Download - IWS Completes First East Coast IWS First Design-Build Project in… · Project Overview Cane Creek Motorcoach

Page 1: IWS Completes First East Coast IWS First Design-Build Project in… · Project Overview Cane Creek Motorcoach

Although the initial geographic focus for IWS has been theWestern US, we recently completed our first East Coastproject in South Carolina, with more projects in the pipeline.In April 2008, IWS completed construction of the waste-water treatment facility at Cane Creek Motorcoach Resortin northwest South Carolina, located on the shores of envi-ronmentally sensitive Lake Greenwood. This was one ofthe first commercial centralized AdvanTex treatment sys-tems permitted and constructed in South Carolina.

Project Overview

Cane Creek Motorcoach Resort is a new Class A motor-coach destination in South Carolina. The facility has over 80spaces and includes a club house with a heated swimmingpool. Due to the environmentally sensitive Lake Green-wood and State of South Carolina regulations, the ownerwas obliged to implement an advanced wastewater treat-ment system to serve the project.

Contract Award

IWS was awarded a Design-Build contract by the SundownSanitary Sewer District (SSSD) in Astoria, Oregon in January2008 to replace their existing wastewater plant to meetnew Oregon DEQ discharge requirements for the facilityunder their National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System(NPDES) permit. SSSD was operating under a Notice of Violation by the ODEQ for discharge issues and needed tomeet a tight deadline for upgrading the plant. IWS was

IWS Completes First East Coast Project in South Carolina

IWS First Design-Build Project in Oregon Nears Completion

continued on page 5

Fall 2008

• IWS Makes Memorial Day Possible forZuma Beach in Malibu 2

• Dangerous Bacteria in UNM Hospital Water System 3

• Turn-key Sustainable Project in Pristine Arizona Desert 4

• IWS and Worrel Team Up to Design-BuildFirst Living Machine® in California 6

• IWS Helps Keep Critical Regional Hospital Online 9

• Company News 11

Cane Creek Motorcoach Resort

SSSD facility prior to upgrade

continued on page 8

SSSD facility after upgrade was completed

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Challenging Schedule

IWS was awarded a construction con-tract under the direction of Los Ange-les County to install an onsitewastewater treatment system at theZuma Beach complex in Malibu, CA tobe completed before the critical Me-morial Day weekend kick-off to thesummer beach season. IWS had 60days from the execution of the contractto construct and start-up the system.

A Team Effort

IWS worked closely with the primecontractor, SBS Corporation, and theirProject Manager, Robert (RJ) Stump, tocoordinate field activities and managethe various deliverables required to mo-bilize to the field. Steve Braband ofBiosolutions, Inc. (Agoura Hills, CA)provided equipment and technical sup-port as well as ongoing operation andmaintenance services. The systemwas designed by Los Angeles CountyDept. of Public Works and inspected byLA County.

Construction Scope

Three of the County restroom facilities,operated by Beaches & Harbors, werepreviously designed with septic tanksand leach fields, with no secondary

treatment or disinfection. IWS’s scopeof work included securing each of thethree locations with safety fencing, re-moving the exiting primary treatmenttanks, and installing an Advanced On-site Treatment System at each loca-tion. The following includes the projecttotals provided (all three facilities): • Three 15,000 gallon septic tanks • Three 10,000 gallon recirculation

tanks• One 8,000 gallon grease interceptor• Six Orenco Advantex AX-100 Packed

Bed Filters • Three leach fields• Relocation of the parking lot en-

trances to allow for construction ofnew leach fields

• Electronic control and remote moni-toring system

• Three UV disinfection units• System testing and start-up

Construction/Site Challenges

IWS was required to restrict access toeach of the facilities during the courseof the project and worked with LACounty and the City of Malibu to se-cure the site and communicate the sta-tus of the project to the public. The

IWS Makes Memorial Day Possible for Zuma Beach in Malibu, CA

IWS shoring and dewatering of excavation to install tanks

IWS drainfield installation at Zuma Beach

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beach remained open during thecourse of the construction effort andIWS maintained public access to thebeach areas and managed all the vehi-cle traffic coming into and out of thesite during the construction.

Critical Schedule

To complete the project in the limitedtime allowed, IWS mobilized the proj-ect resources so that work could pro-ceed at all three sites in parallel. Thesuccess of the project required rigor-ous scheduling to complete construc-tion by the mandated completion date -Memorial Day Weekend, 2008. AlexVillarama, P.E. the LA County ProjectEngineer said, “IWS completed thework in a safe and professional mannerand was able to mobilize the man-power and project resources to meetour difficult time schedule”. •

IWS Teams with MIOX

In August 2008 IWS completed the in-stallation of an innovative disinfectionsystem (Miox SAL 40) which is beingused to eliminate the deadly LegionellaPneumophila bacteria from the Univer-sity of New Mexico Hospital’s (UNMH)water system in Albuquerque. IWSfast-tracked the project to meet thecritical schedule for the new wing ofthe hospital.

Deadly Bacterium

Results from water samples taken afterflushing the water lines in a new wingof the UNMH in November 2007turned up bacterium that could cause

severe infections. Two of 32 randomlytested faucets in the new wing testedpositive for Legionella Pneumophilawhich can cause pneumonia from Legionnaires’ disease.

Potential Cause

Construction of the new west wing ofthe UNMH was completed in late2007. During construction, the westwing’s new water system was turnedon for testing and then shut down forat least six months before being turnedon again for normal operations. It issuspected that standing water in thepipes during the prolonged shut-downperiod developed legionella bacterium.

The IWS-Miox Team

MIOX Corporation ( isan Albuquerque, NM based provider ofinnovative disinfection technology thatreplaces the need to purchase, trans-port, and store dangerous chemicals.MIOX is used in over 30 countries andin hundreds of communities across theU.S. for public drinking water systems,water reuse projects, and a variety ofcommercial and industrial applications.IWS teamed with MIOX to provide a

turnkey solution to the hospital on afast track basis to meet the critical proj-ect schedule.

The Miox Technology

IWS installed two MIOX SAL 40 mixedoxidant generators to treat the UNMH’spotable water supply system and thewater for the hospital’s HVAC coolingsystem. MIOX water treatment equip-ment is capable of efficiently removingbiofilm and hazardous microbes by gen-erating a mixed oxidant solution fromordinary table salt. The end result issimilar to the customary addition ofchlorine to the potable water supply.

IWS installing forms for concrete covers on tanks

Dangerous Bacteria in UNM Hospital Water System Eliminated

continued on page 4

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However, the MIOX process uses tech-nology that electrolyzes salt to gener-ate chlorine disinfectant whicheliminates the hazards associated withtransporting, storing, and handling dan-gerous chlorine.

Future Opportunities

IWS and MIOX are pursuing opportuni-ties throughout the US where clientscan leverage the MIOX disinfectiontechnology for other applications andprojects. •

The Miox SAL 40 at UNMH installed in the hospital’s utility room

Turn-key Sustainable Project in Pristine Arizona Desert


IWS recently completed a sustainableproject for the development of a low in-come residential subdivision in themountainous desert of Bullhead City,AZ overlooking the Colorado River. Thedeveloper, Adams Construction andManagement Corporation (Adams) of

St. George, Utah needed a constructionfirm that could collaborate with theircivil engineering consultant to provide aturn-key wastewater solution for thesecond and third phases of the project.

Sustainable Goals Met

One of the goals of the treatment sys-tem was to protect the pristine desert

environment. IWS utilized an Advantextreatment system in conjunction withGeoflow drip irrigation to meet the reg-ulatory discharge requirements and theclient’s need for subsurface dischargeof the wastewater.

System Design

The treatment system was designed tohandle 12,500 gallons per day (expand-able to 24,000 gallons per day) of do-mestic wastewater from 103 housingunits. The system design included the following: a) Five AX-100 TreatmentUnits; b) Two, 25,000 gallon and one,20,000 gallon primary tanks; c) One,15,000 gallon dosing tank; d) One25,000 gallon re-circ tank; and e)20,000 square feet of drip irrigation.The wastewater treatment system waspermitted under a type 4.23 AquiferProtection General Permit which allowsflows up to 24,000 gallons per day.

Project Execution

Adams schedule required that the finaldesign and construction be completedwithin 90 days from notice to proceed.IWS worked diligently with Aqua Engi-

IWS tank installation in foregroundcontinued on page 5


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IWS preparing to install geoflow drip irrigation with vibratory plow Treatment system area after installation completed

neering to complete final design detailsfor tanks and treatment equipment lo-cations as well as drainfield layout anddesign. IWS also worked with ToddChristianson of Premier EnvironmentalProducts, LLC ( ofPine, Arizona who is the Orenco repre-

sentative for Arizona. The Xerxes tankswere provided by Sunbelt Industries,Inc. ( ofPhoenix, AZ. Paul Durr of Adams said,“IWS was able to quickly take over theproject from the permitting phase, ex-pedite resolution of the outstanding de-

sign and constructability issues, andcomplete construction of the system to meet our schedule and budget”. •

IWS Saves Client Cost

IWS worked closely with the engineerduring the design process to provideconstructability analysis and optimizematerial selection. The close collabora-tion between IWS and the engineer sub-stantially reduced the cost of thetreatment system.

IWS Teams with Local Service

Providers and Suppliers

To help reduce overall constructioncosts, IWS teamed with a local excava-tion contractor. IWS provided all othermanpower and resources for the con-struction of the project. IWS alsoworked with Lowell MacNutt of CoastalCarolina Wastewater Solutions, LLC( who is theOrenco dealer for South Carolina andwas the supplier of the treatment equip-ment for the project.

System Design/Configuration

The AdvanTex treatment system wasdesigned to handle 7,500 gallons perday. The system will dispose of effluentby utilizing spray irrigation on an adja-cent field. Collection and Treatmentsystem components included:• STEP Collection System for over 80

RV Spaces• Three AX-100 Orenco Treatment Units• Xerxes 10,000 gallon Recirculation


• Xerxes 5,000 gallon Wet Well• Retention Pond• Spray irrigation and associated piping

Successful Project

IWS was able to respond quickly tomeet the clients needs in terms ofschedule and budget. The owner, MelWeaver said of the project, “IWS did agreat job and completed the project onschedule and within budget”. •

IWS setting Xerxes treatment tank

Orenco treatment pods and detention pond

IWS Completes First East Coast Project continued from page 1

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Project Overview

IWS partnered with Worrell WaterTechnologies, LLC (WWT) of Char-lottesville, Virginia to complete the De-sign-Build of the first Tidal Wetland LivingMachine® System (Living Machine ) in Cal-ifornia at the Esalen Institute (Esalen)located in Big Sur, CA in January of2008. The project resulted fromEsalen’s search for a sustainable solu-tion for its onsite wastewater needsthat would integrate into its campusand philosophy.

The Living Machine

Living Machine systems are decentral-ized wastewater treatment systemsthat mimic processes found in wetlandenvironments. The WWT patentedtechnology uses mechanical and com-puter systems to enhance natural bio-logical processes to treat wastewater.Living Machine systems provide a nat-ural approach to wastewater treatmentfor communities, industries, academicinstitutions and government agencies.Using less energy than many other on-site wastewater treatment systems,Living Machine systems provide terti-

ary treatment, allowing the water to bereused for numerous applications in-cluding irrigation, toilet flushing, andwash water. Living Machine systemsare frequently integrated into largerwater reuse systems to increase waterconservation, minimize wastewater

surcharges, and meet operational requirements.

Esalen Institute

Esalen is a non-profit organization thathas been devoted to the exploration ofhuman potential since the 1960's. His-torical luminaries like Aldous Huxley,Joseph Campbell, Jack Kerouac, AllenGinsberg, Joan Baez, and countlessothers have gathered there to developrevolutionary ideas, transformativepractices, and innovative art forms.Today Esalen is a retreat center wherepeople come to attend educationalseminar in a communal setting. EsalenInstitute, renowned for its healing natu-ral hot springs, has long been recog-nized as a world leader in alternativeand experiential education. Now in itsfifth decade, Esalen offers more than500 public workshops and seminars ayear, accenting personal growth andsocial change, in areas traditionallyneglected by mainstream institutions.

Project Background

The Esalen campus original waste-water design utilized septic tanks dis-charging to traditional leachfields. Overtime, some leachfields have failed and

IWS and Worrel Team Up to Design-Build First Living Machine® in California

The Living Machine integrated into the Esalen campus

Overlooking the Pacific Ocean from Esalen Campus in Big Sur

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remaining leachfields are at risk of fail-ure with untreated septic tank effluentwith no replacement area available.Esalen looked at a variety of waste-water technologies, but settled on theLiving Machine after considering sus-tainability, cost, discharge quality, aes-thetics, and other factors important totheir mission. The IWS and WWTteam was selected to design and buildthe wetlands system based on pastproject performance.

System Design

The system was designed by WorrellWater Technologies under direction ofSenior Engineer, David Maciolek, P.E.and included pressure dosed leach-fields. IWS designed the drip dispersalsystem. Design flow was 7,000 gal-lons per day average flow with expan-sion capacity. The system included thefollowing:• The Living Machine was constructed

on sloping terrain and is composedof six concrete wetland cells, con-toured and colored to conform to thenatural terrain. The cells are filledwith a special aggregate media rest-ing on an underdrain system. Cellsurfaces are planted with native wet-land type plants.

• The system was designed and builtto accommodate a phased expansionof the facility and the treatment sys-tem. Future treatment capacity is ex-pected to accommodate anadditional 7,000 gallons per day ofother onsite waste streams.

• 500 linear feet of drip irrigation forlandscaped areas with expansionplanned.

• Pressure dose leach field to accepttreated wastewater under a drive-way area.

• Buried Fiberglass Tanks - 5,000 gallon Effluent Tank and a 10,000 gallon Primary and Equalization Tank.

• Computer control system with internet communication providing automated alerts, performance moni-toring and remote control access foroperators.

Project Challenges

The treatment system was con-structed in the middle of the beautifullylandscaped campus that had no roomto spare. IWS provided security fenc-ing and supported Esalen in establish-ing thoroughfares so that access to theLodge, where most events and mealstake place, was unrestricted. Esalen isa working and educational facility, setapart for not only learning, but for spiri-tual enrichment. IWS was sensitive tothose requirements and our projectteam minimized interference with staff,students, and guests. The site for theLiving Machine was adjacent to the or-ganic garden, which provides much ofthe produce for the facility dinning op-erations. IWS was able to completethe construction with minimal impactto the gardening operations. Big Sur is a classic California Coastalenvironment, with heavy winter rains.IWS completed much of the work dur-ing the rainy season, which requirederosion control and management. Ad-ditionally, IWS installed cutoff trenchesto allow heavy runoff to be divertedaround the Living Machine and tiedinto Esalen’s storm drains.

As with many IWS projects, Esalen isin a relatively remote location, whichmeans that planning and schedulingare critical. Material and equipmentsupplies were more than an hour away.WWT supplied ready- to-install electro-mechanical components including allpump stations, valve arrays, and con-trols system. IWS planned the projectcarefully and worked closely withEsalen staff to insure minimum disrup-tion. WWT provided engineering sup-port to streamline the project andassure maximum quality.

Successful Project

The Design and Construction of theproject was a success, and was imple-mented on schedule and budget. JakeHesse (Director of Operations) said“IWS was very responsive to ourneeds and worked well with our organi-zation and personnel in completing theproject on schedule and without disrup-tion to our ongoing operations and pro-grams at Esalen.” WWT providedcomprehensive start-up and operatortraining services including extendedoperations support. •

The Living Machine Concrete Wetland Cells

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IWS First Design-Build Project in Oregon continued from page 1

contracted by SSSD to meet the dead-line under a Design-Build contract.

Project History

The original SSSD facility was con-structed during World War II in the mid1940’s to service a hospital and relatedhousing units being built to house an-ticipated casualties from the US inva-sion of Japan. The site was laterdeveloped in the 1970’s by a privateowner into a subdivision which in-cludes 85 residential and 39 apartmentunits. The average daily flow from thedevelopment is 22,000 gallons per day.The existing plant had a digester build-ing, an aeration basin, a clarifier, sludgedrying beds, and a chlorine contactchamber. In addition, the client ad-dressed collection system infiltration is-sues to minimize impact to thetreatment system.

The IWS Solution

IWS developed a cost effective designby utilizing existing components wher-ever possible. Operating the existingsystem while making modifications tothe structures proved to be a bit of achallenge, however, with careful plan-ning and execution, IWS was able to in-corporate all modifications to the newsystem without taking the existing sys-tem off-line. The design includes the following com-ponents and approach:1) IWS utilized the existing clarifier and

aeration tank as primary treatmenttanks. The tanks were inspectedand deemed to be in operable condi-tion. Reusing the existing concretebasins allowed the client a substan-tial cost savings.

2) IWS installed the following newtreatment system components:

a. 30,000 gallon recirculation tankb. 6,000 gallon dosing tankc. Cover for concrete aeration basind. 12 - AX-100 Advantex Recircula-

tion Pods along with auxiliaryequipment

e. UV Disinfection Systemf. 60kw standby generator

3) Discharge remained the same under

the NPDES permit with the treatedeffluent being discharged intoYoung’s River.

Current Status

IWS will complete construction of thesystem in the fall 2009 and make theswitch over to the newly configuredplant. IWS is projected to complete

the permitting, engineering, and con-struction of the project from start to fin-ish within nine months of the signeddesign-build contract. The design-buildcontracting vehicle enabled the projectto proceed quickly and meet the com-pliance schedule required by theODEQ. •

Installation of treatment system

Process flow diagram of the retrofitted system

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IWS completed construction of the ren-ovated and greatly expanded onsitewastewater system at Feather RiverHospital (FRH), located in Paradise, CAin January 2008. The new system willaccommodate flows of up to 40,000gallons per day and was designed tomeet the needs of the facilities fiveyear expansion plan. FRH now hasone of the largest Orenco Advantextreatment systems in California. Workwas completed by IWS while the hos-pital remained in full operation.

A Team Effort

IWS worked closely with a variety ofstakeholders which included theOwner (the Adventist Health System),FRH Administration, architect (SteveGonsalves of Nichols, Melburg & Ros-setto (NMR) - Chico, CA), engineer(Russ Erickson of Robertson & Do-minick (RD) - Chico, CA), the Town ofParadise, Jensen Precast (Chris Hart-man and Bill Beck), Orenco (TristianBounds), and Xerxes (Bill Robins). IWSassisted with constructability reviewsand worked through critical logistics,such as planning our work to accom-modate the needs of the operating

hospital and allowing access for emer-gency personnel, equipment, and vehi-cles during construction.

Construction Challenges

The entire construction area was on a

steep slope, which required extensivegrading. The area is known for its highrainfall, buried boulders, and soils thatare very slick when it rains. All ofthese challenges were present, as con-struction was completed during thewinter and heavy rains made erosion,runoff control, and excavating morechallenging. The project included over10,000 linear feet of pressure doseddrain field, which magnified the sitechallenges.

Logistics Challenges

The onsite system is located on thecampus of an operating hospital, requir-ing all construction to be completed incompliance with the California Office ofStatewide Health Planning and Devel-opment (OSHPD) requirements. TheOSHPD requirements not only im-pacted the construction, but also a)plan review and approvals; and b) sitecontrols - maintaining access for allemergency vehicles, parking for all fa-cility personnel, and no down time forany of the facility’s utilities during theswitch over from the existing waste-

The Feather River Project Team, left to right: Russ Erickson (RD), Frank Sousa (RD), Steve Gonsolves (NMR), Dale Hemstad (IWS), Jay Alman (IWS), Ron Seale (IWS),

Carole Mickelson (FRH), Chris Hartman (Jensen Precast)

IWS Helps Keep Critical Regional Hospital Online

New drainfield undergoing squirt test

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Treatment area being completed


Orenco AX-100 pod open for inspection

water system to the new system con-structed by IWS.


IWS coordinated construction activitieswith Carole Mickelson (Project Man-ager for FRH) and John Derrick (Assis-tant Director of Plant Services at FRH)to assure adherence to schedule. IWSworked as well with other contractorshandling different aspects of FRH facil-ity expansion. The logistics for working

in a hospital environment were differ-ent from most projects, with considera-tion for critical care equipment access.Carole Mickelson of FRH said “IWS didan excellent job and the systems per-formance has exceeded all our expec-tations”. The IWS Scope of work included thefollowing:• Tree, stump removal, and re-grading

of the treatment and tank areas withapproximately 2,300 cubic yards of

native fill to meet new grades andsite configuration.

• Installation of five, 40,000 gallonfiberglass tanks, including three sep-tic tanks, a recirculation tank, and adosing/clarifier tank.

• Installation of a new 20,000 gallongrease interceptor tank, installed in-line to handle the cafeteria andkitchen wastes.

• Construction of 10,000 lineal feet ofnew pressure dose leach lines in a

IWS setting large fiberglass tanks (40,000 gallon) in treatment area

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hilly and sloped terrain and severalthousand feet of new sanitary sewerforce mains.• Slip Lining of approximately 4,470

lineal feet of existing leach lines,with 1-1/2 inch PVC pipe

• Construction of the treatment sys-tem which included 21 Orenco Advantex AX-100 pod’s with roomfor expansion of up to nine treatmentpods.

• Construction of approximately 1,200lineal feet of new 6” sanitary sewerlines to convey the wastewater fromthe hospital to the upgraded treat-ment system. This included installa-tion of manholes, trenching, newbedding, piping, site restoration, andasphalt repair.

• Construction of approximately 700feet of 12” storm drain and newdrop inlets to control and divert thestorm flows to by-pass the treatmentarea.

• Construction of a retaining wall andcobble lined ditches to provide struc-tural and aesthetic elements to the

overall treatment area.• Construction of an access road and

installation of security fencing. • Construction of a treatment system

building to house all the electricalcontrols and service associated withthe new treatment system. •

The completed treatment system after a dusting of snow

Peter C. Balas, PE (COO) of IWS was elected to the NationalOnsite Wastewater Recycling Association (NOWRA) Board ofDirectors.

Rainwater Harvesting Analysis – IWS recently completed acomprehensive rainwater harvesting analysis for an interna-tional firm which evaluated capital cost, water savings, andother ROI factors. For more information on rainwater harvest-ing please contact Peter Balas at [email protected]

East Coast Market - IWS completes its first East Coast project at Cane Creek Motorcoach Resort in northwest South Carolina.

Oregon Market – IWS completes its first Design-Build project in Oregon at the Sundown Sanitary Sewer District inAstoria.

IWS and DBIA – IWS supports the Design-Build Institute ofAmerica and will continue participating in upcoming confer-ences and seminars.

AB885 Contest – IWS sponsored a contest at the recent annual California Onsite Wastewater Association (COWA)Conference for participants to guess the date of final AB885(new onsite regulations in California) adoption. The winner will receive some great California wine.

Company News

Job Opportunities at IWS

IWS is seeking experienced Project Managers andField Superintendants to support our growth in theWest and Southeast. Please contact Gwen Rogers at [email protected] for more information.

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About UsIntegrated Water Services, Inc. (IWS) provides services to municipalities, developers, communities, and businesses to address their water and wastewater needs. IWS leverages its extensive experience in permitting, engineering, construction, project management, site development, and project finance to provide a range of services to its clients with the ultimate objective of providing a solution that meets all the stakeholders’ needs. IWS teams with engineeringfirms, consultants, suppliers, and other contractors to provide the client best value for their specific project needs.

Corporate InformationPlease visit our web site ( for additional information or contact us at the following locations:

West Coast (California, Oregon, Washington)

Peter C. Balas, PE

PO Box 10273Pleasanton, CA 94588Tel: [email protected]

Jay Alman

2555 Lewis DriveSebastopol, CA 95472Tel: [email protected]

Southwest (Arizona, Colorado, New Mexico, and

Utah) and Southeast (Alabama, Florida, Georgia,

Mississippi and South Carolina)

Jeff Thomas

1225 Teakwood DriveFort Collins, CO 80525Tel: [email protected]

Dave Patton

PO Box 9570Avon, CO 81620Tel: [email protected]

PO Box 9570Avon, CO 81620