Download - Its more fun in the philippines

  • 1. Its More Fun in the Philippines Ang ingay mong kay sarap sa tenga . . . mga jeepney mong nagliliparan . . . mga babae mong naggagandahan . . . Take me back in your arms Manila and promise me youll never let go. These are the lyrics of the song Manila by the Hotdogs way back in the 80s. As an ode to the capital of the Philippines, Manila, this song gives us the reasons why Manila stands out from the rest of the cities of the world. Like this song, the slogan Its More Fun in the Philippines, recently launched by the Department of Tourism, also makes a statement that the Philippines is the best place to be. Aimed at exceeding its target of five million tourist for 2013, this slogan was developed to attract visitors from around the world, convincing them to choose the Philippines as their travel destination. Some says that this slogan is a highly competitive superiority claim, while some says that this slogan is a lie and a mere propaganda, considering the pollution, traffic, poverty, corruption, syndicated crimes, hostilities, and more recently, the conflict in Zamboanga that beset our country. As a Filipino, I would rather think of this as a means of showing the world that behind what they hear, read, and see from media, the Philippines is a paradise, blessed by God with more than seven thousand islands, each with its unique natural beauty and traditions that span across centuries. Why is it more fun in the Philippines ? Is it because of our festivals and fiestas, our beaches and diving sites, or our delicious and exotic food ? Other places in world also have festivals, stunning coastlines, and delicious delicacies. If we are to claim that it is better here in our country, it has to be more than all of these. I can only think of one thing that sets us apart from the rest of the world, and that is the Filipino people. The Philippines is a picturesque place with beautiful people ready to rise above

2. any adversity they are faced with. It is the land of the educated, the ardent politicians, the most-talked about singers and celebrities and where gay people are appreciated. It is also the land where every citizen is proud to fight for freedom and democracy, from the Katipunan to EDSAs Peoples Power. It is the land where religious beliefs are strong and even dominates the decision-making of the statesmen, like in the RH Bill. It is the only land where languages and dialects are different from the 7, 100 islands across the country but its people are unified with the common understanding of singing and eating with their bare hands! The Philippines is a country whose people might seem to come from opposite ends. Like the well-known and the unknown, the rich and the poor, the homeless and the mansion- sheltered, those from Payatas and those from Ayala, Alabang, the Catholics and the Muslims, the Bisaya and the Tagalog, the barefooted and those with a thousand shoes, to name a few. Nonetheless, these very people are the ones that give a genuine smile to welcome visitors and guests with warmth and hospitality, the best way they can. This is where the true beauty of the Philippines comes through. The Philippines is not just a place to see, the Filipinos are the people to be with. Boracay, the beaches of Camiguin, Palawan and all the famous beaches that we have are just a pile of sand with water if you remove the Filipinos from it. Cebu, Davao, Bohol and the rest of our provinces are just places surrounded by natural wonders. It is the Cebuanos, Davaoenos, Boholenos, the Filipinos, who make going to these places a unique experience. It is not just the beaches and the fiestas, but the genuine warmth and friendliness of Filipinos that make the Philippines more fun to visit. It is only in the Philippines that you have the best and the worst of the world. A unique blending of people, language, economic status, food, culture and religion that despite the contrasting traits, being in the Philippines is truly an experience! This is the reason why its more fun in the Philippines, the perfect harmony of negatives and the positive. Where else in the world would you see such a scenario but in the Philippines? 3. So, as Mark Twain once wrote, Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didnt do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover. Its more fun in the Philippines.