Download - IUVENTA Presentations - Aktivita "The Activity"

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Youth in ActionFuture in Your Hands

Partneri: Obchodná akadémia v Roţňave,

Fundation Tramp, ustanova za izobrazevanje,

Trvanie projektu: Marec 2013 - Marec 2014

Trvanie aktivity: 9.09. - 14.09.2013

Miesto: Slovinsko, Portoroţ

"Projekt bol realizovaný s finančnou podporou Európskej komisie v rámci programu IUVENTA, akcia 1.1 Mládež v akcii."

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With the support of EU...

...we would offer a space to young people for the interaction with their

peers, we would prepare a space for their active approach in learning

new skills, competences and attitudes from the very beginning of the

project. Within the program YOUTH IN ACTION the participants are able

to „see and touch“ and so learning new competencies and it is quite

clear that doing is much better then just listening

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Ponúka priestor mladým ľuďom pre interakciu s rovesníkmi počas ktorej aktívne získavajú

nové zručnosti, skúsenosti, odborné kompetencie a postoje počas celého obdobia trvania

projektu. Program IUVENTA, Mládeţ v akcii 1.1 ponúkol prostredníctvom neformálneho

vzdelávania mladým účastníkom túto moţnosť

Podpora zo strany EÚ

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Téma projektu

Hlavná téma vychádza a sleduje záujmy/potreby zúčastnených mladých ľudí:

úloha ľudí, ktorí pracujú s mládeţou, je pripraviť mladých ľudí pre ich budúce

zaradenie sa vo svete práce,

radi by sme mladým ľuďom prezentovali za ich aktívnej účasti, ako vyzerá

ţivot v oboch krajinách, čo je potrebné brať do úvahy ako začínajúci

podnikateľ, dať im priestor aby sami zistili čo všetko je potrebné zabezpečiť

na začiatku, ako sa rozbehnúť a najmä vedieť zhodnotiť svoje silné a slabé


pomôcť mladým ľuďom pochopiť čo znamená v praxi otvorený európsky

pracovný trh. Prostredníctvom neformálneho vzdelávania a aktivít, ktoré

účastníci absolvujú, chceme podporiť rozvoj osobnostných vlastností

a rozvíjať sociálne zručnosti.

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Theme of the project

The main theme follows the logical result of interest/needs of the

participating young people:

their future establishment in the world and the aim of us as the leaders is to

do everything to prepare them the best for that task,

we would like to show the youth, with their active participating, what life is

like in both countries, what to think about if one wants to be an

entrepreneur, to let them find for themselves everything needed and to help

them understand in practice how to judge their strength and weakness,

to help them to find out through their personal experience to understand

what an open European labor market means. As we will be using many non-

formal ways of learning during which all the participants will be

involved, they will fulfill personal needs in developing the social skills.

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MetódyVšetky aktivity a pracovné metódy sme s účastníkmi zostavili tak, aby prispeli čo

najviac prispeli k dosiahnutiu cieľov v zmysle sebavzdelávania, sebavedenia a

sebahodnotenia všetkých účastníkov počas realizácie aktivít projektu.

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Veríme, ţe účasť na tomto projekte a vypracovávanie cieľov projektu povzbudí

aktívnu účasť a mobilitu medzi mládeţou, keďţe sú budúcnosťou rozvinutej

a bezpečnej Európy. Toto povzbudenie iniciatív a kreativity medzi mládeţou má

viesť k zvýšeniu podnikavosti a zamestnanosti a to bez predsudkov voči rozdielom

v národnosti alebo v kultúre.

Účasť v projekte by mala mladým ľuďom pomôcť porozumieť, ţe Európska Únia

je otvorený priestor pre akékoľvek občianstvo ochotné pracovať pre dobro

kaţdého a veríme, ţe spoločne nájdu nejaké nápady, ktoré vyuţijú pre svoj

profesionálny ţivot.

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The aim of the project is fighting an unemployment by stimulating micro

entrepreneurship and this way stimulate the future ex-change of know-how and

resources, to secure a space to "feel" the active citizenship via learning from

each other, identifying the needs of the locals, identifying what are the

possibilities of changing (in a local scale) the bad economic situation of the youth

for better and then present the ideas on public.

We are aiming to foster mutual understanding among youth during all activities

carried out to fulfill and implement the ideas of the project.

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Účastníci projektu - Slovinsko

Rebecca Anastasia Dofnikav

Marcel Jereb

Nik Poţar

Lea Natalie Kosmačin

Laura Pasavec

Veronika Malačič

Nastija Petrovič

Matej Dipalo

Timi Koletnik

Tadej Rojac

Ţan Cevov Šimenc

Damian Fortuna

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Slovenský večer (Slovak evening)

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Slovinský večer (Slovenian evening)

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Návštevy (Visits)

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Návšteva škôl (School visits)

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Návšteva podnikateľov (Visits of


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Návšteva hlavného mesta (Visit of


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Objectives......of our project which meet the objectives and priorities of the Programme are:

bring students together and let them get known each other,

stimulate active approach of the youth while preparing the project aims, thinking of the activities and then working out the presentations and presenting them publicly,

give them the chance

to know and learn about/from each other while working and playing together,

discuss the possibilities and think on ways what should be done to be an entrepreneur in different EU member states,

identify the needs of the youth after the schooling period via discussing them,

learn from and about each other while collecting, doing a research and sharing

the ideas and information,

learn from a successful entrepreneur by visiting and having a discussion with him,

stimulate creative ideas via learning how a successful company is being run,

stimulate the interest and reinforce knowledge of the importance of preparing a good business plan, necessity to have a

business vision and ways how to fulfil it,

present their creative ideas preparing presentations and presenting them for the others

learn while respect each other,

develop intercultural learning when doing joint activities,

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find possibilities for future cooperation,

keep the relationship - developing new ideas for future cooperation,

learn promotional techniques by doing,

learn presentational techniques by preparing some,

because of preparing presentations, materials, articles and websites, the

participants will be gaining skills in using the IT, and because of presenting them to

audience the participants will be gaining the language skills, self-confidence and

self-assurance while assessing the work,

preparing the Activity is a great opportunity to practice and gain skills in

managing, organizing and leading out activities, mathematical skills when getting

ready the budget,

learn to work in a safety when organizing the insurance and while working out

the planned activities...

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Thank you for attention!Patrik Ţori