Download - JACK MEZIROW’S TRANSFORMATIONAL LEARNING Margaret DiVito Walden University March 2010.

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  • JACK MEZIROWS TRANSFORMATIONAL LEARNING Margaret DiVito Walden University March 2010
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  • Do you know Jack?
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  • Transformative Learning Concerns:
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  • Mezirows Definition of Learning The process of using a prior interpretation to construe a new or a revised interpretation of the meaning of ones experience in order to guide future action.
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  • Frames of Reference these operate below our level of awareness Moral/ethical Philosophical Psychological Aesthetic there is more awareness for these Immediate specific beliefs Feelings Attitudes Value judgments Habits of MindPoints of View
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  • Habits of Mind A set of assumptions broad, generalized, orienting dispositions that act as a filter for interpreting meaning. moral/ethicalphilosophicalpsychologicalaesthetic PREDISPOSITIONS
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  • Points of View Immediate specific beliefs Feelings Attitudes Value judgments
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  • Critical Reflection
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  • Four Levels of Transformative Learning Existing frames of reference Learning new frames of reference Transforming a point of view Transforming a habit of mind
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  • Mezirows Steps in Transformational Learning Disorienting dilemma Self-examination Critical assessment of Assumptions Recognizing that others have gone through a similar process Exploring options for formulating a new plan of action Acquiring knowledge and skill Trying out new roles Renegotiating relationships Building competence Reintegration back into ones life based on the new, transformed perspective
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  • Criticism of the Theory Worlds Best Cheerleaders!!!
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  • Evaluation Click on the link above.
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  • References Brock, S. (2010). Measuring the importance of precusor steps to transformative learning. Adult Education Quarterly, (60) 2, 122-142. DOI: 10.1177/0741713609333084 Kelly, R. (2010). Transformative learning: Q & A with Patricia Cranston. Faculty Focus, January 19, 2009. Retrieved from design/transformative-learning-qa-with-patricia-cranton/ Merriam, S.B., Caffarella, R.S., &Baumgartner, L.M. (2007). Learning in adulthood: A comprehensive guide. CA: Jossey-Bass. Mezirow, J. (1978). Education for perspective transformation: Women re- entry programs in community college. New York Center for Adult Education, Teachers College, Columbia University.
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  • Mezirow, J., & Associates. (2000) Learning as transformation: Critical perspectives on a theory in progress. CA: Jossey-Bass. Stansberry, S. & Kymes, A. (2007). Transformative learning through teaching with technology electronic portfolios. International Reading Association, (488 496). DOI: 10.1598/JAAAL.50.6.6