Download - IUeMag February 2013 Edition

  • 7/27/2019 IUeMag February 2013 Edition


  • 7/27/2019 IUeMag February 2013 Edition


    2013. All Rights Reserved | If you have articles to contribute mail them to us at [email protected] |February 2013 Edition | Page 1

    Index | Page1

    Editors note

    Suman Kitturs success story

    Serial Entrepreneur Michael Teoh Su Lim

    PubZen- A good start up



    Strengthen with known pressure

    The Prince

    Forever and always the answer is Love

    Novel Section

    How to avoid Flu shot?

    Poetry Section


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    5, 6









    17, 18

    I N S P I R A T I O N U N L I M I T E D

    Content Page

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  • 7/27/2019 IUeMag February 2013 Edition

    3/19 2013. All Rights Reserved | If you have articles to contribute mail them to us at [email protected] |February 2013 Edition | Page 2

    I N S P I R A T I O N U N L I M I T E D

    Editors note | Page2

    Editor s note

    Founder and Chief editor:Sujit Lalwani

    Lead journalist, Creative &design head, Editor :Preethi Kashyap

    Editor:Sandhya Nagaraj

    Chief Web-designer:Shruti Balasa

    Online Presence Manager:Sireesha MK

    Lead Marketing Head:Bharath GC

    Marketing Executive:Kunal N Taswala

    Marketing Head, Nepal:Surendra Ayer

    Queries/Issues? Report to usat

    [email protected] Visit forgiving us your feedback &

    other updates.

    Want to contribute to theinspirational wave? Mail us

    your write-ups at [email protected]

    We know you pondered overus a lot, and you have lots to

    say about what you read, Mailus at:

    [email protected]

    February is considered the month of Love, and yet when you see articles and poems in this edition,

    you will probably not find lovey dovey poems and articles. Why, there's even a poem on war. What's

    the point behind this? Well, Love is not just the rendezvous at a quiet place or an evening of shrills

    and thrills, it is about men joining the army in times of need, it is the nights stayed awake by a

    mother for her newborn, it is the heartfelt letter to a father, it is the speech of a CEO about his con-

    glomerate, and just about anything that makes each of you out there and me a better human, be-

    cause when we act out of love, what happens is magical. Be it in our work, or home, or anywhere in

    life. We don't need a month to celebrate love, but more importantly, I think we see love in the small

    aspects of life, and not just the gooey mushy kind. May Love conquer you all!

    Happy Reading! Stay inspired!


    Sandhya Nagaraj, Editor, IU e-Magazine

    February- The month of love! Smiles that appear on many faces uncontrollably.. Broaden eyes are

    many you find, telling stories. They wander, they wonder, they ponder upon the situation. So visibleare the expressions to the world but to them.. This is the state of the people across the globe. Com-

    prehending this emotion is what can never be achieved. Sojourned are the people with a definite na-

    tive disposition. By the time they get back to their normal state, some might have lost a lot and some

    might have gained. Losing and gaining are the part of the game. Fighter spirit is what it demands to

    face the challenges of this game called life. Here comes the savior in the name of inspiration, that

    when retained no matter whatever is lost, will help regain everything back. Keep your spirits on.

    Stay inspired. Past can never be altered nor be lived back.

    With this wishing you all a very happy Valentine s Day . May you be loved unconditionally by all

    and stay inspired.


    Preethi Kashyap, Editor, IU e-magazine

    Disclaimer: All authors who have written for this issue have a verified background to the best of our notice. The factual information, here posted,is verified, understood and is by no means writer created. The articles here mentioned intend to offend none. In case of a ny errors, misinterpreta-tion or misrepresentation of any piece of information contact us immediately: [email protected]. All rights are reserved with the compa-ny. All writers writing agree to our terms and conditions. We are not responsible for any errors in Facts and figures, though we make best e fforts toverify. Any such complaints shall be forwarded to the writer.

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  • 7/27/2019 IUeMag February 2013 Edition


    Suman Kittur | Page3

    I N S P I R A T I O N U N L I M I T E D

    Suman Kittur

    2013. All Rights Reserved | If you have articles to contribute mail them to us at [email protected] |February 2013 Edition | Page 3

    Q: Let's begin with what we all know is your life- Cinema.

    Suman Kittur (SK): The moment you talk about cinema, it is pretty time consum-ing. It demands a lot of time. From the time you get the story till you release themovie, you never have a count. To make a movie- whether it is a good one or abad one, whatever the case is- two things it definitely demands. First thing is timeand the second thing is energy. Cinema is like a baby. You can't tell it to be awakeat the convenience of its mother. You need to be available for it all the time. Youcan't say what it might demand at what time. You have to give it all your time. Itdemands a lot of your time and energy. It requires a lot of stamina and physicalstrength. Directing is a day and night work. You will feel very restless. The physicalstructure of women itself is like that, which makes them feel tired. May be that iswhy there are very less lady directors in the industry. Easier than this is standing infront of the camera. I don't mean easy, I mean you need a different kind of mindset

    for that. It's pretty difficult to face so many people at the sets. So many minds, youreally can't say who's thinking what of you. Like I said, you need a different kind of mindset, you need preparation. More than anything you need a family atmospherethat supports you.

    Direction is pretty difficult, especially for ladies. Its the gut feeling. That's a hugeresponsibility on shoulders. Every day you have to learn new things. You have toindulge in a lot of things that you never would have even thought of. It is indeedpretty challenging. You should start thinking in an entirely new direction. Presenceof mind, your speed of thoughts, firm and quick decisions.. everything matters here.Every second matters. You just should know how to play with it all. I would say thatmore and more females should enter the movie industry. They should also contrib-ute. I am not telling they should enter the direction or the acting part of it alone. To-day, technology has advanced very much and there are multiple things involved inmaking a movie. They can work in technical teams. They can be experts at dub-bing, they can do editing, they can be a part of designing and so on. It might nothappen all of a sudden, but it is indeed my dream to see more and more womenentering this industry. Until we try something we can never know its hard part and

    as well as its easy side. Every field has its pros and cons. And I would want all youladies reading, at least some of you who know that they can explore: Please give ita try!

    Q: Very well said Suman! When we talk about the field called direction, we see somany people entering the fie ld every now and then. But we dont see them all in thelist of successful directors. Many directors when they enter direction field, they will

    Introduction:Suman Kittur is a film maker who has a rich experience in t he industry. Her debut film Slum bala as a director was appreciatedand loved by the people very much. Being from a very small township, this lady today proves to be an example for millions of people who say that they cant do it because of their family restr ictions.

    Suman was born and brought up in a small town near Mysore. She doesnt belong to a luxurious family background. In her town, sending girls for education in itself was a big deal. She was brought in a place where till date there is no sufficient power supply. There are not enough facility.

    Her recent film, Edegaarike went on to become a great hit. It proved that even a lady could become a successful director.More on it.. Lets hear from her.

    give two three hits in a row. But later there would be continuous flops. Whatis the reason behind this?

    SK: Sometimes even makers of movies cannot predict the result. As yousaid, if the initial movies taken in hand go hit, the maker gets more confi-dence. A lot of times, he/she ends up becoming over confident. They startthinking that people will take anything they present to them. May be thetrend that made them climb this ladder of success might fail at times in keep-ing them at the top. So if you don't try out new things, if you stop experiment-ing, if you stick to a trend, you might end up giving flops. Basically the crea-tor even after trying to set a new trend every time, might fail. He doesn'tknow exactly to stick to what at times. We can't study the market easily, nomatter how big a research we do. Sometimes it clicks and sometimes itdoesn't. It's all a part of the game. Till date one thing that any maker c ouldnt decide prior making a movie is the likes and dislikes of the people.

    We have made three classes in the theatres. You find officers coming, youfind housewives, auto drivers, cleaners, politicians, daily wagers and manycategories of people coming and watching the same screen. That is thepower what cinema has and that is why I consider it as my life. Imagine itspower to have gathered and attracted people of diversified background un-der one roof. It's a wonder indeed. It's magic. It is divine. There is no partiali-ty. Everyone's treated equally. There's no difference between rich and poor,men and women, tastes and preferences of people.. Cinema has the power of bringing everyone together in a hall without any discrimination. One placewhere you can see all kinds of people on the earth gathering is a theatre andthat is why I respect this industry a lot.

    Sometimes when a film-maker gets a subject in hand, if he/she gets enoughsupport from the environment in different ways, only then will he take up theproject and make a film. For example, "Edegaarike"(name of a filmdirected by Ms. Suman Kittur). Why Edegaarike is successful todayis because the environment supported us really well with manyaspects added to it. There are hardly any movies that are novelbased these days.

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  • 7/27/2019 IUeMag February 2013 Edition


    What happened here was, when we announced that we are making a movie of thisnovel, people who had read the novel started talking to the people who hadn't,about the novel. So this created curiosity amongst the viewers and they wanted tosee how this can come as a movie, as it is completely a new and different topic.There are so many films that come to theatres every year. All of them would haveat least four songs, two fights. That's the common thing. But the new thing whatthey found in our film was that there were no songs in the movie. In fact the view-ers, themselves said that the songs were not required. It was a new way of lookingat the cinema industry. We started experimenting on this. The first one with whichwe started experimenting was "Aa dinagalu". Again to break that, we only had tocome. Aa dinagalu at least had two songs but Edegaarike has only one. See thiskind of experiment works very rarely. Not every time it clicks. You really can't pre-dict. Nagathihalli Chandrashekhar sir says- "As and when I take up new cinema inhand, I change myself completely. I try to get into the film. I always stay and standat a student's position. The moment you think you are the master, you lose thegame. Try to learn new things and adopt it in your movies."

    Q: How were your childhood days? How is it responsible for your achievement to-day?

    SK: To tell you frankly, there was no concept called education at all in the placewhere I spent my childhood days. There was no power supply. I remember sittingunder a lamp and studying almost every single day. I belong to a farmer's family.

    Along with dogs, cats, donkeys, cows, sheep we also were living. Those days werevery different for me. The experience was pretty unique. The best part was that Iused to always take decisions independently. The best part about my parents wasthat they never used to restrict me. I could go wherever I wanted to and was free tocommunicate to anybody. But I have definitely got beaten for a lot of other things. Iused to love my dad a lot. The thing that astonishes me till date is, though we hard-ly were encouraged to study, I still was very keen in reading more and more books.Something or the other I was into all the time. I used to love studying a lot. This im-pressed my dad a lot. So he used to encourage me always. My dad was a "ma-haan guru"(great teacher) for me. I was very stubborn then and always wanted togo with him everywhere. So he used to assign me the work of counting stars in thenight. Every day I had to do that. I used to fall asleep while counting every night. Sothis became a part of my routine. Now I can derive the lesson that he taught mebecause of that work. It subconsciously helped me develop patience. So like thatevery deed that was assigned taught me great lessons of life. It shaped my per-sonality I would say.

    I remember it really well. We were not in that good a position. Except for food andclothing, we were not introduced to any other luxuries of life at all. Same carpet,same pillow every day.. sleep, eat and that is it. As I said already I was very stub-born and I used to demand a lot of things. One situation I can never forget. Under an old temple on rocky surface fighting severe cold and hot sun there were somefamilies staying. While passing by that road every time my dad used to show themto me and say. "Dear.. see them once. You at least have clothes to wear, see theydon't even have that. You have at least a good house to sleep and take shelter;they are cheated of even that. So you should not ask for everything you see. Lookat them. Think about it once. You are a good girl right?". I remember him telling methis. Today he is not there. But he always had this belief that Suman will achievesomething in her life. He could see something in me that I could not then. By thetime I achieved he was not alive. He would have felt very proud and happy if hewas alive.

    They had this child marriage practice in our town. My sisters got married pretty ear-ly. I remember requesting my dad. I was just 12 years old and I am the last child of my parents. The situation was pretty scary. So after me requesting so much, finally,my dad sent me to his sister's place in Coorg. I went with a different dream alto-gether. In that beautiful environment of Coorg I thought, I will get a different kind of education. I had a deep desire of studying further. I had a dream of studying IAS.Even my dad used to say that.

    ts the gut feeling

    Suman Kittur| Page4

    I N S P I R A T I O N U N L I M I T E D

    2013. All Rights Reserved | If you have articles to contribute mail them to us at [email protected] |February 2013 Edition | Page 4

    ContactYou can mail Suman Kittur at [email protected]

    I went to my aunt's place for a reason. But they made me do something else.They started making me work at their place mercilessly. I had to do and washelpless. Somehow I wanted to finish my 2nd PU. I couldn't have told my dadalso about that as he would have taken me back to home town and got memarried . So somehow I completed my 2 years of PUC and came to Bangalore.

    There, I met Sridhar sir, which was the biggest turning point of my life. He con-siders me as his daughter. Looking at my desire towards knowledge, he prom-ised my dad of taking my responsibility. My dad always used to say then- "I amhappy that you are in a safer hand. Now I am not scared of even death." Unfor-tunately he expired after that incident.

    I feel not all girls are so lucky as much as I was. My life went in the hands of one teacher(my father) to another great teacher of my life(Sridhar sir).Hetaught me almost everything that life demanded. He filled courage in me. Hestudied my potential. He found my talent and my abilities. I started learningfilms and all things related to a film. He made me read more and more books.He was my university. Looking at my work in the film "Aa dinagalu", he gaveme the film "Slum Bala" to handle. That time I told him that I still have to learnand study this industry. He told me to learn while doing. Learn practically. Ex-perience should come to you by your work. I went on learning and today, thefilm "Edegaarike" acts as a testimony to my direction abilities. This film got ap-preciated. The whole industry today is talking about this film. This is a new ex-periment and certainly new experience as well. But this journey made me de-velop immense patience.

    Q: Didn't you feel like taking a short cut in life? Not because you wanted to en-ter though. But this poverty makes or provokes any one to take a wrong route.Somehow people want to come out of it and that makes them do these things.Has that happened with you as well? Did you face that situation?

    SK: No. That mere thought also never entered my mind. I don't know fromwhere did that come from but I always had this belief that Education alwayssaves us. When you learn and study well, it saves you somehow. Anywhereyou go, it shields you against all the odds. I started learning well after that. Istarted studying really well. Especially Kannada. The moment I saw any Kan-nada book or newspaper I used to pick that and start reading. I never knew anyother language apart from Kannada. I had to work so hard to understand themeaning of other languages, including English. I never knew even to read thesubtitles of the movie. But the passion towards learning made me learn. I usedto write every word fifty times and try and understand the meaning of the same.

    Your message to our readers.

    SK: Especially to all the girls I would want to say, without hurting yourself andwithout hurting others(even parents), with even the limited resources that youhave, you can do wonders. Outside world always looks colorful and moreamazing. But if we can't use what we have, we have no right to even thinkabout what is not there. Your decisions should not hurt anyone.

    When I had to leave my home town and come to Bangalore to explore, I re-quested people at home to allow me with this much freedom and if I fail toachieve, I shall come back soon. I never made any issue out of it nor foughtwith anyone. I used every single thing I had in hand and that's when I went toexplore the world. My mom was not ready to send me. There was a person byname Subbanna in our town. My mom used to believe in his words a lot andused to respect his words. So I went to him and requested him to tell my momto allow me to go out and explore. He did the same and my mom agreed. Youalways will find a way to sort the situation out without hurting anyone. I chosethat way. Patience is God. You have to worship that. Today all of them are soproud of me. My mom feels so proud about me that she talks about my story toeveryone in my hometown. Give a chance to others to feel proud about youand that is what shall make a person's life complete.

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  • 7/27/2019 IUeMag February 2013 Edition


    Michael Teoh Su Lim

    2013. All Rights Reserved | If you have articles to contribute mail them to us at [email protected] |February 2013 Edition | Page 5

    I N S P I R A T I O N U N L I M I T E D

    Michael Teoh Su Lim | Page5

    Introduction:Michael Teoh is an international award-winning entrepreneur and a Malaysian Book of Records holder for the Most Extraordinary Global Leader-ship Experience for a Youth in 2012. He is a certified trainer and coach, specializing in helping young talents in universities and companies to de-velop their potentials to succeed. He has worked with the world's largest brands and governments, coaching and speaking at their programmes onCommunication Skills, Youth Employability Skills, Entrepreneurship and Motivation for the W orkforce. He is also the organiser for TEDx in Malay-sia. He has done projects across 30 countries and has spoken in the United Nations and on CNN about the development of young people.


    Give us an insight into your present work whereabouts. Brief us about your background and qualification. Why do you support social entrepreneurship? How is it contributing to the development of the society according to you? Challenges are a part of every journey. Cite a few anecdotes from your life of strong challenges that confronted you and how you won over them. What are the current challenges that stand ahead of you and what makes you face them fearlessly?

    He studied the industry and started Youth Entrepreneurs Malaysia (YEM), amovement to inspire Malaysian youths to be Entrepreneurial and to partake inentrepreneurship-related activities. The community has grown to become today with over 4,000 members on its social media groups, withover 30,000 readers who frequent the entrepreneurship-resource site from the

    ASEAN region.

    He was also the Co-host for the Global Entrepreneurship Week (GEW) pro-gramme in Malaysia for 2009, where along with YEM, they became the YouthCatalyst and started their 1 month (November) long programme to organise net-working events, pitching opportunities and entrepreneurship seminars to createmore awareness among the youths about business opportunities in the country.YEMs contributions were later recognized by both Deputy Minister of Higher Education (Dato Saifuddin Abdullah) and Deputy Minister of International Tradeand Industry (Dato Mukhriz Tun Dr. Mahathir). Around 10,0 00 students from lo-cal universities and colleges were impacted (According to a tabulation done byGEW Malaysia, headed by Warisan Global Sdn. Bhd.)

    With his involvements in YEM, Michael furthered his studies to Stanford Univer-sity for a 2 weeks short course, and to INSEAD in Singapore for a 2 weeks shortcourse as well, both focused on Entrepreneurship, both in early 2010.

    3. The Serial Entrepreneur (2009 Current)

    In 2009, aside from pursuing Youth Entrepreneurs Malaysia to promote

    entrepreneurship among youths, Michael teamed up with severalpartners and set up a project management and online mediacompany, which is known as Monad International Sdn.

    1. A Holistic Approach towards Self-Education (2000 2008)

    Michael Teoh was active in extra-curriculum activities during his schooling years,getting involved with Debating, Public Speaking, Drama and Science & Innova-tion competitions All of which would prepare him to hold several high profileleadership positions like the Preside nt of INTI Colleges Student Council to evenbecoming the Chief Executive of the Colleges Group of Young Entrepreneurs

    Clubs. When he furthered his studies abroad, Michael represented the name of Malaysian youths well ,overseas in global business and consulting competitions,often representing New Zealand during his tertiary studies years and pitting hisskills against the most talented students abroad. He was invited to consult cli-ents from Deloitte (New Zealand) to Citigroup (Hong Kong) through businesssimulation competitions. He would also represent New Zealand 2 times to theStudents In Free Enterprise (SIFE) World Cup, where 10 of his student-run busi-ness projects were contested against projects from 50 countries. In 2007, hecame up tops when his projects were placed at the Top 10 among 50 countriesin New York for the SIFE World Cup.

    Michael has been a believer that he needed to hone his holistic skills while gar-nering knowledge in order for him to give back to Malaysia. His contributionsoverseas were recognized by the New Zealand Prime Minister through a per-sonal testimonial written to him, and becoming the Only Student invited by Har-vard University to speak and participate in the Harvard Business Conference.

    2. Branding, Communications and Building a Community (2009 2010)

    Michael returned to Malaysia, beginning his first job in a branding and PR agen-cy where he was mentored by Peter Pek (Celebrity Judge of The Firm realityshow and Rotary Club of Gombak President). It was during this period that herealized that effective communication and relationship with stakeholders in themedia and influential figures can go a long way to promote a worthy cause.

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    I N S P I R A T I O N U N L I M I T E D

    Michael Teoh Su Lim | Page6

    During this time, he also worked in a youth NGO known as myHarapan as theHead of Outreach (Marketing) and kick-started a series of talks where he wouldvisit universities to speak and coach student projects aimed towards nation-building. Some of the projects which Michael helped during his time in this NGOin 2010 which have matured to become social enterprises today, include; Teachfor Malaysia, EPIC Homes, Youth Jam and among others. Michaels work en d-ed with myHarapan in early 2011, but he continued on with his entrepreneurialstrides.

    In 2012, he was made Managing Editor of the now, 30,000 readership website. He was brought into the board of Monad Interna-tional Sdn. Bhd. as a Partner for its Online Media arm. He also founded ThrivingTalents, a company which represents his passion to consult and coach talentsin companies to achieve their potentials to be meaningful contributors to socie-ty. He has set his aim to impact 1 Million People by 2020. He is also in the midstof publishing a few books on personal development (With draft now in MarshallClavendish in Singapore, 2012).

    He is currently mentoring a few start-ups in colleges for his free time. Thesestart-ups are mostly involved with student-events, to social media marketing, toapps development for the youth market. (References from mentees availableupon request)

    4. The Global Ambassador & Elected Youth Leader (2010 Current)

    First election came in 2011, from a Facebook Global Delegation Election whereMichael was selected to represent Malaysia to London for the One Young Worldglobal youth summit in 2010. He gave a keynote address about youths chang-ing the world with technology and was featured on CNN, BBC and Reuters.

    In 2011, he was further put into positions of power and influence to representMalaysian youths by the masses, when he represented Malaysia in the globalfinals of Your Big Year, a global social entrepreneurship and ambassadorialcompetition among 45,000 people from 168 countries hosted in the UK, andwon!

    Upon winning the Scholarship from sponsors worth UK Pounds $250,000(Reference available in an article from The Star) from Your Big Year, Michaelled a global expedition to 22 countries, volunteering in Humanitarian and Envi-ronmental Conservation projects. From building wells for the impoverishedcommunities in Peru, to rebuilding homes for the hardcore poor in Colombia, toresearching on climate change along the Canadies Rockies in Canada, to res-cuing orphan lion cubs in the safari in Zimbabwe, to helping a scientific team tounearth a Mayan Ruin in Honduras, Michael found his passion to give back andto advocate for good business practices across the globe. Collectively, it wasestimated that Michaels expedition managed to impact 300,000 lives across

    22 countries for a 12 months expedition (Based on tabulation done by Smaller Earth, a sponsor of Your Big Year)

    During the process, he actively used Facebook, Twitter and Youtube to buildhis social media group that would engage youths around the world to follow hisvolunteering experience and to rally them up to contribute their efforts in hu-manitarian projects. He currently has over 10,000 followers on social media.

    He was also put on the United Nations stage in Kenya and Geneva to addressglobal delegations about Youth Volunteerism and Youth Development in 2011.

    Aside from that, Michael shared the stage with Randi Zuckerberg (FacebookCo- Founders Sister and former Facebook Marketing Director) and Ted Turner (Billionaire and Founder of CNN) in the Mashable Social Good Summit, organ-ised by the UN Foundation in New York, to discu ss about youths involvementswith Doing Good Business through Social Media. He later participated in theGlobal Entrepreneurs Congress as a speaker along with Sir Richard Bransonin Liverpool, UK, April 2012. In June 2012, Michaels speech in the UN in G e-neva was included into a transcript where it will be placed in the UNs largestlibrary in Switzerland for future references.

    His keen interest to assist the country by working with the governing partieshad earned him various non-executive and advisory roles with governmentministries (Ministry of Higher Education and Ministry of Youth & Sports) andagencies (MACRI and Yayasan Sukarelawan Siswa).

    5. The Success Coach & Advocate (2012 Current)

    Speaking, Coaching and Consulting on strategies to develop and deploy thebest talents in companies and governments have always been Michaels pa s-sion, a passion which he turned into his way of reaching out to the public. Upuntil this date, he has spoken at more than 200 universities both locally andglobally (NST, 2010).

    Michael recalls his most memorable speaking engagements throughout 2010and 2011, where he spoke in Stanford University for the Stanford Summit, tobeing an invited speaker to Malaysian scholars in Oxford University, to havingthe opportunity to speak in universities in Africa to Hungary to China to Russiaand more.

    He is now a Certified Trainer and Coach under the Human Resource Devel-opment Fund (HRDF) while his company, Thriving Talents is a Certified Train-ing Provider, with the aim of inspiring 1 Million People across the globe by2020. He wants to be sustainable in order for him to help those who are lessfortunate to obtain access to holistic education and the grooming of their softskills to succeed! He is also listed in two international Speakers Bureau.Namely the Moscow Speakers Bureau (Russia and the Former USSR Territo-ries) and the Teen Speakers UK (London).

    2013. All Rights Reserved | If you have articles to contribute mail them to us at [email protected] |February 2013 Edition | Page 6

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    PubZen | Page7

    1. About Company: People, Idea, Vision & Mission

    Mylife Spectrum Solution Pvt. Ltd (MSSPL) is a cluster of ideas and thoughts of its founders, hence MSSPL is purely a solution providing company established inMarch 2012. MSSPL is young & energetic , with enthusiastic brains to deliver

    satisfaction of best services to the clients. People behind MyLife Spectrum arethe 4 young grads from MSRIT, who took up this bold decision of entrepreneur-ship after working in a job in a Pvt ltd company for 2 successful years.Each one of them has their own unique ideas of business, hence clubbed to callit as MyLife SPECTRUM. But, seriously decided to support & stand for decision& begin a business which will stand for long & provide 100s of jobs & hence a d-dress social problems through its services.To begin with, Team started to analyze the emerging markets, & found e-commerce & digital publishing as promising. E-commerce idea is great, team hasspent almost a year on it, but it requires hell lotta funding hence chose to beginwith digital publishing as this is challenging & money yielding as well. This didnot require as much funding as ecommerce, thus with self-funding PubZen wasstarted.

    PubZen Digitizing wisdom, a MyLIfe Spectrum Solutions Pvt ltd venture, is intodigital publishing solutions. PubZen, serves organizations & individuals in thepublishing industry across the globe.

    PubZen Ebook Publishing Program (PEP PROGRAM), an initiative from Pub-Zen, to encourage & empower individual authors / writers & also organizations todigital publish their books & distribute them worldwide through digital market-places like Amazon & Apple.

    PubZen Digitizing wisdom, creates & converts ebooks in .epub, .epub2,.epub3, .mobi and many other formats of IDPF standards with 99.95% qualityassurance. PubZen converts ebooks to epub or .mobi format using HTML,XHTML, XML, HTML5, CSS, CSS3, JAVA & many other coding languages man-ually, to match IDPF standards & reach 99.95% quality assurance, so that theseebooks are read in all ereader devices with actual format & style. These ebookscan be created & converted from PDF, WORD, RTF & INDESIGN files or for-mats of

    These ebooks are compatible for all the digital reader devices like Amazon Kindle, Apples ipad/iphone, B&Ns Nook, Kobo, Sony eReader and all other smartphones, tablets and digital devicesPEP PROGRAM, not only just creates & Converts your digital books but also dis-tributes & sells ebooks worldwide through digital marketplaces. PubZen distrib-

    utes your ebooks across ebookstores like Amazons kindle ebookstores, Applesibookstore, B&Ns Nook, Kobo, Bakers & taylor and many others in future. The PubZen Mission is to convert every copy into a digital copy and a vision2013 is to see every individual becoming an ereader from a reader within next 5years.

    2. Your Entrepreneurial journey: Tough times and your answers to them.

    Its been almost 10 months now and trust me , we have experienced all lows &highs already, but these are just trailers. Highs are not highs as you might haveimagined but definitely lows were just as lowest as it could be. What an every startup usual get to hear might have gone through , trust me eventually we also facedsuch things like funding difficulty, quality manpower, field slogging for projects,project flow rate slow down by the client due to many external factors like forex,recession etc. But we never lost trust & faith, faced every challenge and madesure they were addressed. The biggest advantage in our team is, we are four toface them, and all challenges has to face all four of them, so it makes us stronger than challenges. We made many mistakes, but made sure they didn t cause much

    damage. Even now after having good number of prospects and projects in hand,its not that a cake walk, now challenges are bigger and Stronger, and so are we.

    3. Future plans: Growth, Scalablity plan and Inspiration.

    Future plan is to take projects step by step , reach & serve asmany publishers & authors as possible. Take our services to thenext highest level in the industry by quality & quantity & hencemake our vision come true. Inspiration by people around us,they inspire us to make their readinghabits change, & we being thereason for change. Writers &authors inspire us take their workacross the globe.

    IU e-Magazine encourages entrepreneurship. Lets hear from one of the recent start -ups about their experience.

    T H E R E D U C E P L A S T I C C A M P A I G N
  • 7/27/2019 IUeMag February 2013 Edition


    About the authorSujit Lalwani is an inspirational speaker invited by the

    plenipotentiary of president of Russia to talk atInternational Tourism Forum. Has addressed morethan 1 Million people through his speeches. Founderof IU (Inspiration Unlimited), charity & many other profound NGOs/Projects,OYW ambassador, Finalist representative at Your BigYear 2012 Competition from India, Featured in Press &TV frequently & much more at just 25 years of age.

    About the bookThe frustration, stress, emotional imbalance, confusion, career challenge, pressure compe-

    tition & relational strain that bother this generation today are enormous & this is quitedepressing. With Do what your heart says!, Follow your heart!, being the most usedphases today, its a daunting task for people to lead themselves to glory & leave behind astory that could be iconic.

    In such a scenario Sujit Lalwani, the most sought after youth icon in India & Nepal, brings asimple, unique, easy to read & comprehend piece of quality work, which is a treat even forthe non-readers. It promises to simplify life & help make life fulfilling! Perfect for agegroup 14-28 as it addresses their most binding issues!Testimonial

    ink this book could be extremely useful for many people making their way in life and Iratulate Sujit on having written it

    ole Stoneed- Networking Queen of the World) rman, YouGovStone

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  • 7/27/2019 IUeMag February 2013 Edition


    Patricia Carrigan is a very enthusiastic young writer.Her novel Antiserum was published while she was16 years old and a Junior in High School. Currently Patricia is a college stu-

    dent, while writing Antise-rum Part II, she is also il-lustrating, The Rising and

    a childrens book of rhyme.! She is also work-

    ing as a fashion consultant and marketing her book on her own. As a Student

    Ambassador for People toPeople, she was able to

    reach out to new culturesand could make new

    friends across the globe.Some of Patricias many passions include nature,animals (especially bears),

    art and photography.Shes known for spreadinghugs and smiles through-out her social media, sup- porting her friends and

    colleagues along the way.There is no stopping her

    once she sets a goal, until she achieves it.

    San Francisco

    I N S P I R A T I O N U N L I M I T E D

    Patricia Carrigan | Page9

    Have you ever started doing something you used to do and thenremember how much you absolutely loved it? Something like writing,running, singing, reading etc. it could be anything!

    That is basically what happened to me. As Ive stated in a few art i-cles before, I started college and with it started taking a coupledance classes to fill up my schedule. I can t believe I ever stoppeddoing any form of dance. I love it so much!

    Growing up, I always had cheerleading practices, competitions, andparades. And by the time I got to middle school I was taking balletand made it onto the schools drill team and that w as such a differ-ent experience. The competitions were fierce and the parades weredone wearing dance heels in beautiful outfits. So by the time Imoved to Northern California I was dance -less to say the least. Imean, at the time it wasnt so much of a p roblem because I was try-ing to get used to a new middle school and new people as well as anew house. Its a lot for an eleven year -old to go through. But after ayear I was able to join another cheerleading group, the Pleasant HillRebels, as a flier. I really did enjoy being tossed up in the air andgetting back into the dance swing again. Sadly though, that particu-lar group only went up to eighth grade level, so the oldest you couldreally be was thirteen. So, leaving Rebels cheer and moving on tohigh school left me with kind of one option. There was a dance classoffered at the school and I signed up for it.

    Oh. My. Goodness. This dance class was the last thing that I evenimagined. Lets just say that it was probably what turned me awayfrom dancing and onto roller hockey and writing. Big hobby jump,right? Yeah but it gave me a great start for my first novel, Antis e-rum Part I. Thank you to a few characters playing their part!

    Anyway, for the next three-and-a-quarter years I was busy with writ-ing my first and second novel as well as playing roller hockey on anall-boys team. I also learned how to market in every way I couldwhich was a great career push.

    All of this kept me real busy throughout high school and by the time Igraduated I had quite a few things going on. And even after gradua-tion I had an almost month long trip traveling the British Isles! Yes, Iwas a very busy bee.

    By the time I came back though, I was pretty late for signing up for college courses and was only left with a select few things and ruledout taking any of the creative writing courses and English coursesthat I wanted to take in order to strengthen my background in writ-ing. Luckily, I was still able to take World Mythology which was anEnglish course that required heavy reading and essay writing skills.Thank goodness! I was also signed up for ballet fundamentals and adance reparatory class that would perform our work at the end of theschool semester.

    And thats where it begins!!! I had fallen back in love with dancing.On top of that, I was more in shape and healthier than Ive been in awhile which is something I strive for. I m constantly trying to improveall of my dance skills now and I love how much of a challenge it canbe to get certain combinations down perfectly and its also fun to do!Im really happy to say that because of dance, I was able to figureout the rest of my college planning and future endeavors. This reallycame as a relief because, believe it or not even though I made it outto seem like I knew what I wanted to do, I still was slightly confusedand unsure. DONT WORRY THOUGH! I still really love writing an dam still keeping it up with the third Antiserum installment. The onlydifference is that Im happier with what Im doing which gives memore drive for, practically, everything! Yes, me even happier, lol!!I strongly feel that if someone goes back to a hobby that they trulyloved, even if its just a pass -time activity, that theyll feel so muchhappier. Even if its once or twice a week that youre able to do it(like myself), theyll still feel how should I say it theyll feel readyfor each week with a positive outcome. I know I do and I honestlycant wait for each day I have school and whenever I can I danceeven if its just down the hall!

    2013. All Rights Reserved | If you have articles to contribute mail them to us at [email protected] |February 2013 Edition | Page 9

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    I N S P I R A T I O N U N L I M I T E D

    Jody Lebel | Page10

    Jody Lebel: Followingsixteen years as a travelagent (more travel than

    money) Jody Lebelswitched gears, re-

    turned to school andbecame a court reporter(more money than trav-el). She swapped jetting

    off to fun and exoticlocations for reporting

    the cases of murderers,rapists, and thieves who

    are, by the way, almostnever in a good mood.Being assigned to thechief judge in Broward

    County exposed her to awide spectrum of cases.

    Positive that in a pastlife she was a writer (orpossibly a dancehall girl)Jody has always incorpo-rated writing in her life.

    She created murdermystery nights for her

    travel agency and wrotetravel articles for local


    A story with a theme is a story with a point. Every story has a themeand being aware of it will give your story focus as you write.How wellyou convey that to your reader will depend on your writing skills.

    Here are 10 helpful hints:1) A theme is not a motif. Love, hate and greed are motifs. Thetheme is the subject of your composition, a recurring and unifyingidea. Loss would be the motif. That man can learn from loss wouldbe the theme. Themes are often lessons learned. Hate can turn aperson into a monster. Love will conquer all.

    2) The elements of your story should support your theme. Your characters, plot, word choice and scenes can all go toward provingyour theme. If your story is about a drug dealer who now regrets thesuffering he has caused, forgiveness would be the motif and thepersonal gain of righting wrongs done to others would be the theme.Your story will swirl around his journey for clemency.

    3) Theme should be an unconscious message that creeps into your story. It is not necessary to announce what the theme of your bookis going to be. Your readers will get it without a diagram from you.

    4) You may discover a theme emerging as you write. If that hap-pens, go back and sprinkle in supporting material and delete thingsthat are conflicting to your newly recognized theme. Perhaps youstarted out writing a sweet boy-meets-girl story but as you wentalong you realize it has become a tale of how mixed couples are notalways accepted in our society. Now you need to go back and takeout the warm 'meeting the parents' scene you wrote and change it toa scene where he struggles with a cold reception to support your new theme.

    5) Your theme can change as you progress with the story. If you be-gan writing a story about anger and discover it's turning out to beabout greed, go with the flow. Don't stick to a theme that's not work-ing. Just revamp it and go back and change a few details that nowdon't work.

    6) Keep your characters true to the theme. A greedy man doesn'thand out twenty-dollar bills at the holidays. A liar doesn't worry aboutlying to his wife. A man truly in love doesn't cheat. If your theme islove hurts, the man truly in love is the one who has to get hurt. Hedoesn't hurt others.

    7) Your theme is only one component of your story. Don't be heavyhanded. Don't make it a sermon. As the story unravels stay true toyour theme but be subtle.

    8) On the other hand don't make it so light or veer so far off the paththat no one can figure out what the theme is. Theme speaks tocommon experiences we all share. Man versus nature. Man versushimself. Your story could have more than one theme running at thesame time. A piece about a man leaving his wife for a new womancould have the duo themes of 'the grass is always greener' and'heartbreak makes you stronger'. Concentrate on the more prevail-ing theme that works for your particular tale. Trying to support twothemes bogs down the story.

    9) Symbols help the reader identify the theme. Let's say your story isabout a young woman who yearns to leave her little farm town andlive in the big city. Your theme is the grass isn't always greener andyour motif is independence. Your symbols for her dream life couldbe fashion magazines on her kitchen table, pictures of New YorkCity taped to her mirror, or bottles of bright red nail polish on her dresser sitting next to the ratty gloves she uses to milk the cows.Symbols of her current life could be piles of cow dung in the yard, asimple wooden house with fading planks, and an old dog with oneear lying on the porch.

    10) Make the end justify the theme. The girl in the example abovecan't move to the city and live happily every after if your theme is thegrass isn't always greener. She's going to have to come to under-stand the real grit of city living, the value of being close to one'sfamily, and how to love herself for who she is.

    South Florida

    2013. All Rights Reserved | If you have articles to contribute mail them to us at [email protected] |February 2013 Edition | Page 10

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    I N S P I R A T I O N U N L I M I T E D

    Mohan BN | Page11

    Mohan BN is a very pas-sionate Inspirational

    speaker. His key quality is that he is a

    multilingual person.He has worked as soft-ware professional and has experience in sales

    and marketing, businessand training. He is an

    ardent daily blogger and involved in the field of health & fitness and bodybuilding. He is a

    hardcore networker and a multifaceted


    One more lesson that flows out of my gym is here for my dear readers. Recently I had met with an accident due to which Ihad hurt my hands a bit. I could not ride bike again for fewdays and I could not lift heavy weights as the best flexible andsupporting parts, wrist and thumb were hit a bit. I could not ap-ply any pressure on my hands and had to be really carefulwhen anyone would even hold them accidentally. Finally whenI hit back to the gym, I did not apply any pressure on them and

    just did cardio exercises for some time. After a while I had tostart with weight training, else I would completely lose my mo-tivation and energy. This weight-training would in turn applypressure on my hands' wrist and thumb. That's when I cameacross this lesson.

    Since the muscles and joints hit take some time to recover, it isnot possible to dump heavy weights on them immediately andmajority of the upper body exercises cannot be done at allwhen hands are hurt. I had to do something that could help infaster recovery as well as heavy-weights handling. That's whenI started doing strengthening exercises in which you choose aweight that will cause only that much pain which you can with-stand. As the mind already knows the amount of stress appliedthe muscle gets ready to bear the strain pain.

    When this exercise is repeated for regular number of repeti-tions the recovery and strengthening happen much faster.

    As a result of this I could once again resume back to myweight training reasonably well and hope to recover from theexisting pain soon and move on to muscle building.

    The whole lesson from this was that when you know theamount of pressure you can handle, you can apply it uponyourself for the time period and the number of times you de-cide. Every time pressure is there and you work under itthere are increasing chances of strengthening yourself, de-veloping further and raising your pressure handling thresh-old. Only under the pressure does a coal become a dia-mond. So if you can calibrate the pressure by yourself, youcan clearly chart out the plan for your growth else there isbound to be external pressure that will fall upon you and thattoo at unexpected time with unexpected magnitude for which you might not be prepared at all. So the best optionwould be to apply pressure of known magnitudes that youcan handle and strengthen yourself really well by pushingthe pressure handling capacity to the maximum so that youare strong enough to handle the external unknown pres-sures at crucial junctures of life.


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  • 7/27/2019 IUeMag February 2013 Edition


    Indradeep Banerjee is apassionate Bengali fromthe city Kolkata, with ahigh level of partiality

    towards its food and cul-ture. He is a physics

    graduate with a SilverMedal from the IndianInstitute of Technology,

    Roorkee. Yet he chose acareer in marketing with

    Flipkart because con-formist thinking does notinspire him. He is an avidreader of books, articles,and philosophical texts

    yet has no personal reli-gious or political beliefs.His favorite authors areAyn Rand and Victor Hu-go. He believes the pur-pose of every man onEarth is to understandthe true nature of the

    almighty, and that questinspires him every day.

    I N S P I R A T I O N U N L I M I T E D

    Indradeep | Page12

    2013. All Rights Reserved | If you have articles to contribute mail them to us at [email protected] |February 2013 Edition | Page 12

    Bidi kyun pita hain? (Why do you smoke?) I asked.Sardi bahut h ain sahib, daru ka paisa kahan? Bidi se hi kaamchalana padhta hain.

    (The winter is merciless, and I cannot afford Vodka. Bidi is thusthe only option)School jata hain ki nahin?(Do you go to school?) Sab log school chale gaye to aap ka order kaun lega? (If everyone went to school who will take your order?)I thought if Michael joined Lucifers ranks who will save Lucifer. Aage kya karna hain zindagi main?(What do you want to doin life?) I askedNaam jab zindagi hain to zinda rahena hain itna to sahibaap ko bhi pata hoga (If it is called life I will do what everyone does live. Youshould know this sir)kitna huya? (How much is the bill?) He added in front of me in his head and replied tin so dus(310)

    I had already added it before in my head and the answer wasflawless. But I was a man with ample time so to humor myself

    asked him Are you sure ? What if you are wrong! He smiled again, Sahib , If you are wrong in your school youwill get a zero and then some scolding from your dad and thenagain sit in the next exam. If I get it wrong my manager willthrow me out. I dont have the luxury of mistake I finally asked If you are so witty then why are you stayinghere where there is no future? He replied Wh en did I ever say I was not ambitious. Come inanother two years I would be cooking the Afghani for you, inanother ten years I would be managing the cash. Come backSahib in another twenty years, I promise you Sahib, Inshallah,you will find your Shehezaa d running the Badshah.

    AS I paid the amount and was walking back I removed myhands from the leather gloves and comforters, protecting mefrom the devil of the winter till now. The conversation with theprince set something on fire inside of me. The catharsis was sosublime that I started to sweat in the coldest winter of all mylife time, a luxurious gift only a prince could have given me.

    Statutory Disclaimer: I believe the vegans and the secularists andthe pan-Indian nationalists are saints and I have no intention of offending them. If hate and revulsion are the feelings you have for my regionalism, then dont worry this story is not directly about myviews. But you need to know my stand to understand my perspec-tive.

    One fine winter night when the mercury had fallen lower thanrevered Lucifer (I do revere him), my friend and I decided to in-dulge in an unholy ceremony of devouring chicken flesh and burntbread at a Muslim Joint on the other side of the Ganges namedBadshah (The King of the world ). Say what you say about Islambut one thing you cannot deny is that they boast of the best cui-sine and the best poetry on mother Earth. Food for stomach andfor thought what else does one need?

    Now this was a very run down place usually thronged by the hardworking proletariat (rickshaw pullers, street vendors and laborers).

    And by the laws of economics was thus very cheap. Daily suste-nance of non-veg diet is only possible if it is cost effective.

    The order was taken from us by a boy no more than half a scoreof age, with a face that would have inspired Salman Rushdie topen another Midnights Children.Sahib, (as if I was Lord Curzon myself) kya loge? (what will youtake?) Naam kya hain tera? (What is your name?) Shehezaad. Jaldi de do order sahib bahut bheed hain. (My name is Prince. Hurry up with the order, a lot of people arewaiting in the queue)

    As we spurted out our usual suspect of items, and he hadrecused himself inside the kitchen, I could not help but wonder,the prince and the king doing their rightful duty of serving a manwith food. How many kings and emperors of the world have per-formed this immense feat with such dedication?

    After we ate to our hearts content, we went outside to wash our hands. I found the Prince in a corner smoking a bidi. He caughtmy glance smiled and came up to me.


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    energy, felt hurried and pressured. I inquired how her day was go-

    ing. Surprisingly, she told me that her daughter was home today,very sick, and she was worried. Her daughter had not called to indi-cate if she was better. The representative had her cell phone avail-able t o receive her daughters call. Just as she spoke this concern,her phone started to vibrate. She asked me if she could take thecall. I said I would wait for her return to our call. When she cameback to our business, I could feel her relief right through the phonelines. She shared a bit about her daughter and then promptly tookcare of my concern. I thanked her and then she thanked me for myconcern. She also thanked me for waiting while she relayed, dare Isay, love to her daughter.

    In every encounter I have, the answer is so very clear. It is grati-tude. Thank you for thinking and caring enough to ask how I feel. Icould palpably sense the difference in the response levels of thoseto whom I connected by simply putting myself in the position of trulywanting to know about them and what was happening in their lives,in their thoughts, and in their hearts. I felt our connections rise to

    another level and another dimension. Could that dimension be theone we all crave? Is this the dimension of love?

    The mundane madness of a day-to-day existence devoid of anyreal connection with each other has been debated for decades asthe source of many of societys current dilemmas. The answer iswithin us, and how we are with each other. Forever and always, theanswer is love.

    For most of us, our day-to-day lives lack this word the word love.

    We do not say I love you to the person whom we just met for abrief moment in the elevator, to the young lady who served uslunch, to our particularly crabby boss at work, or to the person onthe other end of a phone call. We do not speak the words I lov eyou to these people. Oh, we never could say this to strangers, letalone our boss. But during the course- of our very busy- lives, wemeet so many people and interact on so many different levels. Weget Opportunity after opportunity to express our feelings with everypassing minute of every day. How are we to respond? How are weto be in this world? What is our collective call, our collective mis-sion?

    So last month, I tried an experiment. With every, and I mean every,interaction either on the phone, in email, in person, in committeemeetings, even over the radio, I asked the person I was in connec-tion with, How are you doing? Sometimes this communication wasverbal; I actually asked the question. Sometimes I whispered it un-der my breath as they spoke to me about something totally unrelat-

    ed. Often I thought about it and sent it to them as a sort of a silentquery. And, with those not in my presence, it came in the form of aprayer with a surrounding of positive energy.

    Last week, I phoned the city water office to inquire about our billingstatement. I thought the numbers for usage looked normal, but thecharges were higher than expected. When the service representa-tive finally picked up our call after a long wait, she obviously lacked

    I N S P I R A T I O N U N L I M I T E D

    Karen Olson Johnson | Page13

    Karen Olson Johnson is ascientist, educator, envi-ronmentalist and speak-er. She is the author of

    two books, CommonSense for Common Goodand From Where I See It,both available at Ama- Karen is the co-host of Food Freedom

    Radio on AM 950 inMinneapolis/Saint PaulMinnesota, USA. Go

    and/or am950radio.comto listen.


    2013. All Rights Reserved | If you have articles to contribute mail them to us at [email protected] |February 2013 Edition | Page 13

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    I N S P I R A T I O N U N L I M I T E D

    Jason P Stadtlander | Page14

    He needs to make a New Years resolution to find a new meal.Jack said bursting out laughing.

    Elaine giggled, New Years resolution? Whats that?

    Dad told me that people make a resolution to change somethingabout them each New Year.

    Whats a resolution? Elaine asked.

    Jack shrugged. Dont know a change I guess?

    Thats kind of silly. If they need to change something, why dontthey just do it? Why would theyhave to wait until a new year starts?

    Still smiling Jack shrugged again, Donno.

    Hmmm. Well, I will make my New Years resolution this year tospe nd more time with you.

    Jack looked at the top of Elaines head. I think you should make aresolution to wear your helmetall the time.

    The Roadrunner chimed in Meep Meep!

    The two children burst out in laughter.

    It had been three weeks since Elaine had her incident with theskateboard ramp, landing her in the hospital and revealing a myste-rious figure watching over her that she had never been aware of.

    After talking to her parents, her mother told her that it might be her guardian angel. Though, by her mothers expression, she doubtedthat her mother believed it. Regardless, Elaine had sat down andtold Jack all about the experience and just as she had, he acceptedit at face value, fascinated. Now she and Jack sat on New YearsEve on her bedroom floor eating a plate of bacon wrapped chickenthat her mother had made for them, while their parents both satsipping champagne and chatting in the next room. The two childrenwere watching Looney Tunes as Wile E. Coyote chased the Road-runner across the desert, eliciting a strong laugh from both childrenevery few minutes.

    Wile E. Coyote had just had another failed attempt landing in acoyote shaped crater at the bottom of the same ravine and wasnow strapped to a missile that had wheels on it, hoping to catch the

    Roadrunner this time.Silly Coyote! Hes never going to catch him! Jack laughed.

    Suddenly Wile E. flew across the screen and past the Roadrunner,his head turning as the Roadrunner stared on with a blank expres-sion on his face. The coyote went another several hundred yardsand suddenly the missile exploded with him on it, a dust cloudclearing with a shocked expression on Wile Es charred face. Nat u-rally, the Roadrunner ran up beside h im and said Meep Meep ! andtook off.

    Jason P Stadtlander is anative of Ohio who cur-rently lives in northernMassachusetts with his

    family. He has been writ-ing since he was in sixth

    grade when he wrote"Loss of Innocence, a

    short story about a teddybear that is alive but

    slowly deteriorates as his

    owner and lifelong com-panion grows up and los-es his imagination. It was

    at this point in his lifethat Jason knew he

    wanted to write. He en- joyed the magic of being

    able to create a uniqueworld full of new realities

    in his mind one thatnobody had ever seen

    before. Since then, Jasonhas written over 150

    short stories and is cur-rently working on two


    Northern Massachusetts

    A Vision towards a Hunger free world! A Vision to make masses aware about the scarcityof food in some parts of the world! Let's NOT WASTE FOOD! Let's pledge NOW!!
  • 7/27/2019 IUeMag February 2013 Edition


    I N S P I R A T I O N U N L I M I T E D

    Dr. Peter Lind | Page15

    Here are several other examples showing that flu vaccines do notwork for any age group:

    A study published in the October 2008 issue of the Archives of Pe-diatric & Adolescent Medicine found that vaccinating young childrenagainst the flu had no impact on flu-related hospitalizations or doc-tor visits during two recent flu seasons. The researchers concludedthat "significant influenza vaccine effectiveness could not bedemonstrated for any season, age, or setting" examined.

    A 2008 study published in the Lancet found that influenza vaccina-tion was NOT associated with a reduced risk of pneumonia in older people. This also supports an earlier study, published in The NewEngland Journal of Medicine.Research published in the American Journal of Respiratory andCritical Care Medicine also confirms that there has been no de-crease in deaths from influenza and pneumonia in the elderly, de-spite the fact that vaccination coverage among the elderly has in-creased from 15 percent in 1980 to 65 percent now.In 2007, researchers with the National Institute of Allergy and Infec-tious Diseases, and the National Institutes of Health published thisconclusion in the Lancet Infectious Diseases:We conclude that frailty selection bias and use of non -specificendpoints such as all-cause mortality, have led cohort studies togreatly exaggerate vaccine benefits.

    Now I know youre going to be riled up about this but read these.Better yet, do your own study on how ineffective your vaccines real-ly are.

    But the worst part about flu shots should cause you to tremble. Goto the CDC website and look at the ingredients. Here, /ingredients.html. Now, you cant tell me that all of theseare good for you, can you? Really? And you want these in your body--why?

    Toxins. Thats what youre getting. Toxins that cause irreversibledamage to your nervous and immune systems. They are listed inthe CDC list of influenza vaccine ingredients that you will have tolook up.

    Yes, yes, its the flu season and every newscaster is warning thismay be the worst flu season; its hitting some areas early and hard.Look it up. This is what they say. They said the same thing last year and the year before. Theyll say it next year. Same words. Watchfor it as early as October but for sure by January.

    Years ago when people got the flu, they were in bed for a day or two, rested, didnt eat much (which for most people was a goodthing because of what they usually ate), drank only water, didntadd the stress of their normal days, and got back to real life withoutany problems. They had fever, chills, runny nose, sore throat, ahacking cough, muscle aches, fatigue, and didnt have an appetite.Sounds like a serious detox remedy, hmmm. Could it be that the fluvirus caused the body to turn up the immune system; the T and Bcells, the eosinophils, the monocytes from a suppressed state intoreal action?

    Today were afraid of the virus and rightly so only because of m i-crobial mutations caused by antibiotics prescribed and added to thefoods we eat today. But do you realize the complexity of the humanimmune system? The immune system has more functions than weunderstand today like the sympathetic activation of the lympho-cytes, the way the compliment system functions, the cytokine activi-ty, how the memory of the immune system works, and the targetedaction of killer T cells. You dont have to know about immunologybut your body sure does.

    What about all those thousands of people who die from influenzavirus? Rare. Ask the real experts, theyll tell you the truth . Mr. Tele-vision reporter gets his information from some other outfit thatwants to downplay your own body and ask you to give it up for ashot.

    You give your body no respect. You eat bad food, dont drink water,live with stress, dont exercise, dont sl eep well; of course you needthe flu shot. But before you roll up your sleeve please do your homework about what you are about you are injecting directly intoyour veins.

    Dr Peter Lind is theauthor of 3 books on

    health, one novel, and hundreds of wellnessarticles. His clinical

    specialty is in physical,nutritional, and emo-tional stress. He hasdesigned for you a

    free coursehttp://www.stresshed">Stress

    Management Course

    Oregon, USA

    2013. All Rights Reserved | If you have articles to contribute mail them to us at [email protected] |February 2013 Edition | Page 15

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    I N S P I R A T I O N U N L I M I T E D

    Poetry Section | Page17

    2012. All Rights Reserved | If you have articles to contribute mail them to us at [email protected] | February 2013 Edition | Page 17

    Nikhil Jain who is also

    known as Little poet NJ,is a very young and tal-ented poet from India.He loves experimenting

    new things. Giving lifeto every situation

    through his poems is his

    passion. He says ageshould not be an obsta-cle to achieve big things

    in life. His poems arebeen pub-lished in many

    sites online.

    Enthusiasm of bloodthirsty led war

    in which harmony was hurled away far,

    Countrymen became the prey of bloodshed,

    and the whole land covered their bodies dead,

    Women's wailings and children's cries of pain

    remembered the glory of their dead men,

    Troops behind walls shooted till their lives last

    against the foe stepping towards them fast,

    Noise of firing bullets, cannons around

    let the hopes of people in borders bound,

    And even the people for their life begged,

    Although the kings fought for their self-respect,

    And when everything got mixed in the land

    Nobody existed till the war's end.

    Nikhil Jain,Madhya Pradesh, India


    False dreams, false people, false world

    Each hand is dirty with the blood

    My utmost desire to again reveal

    The wonders that die long ago

    The treasures about thy, regale

    Fluttered in mind, in heart grow

    But the desires are never ending flood

    Each hand is dirty with the blood

    My corniest, attributes, prevails

    The boat on sea, with wave it sails

    No one is pure as a beautiful bud

    Each hand is dirty with the blood

    Growing in the massive, disastrous way

    Even no time to settle and pray

    Walk or run, but be the best

    No one cares, they always say

    After every thunder rain, I am covered with mud

    Each hand is dirty with the blood

    Zoha Khalid,Pakistan


    Zoha Khalid , also knownas ZOHA Zee Kay; a girl

    from Pakistan, just com- pleted with her bache-

    lors in Zoology and Botany. Besides that she

    is an entrepreneur by profession, a Blogger as

    hobbyist , poetess by passion, an aspiring

    journalist and photogra- pher. Also has worked inmany international pro- jects. M.D. at her very

    own lifestyle blog



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    Poetry Section | Page18

    I N S P I R A T I O N U N L I M I T E D

    Sonal Lobo is a 23yearold young lecturer in

    Krupanidhi degree col-lege. She is deeply in-

    terested and has a greatpassion towards Crea-tive writing and music.

    A clear stream of water passing by. A bright silver lining on the clouds,Little springs of water in the desert.

    A poet finds it all.

    A sweet language across the barriers A strong voice against injusticeTrue appreciation for beauty,Condemnation of disloyaltyPraise for loyalty

    A poet expresses it all.

    A hope for the discouraged A reason for thinking, and question for answering An art to be displayed

    Emotions to be impressed A poem has it all.

    A strong weapon that stirs the mind A page that conquers the entire world A poet in his poem does it all.

    Sonal LoboIndia

    A Poet

    Todays wo rld demands peace in all cases,But we are fools to break it into pieces.Harsh words, harsh tongue , weve forgotten gentleness... Ooh man!!!just ponder on your irksome consequence!!!

    Our mother eart h cries ....See the sun -rise, We in pathetic condition value everything in price!!!

    No time to look even if our baby cries,We, the learned are busy with infinite strife.

    Disputes, quarrel, enmity everywhere is found,We cross all the limits, not with consistency we are bound.Gone are the times when no disparities were around,In todays world only richness, status and position count.

    The Changing Scenario

    People who ostentate their material power,Will land up nowhere except in the dark.

    A man doesnt respect the feelings of others heart, Its just like how a fish is eaten up by a shark!!!

    One has no right to admire the beauty of nature,When we deliberately destroy our nations stature.

    For all our sabotage well regret in future, If we find no way out, we ought to face the danger!!!

    Kavita Baid,Chennai, India



    She is a commerce

    graduate from Chennai,currently pursuing her

    professional course(CS).She hasbeen the Best

    girl student in herschool and a MS Ex-poner in her college.

    She is passionate aboutwritingPoems and de-

    signing sarees.