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Page 1: IUI Treatment, ICSI Treatment, Infertility Treatment, IVF Treatment


IUI has become the first line management in infertility. It is a simple technique that involves the

deposition of a washed semen sample into the woman’s uterus around the time of ovulation. The

rationale is to increase the density of both eggs and sperm near the site of fertilization. This increases

the likelihood of pregnancy. Therefore, it has many benefits:

It is done at the optimal time around the rupture of the egg.

It overrides defects in the vagina and cervix eg vaginal infections

It ensures the deposition of sperms at the correct place.

It involves the use of the best washed, motile sperms in a sample.

It can be carried out with a fresh or a frozen sample.

IUI with a frozen sample gives a lot of flexibility to couples who lead a very busy life and cannot be

together because of their careers. Semen samples of such husbands can be frozen and used whenever

the wife wants to undergo an IUI cycle in her husband’s absence. The success of an IUI cycle

however, depends on many factors – most importantly the doctors understanding of the patient’s

problem, the individualisation of therapy and the cycle management.

Prerequisites for an IUI

You should be ovulating. If you are not, your doctor will give you some medication in order

to ovulate.

Your tubes should be open. This is checked by doing an X-ray or U/S or Laparoscopy.

Page 2: IUI Treatment, ICSI Treatment, Infertility Treatment, IVF Treatment

Your husband’s sperm sample should be normal or minimally subfertile. In case of severe

problems some couples opt for IUI with donor sperms or ICSI.

How is an IUI Done?

The man provides a semen sample on the morning of insemination. This sample is prepared and then

inserted through the woman’s cervix and into the uterus. This is done through a thin plastic catheter.

The procedure takes place in our clinic. It is relatively painless. Patient is kept in bed for some time.

IUI is a relatively simple, non-invasive, cheap & easily repeatable procedure. However, careful

selection of patient is important. There is good evidence in the literature in favour of IUI as a cost-

effective treatment for unexplained and mild, moderate male factor sub fertility. Although it may take

relatively more treatment cycles to achieve pregnancy, there are considerable advantages to the

patient in terms of risk / benefit ratio and financial cost as compared with other ARTs. Failure of 3-4

trials of IUI is an indication for IVF. We monitor the woman’s ovulation with home ovulation

predictor kits and clinic ultrasounds and blood tests. We monitor her for any signs of adverse effects

of fertility drugs. We also give the woman a hormone injection of human chronic gonadotropin (hCG)

to regulate ovula.