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“The World Is Not Enough” Story Arc

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Status Quo

• Bond is returning money to King at the head quarters. King, E and Bond are just talking. King thanks Bond for getting the money back.

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Trigger/ 1st crisis

• It turns out that the money was dipped in a chemical that reacted with water on bonds hands. One of the magnetic strips was replaced with magnesium and it acted as a detonator. In Kings pin there was a radio transmitter that triggered a blast that ended up killing King.

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• After the money blows up a woman starts shooting at Bond from a boat. This triggers a huge chase scene on boats.

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2nd Crisis

• Bond realizes that Renard is back, he is a terrorist that kidnapped Elektra. Renard is getting stronger and can’t feel pain because Bond shot him in the head during another mission.

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• Bond and Elektra go to see one of her oil wells and they have to go skiing down a huge mountain, then the bad guys associated with Renard find them. They come parachuting down on snowmobiles and create a huge chase/fight scene. In the end of the scene there is a huge avalanche, Bond and Electra narrowly escape.

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3rd Crisis

• Bond poses as Davidov and flies out to central Asia where he discovers Renard has a bomb. Bond is not sure what his plan is yet.

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• Renard and Bond are fighting in the underground nuclear bomb room. Renard is trying to escape with the bomb and Bond is trying to stop him. There is a huge fight scene between the two, Jones and Bond narrowly escape.

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4th Crisis

• Bond begins to think that Elektra has something to do with her fathers death because Renard said the same motto that she once said to bond, ”There’s no point living if you can’t feel alive”. Renard also knew exactly where to hit Bond on his shoulder, like he knew Bond had dislocated it.

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5th Crisis

• We find out that Elektra was in fact part of her fathers death, she captures E at the headquarters when they are watching the bomb travel through the oil lines. They all think Bond died after the transmitter showed the bomb exploding while Bond was supposedly still in the pipe.

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Climax• Bond and Christmas Jones are

captured by Renards men and are brought to the place where Elektra is hiding the other bomb. We find out that Elektra is planning on blowing up another pipeline so all the oil will have to come from her lines making her very rich. Bond escapes from being tortured by Elektra and ends up killing her. He then goes on to the submarine to try and stop Renard from completing the mission.

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• There is a big fight scene between Bond and Renard on the Submarine. Bond ends up killing Renard and stopping the bomb from blowing anything up. Jones and Bond just barely escape from the sinking submarine.