Download - January 2020 Volume 34, Issue 1 Hosanna Lutheran Church ... · Cameron Terry Outdoor Custodian Helen Bowden, Youth, 780-757-4501 Gary Corrigal, Vice-Chair – Personnel, Education

Page 1: January 2020 Volume 34, Issue 1 Hosanna Lutheran Church ... · Cameron Terry Outdoor Custodian Helen Bowden, Youth, 780-757-4501 Gary Corrigal, Vice-Chair – Personnel, Education

Hosanna Lutheran Church

Notes From Hosanna



2 General Information

3 A Note from Pastor James

5 A Note from Pastor Anna

5 The Sanctuary Course

5 The Waterford

6 Youth

7 Council

7 Finance

8 Christian Education & Family Ministries

10 Social Justice

Sum Sunday


Community Meals

11 The Wider Church

Bishop’s Message


14 People in Our Prayers

Prayer List

Baptism Anniversaries

In Loving Memory

16 Communications

16 From the Church Office


Volunteer Chart & Calendar

January 2020 Volume 34, Issue 1

Page 2: January 2020 Volume 34, Issue 1 Hosanna Lutheran Church ... · Cameron Terry Outdoor Custodian Helen Bowden, Youth, 780-757-4501 Gary Corrigal, Vice-Chair – Personnel, Education



780-484-3932 [email protected]

Rev. Dr. James Hendricksen, Senior Pastor [email protected] In case of emergency, call (H) 780-430-9835 or (Cell) 780-222-5451 Rev. Anna Thede, Assistant Pastor [email protected] In case of emergency, call (Cell) 780-405-7840 Sonja Carmichael Director of Education & Family Ministries [email protected] Marg Daly Director of Music [email protected] Kari Heise Organist/ Accompanist Lena Nikolic Administrative Secretary [email protected] Cameron Terry Outdoor Custodian

Helen Bowden, Youth, 780-757-4501

Gary Corrigal, Vice-Chair – Personnel, Education 780-463-9018

Marlene Grinde, Fellowship, Seniors 780-484-1733

Rick Hernder, Treasurer, Personnel - Finance 780-483-1505

Ray Janke, Stewardship 780-244-3815

Sonja Myroon, Secretary, Personnel – Worship 780-452-1152

Don Newsom, Care 780-456-5242

Karen Peitsch, Capital Development, Property

Margaret Sadler, Chair, Personnel – Social Justice 780-435-3025

Liz Tanti, I Have An Idea 780-452-2806

Peder Vinge, Communications 780-455-7530


Hosanna Lutheran

Church equips

God ’s peop le of a l l

ages for Chr ist ian

witness and ser-

v ice through wor-

ship, learn ing, fe l-

lowship and spir -

i tua l care.


Empowered by dy-

namic and crea-

t ive l i turg ica l Lu-

theran worship,

Hosanna Lutheran

Church wi l l lead

Edmonton in

equipping Chr is-

t ians for sp ir i tua l

growth and

serv ice.




Jan.5th Baptism of Our Lord 10am Holy Communion

Jan.12th Epiphany 1 9am Holy Communion

11am Service of the Word

Jan.19th Epiphany 2 9am Service of the Word 11am Holy Communion

Jan.26th Epiphany 3 9am Holy Communion

11am Service of the Word

Page 3: January 2020 Volume 34, Issue 1 Hosanna Lutheran Church ... · Cameron Terry Outdoor Custodian Helen Bowden, Youth, 780-757-4501 Gary Corrigal, Vice-Chair – Personnel, Education



T he end of December and the begin-ning of January are often times when we review the past year and think about the year to come. As I looked

back at some of my newsletter reports it occurred to me that I haven’t given an up-date on my sabbatical course work for a while, so this seems like a good time to do that.

In May, I started the Master of Arts in Com-munication and Technology program at the University of Alberta. It is a two-year, co-hort model design with in person intensive courses each May (and they are intensive), followed by online courses in the summer, fall and winter. There are two required courses each May and one each in the fall and winter sessions. Option courses can happen at any time (when they are of-fered). Ten courses in all are required to graduate.

One of the required courses I took this past May was HUMAN COMMUNICATION, in which we looked at some of the various philosophical and theoretical ideas about communication from Plato to modern writ-ers. I have read many of these authors be-fore but not from a communications per-spective. The other course was SOCIAL IM-PACT OF DIGITAL COMMUNICATIONS, which looked at some of the process of how we got to where we are to today with the inter-net and social media. This included a look at some of the biggest internet/social media corporations and the people who started them. It is both fascinating and a little bit scary how things have developed and change to rapidly in this area, we (by which I mean individuals, governments, laws and policies, etc.) certainly have not kept pace with these changes – it is a rather daunting task.

This fall I took another two courses, a re-quired one in ORGANIZATIONAL COMMUNI-CATION which looked at some of the theory and practice of corporate communications. I was more interested in non-profit organiza-tions than large corporations, so I used my paper topics as a way to look at how some of these principles could be applied to non-profit organizations.

The other course I took was called DIGITAL OUTREACH and ENGAGEMENT. In this course we were split into two groups, each of which worked with a local community or-ganization on a Participatory Action Re-search (PAR) project (it was from this

course that I got the idea to use this meth-odology to look at our adult ministries pro-gram). My group worked with CEASE, which is the Centre to End All Sexual Exploitation. I must tell you that when I signed up for this degree I never expected to be learning about Human Trafficking and Sexual Exploi-tation, but I certainly have learned a lot about them.

Our group looked at the challenges associat-ed with outreach to sex workers now that much of that business has gone online. It makes contacting them to offer support and assistance for people wishing to get out of the business much harder. Our final project was to prepare the information needed to apply for a grant to make an Alberta locali-zation of an app and website developed a few years ago in Saskatchewan. The web-site and app are called and offer some excellent tools for assis-tance, but it is currently only lists Saskatch-ewan agencies. It was interesting to find this site which picked up the last LWF theme of “Not For Sale.” I may be extending my work with this organization, if so, I will keep you posted on this important work.

This term I will be taking a course entitled CONTEMPORARY ISSUES IN COMMUNICA-TIONS AND TECHNOLOGY which, as the name suggests, will look at some of the more recent issues presented by these tech-nologies and their use. I already have the books and they look quite interesting. The other course I will be taking is entitled NEW MEDIA NARRATIVES. I am waiting for the details on this course, but my understanding is it uses looks at many of the communica-tion platforms available (like twitter, Insta-gram, Facebook, etc.) and how they can be used to tell a story. If the course runs like it has in the past, all the assignments will be completed using these media forms, which should be interesting (and a bit of a chal-lenge as well). We will see how it goes.

So that’s a brief rundown of my sabbatical studies!

If I don’t have a chance to say it in person – have a happy and blessed New Year!

Pastor James

Page 4: January 2020 Volume 34, Issue 1 Hosanna Lutheran Church ... · Cameron Terry Outdoor Custodian Helen Bowden, Youth, 780-757-4501 Gary Corrigal, Vice-Chair – Personnel, Education


A Note from Pastor Anna on Mary, the Mother of Jesus

In December I came across the following poem about Mary, by Kaitlin Hardy

Shetler. The poem brought to life the human nature of Jesus ’ birth, and remind-

ed me of the love a mother can have for their child. May it remind you of birth

of the Light of the world, and our need for the Light.

Sometimes I wonder

if Mary breastfed Jesus.

if she cried out when he bit her

or if she sobbed when he would not latch.

and sometimes I wonder

if this is all too vulgar

to ask in a church

but then I think of feeding Jesus,

birthing Jesus,

the expulsion of blood

and smell of sweat,

the salt of a mother’s tears

onto the soft head of the Salt of the Earth,

feeling lonely

and tired





and i think,

if the vulgarity of birth is not

honestly preached

by those who carry power but not burden,

who carry privilege but not labor,

who carry authority but not submission,

then it should not be preached at all.

Because the real scandal of the Birth of God

lies with a young mother

and not in the sermons of ministers

who use the story

for their own glory.

May the b ir th o f Chr is t sh ine through the stable , and out in-

to our wor ld to change and af fect a l l i t touches.

Happy Epiphany! Pastor Anna

Page 5: January 2020 Volume 34, Issue 1 Hosanna Lutheran Church ... · Cameron Terry Outdoor Custodian Helen Bowden, Youth, 780-757-4501 Gary Corrigal, Vice-Chair – Personnel, Education




This month I would like to say thank you to Hosanna ’s Confirmation families who

took turns being part of the candle lighting liturgy during the Advent and Christ-

mas seasons. The family of Timothy Veugelers, Matthew Leeson, Ava Hendrick-

sen, Maddie Edwards and Clayton Steffler-Rogers each

took a turn leading our congregation in the lighting lit-

urgy by speaking and lighting the candles as symbols

for the whole congregation. Thank you to these wonder-

ful and dedicated young people and their families – you

have enriched our whole community with your willing-

ness to act as leaders in our worship together.

Pastor Anna’s Thank you for January!

Sanctuary Mental Health and Faith Course continues to meet from 6:30-8pm on Tues-day evenings. Our remaining three gather-ings are on: January 7, January 21 and February 18. This has proven to be a won-derful opportunity for guided conversa-tions about our experiences with mental health and mental illness, and to discuss the place and role of the people of faith to respond to these challenges which are all around us.” Each member of this group

has shared and contributed to the conversation and your voice, experience, and presence in the course is appreciated.” – Pastor Anna

Hosanna leads monthly Holy Com-

munion Worship Services at the

Waterford each month. We meet

on the third Thursday of each

month, at 3:30pm in the South

gathering room on the first floor.

In December we met for Lessons

and Carols and would like to say a

special thank you to our guest

musician Emily Stebner; who

shared her musical gifts on the

piano at both our Carol service

and the Waterford Blue Christmas service in December.

Upcoming Holy Communion Services are on: January 16, February 20, and March 19, 2020.

Page 6: January 2020 Volume 34, Issue 1 Hosanna Lutheran Church ... · Cameron Terry Outdoor Custodian Helen Bowden, Youth, 780-757-4501 Gary Corrigal, Vice-Chair – Personnel, Education



Youth committee: The Youth Committee will next meet on March 4, 2020. CLAY 2020 planning and spring youth events

are the primary focus for our upcoming meeting. If any congregation members or parents/guardians of

youth are interested in joining this important vision and planning group, please speak with Pastor Anna

or Kirstin Veugelers.

Confirmation: Confirmation classes will resume on January 8, 2020 meeting at church from 4:15-5:30pm on

Wednesday afternoons. We continue studying Jesus, the 10 Commandments, other beliefs, and some

“tough” faith questions. Our time together is marked by relationship building, prayer, learning, and

laughter. We are always grateful for snacks to share during this after school gathering time.

Hosanna Youth Group: Hosanna Youth welcomes any youth who wish to participate in fellowship, education, service, and fun

at church. Our events are intended for youths in grades 7-12. All events are also open to friends,

please just RSVP so that organizers can be prepared. Youth events happen on dates stated below or in

the email blasts. The most up to date information goes out by email from Kirstin Veugelers, and if you

wish to receive these emails or participate in youth at Hosanna please speak to her or Pastor Anna.

Looking ahead to January and youth events:

Saturday January 18, 7-9pm, please join your youth leaders for an evening of

Skating at Hawrelak Park. Hot chocolate will be provided, and friends and family are wel-

come to join us for this fun winter activity. We will meet up at the shelter by the lake and

then decide where the best skating will be for the evening! Please RSVP to Pastor Anna no

latter than Jan 16.

Saturday February 8, 7-9pm, is our annual BEACH PARTY! Come out for warm

weather, fruity drinks, the pool filled and awesome games. Youth are encouraged to dress

up and bring a tropical snack to share. RSVP’s are due to Krystle no latter than Feb 5 for planning pur-


Tuesday February 25, 4:45-7pm, will find our youth serving a Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper to members and friends of the congregation. Youth are needed for set up, service, and clean-up from this wonderful service opportunity. The more youth able to participate the better. Please let Pastor Anna know if you can come help, and what tasks you prefer to help with – first requested means first choice of tasks!

Are you excited for CLAY 2020? We Are! CLAY 2020 will find us En-Route to SAIT in

Calgary to gather with other Lutheran and Angli-

can youth from across Canada to talk about the

journey of faith and life. This event is open to any

youth 14-19 years old, or finished grade 8. Forms

will be made available to families in February and

need to be returned by mid-March. Exact dates

and forms will come to youth families by email.

Together we will focus on the journey we are all on! Jesus was on a journey too: a journey that led him up mountain passes and down wilderness trails, from the Jordan River to the streets of Jeru-salem. En Route together, we’ll explore the paths

that Jesus travelled, and perhaps learn more about our own journey along the way. Because Jesus isn’t just waiting around for us to arrive at our final destination. Jesus meets us on the road. For more information check out the CLAY Gather-ing website at or speak to your youth leaders (Pastor Anna or Krystle) for more information. We hope you want to join us on this awesome journey!

Page 7: January 2020 Volume 34, Issue 1 Hosanna Lutheran Church ... · Cameron Terry Outdoor Custodian Helen Bowden, Youth, 780-757-4501 Gary Corrigal, Vice-Chair – Personnel, Education




$313,365 $317,506$329,723$335,981 $338,884 $343,479










2017 2018 2019

Year to Date Income and ExpensesNovember


Council wants

to remind

you that the


meeting and

the annual

meeting are important times to gather

as a congregation to discuss our mis-

sion and ministry. We hope you will all

consider attending to ensure that many

points of view are heard. The pre-

annual meeting i s betw een serv ices

on Sunday 19 January 2020; this pro-

vides an opportunity to review the

budget proposal before we gather to

vote on it three weeks later at the an-

nual meeting on Sunday 9 Febru-


C ommittee chairs, please

submit your committee’s

annual reports to the office

by 17 January 2020.

Now that the Synod of Alberta and the Territories has signed the contracts

with IELCO (Iglesia Evangélica Luterana de Colombia), our sister church in Co-lombia, we will be forwarding Ho-sanna’s global mission fund donations to the synod to be sent on to Colombia. Our donations will contribute to the community development work of a con-gregation in Caracolí, Colombia, and to student bursaries for the four Lutheran schools part of CELCO. Hosanna ’s Glob-al Mission committee currently includes Helen Bowden, Ray Janke, and Pastor James. They welcome more members, if you’re interested.

Happy New Year to all! May God be

with us as we continue to equip our-

selves and others for spiritual growth

and service in Christ ’s name.

Margaret Sadler, on behalf of your con-

gregational council:

Helen Bowden, Gary Corrigal, Marlene

Grinde, Rick Hernder, Ray Janke, Sonja

Myroon, Don Newsom, Karen Peitsch,

Liz Tanti, Peder Vinge, and Pastor


Page 8: January 2020 Volume 34, Issue 1 Hosanna Lutheran Church ... · Cameron Terry Outdoor Custodian Helen Bowden, Youth, 780-757-4501 Gary Corrigal, Vice-Chair – Personnel, Education



The season of Epiphany begins on January 6 and goes until Shrove Tuesday, the last day before Lent begins, which this year is on February 25. Beginning of the baptism of Je-sus, the season of Epiphany reveals more and more about Jesus and his ministry as the weeks go by. Lessons during this season show Jesus as a healer, teacher, leader and forgiver of sins and announce that the king-dom of God is near. with the visit of the wise men and the celebration

Baptismal Remembrance

On January 5, we will remember Jesus’ bap-tism and our own and celebrate the baptisms of Lennox and Clayton that took place this past year by lighting their baptismal candles again during worship. We are all encouraged to remember our own baptisms daily. Hosan-na has provided our young families with the resource book “Living the Promises of Bap-tism: 101 ideas for parents” as a way of of-fering support, encouragement and ideas for living the promises of baptism in our homes and daily lives. Please talk to Sonja or one of the pastors if you would like some ideas for living out the gift of baptism at home.


During December, the Sunday School was busy with many preparations for the season of Advent. Our Advent Activity Day was spent preparing for our Advent program in-cluding making ornaments for the Jesse tree – and involved much glitter and other embel-lishment! On the third Sunday of Advent, the children, youth and choir joined together for a very special cross+generational worship experience Many thanks to all who participat-ed and a special thanks to the teachers and other leaders who helped make this a memo-rable occasion for all.

During Advent, we collected items to give to those who are less fortunate than ourselves. We’ll arrange for those to be delivered in the new year.

Sunday School resumes when we go back to

two services on January 12.


Adult forums usually take place on most first and third Sundays of the month at 10:10 in the Social Room. However, this month the first Sunday we are still at one service and the third Sunday is our pre-annual meeting so there will be no forums this January. Stay tuned for what’s being planned in February!


Thursday Morning Bible Study resumes January 9th. This group meets weekly at 10:00am to gain some insight into the les-sons for the upcoming Sunday. Come any Thursday that you are able – we love to welcome new faces in this group. Coffee’s always on and laughs are guaranteed!


This month’s study will be held on Fri-day, January 10, 7:30pm at Tammy Massa’s (723 Wells Wynd, phone 780-486-3015). We will be starting a new 4-session study

called “Invite: Living Faith in Daily Life”. Bring your Bible (any version is fine) and join this casual group for study and fellow-ship – you will be welcomed with open arms.

Page 9: January 2020 Volume 34, Issue 1 Hosanna Lutheran Church ... · Cameron Terry Outdoor Custodian Helen Bowden, Youth, 780-757-4501 Gary Corrigal, Vice-Chair – Personnel, Education


VBS 2020

January seems ear ly to be th ink ing about Vacat ion B ib le Schoo l but now is the t ime to start p lanning! We are hop-ing to co l laborate wi th severa l churches in the west end to o f fer a creat ive and fun program to the community. I f you are interested in be ing invo lved in the p lanning f rom the ear ly stages, p lease speak to Sonja.


Mark your ca lendars for the return of the Hosanna Epiphany Party on Friday, January 3rd in the Soc ia l Room. Gather ing t ime star ts at 5:30 pm, p izza and

sa lad wi l l be served at 6:00 with fun and fe l lowship to fo l -low. We ’ l l end the evening with a short worship t ime.

Freewi l l o f fer ing to cover the cost o f food. P lease br ing some baking for dessert , a donat ion for the Food Bank – and a f r iend!

Page 10: January 2020 Volume 34, Issue 1 Hosanna Lutheran Church ... · Cameron Terry Outdoor Custodian Helen Bowden, Youth, 780-757-4501 Gary Corrigal, Vice-Chair – Personnel, Education





Many, many thanks to everyone who donated i tems or of fer ings in sup-port of Hosanna ’s November 24, 2019 Socks, Undies and Mi tts (“SUM”) Sunday campaign. Our 454 contr ibut ions, most ly in actual i tems plus some bought wi th specia l o f fer ings, have gone to Jasper P lace Wel lness Centre for d i st r ibut i on to those in need: 331 pai rs of socks, 106 sets of undies, 8 pai rs of mi tts/g loves, and 9 assorted other help fu l i tems. These i tems are a lways needed, and are much appreciated. Perhaps we ’ l l see what can be done in future years to bui ld up the Un-dies and Mi t ts categori es, not as easy to col l ect as socks. Thanks for taking part!

Our f i rs t Communi ty Meal of 2020, wi l l be held on January 25. Our last meal was very successfu l , there was 91 in at tendance, wi th around 75 guests. These events can not happen wi th the many vol -unteers. (Mari lyn & Patr i ck Bel la , Emi l y , Kat i e & Connie L i tzenberger, Wal ly Marquardt, Emma Black, Monica Zientz , Mi r iam Veugelers, Kari Heise, Karen Moore, Sherry Suvanto. Rick Hern-der, Erna Kurai t i s , Johanna Borl e, Ruth Guse, Rodina & Barry Coul ing, Heather Mi l l er , Don Newsom, Pat & Mor ley Becker, Verne & Marg Mi l -l er , Mark Vogel , Paul ine Gibson, Gladys Hansen, Jean Pine, Pat Bowman, Pat Peterson, Carole Hernder, Myrna Pinchbeck, Tom & Dianne Kieren, May & Craig Fr i zzel l , Nordahl F lakstad, A. J . Jeannotte) -

and anyone whose name didn 't get on the sheet but who were there and helped! Thank you very much for a l l your support!

The s ign up sheet i s on the Black Counter. Communi ty Mea l Commit tee

Hosanna wi l l be co- host ing th i s annual luncheon on Feb 2nd. More in format ion to fol low when we re-ce ive our in format ion package. We wi l l need volunteers t o b e avai lable on Feb 1st to make sand-wich etc . We wi l l keep you posted on th i s event .

Lore le i Campbel l & Sherry Suvanto

Page 11: January 2020 Volume 34, Issue 1 Hosanna Lutheran Church ... · Cameron Terry Outdoor Custodian Helen Bowden, Youth, 780-757-4501 Gary Corrigal, Vice-Chair – Personnel, Education



January 2020 Message for

Congregations and Lay and Rostered Leaders

Dear Beloved of God —

Christmas has come and gone for an-other year. The music that filled our ears for weeks on end is now hushed. For many the decorations have been stored away for another year.

As the story of the nativity with its shepherds, and the couple and the newborn baby was unfolding, an-other story was developing. The Magi came from the east and began to ask questions around town: "Where is the child who has been born king of the Jews? We have fol-lowed his rising star and we have come to give him honor."

King Herod, shaken up by it all, works at getting the Magi to help him locate the child. Indeed, the strange foreign-ers find the child and are so over-whelmed by what they find that they fall upon their knees in worship and praise and adoration. Like the shep-herds on the hillside, they begin to re-alize that something is changing in their world, that a new thing is hap-pening, that a new world is being born.

It is a wonderful story, full of emotion and intrigue. It provides the inspiration for art and music, for poetry and song. Few stories told through the centuries are so familiar, so beloved, so rich with pathos and delight.

This gospel according to Matthew is telling the story of the birth of Jesus for new Christians, for new followers of the Way. And even in so young a church it seems that their vision was limited. The boundaries of their com-munity were already closing tightly around them. The gospel writer could see already that the new believing community was too easily settling into the idea that this new life in Christ was for them; they were already getting too comfortable with themselves and too easily willing to put others outside.

Matthew shocks his readers right from the first verse of this gospel by re-counting the genealogy of Jesus. He does so in a way that must have con-founded those who first read it. A ge-nealogy in those days was traced through the male lineage, but Mat-thews breaks from tradition and in-cludes four women in his list of the an-cestors of Jesus. And they were not just any four women. They were wom-en whose lives bore the scars of prosti-tution and incest, of adultery and mur-der. Matthew is laying the groundwork, even in his seemingly boring list of names of folks long dead, that the new day that is dawning is quite different from anything one might be expecting.

And this gospel writer keeps up the theme when he introduces the Magi. We often call them wise men. Some have suggested they were philoso-phers; others have called them astrol-ogers because of their fascination with

Page 12: January 2020 Volume 34, Issue 1 Hosanna Lutheran Church ... · Cameron Terry Outdoor Custodian Helen Bowden, Youth, 780-757-4501 Gary Corrigal, Vice-Chair – Personnel, Education


the stars. But whoever they were and wherever they were

from, Matthew's point is that they are not from here; these are not hometown folk, with hometown val-ues, and hometown upbringing. These were odd folk from some foreign land. Not our kind.

The gospel writer unfolds the rest of the story of Jesus by reminding his readers — and he continues to remind us — that the saving word of God, the death and resurrection of Jesus, is not for some, but for all. Not for men only, but also for women. Not for the appar-ently perfect only, but for those whose lives bear the scars of unmentionable human pain. Not for the hometown crowd only, but for those on the other side of the tracks. Not for those who believe exactly as we do, but also for those who are struggling to believe an-ything at all, or those who have lost their faith.

The star comes and rests over the place where the infant Jesus is born. Keep your eyes on it. Gaze at the star. Focus on it. Fix it firmly in your mind. Because in time you will discov-

er that the points of the star will stretch themselves into the form of a cross, and it will no longer rest over the place where the child lay, but will come to rest over your life and the world you inhabit.

Some years ago, the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of New York plastered the city with posters of the altar of St. Pat-rick's Cathedral lavishly decorated for Christmas. It was a warm and inviting sight. The poster's caption was simple: "Come home."

This Epiphany, "come home." That is the invitation implicit throughout the season. No matter where you've been or what you've been up to, or how long you may have been away, "come home."

This home is for everyone. For wise folk from the east who seek out the child, and the home for the Christ Child in every heart that will have it so.

In Christ Jesus –


+Bishop Larry Kochendorfer

“The God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that you

may abound in hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.” (Romans 15:13)

Page 13: January 2020 Volume 34, Issue 1 Hosanna Lutheran Church ... · Cameron Terry Outdoor Custodian Helen Bowden, Youth, 780-757-4501 Gary Corrigal, Vice-Chair – Personnel, Education


Your donation makes a difference

Your donation helps sustain the camp ministry pro-grams, serving and uplifting children, youth and adults, that often changes lives.

Thanks for your support!

To donate go to donate

For information on specific funds or on-going Lodge Expansion project please email Leon Specht, Chair at [email protected] or Lorraine Kalis, Fund Develop-ment at [email protected]

Thanks to all who have donated to the camp and volun-teered for the many projects over the year. God bless.

Here's to Christmas: A time of Remembering, a time of Loving A time for Giving, a time of Believing A time of Gratitude, a time to Slow Down A time to Simplify, a time of Magic A time of Peace

Merry Christmas from the Board of Directors!

Consider a Year-End Gift

Thanks & Merry Christmas

Page 14: January 2020 Volume 34, Issue 1 Hosanna Lutheran Church ... · Cameron Terry Outdoor Custodian Helen Bowden, Youth, 780-757-4501 Gary Corrigal, Vice-Chair – Personnel, Education



Prayer is one of the best and easiest ways we can communicate

with God, for ourselves and for others.

Those who have been ill, at home or in

hospital, and have asked for our public prayers: Michael Newsom (Don New-som), Clara Jonsson (Anna Thede), Mercedes R, (Marlene Chapman), Brandon R., (Marlene Chapman), Pauline Gibson (self-requested), Dar-lene Anderson (Gladys Han-sen), James Sloan (Marlene Chapman), Chelsea Sloan (Marlene Chapman), Owen Wiig (Pr. Anna), Scott Brown (Pr. Anna), Jean Freund (Hendricksen Family), Stepha-nie B., Sebastian B., Ted B., Sharon B., Jonathan B., Dwayne B., Marc B. (by Marc B.), Barb Clausen (Rodina Couling), Eric Lange (Pr. An-na), John Sims (self-requested), Emily Stebner (Pr. Anna), Lynn Kitchen (Carole Hernder), Irene Erickson (Judy), Dale Grinde (Marlene Grinde), Marvin Seifert (Shirley Seifert)

To request confidential prayer fo r yourself or for others, contact our Prayer Chain Leader: Del

Bennett at 780-487-4062. If you are interested in being a part of the Prayer Chain, or finding out more about it, contact Del.



03 Marcus Meissner

06 Kathleen Hoffman

09 Eva Uwiera

09 Zoe Zinken

12 Kyle Engman

13 Vi Bowdige

18 Colin Liden

23 Grace Allan

24 Mary Bula

28 Lorna Bussieres

28 Brandon Dal Fitzsimmons

29 Dianne Kieren

Page 15: January 2020 Volume 34, Issue 1 Hosanna Lutheran Church ... · Cameron Terry Outdoor Custodian Helen Bowden, Youth, 780-757-4501 Gary Corrigal, Vice-Chair – Personnel, Education



As a car ing and serv ing min istry,

vo lunteers from Hosanna prov ide a recept ion lunch

fo l lowing a funera l serv ice at the church.

If you are not already a volunteer help-

ing provide such funeral reception lunch-

es, please consider becoming involved in

this vital ministry. There are a variety of

tasks, one or more of which could cer-

tainly fit anyone’s ability, both men and

women. Each task takes about two hours

(e.g. preparation, serving, clean up),

and the work is always so much easier

when there are enough helpers to share

the load. If there are any questions

about this service or to volunteer, please

contact the church office or speak to one

of the current crew captains: Johanna

Borle and Karen Moore.

Dorothy Ropchan March 7, 1929 – November 21, 2019

Thank you to the following people for

serving at the luncheon

after the service for

Herb Dofka

on December 6, 2019:

Co-Captains & Set-up:

Karen Moore (and Shopper),

Johanna Borle, Wally Marquardt


Martha Ropchan with daughter Val,

Vi Bowdige, Hertha Trippel, Maureen Lyall


Del Bennett, Ursula Buller, Trudy Sjoberg


Pat Bowman, Karen Peitsch

Karen Moore telephoned for volunteers.

Our thanks to Cam Terry for setting up

all the tables and chairs and putting

them away.

You are a blessing to the congregation,

and especially to the family who has lost

a loved one. THANK YOU.

Herb Dofka

April 2, 1927—November 28, 2019

Page 16: January 2020 Volume 34, Issue 1 Hosanna Lutheran Church ... · Cameron Terry Outdoor Custodian Helen Bowden, Youth, 780-757-4501 Gary Corrigal, Vice-Chair – Personnel, Education



You can stay current on what’s happening at Hosanna each Sunday by

subscribing to the e-bulletin Hosanna Happenings that goes out each

Thursday, along with a listing of the volunteers serving in the worship

services on the coming Sunday. If you would like to join the distribution

list, please contact Lena at [email protected].


Church Office Closed

January 19th—

Pre-Annual meeting


Pr. Anna on furlough

Page 17: January 2020 Volume 34, Issue 1 Hosanna Lutheran Church ... · Cameron Terry Outdoor Custodian Helen Bowden, Youth, 780-757-4501 Gary Corrigal, Vice-Chair – Personnel, Education



Page 18: January 2020 Volume 34, Issue 1 Hosanna Lutheran Church ... · Cameron Terry Outdoor Custodian Helen Bowden, Youth, 780-757-4501 Gary Corrigal, Vice-Chair – Personnel, Education