Download - JA30MkII - Absolute Sounds JA30JPL MkII_4web... · “Animal” from Francis Cabrel in which the voice of the signer could sometimes feel dry or lifeless if the electronics lack some


If these is one manufacturer thatrepresents the delicacy of the Frenchcraftsmanship, Jadis would be the onewith their sumptuous tubes electronics.The JPL preamplifier and the JA30mono bloc power amplifier areamongst the most notorious units ofthe brand and they have been updatedto the MkII version.First of all, Jadis is a unique look anaesthetic recognizable amongst manywith polished brass and inox.

JPL MKII PREAMPLIFIER:We won’t talk much about the JPL MkIIchassis as we all know its origine. Allthe components are installed on alarge printed board, the latestprotected by a large black cage toprotect them. The cage holds on the

chassis with 4 long screws.As the JPL MkII is a LINEpreamplifier, on the back ofthe unit are only high levelinputs and output. Thecasted power transformersupplies the JPL MkII withcurrents and high currentsfeeding the new tuberegulated power supplydesigned with EL84 andEF86 tubes. The purpose

of this new power supply isto clean up the currentsbefore feeding the audiostages that were designedby André Calmettes. Thisstages works with 3 x12AX7 (ECC83) and 1 x12AU7 (ECC82). The “CD”input is slightly differentwith one more gain stagewith one 12AU7, this alsoallows to increase the input

impedance that is seen by the CD player.The other inputs are placed toward a firsttriode in cascade configuration with asecond one, then, the signal crosses acatholic output stage with low impedance.On the top of the JPL we can see a largeamount of “snap­in” capacitors and newplastic­films link and decouplingcapacitors. When the power switch isactivated, a red LED will light up on the

front of the JPL MkII, this LEDwill turn green after about 10minutes when all the tensionshave been stabilized. Then, aswitch muting is also availableon the front plate along with asource selector, the balanceand the volume control.

MONOBLOCK JA30MkII:The JA30 MkII takes place inthe same chassis as the

former JA30. TheMkII version nowworks with the new

KT150pentodeallowing a

progression of the power output from 30Wwith EL34 or KT90 to 45W with the KT150(in pure class A). Note: The previouspentodes (EL34/6CA7/KT88/KT120) willstill work on the JA30MkII with a smallinternal modification. As for the firstversion of the JA30, we still find the largetransformers with its polished cap and thecasted output transformer with the goldplate on the top. The filtering is made bythe two huge capacitors sitting betweenthe two transformers. All the tubes areplaced on the back of the unit andprotected by a removable cage. There are4 tubes per bloc, two KT150 pentodesworking in pure class A and push­pull

configuration. Also two double triodes: 1 x12AU7 (ECC82) and 1 x 12AX7 (ECC83)that handle the gain stage and the phaseshifting stage. A light negative counterreaction is applied and the screen grid ofthe KT150 a polarized by intermediateoutput on the output transformer. Thefilament power supply is filtered andregulated.

Manufacturing andlistening:

Building: The realization ofthese two products is ofreally high standards; thisis the rule at Jadis. Thequality and thickness ofthe selected material(stainless steel and brass)as well as their finish isoutstanding. The quality ofthe assembling is as wellperfect.The schematic of theseunits being perfectlymastered by Jadis isimplemented using highquality passive and activecomponents.



Jadis from today

With one quick glance inside we canguess easily that Jadis didn’t make anycompromise on the selection of thecomponents: Huge quantity of filteringcapacitors on the preamplifier, home­made transformers, point to pointwiring on the power amplifiers etc…).

Components:When jadis starts a new products orwhen it is about an update to analready existing model as for theseMkII versions, they don’t questioneverything that has been done so far.Jadis do not make an MkII version oftheir unit because they are unsatisfiedor lacking of inspiration. We are indeedin presence of circuitry that doesn’tneed any workout. These versions MkIIare optimized versions of theirpredecessors. Requiring a long andtechnical and work with manyconsideration and comparativelistening on any single electronics. The

preamplifier gets a tube regulated powersupply and the amplifiers gain thecompatibility with the new KT150pentode that has required a slightmodification of the class­A polarizedoutput stage. The Point to point wiringpaired and selected tubes, hand­madepower and output transformers a total22Kg per bloc and a relatively simpleconception are the ingredients for theexcellent sonic results of these two units.

Bass:We left the Jadis units warm up for about30 minutes before starting to listen totheir full potential. This was also theoccasion for us to listen to our newhighly efficient reference speakers with atube system and specifically a Jadis one.On the track “My treasure” by the Danishjazz artist Sinne Eeg, the double bassrestitution gave us a first impression ofthe potential of the new output stage ofthe JA30MkII. The instrument vibrateswith incredible amplitude filled withexcellent realism which was



Dimension:43x17x29cmWeight: 15KgBandwidth: 20Hz– 70kHz @ ­3dBInput impedance:100K (line) 1M(CD)Inputs: 5xRCA,1xRCA tape outOutputs: 4xRCAmain out, 1xRCAmonitoring

JA30MkII:Dimension:46x21x21cmWeight: 22kgPower output:45W/chanel pureclass ABandwidth: 15Hz– 60kHz ­3dB15WDistortion:<0.6%Input sensitivity:1V (100K)

“The highcurrent comesfrom a castedpowertransformerfrom which thesecondarytension isfiltered bycapacitors anda diode bridgealong with atuberegulation. The12V tension forthe filaments isalso regulatedby a TO3 typeregulatormounted on aradiator forbetter heatdissipation.”

maintained during the wholelistening sessions. We could feelthe implication of the musicianplaying his instrument.

Medium:The quality and timbre correctedprovided by this Jadis combo are ofthe highest standing. Moreover wedidn’t notice any tendency to“exaggerate” with tones morecolorful than reality or misleadingpushed forward part of thebandwidth that would give a false“cinemascope” effect. On the

contrary, everything is really linearand coherent. We got carried awayby extremely truthful tonal flavorsand permanent fluidity. TheSoprano Simone Kermes singing“Ha Vinto Amor” seems real withan agreeable feeling of presence.We are not so far from therendering of a quality single stagetype or electronics… Subtlevibratos are clearly revealed.

Treble:Another similarity between single

ended electronics and thisJadis combo are the highfrequencies. We are stillsurprised of the fluidity andresolution of this part of thespectrum. This is a cleardemonstration that Jadistotally mastered andoptimized the schematicsand tubes’ sweet points.The restitution is alwaysprecise but without anykind of aggressiveness.These qualities reveal thatthere are no conceptiondefaults along theprocessed signal. The track“Animal” from FrancisCabrel in which the voice ofthe signer could sometimesfeel dry or lifeless if theelectronics lack sometexturing and energy issuccessfully transcripted bythe two Jadis which givethe song a dose of realityand intensity.

Dynamic:Jadis’ capacity to react topowerful impulsionssolicitations is reallysatisfying and we do notfeel frustrated when we

Once theprotection cagehas been takenoff, we haveaccess to all thecomponents ofthe preamplifierwhich includesthe two powersupplyregulationtubes, the fourdouble triodes,all thecapacitors andresistors.

listen to the bass drumon the song “Animal” byFrancis Cabrel. Theimpact when is clearlyhere and seem real asthe power supply of theJA30MkII does not bendfrom large currentdemand. We alsonoticed that theJA30MkII along with theJPLMkII are even moreat ease when it comes tothe transcription of microdetails thanks to theirrich high range and midrange frequencies.Copper and drums onthe track “My treasure”by Sinne Eeg aredisplaying an incredibleharmonic precision.

Responsiveness:Jadis’ behavior in terms ofresponsiveness andinstantaneity could makesome class­A transistorizedsystems blush. On the“concerto per due violini” byVivaldi, the tonaldifferentiation and position ofthe two violins is obvious,thanks to the dense, detailedand spontaneous harmonicdevelopment of the Jadis.The presence of the lowerfrequencies is delicatelycounterbalanced by the tonusof the mediums and trebles.

In the end, the Jadis bring usa message filled withauthenticity.

Sound stage:The specialization given bythe Jadis combo is one of themost realistic and holographicthat we ever listened. Therevelation of the harmoniccortege from the start, alongto the development and theend of the note reveals all thedetails of the sound capture.Everything is audible, everysingle reverberation isprecisely focalized and thishigh analytic tonus helps

setting up a particularlyaerial and credible soundstage.

Transparency:It is really obvious after thefirst seconds of listening thatthe combo Jadis JA30MkIImonoblocks and JPL MkIIare really transparent. Thewhole restitution reminds ofreality along the listening.Subjective bandwidth islarge, the tonal register arereally coherent and free fromany reproach.

Eachconnector onthepreamplifierand the poweramplifiercomes with aprotectiveblack cap.Note on thepicture on theright the highquality of thepoint to pointwiring andassembly.

System:Electronics:Nagra CDP (Drive)Totaldac D1­dualSpeakers: PMC MB2Câbles: Absolue creations(AES/EBU, mod&speakers)

Without being the fastest tubeselectronics that we were givento review, the Jadis combogives a vivacity that don’tdenaturize the texture andcontent of the message.

Price/perf ratio:Jadis’ electronics are not at thereach of everyone. The qualityof the materials, circuitry andcomponents and the amount ofwork needed to assemble theseunits by hand explain largelythe price of the comboJA30MkII and JPL MkII. Ofcource a Jadis is by essencereally minimalistic. This meansthat beside the traditionalpolished chassis and goldenplates, all the investments aremade in order to fulfill audioperfection. This means that notremote control are available, nodigital input but top endtransformers made in house,largely optimized schematicsand exceptional finish. To own aJadis is an act of passion.

Verdict:The launch of the JA30MkIImonoblocks with KT150 and JPL MkIIline preamplifier is not a revolution buta welcomed evolution of two modelsalready on point in their originalversions. Jadis doesn’t release newmodels very often, but when amodification could improve the sonicperformance of a model, it gives anMkII version. This represent really wellJadis’ state of mind when it comes tonew model and Jadis proved it againwith this MkII versions of the JA30and JPL that have gained inmusicality and realism. Qualities thatJadis will keep, with no doubt formany years to come.






Sound stage

