Download - J - NYS Historic^Wiiii^ resolution Zaffire M ??n&e,bW;appm-Gdeeis, offered jf&kefibfTdks-iaiBfefrwife foi-^tireafchef

Page 1: J - NYS Historic^Wiiii^ resolution Zaffire M ??n&e,bW;appm-Gdeeis, offered jf&kefibfTdks-iaiBfefrwife foi-^tireafchef


Thursday^ Dec. 13+Mr. JLtoydf o f Massachusetts* from the

Committee on Naval Affairs, submitted a re ­port, on the petition o f William and Henry Cray, of Boston, who ask; the interposition of Government in their fivor, in the case o f the capture of the brig Otter, and her con­demnation by the Spanish authorities at Por­to Rico. The Committee, after stating the facts in connection with the case, recommend its reference to the; Department of State, that such measures may be taken thereon as the rights o f the citizens o f the United States, and the, interests and dignity o fth e government may, to the Etfemrttre, appear

■ .to require. I . ... s v:. ,Friday, December, 10.

The reaolatioa offered yesterday, by Mr, Lloyd, of Maryland, instructing an inquiry intorthe expediency ofprohibiting the public armedyessels ofthe United States from car­rying gold, silver, or jewels, was read for consideration.

On m otiqn o f Mr. Lloyd of Massachusetts, i t was amended, so as to institute au inquiry :also jnto the propriety of permitting the pub­l i c vessels to carry passengers. Ahd the resolution, as amended, wad then adopted.

T h e report o f the Committee on Naval Affairs, on the petition of Wylliam and Heu- xy Gray, o f Boaton recomraendmgtherefer mice of the suiyecf-to the Depatmeat of State, was taken up and agreedto, -

ThebiU foVtheretief o f Daniel D Tomp kins .was taken up, m committee of the whole, Mr Ruggles Chairman ofthe cons tnittee pfi qiairas, stated that this hill merely

. o f £35,190which had been found, by the proper ac conning o fficer n»dto an aid;-of fifo Imfr sessipjibfCongressyto-be duetoaix, Tdmp- M us---th^iie accounm had coM^hnder8 ! revision o f the President, and that he had signified.his opinion bn the subjeciby a

■ ■ special message to Congress.; ' tn that into* sage , it would barecpllected that a farther sum was Supposed to be due to'Mr* T . tbe

' * iuvesfi^fidu o f the accdasa^havmgt'''''^', “s Iayedotbis own request. ' *

_.. , The hffl was thesTeporfed iriffiqhtamerisf / merri, and ordered tu be read a Uurd fima,

On motion pf Mr.'frtifitfr, the BUI received its thifd reading^ b y general, consent, i|B|d was;passed,^. . . . •

Mr. Lloyd, o f Maryland* submitted . fcUowmgriresolqfiqn, which was rend^ saad

laidOveHorconsideration:;; *7 Resolved, That the committee on Naval

Affairibc iratruqtcd io inquire* into the e x ­pediency . of regulating, or prohibiting* t y law, the tnmsporfaiion o f gj^d, silver, or -jewels^a th e armed vessels, o f the United

- State s L— a ’ ~ ‘

$5 * Pacificator No. 4, is deferred, in or­der to make room for the congressional pro? eeedings. ^

Tha-cftizens ofjtbncii Jre vequgto&lo meet this evening, at the IFotcF. to take into consideration such mea-aijres ns may he sug­gested, in aid o f the GREEK CAUSE. Itis honed that eveW ohilanta-xraic c i t i z e n f ? ^ the* had been twodays> by a French is aop-u, ui^i evejy paiiaRiu-opic ci-Jsen fs.i(rrfp i P u m m h i r nwill attend ?-and that our \ illage will, omthk

a most luxuriant crop ol grass, and which is now become ignitible, h ire been buriangto an ahrmrog extent, The fire^readvwitb arapidity truly surpiascig, carrying eoaster- nabott in ererydifection Much fencing'has

^deratdequ;mlifiesofcom,andptherpro- dUcewhichremainedin{hefields,ahdsome hotiaes weia„eftd^eredj. Ad Interminable Cloud ;©f^nuake hang? ever the face df fre

. T he Senate thcn adjourned taftwelve o clock to-morrorr. T- -• /■ - ■■ ' —'

:■ H G U SE^FR pFltESE^TA TlTES.• - Thursday, Dec* 18.

2T*\ Stewart, from the remtbittre on the Cumberland Road, reported,w A bill for the continuation o f fee - Cumberland- Road s” which was hviceread, and committed.

•The mQfioa tocommitthc bill to a cona- inijtteeof the whole* bdbguntisr considera- tioa— . \ :.»

Mr, Rankin rose,tuxdscdd, thatfce was one of tho3e parsons who are disposed to- com

nation on the subjeetof Internal improve ments. H e believed also. ihjit the naiioo was

. prepared to go aQ lengfM on that cuhjcct. But he vrasumniling to take up so ^reaf

He hoped that, d r tfrfr system, tve shooli eifiter move as auaiion, or nOtmoveat alL

Blr.Coofc said, he was decidedly opposei to act upon this hill ia its present state, ant

On motion o f Mr. Jennings, the bill, was laid upon the table, and ordered, to ha print

. ed. v •-* •>:% .^ iH iam 3; o f N . 0 . submitted the fol*

ResoIvediThatthe Presidentofthe Ifssfret


ed b^ Mr. Jcsseph Frazrerrwhich iar the Greek Fund."sunie-1, together with a-jbrick building ad­joining. Tbe :*>!>oanf e f d image is estimat­ed at ibont g OOO, of which U2200 was 'in-snretjL, ■' . . • - + . .. ■---

ThyWlg F.ibii} , of Baltimore, faonder- ed at sea in lat.,43, loa. 11. The officers

land were taken from the long boat,

occasion, manifest at least, ah equal degree o f liberality'wi{h her si ter villages.x-

Burrytg o f the We$ter% Prair'K.—'Ths Kiskaskia (ifbnoi^) papnr ofthe 30th of Oc­tober, states, that during a number ot day?

B. Yatesj ; and elevea swor# from the Istcompany o f New-¥ork Fencit bles i 24, gp fro® the inhabitants of Sk.ane- ateles, Onondaga county i $ i f $ was cidlect-

, The committee ofthe G reek Fund, New- TCrhj have drawn npa meoiorial, praying tfie inteiqmsition o f Congress in such a .man­ner, .and at such time ay they abafl deem proper in behalf o f the Greets.

Mr. Isaac.Macauley, of Fhiladelpbia, has \ .geiierously tender ed* 100 pal r o f good dril­

ling pantaloons for the Greeks. :

connfry, o f such density ns almost to inter-” ’ " ' Q+,

ofnp^iied7wltlj "p s'troc^ wlndi tyill

doubtless extinguish the fire, and disperse tlte smoke. ' / 7

Aresoluttion ia depending j a the legisla- tnre o f Pennsylymiia, moved by JIr. Ship-

Fresident o f the United States, in regard to Souti* America,&c. -'r ; - ■’

Resolutions havealsoheep passed in the; Legislhtrire o f Mnrylaad, respcsading to tlie

7 .peCting the cd«se of ihe Greeks, mid: the poKcy of&ejpMKediP«we^ of BUrere^

fro5Sery.'' ABlr.RniteGrcenvnf^Ssfou, vvaspnthe SSdlnst. stoppsd ou the road'tid- tsreen N en t-K ^ ^ M t esdiru^w ikkjiy‘a couple of well-dressed rnfcn; tafren into the woods, tiedto a tree, arfd robbetlof about $500 In money. They iaforrued him it was theirfirtt offence^, eiiqtfii^d hi?name, and said they were in hopes o f being able here- aifter to refund the money. . '

The Lsgislafttre o f this state will convene a i Albany, 4m the first Tuesday b f January— beingne&t *Fue»dny. ■

The Unusual number oFsix thousand ludi- nm are said to hare visited Malden. (Upper Cfndda) daring ttke past scgnmer. .• ^

any information he may have receiv'ed, end which he may apt,deem it improper to <»xu»

—^mumcate, relating to the present condition anfr fiifeife prospectsof- ttii "Gi^ekB.

T his lies over one day of course.. Thu engrossed bill soprtumentery to Hie

iiw far the correction o f |reoK in maken* entries o f land at tike called up for cOnsidelafionifri.J

Mr. Rankin said.tbaf,?c^^di5of yesterday asquledge that thebcertei&lyact|>u1b6sttW'eck k w » tm a ^ ide^fion o f me^frbole suj move thht tlie. bill fra

jierfrctfas p ^ ^ ^ f e , TfrecHuusfe' concn

. _s f u T h ^ C r iic I iJ .- ^ ^ h c > -follownig ■ state- tncnt ofthe number o f women and children,' delivered over to slavery, and to all the in- frunous pollutioonof Turidsh masters, from the ill fried islanod of Scio, is taken froia a French historicUl work for 1822 t— “ Gffi- cifr returns fromi the TnrMsh Cnstim Home at Scio, repoxtfoHij-one tkoutmid winnem and ch'ldren to have been Sold as ylaves, and to havb paid auction duties at thtt office, in the mouths of Slay and loae, 1825. . The fu-.

momen and children, met with a more en- viabie midweim frutchs^ . . 1

, j S a ^ c r Pim?e.-+--Ttfe sduv Betsey, whieh arrived at Georgetown, S . C. on the 6th inst. from fatis'lslaird and St. Thoih^,

beidjtthe frdter pfrfife, by.» stiudi {bofdpinwhich w i m negroes jmd; a*inuIatto, wbo p&rsued

jCveryper-sm on board, n i"rendered.;

Friday* Dec. 19. • •

■ ** ‘4

barbarity b f ffi^e sable jpilartes, m had hot a gnu ^erewffifr-t't^iffiaff

M r ^ W ii i i^ resolution Zaffire M ??n&e,bW;appm-Gdeeis, offered jf&kefibfTdks-iaiBfefrwife foi-^tireafchef o f DumeTP f r o n mofibii Hfc onghud mover, th e ,H^Tomjdons,posset thp S^are^6n^Hinjs4

modified by m d ^ - T r f S d l L m Wti-fipil it DfftsfrflL** - Sf f i t y jiigyir*

the House, that he should movefor the cod- ^thmre are half a |ndlmn?oF sc fro ^ a tforto^froftheresw- thevpublic schoolsthW nghttUr^

o*0i proposing to ^eml a Mission to Greece. ^hwcoUege* which coofbcdegre^, ^ ^ . : T tL c S u tlo n o f Mr. Williams was agreed There are twelve hundred students a i -the.

* -• -••vtadenfeatlaw.

. . / V . . . f . *

The vessels of the U. Sides, f y se^, per­forin their voyages on off ay&rage in one third lobs time than the English-

There sire fr,2 *0 post offices, and 08,60a miles post road , and 12,000 miles o f turh- pike roada. . ■

There are 3000 legislators. There pre 200 printed volumes erf Law Reports,

The proportion of believers ia the non- eontagion of the yellow fever among the physicians is as 597 to 2S who believe in contagion. .♦ ^ . -- i.

'•"*j *■ - - tSUMMARY. v ^

On Friday last, a fire brol;p out at the village of Ajtieu^io rrsittrat t flscto^ owu-

rig itc, and carried into Pern.unhacoThe contribution for the Greeks in Pr.

€umming> church, .after a sermon pro- nbuuced before tbe young men of N. York, amounted to Jour hundred and fifty dollars /

A dreadful explosion o f a coal mine, be-took

place q w Durtiam,bn the frd o f November.- There were between ninety <iod a hundred petsoas lia the pit, hit of whom perished. Abofrf forty'of ihe bodies had been taken

. *» •’ : .v "The N.ew-Yjork committee o f the Greek

A Noble Cft(/d.---A\'bile tjie'United States frigate was drawing near the Macedonian, a child; oix. bqard said to Pec:dur-p-;“ Commo- dorej I./wish you would put ffiyhanm onThe mnsterroll!5* What for I” “’Tbat l may get ?, ’ Afrdr thecapinre» tftecommodofe saidt WSEfrNed, spe isoiirsi and your prize moneywiU be about 209 dollars. What will, yon do .withit ?” « r i l sfiiid a hunilred to my mother, aqdthe othey shall sepd me to school.” This boy is Gow a gallant midshipnian. *

dames Plemiimfe. fie? been nnamroously re-elected Goverooic o f the state ofViiglma.

Mr.Wm.BinghamwaS kiiiedon thegth inst. in Londoqgrove, (Pqnn.):hy 4he falling in,so f the bank of a gudrry.

Jame3 GIark, o f Bestott, bas recovered glOGO of Anos.Binaey, Es^I navy agent, m uU utiop for alibel. ’ ^

The last Qaarterly Review states, that ip 18 months, ending August last, not fewer than' 4(X> dave ships have departed from file western coast (if Afwca, Cnrrying away upwards o f 100,000 dates; Nearly one haff were French, the offiey Portuguese vessels.

On . the 5th inst. the house o f the -Rev* Samuel J . Mills, ©fTorimgfrid, (Ct.)? wit* totally consumed with niff "ife contente.~ Books, waosm pfc, p ririitais, fimitare, every tbtng. bat livm was lost.

Samuel Stevens was/ on the 8tb inst Tre elected Governor of the state o f Maryland! -

“ She that bridieth hot hertongdd,” shall pay Jive thousand dollars £ . A lady hyjhe name o f Afaiy 'Patton, has been sentenced to

ingthe- HbmGtm Flinis.^A southern aper says that the xsooden nutmegs, which have been

atlength been equalled in a caigo o f horn gun -J?in£s, lately brought into S*. Carobna,. add dispoaedofas flintsofasupetior order. -

- T-lie -Natioad -Tntel%eoGcr: states, that Daniel Waolford, Fostmxster, in Nevrbern, Alontgomery county, Virginia, hasbeende- tected in th e fret of; rebbicgilthe t t d f By opening letters passing throu^i las office, amUakittg: money thercfrom. He was ap-preheaded almosj; in the act, by the Agent ofthe General Post Office, andsafely lodged in jail. * - . * ’-!^A ealcalafionhm recently been made, fronS'which it appears, that the Presbyteri­ans inthe-Uaited State, haye !400 church-

theolb^cal seminaries, almost 1000 mifiSteis, r00,03tt-,commmncants. The

mj^fconi<om; it^ ^ p rp fra b I^ ft^ !> v o f JEpiscopM Church in fr»e U. States haa 10

O n motiou oCMr. Call, ft was ? ftesolvedt -Tha£ the CotomftteeonvNav^

r AffairsheiasfrmctefrtWiUT1* ^ intolbe.«x4 ' pediency ofestablishmg a naval Depot in the Harbor dCPeukrbkt.. - "■

And then tifeHottse adjourned to Monday. -7. .. -.1 ... ■T|1 :111 ..

Notice.- ^r U H E ea-ptttoewbip betwefo B e e rm a m

M. tordiwolreL- .Alt personshavinf vmy sgaiost tbe firm, .willS t t ^ e u the mhscribey tot a ;

perem# iidtbted, »re dfe**red, to p*>’ tfr*ir

,-r «‘S IV :

, There are upwards o f tea tfroosandsicians,-andupnrafds o itm thoitsaoi

^s, 368 clergymeUi 700 chnrcbes, and 4 theological seminary. 'The Baptist have more than2383 churches, aUd'S seminaries. Andthe Methodists have 3000 natnisters, and more than 2590 places of worship.

vLanGE Ships.—fTbe-fiP.b^ving are the di­mensions of tiwo vessels nowj.baUding at<Jjy*ec. . . . -

bean%60fr.; Ihedepthof holenot ascertain- ed a l they^aru i ^ g f r p s o l id ^ h timber, but vrill be abbutf35 fret.Tfie fraUge Wall Be from 6 to 7tK>9 tons.— Tbey are ibtendeAfor one Vo#gC baly, afid wiRbe navigttedby th*> aid of steam engines, fixed ift two, boats* The rhim-cables and uUqdiot havewomeou* and thev^ els Will be ready for sca.pntbe lct of Janfe.' - + 1 ' " 4-. ; f ^ V - ^

Jtlurdcr.—A man named Jolof Ziminer-

worship. „7 About Jhur tbousauu and four hundred

patents hwre been frAen out-far new and useful invention*, discoreoms, and improve­ment* m the art3. ' “ : .

Betweeti two and frrou: mil lion? o f dollars worth of books are annually publLahrd in the H. htatefe., ^ v - - ' .

A thousand nen.papera arc publisbea.— There are more than one hundred steam­boats, cwnpriffng more jfhso JWLOQO tett aatig*tiogJtiJ« Mississiplgu

.. H + •. . y j .

vaoia, hbt w e ^ ^ t tm i t te d ^ #ed

w n b h ii t ;twenty;;yfea^#a8ut-;.frth^, i^^ 'fre liB idafav^ffre^ t «fy,

the framfrtfrem ffie home»dwgged his sfrk, dntjghter dat o f hcd, trampled upon, aid ftcf ally MUed her. A marriage which'fie dahghtcr ioteiidcd to contract, .and trffictr was' disapproved by the father, b said to have occasioned tins horrible event.— 'B c f P o s t ••••> .■ > *

nmtSiS M im m sf«e A grand Military and Civil B ailie to take

piece, at New-York, on'the 8th p £ , danmiry,; in honoar cf the celebration of^bfranmver- sary o f Jackson’s victory atN. Orleans, anil in aid cf the Gxeelts, The Be five dollars each* The Park Theatre hno been; tendered, by the Managers,, to the commit­tee of arrangsdients for the purpose, the pit of which is to Be covered with a floor even lyith tfie stage, which will afford room for about turentytfotir sets o f cotillions. The boxes jtre fob© appropriated to those ladies aud-gentiemeu who may not wish to partici­pate ia the dance. It is supposed that fivethousand dollars will be raisedTty this ball*

- f lS - i*— J - t . : a c t , - . r - . * . - V - - ■* •

h AFundNew-YcarVnight. We like this. It pleas- e= us id- see Bachelors endeavouring to make themselves useful to tbe Greeks, particular­ly as they do not promote the growth b f’so­ciety at home £ llow would/4 „A Bachelor's Ball” take in Boston ? Boston Gaz. -

Remarks.—I heardf the hammer of a me­chanic that owes me, af four o’clock this morning,— 1’U trust him tili April

I sari another, yesterday afternoon, who has plejutv of work on hand, lounging at the corner. I’ll hare him Before the squire next week*-r-*YbiipbalJJournal!

T I N A N D g H B E r - I B O K

F A C T O R Y ." j 0 If A* COCBTBJir,

JJH S PE C T F C L L Y informs-the m.bfor JO » Tbathehau taken the shop fortnerlv oc- ctifued by X io s ic c U W e lts , in Aurofn?street,a few doors be.V>V the corner,of Owego-$treet, where he wilt Ca'riy on the manufacturing «F

T ijlf M V i m E J K T I R O N , inallthevarie(iesToau^o?umoi^ aodthg.jufollcujngrket. flg ftag on hamkMM.1 -2- U) Jg ‘ *and continues making: various Mods of wore: and'will pxecute^aft ordersatshort not ice. He will be thankful for all fovors, and hopes by good work and strict attention to business, .to merit a liberal share of the public patro­nage,

Ithaca, October G, 1823. fci21 ff

Dissolution.JTpH E termofco-pnrtnersbipof thesubscr!- J f bers, under the.firm of P re s c o tt & C o .

expires on the .31st December next.. All persons indebted to them will therefore see the necessity of au immediate settlement, with C* W. E. Prescott.


Ithaca, Dec. 13th, 1523.

lahlt-htrepl, t i W p i d e f f ffie sgftt of 2610 in’Bank note?, lny a young man namedOljaf, recently from Irtfrmff/ tvBd or fhrca weeks, ja ffie same yoom. The robber, was ‘sseettened to Barif crossed the Brooklyn frriy frith^a hutee aiid aw! was pursued to Mip, L, L where ha'was found in bed at 1 o’clock yesterday morn- ing, and We hr^'poft#;stetd, f^pt.L JM’Lhao recovered aRLntfJurcIollafs o f hus money. On retorninglo.the City, CaMll tSva nnpim- oned at Hcmpsteaj for thepurpbse o f eqtltf

Reduced Prices,o f r w r e T a l t ^ — M o m m

fourteen rents^per lb.—Dnrrfc «te.

BARD fiOAP, 8 rents per lb. b y theB o * t 10 rents, fetoil:

SOFT .SOAP, ^3 pex Barrd ; one slulling < perGalluo: ■ ' ' *

BREWERY YEAST, g l . per Qourt ;— Aluy be bud af J . N. PERKINS, ot the cor^ n e r s t o r e + n c x t d c e r l a t h e P o s t Q j f i c e *n ”* ’ J......


paring to come on, he fouad means fo' es­cape from the house to a neighboiiring wood, andhadaucc^jrallyeluded hiu’pursnfraaf: foe last accounfr .--s!frrg. A d v * . - ■ •

Capt. Carter^ of the. Navy, Is appointed to command the Peacock stoop o f war. dea: frnedforthe'Baciffii.-";"'- — —' W e noderstind that Commodpre HuH trill be instructed by thegavcrement, to pay a short visitto. the 5jmdwich Islands, at an early a period after his arrival in the Pacif ic Ocean, ai the psBlic interest will permit Mmto bealisaitfircm the comd o f Ciuli amd Fere* The F ri^ te United 8taies> which is

slap -af-Com, Hall, wBl Shtilfrom folkin aSogthvo weeks. > '

' O i i m l a c e ,B E it ’ordained fay the Trusters «f the

village o f Ithaca.: ahit no Ox, Butt, Cow," Steer', or Cadf, shall fre suffered to ran at largn M any of the streels^or on theptffi- lie square irt thewaid village, ' i t any lime dariag the month* of %W«btuy JumStiy, Febniaty- tnd Alardh, between the hoars of nine in the focrenpp, and. mnela ffie afteri noon5 ortlrimigragof-hell forthorebolils: Under (liepqosiltyof jjue ribffizr foceaebOx* ButtjCotc, Steer, oc Citlf so found resitiog at large, during any of the afMesald moutlisf to be recovered witfc eatts of suir, inthe name of the Trestees , for the ns* of the village.. . mis* IIJ I* ' - * . - * * - —■I." — - : , - —t * --j! - - - H I " ’- l - f f * '* 1 A ,—1 -Fm viiledjlfo we*cr, that noOx,Tlull, Co StererPrG^ffiskall beconsldered as mnning at large wfthm the meatiingof this ordiaaacc, whichfrmll be driviag lo and from artier-

Fublishcd by order of the Trustees.B. S, HALSEY, Clerk, \

^ItkocOff Mc~2Bth* 1§23. . ,

j f n m r m i p s

..; P R E S E N T S.* . B*ok FORTUNE, ilwtknM.

ed old lady, whose smiles are morethan those of the most beautiful p re s e n f g in e r a tia a , hns.detetmiaeir to ward her tru e d ie ftrttd votaries fand f t lover* are. always c o n fid in g ) with comhlimeats of the seasm f y m d wi erouy AV=r-F<ar’s C ift s i—^wbire she posited atthe“ Fortaoaie Office51 o f & M 0R 6A S, in tbejdiape o fT I and SHARES la th*

_ FIFT H Cl I sS—N EW S . New-York State

Literature hotteW k i a k u n i t h e d ra ie n o n ' i h e f i f t h d a y

J a n n a r y n e x t .' ' SE0LJSG SCEESSB,

1 Prize 0^ 20,000 is ^20,000 '" 10,000

5,000 711

S M O ■ 1900 12,642

~ 4 i ^ S 4 j

B o o t & S l i o e

T a K a w i m § o t j & p s kffjrAV'E taken theShop lately cccapied 3 1 by v/fu M cham , next dear tn Mr. LemUn’s Bakery* ia Aqrora-strUet— nstd in- tend to keeppn hautli "

. r A cuorcg ASSORTMitNT oV •

L e a t l i e t3 CALF and MORQCCO SKINS, soitab ifor customers^nmrk. Hsey plu^s ffiemsrivat to da all rrork, which may bf ordered, oft lk* shortcut notice ; arid in a fag&onaMs, ntuf; aqddumhh mscas*., , ~'.- ■ John VAiraoraEb rft&rps bis thadri 'th

his . t e s t ' ma MpaiH w ri t o i t o nected feicisalf io feusiaei? with BIr. Gnftis, ’S'hcs is n first-rate i#orktBac—ostures the®,' that all caffs in fus line wii! be pTcmptly at teaded to , and thucAfalTf received.

Ithaca Dec. i%%823. . - , , a ^ t f

. 2 - ■m * S , 0 0 0F\*' . ‘« •r 1,000

* ■ "1 -- *r * 711. ■ - 7 ‘ • 6 0 0 -

19 - * 10000 3 -

.....( f c i i t ' - m* ■■ ■ . 14

888,000,7^259 pixet 12,S41 blanks.P r iz e * payabfo forty days after the- draw­

ing, sad subject as *n*l to a deduction of 15 pcrcret Tobe drawn 10 the same manner aitlie former cl«s«s of tbit series.

Fieseilt e m im its io m *, for- dispensing ihe afrove,. favoaH—fer whole TlckeU SEVEN DOLLARS—Sharecin proportion., ;■

MACK & MORGAN,A g e n t * ltlia c O i

D ec.2*14823. y ,’* •. • s"'{ g r O rd c ts ? prefpaid, enclosicg tho

ment*.. IKr A K^ntax Convocation ofNe*> je- rtSsdem, Enmmpmint, trill take pl5ce,- 0H A c first Thursday;in January ccxfc. at 2 o’dock P. n . at ilife hoase of Charies.Cat- k g ia Dunby. ' A punctual attendance .is requerted.+-By ordrecfffidG. C. . -' - . E, -MAGE,--Reretdetw ',-

Dec. 7tb, J823;


X . . , • ' ,

OAIMISSIONS t o Altedfficete of tlm SSth Re^ment of Jnfaptry are rccriv-.

ed. .fh e t^ e n s to ta to lrtto n r. -teMaffto .7 - ’ ; H .C LBA XT^ IIfr*


o r

M fihs City olf iifric-ferX*, Dee. 3 4 lk%3.The fcff»tri% numtom 'aftos 'iraw^' ia.

iheortfer o f

'•5, 16*. 'V \

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TRAY ED from tixo' subscriber, frfc the last ofNavemher past, fcn^m S& sefi a s^,m-eacfe to . '-F#;Siiy-lQfermatifiit‘:

felative to the Sfes?ep,a tjenvrassreward vrifl btafem.'-- JO H N 2 IM HEBM n .

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3BL-JBL Pomeroj’s.

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Fffif«?a at Ihe-to5eto$e% f MACK& AlORGAN, hhmcs, .- A cg .-^ -l82% * T


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