Download - J faliTtrade. ABB1¥XLLl YH~FAQTQnYI · 2017. 12. 17. · TownCouncil. Accountof Monies Received and Expended bx, Kobt. II. Waudlaw, IntOudunt. J'ublishca byorderofCouncil. RECEIPTS.

Page 1: J faliTtrade. ABB1¥XLLl YH~FAQTQnYI · 2017. 12. 17. · TownCouncil. Accountof Monies Received and Expended bx, Kobt. II. Waudlaw, IntOudunt. J'ublishca byorderofCouncil. RECEIPTS.

Town Council.Account of Monies Received and Expended bx,Kobt. II. Waudlaw, IntOudunt. J'ublishca

by order of Council.RECEIPTS.

J 854.Sept. 23. Rcc'd from J. F. Livingston,former Intendant, - - $ 25 07

" 30. " " J. \V. Cunningham.fine, -* 10 0C

Dec. 11. " " Boll Ringers' licensc,2 dnyn, 10 0C

1855.Fob. 24. " " N. J. Davis.fine, - 2 OC

* " " " Luke Miithis." - 2 0'.« 2G. " " O. M. Miller, "

- 10 50" 27. " " Infant Drutnmer, license,... . 10 oo

Mar4 2'J. " " Rasche license, concert,...... f» 0«JApr. 7. " " Everett " show, 1U 00Sept. 4. " " Bailey «fc Co., licciisc,

circus, <tc., .... 10 00" " " " Bailey «fc Co., lieuiiao,

side show, .... 10 0<J12. " " E. J. Taylor, old

hearse, 30 00" " Various persons, at

differenttimes.commutationfor Roadwork, 463 25

£597 88

EXPENDITURES.1851.Sept. 26. raid S. G. W. Dill, balance

A r r / 'uuv iruiii iui'inur VMiincil, 8 4 32

Nov. 27. " McMillan A- Hamiltonon contract repairingRoads, ..... t>5 00

1855..lune 29. " White «fc Bullock's acc't, 8 25July 18. " Charles Dendy "

for working on Roads, 12 50" 21. " John Conine for ulcaningSpring, .... 2 00" 23. " A. J. Woodliurst, work

on spring-house, &-c., . 3 00" 30. " J A. llatuilton, on contracton Roads, - :{C 25

Aug. 3. " Logan <fc Davis, advertisingacc't, .... 1 00" " " K. 11. Wanllaw, work

on Roads, - - C 00" 14. " S. G. W. Dill, Marshal,

3 (ju'rs snlary und fees, 122 70" 22. " <fc Starr, for

hire wagon, «te., 16 PS" " " .las. T. Gilmer, on contractfor Roads. - 20'> 00

Sept. 3. " T. \V. McMillan, on contractfor Roads, - 3C 25" 13. " Puckett A Wilson, acc't

for advertising, - 3 3S" " " Logan <fc Davis, do. do., 1 1241 " " R. H. Wnrdhiw «fc Son,

acc't, flu" 17. " W. M. Ifughey, work

on Alley, .... 8 nO" " li. W. l.nwson, 2 er.<cs

lor Plats, .... 1 jj.1" " " J. A. All.n, for shovels, -J 12

" " S. G. \V. Dili, salaryand f<j<rr>, ... UO 7:1Ual'nce on hand to turnover to now Council, 11 20

?.r»U7 88

Abduyilu:, Sept. 17, 1855..We certify tlint,wc have examined the above account, and findit correct. If. 1*. IHJtJHES,

(Signed) II. \V. LAWSOX,A. ALLEN.

Sep 21 "20Iw

Just ltcceiringAT H. W. LAWSON'S


TEA POTS; Box GRATERS;Potato do.; Japanned TRUNKS,

nil aires ; Round Sugar BOXES ;Cake do. ; Cash do. ; Toy CUPS

<fc PAILS ; Egg WHIPS; Foot TUBS;Foot. STO YES; Mola.ises CUPS ; CandleSTICKS; CULENDERS;


English Tea KETTLES ; RussiaIron SCOOPS; French SKIMMERS;Dressing CASES; lvglisliWash BOWLS; Dust PA NS.

I have also a large assortment of WARKonnana 01 1113' own luanulaciure, consisting in

part of6,000 Coffee POTS, different sizes;

Covered BUCKETS, all sizes ; BALE' do.; CULENDERS ; Punched LANTERNS;Water DIPPERS; CUPS,

all sizes; Cake 1'ANS; Milk <1«».;Wash do.; Dish do.; Tea POTS ;Stew PANS; TRUMPETS; GRATERS;Water POTS; and several

other different articles, which I will sell 011reasonable terms, wholesale or retail.

Every article warranted.Abbeville C. II., S. C., Sept. 21, 1856.

Notice to Delinquents.WE are desirous of bringing our old businessto a close. This is, therefore, tocite all who have not settled with us to "conicup to the scratch," without further delay. Wemust have money. Wbo can get along withoutit! PERRYMAN <fc WALLER.New Market, S. C., Sept. 17, 1865 tf

Banner copy.A. Voice tVoni Arkansas.

r I ^HE subscriber, intending to remove toJL Arkansas, deems it very expedient to haveMONEY. RO nil luntnna */i (li/i V&lnlnof James H. Tusten, deceased, would do well

come forward and pay tfieir Indebtedness,and those to whom the Estate is Indebted willpresent their accounts properly attested to*

BAM'L TUsTEN, Adm'r.September 12, 1855 ltf-8t

Negroes for Sale.1 *'Ai VERY Valuable Family of NE- A

v >t\. GRdB5!, consisting of .a Woman4nd h$r five Children, will he offeredfor Mile, at Abbeville ?C. H., on Tuesday" ofliext Court %$4k. ' Nineteen hundred dollars-will be required in cash, the balance on thev ifi ret of January nextl-

s Sept.*20, 1856 ,g02vr

"WOTICE^ -* « , .js.3£*jza. -

1o nereuy given mat application will be madoat ttie next Sitting of the Legislature to

Incorporate the village of Ilodges.*



man* citizens.S«pt 81, '66. , 10j^

TXJQTreeeirfld a Urge supply ^IOE. Ic«t

U Croam, Ice Lemonade and Soda Watei

aja>retfjy/w.0fBa*>pn and Lard,

lO OOO liAOOV,0^ JcJneoM<On

J faliTtrade.POrtJLAlt PRICES!

Ward, It 11 rehard &. Co.,AUGUSTA, OA.,

ARE Now opening their FALL and WINTEHsupplies ofClioicc Family Dry Uootls,

j selected with great earc from recent importa>tions, utid comprising an assorttneiit wlii-li. f«»iRichness, Variety and Extent,is not usually found in this market. As t!i -yj now have the reputation of sailing FIRST

CLASS GOODS, upon a tnueh ly/inr Sail' >JJ'ricx than they have been usually bought1! here, they beg to assure their friends inAbbeville District

that they intend to k$ep up this standard o!| CHOICE GOODS, and to keep down prices toa fair remunerative profit. To (Ju-h andJ'rom/it Paying Customers, and none othera,wo shall oiler

Great Inducementsto visit our Establishment.Our Stoek consists, in part, of the following:


Colors;New and Beautiful Shades of PLAIN ai->i



l'lain DeLAINES; Persian CLOTIIS; Ei!ulish,French and Aiuericuri CALICOES and| GINGIIAMS;


Glen's and Hoys' Wear,CLOTHS ; CASSI.M ER lvS; VESTINGS ;TWEEDS, it.:., «tc.

-FO-R. -PAMTTV TTQTTBath, "Whitney and Ru«i: BLANKETS ; Linenand Cotton SHEETINGS ; PILLOW CASE

Linens and Cottons;Red, White, Givy. Gn-cn, Blue, WeWi, Saxonyand Dome"-tic FLANNELS;Shaker FLANNELS; Plain and Figured

Saeque FLANNELS; TABLE DAMA-K;DOYLIES: NAPKINS; W1XK CLuTllS;ITOWELINGS; Lace and Muslin CUR'IAlNS;{ Curlain MATERIALS ; KRUIT CLOTHS;Colore?: and White DIMITIES; iluckuluckj and Bird's-Eye DIAPEKS ; «irv.

1'LA.1*TA'ffI«>SNocro BLANKETS ; Geor;;in and K»-i.V:*.kyj PLAINS ; Cot'.ou OSNABURGS ; Georgia


Z^S" Orders lircd with vise n:f»tjto:ition, and ail 0 <> }. a arra:;ted.

WARD, BCHCl) AiiD A CO._s,j.t 21 20;fWaler Proof Warc-IIon«o.o Hf TIIE subscriber has taken V, <>

the Planter's Water Proof fe'j&iv'.KWare. House, formerly occupied 1<y Mr.John Usher, Sr., an<] hy stii'-t attention tobusiness, lie hopes to merit a liberal share ofthe patronage of the generous public of theupper and Cotton growing districts.The Wore House is above hicrh water ninrk,"high ami dry," and more pe::ure from fire

than any other Ware House in Town.P. S. I will also attend to receiving and

forwarding Goods and Produce, entrusted tomy care.


C. II. KENNEY.Hamburg, Sept. 1. 135."). 10-lm

THE undersigned hns ^STTTyfegEia opened, in this place. an *£y<. fcentire new and well si'-leetod Stock of GOOD'S| in the GROCERY Line, which he offers i<> hisfriends and the public gem-ially, llo will boin the Market at. all Iiiij' M for the purchase ofCotton and other l'rodueo.Having secured the services of Mr. JosophRosamond, ai a buyer of Cotton, he trust*; lie

will be able to share a liberal patron air*1, iiewill give his attention to the Sab- of Pro.!-ice,and to the Receiving and Forwarding of Merchandise.It. J. xjELMI.Hamburg, S. C., .Sept. 11, 165.1. I'.'-lm

SALEOF RAILROAD ST 0 C KBy Public Auction.

THE Administrators of the Estate of EnoehHarmorc. deceased, will sell at. Public

Auction, on Sale I)ny, in October next, at AbbevilleCourt House.Twenty-five Simres (&500)Of STOCK in the Greenville and Columbia

Railroad. The Assessment on which has be«nlong since paid. Tlu- assessment will go withthe Stock to the purchaser.Terms..A credit until 1st January, 1S5C,

by the Purchaser giving Note and approvedSecurity. I). L. DONALD, ) . , ,JJ. C. WILLIAMS. V A'lmrSSeptember18.ri5. 19-lt

Head Quarters.2d Regiment Cavalry.


A COURT MARTIAL will convene atMT. VERNON, on tlio 29th of Septeinbernext, for tlie trial of defaulters for nonattendanceat the last. Regimental Parade at

Longmire's, and also for the trial of othercases that may eonie before it. The Court willbe composed of the following officers, viz:

Lieut. Col. A. P. Butler, President.Maj. J. C. Martin,Capt. J. B. Griffin,Copt J. F. Burress,Capt. A. I). Bates,Capt. W. K. Bradley,Capt W. \V. Perrymnn,Lieut Lott Jonnings,t i.. r>iJicuv. wan. uui i v,

.^Lient, J. L. Talbot-,Lieut, J. H. Yeldell,

..Lieut D. Jordan,Lieut. T. Crown, *

M. L. Bullock, Judge Advocate.By order of Col. John F. Talbert.* J. M. LAN*HAM, Ajfo;.THE STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA. *

Abbeville District..Citation.WHEREAS, Snrouet j. Richey, has appliedto me for Letter*'j 'of Administrationon all and singular tbo goods and chattels,right* and credits of .William Jf Richey, lataof the District aforespid, deceased :These are, therefore, to cite and admonishall and singular the kindred and creditors ofsaid -deceaset&Jto be and appear before roe, at

our next Ordinary'jrVoBrt for tBe.tlid District,to be holaen at Abbeville Court House, on thetwenty-M|jrbth day of September inst, to showc*nRfy **>4 administrationshould *«* be granted. 5*.

I Given undar my han^and seal, thi« eleventhF ^day^^f ^^^^m^r,^^tJh^e^gtar ofOTr^

Sheriff's .Sales.BY virtue of sundry Writs of Fiora Facias

to me directed,"I will sell ut AbbevilleCourt House, on the first Moixlny in Septembernext, within the legal houro of sale, the follow- {ing property, to wit:

1 House and Lot in the Village of Lowndes-ville, containing 5} acre*, more or le*s, boundedby W. M. Bell. Sam'l lle&ter and others, as theproperty of Richard Chaiping, uda. Force,

,! Conley «fc Co., mid others. |1 House and Lot. in the Village of Mt. Cnr|iii. l. containing 1 '1 acre, on which there is uj Carriage Shop, bounded by \V. C. Ware, A.Houston a:id others, as tin* property of I). F.

) Hni'tis nds. Bone?, <" rt «fc .lone*. und other-".25W Acroi, more or 1 bounded by Snm'l

j A rm-.v. Win. Ware und other.*, as the proper-ty of 11 null Culhotin, nd>. E. Agucw, II. A.Jones, and others.

250 Aer.-s. or less, bounded by Jcs. Q.Bozetiifin. L. F. Power und others, a-the prop|erty of J. A. Martin, ed.s. W. Q. Martin andothers.

i Co') Acres, more or less, hounded by MarshallSharp. Dr. W. .lone- and other.-!. :;s the prop-erty belonging to the Estate of Reuben Rob-i! ertsoii, «d-«. Ezekiel Ka?or and others.

3H0 Acres, more or le:!->, bounded by Rob'tI Simpson, James White and others, as the prop-erty of A. Maul lin, ads. W. ii. Dennis, for an-other and Sir.

T. H. COCHRAN, S. A. D.Sheriff'* Office, Sept. 10. 1865.

h a ii «1 i'o r Sale.rOFi'KR for Snlf r. Tni«:t of LAND, lyingthroe miles West- of Abbeville Court

Iloiirc, containingJTmSC KE ara «K^5«9

I SO of which in in Woods, w.-ll timbered, iubout DO Swamp Land, and she balance cleared;<ii<3 in cultivation.

I\.j ;.j;ti3 di^iriiig a good plantation convenicut to the vi.'layv, and in a healthy section ofthe DUtrkt, will --1u well to < all attdsee it, as Iurn determined to sell. g've n b.irirasn.

T. -M. MOKROW.Sept. 14, 1805.

House mul L<ot foi- Sale Ir|"MIE subscriber boi»i;r de.=irous of m.vvimr1 into the country, oIf"i = for ale his Place

in the Village of Lowndivii'c, consisting of aDWF.IXIXU lfOUsF, and I.ot containing:,(twelve Acres, Blacksmith Shop and Car-jriatre Shop. Tl'.c"»c Bui'dirigs are all* now;and in food condrion. Thev will be ro!d to-get'iev or sepai a'.c'y to <='ji*. the ,'>ureh:is«-r*.

L. W. M«:A LISTER.T.owndosviile, S. C., Sop'. 8. IE";5. 19-tf

Offi<e UciicralCrcrnvillc and Columbia Ruilmd.

COLUMBIA, September 1. 1S55.<f~\N ard after the 10th in-taut. thi» FARF1 ) on this Road w:!l he FIVE CENTS PERMi'I.F. E. F. R\WORTH,Hep 3 !9 General Superintendent.T © W <> « 3 3* a* o wes's.

j LABOR SAVED.I)RING your Wool ni><1 triv«* raa trial. We jJ are now pivpaivd to C/M.'D WOO!, into

j ROLLS on n ikmv sot ot' W()OL CARDS, with aRUHR MACHINE atta.dn.-d t)::it will Burr theWool with less wast" tl an if 'lone liy hand.

: The entire Machine is new. and situated onJohnson's Cr-ck, Abbeville Di^tri^t, five milesNorth of T< inpl>.- of Health P. ()., two and ahalf mil'-q Eaut of the junction of the Geiier!al's and Ward's Roads, and near the latter, he|inn nine niiloa Wet of Due Wpst Cornor. Wowill he ahle to Card from H O to 150 pounds ofWool per day. Ab we intend to do our partwell, we hope to give general satisfaction, andtherefore respectfully solicit the patronae-e oftl e public. YOUNG i BLACK,

j September 4th 'Ofi. 1 Htf

Fatronizo Home Manufacture.rIAHE undvr-ianed invite the attention of the |x public to thi'ir l.ot of I,Iconic IQniiiifacturcd fclioos.

Th»'V have on hand, and ure constant! v addingtr> their present Stoek f Shoes and Boots eon-1sistii.jrof a varb'tv of kinds. Tlu-v icvlr* nnv.!ticulur at ti-r.t ion to th»-ir

Vlinto** IVcurc Shoes. jiThey are of tin; best quality, and will be soldon tiie most tva'-onablc terms.

Persons wi>-'»:ug 'o purchase can see a sneci- |'j men of our Winter iWojrane at the ^t«>re ofj'II. S. Kerr. Abbeville Court Hoiue. Shoos and!Rooi^i of till kisjd-? in the best Style of Work- j!!!;:inshij) will be furnished on short notice.They v.'imid also inform (tie public that they 1

l:nve n tr<xvl supply of choice nowj ready for uso and for «n1e. Cull aii«l see.

YOUNG & MULLIKIN*.Due West, S«-tomber 3, 1851. 2ni

THE STATE OF SOUTH CfROllNA,Abbeville District.In Eqnitty.A. P. P.osinso.v

vs.Saban E. McICi.vney, Wm. H. McKi.vney

tt. al.Petition for the Sate of Land*.

PURSUANT to the order of Chancellor.Johnston in this ca«e, I will sell nt Pub;lie f)iit/!rv. nt AMu.vill« f'/mfi tT.uu.« Ci-1,.

!Dav in October next, the Tract of Land, do-scribed in the pleadings, of the Renl E»tnto ofRobert McKinney, deceased, containing twcntv'-nineAcres, more or los\ hounded l»y landsof Win. \V. Belchor, A. I. Conner and others.

Purchase money to be paid in Cash.W. H. PARKER, C. E. A. D.

Commissioner's Office, '

September 3, 1S65. 18-ptda"


good wages by applying immediatelyto the subscriber at, this plnoe. None otherthan a First-rntc Workman need npplv.

PI J. TAYLOR.Abbeville C. II., S. C, Sept, 6, 1855. 18,tfWanted Immediately,SHORTY or Fifty likeW young NEQROES,for which liberal prices, /K?in cash, will lie given. St

-^SUBER <fc TARKS.September 2, 1855. ' tf

Land W a r r a 11 t A .

r|^IIE highest Prices given for any numberA. of LAND WARRANTS, by

WESLEY A. BLACK,j §£ Addrciw Due West, S. C.'* Sept. 6, 1855. 18tf

JONES & LIVINGSTON,Attorneys at Law,

Office next door to Thornton df Fpir,ABBEVILLE" C. H.

it, A. JOVES.j [j. W. UVINOSTOW.

Black Oats.

A LOT of BLACK dfrTS, 7i«Atly/^lc&®woighing forty pooods to tb« "bushel, forw»1e by JL & KKjULAug 17, . Jf, \Vr

Land 1"« r Sale.DESIROUS of raorimj to the West, I offer

for Sale my l'liuitatiou, in AbbevilleDistrict, containingOne Hundred and Fifty cleared, One Hundredof which is fresh and ir. n high state ofcultivation, the balance in Woods.lies well,and is heavily timbered.

Thia Tract of I.r.nd lies immediately on thePost Road, one tn'ic from Mr*. Sarah WidemanV,and adjoins Ini'ds of Mts-i-s. AnthonyHarmon. William Williamson, Joseph and( corge Patterson, and otln r\ and for Healthid not surpassed by any place in the District.The Production ol the Land is equal to any inthe neighborhood ar» the present crop will show.It is wvil Watered, r.n excellent spring in onehundred yard* of the house, with runniugwater through most of the fields.There i? a comfortable Dwelling House with

all necessary Out Buildings ou the premise:-*.The above named Tract of Lat^d offers manyinducement * to a man wishing to settle perina-nen'ly. In addition to it-i being a good neigh-borhood the contemplated Valley Road willrun in about two hundred yards of the mosthe i vily timbered part of the Tract where timberwiit no doubt be in great demand. 1 deemi' unnecessary to give a more detailed account,but invite persons wishing to buy to give me acall. ARTHUR


MUftFHY.September 8, 185?. 19-tf

FULLER'SFHAT STORE.IN railing attention to my Styles for the

FALL AND WINTER. I return mythanks at. the fame time to my friends and thepublic generally for pnfet favors, and I shallendeavor to merit a continuance.The same moderate charges will prevail that

have mad the establishment so popularthroughout, the State.fine diuteskui Hats, ®4.Oakford und Son's (of Philadelphia) Fine

Hnts, aad Geniiin'B (214. Broadway) will be$4 departure from these prices.Terms exclusively Cash.Sept 0,'CO.



I OFFER for j:il>: a Tract of Land,J lying on both side? of Turkeyf'r.'/ k, iii Abbeville District, about fire mile.Soi;h of C'ok«ibury Depot, oa the Cambridgeroa'1, tuining

08-t Acres.About one hundred i»ad fourteen acres bottomiaiid. some lii'tv of which is mill-pond bottom oi".llie richest und most productive quality; threel.undred a<.*es fine woodland ; the balancecleared and in cultivation.On the premises are h comfortable Dwellinghouse, having nine room*, all necessary outbuildings.u Blacksmith Shop, and a

Fine Merchant Mill.This place i.-» situated in one of the rnoit do-si-

r:ihi.» and healthy ncii-libo: hoods in ;l:c Districti>t State, und has one of tin! best MincralSpi ing*i:: use in tin* S;tute. It the above place is not>ld 'ivfyi'c-tlte Jirst Monday in Octol>_< « ,1 wiii

jell it to the higU-d bidder, at Abbeville C. II.,:i:»d no mistake.The place wan formerly owned by Reuben

Roberthon, deceased, and is known aa "the Rob-1I'tson S'laee "

iPerson* desiring to purchase land, would do

well to come and eee this ttaot, as I am confidentthey will bo pleased with it. as well as thetenna 011 w hich I will sell. |

MARY N. ROBERTSON.Nor. 1, 1354 26tf j

T'1C Columbia Banner and LaurensvilleIhrald will copy uutil day of aa:c and for-wa/d t.itii accounts to this office.


"Calhoun Settlement," on waters ofCalhoun Cr«>ek, containingMore or less. of which about Eight Hundred:ire in WOODS Well timbered.There are over Two Hundred Acres of;

splendid HOT I'OMS, of which about One Ilun-1dred and '1 i.irty are in eultivivatien, r>nd neiir-'ly th<* whole of which are secure from injury,!except fr«-m extraordinary overflow®. Much.u( the iitud i.s t.upetior GRAIN* land, and is'also uood COTTON land. The Plantation is in" X'j:jllent. repair, with comfortable

i>wellirasr Homnc, "

>ut buildings, accornmodai ions for sixty orjeventv slaves, trood fencing, ic.

It id a!*;o well situated for the transportation:>f produco. beinir ten miles from the SavannahRiv.-r, and the same distance from the Railroad».t Abbeville Court House.The pr'-po-ed route of the Savannah Valley

Railroad passes within three mile's of it at Cal-houu's Mills, where, should the R-»ad be buiit, Ifi Depot wil 1 certainly be located.

Tlii9 Plantation is only offered for nale to ef-Feet a diviaon among the parties in interest.For information as to Terms, <fce., apply to!

VVM. II. PA 1ACER. Esq.. at Abbeville C'. II..!ur to Mr. EDWARD PARKER, on the Plauta-:tioii.

Abbeville, September G, 185G. * 18-lra

THE STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA,Abbeville District.In Equity.

Wm. B. Dop..Vvs. * I

3. A. Hodges, Wm. Beazeley aud Mart, hiswife,

Bill for Partition, Injunction dtc. A N'T to the order of ChancellorJohnston in this case, I will sell nt Pub

lie Outcry, at Abbeville Court House, on SalejDay, in October next, the Trnetof Land, de-Jscribed in the Pleadings, situate, lying andbeing 011 Persimmon Lick Brunch.waters ofRocky Creek.wnteis of Savannah River,adjoining lands of John W. Hearst, James Morrisand other?, known a1! the Carrol Land, andcontaining One Hundred and Sixty-three jAc res, more or less.Terms..A credit of twelve months, except

as to the Costs which are to be paid in (Atxfi.The Purchaser to give Bond frith at. leost twj>good sureties to secure the purchase money8nd pay for papers.

WM. H. PARKER, C. E. A. D.Commissioner's Uffiee,September 8, 1855. 18-tds

rfHE~STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA,jiuucvine isiairic.i.m jh'junr/.

America K Hackenv*. ^

Ella C. IIackett.Bill for Partition of Real Estate.

"T3UR£>UA$T to the order of ChancellorJL Johnston in this case, I will sell at -pnblicOuter}', at Abbeville Court House, on SnleDay in October next, the Real Eetnte of ElijahC. Ilnckett, drceascd, situate and lying onCoffee Town Creek, in Abbevillo District, containingTwo Hundred and Scvonteen and onefourthAcres, more^r lees, and bounded ;bylands of Dr. JqJjn P. Biivrutt, Benjamin Sales,JaroerPartlow and others.Terms^.A credit of tweve months from daypf sale. Purohaaer t6 give Bond with at least

two good sureties to seoqrA the Pn roll use moneyand pay for papors. Coats to be paid ip,CSmK &. FARKEI;,^ JS. I D.Comromionsr'a Offioo,SeptmWViaM.- T- ;

AMAROElQt of'?i»<iDAMS jus*

.'f '


WE RAVE CONSTANT!,V UN HANI) Anwill soli lower than ever oIFcrc<l in thinWe will buil'l \^> order any Vehicle in our lin

Z3f' KEPAIKLNCx ueatlv done, aocheap an a

Z3T All Now "WorWE also have on hand a large lot of FISK'S !

feeting the dead for prolonged interment, for tiwhich we will sell exceedingly low for CASH,We will alio make COFFINS. i*nd send to

11IEAIISE, which will go free of cbcrge.

Abbeville C. II., January 18, 18C5

jTOUGATIOH.'"pilE Exercises of the Abbeville Male Actd-L eniy will resume o:t the 10th of Septem-1ber, being the commencement of the 2d Sea- inion of the Scholastic year. jThe Tuition of each Class will bo for the1st Class: Reading, Writ in/, 1st Ses. 2d Ses.

Spelling, and Primary Geography.- -


- $14 CO J 0 00 j2d Class: The above withGeography, History, A- irithmetic, English Grammar,and exercises in EuglishComposition, 20 00 y 00.

Sd Class: The above withnil the advanced EnglishBranches, - - 23 00 10 004th Class: The above withLatin and Greek, - - 2a 00 12 00Boarding can be obtained in desirable fa;ni

lies, end at reasonable rates, either in the Villageor country near the Academy.Although it Is of the greatest importance thatall the p'ipih should he present «.' the openingof the Session, stiil they may b«- received at'anytime duing the tetm. Students wiil becharged fi <>ni the ti ;re they enter until the closeof the Ses-io:', unless special urrsng^m nts aremade to the eontiarv.For fni-f -....I..!. i.u-i .u.Tuvii, i.'i11 > iu u:«s x'rinci*;pal- .JAMES (J. CALHOUN, A. B.,

Principal, luhls uctor in M;ii ln.-;r)<.tic:j.JAMF.b ,\. MONTGOMERY, A. B.,Instructor in the Ancient Languages.

August il-l, Io5f>. 10Ciu i

We iflusl Have .TJotaey ! j.1 LL Person* having Dernnr:<ls s gainst the/"I. Estate of Enoch Barmoro, dccer-iied,will present them to the undersigned by Usefi..»tday of November next. Those Indebtedto sni«! Estate by Note. Store Account or

A-.vuuiit. will ervve the Admin .

tors of Djuch trcuhlo <;«=0 mcmse'lves of cost,by paving up by that Date.

out! you liave had ose|yeur's indulgence!!

D.L. DONALD, I AA...J. C WILLIAMS, f Adta"August23, 1955. 17-It

ALSO,Those IneVtcd to the late firm of Brirmoro<t Donald by Note or Account, will save Cost!by settling with me immediately, ns I musthave the MONEY in order to close up theEstate of E. Bat-more, deceased, and it ia un-'nleaaantto have to sue for it.

D. L. DONALD,Surviving Partner.

August 23, 18G6. 17-4tBanner copy twicc.

LAiVD FOR SALE.THE subscriber offers for sale his LAND3,

situated within one mile of Mount liil!, |or Bnrmore'sTurn Out or. the Greenville amiColumbia Railroad. Tlie Tract eoiitrir"!*srW «2Z2 2s«t. :k»-c ®

On the Tract is some Three Hundted Acre* ofWoodland, about Thirty Acre* of good Bot -!torn, a good DWELLING IIOUiE, GIN |HOUSE nnd SCREW, with a7l » covary outBuildings. I will sell all together or divide tosuit the purchasers.

A: y p.trson desirous of settling in Abbeville:.! i -u ->

jsicti ivi >wui«» aw u rn iv npl'iy, in uie ii^uhiiof the Phico in unsurpassed by any pluc# int"e Dis*riot snd very Productive.

£.55 Ter.iiii will (Je wade ca->y.ULNJASIIN .'JMITH.

August 17.>. 10tf

A W151V STYLE.I HAVE just received altogether a 2f£W


Which for form atul finish for surpat-sos the for-!mer style, tliev lieing made of the c^ioe material.of course they will bo found to answerthe same purpose. Their FORM and their jROSE \VOuL> Fiiiwh pleases for beyoud theold style, iu the minds of all that have Been1thfin.

1 shall Boon have an assortment of them here,which I fllmll be p'.i-nscd to abow to any onewho may wish to tlic:n.

E. J. TAYLOR.Abbeville C. IT., August 28, 18ofi. 17 tf

Executor's Notice.Estate of John Campbell, tieo'd.

N'OTICE is hereby <*iven to nil person* interestedthat a final settlement of ther.yuiic hi sum cicci'iiwu win ue maue lu meCourt of Ordinary for Abbeville District, onthe 'Jtub of November nextIfthere Ahou Id be any demands against the'Estate still remaining unpaid, those personshaving such will present them properly attested,for payment.

JOSEPH F. BELL, 7.x v.Aug 21, 1865 108m I

ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE.Estate of C. Barnes, Dec'd.

ALE persons indebted to the Estate of C.Barnes, deceased, are hereby notified to

come forwur.l immediately and pay up, as theEstate must be settled 'soon. Persona whomay havo claims against the same will presentthem to C. V. BARNES, Ren,

Administrator.Aug. 10, 1855. ! *» tf


The Giant Has Come !"WE call attention of Planters' to

and 3 of Scott <k Maobeo, Giant's Corn and OoW) of them^L'jing in oporatioa. Calland examine.

ALSO,1 Doz. Shuck and Straw Cotters.varionsSizes,

2,000 lbs. fresh Tobacco, jnct from Virginia-^Fsctorv.

6 Boxes feest Brand Cigara. Fresh Goodsarriving daily.alt cheap for Cash, by

H. S. KERR.White Lead? Linseed Oil, &o.

&$0G Lb%pure and

;4.0Q GalH. Linseed Oil,ljDO B^shfe, (aMotUd6ttWd » Wi' #&.

ti»y Mirt.jutyii, ? ii* \ tr -

r\ . V<


"." iortiuei.t of Fine ItVGOIE^ which wrmarket, ou time to unit the purcliauer.<! .'f buflinew, at the nhortest notico.ny other Establishment in the iitnte. iMk Warranted. .Ailii.i uu maw (jftii;", nir-niciii, lor procimportation,or any other desirable purpose,

.* pari of the District desired. We haven? n«w

TITOS. m. christian;JAMES l. deale.

37 ly



BiTTERS,A Purely Vegetable Preparation.



DYSPEPSIA.1mKJ£ BITTERS arc purely a VEGETABLECOMTOUSD. and are offered toHie public uml-rr t!io fullest conviction thatthev will be f«»*i.i a «ufe end sovereign remEDYfor DY-T'l lVJA. ' "

They havo been triumphantly tested, not'only by nnmiTonn fumiliee mid Physicians inth« Soi-.h. who iieve furnished ample testimonym to their decided excellence, but also bvthe proprietor, ~!io, for ton years, suffered allthe gloom incident to that stubborn and dirtressin^ di/-.<rn=<?.

Tl.c COLLETON BITTERS are also a CnrLiins.'.tvf,rr.osi excellent for Cholera Morbus,Coviv.;:te-'j, Sickness, Nausea, proceedingft'oni ".\5»atyver CMice, Shortness of Breath,A-.'.iir . ii-mrtburn, Cramps and Stitches inthe Brenrt.1 he above Medicine is highly recommended

to literary gentlemen, students, elderly people,and otliei'ii of sedentary habits."1 do hereby certify that I have known and

itv-il your celebrated" compound CULLETOKBITlEr.:; in my family for more than fifteenvorra, and I do verily believe it to be one of-

__ths moat c:-.luable Family and PlantationifiiiOti'i use, hivim* "J ",,f4 ® e

t.Ti - iv instances, that with troth itu'rv be niErm-yJ. i!icy well deserve the highencomiums which they liavs received from the

,ulfiicted ~ -;-j have partaken of their invigcrati»; a:.'J health-restoring properties.Siy.ied, C/lAS. G. CAPERS, Planter;

St Helena, 8. C."

Ti.~ u^deraigred, wholesale agenta for thaabvve, ti'ke pleasure in stating that they are intimatelyacquainted with the manufacture ofthe "CoLLtru.N Bitters," hence they do not lieaitntoto commend the articlc as possessing rarevirtnoB, and well calculated to afford relief inDyspepsia and its Kindred

Ifcaaeascs.Retail Price 60 Centn a Bottle!

Tor which *;um an incalculable amount of »ufforij.gmay be arrested. Tho trade will besupplied o;i liberal terms.

Orders should b«3 nddretaed toIIAV1LAND. HAURAL <t CO.,

Special Agents*, CliQrleston, S. C.»Importers of Drug% Medicines, Chemical's,

P^rfumerv, Brushes, Ac:r%~For ?cie by WAKULAW <fc LYON",A'jbVvjiio; F. 0. PARKS, Greenwood; GARY>'. i/A! ; V. C'ikesrmvy. [junc 1 *55 lyTTwi>»5>/I.TES FOR OFFICE.

The friends of S. O. "W. DILL respectfollyannounce him a Candidate for Sheriff, atthe nsxt Flcctica.tST Tii»! friends of W. W. GRIFFIN rcspcctfullyAnnounce liiin n candidate for Sheriff at V

the ei:«uing election. [May 7, 1S66.^

£iT The friends of XIMROD McCORD r«-*

spcjtfully announce him as a Candidate forSheriff at the ensuing Election.

£3?" The friend? of C:ipt. S. A. Hodges respectfullyannounce him as a candidate for Tax(JclUctor at the ensuing clcction.


The friends of Jons R. Wilson respectfuriyannounce him an a candidate for Tax ColIccior of Abbeville District, at the ensuing election.

ZST nre authorised to announce the Rcr.,l»-m Mnnnr no n r-nn/lirln»o fn+ «»

Tax-Collector of Abbeville District, at the en-suing election. *

1&- The friends of .TAMES M.YANDIVERrespectfully announce him nn a candidate for '/ "v-'VTax Co/Urtor of Abbeville. District, at the en«suing; election.



ANI> examine our fresh supplies of QRO*ceries, provisions; confeg- <;i$ktiokl'ries, ire., <£ < ., which we have on hand *

and are constantly receiving.Our motto is, "Live, and let live."

1IES1TR <fc 'SCOTT..May 22, 1855 ly A.. .

.»o .. v '-':Settlement,

'-STATE OF WILMAM THOMPSON,- DECKASEItK^ NOTICEis hereby given to the Kindred .VL>Creditors of enid deceased, that a

,eettlement will be mado of *aid Estate,- in the*.Court of Ordinarv, on Friday the. fifth of Oc« ' %££tobernext. JAMES W. RlCH*EDSON^ C;. %*?$>Administrator. jijJnlv 5.1855. 10 - Sm_^

:. . *y JjjfeORIENT CHAPTER 9, R> A. M.> * ****COKKSBUUY, «

WILL meet on the Fourth Jlofttfny of c?e' <x£$jfs$jjri' r\ month on th^Priday 10 F«t>ruarv,April, Juri^tfftvigiist, Oetober'.'Doeem- i&Bfci.jber.'at 3 P. M. WFeb. 10, 1865. 4ik

Dissolution. , ,^v>r ,

;ri^HE CopartnerahiR, of WHOT& fctX&^ "-JPIR1 LOCK is this dafc%ggjy^a^, »P>tu»lX#consents All persona

^ tf?to ma^ ^ ^