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Building on the Past, Preparing for the Future, As “WE SERVE”.


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Projects and Activities

Date Completed: February 5, 2010 Month JanuaryClub: Kingston Mona Zone: 4A

No. of Projects (Year to Date8 35

Value of Projects (Year to Date): U $39,681. 00

No. of Persons Impacted (Year to Date):300,956No. of Man Hours (Year to Date): 86

Funds Raised (Year to Date): US$ 285.00

Address: P.O. Box 166, Kingston 7

Email Address: [email protected] Membership: 38 (Including 1 Associate member)Average Attendance : 60.4%

Average Attendance to Date: 70%

Projects & Activities

No. OfProjects


No. of Persons


ManHours Remarks

Health ServicesAnd Geriatrics

Sight conservation,Health talks,checks

Drug AwarenessDiabetes Membership 2(5) 1405 46 45 Please see pages 3 & 4 for detailsInfo/Technology&Public Relations


Please see page 5 for details

Leo & Youth

Please see pages 4 &5 for details

Disaster Prepared -ness & SafetySustainable Signature Projects

Senior Citizens 1 195 1 -2-- Please see page 3 for detailsLeadership & Succ. PlanningEnvironmentCom Direct& Health Services

Please see page 4 for details

Total 3 1600 47 472


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Secretary: Evadney Crooks President...Milton Pinnock NB. Items in parenthesis ( )denote activities in the subject areas


$1.00 = JA$82.00 PROJECTS

January 1-31 Senior Citizens

The New Year started right for this elderly indigent who thanked God for the provision of his daily meal, provided by a caring Lion. His usual response has always been God Bless you.

Value of Project JA$16,000.00 US$195.00

January 8 Membership/Zone Project

Lion President Milton and three other Lions paid a visit to Christian Boys home in the corporate area, the site of the proposed Zone Project- establishing a kitchen garden, to ascertain the necessary activities to be undertaken before the actual day of the project. One Lion – a school principal, who had great success in her school kitchen garden, was the necessary ‘consultant’, to advise on the layout for the different types of vegetables to be planted.. The visit was also to determine the materials needed for the repair of the fence and the establishment of a gate.

Value:$12,300.00 US$150.00

January 15 and 16

Lions Barry and Josephine seem quite comfortable with the fork.??Lion Evadney pulling at weeds .

Lion Dave seem to be saying ”Oh, the dutty tough, but you see we’ve accomplished much”Young Prince is partly hidden by the tall grass.

Membership/ Zone Project

The Lion President with the assistance of a tradesman went shopping to procure materials for the for project to be held the following day.

The Lion President , eight Lions, a guest and a tradesman journeyed to the Christian Boys home to complete the work of establishing the kitchen garden which started on January 8.The Lions packed forks, shovels, rakes and machetes in their vehicles. After the land was cleared of all the weeds and rubble, the areas allocated for the different types of vegetables was marked off and secured with binding wire. The tradesman who was secured by the Lion President, settled down to making the gate from the lumber and other materials taken by them.Cement was used to secure the two posts on which the two sided gate would be hinged.At the end of the activity the Lions and others thought it was a day well spent. Thanks to the St Mary Lions for providing fruit and refreshing drink to cool us on the very hot day.The photo inserted show Lions at work. A photo of the finished gate will followLions Participating were: Lion President and secretary, Lions Josephine, Dave, Barry, Myrna, Keith Peart, Denise and a guest .

Value of project: JA$102,910, 00 US$1255.00


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January 6 Membership

The Lion President attended the Lions Club of Kingston luncheon meeting. The guest speaker at the meeting was Dr Damion King lecturer at the University of the West Indies.

January 13 Membership/Interclubbing

The Lions Club of Mona shared with the Lions Club of St Andrewat their Melvin Jones Dinner at the Four Seasons Hotel. Representing Mona were Lion President Mona, Lions Dave and Evadney

January 14 &18 Membersship

The Health and Wellness planning committee met to discuss plans for the health and wellness expo to be held in celebration of World Heath Day. Present were: Lion President and secretary, Lion Barry , chairman, past Lion Sandra Clunie and Prof. Harvey Reid.

January 30 Membership/Interclubbing

The Club shared with the Lions Club of Old Harbour at the celebration of their 25 th

Anniversary. Attending were: Lion President, Milton, Lion Debbie Griffiths, President of the East Demerara Club in Guyana and Lion Keith Archer.The evening was an enjoyable one and an experience for Lion Debbie from Guyana – knowing one more place in little Jamaica

January-31 Membership/Interclubbing

The Lions Club of Mona shared with the Lions Club of Spanish Town at their benefit performance of –‘ Basil Dawkins For better, for worse’. It was an evening of fun and laughter. Present were : Lion Presidents of Mona and East Demerara

and Lion Josephine.January 31 Information Technology

The advent of the internet and telecommunication networks have made getting in touch with Lions locally and elsewhere very easy and less time consuming for Lions who must communicate with others about Club matters and otherwise.Teleconferencing, text messages, e-mails are used constantly. Some members are even helping others with Face-book and other modalities of the internet.

For the sake of information.

L Leo and Youth Services

It was brought to the attention of membership that members of the first Alpha group at the Papine High School had their picture taken on Induction Day, and this was subsequently published in a school text called “Social Studies: Jamaicans Living Together”, written by Marjorie Allen-Vassell et al.


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Evadney Crooks, MJF Milton Pinnock, MJF,PDG Secretary President


Total Membership: 38

Active 24Affiliate: 9 At Large 3Associate: 1Honorary: 1