Download - Jamestown What was the first permanent English settlement? Who founded it and why? Jamestown (in Virginia) Started by the Virginia Company – to make money.

Page 1: Jamestown What was the first permanent English settlement? Who founded it and why? Jamestown (in Virginia) Started by the Virginia Company – to make money.


• What was the first permanent English settlement?

• Who founded it and why?

• Jamestown (in Virginia)• Started by the Virginia Company – to

make money

Page 2: Jamestown What was the first permanent English settlement? Who founded it and why? Jamestown (in Virginia) Started by the Virginia Company – to make money.

Jamestown - Motivations

• Why did most men come to Jamestown?

• Money and Land!• Laws of Primogeniture: English

laws that said only the first born sons could get land from their fathers.

• Made “other” sons desperate • Poor economic conditions and

land shortages in England

Page 3: Jamestown What was the first permanent English settlement? Who founded it and why? Jamestown (in Virginia) Started by the Virginia Company – to make money.

Jamestown• What problems did

Jamestown have?• Wanted to find gold and

get rich quick• Not used to hard work• Arguing and fighting• Location = swamp and bad

water• Far from home• Mosquitoes and malaria• Powhatan Indians wary

and not helpful

Page 4: Jamestown What was the first permanent English settlement? Who founded it and why? Jamestown (in Virginia) Started by the Virginia Company – to make money.

Jamestown - Government• What was the House of

Burgesses• Why was it important?

• Representative assembly in Virginia based on Parliament

• Attracted people to Virginia = just as free there as in England

• Importance = Precedent (example) for all other colonies

• Colonies would govern themselves• Have the same rights as people in


Page 5: Jamestown What was the first permanent English settlement? Who founded it and why? Jamestown (in Virginia) Started by the Virginia Company – to make money.

Jamestown Success #1

• Why did Jamestown succeed?

• Leadership of John Smith: a soldier and explorer took control of the settlement.

• Installed military discipline = work for food.

• Established a relationship with the Powhatan.

• Negotiated for corn and helped keep the peace

Page 6: Jamestown What was the first permanent English settlement? Who founded it and why? Jamestown (in Virginia) Started by the Virginia Company – to make money.

Jamestown Success #2• Why was Jamestown successful?

• Tobacco and Environment: very good (soil)• John Rolfe brought in tobacco (cash crop). • Brought in the money that the VA Company needed• More people desperate for money will move there• Importance: Motivation of money and the environment led

to - Plantation style farming and slavery in the South

Page 7: Jamestown What was the first permanent English settlement? Who founded it and why? Jamestown (in Virginia) Started by the Virginia Company – to make money.

Jamestown Success #3• Why was Jamestown

successful?• Peace with the

natives• John Rolfe married

Pocahontas (Indian princess).

• Natives began to help the English

• Importance = time to grow

Page 8: Jamestown What was the first permanent English settlement? Who founded it and why? Jamestown (in Virginia) Started by the Virginia Company – to make money.

Success #4• Why was

Jamestown successful?

• Successful Government • House of Burgesses, Representative

Government, and the charter

• Colonists would govern themselves and expect the same rights as people in England

Page 9: Jamestown What was the first permanent English settlement? Who founded it and why? Jamestown (in Virginia) Started by the Virginia Company – to make money.

Jamestown Why so important?

• Environment led to plantation slavery in the Southern Colonies

• Motivation of money became a part of the culture.• Representative Government and rights of Englishmen for

colonists would lead to problems with the English government in the future.

• Success leads to growth of the Southern Colonies

Page 10: Jamestown What was the first permanent English settlement? Who founded it and why? Jamestown (in Virginia) Started by the Virginia Company – to make money.

Plymouth• What was Plymouth?• Who founded it?

• 2nd permanent English settlement (1620).

• Settled by Pilgrims who traveled on the Mayflower.

Page 11: Jamestown What was the first permanent English settlement? Who founded it and why? Jamestown (in Virginia) Started by the Virginia Company – to make money.


• Who were the Puritan Pilgrims?

• Protestants from England.• Wanted to reform the Church of

England by making it less Catholic (making it simpler)

• Wanted to separate from the Church of England (separatists).

• Persecuted (treated unfairly) for their beliefs in England

• In 1620 won a charter to start a new settlement in Virginia

Page 12: Jamestown What was the first permanent English settlement? Who founded it and why? Jamestown (in Virginia) Started by the Virginia Company – to make money.

Plymouth (and New England)

• Why did people come to Plymouth?

• On a religious mission = start a colony based on their beliefs.

• Wanted religious freedom.

Page 13: Jamestown What was the first permanent English settlement? Who founded it and why? Jamestown (in Virginia) Started by the Virginia Company – to make money.

Plymouth• What was the Mayflower

Compact?• Why was it important?

• Agreement that stated that they would have a government and follow its rules.

• Precedent for written limits to government power (like a constitution)

Page 14: Jamestown What was the first permanent English settlement? Who founded it and why? Jamestown (in Virginia) Started by the Virginia Company – to make money.

Plymouth Success• Why was the settlement


• The people at Plymouth were hard workers.

• Local natives helped the settlers learn how to farm and survive the harsh weather.

• Government and religion provided order.

Page 15: Jamestown What was the first permanent English settlement? Who founded it and why? Jamestown (in Virginia) Started by the Virginia Company – to make money.

Importance #1• Why was Plymouth


• Religion = motivation of religion and the belief that “we are closest to god” became an important part of American culture.

• Religious freedom: Pilgrims allowed it in Plymouth = tradition for the future

Page 16: Jamestown What was the first permanent English settlement? Who founded it and why? Jamestown (in Virginia) Started by the Virginia Company – to make money.

Importance #2• Why was Plymouth

important?• The first Thanksgiving• We still celebrate the

coming together of the settlers and the Indians each November.

• It is a religious based feast that has become a national holiday

Page 17: Jamestown What was the first permanent English settlement? Who founded it and why? Jamestown (in Virginia) Started by the Virginia Company – to make money.

Importance #3• Why was Plymouth

important?• The Mayflower Compact: set a

precedent for constitutions and written documents about government

• Became an American tradition.• Other settlers would follow the

example leading to the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution.

The Fundamental Orders of Connecticut = the first Constitution followed the example of the Mayflower Compact

Page 18: Jamestown What was the first permanent English settlement? Who founded it and why? Jamestown (in Virginia) Started by the Virginia Company – to make money.

Importance #4• Why was Plymouth

important? • Led to the growth of 4 New England Colonies that would be based on religion.

• Success of Plymouth led more Puritan settlers to come to these places.