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           US HISTORY TIMELINE                 1587-1800                               Jake Armstrong                                 Mr. Clancey                                                           

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• Sir Walter Raleigh- Financed the establishment of a base for raids on the Spanish, on Roanoke Island.

 • The Roanoke settlement was the first

attempt at an English colony, but it was a disaster.

 • When a relief expedition to Roanoke

island got there, the settlers of the Roanoke colony had vanished mysteriously.

Roanoke Settlement on Roanoke Island

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• The Jamestown Settlement Colony was the first successful English settlement on the mainland of North America.

 •  Named for King James I of England,

Jamestown was founded in the Colony of Virginia on May 14, 1607.

 • The Virginia Company was a joint-stock

company established in London in 1606 for the 104 founders of the Jamestown colony.

Recreated Powhatan village at the Jamestown Settlement

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• Edmund Andros was made the governor of the Dominion of New England in 1674 and stayed as governor until 1681.

 • Andros declared a policy  of religion which didnt go

over well with the puritans. They felt it taking away their freedom from English influence and their contol over religious affairs.

 •  New England citiznes held their own little rebellion

aganist Andros and the government. They took Andros prisoner along with his associates. 

 • After the imprisonment, heads of Parliament Mary

and William of Orange dissolved the Dominion of New England and reestablishd the colonies abolished by James II.

Edmund Andros

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• Metacom was then known as King Philip by settlers in American history; Metacom being his Native American name.

 • After his brother's death, Metacom took over

as the sachem, or leader, of the Pokanokets tribe.

 • In 1675, Metacom spoke at a Peace

conference in Rhode Island.

Pokanoket sachem, Metacom

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• In 1676, Nathaniel Bacon raised an unauthorized rebellion to push the Natives Americans West.

 • William Berkeley, the govenor of Virginia

put together an army to take down Bacon.

 • After Bacon's death, the "cabal"

remained in power and the English King reasserted government control over the colony

Nathaniel Bacon

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• Metacom and his Indian allies Killed close to 2,000 Europeans and destoryed 17 town, attacking another 52 in the process.

 • After this, the English went on the

attacking, destroying villages, killing about 4,000 indians and selling others into slavery in the West Indies

 • In august of 1676, Metacom was

caught near Mount Hope, Rhode Island. He was then shot and beheaded. His death ended the war.

Metacom and The Mohawk Indianas attacking a village

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Laws For Africans1680-1800

• The colonies passed laws that controlled what the African Americans were and weren't allowed to do.

 • The African Americans weren't allowed to go on

ferries or leave town without a pass and in some places, they couldn't even have dances.

 • Africans were punished by being whipped,

banished to the West Indies and even death. • Some reasons they were punished were because

some owned hogs or carried canes, and others were for disturbing the peace or hitting a white person.

A slave after being whiped

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Laws For Africans (cont.)Laws For Africans (cont.)1680-18001680-1800

• Runaways that were caught in Virginia were supposed to be cut into pieces. This law however, applied for African Americans free or not and for Native Americans

 • After brutal laws because of the population

spike to 16 percent African American in New York in 1740, a rebellion broke out in 1741 which led  to 13 African Americans being burned alive.

 •  Between 1740 and 1800,  African Americans

undertook 47 documented revolts.

A slave being beaten by his master

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• The Middle Colonies from Maryland up north to New York had an economy that relied on a mix of farming and commerce.

 • Because of the length of the Hudson and

Delaware rivers and the tributaries that fed them, colonist were able to move into the interior and build farms on rich, fertile soil.

 • Philadelphia and New York were homes to

growing numbers of merchants, traders, and artisans.

 • Philadelphia soon became the major port for

Germans and Scots-Irish people that came as servants.

New York in the 1700s

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The Triangle TradeThe Triangle Trade1700s1700s

A picture of the trade route of the "Triangle Trade"

• Boston, Salem, and Newport Rhode Island didnt rely on local crops because they had developed a method of carraying crops and goods from one place to another called a crrying trade.

 • New England traded rum to England where they

brought it to Africa. • There, England traded the rum and weapons for

slaves. • The slaves were then brought to the West

Indies for suger. • England would then trade the suger to New

england where with the suger they mad rum for trade and then the cycle repeats over and over.

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• When Olaudah Equiano was 10, he and one of his sisters were kiddnaped and enslaved by African masters.

 • Soon found himself sold again

and was taken to the coast and put on a British slave ship going to America.

 • Equiano wrote an

autobiography about his life, being captured, sold, and what he went through on the ship.

Olaudah Equiano

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• Equiano's Ship docked in the West Indies at the port on the island of Barbados.

 • Equiano, along with many other African's,

were put on sale at a local auction to work and die as slaves in plantations of the West Indies.

 • In 1766, Equiano bought back his freedom and

migrated to Great Britian where he worked  as a barber and personal servent.

 • After getting to Great Britian, he became

active in the antislavery movement

A slave ship sending Africans to America to work. The living spaces were small as seend in the picture

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• Africans across America were being sold as slaves to work on farms, plantations, in forest, kitchens and where ever else work was need.

 • Africans were able to not only survive slavery,

but also keep their traditions by acting as brothers, sisters, aunts, and uncles towards one another, even if they had no relation.

 • Africans also were very knowledgeable of

herding cattle, fishing, and grow and harvest herbs and crops because they had done this back in Africa which made slavery somewhat eaiser.

Slaves working on a plantation

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• Native Americans were moving west ahead of the English migrants. 

 • Disease and war had broken out over trade

and many Native American culture, like the Iroquois, had been weakened.

 • The Native Americans however, still

remained on the rivalry between the French and Canada and the British in New York and Pennsylvania.

 • Everybody believed whoever controlled the

forks of the Ohio River would have a str advantage over everybody else.

A picture of an Iroquois chief

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The Great Awakening1730-1760

A preacher reminding everyone of gods power

• The Great Awakening was set up so that preachers could remind everyone of the power of God.

 • Soon after the start of the Great

Awakening, preachers used it to get people to reject traditional authority of ministers and books and to get people to speak for themselves

 • In the 1740s and 1750s, many people in

New England and in the South started to shift over to the Baptist Faith and Methodist chuches.