Download - James Blake Chapter Two

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Page 2: James Blake Chapter Two

Listen up people, I want Sean Blackmoor and I want him now!



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I can tell you where he is. He’s in the town jail, under arrest for

assault. And be careful with those fire arms or I’ll arrest you to!

Holy smoke, listen to this guy!

We’re here for Sean,

release him or else!

Come away from the window Anne! You don’t want to see this!

Listen up and listen good, I don’t like threats or give them any

notice! Things have changed around here now that I’m sheriff.

Okay wise guy, you’re asking for it and you’ll get it. We picked up a guy on our

way, a city man on his way here. Hand over Sean or we’ll blow his head off!

And believe me, if Samson gives the word, I’ll send

this chump to the afterlife!

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I’m giving you guys one last warning to

stand down!

Wow, wow, wow! Let’s not get to hot headed now! Bad things happen when you act without thinking you know!

My good friend Mitch here is much more understanding of the subtleties that are required for this kind of negotiation! I’m sure

we can settle this peaceably!

Mitch you rat! You can‘t just release him behind my back!!

Shall I blow this guy’s head off Sean?

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Mitch you twerp! You undermined me! I had the situation under control!

No, no, I’m sure that won’t be

necessary, Get saddled up lads,

we’re leaving!

Get out of my town now Sean, if I ever see you again you’re a dead man!

You should learn a few things from your

partner greenhorn! I’ll be seeing you yet! CRACK!



Sure you did James! I was

merely giving a helping hand!

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Did he say your name was James?

James Blake’s the name, what of it? Looked like you choose a wrong

time to come to Alcova!

I can’t believe it! After all this time I’ve finally found you! James, this will come as a shock, but I am your father!

This was never supposed to happen!

I’d better find a town soon, or my fuel will run out!

It’s all gone horribly wrong!

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Great! I’m going to die

out here in the plains!


Perhaps this is God’s way of punishing me for my

sins. Maybe I’ll walk these plains for eternity,

forever searching.

I know you and Kelly were close friends. His death has come as a shock to all of us,

but the understanding between the mob and the

wardens must continue

Yes, of course. Tell me, do you have any

idea who killed him? I want the killers

brought to justice.

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I’m afraid we really have no leads

whatsoever. The kinds of weapons

used were top notch, and the timing suggests

inside information. The killers were probably hired

assassins, the real questions is who

hired them!

Kelly always trusted all his men, they were like family to

him. I guess that was his downfall really.

Whatever happens I assure you that mob will find the man responsible and make him pay. There’s an old saying, the mob never forget.

I’m sure that the true meaning of that phrase will come into play soon enough.

There are more reports of rebellious wardens, trying to arrest mob members. Nothing too worrying, just make sure

that it doesn’t get out of hand.

I’ll try my best. Keep me

informed of your



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There’s something about that man Howard that gives

me the creeps. I bet he killed Kelly so that he could take his place in the mob!

Dammit Kelly! Why couldn’t you hire better security! You were so sure that no one would dare take you down! And yet, the timing of the attack was too

good to be true. It’s like Howard says, someone inside must have told them

when Kelly was leaving the building, him!

I’ve got to settle this once and so all and find

out the truth! Alex! What have you got for me! You’ve been at

that for days!


Howards information is correct, the rounds that killed Kelly were armour

piercing, highly expensive and completely unnecessary. Perhaps they were expecting Kelly to be in a tank!

There are only so many people with

that kind of money. Howard’s

one of them!

If I find proof that Howards behind Kelly’s

murder, I blow the swine back to hell where he belongs!

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Why did you leave my mother? Why did you leave a

boy with no memories of their father but an outstretched hand?

That was in the past James. Your mother hated me you know so I left

you and joined the army.

You could have visited me, But no! I’ve been living in the cities my whole life and you never tried to find me until now! Why?

You need to come back to the city James, Kelly has been assassinated and things are on the brink. The

corrupt leaders think they have things under control, but there’s talk of moving in on the mob.

My orders are to stay here. This town needs me just as much as the city. Let the

wardens start a war with the mob. I tried to arrest Kelly and now I’m here. I’m done

with the city, I’m starting my life again, here in Alcova.

Without control of the city the wardens will mean nothing out here in the wild. Listen

James, you must come back with me!

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Looks like I’m not dead after all. Where am I? Holy smoke!

I’ve never seen so many Indians in one place!

Something’s going on here! It’s like they’re massing together for something.

So! The infidel awakens! What you see if the great gathering of the people! The preparation for the apocalypse,

and the war that follows!

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You mean… you’re gathering together an army! You mean to attack the cities and wipe out everyone! But why? Why cause

an apocalypse?

It is written in the stars, the gods have foretold it. Years ago when the first settlers came here, we traded

peacefully and formed alliances with your people. But when they came across the sea in force they droves us out of the good fertile land and created they’re metal cities

For years we have lived out here in the desert, nomads with no home,

moving from oasis to oasis, struggling to survive.

But no longer! I will lead our people from the desert and crush

the infidel. When the time comes and you fight each other for gold and women, the red apocalypse

will come!

You’re fools, all of you! Even the might of this army is nothing compared our technology. What are bows and arrows against gunpowder and shot? It will be your

massacre, not ours if you attack the cities.

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Good grief, I can’t believe you persuaded me to go to church! In fact, I’m surprised you even have one out here! The townsfolk of Alcova seem like they’d

be having too much time getting drunk to sit through a Sunday morning service!

For someone so religiously obsessed with law and order I’d have thought you’d have a lot in common with the bible’s teachings.

Most of our legal system is based on Christian teachings you know!

Good morning Mr Blake! My name is Father Lazarus and on behalf of the town of Alcova I

welcome you and wish you luck in your post here. Between you and me, I think you’ll need it.

I hope you wouldn’t mind taking your hat off when you enter the church.

I certainly wouldn’t like to offend anyone father.

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How did you even pay for this building! I’m guessing all this paraphernalia cost

a fair lot of money!

It’s very prestigious here to donate money to the church. A lot of big

family’s here like to make a name for themselves by giving generously.

Holy smoke! Is that who I think it is! What is Sean

Blackmore doing in a church!

The Blackmore family has been a huge finical backer of Father Lazarus for years. Like I said, we do things a little differently here out in the wild.

And that is why brother and sisters, I implore you in the name of the God the son and the

holy spirit to turn from your evil ways!

Forgive those who sin against you! Do to others as you would have

them do to you! If someone strikes you on one cheek, turn to him the other! If a man steals your coat,

give him your shirt as well!

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I knew this was a bad idea Kurt! The moment we did

the job, our client disappeared! Where are

our riches now Kurt? Taking down Kelly was a bad idea from the start.

Relax kid, we’ll find plenty of work in the wild. And if

we ever find our client, we’ll make him pay! Bedsides, the money we got in advance will

be well enough to pay our way for quite some time.

I dunno Kurt, I’ve still got a bad feeling about this. You know what they say about the mob. They never forget.

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One second! Do not talk to me, I said do not talk to me!

Darn it I’ve lost it. I’m sure I put it here somewhere!

Xui! Listen up I’ve need a favour from you. I’ve got a lead on a killer

and I need you to pull in some information for me.

My old friend Captain Richards! I haven’t seen you in this part of

town for a long time! Have you been too busy with your friends up in the mob to come down and

visit the low life here?

Shut it Xui, this is no laughing matter I’m talking about the men that killed Marcus Kelly! Now tell me, the men were

using armour piercing rounds, can you get anything for me?

Hmm let me think, armour piercing? Yeah, there’s only

been one purchase of those in a while.

A few guys bought a load from me a couple of weeks ago. I’ve heard

they headed out west a while back. But Richards, this

all sounds a bit weird to me.

These guys were pretty low life, they must have

had backing.

Sure they had backup, from

someone inside! And when I find the man

responsible for Kelly’s death, he’ll wish he had never

been born!

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Darn these pesky flies! This country is disgusting. Why

would anyone choose to live out here instead of in the cities?





We use to live in good land till western scum drove us out. I remember those days. I used to run through the fields

my father farmed.

It was people like you that killed my family, people like you who

drove us from the fertile land into this barren wasteland!

I’ve been told not to kill you, you know, but who says I won’t!

There’s nothing to stop me from taking my revenge on my family!

Please! I’ve never done anything to you!

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Bob! You… you killed him! He was alive and you… he…

For generations my family has served

and guarded yours. Did you really think

I’d stop now?

Come on! Let’s get out of here. Most of the men are out hunting,

but there are still many here!

Howard’s taken over the mob. Not everyone’s happy

there are many that want to see you as there leader!


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You risked your life to save me! I

thought you were in hospital? How did

you find me!

Gerald told me you left through Kelly’s old

escape route. I followed your tracks here.

So this is what it’s like when someone dies. I thought it was somehow cleaner, less painful.

But that scream the

Indian made! It was like his soul was being

torn in two!

Is that what my father was like when he died? Screaming for


He hated me, my father! He thought I was a disappointment, a

failure! And I hated him too, I hated him so much!

And now that he’s gone, I already miss him. How can I live with myself now that he’s dead?

My world is crashing all around me! It was never supposed to be like this!

I have no power, no money, nothing! Only the

memory of someone I both despised and loved.

Is there any point in living any longer?