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  • 7/29/2019 Janet Douglas Ltr to Bush.pdf (1)


    PAGE 0301/15/2007 11: 48 A172835758 J D & ASSOCIATES x

    President George W. BushI'hc. W t ~ i ~ rouse 1 600 12cririsyvuniu Avcnue Washington D C 20500 IYax:202-456-2461 c-niai 1 . ~!:gsident@,whitehouse.g~v I)ire.clo~.Rob Yortman and O I l U AdministratorI'rrsidcnt ' $ Office of Management and Budget]:as: 202,.39S-3888c-mai l :Christopher CoxChninnan. Y ecurities an d Exchange Commission]:'ax: 202-772-9324r.-mail: !'(l!,[email protected]

    I i 1te blv 1 1 me 8, 2006 letter and this Whistleblow on Of ice of Management and Budget:OIIt A: Set ~iritiesExchange Commission for GrossWaste, Gross Fraud and Gross Abusc ' f0 1 ' I'ouer ihrough promulgating/approving the Grandfather Clause contained int

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    Htidycl-. office that has oversig l~tesponsibility to review and approve agency~.cgi~l;l~ii.;l.~s j jo ensure they co n ~ p l ywith appIicable laws. I ii l \ i t clcarly states in Title 5 , at Section 601, Executive Ordcr No. 12866(12)(a) 'Thr ,tgrncies. Because Fedrrul agencies we ~ h ccpositorics ol'significant substantive cxpcr.ti.*c.itnd experience, they a re responsible for developing regulations and .ASS[ :i?.l\lCi that the RECilJLATIONS ARE CONSISTEN T WITH APPLICABLE; :! I. A W S . I I [EPRESIDENT'S PRIORITTES.AND TFlE PRIN(3;I .F,SSET' FORT1 1 IN I i llS t : I :CUTWE ORDER. (Tle Grandfa~hcrClause is illegal at common law. l i~ws

    i n etl.;:ct by our forefathers to ensure credibility of legal tender. l'he Cirandf'lther :,C'lir~rsc:arlds in opposition to an d is outlaw to applicable coil~rtlonaw aiding and;lhel[i17p o~lnt~rfei t ing .) , IIi;

    ( b) The Office o f Management and Budget. Coordinated review of agency rulemaking I I13I'IcCcshclr) to ensure that regulations are CONSISTENTWIT11 APP LICA BLE LAW.1'1 I t : I'R I \lDENT'S PRJORJTIES AND THE PRINCTPI.ES SET FORTI I IN THIS

    1 ,X I ( ' 1 '" I IV E ORDER. (The Office of Management and R11dcr:t is accused of ( i R O S S\\.u>ku. knrud and Abuse of Power for NOT carrying ou t their r~sponsibilitytherebyPKl.Vl:U I ING the GRANDFATHER CLAUSE from eve r being incorporated into anyngellcl r.r!!trlation. (To include the responsibilities of OIRA as defined in this exccutivc ,IOldlY 1 I

    'I'herefore, I claim the Security and Exchange Commission was not p t e d he Ipower to ~iiiikea rule o r regulation that conflicts with applica.ble law. (See 1J.S.C.A. Scction 4.1 I 1. The Grandfather Clause in Reg SHO also conflicts with our well- , cs tah l i sh r~ lwell-seated common laws against counterfeiting. Therefore. I request I'resiclclir i3trsb Inkc immediate, correclive action to elilllinate (tie Grandfather Clausc I'rom tho it never existed, and force payment of th e counterk it shares i , ;ISrc.;[itur~on or the shareholders' of CMKX wherein market makorslhcdpe hlnds wcrc ,~~llnu/ctlo create trillions of counterfeit "air shares" and sell then?tu innocent invesrorsw l i r ~t)tt lic \~\ dhey were purclrasing a real/legitimate shares of'stock, and they were not . . i'I'he -Sl io~,~ale" rule was never regulated by the PTCC nor the SEC wherein they 11evcr ':krpr \rack ,)[ the authorized to issue shares of C MK X thereby ex-cleared whatever !! ;111ivi11ifo! '

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    I'agc :!I'resideiit BushJilnuur\ 14, 2007

    The C'ert Pull ILLY 11ee11exknded until May 15th 2006.Total Received Fax's:42723 i! !Total Fax's Filed: 42723Nu m b e r of Certs: 55495Total Shares: 634,983,934,884Number of Iith in lercst and subseque nt quarterly payments o f f .60/quarterly on the same day as thc

    up-l'ron~pi~y-out,the first month of each quarter;over the next 16 quarters; tn be paid hy;I p \~vrrnn imtcheck; mailcd first-class mail to each certificate holder of C M W . as. ~d~lt t . . i1:~:orded by First Global Transfer Agent and the CMKM TASKFORCE. I (IiL'hc shareholders who are excluded from this restitution paym ent are those i isImrehol(lcrswho received free ahwc certificil~cs whon~may have ~ p is te r e d{reir~ c r t i f i c ~ ~ ~ c ; \ -ith the taskforce) by showing up at weekend races and putting their name ona paper (ahlct list to receive liee shares; or by passing out t-shirts at the races; or by i

    . berving tlr~nksan d hotdogs at the races, these pay it forward shares were in increments ou, $ : . ,O l )O .O(~~~ \hut c c n i t7.calcsand ace nut to be ilisludcd in this payment, since they did i;r ) c . t [ ilily tuotlry for the 3 million shares and received a certificate through the system as i n ;;t i le 1 ) I ' ( '< ' 'NSCC. Those certificate shareholders hold "S" share certificates and ared ~ ~ l o r c ( in the PAY 1'1' FORWARD Shareholder List found here:&://w ~w. b o n e sd x . c o m / a c c t . ~d f !II 1I II^!'he shareholder base i s like m army 42,700 strong who believe in the moral ' !L ~ ~ I U C S , 'I'/\nierica and respect ou r laws. The OBO/NORO lists 60.000 sharcholdcrs. I t i s1~1'ClrlllllL'(J I I K0t11er 20.000 or SO shareholders who refused to get a ce~-tif.icatend record ,r t wi th rl~c cnkmtaskforce could, in fact, be brokerage firms. hedge funds. or bashers( e n ~ p l o jch o f hedge funds who post 24/7 on message boards to discoulagt: investors i3bol11thc lock so they sell back the "air shares" into the ~nrukc~.These pcc~yle~ l r cin Ivic>latiof?0 1 OLII'RICO aws and should not be paid in this payout, since they probably , Iown ,4ha1.c\ trid will not claim them through CMKM certificate pull far obvious reasons. 1 I

    'T'hc ,!C1.700 cnrlificatc holders look lu [he govcrnmellt to alac, ~ldhcrco our laws. I'['his s M : O ~ I I one very large shareholder wrote about this situation. whom like most of us. ' .:h o w l~ c lt shares for 3 years or more, 1present here his comment in closing:


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    01/15/2007 11: 48 A172835758 JD & ASSOCIATES PAGE 01

    I t%about time ou r nation corrcct many monument31 wrongs that have been I~~~l-vthc':.ieople who ncvcr had u clue thul i t wns h n p p c n i n ~ .Ycs we havc onc ot'thc i' ,grcatcsr !! ' not the greatest country in the world. Our democracy towards all .~ymbolizes ' !rt le \~ l~inl i i ten freedom

    ? : I ) !ne questions that and it has been ducurrlented for years. I t is now thc time to IIstand utci~dfastand bc w h ~ tw c V I I ~ h a t we are. It doesn't mattcr what politicul purcy r J,on(-assicns themselves too. What is important is doing the right. co rrcct and just thing in 1all circ.\ I! ] rstances. What m an or woman of character that would not want such. Just think . IIlo~!.gr(::!: 3 country we really could become through out h e world i f that became th cl ~~ ? r l l l ~ . '

    1 17Fortunatelywe live in a world that many only want what is best for themselves ; Ii u ~ lrlt lor the whole I f the whole is good then all is good. Granted greed an d corruptiot~ 1h,n c .,I\\ ,,)s been a part of the system. Yes even when Christopher Columbus amved. I( , I lve past rnistakcs? No. Bu t we c m team fiom them and move forward fo r the ' 1p-c.ntct .~c\od.113 r~olriicz if I want to see someone sutYcr whilc I prolil. Nor is i t wisc visc I~ ~ 1 ' 4 0 $) t tenmajor occurrences happen for a reason. Many times it is done to show IWIIO i s o~nnipotent.

    wc have a major financial situation that has to be corrected a nd it must becorrerlcd now. If i t is not corrected now then th e young folks that are on the horizon Iarc going to have a very ba d ideology about our government. They will learn it from I,~ h chnh! I?oomers genera tton, which is now, wtxo will share tbeir viewpoints bascd a n4whar :h(,\ have seen thus tar. Maybc when [tiair y ic r~e~~ ts /ere conling up during World

    Wit, I . ~ i : t l 2 when respect meant something, to this younger generation: i t will fall a11 11 . 1 rhat 's not good for the totality o f our country existence. Therefore, this 1vituatiorr has got to turn itself around or anarchy i s just around the corner!" II' ! hank you for your immed iate attention to this matter. A strong America i s in the :Ii.os>-.h;~: :.5of the enem ies of our financial market place. W e learned from 9/1 1/2001 that

    thc CI:(:1)1!' wants to destroy Americans through the market place. Please prevent th e SIX: I1'ro1iini~tingand abctting counterfeiting, which aids th e enern)! in the war on terror: i11id ' IW I I ~ C I I lt:I 11sthe eilnny to achievc their goals. I I

    A I . ' o l t n r { i r ~ o ,Father an d my Address has not changcd in 32 years