Download - Jack Lieberson's 20 Pictures

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Jack lieberson's 20 pictures

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This picture is of me skiing for the first time. I remember I was scared to death but now a days Its my favorite sport and I’m even in the ski team.

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ChildhoodThis picture was taken in the beach of my grandparents house in Cape Cod, which is a very special place for me. The image shows the fun and good memories I make every time I go there.

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ChildhoodIn this picture I’m laying on my parents bed in Caracas watching TV. I always loved being around them, which I still do.

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ChildhoodThis picture was taken in a restaurant in down town Boston. My parents always tell me that I was mad that day because we went alone without my cousins.

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ChildhoodThis picture was taken in a mall in Caracas. I always loved Christmas, and admired Santa Claus.

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ChildhoodThis picture was taken in Tel Aviv, Israel in a dolphin park. I was having a great time because the where my favorite animal.

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FamilyThis picture was taken in Chatham lighthouse beach in Cape Cod. I’m with my mom whom I love a lot , she is always there for me and always helps me at worst times.

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FamilyThis picture was also taken in Chatham lighthouse beach in Cape Cod. My father and I will always have a great bond we know each other really well and I always enjoy spending time with him.

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FamilyThis picture was taken in my grandparents house from my mom’s side in Caracas. The bond between me and my sister is incredible. We always help each other and we also have lots of fun together. Now a day my sister is 19 and I’m 13 and we still like to do crazy things and help each other out.

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FamilyThis picture was taken on Christmas eve in my grandparents house in Caracas. My cousins and I always have lots of fun we know each other very well and we take care of one an other.

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FamilyThis picture was taken in my house in Caracas. My cousin Pedro and I have a great relationship. He is not only my cousin he is also a great friend.

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FamilyThis picture was taken in my grandparents house in Caracas. My cousin Eugenia and I always make jokes and have fun together, we also take care of each other.

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FamilyThis picture was taken on the beach of my grandparents house from my dad’s side. My grandfather and I had a great relationship. He always took me out for ice-cream and we had a great time. Sadly he past away three years ago, but I still love him with all my heart and miss him immensely.

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FamilyThis picture was taken in my great grandfathers house in Boston. In this picture my great-grandfather is carrying me with his daughter (my grandmother) next to him. I never got to know my great-grandfather well but I knew he was a great guy. My grandmother is the strongest women I know. She has gone through a lot of bad times but still she is loving and I love with all my heart.

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FriendsThis picture was taken in my old school in Caracas TBSC. I made great memories in that school and also made unforgettable friends whom we are always there for each other.

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FriendsThis picture was taken in Halloween in my old school in Caracas. My friend Juan Ignacio and I where very good friends we made great memories and e also were tennis partners. Now a day we both live in different countries but we still keep in touch.

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FriendsThis picture was taken in my camp Cape Cod Sea Camps. My friends from camp are all great we always have fun together and make unforgettable memories.

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FriendsThis picture was taken In Los Lagartos Club. My friends from School are great they are all fun to hang with and we also take care of each other.

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FriendsThe relationship between my too best friends Sebastian and Pablo is great we know each other very well and know exactly what to do to make each other laugh, we also play the same sports and always have fun.

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The best years of one's life are the childhood days. The sweet memories of this period are glorious. They have the freshness of a dream. A child has no responsibilities; his parents look after him. He gets everything without doing anything. A child enjoys perfect freedom. He has no worries, no hardships and no troubles. He can say anything to anybody. If a child does something wrong, he is generally excused. Even his meaningless chatter is a source of joy. A child's life is full of innocence. He builds castles of sand and feels very happy. He gets joy in floating paper boats. He often quarrels with others over small things but soon forgets about it, Childhood is really the golden period of one's life.

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Qualities of love and cooperation are inculcated in family. A child experiences the love being showed on him by his parents, from his childhood. The parents take care of the child and demonstrate a feeling of happiness when the child achieves something. Family members cooperate and share their work with each other, thus making life easy and comfortable. Qualities of tolerance and sacrifice are also instilled within the family. The younger generation may not agree with the ideas of the elders in the family, but they still accommodate their viewpoints, opinions and beliefs. This quality has a great value because of the diversity in our society.

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FriendsWhenever I am upset, they are the first one who notices that sadness in my eyes, no matter how hard I try to hide it behind my smile. Whenever I am stuck in a problem and have no solution, no matter how serious the issue may be, they are the one who provide me the best possible way out of it. Whenever I need company they are the ones who come to me and make me laugh leaving behind other things. Even if it is about convincing parents for a night out or going to a friend’s birthday party at discotheque, friends are best in their job. They are the people with whom everything can be discussed without a pre-thought that it is personal. Whenever you look back in your life, you’ll realize they are the one with whom you have shared the best and the worst.