Download - J Fluid Extract BUCHU. - Chronicling America · 2017. 12. 11. · The Responsive Chord. In the early spring of 1863, wlieu the Confederate and Federal armies were confronting each

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    The Responsive Chord.In the early spring of 1863, wlieu the

    Confederate and Federal armies were confronting each other on the opposite hills of Stafford and Spottaylvanfa, two bands chanced one ovening, at the same hour, to begin to discourse sweet music on either bank of the river. A large crowd of the soldiers of both armies

    Jathered to listen to the music, the I iendly pickets not interfering, and soon the bands began to answer each other.

    First the band on the northern baDk would play “Star Spangled Banner,” “Hall Columbia,” or some other national air, and at Its conclusion the “Boys In Blue" would cheer most lustily. And the band on the southern bank would respond with “Dixie” or “Bonnie Blue Flag,” or some other melody, and the “Boys in Cray” would attest their approbation with an “old Confederate

    Jennie's Sorrow.

    BUSY TIMES!Tofti. Ttnr. tabi*.rss«" L** O iso, S.10, S.OO_U*l«lpt|1*' ‘flip J3.30, 9.30, tnS: m." on Sundays, SU7

    "lîS; UK, »IS. pm-

    Sf-ÄMli'lS P » ■» S»»«.»

    •if- osstls: SM. »1» » m;10»,l*0P

    '^8 IS a m; 108, S 80

    Northern B. B.: SÏBa ffiuunltoo * nn Sunday train.'««S. 'ÂK'Vinsaa;rw**nui^»ï tram. *M •,n-. S*IP"°- S'i.var ST wilmington.,111 S" *** ,.. IJ M, s 34, » 10 l os ami Ipsus4!!?!1« in, s s», i si, «et. s», •M $ Pm’on'sunàays.’M4S,

    Sm jf.® PJJV a 01, fl 40,9 41. B m; 1* 27,

    ftWîingtnn: jîl iWP^i »°

    Import Depo®*1*

    AU Y U. T. BUCK 11 EK. fl ELS BOLD'SIn a little fishing village on the coast of Scotland there lived, a long while a poor fisher and bis only daughter. Though this story la true, her name is not recorded, and so we will call her Jean Burns. Jean Burns worked very hard, and fared very poorly; yet she was a happy girl, rich in her father’s love. And in her turn, she was very light of his eyes. Often, on summer evenings,

    the rocks with other watched her a little

    Those days at Oak Hall push us all to our utmost. COMPOUND

    Fluid ExtractIs III


    NEW STOCK-Our New Stock seems to have “hit” the exact wants of the people.

    GREAT he Bat anion Naher folk, an higher up, spreading his nets to dry, or sitting at the cottage doormending them, or knitting stockings, he would say proudly that “he didna ken where he suld bo without Jeanie—bless her!” And when the others praised her pretty face and comely dress, lie would answer, with the common prudence of his race, that “he didna ken about her being braw or bouny, but he kenned the was as gude as gold I”

    Yet Jeanie had her troubles. When her father went out in his trim boat, and winds rose, or darkness fell before his return, her heart often grow sore and heavy. There were great dangerous rocks a little way out to sea, aud that little, insignificant village, could not afford a lighthouse, or oven a regular beacon fire. In great storms, one was lit upon the beach, but on ordinary nights, the belated fishermen had to fare as best they could ; and once and again, as the fresh sun rose on the receding morning tide, there wero bitter lamantatious “for those who would never come back to the town.”

    One bright autumn day, Archie kissed his daughter,and gave lier ids usual parting orders about nets sud tackle. Jean followed him out of the cottage, and watched him go down among the rocks to the shore, and enter his boat. She eveu watched him and Ids comrade as they rowed off, until they became little undistinguishable specks in tlie bright horizon. _It was* a habit with her, perhaps springing from some lialt-foigotten fear—that some day lie would so go away, and never come hack again.

    Jean had plenty of occupation to beguile the lonely hours. When she obeyed lier father's commands about his fishing-gear, site got to her knitting, and wrought so diligently, that twilight stole on almost unawares. Then sho brought the great old Bible to the window, and read lier chapter lu the fading light. Jean was a good scholar in her humble way ; aud when she was alone, she loved to read God’s book aloud, as when her fallier sat beside and listened.

    She put food on the table, ready for ills return, and then crept up the ladder which led to her own little dormitory. She wished she could await his coming ; but she dared not, for all lier strength and energy would be need before dawn to dispose of his watery gains, while he lay down and slept.

    Her slumbers wero as sweet and dreamlea as health aud labor can give ; but alas 1 they were unbroken long past the usual time, and when at last she opened her eyes, the sun was high in heaven and the returning fishers were talking below her window and yet her father was not home.

    And ho did not come home all day; and late in the evening, while she was Hltll boning those sail hopes which are more piercing than the worst certainty, a neighbor brought the tidings that the wreck of father’s boat was seen among the rocks, and tbat she and the forlorn wife of bis comrade would never again behold their missing ones “till the Bea gave up its dead.’,

    “She bore it bravely, did puir Jennie,’ said the old fisher, as he left the orphan girl. “She didna speak at first, but fust greentit quietly; ami when I said it was all through the" black darkness among them rocks, and that he thought he was returning to his ain home when he row- ed down to bis death, she just lifted her head, and asked “if a little light on the shore might hare saved him?’’and Isald “ho doubt it would.”

    And the Ushers tbat went ont tbat night saw, on their return, a candle set in Jean’s window. They did not mark it much at first; they thought sorrow made her restless and she did not wish to sleep. But night after night—week after week—the little candle was always there, llie women and they scarcely saw Jean by day—her curtain was always drawn; they thought she slept In the sunlight, and set up to work and watch her caudle in the darkness.

    And ao It was."ft canna bring back ,my ain dead,”

    -lie said meekly, when they spoke vi renlly of her noble kindness, “but it may save neither. Where’s the use of sorrow, unless it help« us to keep it awa from others? .Experience lsane of God’s gifts, and if we let It be in a napkin, He'D call us to account. Ye need ua thank me friends.'

    We are literally run down with Customers, and some days uot able to wait on them all.


    BUCHU.SHREWD CUSTOMERS.The people aro shrewd enough to find out whore the right goods are.59 CUTTERS* yell.

    We have Fifty nine Men cutliug Men’s and Boys’ Clothing. Bat presently one of the bands struck up, in sweet and plaintive notes wbicli were wafted across the Rsppabanuock and caught up at once by the other band aud swelled into a grand anthem which touched every heart, “Home, Sweet Home.” At tbe conclnsion of this piece there went up a simultaneous shout from both aides ef tbe river. Cheer followed cheer, and those hills, which bad ao recently resounded with the hostile guns, echoed and re-echoed the glad acclaim. A chord had been struck responsive to which tho hearts of enemies—enemies then—could beat in unison ; aud, oo both siiles of the river,

    PharmaceuticallOl SALESMEN.2 St am U», UM.Sundays: 104 a m;0U

    « 00 a m ; no SundayOn Saturday we bad One Hundred and One Persons Selling Goods in our tali »rooms

    A Soeciflc Remedy forA T iXj


    DOUBLE THE STOCK.““l— Canti«: •■•amt 1110 m;R'‘7« • -

    K. ,iî» m; (juoilav train. B.1» p m. ',«»a winki»«T0"111,8,0 Aim i. ph I A.

    ..Jit and Washington »ve* »“TtJ KTio”, II 4» a m; Ï «0. * *0. 'M.l»' ,i|j b»», iiMpm; on Ijuo- —• m 6 00.9 4«, 1ÏW, p m.•“Silrtv sSini™ and Market «treat»

    JM, »» 11 so p m ’*ftn.l»v» : » *>■ ____________

    Our Great Double Building Is Loaded Down with Fre»h „Goods for the Men and Boys, and thoae wbo patronise us, will assuredly get the moat for their money.

    07’We Simply State these facts and tbs people will Judge accordingly..AXI

    ! -OF THE—RomPthlnsr down thr soldier's cheek Wan lied ofi tbe stains of powder."4». BLADDEROak Hall, Sixth and Market Sts., Phila.

    The IsArffCMl Clothing House In America.

    Several hundred students of tlieMiehl- ganUniversity marched in a body to Ana Arbor, with tlie avowed purpose of retaliating for tlie arrest of soma of their number on the previous night. The Mayor bad the alarm bells rung, a military company res|ionded promptly, and ten of tbe riotous boys were put in jail.




    KIDNEYS.WILMINGTON 4tB®®»'«““- „„»III leave Wilmington as follows Fall and ‘Winter Stock 1879-80

    alUdelfhl»and Intermediate IButtons, 810, 10 30 A. m ., 4U0f » *>

    For Debility. boss of Memory, JMliye- altion to Exertion er Boil of BreaEi. Troubled with Though* ef Bit.


    1ALL USTETW GOODS.î*deiehla(B»pros») 9.00, t.M.IOMa m NewY’ork. 2 37.1 00,10.04, a m, .A. O-ALRDD. ■ease. Dtmneee of Tlalon* M I» Be à**' **»nd "intermediate Btattans, But, Chest and Head, Rush sf Blood to the Head, rata Countsnanee, and Dry Skim.

    ir these symptoms are allowed to go en» very frequently Epileptic Fite aad Com- ■amt)tien follow. When the constitution becomes effected it requires the aid of aa Invigorating medicine to strengthen and tone up tbe system—which

    loai. wbo are suffering irom tbe errors and Indiscretions of youth, nervous weak ness, early decay, loss of manhood, Ac., 1 will send a recipe that will cure you, FREE OF OHAKE. This great remedy was discovered by a missionary In South Amerloa. Rend a self-add reseed envelope totbeRav Joseph T. Inman, station I) tgew York City.

    decao-e'idAwl v

    We manage to use nearly all our stock each season, so tbat our customers can alwaya have tho LATEST STYLES aud our ambition is to

    Excel in JE^it and Make up,

    ,m. 3.1» p.m. ____ilUmonaod May l.ine, 7.08, p. im. Sumer» anil W«ehlngton,l3Bt.*lS.8>»5. r-US,IM,3W, 7J»P. m. iiifor Delaware Division, leave fun ,» Castle,».15, a. m. 1.08,« »8 Srrtoxtou an.i Intermeaiale Stations, « m„ 1 Ofl, if.Vf D. m.

    and I u termed late Stations s.15 CLOAKSUpon tills wo established tlie MODEL TAILOR STORE of Wilmington and we cordially invite all to give us a call whether you wish to purchase or not.SUITS 01O TO tßO

    „108, P-

    The Grand Rushar.tDAT TRAINS.alialAlphia miuI Intermediate StationsI a. m. ».oo. 6.3«, p. m.ladelphla and Nhw York, 2.*, a. tn . liimore aud Washington, ll 61, 2 16

    passengerstime tables posted at

    H. K. KBNNEY,Hu ocrl n tendent.


    338 MARKET STREET.THE TAILOR.deel4 ly BUCHU, father information TM to the are -AT THE-ICE! ICE!! ICE!


    »te-Dops In Every Case.WILMINGTON

    Clothing House,ON OUR

    Opening Day,

    IUWAIIK WESTERN RAILROAD Omni, nr hour«, on and after Feb.

    Tram. »III run ae fol.ow« ; Wilmington,7.13 a. m., 111.30 a. m.

    un d. m.Hin Avoinlale, ».«s a. m., 12.113 noon, nire Pomeroy, 9 Ao a m, 1 5« p m. aumlng. leave I'mneroy 10.40 a. m

    , 1879SBASOK OB’ 1879.

    3 lbs. dally an eta. per week 113 lb», dally S3 eta- per week I JO lh». dally 4» et» per weeks « •• as « «• “ is •• •• 4o.................. la» " so “ ■'

    Soto too lbs. ata» oenta per hundred.100 lb*- aud over at ao cent« per hundred.

    SPECIAL RATES TO LARGE CONSUMERS.Our loe la the Pureet In tbe City, the Water belog supplied from the City Burn.

    Tour Order la Respectfully Solicited.

    Immense Assortment. HELMBOLD’8410p- in.Morning, leave Avondale, 1C 14 noon110 p.m.rriTlni, Wilmington, 8n§a. m.. « in1 § Ou p. rn. D. CON if ELL,




    OFFICE», N*. Si E. anütl«.. Depot Hr (I Street BridgeIce for Sale at Both Pinces.

    UL! COAL! COAL! Latest Styles. m.By any remedy Known. It la prescribed by the most eminent pbysloians all over the world, in



    Dyspepsia, Indigestion.

    Constipation, Aches & Pains

    high Coal !Kohinoor Coal !

    Best Family Coal Ially PrepuriMl. Kspeelnlly


    Promptly delivered in cellar» at lowestlirkei price.

    Diaries Wamer&Co,Harket Ntreet Wharf.

    And the large sales assures us that we were not mistaken when we decided to open this store and stock It with FIR8T CLA88 GOODS in every department and we already feel manured that theoltiaens of Wilmington and the Peninsula appreciate our venture and by their presence and patronage on our Opening Day assure us of success. We ask a continuance of the same and we wilt make ItTHK LKADlNti CLOTHING HOUSK OF OUR CITY.

    • »vb


    .1AOKS. H. Staats, RK The Ureal 'HADE English - Remedy.en ÆLIk9t uaia Hing JKdX

    • u r a for Ad n a 1 Vk

    Weakness, TR Hpermator- rhea, imp»


    LOWEST PRICESHeNo- 405 Market St..HAS OPENED THIS DAY OUR MOTTO WILL BEBsfore «du»Sfer After Taking,

    me » of Belf-Abu»,; , “moi Memory, Unlvereal Laultude, Pstn in the •ek, Dimneea or Vision, Premature Old

    Age, and many olbor Disease, that legd ta Insanity or Consumption and a Premature Grave. avFull particular» In onr pamphlet, which we desire to tend free by matt to every ona. ST The Speclflo Med feine 1» •old by all druggleU at ft per package, os •lx package* for S3, or will be lent tree by

    non receipt of the money by address- ina THE GRAY MEDICINE ou..

    No. 10 Mechanlee’ Blook, Detroit, Mleb.WHold in Wilmington by Z. Jtxu

    Belt, wholesale and retail. Agent, Cor. sth and Market SU., and by Drutglet very where. ________marS-dAw

    >■aayt.iy ONK PRICEAnd is receiving almost daily

    New and Beautiful Designs

    For New Yorkl

    ectric Line Steamers.General Debility,Kidney Diseases,

    Liver Complaint,Nervous Debility,

    Epilepsy,Head Troubles,

    Paralysis,General 111 Health,

    And to give each and every one, both rich and poor the entire value of their money. I

    Ranging from $1.70 to $20.00 mOU R STOCKwn Kin» m. wharf, Wilmington,on ÏSSDAT9,THURSDAYS A 8ATUR-

    D A Y m at 1 o’clock, p. ir,Klfrorn Pier lfl, Hast River New York,


    IH| Is entirely new, of our own selection, and manufactured expressly tfoi in the

    Fancy HosieryFOR



    Visit ns when In want of a suit and you will not have to look at old goods. ÊËCrosby & Hill,

    220 * 222


    j DAYH, at 4 o’clock, p. m.\vrnm forwarded promptly and at

    l>* lowest raiflfl. KOUR CUSTOM DEPARTMENT

    Spinal Diseases,Sciatica,



    Nervous Compl’ts, Female Complaints, etc.

    Is stocked with both Foreign and Domestic good»*, of the very latest pattern, and will be made lu the very latest styles and trimmed with the beat material.

    Mr. J. S. Shinn, our cutter has no superior In this city.

    G. H. Davis, Walter Clements and J. S. Shinn Join me In expressing my hearty thanks for the assurance given us by our many friends of continued patronage, and we will aasure them that their oonfldenoe has not been misplaced.

    L ANDREW*. Axent. i«?--»«•IreFor Philadelphia! SOUTH MARKET ST. Wilmington* Del.

    '*"•»'» I’hllMlelphln and Wll- mlncum Propellers,

    Hireet Whsrf, Wllmlng- S™ ^ »• * 9- m- from First Wharf Ï" ®j««tsut »treat, Philadelphia."Il7,»l3u’nl° LONDON direct.*** 10 Olaagow, Londonderry. Bel-

    •slo.n t, Uverpont.

    hONbON 1IY D1Re'(!t steamer,Ho Steerage.

    .CABINS, ,83 and ,63.Delete at reduced rates,

    •ccommodallon» unenrpaeaed ™ »lejanoe and com fori. A11 state

    forbn0k1r‘‘??‘*;mm»l“ deck.

    ‘'«Âffac.*0'v * Wilmington, Del

    aur-0 iaui.t.t.1aplt-tf m,.Direct from the Importer.ifWM- G KOBELEN,Pb“praÔtÎoal,watoh maker,

    *- And dealer in—■- ALBBIOAN AND SWIM



    Dealkr ■

    X'•1-ne largest «look wa bave ever offered

    Also a fell line ofTO mH. T. HELMBOLD.Druggist & Gheauit,

    flM.00N PIANOS. ORGANSCarpets and Oil Clotfrom Slot« to »9.00 per yard.



    NO MB MARKET STREET Wilmington. Del.

    ÄäWäSÄffl-ig. He a good aaaortment of glaaa-

    aTatpnb\I cl«*1ôort 1 al 1 y Invited to oall an»

    exam me my etoek and earn my price, laio*"

    Ana an Kinai or

    MUSICAL MERCHANDISE\710 Market ^treet(

    W1LMINGTOK, DEL. rll 8,1878.GENTS’ bCAKFS


    FORMER PRICE $1-00-

    CAUTION 1See that the private fra*

    prietarjr Stamp is oa

    each Bottle.


    2,4 MARKET ST.,P-

    If APLEWOOD IESTIT1TTE jVL CONCORDfILlJ.For both sex os, on the Pmlk. * fix Ckntral R. R., Is eleven miles nertk er Wilmington, en the ttoneord Pike. Pti- dente ere prepared for tke kellvk dgtlkt ef life, fer business end Oollep*. It ggesls la g bsftutlfBl and healthy location. In a rooms, flrst-elass professors. Lltfisl are made to feel that soma one oar as them. For catalogue call on Dr. ■. Q ghortlldge, 1812 Market street.

    J. 8HORTLIDGE, A. aagl)-fimdaw,


    8.1. MeCALL,ymlHft CAPTAIN DNNNT,

    win a»i farther soil es make her raff*

    SßSesfrSiMl;7n" ThîrSS? ^


    her.approach the instrument these words were pla’nly heard:—“You tell Mr. Skidd we don’t keep a hotel on washday.” Mr. Skidd excused himself for a ft w moments and was next seen eating f ie 1 clams in the Rainbow Saison on

    B»ve tqstreoelve* a fine lot of

    Me & Pocket W. D. COLE.Men’s Furnishing Goods,202 MARKET STREET.


    Sold Everywhere.X* s. **• M.Prln.

    maxT-d*CUTLERY. the corner.
