)



    0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40Acc



    n (g)

    Time (s)


    Fig. 3. Time histories of Uttarkashi Earthquake.


    0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180Acc



    n (g)

    Time (s)



    0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180Acc



    n (g)

    Time (s)



    0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180Acc



    n (g)

    Time (s)


    Fig. 4. Time histories of Michoacan Earthquake.

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    On the Optimal Location of Sensors in Multi-Storeyed Buildings 23

    For each component of motion, the sample response time history is obtained by

    concatenating the response of all the floors together. The covariance matrix com-

    puted from these time histories are considered to be the exact representation of

    the the zero mean, Gaussian random process characterising the building response.

    Further, let us consider for the purpose of illustration, the optimal location of

    two tri-axial sensors in these two buildings. The approximate temporal covariance

    Table 1. Covariance matrix representation with two sensors (forUttarkashi Earthquake, Symmetric Building).

    Combination j C^ j Tr[C^] Eigenvalues (101g2)

    (104g6) (101g2) 1 2 3Exact 0.97 1.61 0.94 0.44 0.23

    First + Roof 1.28 1.68 0.89 0.51 0.29

    Second + Roof 1.99 1.97 1.07 0.57 0.33

    Third + Roof 2.57 2.20 1.24 0.63 0.33

    Fourth + Roof 3.52 2.48 1.41 0.72 0.35

    First + Second 0.12 0.78 0.45 0.21 0.12

    First + Third 0.23 1.02 0.62 0.26 0.14

    First + Fourth 0.44 1.29 0.79 0.34 0.17

    Second + Third 0.47 1.31 0.81 0.32 0.18

    Second + Fourth 0.79 1.58 0.98 0.40 0.20

    Third + Fourth 1.06 1.82 1.14 0.48 0.19

    Table 2. Covariance matrix representation with two sensors (forMichoacan Earthquake, Symmetric Building).

    Combination j C^ j Tr[C^] Eigenvalues (106g2)

    (1017g6) (105g2) 1 2 3Exact 1.18 2.79 17.22 10.61 0.06

    First + Roof 1.25 2.95 18.25 11.19 0.06

    Second + Roof 2.01 3.42 21.06 13.04 0.07

    Third + Roof 3.47 4.11 25.48 15.53 0.09

    Fourth + Roof 5.56 4.89 30.47 18.34 0.10

    First + Second 0.04 0.77 4.52 3.16 0.03

    First + Third 0.21 1.46 8.93 5.66 0.04

    First + Fourth 0.64 2.25 13.91 8.49 0.05

    Second + Third 0.48 1.93 11.74 7.49 0.05

    Second + Fourth 1.14 2.71 16.72 10.32 0.07

    Third + Fourth 2.18 3.40 21.14 12.81 0.08

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    24 A. K. Datta, M. Shrikhande & D. K. Paul

    matrix, C^, computed from the concatenated records of these two sensors placed ondierent floors. The three norms, viz., determinant (jC^j), trace (Tr[C^]), and eigenval-ues (i), of C^ for dierent combinations of sensor locations are compared with thoseof C in Tables 1{4 corresponding to the four cases of two buildings excited by twodierent earthquake motions. It may be inferred from Tables 1 and 2 that for the

    case of symmetric buildings, the records from two sensors located at either the rst

    floor and roof or at the second floor and fourth floor provide the best approxima-

    tion for the covariance matrix for both types of excitations. Further, the sensors

    located either at the rst and second floor, or at the fourth floor and roof present

    the two worst sensor placement strategies for this building. It may be noted that in

    the case of symmetric building, response records from only two optimally located

    sensors are sucient for a good estimation of the covariance matrix of the response

    process. The maximum error in all the three norms of the covariance matrix is less

    than 6% for the case of best location of sensors in the symmetric building excited

    by Michoacan Earthquake motions. However, the maximum error is in the range of

    5% to 20% in the case of Uttarkashi Earthquake. This wide variation in the errors of

    approximation could be due to the short duration of Uttarkashi earthquake motion,

    and presence of noise in Uttarkashi Earthquake records, which were derived from

    analog traces [Chandrasekaran and Das, 1991]. These results for the identication

    of optimal locations of sensors are in good agreement with the earlier published

    Table 3. Covariance matrix representation with two sensors (forUttarkashi Earthquake, Asymmetric Building).

    Combination j C^ j Tr[C^] Eigenvalues (102g2)

    (106g6) (101g2) 1 2 3Exact 0.84 0.59 3.53 2.24 0.10

    First + Roof 4.16 0.97 6.00 3.48 0.19

    Second + Roof 2.12 0.99 6.45 3.42 0.09

    Third + Roof 1.86 1.00 6.28 3.67 0.08

    Fourth + Roof 3.59 1.21 7.24 4.77 0.10

    Fifth + Roof 4.37 1.21 7.64 4.37 0.12

    First + Second 0.06 0.15 0.96 0.39 0.15

    First + Third 0.06 0.16 0.85 0.56 0.13

    First + Fourth 0.48 0.36 1.77 1.72 0.16

    First + Fifth 0.53 0.37 2.14 1.34 0.19

    Second + Third 0.02 0.19 1.23 0.58 0.03

    Second + Fourth 0.20 0.39 2.20 1.69 0.05

    Second + Fifth 0.27 0.39 2.60 1.28 0.08

    Third + Fourth 0.15 0.40 2.02 1.94 0.04

    Third + Fifth 0.24 0.40 2.41 1.54 0.06

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    On the Optimal Location of Sensors in Multi-Storeyed Buildings 25

    Table 4. Covariance matrix representation with two sensors (forMichoacan Earthquake, Asymmetric Building).

    Combination j C^ j Tr[C^] Eigenvalues (106g2)

    (1016g6) (104g2) 1 2 3Exact 12.52 2.68 225.20 42.79 0.13

    First + Roof 60.81 4.24 357.84 65.98 0.26

    Second + Roof 26.51 4.27 360.67 66.46 0.11

    Third + Roof 22.97 4.38 370.75 66.69 0.09

    Fourth + Roof 43.75 5.27 443.60 83.53 0.12

    Fifth + Roof 91.15 6.78 571.86 106.25 0.15

    First + Second 0.02 0.07 4.83 1.91 0.20

    First + Third 0.07 0.17 14.52 2.50 0.18

    First + Fourth 3.46 1.07 87.39 19.24 0.21

    First + Fifth 21.56 2.58 215.67 42.03 0.24

    Second + Third 0.02 0.20 17.47 2.84 0.03

    Second + Fourth 1.05 1.10 90.31 19.64 0.06

    Second + Fifth 8.45 2.61 218.53 42.47 0.09

    Third + Fourth 0.83 1.20 100.31 19.92 0.04

    Third + Fifth 7.15 2.71 228.57 42.72 0.07

    results for shear buildings [Heredia-Zavoni and Esteva, 1998; Udwadia, 1994]. This

    is not surprising since the optimality criterion used in earlier studies, e.g. maximi-

    sation of a norm of Fishers information matrix, or minimisation of the Bayesian

    loss function can be related to the accurate representation of the covariance matrix

    of the Gaussian random process [Goodwin and Payne, 1977]. It may, however, be

    noted that the derived optimal sensor locations for the symmetric building are not

    applicable for asymmetric building. The rst and fth floors of the six storeyed

    asymmetric building correspond to the best possible locations for two sensors as

    can be inferred from Tables 3 and 4. Further, it should be noted that the response

    records from only two sensors are not sucient for accurately representing the co-

    variance matrix of the response process and more sensors should be used in the

    case of asymmetric buildings.

    The floor response data corresponding to the best location of sensors will now

    be used for estimation of modal parameters of the building by using system identi-

    cation techniques. It will be shown that data from the best sensor locations provide

    a robust estimate of the model parameters vis-a-vis any arbitrarily selected pair of

    response data.

    3.1. Parameter estimation

    The ground acceleration records and the building response computed at dierent

    floors are assumed to be the input-output pairs for this identication study. In the

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    26 A. K. Datta, M. Shrikhande & D. K. Paul

    system identication terminology such systems are known as multi-input multi-

    output (MIMO) systems and the system parameters may be identied by using

    either parametric or non-parametric methods. However, parametric methods ex-

    hibit better convergence properties in the case of aperiodic data sequences as com-

    pared to the non-parametric methods [Ljung, 1987]. Therefore, the seismic response

    of buildings as considered in the numerical examples is modelled as auto-regressive

    sequence with external inputs (ARX model). The predictor of such a model is

    characterised by a linear regression of model parameters on a known data set com-

    prising of the past input and output sequences as:

    y(t) + a1y(t 1) + + anay(t na)= b1u(t 1) + + bnbu(t nb) + e(t) : (3)

    Equation (3) is a linear dierence equation relating the system response y(t) to

    the past values of y(t), input u(t) and a random noise e(t). The model parameters

    are then determined by minimizing the quadratic norm of the error between the

    recorded and predicted response vectors [Ghanem and Shinozuka, 1995; Ljung,

    1987; Shinozuka and Ghanem, 1995]. These parameters are then used to determine

    the transfer function of the model, in z-transform, as

    H(z) =





    ; a0 = 1 (4)

    where, H(z) is the transfer function for the ARX model dened in Eq. (3). The con-

    ventional transfer function in the frequency domain can be obtained by evaluating

    H(z) on the unit circle. The poles, with positive imaginary part, of this transfer

    function are used to determine the natural frequency and damping ratio [Ghanem

    and Shinozuka, 1995]. In particular, the pole corresponding to the jth mode of

    vibration is given as

    zj = exphj!j + i!j

    q1 2j



    where, j and !j respectively represent the damping ratio and the natural frequency

    of vibration in jth mode, and t is the sampling interval of time histories. Alter-

    natively, the natural frequencies can be identied from the resonant peaks in the

    transfer function plots and the damping ratio can be estimated from the bandwidth

    of transfer function in the neighbourhood of the natural frequency by the half-power

    bandwidth method. Further, the mode shapes can be obtained by using quadrature

    curve tting technique [Richardson, 1997]. In this technique, the peak values of the

    imaginary part of the acceleration/force frequency response function, or transfer

    function are taken as components of mode shapes at the sensor locations. In case

    of velocity/force frequency response functions, the peak values of the real part are

    taken as the mode shape components.

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    On the Optimal Location of Sensors in Multi-Storeyed Buildings 27

    0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 100







    deFrequency response

    0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 101000






    Frequency (Hz)


    e (de


    Fig. 5. Sample transfer function of the ARX model for symmetric building. Solid curves: ARXmodel estimate, Dotted curves: Periodogram estimate.

    The input-output pairs corresponding to the Uttarkashi Earthquake excitations

    for both symmetric and asymmetric buildings are considered for the identica-

    tion purpose. The identication of model parameters in this case is relatively more

    dicult because of the short duration of records and presence of noise. Temporal

    evolution of the model parameters have been monitored by using the data win-

    dowing approach, wherein only a part of the data is used at a time. For each data

    window of 5 s length the highest order stable ARX model is determined for the

    input-output pairs by using MATLAB. The transfer functions were computed from

    the identied parameters of the ARX model for the six data windows for dierent

    combination of sensor locations. A sample of a transfer function for the case of

    optimal location of sensors, i.e. rst floor and roof is shown in Fig. 5. The transfer

    function estimate obtained from the non-parametric (periodogram) method is also

    shown in the gure as dotted curve for comparison. It can be seen that the para-

    metric modelling permits a ner resolution of resonant peaks which may be helpful

    in estimation of damping by the half-power bandwidth method. However, the para-

    metric transfer function tends to smoothen out some closely spaced peaks in the

    transfer function as seen in the gure in the neighbourhood of 9.2 Hz. The phase

    spectrum of the transfer function shown in the gure correspond to the unwrapped

    phases [Childers et al., 1977; Tribolet, 1977] as computed by MATLAB routines. The

    resonant frequencies of the system can be identied as 1.8, 5.3, and 9.2 Hz, which

  • December 6, 2001 16:46 WSPC/124-JEE 00049

    28 A. K. Datta, M. Shrikhande & D. K. Paul

    compare favourably with the frequencies of the nite element model. The rst six

    natural frequencies of the nite element model of the symmetric building were com-

    puted as 1.92, 1.96, 2.80, 5.96, 6.20, and 8.46 Hz, respectively. It may be noted that

    the translational modes of the symmetric building in longitudinal and transverse

    directions are very closely spaced and it is dicult to distinguish such closely spaced

    modes from the analysis of response data. Thus the rst identied frequency from

    the model may be considered to be applicable for the rst and second mode of the -

    nite element model, while the second identied frequency corresponds to the fourth,

    and fth mode of vibration of the building. The third mode of vibration, a vertical

    mode, could not be identied from the ARX model. Similar estimates of the natu-

    ral frequencies were obtained from the model parameters identied from dierent

    windows when the response records were those corresponding to the optimal sensor

    locations i.e. either the rst floor and roof or the second floor and fourth floor.

    However, the response records from other locations/floors did not yield consistent

    frequency estimates for all windows, and in some cases the lowest mode could not

    be identied at all. Thus the choice of the response records plays a very important

    role in the identication process. The records from derived optimal sensor locations

    are found to lead to robust estimates of the system parameters.

    Similarly, the rst six natural frequencies of the nite element model of the

    asymmetric building were determined as 1.97, 2.79, 2.84, 5.00, 5.37, and 6.39 Hz,

    0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 100








    Frequency response

    0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 101000




    Frequency (Hz)


    e (de


    Fig. 6. Sample transfer functions of the ARX model for asymmetric building. Solid curves: ARXmodel estimate, Dotted curves: Periodogram estimate.

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    On the Optimal Location of Sensors in Multi-Storeyed Buildings 29

    respectively. The frequencies estimated from the identied ARX model of the system

    using records from optimal sensor locations are 1.4, 3.4, 4.5, and 6.2 Hz. A sample

    transfer function of the ARX model identied from the data is shown in Fig. 6 along

    with the transfer function estimate by non-parametric method (shown as dotted

    curve). These frequency estimates appear to be reasonable since it is not possible

    to capture adequate information about the dynamic behaviour of the asymmetric

    building by using only two sensors. It may be noted that though these frequencies

    were identied from the models for most of the data windows, the peaks of the

    transfer functions at lower modes were not very prominent. Further, for a viscous,

    lightly damped system, the phase should change by approximately 180 in theneighbourhood of a natural model. However, the change in the phase spectrum at

    4.5 Hz is much less than 180 indicating that this mode is very heavily damped inthe developed model. This is also apparent from the relatively flat nature of the

    transfer function amplication at 4.5 Hz. This indicates that the data set used for

    developing the model does not adequately capture the dynamic behaviour of the

    system under consideration. Inclusion of response from one or two more locations

    may improve the quality of the parameter estimates. Further, the non-parametric

    transfer function contains several peaks which are not present in the smooth transfer

    function of the parametric model. Authenticity of these additional peaks seen in the

    non-parametric transfer function estimate can be ascertained only by considering

    more response data from dierent locations for system identication, which will also

    help in better modelling of phases. Moreover, as in the case of symmetric building,

    the response records from other locations provide very inconsistent estimates of the

    system frequencies identied from dierent data windows. Similar trends were also

    observed in the case of parameter identication with response records for Michoacan

    earthquake excitation.

    4. Conclusions

    A simple methodology for optimal installation of a specied number of sensors in

    multi-storeyed buildings for system identication studies has been proposed. The

    method is based on the concept of compact probabilistic representation of random

    processes and is very easy to apply. The proposed methodology can also be used

    to assess the adequacy of a specied number of sensors in capturing sucient in-

    formation for system identication purposes. The methodology has been validated

    by using it to derive the optimal locations of two sensors in two dierent types

    of buildings. The derived optimal locations of two sensors in a ve-storeyed sym-

    metric building compare favourably with the locations predicted by other sensor

    placement methodologies. It has been found that the optimal sensor locations for the

    symmetric building are dierent from those for the asymmetric building. Further,

    the placement of sensors in the building are found to have an important bearing

    on the reliability of the model parameters identied by using system identication


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    30 A. K. Datta, M. Shrikhande & D. K. Paul


    Chandrasekaran, A. R. and Das, J. D. [1991] \Analysis of strong motion accelerograms ofUttarkashi earthquake of October 20, 1991," Technical Report EQ:91-10, Departmentof Earthquake Engineering, University of Roorkee, Roorkee, India, December 1991.

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  • December 6, 2001 16:40 WSPC/124-JEE 00048

    Journal of Earthquake Engineering, Vol. 6, No. 1 (2002) 31{51c Imperial College Press



    Institute of Industrial Science, University of Tokyo, 4-6-1 Komaba,Meguro-ku, Tokyo 153-8505, Japan

    Received 23 May 2000Revised 12 January 2001

    Accepted 28 February 2001

    A new method to simulate soil-structure interaction eects in shaking table tests hasrecently been presented by the authors. In this method, analog circuits or digital signalprocessors are used to produce soil-foundation interaction motions in real time. Theirexpressions of soil-structure interaction motions are based on published rigorous formu-lations of impulse response functions or flexibility functions of foundations resting onor embedded in homogeneous or layered soils of semi-innite extent. In this paper themethod is further extended to take the \far eld" soil non-linearity into account. Anexample of non-linear soil-structure interaction simulation using the present method isalso described.

    Keywords: Nonlinear soil-structure interaction; shaking table test; dynamic pile-group-head stiness; model experiment.

    1. Introduction

    When a structure is subjected to a ground excitation, it interacts with its sub-

    structure, i.e. foundation and soil. In other words, the motion of the ground is

    altered because of the vibration of the structure. This dynamic soil-structure in-

    teraction is associated with the influx and eux of energy, which is generated by

    the earthquake excitation and transmitted through the soil-structure interface. The

    dierence between the influx and eux corresponds to the energy stored up within

    the structure, and thus, is closely related to the extent of damage to it. If this inter-

    action eect can be rationally simulated in shaking table tests, one may obtain the

    information necessary to interpret the failure processes of prototype structures in

    terms of energy. For shaking table tests conducted without taking the interaction

    into account, the input energy is totally consumed by the structure, producing quite

    conservative results. On the other hand, tests conducted using a physical ground

    model to incorporate associated non-linearity have twofold disadvantages. Firstly,

    the nite dimension of the ground model fails to provide radiation damping, and

    thus, yields conservative results. Secondly the weight of the ground model causes

    an extra burden on the performance of the shaking table, restricting superstructure


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    32 K. Konagai & R. Ahsan

    models to a smaller size. Hence, if observation of the behavior of a superstructure

    is the main concern, neither of the above methods seems to be satisfactory.

    In order to incorporate the interaction between soil and structure without using

    a physical ground model, Konagai and Nogami [1997, 1998] introduced a new

    method for shaking table tests. In their method, appropriate soil-structure inter-

    action motions are added to free-eld ground motions to simulate soil-structure

    interaction eects. The expressions of soil-structure interaction motions are based

    on published rigorous formulations of flexibility functions of foundations resting on

    or embedded in homogeneous or layered soils of semi-innite extents. The method

    considers radiation damping which, in general, causes the total damping of a soil-

    structure system to be greater than that of the structure itself. Thus the incorpora-

    tion of soil-structure interaction eects in a shaking table test leads to a reduction

    in the demands on the capacity of the shaking table.

    The method was initially developed with the assumption that soil behaves lin-

    early. In the present paper, the method is extended to take \far eld" soil non-

    linearity into account through an equivalent linear approach. The non-linearity

    produced in the vicinity of foundations, which is usually associated with large strain

    and separation between soil and foundation, is not considered in this study. Here,

    the dynamics of the interaction between a superstructure and a pile-group, along

    with the semi-innite soil, are modeled with a simple flexibility function. A com-

    puter program, based on the Thin Layered Element Method [Tajimi et al., 1976], is

    used to derive the flexibility function for the lateral sway of the pile-group. In this

    method the dynamic soil parameters are varied in real time by means of a digital

    signal processor. The method, on the one hand captures the non-linear soil behavior

    of softening and rehardening during the course of an earthquake, and on the other

    hand may allow testing of larger superstructure models by obviating the need for a

    heavy physical ground model. A comparison of the results of a test incorporating

    soil-structure interaction and those of a conventional test is also presented in this


    2. Outline of the Present Method

    In this study, a soil-structure system is divided into two substructures, the su-

    perstructure and the unbounded soil extending to innity; the latter includes an

    embedded foundation as illustrated in Fig. 1, and is represented by a shaking table.

    The multi-step method is used to describe two primary causes of soil-structure in-

    teraction: the inability of the foundation to match the free-eld deformation, and

    the eect of the dynamic response of the superstructure on the movement of its

    supporting soil-foundation system. In the lower substructure of soil, an earthquake

    will cause soil displacements, fufg. The foundation embedded in this soil deposit,however, will not follow the free-eld deformation pattern. This deviation of the

    displacements from the free-eld soil displacements, fufg, is denoted by fusg. Themass of the superstructure then causes it to respond dynamically, and the forces,

  • December 6, 2001 16:40 WSPC/124-JEE 00048

    Simulation of Nonlinear Soil-Structure 33

    Fig. 1. Two primary causes of soil-structure interaction.

    fpg, transmitted to the lower substructure of soil and foundation will produce fur-ther deformation of soil, fuRg (inertia interaction), that would not occur in a xedbase structure. Thus, the displacements of soil, fug, are eventually expressed bythe following equation:

    fug = fufg+ fusg+ fuRg : (1)Consider the case that a foundation has two degrees of freedom in sway and rocking

    (x; ) at the base of its super-structure, as illustrated in Fig. 1. The interaction

    forces, fpg(= fpx pgT ), from the superstructure cause the inertia interaction mo-tions, fuRg, in the frequency domain to be:(




    "Hxx(s) Hx(s)

    Hx(s) H(s)




    where "Hxx(s) Hx(s)

    Hx(s) H(s)

    #= [H] (3a)

    is the flexibility (compliance) at the top of the foundation, and

    s = i ! (3b)in which i =

    p1 and ! is the excitation circular frequency.In the present method, the motion of a shaking table is controlled directly

    following the actual process of soil-structure interaction. Figure 2 shows a schematic

    view of the set-up of a shaking table test, in which a superstructure model is placed

    directly on the table without a physical ground model. Soil-structure interaction

    eects are simulated by adding appropriate soil-structure interaction motions to

    free-eld ground motions on the shaking table. In the simulation, rst, the trans-

    ducers at the base of the foundation pick up the signals of the base forces, px and

    p in sway and rocking motions, respectively. These two amplied signals are then

    applied to the circuits Hxx, Hx, Hx and H to produce outputs corresponding

    to the soil-structure interaction motions, uRx and uR . The output signals are then

  • December 6, 2001 16:40 WSPC/124-JEE 00048

    34 K. Konagai & R. Ahsan

    Fig. 2. Simulation of soil-structure interaction on a shaking table.

    added to the signals of the base input motions, ufx + usx and u

    f + u

    s, to produce

    signals of foundation motions, ufx + usx + u

    Rx and u

    f + u

    s + u

    R . The method is,

    thus, based on the premise that ufx + usx and u

    f + u

    s are known beforehand as the

    base input motions. Signals of the foundation motions are nally translated into

    the shaking table motions by the shaking table controller.

    The above method requires a device that generates signals corresponding to the

    soil-structure interaction motions, and a digital signal processor (DSP) which is ca-

    pable of producing a variety of transfer functions is used as this device. The transfer

    functions to be realized on the DSP are designed from the analytical expressions for

    stiness or flexibility functions of the foundations. Konagai et al. [2000] have shown

    that np piles closely grouped together beneath a superstructure can be viewed as

    a single equivalent upright beam whose stiness matrix is described with two sti-

    ness parameters, EIp and EIG. The parameter, EIp is identical to npEpIp, whereEpIp is the bending stiness of an individual pile and np is the number of piles in

    a pile-group. EIG is evaluated following the same procedure as that used for the

    evaluation of the bending stiness of a reinforced concrete beam; in this analogy,

    piles and the soil mass caught among them are respectively compared with rein-

    forcing bars and concrete. In other words, EIG is assumed to be equal to the sum

    of the Youngs-modulus-weighted products of all the elementary areas times their

    distances squared from the centroid of the cross-section AG (Fig. 3). Careful exa-

    mination of deflections of pile groups reveals that most piles are indeed flexible in

    practice in the sense that they do not deform over their entire lengths. Instead, pile

    deflections become negligible below their active lengths, La; the active pile length

    is given as a function of EIp and the shear modulus of the surrounding soil, , as:

    La = L0 =


    : (4)

  • December 6, 2001 16:40 WSPC/124-JEE 00048

    Simulation of Nonlinear Soil-Structure 35

    remain on one plane



    R0 w1

    np piles


    Fig. 3. Assumptions for evaluation of equivalent single beam.

    The parameter in the above equation diers in dierent soil proles. Konagai,

    Ahsan and Maruyama [2000] carefully examined the solutions of pile cap stiness,

    Sxx, in sway motion by using the upright single beam analogy, and showed that

    they are closely approximated by the following expression:

    Sxx = ks + ia cs a2ms (5a)


    a =! R0s


    with ! = circular frequency and s = shear wave velocity; R0 = the radius of

    the equivalent upright beam, which is assumed to be identical to the radius of a

    circle with the same area as the cross-sectionAG that includes all the grouped piles

    enclosed by the broken line in Fig. 3. For a homogeneous soil,

    ks =

    2R0 +


    ; (5c)

    cs = 2L0 (5d)


    ms = L0

    4: (5e)

    Equation (5a) clearly shows that the flexibility function, which is the inverse of the

    dynamic-stiness of a soil-pile group system is approximated by that of a simple-

    damped oscillator with a spring K(= ks), a damper C(= R0cs=s) and a mass

    M(= R20ms=2s ) (Fig. 4). For an inhomogeneous soil, soil stiness in Eqs. (5c){

    (5e) will be a mode-weighted average of shear modulus over the active pile length,

    and thus, will vary with time as the nonlinear feature of soil develops.

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    36 K. Konagai & R. Ahsan




    Fig. 4. Modeling of a pile-group as a simple-damped oscillator.

    3. Control of Shaking-Table

    The system illustrated in Fig. 2 is realised on condition that a shaking table loses no

    time in faithfully producing its input motion. The motion produced by the shaking

    table, however, is not exactly identical to the intended time history because the

    ratio of the output to input amplitude of the shaking table system does not remain

    the same over the desired frequency range. The performance of the systems transfer

    function is also aected by the presence of models on the shaking table; this fact

    may cause the motion of the table to further deviate from the intended time history.

    A controller with the transfer function T normally performs like a low pass lter,

    and experiments on the table are often conducted below its cut-o frequency. Below

    this frequency there yet remains a time delay t between the produced motion and

    the input signal. The eect of the time delay, described in the frequency domain

    as T = ei!t, can be canceled by multiplying the flexibility function H by T1.Assuming that the performance of a soil-foundation system is approximated by that

    of a simple-damped oscillator with a spring K, a dashpot C and a mass M (Fig. 4),

    the flexibility function Hxx is expressed as:

    Hxx =1

    K !2M + i!C : (6)

    Thus, the cancellation of the time-delay eects is achieved by

    HxxT1 = e


    K !2M + i!C : (7a)

    For smaller values of !t, Eq. (7a) is rewritten as:

    HxxT1 = 1

    K !2(M M) + i!(C C) (7b)


    M = C t (8a)C = K t : (8b)

    Equation (7b) shows that the equivalent mass and the viscous damping coecient

    are reduced by C t and K t, respectively. The reduced mass M M and

  • December 6, 2001 16:40 WSPC/124-JEE 00048

    Simulation of Nonlinear Soil-Structure 37

    the damping coecient C C must be positive, calling for:M

    M= 42


    t20< 1 (9a)




    tc< 1 (9b)


    tc = C=K (T ime constant) (10a)

    t0 = 2pM=K : (10b)

    The above conditions [Eqs. (9a) and (9b)] are usually satised in reality for many

    cases of soil-structure interaction, because radiation of waves from a foundation

    leads the motion of the structure to be noticeably damped.

    It is, however, necessary for the time delay to be minimised when Eqs. (9a) and

    (9b) are not satised. One possible measure for reducing the time delay is to in-

    crease the feedback gain of the servo-amplier of a shaking table. The increase of the

    servo-amplier gain, however, leads to a decrease in the margin for unstable clat-

    tering of the table that is caused by the noise echoing through the closed circuit of

    the servo-amplier [Konagai et al., 1999a]. A form of adaptive control known as the

    Minimal Control Synthesis (MCS) algorithm has recently been used on a shaking

    table at the University of Bristol, UK [Gomez and Stoten, 2000]. The MCS algo-

    rithm responds in real-time to dynamic changes experienced by a structure model

    and tunes the control parameters to optimum values in an automated manner. The

    main advantage of this method is that it does not require any prior information on

    the plant dynamic parameters. Implementation of another new control method in

    a shaking table system is currently being developed in the Institute of Industrial

    Science, University of Tokyo [Yamauchi et al., 2000]. In this method, an H-innity

    robust control scheme has been adopted in conjunction with an adaptive lter to

    give the controller the ability to track changes in the controlled system characte-

    ristics. Thus, one of the major impediments to implementing the present method,

    namely that preventing reliable realisation of the input motion in shaking tables,

    is being overcome.

    4. Experiments

    To provide a proper perspective on the usefulness of the present method, its

    application to a particular prototype is described herein. The prototype is an ex-

    pressway viaduct supported by pile foundations embedded in an alluvial soil de-

    posit [Fig. 5(a)]. This soil-viaduct system is divided into two substructures: the

    superstructure of the steel-pipe pier carrying the 666 tf weight of the viaduct

    deck [Fig. 5(b)] and the lower substructure of soil, which includes the pile foun-

    dation [Fig. 5(c) and Table 1]. A model of the upper substructure is mounted on a

  • December 6, 2001 16:40 WSPC/124-JEE 00048

    38 K. Konagai & R. Ahsan

    shaking table whose motion expresses virtually the unbounded soil substructure.

    Since the shaking table used in the experiment has only one sway degree of freedom,

    discussions on rocking motions were excluded.

    Table 1. Parameters for steel piles.

    Ep (tf/m2) (t/m3) r0 (m) Thickness (m) Length (m)

    2:1 107 7 0.406 0.012 50

    Fig. 5. Prototype viaduct.

  • December 6, 2001 16:40 WSPC/124-JEE 00048

    Simulation of Nonlinear Soil-Structure 39

    -0.4 -0.2 0.0 0.2 0.4-6








    ral f




    Relative displacement (m)Fig. 6. Force displacement relationship of pier (PC-15).

    4.1. Superstructure model

    Since the objective of the experiment was mainly focused on studying the change in

    dynamic behavior of the structure due to the incorporation of soil-structure inter-

    action eects, an exact physical model of the prototype structure was not necessary.

    Therefore, instead of making such an exact model, an attempt was made to sim-

    plify the dynamic features of the prototype. A typical pier of the viaduct sustaining

    666 tf weight has a fundamental resonance frequency of about 1 Hz. The dynamic

    force displacement relationship of the pier was calculated by using SFRAME [Li

    and Goto, 1998] as shown in Fig. 6 [JSSC (Japan Society of Structure Construc-

    tion) Report, 2000]. The force-displacement curve in Fig. 6 was approximated as a

    bilinear one. One simple way to realise this bilinear force-displacement relationship

    is to place a mass on top of a pedestal supported by a spring so that the mass slips

    when the acceleration exceeds the level that the friction between the mass and the

    pedestal can resist. Below this level the mass moves with the pedestal. If the spring

    carrying the pedestal possesses a linear force-displacement relationship, stick and

    slip motions of the mass yield a bilinear force-displacement curve.

    In the present experiment, a mass of 6.75 kg was put on the crossbeam (pedestal)

    of a steel frame. A teflon sheet was put on the crossbeam to realise a smooth

    transition of the blocks motion from stick to slip and vice versa. A photograph of

    the experimental set-up is shown in Fig. 7. The frequency of the steel frame with

    the block mounted was 2 Hz. Since the frequency of the frame was two times that

    of the prototype, the duration of the input motion as well as the time-constant

    [Eq. (10a)] of the flexibility function was halved. From Fig. 6, it is found that the

    pier carrying a mass of 666 tf shows plastic deformation beyond an acceleration

    of about 600 cm/s2. But the average frictional coecient between the mass and

  • December 6, 2001 16:40 WSPC/124-JEE 00048

    40 K. Konagai & R. Ahsan

    Fig. 7. Experimental setup.

    the teflon sheet was found to be around 0.2. Therefore, the mass slipped when

    acceleration exceeded about 200 cm/s2. Again the ratio of model displacement, umand prototype displacement, up can be expressed in terms of the ratio between

    model frequency, !m and prototype frequency, !p and the ratio between model

    acceleration, am and prototype acceleration, ap as,



    !2map: (11)

    For the present case, therefore, the input motion was scaled down by a factor of


    4.2. Foundation input motion

    The signal of the foundation input motion, ufx + usx, which is not aected by the

    presence of the superstructure, must be obtained prior to the experiment, and for

    this, the free-eld ground motion ufx was rst obtained.

    The ground response analysis was carried out considering only vertically propa-

    gating horizontal SH waves, and the presence of the flexible group-piles was ignored

    in this analysis. Hence the soil prole (Table 2) was modeled as a one-dimensional

    horizontally layered soil column having non-linear soil properties. For the analysis,

    the Finite Element Method was adopted in the spatial domain assuming piecewise

    linear variations of displacement for the soil slices and a Central Dierence Time

    Marching Scheme in the time domain. A schematic illustration of the soil column

    is shown in Fig. 8.

    To express the non-linear stress-strain relationship of each layer of the soil co-

    lumn, the Hardin-Drnevitch model was adopted in association with the Modied

  • December 6, 2001 16:40 WSPC/124-JEE 00048

    Simulation of Nonlinear Soil-Structure 41

    Table 2. Ground prole at the site of prototype.

    Shear Wave

    Thickness Unit Weight Velocity Shear Modulus

    h (m) (tf/m3) Vs (m/s) G0 (tf/m2)

    3.8 1.9 144.0 4020

    2.6 1.9 129.3 3241

    12.2 1.4 159.8 3648

    0.9 1.9 173.2 5816

    11.5 1.4 159.5 3634

    5.0 1.9 161.0 5026

    6.0 1.9 188.2 6867

    Fig. 8. One-dimensional soil column.

    Masing rule. The backbone curve of the model is expressed in dierential form as,


    d= G0




    where, and are respectively the shear stress and shear strain of soil; moreover

    G0 is the initial tangent modulus and f is the shear strength of soil. The value of

    the arbitrary constant n depends on the actual stress-strain relationship of the soil.

    In this analysis the value of n was assumed to be 2. In order to take into account

    the eect of the bedrock underlying the soil c