Download - JAVA PROGRAMMING PART II. CONSTANT Integer constant Real constant Boolean constant Character constant String constant Constant is input data for machine.

Page 1: JAVA PROGRAMMING PART II. CONSTANT Integer constant Real constant Boolean constant Character constant String constant Constant is input data for machine.



Page 2: JAVA PROGRAMMING PART II. CONSTANT Integer constant Real constant Boolean constant Character constant String constant Constant is input data for machine.


Integer constant Real constant Boolean constant Character constant String constant

Constant is input data for machine get to calculate following our instructions

Page 3: JAVA PROGRAMMING PART II. CONSTANT Integer constant Real constant Boolean constant Character constant String constant Constant is input data for machine.

Integer Constants

Integer -(2-(23131+1) to 2+1) to 23131-1-1 Decimal



Long Integer -(2-(26363+1) to 2+1) to 23131-1-1Example


Example -897, 356, 0

Example 0700, 0356, 00

Example 0x89A, 0x356, 0x0

Page 4: JAVA PROGRAMMING PART II. CONSTANT Integer constant Real constant Boolean constant Character constant String constant Constant is input data for machine.

Integer Constants

// integer : Decimal, Octagonal and Hexagonalpublic class IntegerLiteral {

public static void main(String args[]) { System.out.println(12); //Show Decimal constant System.out.println(012); //Show Octagonal constant System.out.println(0x12);//Show Hexagonal constant }}


Page 5: JAVA PROGRAMMING PART II. CONSTANT Integer constant Real constant Boolean constant Character constant String constant Constant is input data for machine.

Integer Constants

// Normal Integer and Long IntegerPublic class LongConstant { public static void main (String args[]) { System.out.println(12345678901234); System.out.println(12345678901234L); }}


Page 6: JAVA PROGRAMMING PART II. CONSTANT Integer constant Real constant Boolean constant Character constant String constant Constant is input data for machine.

Real Constants

Float -1.4 x 10-1.4 x 104545 and +3.4 x 10 and +3.4 x 103838

Double -4.9 x 10-4.9 x 10-324-324 and 1.7 x 10 and 1.7 x 10308308

Example10.2F, 3.14f, 2.35E5F, -3.14e45F

Example10.2D, -1.89d, 2.35E5D, -1.4e309D

Suffix ‘F’ or ‘f’

Suffix ‘D’ or ‘d’

Page 7: JAVA PROGRAMMING PART II. CONSTANT Integer constant Real constant Boolean constant Character constant String constant Constant is input data for machine.

Boolean Constant

2 value2 valuetruefalse

Note: all character in word is small.

Page 8: JAVA PROGRAMMING PART II. CONSTANT Integer constant Real constant Boolean constant Character constant String constant Constant is input data for machine.

Character Constants

All character represent in Unicode 16 bits represent between ‘’ single quote

Represent special character

Represent in unicode

‘a’ ‘A’ ‘z’ ‘Z’ ‘0’ ‘9’ ‘β’

‘\t’ ‘\b’ ‘\n’ ‘\f’ ‘\r’ ‘\’’ ‘\”’ ‘\\’








‘a’ ‘A’ ‘z’ ‘Z’ ‘0’ ‘9’ ‘β’

Page 9: JAVA PROGRAMMING PART II. CONSTANT Integer constant Real constant Boolean constant Character constant String constant Constant is input data for machine.

Escape sequence

//CtrlChar.javaPublic class CtrlChar { public static void main(String args[]) { System.out.println(“backspace = <\b>”); System.out.println(“new line = <\n>”); System.out.println(“return = <\r>”); System.out.println(“formfeed = <\f>”); System.out.println(“tab = <\t>”); System.out.println(“backslash = <\\>”); System.out.println(“single quote = <\’>”); System.out.println(“double quote = <\”>”); System.out.println(“null = <\0>”); }}

Page 10: JAVA PROGRAMMING PART II. CONSTANT Integer constant Real constant Boolean constant Character constant String constant Constant is input data for machine.

String Constants

It is sequence of characters Represent between “” (double quote)


“Hello World” Hello World

“Good Morning.\n Sir.”

Good Morning.


“a and \u0061” a and a

“I said \”yes\”.” I said “yes”.

Page 11: JAVA PROGRAMMING PART II. CONSTANT Integer constant Real constant Boolean constant Character constant String constant Constant is input data for machine.


type size Default Contains

byte 8 bits 0 Signed integer

short 16 bits 0 Signed integer

int 32 bits 0 Signed integer

long 64 bits 0 Signed integer

float 32 bits 0.0 IEEE754 floating point

double 64 bits 0.0 IEEE754 floating point

boolean 1 bits false (true,false)

char 16 bits \u0000 Unicode Character

Page 12: JAVA PROGRAMMING PART II. CONSTANT Integer constant Real constant Boolean constant Character constant String constant Constant is input data for machine.


Not allow Keywords Blank space

Allow follow symbol Upper Case (‘A’..’Z’) Lower Case (‘a’..’z’) Number (‘0’..’9’) Other symbol ‘$’:dollar-sign ‘_’:underscore

Page 13: JAVA PROGRAMMING PART II. CONSTANT Integer constant Real constant Boolean constant Character constant String constant Constant is input data for machine.


abstract, boolean, break, byte, case, catch, abstract, boolean, break, byte, case, catch, char, class, const, continue, default, do, char, class, const, continue, default, do, double, else, extends, false,final, finally, double, else, extends, false,final, finally, float, for, goto, if, implements, import, float, for, goto, if, implements, import, instanceof, int, interface, long, native, instanceof, int, interface, long, native, new, null, package, private, protected, new, null, package, private, protected, public, return, short, static, super, public, return, short, static, super, switch, synchronized, this, throw, throw, switch, synchronized, this, throw, throw, transient, true, try, void, volatile, whiletransient, true, try, void, volatile, while

Page 14: JAVA PROGRAMMING PART II. CONSTANT Integer constant Real constant Boolean constant Character constant String constant Constant is input data for machine.

Type variables

Declaration form

<Type> <identifier>[=<value>][,<identifier>[=<value>]…]

Exampleint x;float a,b;double half=0.5;

Page 15: JAVA PROGRAMMING PART II. CONSTANT Integer constant Real constant Boolean constant Character constant String constant Constant is input data for machine.

Type wrapper classes

Each primitive data type has a corresponding class in package java.lang

public class IntegerConstants { public static void main(String args[]) { System.out.println(Byte.MAX_VALUE); System.out.println(Byte.MIN_VALUE); System.out.println(Short.MAX_VALUE); System.out.println(Short.MIN_VALUE); System.out.println(Integer.MAX_VALUE); System.out.println(Integer.MIN_VALUE); System.out.println(Long.MAX_VALUE); System.out.println(Long.MIN_VALUE); }}

Page 16: JAVA PROGRAMMING PART II. CONSTANT Integer constant Real constant Boolean constant Character constant String constant Constant is input data for machine.


Assignment Operators Arithmatic Operators (Integer&Float) Arithmatic Assignment Operators Increment and Decrement Operators

Bitwise Operators Ralational Operators Logical Operators

Page 17: JAVA PROGRAMMING PART II. CONSTANT Integer constant Real constant Boolean constant Character constant String constant Constant is input data for machine.

Arithmatic Operators (Integer&Float)

Opt Integer Float

+ 1+2 3 1.0 + 2.0 3.0

- 2 - 3 -1 2.0 – 3.0 -1.0

* 3 * 4 12 3.0 * 4.0 12.0

/ 24/5 4 24.0 / 5.0 4.8

% 16%7 3 16.0 % 7.0 3.0

Page 18: JAVA PROGRAMMING PART II. CONSTANT Integer constant Real constant Boolean constant Character constant String constant Constant is input data for machine.

Arithmatic Assignment Operators

Form Meaning

+= x+=y x = x + y

-= x-=y x = x – y

*= x*=y x = x * y

/= x/=y x = x / y

%= x%=y x = x % y

Page 19: JAVA PROGRAMMING PART II. CONSTANT Integer constant Real constant Boolean constant Character constant String constant Constant is input data for machine.

Increment and Decrement Operators

Increment Operator is ++ Decrement Operator is – x++ and ++x have different in meaning

int x = 10;int y;y = ++x;System.out.println(x);System.out.println(y);

int x = 10;int y;y = x++;System.out.println(x);System.out.println(y);



Page 20: JAVA PROGRAMMING PART II. CONSTANT Integer constant Real constant Boolean constant Character constant String constant Constant is input data for machine.

Overflow and Underflow

public class FloatRange { public static void main(String args[]){ float pMax = Float.MAX_VALUE; float pMin = Float.MIN_VALUE; System.out.println(pMin + “ to ” + pMax); System.out.println(“Overflow ” + pMax*10); System.out.println(“Underflow ” + pMin/10); }}

Page 21: JAVA PROGRAMMING PART II. CONSTANT Integer constant Real constant Boolean constant Character constant String constant Constant is input data for machine.

Bitwise Operators

& A & B &= A&=B A = A&B

| A | B |= A|=B A = A|B

^ A ^ B ^= A^=B A = A^B

>> A >> B >>= A>>=B A = A>>B

<< A << B <<= A<<=B A = A<<B

~ ~A

>>> A >>> B >>>= A>>>=B

A = A>>>B

Page 22: JAVA PROGRAMMING PART II. CONSTANT Integer constant Real constant Boolean constant Character constant String constant Constant is input data for machine.

Ralational Operators

Result is either “true” or “false”

Operator Example Meaning

> A > B more than

< A < B Less then

>= A >= B More than and equal

<= A <= B Less than and equal

== A == B Equal

!= A != B Not equal

Page 23: JAVA PROGRAMMING PART II. CONSTANT Integer constant Real constant Boolean constant Character constant String constant Constant is input data for machine.

Logical Operators

Boolean Logical Operator

& b = false & (++i<10) false i = 1

| b = false | (++i<10) true i = 1

^ b = false ^ (++i<10) true i = 1

! b = !(++i<10) false i = 1

Short-circuit logical Operator

&& b = false && (++i<10) false i = 0

|| b = true || (++i<10) true i = 0

int i = 0; boolean b;

Page 24: JAVA PROGRAMMING PART II. CONSTANT Integer constant Real constant Boolean constant Character constant String constant Constant is input data for machine.

Condition Operator

If condition is true do expression 1 If condition is false do expression 2

Conditional Operator(<condition>) ? <expression 1> : <expression 2>

Example System.out.println(x==0?’0’:’1’)

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Simple Statement Assignment

Condition Statement If Switch

Loop Statement While for

Page 26: JAVA PROGRAMMING PART II. CONSTANT Integer constant Real constant Boolean constant Character constant String constant Constant is input data for machine.

Assignment Statement

Assignment expression

<variable> = <expression>

ExampleX = ( a * a + 4.0 * b ) / 2.0;

Page 27: JAVA PROGRAMMING PART II. CONSTANT Integer constant Real constant Boolean constant Character constant String constant Constant is input data for machine.

Condition Statement

If Statement formula

if (<boolean expression>) <statements>;[else <statements>;]

If (<expression>) <statement1>;<statement2>;

If (<expression>) <statement1>;else <statement2>;<statement3>;

Page 28: JAVA PROGRAMMING PART II. CONSTANT Integer constant Real constant Boolean constant Character constant String constant Constant is input data for machine.

Condition Statement

Switch Statement formula

Switch (<integer expression>){ case <value> : <statements>; case <value> : <statements>; . . . . . . . . . . . . . . default: <statements>;}

Page 29: JAVA PROGRAMMING PART II. CONSTANT Integer constant Real constant Boolean constant Character constant String constant Constant is input data for machine.

Loop Statement

While statement formula

while (<boolean expression>) <statements>;

public class LoopWhileFac { public static void main (String args[]) { int n = Integer.parseInt(args[0]); int i = 1, f = 1; while (i++ < n) f *= i; System.out.println(n+”!=”+f); }}

Page 30: JAVA PROGRAMMING PART II. CONSTANT Integer constant Real constant Boolean constant Character constant String constant Constant is input data for machine.

Loop Statement

Do statement formula

do{ (< statements >) }while < boolean expression >;

public class LoopDoFac { public static void main (String args[]) { int n = Integer.parseInt(args[0]); int i = 1, f = 1; do { f *= i; }while (i++ < n) System.out.println(n+”!=”+f); }}

Page 31: JAVA PROGRAMMING PART II. CONSTANT Integer constant Real constant Boolean constant Character constant String constant Constant is input data for machine.

Loop Statement

for statement formulafor (<initial exp>;<condition exp>;<update exp>) (< statements >)

public class LoopForFac { public static void main (String args[]) { int n = Integer.parseInt(args[0]); int i = 1, f = 1; for (i = 1; f = 1; i <= n; i++) f *= i; System.out.println(n+”!=”+f); }}