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MY AIMS IN DOING RESEARCH IN JAIMINI CHARA DASHA KN RaoI must explain that I had been giving excellent predictions through Vimshottari dasha and vargas which late Shehadri mentioned in his books but which I popularised on a large scale. But I had to use Chara dasha and many other dashas of Jaimini out of sheer necessity and demand. The reasons are: 1. During my service career I was posted in Shillong (1962-63) when I met many Bengalis who had lost their birth horoscopes when they were fleeing from what then was East Pakistan. 2. Then I had two postings in Calcutta (1967 to 1969 and again from 1975 to 1978 when again I met many Bengalis who had lost their birth horoscopes when they were fleeing from what then was East Pakistan. 3. From 1978 till my retirement in 1990, I met many Punjabis and Haryanvis and Delhites who were either refugees who had lost their horoscopes while fleeing from West Pakistan at the time of the partition of India in 1947 or had Arya Samaj background and never got their horoscopes prepared. When they felt the need to have astrological readings, some of them came to me and I found out that if I fixed their lagnas properly on the basis of the scanty information they provided, without fixing the degrees of the lagna, I could give them helpful predictions on the basis of Chara dasha and seven, and only seven karakas. I also found that being a government officer with ten to five office hours, I was always short of time and I needed accurate Vimshottari dasha after correcting the birth time which is wrong in ninety percent times. I solved my problem by heavily relying on Chara dasha and Karakas and double checked it with Vimshottari dasha without using vargas in most cases and gave good predictions though some went wrong awfully also. In those cases where I had accurate horoscopes, I used both dashas and even some conditional dashas on which I did lot of research but have left it to my colleagues in the Astrology Faculty of the Bharatiya Vidya Bhawan. In these cases I invariably used divisional charts most of which,(leaving some) I have revealed in my books. Let me talk about ECMD. Keeping this background in the mind follow my discussion of the horoscopes under Education, Career, Marriage, Children and Death.


Follow my line of reasoning by preparing charts in which all birth horososcopes are: 1) Marked with karakas. 2) Mark the Karakamsha (KL) alongwith the Atmakaraka also in the lagna. 3) Mark the putrakaraka (PK) 4) Mark the darakaraka and also the darakaraka navamsha in the birth horoscope. (DKN) and note the dual use I make of it for marriage and also death. 5) Mark the upapada in the birth horoscope. Computing the Chara dasha periods In calculating the periods I neither add one extra year for exalted planet nor deduct one extra for debilitated period for the following reasons: 1) Since there are only twelve rashis, so the maximum dasha period can be of twelve years only. If Mercury is at two degrees in Kanya,by adding one year to full twelve year period it will become thirteen. 2) If Jupiter is at two degrees in Makara, for the Dhanu period the period will be zero which appears absurd to me as no rashi can have zero period. Additionally, Dhanu periods are known for rise and fall, sudden events and even tragedies. If in a horoscope there is a zero year for it, some important events cannot be seen at all is my experience. 3) In timing events in horoscopes which have exalted and debilitated planets as in the case of Queen Elizabeth II and Chandrasekhar, the former prime minister of India, I will show how following my method, timing of events becomes accurate. I and my students have followed this method and have given many successful predictions with timing becoming accurate. The illustrative horoscopes being used here are of those famous persons who life

events are historically documented and the horoscopes used have correct lagnas though the degrees of the lagna may be debatable. But in using Chara dasha that is not a handicap. NOTE: I use the Karakamsha lagna in the birth horoscope for many good reasons which are sound. I will explain it. If all karakas are used in navamsha it is called Swamsha. It is the tradition followed in many parts of northern India and gives excellent results. See a sutra for example: Shukrendo Shukradrishe rasavadi p 49, meaning that if Venus is in Karakamsha lagna and is aspected by Moon, he will become a dealer in medicines etc. (Suresh Ch, Mishra Jaimini Sutram of Ranjan Publications, 1989 edition in Hindi) Anyone in the world with Moon and Venus in the same degrees as Atmakaraka and Amatyakaraka in the birth horoscope will also have them in navamsha and they all will become dealers in medicines. If you judge it from Karakamsha in lagna it may give a different meaning and lot of flexibility is available for interpretation. It is why traditionally, north Indian astrologers put Karakamsha in the birth horoscope and judge the results. If you blend the results from Karakamsha in lagna and Karakamsha in Swamsha (meaning all karakas put in navamsha as south Indian astrologers do) you get better results.

Special PointFinally, no writer on Jaimini has talked of Darakaraka as both giver of spouse and also death. Death should ofcourse be predicted after finding out the span of life which is a tough task and should be approached through many techniques combined in a harmonious scheme and technique.

QUEEN ELIZABETH IIBirth of sibling Birth of her only sibling Margaret or Countess of Snowdon Princess Margaret was born on 21 August 1930 in ScorpioSimha with BK Venus aspect ing the third house from Simha and in dreshkona where Venus is in the third house from Simha. Chara Dasha Capricorn 21-04-1926, Sagittarius 20-04-1928, Scorpio 20-04-1929,Libra 21-041931, Virgo 21-04-1935, Leo 20-04-1941, Cancer 20-04-1945, Gemini 20-041957, Taurus 20-04-1966, Aries 20-04-1975,Pisces 20-04-1984, Aquarius 20-041986, Capricorn 20-04-1994,Sagittarius 20-04-1966, Scorpio 20-04-1997, Libra 2004-1999,Virgo 20-04-2003 Marriage- She was married on 20 November 1947. Karka -MeshaVrischika which has darakaraka. Cancer is the seventh house from her lagna and is aspected by DK Saturn and also has DKN. In the navamsha lagna there is DKN in Karka while the pratyantara dasha of Vrischika has DK Saturn. Birth of children 1. Prince Charles 14 Nov 1948, Elizabeth gave birth to her first child, Prince Charles, on 14 November 1948,( Karka-Meena which has PK). From Karka the fifth house receives the aspect of Jupiter

the sthira Putrakaraka. In Saptamsha Mercury the PK is in the fifth house aspecting the natural PK Jupiter. 2. Princess Anne 15 Aug 1950, A second child, Princess Anne, was born on 15 Aug 1950. Again in Karka but Makar antardasha which is aspected by PK Mercury in the Saptamsha. 3.Prince Edwards was born on 19 Feb 1960, in Mithuna mahadasha which is aspected by Mercury (PK) and Kumbha antardasha from where the fifth house has the aspect of PK. He must have entered his mothers womb in the antardasha of Meena which has PK. 4. Edward Mountbatten-Windsor was born on 10 March 1964, It was Mithuna mahadasha aspected by PK and Simha antardasha from where the fifth house Dhanu is aspected by PK. I have discussed these events in my book Planets and Children using Vimshottari dasha and the double transit of Jupiter and Saturn. Proclaimed Queen On 6 February 1952, they had just returned to Sagana Lodge, about 100 miles (160 km) north of Nairobi, after a night spent at Treetops Hotel when word arrived of the death of Elizabeth's father. It was Makar Dhanu Kumbha dashas with BK aspected by Sun natural significaor for father. Note: How BK combined with Sun the natural significator for father shows the event of her fathers death. There is no need for an eighth karaka as some softwares have and have confused many lovers of Jaimini astrology. She was proclaimed the new queen as both AK and Amk aspect the tenth from Kumbha. She and the Duke of Edinburgh moved into Buckingham Palace. Fourth house is aspected by both AK and AmK in the same dasha. Coronation 2 June 1953 It was Karka mahadasha from where AK and Amk aspect the eleventh house and Tula antardasha with both Atmakaraka in the fourth house of raj simhasana or the royal throne and Dhanu antardasha which is the rashi of rise and fall and from Dhanu the ninth house of dignity gets aspected by both Atmakaraka and Amatyakaraka. A bad year In 1992, which Elizabeth termed her annus horribilis, meaning horrible year, two of her sons separated, her daughter divorced, and a severe fire destroyed part of Windsor Castle. Revelations on the state of her eldest son Charles's marriage continued, and he divorced in 1996. (from the internet) It was the period of Kumbha-Dhanu which is aspected by PK and from where the seventh house has Rahu. In the Saptamsha,(Karka lagna) Dhanu antardasha is the sixth house. It is worse as the PK is in the twelfth house (Vrischika twelfth from Dhanu) DK and GK are in the sixth house showing trouble to her children making it a horrible year for her. NOTE :I make use of different vargas and the researched Chara dasha along with exalted and debilitated planet is shown in the riskiest prediction of my life given to a former prime minister of India ,Chandrasekhar. It has been mentioned in the biography of Chandrasekhar of the late Hiralal Chaubey with a mention of how I corrected the lagna itself of Chandrasekar and predicted his rise to the post of the prime minister of India. See the article of Chandrasekar

Rajiv GandhiBirth of sibling Birth of Sanjay 14 Dec 1946 Simha which has BK Moon along with so many other karakas, in the antardasha of Vrischika from where the third house is aspected by BK. His younger brother Sanjay Gandhi was born. Chara Dasha Leo 20-08-1944, Virgo 20-08-1956, Libra 29-08-1957,Scorpio 20-081967, Sagittarius 20-08-1969,Capricorn 20-08-1977, Aquarius 2008-1984, Pisces19-08-1992

Death of Sanjay Gandhi In Makar-Simha-Karka (15 June 1980 to 2 July 1980) his brother Sanjay Gandhi died in an air accident. From Makar which has DKN, BK Moon is in the eighth house. Simha has BK and in dreshkona from Karka BK Moon is in the sixth Dhanu the rashi of accidents. Karka is the eighth house from Karakamsha which is Dhanu. Note:Remember, it is safer to use pratyantara dasha in the relevant varga chart. Education Went to UK for studies in 1961 in Tula-Meena and Kumbha. From Tula fifth house gets aspected by Rahu showing a technical education. From Meena it is again Rahu in the fifth house. From Kumbha the fifth house it is Saturn in the fifth house aspected by Mars showing technical education which is engineering in this case. But from Tula the fifth house does not show good education in this period and Rajiv could not get any degree. Love affair and marriage Love affair-In the January of 1965, he met Italian Antonia Maino in Varsity restaurant in Cambridge. It was Tula Karka. From Karka there is Ketu with DKN in the s eventh house. It is a foreign girl with whom he fell in love. Marriage 25 Feb 1968 in Vrischik Karka and Vrisha. Vrischika is aspected by DKN. From Karka DKN is in the seventh house. From Vrisha the seventh house receives the aspect of DKN Birth of Rahul Gandhi 19 June 1970 Dhanu Tula Makar. Dhanu is the fifth house of the birth horoscope,Tula is aspected by PK Jupiter and for finer timing see the saptamsha where from Makar the fifth house is aspected by PK Jupiter.

Birth of Priyanka Wadhera 12 Jan 1972 Dhanu which is the fifth house, Simha which has PK Jupiter and Mesha from where PK is in the fifth house. In Saptamsha from Mesha PK Jupiter aspects the fifth house. Mother killed Prime Minister after mothers death 1984 October In Kumbha Meena Karka his mother was killed. Saturn MK is aspected by Mars who is also DK in the eighth house from Kumbha. In the birth horoscope Meena shows MK Saturn in the fourth house aspected by Mars which is DK and that is the dual use of DK here. Karka is the eighth house from Karakamsha which is Dhanu. In dwadashamsha, from Karka, the natural significator Moon falls in the eighth house. In Makar-Simha-Karka his brother had died and now in Kumbha Meena Karka his mother was killed. Prime Minister But from Karka pratyantara dasha, AK Mercury, Amk Venus and the remaining three other karakas aspect the tenth house and he was sworn in as prime minister by president Zail Singh. Killed 21 May 1991 In Kumbha-Makar-Vrischika he was killed. From Kumbha DKN aspects the seventh house. Makar antardasha has DKN and remember the dual use of DK and DKN. Vrischika is aspected by DKN. In August 1990, I shared with readers of the Times of Astrology, an astrological journal, my research in the most difficult dasha in astrology, the Kaal Chakra dasha. With Jaiminis Chara dasha, as I am the first ever astrologer to show how predictions can be made, so too with the Kaal Chakra dasha I had done that. To illustrate, I had taken Rajiv Gandhis horoscope and had discussed it ten months before Rajivs death. After the death of Rajiv Gandhi, newspaper men thought with their usual ignorance that no astrologer had predicted this tragic event. Then a very decent journalist of the Times of India, Vandana Mandlekar, contacted me and after examining all the evidences, wrote in the Times of India, June 6, 1991) the following : In all fairness sample these hints... K.N. Rao analysing Rajiv Gandhis horoscope in the August 1990 issue of the Times of Astrology wrote: The Pisces -Sagittarius period (June 6, 1990 to August 20, 1991) is a period of Simhavlokan, a period of total change in his political style of functioning... a time of risks and dangerous dare-devilry, a cataclysmic change which can be both fatal and spectacular. Rao emphasises t hat he had detected a primary maraka indicating death) in the June 1990 to August 1991 period. Then why did Rao word it so cautiously in his interview to another magazine in April? (There will be attempts on the lives of big leaders is all he said). He did not want to invite the provisions of the Anti-Terrorist Act, he explains. The Terrorist and Disruptive Activities (Prevention) Act ironically passed by the Rajiv Gandhi government in 1987, has become the proverbial aunt Sally for astrologers now. The act, for the first time, lumped stargazers with terrorists to declare that action would be taken against whoever predicts, prophesises or pronounces or otherwise expresses, in such manner as to incite, advise, suggest or prompt, the killing or the destruction of any persons bound by oath under the Constitution... Thus, an astrologer predicting Rajiv Gandhis assassination would have been liable to a minimum of seven years imprisonment. The Times of India

Rajiv Gandhis death was seen by me by applying some other dashas of Jaimini (the Sthira dasha, particularly), and also the Vimshottari dasha. But the application of the Vimshottari dasha was purely classical, not the extension of the Atmakaraka of Jaimini to the Vimshottari.

Chandrasekhar (Former Indian Prime Minister)The late Hiralal Chaubey, a noted Hindi journalist, had revised his biography of Chandrasekhar, the former prime minister of India, before his own death. Today, 8 July 2007, Chandrasekhar died in Apollo hospital in the dasha of Venus, a maraka for Mesha lagna. Hiralal had promised to present me a copy of the revised biography because he had mentioned the prediction I had given to Chandrasekhar of his becoming the prime minister at a very crucial time in his career when Chaubey had taken me to him in August 1990. But he died and I could not get the copy of the revised biography of Chandrasekhar. A friend presented a copy of it in 2006 and there is mentioned clearly with my name, the prediction I had given to him in the presence of many people in August 1990 that he would become the prime minister of India for a brief spell that year itself replacing V.P.Singh who was looked upon as a menace because of his notorious Mandal politics. It was the policy of implementation of a poorly investigated, fudged and manipulated report on reservations or the other backward classes of India, the Mandal Commission. AtmakarakaJupiter AmatyakarakaSaturn BhratrikarakaVenusMatrukarakaMars PutrakarakaMercury GnatikarakaSun Darakaraka-Moon How can this happen in the mahadasha of debilitated Mercury was the question of some astrologers sitting in the large gathering at the place of Chandrasekhar who loved to have a gathering of people around him always. I had insisted that it would happen in the mahadasha of Mercury and the antardasha of Moon very suddenly. In Jaimini it would the mahadasha of Kumbha and the antardashas of Simha. In transit, Jupiter would be in Karka then and Saturn in Dhanu. On the insistence of Hiralal Chaubey I had written a very long article, almost six columns explaining the prediction in Hindi in the Hindi newspaper of Calcutta, Sanmarg, for which he worked as Delhis special correspondent. Later, after I had retired, I had written in the Vishwa Vijay Panchanga (Hindi) that Saturn in Makara will lead to his fall. In the Times of India, in an interview done by Miss Mandalekar, I had said that the Congress would come back to power.

In an interview to Calcuttas Sunday, a weekly, I had said that during the election of 1991, a prominent leader would be killed. That was Rajiv Gandhi who was killed on 21 May 1991. Those days, unlike now, I used to do lot of mundane astrology and fortunately got so many authentic horoscopes, unlike now. I had a string of brilliant predictions to show then. Then I lost interest in political predictions. It was easy to double check the prediction I had given to Chandrasekhar with Chara dasha where from Kumbha, his Amatyakaraka, Jupiter would be in the tenth house. I should not have taken that risk as I had still three more months to retire from my service. Yet, I did it because of my respect for both Hiralal Chaubey and Chandrasekhar. It remained unnoticed, unknown and I retired peacefully. Earlier, in 1988, in an interview to the Onlooker (Bombay) now defunct, I had said that in 1989, there would be a change in the central government on the basis of an original research of mine in mundane astrology. My explanation was called for. I escaped by saying that it was an academic research which I was testing. As government servants we are punishable under the conduct rules if we participate in politics and a political prediction could be construed as participation in politics. Chandrasekhar became the prime minister in November of that year (1990) and fell after seven months. During a visit to the Mussorie or Simla Academy, as the prime minister of India, he had defended astrology strongly saying that he had evidence of the correctness of astrological prediction and of astrology being a science. I have to explain why I took the risk of giving the prediction so openly, the first and the last time ever, in an open durbar of Chandrasekhar. In the briefest membership of the Socialist Party of India I had for two years because of the inspiration provided by Acharya Narendra Dev to our generation of students, I had met Chandrasekhar once in Aminabad office of the Socialist Party, Lucknow where he had come to stay from Allahabad or Varanasi. He continued in politics and mine was over after Acharya Narendra Dev left Lucknow University to join Varanasi University as vice chancellor. But from what I saw then of Chandrasekhar, doing his PhD from Varanasi those days, he appeared to have the scintillating intelligence with sharp analytical powers of late Achyut Patwardhan, Purushottam Tricumdas but he could never reach the great eloquence in Hindi of Acharya Narendra Dev which was equaled or even surpassed by Deen Dayal Upadhyaya of the Jan Sangh. You cannot be in politics without being unscrupulous and cannot succeed without becoming totally unscrupulous. Yet, for Chandrasekhar I had some sneaking admiration because he had stood up to Indira Gandhi, challenged her almost, and got elected to the Congress Working Committee inspite of her opposition. Indira Gandhi, the vindictive woman, had her revenge when she got him expelled from the party and got him arrested during the National Emergency of 1975. During his imprisonment, he wrote his jail diary in Hindi which is a great piece of literature besides giving some insights into lesser known aspects of Indian politics.

For instance, Indira Gandhi had told Biju Patnaik that elections should be made so expensive that opposition parties should find it difficult to fight it ! That was the story behind the enormous corruption of her era, which has now become our national legacy. I will narrate in the second part how I had fixed his lagna as Mesha on the basis of which I had given him the riskiest prediction of my life so openly and which was so well known to so many. Professor L.P.Singh, his life long friend, former head of the department of philosophy of Gaya University who now goes to foreign universities to lecture on Indian philosophy, on Tantra, Buddhism refers to this prediction of mine often, even now. Hiralal Chaubey, himself an astrologer, had given to him Mithuna lagna with which I had not agreed. After verifying the life events of Chandrasekhar, I had given him Mesha lagna, last navamsha and given to him what to date is my riskiest prediction. Not arguing with me, Hiralal took me to Chandrasekhar and asked me to tell about my prediction. Why had I changed the lagna of Chandrasekhar from Mithuna given by Hiralal Chaubey (see page 269 CHANDRASEKHAR ek lambe safar ki kahani VINDHYACHAL PRAKASHAN B 19- Gulmohar Park, Delhi 110049) to Mesha was the question I had to answers later and some of them in the presence of Chandrasekhar. Let me deal with it partly in a question-answer method. You are the eldest child of your parents or the first child of your mother. Chandrasekhar I am not the first child of my father but am the first of my mother. My father married twice. You have studied political science, sociology but part of your education got interrupted. Chandrasekhar I studied both and later I could not complete my PhD because I got involved in politics. Between 1975 and 1977 did you yourself take a decision to leave the Congress party or were expelled ? Chandrasekhar Expelled.

I gave my prediction to him thus: Astrologically you could not have risen to the high post of the prime minister in 1989 though, it was said that Biju Patnaik had hatched a conspiracy to propose the name of Devi Lal, the senior most among you all. In turn, as pre-planned, Devi Lal stood down and proposed the name of V.P.Singh. But now with planetary position having changed, V.P.Singh cannot stay in power inspite of the mass hysteria he has created for himself through the Mandal report . Chandrasekhar had looked at me with poker face without showing whether he believed me or not. There ended the meeting. Discussion with others was on the following lines. A person who started his career like an intrepid socialist failed to rise higher because Indira Gandhi did everything to ruin his career. This is well explained by the presence of the tenth lord in the eighth house and the eighth lord aspecting the tenth house.

It was the period of Saturn Mars that he suffered the worst disaster of his political career. Here Mars in the eighth house of dashamansha confirms the reading available from the birth horoscope. It started in the period of Tula-Kanya in Chara dasha with Amk in the third house and AK in the sixth and two malefics in the tenth house. Whole of his Jupiter period he was the rising star which is clear from Jupiter in the eleventh house also in the dashamansha. In the Saturn period, he felt let down, first by Jaya Prakash Narayan which grudge he did express many years after the death of that great leader. Then came the Indira Gandhis blow to him and his career. Now, it was the period of Mercury, debilitated but the third and sixth lord. It falls under the exception of Parashara. The antardasha of Moon, the fourth lord of the lagna, vargottama and in the tenth house of the dashamansha was the right period for him to become the prime minister. It was now or never for him. Being in the eighth house from Mercury, Moon made him the accidental prime minister of India when the government of V.P. Singh was brought down by BJP and the famous ratha yatra of Lal Krishna Advani. Both Jupiter and Saturn were in strong houses in the sarvastaka houses. I had series of arguments like this including the verification of his personal and family life which I will not disclose here. He did become the prime minister in November 1990 and it was a rather ludicrous situation, depending on the mercy of Rajiv Gandhi to whose disgrace it will be always said that on flimsiest ground he withdrew the support of his party to the government of Chandrasekhar in which he had less than sixty men of his own ! But in that small period, he did nothing that could be called creditable. The nation was financially bankrupt and he was a prime minister whose crutch on which his government depended was monstrously too huge. Was India a democracy or a joke so many of us wondered. But vargottama Sun and Moon the fourth and fifth lords of his horoscope had to give him at least once what he deserved very richly during the Indira era as a Congress man and as a possible successor of Indira Gandhi. History is a cruel judge. A man who might have been a great prime minister of India, had to struggle all his life to find his place in Indian politics in the Indira era. He will unfortunately get bracketed with V.P. Singh, an ugly aberration in Indian politics, Deve Gowda who as though had won a lottery ticket to become the prime minister or later, I.K. Gujaral who thought that a prime minister should always be touring foreign countries and never stay in India.

And now in the dasha of Venus, the maraka for Mesha, Chandrasekhar breathed his last. His death removes the last of a giant socialist who lived to see his political wings flutter in the void of Indira Gandhis opportunistic politics. But I remember him as a dignified, mature and intelligent politician who was the leader of leaders. Written - 9 June 2007------------

AK Jupiter, AmK Saturn, BK Venus, MK Mars, PK Mercury, GK Sun, DK Moon CHARA DASHA Mesha 1927 to 1929, Vrisha 1929 to 1941, Mithuna 1941 to 1950(Note: I have made no extra deduction for debilitated Mercury),Karka 1950 to 1959, Simha 1959 to 1963 (Note: I have made no extra addition for exalted Sun), Kanya 1963 to 1969 (Note: I have made no extra deduction for debilitated Mercury again), Tula 1969 to 1976,Vrischika 1976 to 1983, Dhanu 1983 to 1985, Makara 1985 to 1987,Kumbha 1987 to 1995, Meena 1995 to 1996 Second cycle of Chara dasha Mesha 1996 to 1998, Vrisha 1998 to 2010 My Addition to the above Article: The addition I am making now is to show his death through the method I am discussing consistently. I am also showing why I do not make extra addition for exalted planets and extra deduction for debilitated planets. He died in July 2007 in Vrisha which is aspected by Moon Darakaraka which is the dual use of DK as researched by me and the antardasha of Karka which is sixth from the Atmakaraka Jupiter in Kumbha. The pratyantara dasha was of Mesha from where Darkaraka is in the seventh and is aspected by AK. Mesha is also aspected by AK. In Vimshottari it was Venus-Venus-Moon marakas in many ways.

Indira Gandhi (19 Nov 1917-31 Oct 1984)some events of her life the most charismatic woman leader in the recent history of the world, the most powerful prime ministerof India till today, Indira Gandhis horoscope and predictions given about her have ruined the reputations of many astrologers in India as she ruined the political careers of many Indian leaders.

For astrologers, the interpretation of the famous exchanges in her horoscope, has been an enigma and also a lesson. From the Jaimini angle and Chara dasha it is equally interesting and provides new insights for our thinking.

Mothers death: afflicted MK If a karaka that is afflicted is aspected by Gnathikaraka also it leads to early departure of such person from ones life, in various ways generally, not always. I have found it working in majority of cases. In this article I am showing it in three cases. In the case of Indira Gandhi, her Matrikaraka Jupiter is afflicted by Saturn and is being See the events leading to her marriage. From 1935 to 1939 it was Mesha dasha. Mesha has Upapada which took her to a TB hospital in Switzerland where Feroze Gandhi came to meet her from England where he was studying. From Mesha in the eighth house are her PK Mercury and DK Sun showing a secret love affair. Then came her Meena dasha from 1939 to 1949. Meena is her navamsha lagna and she was of marriageable age. Now watch the antardashas from here: Meena Mesha (19 Nov 1939 to Sep 1940) The upapada and the aspect of DK on Mesha in the birth horoscope and of DKN from Simha helped her resolve to marry Feroze Ghandy who later changed it to Gandhi or his family had done it earlier. Meena Vrisha (19 Nov 1940 to July 1941) Here DK is in the seventh house in which period she told her father in jail that she was determined to marry Feroze. Her father had to yield to her decision and the declaration was made creating a national uproar which Jawahar Lal Nehru defended hypocritically. From July 1941 to May 1942) it was Meena Mithuna with Rahu and Venus in the seventh and it was an unconventional marriage as Rahu denotes here. A Parsi as we know was said to have consented to get the marriage performed in a Hindu way. From May 1942 to March 1943 (Meena-Karka) she must have decided to raise a family as PK is in theifth house from here. From March 1943 to Jan 1944 (Meena Simha) with PK being in Simha in the Saptamsha, Rajiv Gandhi entered her womb. From Jan 1944 to Nov 1944 in Meena Kanya with Jupiter, the natural putrakaraka and Mercury the Jaimini PK aspecting Makara, the fifth house from Kanya, she gave birth to her first son Rajiv Gandhi. In the Saptamsha, from Kanya the fifth house receives the aspect of Mercury PK. Meena Tula lasted upto September 1945. Now Meena Vrischika was lasting upto July 1946 and PK is here. She became pregnant again and gave birth in Dec 1946 to her second son. Note: The approximate week of the birth of the baby, in some cases, of the day also, can be calculated if one goes upto five levels of Chara dasha. For example Sanjay Gandhi was born in Meena-Dhanu-Mithuna-Simha and Vrischika where the PK is placed. If the Saptamsha is seen all these five dasha levels point to the birth of a baby.From Meena the fifth house is aspected by Jupiter. From Mithuna the fifth house is

aspected both by Jupiter and PK. Simha has PK which is Mercury. Vrischika is the fifth house both of birth horoscope and the Saptamsha.Death of Sanjay Gandhi Her son Sanjay Gandhi died in June 1980 in Kanya mahadasha from where, in the birth horoscope, the PK is aspected by GK representing accidents and in Saptamsha, PK and GK are in the twelfth house, Simha a rashi of accidents from Kanya whose dasha was running.

The antardasha was of Vrisha where DK is placed in the Saptamsha.

In the lagna chart where PK and DK in the seventh can also show marriage but from Saptamsha the event becomes clear. The pratyantara dasha was of Mithuna from where PK falls in the sixth house of accidents and is with DK which also denotes death and is aspected by Moon, GK denoting accidents in the Rasi chart. Her fathers death on 27 May 1964 happened in Vrischika-Simha-Kanya Vrischika has Sun, the significator of father but is also DK. Simha has Mars BK. From Kanya, the ninth house receives the aspect of GK which is Moon and Sun the DK is in the third house denoting the longevity of parents. Let me quote what was reported in the Astrological Magazine about this prediction of mine and is mentioned in my book Nehru Dynasty. Her own death - One night Raja Dinesh Singh had asked me some time in April or May 1984 and I had told him that the end of Indira was imminent. He asked me if I could tell the time-frame, a favourite expression of his, I had to work hard, with Dr. R.K. Caroli, Mr. Anand Singh, a close friend and personal secretary of Raja Dinesh Singh, waiting impatiently. The calculations were done by my friend Kumar Viveki. My specific answer was between 1st and 4th November 1984, Indira was shot dead on 31st October 1984. Later, addressing an astrological convocation what Raja Dinesh Singh said, was reported in Astrological-Magazine as He mentioned many of Mr. Raos predictions such as Mrs. Gandhis death etc.. which had proved correct". correct.(Astrological-Magazine, June 1990. P. 531) My basis of prediction briefly my basis of this prediction which is remembered and quoted even today and which was reported in the Statesman. It was as follows: (a) The New-Year Horoscope of 1984 had clearly shown a tragic change in the central government. (b) Indira was passing through the Saturn-Rahu period. In Rahu-Saturn she had defied her father and married Feroze Gandhi. In Jupiter-Saturn she had broken off all her relations with her husband and their were terrible scandals heard about her which include the necklace she had got from the king of Saudi Arabia and the mink coat she had got from Dharam Teja, a shipping magnate. Now in Saturn-Rahu she had antagonized the Sikhs by hurting their religious sentiments. Shehad invited her doom. Her span of life could not be more than 68 years by any calculation (see Saturn in the lagna). Saturn in her lagna was aspecting her lagna-lord: as her 7th and the 8th lord, it had to prove disastrous.

From her Moon, Saturn was again her 2nd lord in the 7th house. Saturns major period had to be a killer.

Which sub-period? Which sub-period, was the question to be decided. Moon in her 7th house aspected by Jupiter could save her. The Sun in her 5th house again aspected by Jupiter could save her. But Mars in her 2nd house could be a killer though being a yogakarka, it would not kill her. Rahu like Saturn is a fully qualified killer according to Hindu-astrology. Then Rahu with Venus, a killer for Cancer ascendant, in the 6th house was doubly bad. Transits: In the ashtakvarga, as I wrote in the November 1984 issue of the AstrologicalMagazine (available in Delhi in the middle of October) I had already said that after 24 September, 1984 Saturn in Vishakha (20 degree in Libra) had entered that crucialarea again. Jupiter with Mars in Sagittarius was in the 12th house from her Moon in Capricorn. The transit of Rahu in Taurus was bad again as it was on her natal Jupiter. There was no saving element anywhere. (From my book Nehru Dynasty) Now see it through Chara dasha Simha dasha (1983 to 1992) Simha is eighth from her Karakamsha which is Makara. It was Simha Tula and Kumbha period from 17 Oct 1984 to 19 Nov 1984. In Simha there is her DKN Sun. Tula is aspected by DKN with Mars showing violence. The pratyantara is of Kumbha from where DKN falls in the seventh house. The sookshma is Mesha on 31 October 1984 aspected by DK and DKN. The prana dasha is also of Mesha. I did this calculation after her death to make sure that my method of computing Chara dasha was correct. It is a very time taking process which had better be avoided and that time spent on spiritual pursuits. But to convince that jyotisha is a pratyaksha shastra. it should be done once in a while. The trickiest part in astrology is to calculate the span of life and come to the exact period of death. It should satisfy an astrologer to see the fatal period if he can see this period two to four years in advance. If the actual death occurs two years after the period it should not be treated as an error but a near accurate prediction.

Amitabh Bachchan (11 Oct 1942)or so many generations in India who love cine heroes and figures of the glamour world, the physically tall actor, Amitabh Bachchan, not fitted into the traditional cine model of a lover like Dilip Kumar or Devanand with their mediumheight and handsome faces, carved out his place as an angry young man. But who expected him to be voted as the best actor of the twentieth century? That is history now.

His horoscope was given to me by his mother late Smt. Teji Bachchan and I had written about it in my article in the Astrological Magazine twenty six years ago discussing his accident in July 1982 about which I had given a forewarning to his mother. That prediction wasbased on Vimshottari dasha. Let me discuss more events of his life through my tested method of Chara dasha and show many more events.

Oct 1942, 14:50:30 Corrected War Time, Allahabad, UP, India. The sequence of dasha in his case is:Aquarius 11-101942, Pisces1951,Aries 1959, Tau rus1964, Gemini 1968, Cancer 19 71,Leo 1980, Virgo1991, Libra 20 03, Scorpio 2014 Birth of his sibling In Kumbha mahadasha and the

antardashas of Simha and Kanya his only sibling, Ajitabh Bachchan was born in May 1947. Kanya has his Bhatrikaraka, Mars. Meena 1951 to 1959, Mesha 1959 to 1964, Vrisha 1964 to 1968, Mithuna 1968 to 1971 This dasha of Mithuna was the turning point of his life as AK and AmK, Sun and Mercury along with PK, Venus the planet of artistry aspect his tenth house giving to AB the greatest turning point in his career with some acting roles in which he was noticed. Let me quote from some information gathered by some students as my knowledge of cinema is awfully poor. He first gained popularity in the early 1970s as the "angry young man" of Bollywood cinema, and has since become one of the most prominent figures in the history of Indian cinema.Bachchan made his film debut in 1969 as one of the seven protagonists in Saat Hindustani, a film directed by Khwaja Ahmad Abbas and featuring Utpal Dutt, Madhu and Jalal Agha. Though the film was not a financial success, Bachchan won his first National Film Award for Best Newcomer.

Anand (1971) followed, where he starred alongside Rajesh Khanna. Bachchan's roles as a doctor with a cynical view of life garned him his first Filmfare Best Supporting Actor Award. Amitabh then played the role of an infatuated lover in Parwaana (1971). This was followed by several films including Reshma Aur Shera (1971). During this time, he made a guest appearance in the film Guddi which starred his future wife Jaya Bhaduri. He narrated part of the film Bawarchi. The next dasha of Karka 1971 to 1980 has DK and also DKN, Jupiter, exalted and vargottama. Marriage and Children I do not have the exact date of his marriage but the likely period is Karka Mesha which was from April 1973 to January 1974 Mesha being the seventh house of the navamsha.His first child, a daughter, Shweta, could have taken birth in the antardashas of Meena/Kumbha starting from January 1974.

His son Abhishek in news as an actor and husband of Aishwarya could have been born in 1976 in Karka Dhanu from April 1976 to Jan 1977 as the Saptamsha given here shows PK in Mithuna with Kumbha lagna. His Accident of 1982 I had given this prediction in Jan 1982 to his mother and had written an article also in the Astrological Magazine. Let me show the same event through Chara dasha. It was in the Simha dasha which was from 1980 to 1991. GK Moon is aspecting this rashi Simha and in the antardasha of Tula the accident took place in July 1982 perhaps on 2 July. This was the period of Simha Tula, Tula from 14 July 1982 to 11 August 1982. All that I have been able to get from the internet is that the accident was on 26 July 1982 in the shooting of picture Coolie but the time is not mentioned. If four of five levels of Chara Dasha are worked it will be:Mahadasha is of Simha aspected by GK Antardasha of Tula having GK Pratyantaradasha of again Tula Sookshma dasha is Mesha seventh from GK but aspected by Rahu and Ketu. The Prana dasha could be Karka which has DK and it was a very fatal accident which nearly could have caused death.

Foray Into Politics: The Cesspool In 1984, Bachchan took a break from acting and briefly entered politics in support of long-time family friend, Rajiv Gandhi. He contested Allahabad's seat of 8th Lok Sabha

against H. N. Bahuguna, former Chief Minister of Uttar Pradesh and won by the one of the highest victory margins in general election history (68.2% of the vote).His political career,however, was short-lived: he resigned after three years, calling politics a cesspool.

Simha Dhanu (July 1983 to June 1984) and Simha Makara upto May 1985. Amitabh joined politics in this period and Makara being a rashi, generally, of change ; it wasfrom the film world to what he called the cesspool of politics, an unpleasant change in his life. It must have been so as from Makara, there is GK in the tenth house. From Makara, the ninth house is excellent having Atmakaraka, Amatyakaraka and Putrakaraka, Venus.

Dhanu is the rashi of rise and fall and accidents etc. See the tenth house with AK and Amk and PK and BK. He won his elections against H.N. Bahuguna which was a big achievement and entered the Indian parliament and got disgusted with politics soon. He won his elections in Makara from where the planet of democracy, Saturn, aspects the tenth house. Simha Mesha (March 1987 to Feb 1988) He got disgusted with politics and with AK and AmK in the sixth house of struggle decided finally to leave politics which annoyed his childhood friend Rajiv Gandhi, the Indian prime minister particularly after he described politics as cesspool. Notice, BK also in the sixth house representing his brother Ajitabh and thecontroversy of Bofors in which Ajitabh too was mentioned.

I will trace four more events through Chara Dasha. Amitabhs Kanya dasha was from 1991 to 2003. Note here both BK Mars and Sun are placed proving it to be bad for his famous father Harivansrai Bachchan whom our generation admired much more than Amitabh. Sun and BK here eliminates the need for a separate karaka for father. Harivansh Bachchan died on 18 Jan 2003. It was Kanya Kanya Makar both BK and Sun are here and DK in the seventh house. Also note The Tula dasha started from 2003 and will last upto 2014. If a karaka that is afflicted is aspected by Gnathikaraka also it leads to early departure of such person from ones life, in various ways generally, not always. In his case, Amitabhs Matrikaraka Saturn receives the benefic aspect of Jupiter, though aspected by GK. There is Moon here, representing mother and eighth from here in Vrisha is Saturn, the Matrikaraka. The end of his mother Smt.Teji Bachchan who had done Vishnusahastranama with me many times in my house, was becoming visible. Smt.Teji Bachchan died on 21 Dec 2007 in Tula Meena Tula. DK Jupiter aspects MK Saturn in the eighth house from Tula. World recognition In 1999, Bachchan was voted the Greatest Star of stage or screen of the Millennium by BBC online poll where he defeated many Hollywood legends. In 2001, he was honoured with the Actor of the Century award at the Alexandria International Film Festival in Egypt in recognition of his contribution to the world of cinema. (from the internet). It was the period Kanya mahadasha with AK and AmK here aspecting the tenth house and antardasha of Mithuna from where the tenth house is aspected by AK and Amk. This period ended in 2001 with Kanya-Kanya where both AK and AmK and PK forming many Jaimini rajayogas are present. Marriage of his son Aishwarya Abhishek wedding photos 27 Apr 2007 ... (from the internet). It was Tulamahadasha and Kumbha antardasha which is the lagna of the Saptamsha and the pratyantardasha of Makara where DK Jupiter is placed in the Saptamsha.

It is how Chara Dasha as researched by me and used both in the birth horoscope and relevant varga charts are to be used.

Jaimini Astrology - 7 Step Method IIIOriginally written for Journal of Astrology and syndicated to other websitesIt has been customary at the end of an astrological debate, actually a quarrel (these days about Jaimini dashas) -- astrologers come away claiming victory. Starting with a Sanskrit shloka or sutra, a fatuous rhetorical war path, they end up abusing each other. I have seen it so often, astrologers using very offensive language and uttering arrant nonsense. They spout ill-informed academic poison. They cannot overcome their obsessions. Involved in such quarrels, you find yourself between a precipitous rock and a deep sea. My argument offends them. I asked them how they can claim to know Jaimini astrology without using Karakas. I have said that it is original research, not available anywhere else except in my two deeply researched books on Chara Dasha and Mandook Dasha which I tested and rested before writing them. To say that you know and do Jaimini astrologywithout using Karakas is like saying that you do Parashari without using seven grahas (leaving out Rahu and Ketu).

Jaimini astrology is epic in scale, mythic in symbolism and operates through subtlest hints which are sub-atomic. Imagination is needed to unravel aphorisms. Jaimini astrology is the greatest branch of astrology ever found anywhere in the world, dazzling in its vast range but bafflingly recondite. One lifetime is not sufficient to grasp it. Even with what little one grasps, one begins to give a false impression of being a seer. Instead of quarreling let us arrive at a consensus. I have repeatedly told students of astrology to follow some steps when dealing with doubtful horoscopes. Once convinced of their correctness, they should not to bother for the criticism and comment of most of the astrologers. It is, for example, preposterous to show the horoscope of Atal Behari Vajpai with Tula lagna for different years, 1924 or 1925 and prove a point or a research. Read the biography of Atalji and see what horoscope is given there!! It is Vrischika lagna and 1924 birth which I alone have used among astrologers, as far as I know, and I will show it in a later article .!!!

Follow the steps given here.First step: When in doubt about the correctness of a horoscope use Chara Dasha as I do, as I alone do. Verify some indisputable events of a horoscope like education, marriage, children, career etc. if such details are available. Examine it again through the most popular Vimshottari dasha and, if you arrive at the correct degrees of the lagna, a strenuous exercise, use the relevant vargas. Applicable conditional dasha should be applied. It will be shown in the cases of Sachin Tendulkar and Benazir Bhutto in this article. Step two: Before accepting a horoscope, collect as many events of a mans life as you can and verify them soundly. Choose bio-facts as I call it, always for verification. It must be done consistently applying the same parameters to horoscopes after horoscopes. Step three: Give some short term predictions to them or, about them, and get or collect a feedback to be convinced that you are working with correct or corrected horoscopes. If majority of your predictions have come out correct, do not get yourself influenced by the claim of astrologers that they have a different horoscope which alone is

correct. The horoscope of Atal Behari Vajpai is a good example to remember all your life. Step four: Always ignore ponga pandits who claim to know the meaning of Sanskritshloka or sutra and, knowing English, dash off their opinions, these days, on different fora of the internet or even some astrological journals. Step five: If inspite of all these you discover that you have committed an error in getting or working on a wrong horoscope or, if your verification was faulty, admit it honestly. Otherwise, astrology will suffer and you will get dubbed as dishonest. Let astrologers be not liars. To date, I have admitted in writing my failed predictions giving reasons. Step six: If in doing a research on horoscopes, you come across a brilliant predictive clue, test it on as many horoscope as you have in your possession. The sample size for testing must be at least twenty five. Do not stop here but give predictions only on this basis for some time to test the soundness of your discovery. Then use it openly in your predictions and, if you like, in your writings. Step seven: When you read articles of some writers you begin to pick and choose easily. Some writers are very honest and will not use doubtful horoscopes and justify with vehement dishonesty. Do not waste your time reading them anymore. Step eight: Similarly, you will see some writers using good techniques soundly and some, not. Follow only the techniques of honest writers. You will realize soon that in the world of astrology there are many malicious fellows, betraying their low upbringing at the earliest. Contributing something positive is not their primary aim. Step nine: Always use, when you are doing the analysis of a horoscope, more than one dasha though while writing, you may show and use one dasha only for brevity and clarity. Step ten: Re-check what you have written. This has been always a fault with many including me because while writing thoughts that race in the mind lead the writer intounconscious errors which he fails to correct. This keeps happening is my honest opinion. The racing mind moving faster than the eye has made me a very incompetent proof reader.

Step eleven: In doing a research on any dasha, unless some indisputable facts are verified stage by stage, the results shown in stray incidents like becoming a prime minister, have no meaning. Show the birth of siblings, the nature of education, some events relating to parents, career patterns with its good and disastrous landmarks and, of course, marriage and children with proper timing. Most of the researches show one or two events only which cannot validate any dasha with conviction and confidence. That is the line I have strictly followed in my books and articles, with examples. Every book on lesser known and used dashas or lesser used dasha which has come out of the pen of BVB teachers of Delhi follows this line strictly. Step twelve What to hide and what to reveal is a tough task for even an experienced writer of astrology books. There are certain subtle factors which point to fatality and sexual crimes. Neither in predicting nor in writing should they be revealed is a view I share with many astrologers of earlier days of honest astrology. It now is a forgotten dream amidst so many unscrupulous astrologers. In writing over a period (from the prediction about the death of Indira Gandhi to Benazir Bhutto, from 1984 to 2007), I have restrained from even talking about it, what I always regard as the clinching factor, even in my conversations with astrologers. In the case of Rajiv Gandhi, I was so sure of his violent end but the amended Terrorist Act his government passed, choked many astrologers from even expressing honest fears. In

making predictions about their coming end I used the more obvious planetary combinations which I have taught but never referred to the subtle and secret factors.

Having said that let me deal with the horoscopes of some important persons which have been always a source of hot debate and acrimonious controversy. I will use in this article, the horoscopes of: 1) Sachin Tendulkar 2) Benazir Bhutto. and others. But first the controversy relating to the Karakamsha must be dealt with. Karakamsha Let me first clarify why I use Karakamsha in the birth lagna as the north Indian astrologers do, and not in the navamsha. I saw books on Jaimini by south Indian writers who put the Karakamsha (KL) in the navamsha while the north Indian astrologers prepared a full chart with KL in the center in the place of the lagna and put other planets as they are in the birth horoscopes. I tested it on horoscopes with me and found that if I used the south Indian method, it caused more confusion which I have explained in my book on Mandook Dasha (which I dodifferently than other writers, with very good results) tested on many horoscopes, including mine and got results. I will explain in later.

First let me explain why putting KL in the lagna appears logical to me. Results of Karakamsha B. Suryanarain Raos translation of Jaimini Sutras is a mere translation of the sutraswithout any illustration. It was one the earliest books to influence me along with some books in Hindi from Varanasi. It does not solve our problem. Yet some results as given in the book are reproduced here first to show the confusion that gets created as a result of a translation without illustration. Read my comments in brackets which I have added now. If any of the planets is in the Karakamsha the results will be: Sun: Will be fond of public service and will be fond of political activities. ( Amitabh Bachchan and all people born on 14 Oct 2010 should be government servants or fond of political activities.) Moon and Venus: If the full Moon and Venus are in Karakamsha the person will command great wealth and all comforts. Mars: Will prepare medical mixtures and will bear arms. Will live by professions involving preparations in or near fire. (GLNanda would, a stop gap prime minister twice has this. All people born on 19 Oct 2010 will bear arms or in professions involving fire. A friend of mine has this combination in his horoscope and he worked in a bank. He does not prepare medical mixtures but buys medicines only.) Mercury: Will become a merchant, weaver or manufacturer of clothes will be clever in preparing curios, will be well versed in social and political matters. (PVNarasimha Rao. should have been a trader not a prime minister.)

Jupiter: Will be well versed in Vedic or religious rituals, will have religious wisdom, will know the rules of sacrificial functions and will have good knowledge in Vedanta. (Charan Singh would not have been politician. He knew astrology but did not know Jaimini) Venus: Will become a great official, will become political personage, will be fond of many women and will retain vitality and sexual passion till the age of one hundred years. (Allpeople born in the world on 1 September 2010 will have this combination. ) Saturn: Will be famous in his line of work. Someone showed me an article of a writer who, I was told, a very keen researcher in Jaimini. He wrote that Saturn in Karakamsha makes one famous in ones own line. That is a well know Jaimini aphorism. Jaimini says Saturn in Karakamsha or in 2nd house from Karakamsha Lagna indicates the person will be known for his work. Let me give an example. Cast the horoscope of people anywhere in the world of 8 Sept 2009 according to the Lahiri ayanamsha and see Saturn at twenty nine degrees and 51degrees. All the people born in the world will be known for their work as they will become famous in their line. prasiddha karmajivi. Why were people born at the same time as Indira Gandhi not famous? The reason is that a prediction cannot be based on an isolated factor. The north Indian style of Karakamsha Put the Karakamsha in Dhanu and retain the planets of 8 Sept 2009 as in the birth lagna and you get a different meaning which appeals to me.There cannot be a group of people born all over the world who will become famous only because Saturn will be Atmakaraka and therefore will be in Karakamsha of all the people in the world born on 8 Sept 2009 at any time and in any lagna. The sheer absurdity of taking Karakamsha lagna so mechanically and herding all the people born with Saturn as Atmakaraka must be noticed and discussed by Jaimini scholars. Notes 1. It should be clear that if the entire Navamsha of karakas are to be used for Karakamsha then: (a)Anyone who has Sun as the Atmakaraka will invariably have Sun in the Karakamsha also will become public servant and will be in political activities. If such is the case we can look at all horoscopes in which Sun is the Atmakaraka and draw a fast conclusion that suchpersons will be public servants and will be interested in political activities.

(b)Similarly those who have Venus as Atmakaraka will have great sexual virility till the age of one hundred years. (c)All those who have the Saturn as the Atmakaraka will be famous in their own line of work. Can we jump to such conclusions merely on the basis of the Atmakaraka and its navamsha position in the navamsha chart? It is obvious that it is a fallacious approach. Some astrologers use the Karakamsha in the birth horoscope and call it Karakamsha and use the entire navamsha of all Jaimini Karakas and call it Swamsha which appeals to reason. In an article later I will give scanned copies of Karakamsha prepared by north Indian astrologers.

There is no hint given in any book available in the market to show how the Karakamsha and Swamsha are distinguishable and which one is to be used when for predictive purposes.

Now see some hotly debated horoscopes. But before read what I have written on my website ETERNAL INDIA 29 - SUPPRESSION OF BIRTH DATA 4 March 2010, 11:44 AM The debate among astrologers about the correct birth data or the suppression of the correct birth details of celebrities and historical figures will be unending. Let me quote what I wrote in the preface to LEARN SUCCESSFUL PREDICTIVE TECHNIQUES OF HINDU ASTROLOGY. "Birth-Time: Hearsay Evidence We in India have three historical instances of famous men being discussed in astrological articles, including what they call their research. The late D.P. Misra, a well -known politician of Madhya Pradesh, wrote in his book, "Living an Era", that Indias super Bismark, Sardar Vallabh Patel, did not know his birth day, year and time. When asked by astrologers, he decided, being an Iron Man, known for decisiveness, that he was born on October 30, of some year in the nineteenth century and at a particular time. Using that data, astrologers have discussed his horoscope too often and too nauseatingly. A more interesting case is that of the former Indian President, Dr.S.Radhakrishnan, who according to a biography written by his son, S. Gopal, was born on a different day of September (in the 4th week of the month, perhaps) one year before the year used by astrologers and, the Government of India celebrates the Teachers Day on September 5 every year. India's astrological journals and books contain the horoscope of Dr. Radhakrishnan explaining Saraswati Yoga. But his own son has called his father an illegitimate child with an entirely different date and year of birth. More amusing is the gimmick of India celebrating the birth anniversary of the former Indian Prime Minister, Lal Bahadur Shastri, on October 2 every year when according to his well-known family horoscope it should be 9 October. " Birth-Time: Chaitanya Mahaprabhu The worst mistake committed by Dr. Raman in Notable Horoscopes is in his discussion of the horoscope of Chaitanya Mahaprabhu ignoring all traditional evidence. (a)As a contrast see what N. C. Lahiri gives in Advanced Ephemeris (p112) the birth detail of Chaitanya Mahaprabhu as 17-30 I.S.T. with Simha Lagna (b)Dr. Raman takes the time as 8-56 p.m. which gives him Tula lagna. (c)I have used the time given to me by some Bengali friends which gives me 4-42-10 p.m. giving me Simha Lagna, though there is a difference of 48 minutes shown by N. C. Lahiri, who, as he had once told me, that he not being an astrologer, could never correct a horoscope. Birth Lagna and Dogma: Prabhupad There is in this book a long portrait of Prabhupad A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami which took considerable scrutiny because while the famous and distinguished astrologer, Gopesh Kumar Ojha, gave him Makar lagna, an American astrologer insisted that it had to be Dhanu lagna, giving not any astrological logic but, on the basis of a pure dogma. It is pernicious not to follow astrological basics. First of all, there must be sound approach

through the verification of life events. See for instance the results attributed to Jupiter in the 8th house. "Gurur-mrityago tasya VaikunthaGatham" Which means that after death, those who have Jupiter in the 8th house, go to the highest world. What blindfolded the American astrologer was a prejudice. He saw concentration of five planets in the 8th house of Rajneesh (Osho) and concluded, not on the basis of any astrological logic, "the person is walking on the path to hell" . This is not astrology but dogma, not a scientific approach and is not in harmony with the Mahaprabhus spirit (Taror-api-sahishnu more tolerant than the tree.) Lal Bahadur Shastri Very early in my astrological career I came across a horoscope of Lal Bahadur Shastri with Moon in Kanya and Dhanu lagna with the date of birth not given by as many as three famous and established astrologers of India, Sri Suryanarain Vyas, Sri Hardeo Trivedi and Dr.B.V.Raman. I cast the horoscope and found that the date of birth was October 9 not 2nd on which his birthday is celebrated. I asked Dr.Raman and also Hardeoji about it and they said that out of their respect for Shastriji they decided not to give the date of birth but made successful prediction about his short term as prime minister and tragic death. Then in course of time an aunt of my younger brothers wife married someone in the family of Lal Bahadur Shastri and I got the Memorial Volume in which the family horoscope given was the same as used by the three astrologers referred to above with Dhanu lagna and Moon in Kanya. Tendulkar In early nineties of the last century a television anchor from Bombay who specialized in sports used to meet me in Delhi and promised that he would get the birth details of both Tendulkar and Kambli. In his next visit he told me that he would not be able to get it as the families of both Tendulkar and Kambli were advised not to give their birth details to anyone. This may have led to the creation of 24 April as the birthday of Sachin Tendulkar. Then when I got the birth details from Karveji and his daughter Pinky, I gave it to Sri Manoj Pathak who has produced an article which is there displayed on the website. I told many that the birth details of Virendra Sehwag were different in earlier year with his month of birth shown as May or April not 20 October of 1978. But then an article in an issue of the Journal of Astrology, later in a book, made it difficult for the wrong date to continue since it was well known that I had got the details from the sister in law of the elder sister of Virendra Sehwag. She is high ranking officer in the Indian railways and knows astrology. Suppression of correct birth details was not possible in this case. There has been no such compulsion in the case of Tendulkar. Astrologers have always quarreled without realizing that they are fooled by politicians and celebrities. They keep burning their fingers and never learn any lesson. But the age old Hindu or even Moghul emperors tradition of giving wrong birth data will continue for some reasons.