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Excerpt From JD'S Revenge


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All Rights Reserved By James E Nance Copyright © 2014All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, scanning, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the publisher.

DisclaimerAll the material contained in this book is provided for educational and informational purposes only. No responsibility can be taken for any results or outcomes resulting from the use of this material.While every attempt has been made to provide information that is both accurate and effective, the author does not assume any responsibility for the accuracy or use/misuse of this information.

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The Craigslist Help Wanted AD

“So let me get this straight you're paying $30.00 per hour for some tour guides?”Brian Wilson listens carefully to the other party on the phone. Brian was responding to a help wanted ad he came across on Craigslist. He was very excited, he could use $30.00 a hour even if the job was just for one weekend. “ Okay I am to meet you at the Denny's on Blackstone at 3 pm today got it.”Brian met the two owners of the tour bus company, Peter Gunn and Ed Hampton at a local Denny's.Brian lived in Fresno so the job market was tight, he did everything he could to make a good impression. “OK Brian you got the job!” “For real? Wow! Cool! “ Remember were meeting here at 3 pm sharp, have all the things itemized on that paper we gave you and be ready to go.” “I got it no problem I will be here Mr Gunn.” Peter Gunn and Ed Hampton were both cattle farmers they owned hundreds of acres of cattle farms just outside Fresno. The next day Brian was at the Denny's a half an hour early he noticed this girl looking around with some bags in the parking lot. “ Hey are you waiting to go on that tour guide job?” “Yeah in fact I am!” “My name is Brian!” “I'm Bridgette nice to meet you.” the two talk awhile and then a couple pulled up in a red Volkswagen. “Are you guys waiting for the tour bus gig?” “Yeah!” The couple in the car had also been hired for the job Eric and Cynthia.

As the four got acquainted,a black van pulled up with Peter driving and Ed in the passenger seat.Peter Gunn was black 6ft tall and very muscular Ed was white and about the same size as Peter even though there size was intimidating, they both came across as some really nice guys.“Alright everyone's here, were going to Yosemite that's were are tour is this weekend, so we want to hurry up and hit the road, it's about a three hour drive.” As they went up the winding mountainous roads leading up to Yosemite national park. “Here is your pay for the weekend. I rounded it off, here is five hundred dollars each.” “Wow!” “I am willing to do this type of work anytime!” Brian says gleefully. “By the way,what is it were going to actually do again?” Bridgette asks the two in the front seats. “Don't worry we will explain everything once we get there.” Peter explains. After another forty five minutes of driving. “OK were almost there,Peter takes a right onto a country road off the main road and stops. “OK it's almost dark and I wanted you to see the area, will be working in tomorrow.”“But there is nothing here!” “The sites are a little further back off the road let me show you.” Ed tells them as he gets out of the van. The four tour guides follow Ed into the dense wooded area and after walking for a about five minutes.

“Wait I forgot something,stay here I will be right back.”

The four looked puzzled as they looked around and couldn't see any camp site any were near were they were. After waiting a few minutes they hear the van speed off.

“What the F@ck!” Eric Yells as he makes out the sound of the van leaving.

“I know they did not just leave us!” Cynthia states in a worried tone. All four run back to were the van was parked and sure enough it was gone. “This cannot be happening, why in the F@ck would they just leave us like this!” Eric yells. “Look they left something!” Bridgette draws the others attention to a box that's labeled game supplies. “What in the hell is this?” Eric begins ripping the box open.“A tent,military MRE's,flashlight and one two way walkie talkie.” Eric inspects the box to see if there is anything else. “Dammit my phone I left it in the van!” Brian says as he starts to pace back and forth on the side of the road.

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“I have my phone,but we stopped getting reception a ways back. I tried to log onto Facebook no luck!” Bridgette tells the others. “This is just great!” Eric states sarcastically. Thirty minutes later it begins to get dark. “Were just going to have to wait here until somebody comes by!” “ I don't know man, did you notice there was no traffic once we got off the main highway Eric.” Then all four just stood there in silence watching the sunset. “This is what were going to do, we are going to have to set up this tent and rough it out tonight and by tomorrow, we will have figured out something.”

“Sounds like a plan Eric!” “Brian no one is still answering the two way radio?” “Nobody!” “You know maybe this is a test to see if we can rough it out,out here tonight. There probably going to come back tomorrow morning and get us!” “I hope so Bridgette.! Brian replies. “Any one want some of these pork n beans.” UGHHH!Five miles away in a cabin a little ways off the road. “So everything is set for tomorrow?” “ I have everything in place Bob!” Bob owned the cabin and was friends with Peter and Ed. “Good you let me know you were coming, I put some T-bones on they should be ready shortly. Would y'all like a shot of Crown Royal?” Sounds good Ed replies. “After dinner I am not staying up to late, I got a busy day ahead of myself!” All three men laugh at what Peter said.

Back in the bay area of California at the Craigslist customer service facility.“Hey I got another one of those ads that slipped through verification,it's a help wanted AD for $30.00 a hour.” “What happened with verification?” “Everything was fake!” “Then delete it!”The next morning about 7 am. Both Brian and Eric got very little sleep they both stood guard as the girls tried to get some rest. “Do you think they are just testing us Eric?” “I don't know man, I am starting to get a real bad feeling about this!” The girls woke up. “ Let's go back to the road and hopefully somebody will come by!” “Yeah Bridgette that makes sense.” Eric helped Cynthia up from out of the tent and as the four walked off, the walkie talkie squeaked. They all looked back and Eric ran and grabbed it. “Help were stranded out here!” “You're not stranded this is the job game!” “Peter is that you I swear I am going to kill you this isn't funny at all!” Eric yelled frustrated into the two way radio.

“This is not a joke game,I hope you ate and rested well you're going to need it!”“What the hell are you talking about? And why are you calling me game?” “Because that's what you are, live thinking,talking game. Just the way we like em Eric.”“Now shut up and listen! Here's the deal if y'all can make it until sundown alive, then you completed your mission and you get to keep the two grand. But know if you lose,then you forfeit your earnings and we'll me and my friends here we get some new heads to put on our trophy wall.” The four of them could hear the other men laughing in the background. “This is crazy,they have to be joking!”“No this is not a joke, we are going to play hide and seek and you four are it! You got thirty minutes to hide and then like Ice Cube said It's On!” And then they could here the men laughing, after that the two way radio went dead.

“They can't be serious,no way!” “They sounded serious to me Cynthia!” Bridgette tells her with a look of concern on her face. “I say forget what there talking about and let's just wait here until a car comes by, we have plenty of money someone will give us a ride.” Brian's idea sounded good, but you could tell by the look on his face. He didn't have a lot of faith in what he was saying. Another forty five minutes had passed and still not one car had passed by. And then they heard the sounds of dogs and some type of motor vehicles. “That's them I knew it was a joke!” Eric begins running towards the sound.

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“Wait Eric! I don't know about this!” Brian tries to warn him, but Eric ignores him and then all of a sudden he stops and grabs his throat. Eric has his back to the others so they are puzzled at first. “Eric baby are you alright?” Cynthia yells out. Eric falls backward to the ground with a arrow stuck in his throat,the other three begin hollering and yelling. “One down and three to go!”Peter Laughs.“Save one of them for me dammit don't try to hog all the fun.” Ed tells Peter. Cynthia runs to Eric to try and help him. “We gotta get out of here Cynthia there is nothing you can do for him.” Eric lay on the ground bleeding to death. Then the sound of gunfire. “They are shooting at us!” The three of them run into the dense Yosemite mountain forest trying to escape for their lives.

They could hear the dogs quickly approaching. “That's right run game. I like it when they run.” Ed tells the other two men. After fifteen minutes of running Brian and the two girls were tired,but at least they didn't hear the dogs anymore. “What are we going to do? We are going to die out here.”“Don't say that Cynthia we'll make it out of here some how.” “Look at what they did to Eric! They killed him like a.....!” “Got her!” A arrow shoots side ways right through Cynthia's neck. As Bob tries to reload the bow and arrow,Brian picks up a log and rushes him. Brian gets the upper hand and begins beating Bob to death with the piece of wood. “ I got that bastard! I got em....!” POW! A bullet hits Brian in the arm and he falls down to the ground. “ Brian!” Bridgette runs to help him up.“ I am OK! It's just my arm!” “Come on Brain there coming!” Brian and Bridgette ran as fast as they could, but Brian was slowing them down, due to his gunshot wound. They finally came to a cliff.

“We got your a$$es now!” Ed Laughs. “ I want to shoot the girl I would rather have her head as trophy than that punk kid!” Ed tells Bob. “ Go ahead! I will still walk away from this hunt with two trophies. Both men raised their rifles to finish there hunt savage hunt. Listen Bridgette we either do it or they are going to kill us. And just as both men began pulling there triggers. Brian and Bridgette both jumped off the hundred foot cliff. “Mother F@ckers! Cheated me out my kill! Dammit!” “ That's alright Ed maybe next time.” “ That's easy for you to say you got a trophy.” “Come on we got to get rid of Bob's body and collect the two heads we won today. You can keep the girls head Bob killed if that helps any.” “It's not the same Peter you know that. Ill take it, but it not the same as killing your trophy.

After cleaning up Cynthia,Eric and Bob's body it was almost getting dark and the two were packing the last of every thing into their black van. “All said and done it was a good hunt Ed!”“I have seen better.” and then the two were startled by a sound. “What was that?” Ed asked.The two men walked away from the van and closer to the dense forest area on the side of the road.And then. Swish! A arrow shot Ed and got stuck in his throat and he to like Eric had did earlier, tried to grab and dislodge the arrow but it was no use. Peter had left his guns in the van so he tried to run and get one, but before he could get inside one ,two. Three arrows struck him in his back.

When Brian and Bridgette had jumped off the cliff. They had already seen that there was a smaller cliff right underneath the huge drop. They jumped down there and staid until they felt it was safe. Brian found the bow and arrow that Bob had killed Cynthia with. There was one thing Brian did not mention in his job interview,he had been the lead archer on his high school archery team, he was so accurate with a bow and arrow there was talk at times of him going to the Olympics. For him shooting Peter and Ed from that distance was something he could have done with his eyes closed. On the way back in Peter's black van. “ You know whats crazy Brian I still need a job!” the two laughed at that.“Me to but this time I think I am going to look through Monster instead of Craigslist.”“That's not funny! That's not funny at all Brian! They both laugh hysterically.

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