Download - It’s a game-changer in one of the world’s fastest growing ...


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Dear <first name>,

This is one of the smartest, most prudent investment opportunities I’ve seen in years, and it’s ideal for today’s uncertain market, in which few investments have any appeal.

Here’s why…

World Vision, Red Cross, and FEMA will be happy to see you score 60% profit, when you sell food to them for disaster relief through the game-changing solution called the Global Food Exchange.


Because they know when you make 60% on your money, they save AT LEAST 30% on their costs to get food and clean water to disaster survivors.

You see, the Global Food Exchange (GFE) is a WORLD CHANGING BREAKTHROUGH that is going to turn natural disasters on their head by these two special ways…

Dramatically lowering the costs of disaster relief and speeding delivery to victims — two facts that will save millions of lives, not to mention tons of money!

Here’s the incredible story...

It’s a game-changer in one of the world’s fastest growing industries…

You can score at least 60% profit Selling Food to World Vision, FEMA, and the Red Cross while

solving one of world’s biggest problems…Getting food to disaster-relief victims — FAST!

“We have been looking for this solution for years!”Says Chris Pitt, Senior Vice President of World Vision —

#1 recipient of UN Funds for disaster relief

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Two problems drive disaster relief organizations crazy:

How to get food and water to survivors in 24 to 36 hours (instead of 2 to 3 weeks or longer).

How NOT to get PRICE-GOUGED by food and water vendors who routinely take advantage of these misfortunes.

And that’s why these major disaster-relief organizations have all joined the Global Food Exchange. They’re convinced that GFE solves these problems in a REVOLUTIONARY WAY!

Now, before I explain how this is a WIN-WIN-WIN — for you, for disaster-relief providers, and millions of disaster victims — there is a key fact you need to know...

Before 1960, the world averaged 45 disasters per year. But since 2000, the number of disasters has increased 9-fold to over 400 per year!

Yes, over 400 disasters per year. And for every one, tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands, even millions of people need food, water, and shelter — and they need it FAST or they’ll die.

This is what practically guarantees you’ll score at least 60% profit in one of the surest investments of this new century. And that’s just for starters, as you see just ahead.

But first…

Why are we seeing a 9-fold increase in disasters, which has suddenly created one of the world’s fastest growing industries?

A small portion of this dramatic increase has to do with better reporting, but the majority has to do with population increases that practically FORCE these people to move into coastal flood plain areas.

But the reasons aren’t important. And let’s not waste time debating that. What’s important is this fact: over 400 disasters per year, and the trend is to an even higher number in future years!

That’s why this is one of the fastest-growing industries. Okay, but wait just one moment...


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Isn’t this mercenary? Won’t you be sucking piles of money into your account because of other people’s misfortunes?

You’ll make money, but it’s the opposite of mercenary, because with the revolutionary Global Food Exchange solution, you’ll be stealing business from the current providers, who can be called mercenaries because of CRAZY prices they charge (I’ll talk more about how they can get away with this in a minute.)

And that’s not all…

You can start feeling really good about this, because when you make a prudent investment in GFE, you’ll be helping this game-changing organization provide food and clean water 30% cheaper…

Not to mention faster and far more efficiently!

Hi, I’m Thom Garlock and I specialize in finding the world’s best investments for your retirement funds.

These aren’t common investments sold by brokerage houses, most of

which are pushed as part of a rigged game — and if you have any experience

with investing you know what I’m talking about.

These are sound investments that solve real problems, and serve

massive, fast-growing markets.

Let me tell you more, because if you’re the smart investor I think you are,

you’ll want ALL the details on what is one of the best opportunities of the

decade, and all indicators say this will go on and on for many years with

surefire safe returns!

Let’s face it — we take food for granted pretty much every day. And that’s no surprise… it’s easy to come by.

But of course that isn’t the case for many people around the world. For a great many every day is a struggle, and they’re grateful for ONE square meal in a day.

But imagine what happens when their whole town is flooded or a hurricane or earthquake hits?

I was shocked to learn that most people who are hit by disasters die AFTER the tornado, hurricane, earthquake or flooding hits.

And it’s not why you think…

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Most don’t die because someone doesn’t find them in time or because they drown or succumb to their injuries.

No, it’s far worse.

66% die because they don’t get food or clean drinking water or shelter fast enough after the disaster. THAT’S a real tragedy!

Your InvitationWhich is why I am sharing this invitation with YOU.

Yes, helping people in disasters might sound very interesting to you, but this is not an ordinary investment. And…

Most investors will only consider an investment that is a stock, bond, ETF, mutual fund, or a hard asset like gold.

But that’s why you received this letter, while others didn’t. I suspect you’re pretty smart when it comes to diversifying your investments, that you’re not just going to run with the herd…

I think you’re the type of investor who can see opportunities that others don’t see. And also recognize a massive market, along with a revolutionary organization that will change how things are done around the world.

You see, the Global Food Exchange has developed a way to make it possible to invest directly in food that will go to disaster victims.

And go to them faster, at much lower costs, and without spoilage, so that millions more people can be saved when disasters strike!

Remember, time is of the essence in saving lives after a disaster strikes, but equally important are the costs. Will the money be there to buy food and water, transport the food and water, and pay workers to dispense it?

And do it faster and cheaper? With the revolutionary GFE — the answers are yes, yes, and yes again!

Here’s why that’s important to you as an investorThe cost of food has increased on average 3 percent a year FOR TWO HUNDRED YEARS! And in

the past 5 years it has averaged a 5 percent increase every year. Some experts are projecting 7 to 10 percent annual increases in the coming years.

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The fact is… nothing is more certain than food. The demand won’t go down, and the prices won’t go down. On the contrary, both will go up!

And you can count on that as much as the sun coming up in the morning and setting in the evening. Now…

The visionary CEO of the Global Food Exchange, Richard Lackey — himself a former medical missionary — literally created a revolutionary solution to one of the world’s biggest problems.

To use a cliché, he created a better mousetrap, and that’s why FEMA, The Red Cross, and World Vision — the world’s leaders in disaster relief — are beating a path to his door.

Lackey figured out a much better and faster way to provide disaster-relief food, with standardized meals that are freeze dried

and won’t spoil.

Meals that can be obtained cheaply, transported cheaply, serve large numbers of

people, and literally save millions of lives!

That’s a huge number of problems solved.

And when I saw what Lackey did, and how fast the disaster-relief industry responded, I saw an incredible opportunity…

Before I tell you more about it, please consider these “telling words” by Chris Pitt,

Senior Vice President of World Vision…

“We’ve been looking for this solution for years.” Okay, we know the demand is there. We know the market is growing fast. We know we can save

the disaster-relief industry both time and money.

Only one thing remained — how to put this into an investment, not only to make money, but to make it possible to reach more disaster victims!

You see, I realized that when you standardize meals (and therefore commoditize them) you create a new asset class…

Now, I fully expect this new asset class — literally a direct investment in food for disaster victims — can produce a 60 percent return over the next 5 years, and potentially even more.

But conservatively speaking, I want to project 12 to 15% a year profit, in what I think is a smart and prudent investment in a high-demand product, in a fast-growing market.

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Okay, I know what you’re thinking — why just 12% to 15% a year. Why am I not promising much larger returns, as so many others do.

Why should you get excited about earning a steady 12% to 15% per year?

Two reasons…

First and foremost, this is real.

Second, I’m not going to insult your intelligence. Because if you’re a successful investor, you know that 12% to 15% annually is an excellent return on your money.

Warren Buffett grew to be one of the richest men on earth, earning less per year. The thing is — he made smart investments that didn’t lose money.

That’s my specialty, and I put such investments into my area of expertise — the self-directed IRA and 401(k) plan.

And, please, feel free to call me anytime to learn more about what I do, and why I believe the SD-IRA is the smartest investment vehicle you can use.

But first, let me show you how the Global Food Exchange works, why it’s revolutionary, and why I believe this is such a great investment opportunity right now.

Meals that never spoil (and don’t live in cans)!The Global Food Exchange has contracts with 3 certified dry frozen food manufacturers to produce

freeze-dried meals.

What’s important to know here is that these meals don’t expire for 25 years! This means that if you bought a package today… it would taste as fresh in the year 2038 as it would RIGHT NOW!

Now, Global Food Exchange takes 58,500 nutritious meals (and some gravity-fed water filters) and stuffs them into every square inch of a standard ISO 9001 40 foot containers.

And then sells each container (filled with enough food to feed 650 adults for 30 days) to distributors.

Seeing the incredible opportunity here, I acted fast to become a distributor, and that’s why I’m now in position to offer this opportunity to you today.

Simply put, we buy these containers filled with prepackaged freeze-dried food that won’t spoil, and we securely store them at one or more of 58 strategically selected locations around the world.

The Global Food Exchange has pinpointed these locations in key areas where disasters are known to strike… locations that allow disaster relief organizations to transport a food-filled container

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anywhere in the world within 24 to 36 hours.

Now, let me make this crystal clear…

Organizations such as FEMA, The Red Cross, and World Vision are poised to buy these food containers literally on a daily basis, since an average 400 disasters yearly means more than one every day!

The demand is there, but how are we going to sell our specific food containers to them and score at least 60 pecent profits?

The Craigslist of Disaster ReliefAs you know, Craigslist is an online company that

allows buyers and sellers to exchange money and goods on an open market.

If a buyer is looking for a car, they can visit Craigslist, search for the car they want, find it and buy it.

Of course, there are several sellers selling cars on Craigslist… and so it’s competitive.

Global Food Exchange acts just like Craigslist and is competitive just like Craigslist (you’ll find out why this is important in a minute).

Distributors buy the containers that the Global Food Exchange manufactures and then go onto the Global Food Exchange website and list these containers for sale.

And when disasters strike…Government agencies like FEMA (a member of the Exchange) or private organizations like Red

Cross and World Vision (both members of the Exchange) log on to the Global Exchange Website and buy these containers and coordinate shipping to the disaster site.

The disaster-relief organizations LOVE the competitive nature of this system… because they know that when the distributors compete, their protected from price-gouging.

But we ALSO love the competitive nature of this exchange, because we can provide food-filled containers at a much lower cost than our competitors. We win!

Let’s keep in mind, the exchange is successful because of the competition. But there is a lot more the relief organizations love about the exchange system than just the competition. In fact…

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FEMA and the others have good reasons to buy food through the Exchange instead of through their own resources. Such as…

EMERGENCIES!Think: what is one thing you can always count on when

dealing with an emergency? Everything becomes CRAZY expensive. And it makes perfect sense…

If your town gets the biggest rain of the year, and your roof leaks, at the same time as hundreds of others, all of sudden every roofer in town has a high price for making repairs.

And you have to pay that price, or risk even worse damage to your home.

At such times, cost is NOT the main issue… fixing the problem is paramount. And it’s the same during large scale disasters.

FEMA doesn’t care how it gets the supplies it needs, it just wants and needs them NOW. So it will often pay $8 per meal and then wait WEEKS to get the food. Not a good situation because people die during the wait.

But with the exchange system, the victims can get food and water within days and agencies like FEMA no longer pay $8 per meal… they pay only $4-to-$5! HALF the normal cost!

Now THAT sounds like a great deal for the disaster relief organizations because it IS a great deal.

And here is the win-win…It’s also a GREAT deal for people like you and me who invest in these food-filled containers! Why?

Because we pay roughly $3.30 for each meal. And the relief organizations buy the containers through the exchange for $5.60 a meal.

So you’re scoring at least 60% profit and saving the relief organizations 30% to 50% in direct costs!

That’s a BIG win for EVERYBODY, including the victims when you consider the food is ready and waiting, and can be delivered in 24 to 36 hours, not weeks as was the case with the old system.

This is why the relief organizations are quickly joining the Global Food Exchange to take advantage of these great prices, the convenience, the faster delivery, and the food that won’t spoil!

Over the past year these organizations have been signing up on the exchange and are ready to buy.

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These organization KNOW that the disasters are coming — over 400 per year. The problem is knowing where they will they strike…

How Richard Lackey solved this problem!Good news! The former medical missionary, Richard Lackey, brought in top level scientists,

FEMA, and other key organizations to determine exactly where more than 80% of all disasters happen in the world.

Using this cutting edge data, he pinpointed 58 strategic locations for storage of the food containers…

Now, when disaster strikes, the food containers can be delivered in 24 to 36 hours.

More good news…

These locations for storing the food-filled containers are properly secured and insured against theft or damage in climate controlled warehouses that are double-fenced and monitored 24 hours a day.

Now, everything is in place and ready to go:

1. The containers 2. The strategic locations

3. The security 4. The Buyers

Now it is just a waiting game. How long do we expect to wait?

With 400 disasters per year, there is very little waiting. It’s more like — how fast can we move these containers!


- Before 1960, the world averaged 45 disasters every year.

- Since 2000, the world now averages 400 disasters every year!

Now you see why I am convinced this is a great investment opportunity.

And please, again, we certainly do not want to see the loss of life, or harm come to anyone.

But that’s what makes this investment a double-win for investors. You’re taking a very bad situation and doing something important to make it a lot better.

I feel very strongly that this investment in food relief vaults containers for disaster relief can be one of your most successful investments.

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This is your first step to becoming a very successful investor in one of the fastest growing markets in the world.

Check off these key facts…

✔ These disasters aren’t going away, but will likely increase.

✔ Food prices are NOT going down, but will steadily go up.

✔ It’s been impossible to invest directly in food in the past.

✔ GFE has made it possible to buy food as an investment.

With disaster-relief food commoditized, you can score 12-15 percent annualized return on your money.

IN the process, you can help save millions of people in the coming years.

About the visionary who’s made this possible!One last thing, I suspect you’re curious to know how Richard Lackey put it all together (an

amazing feat that has the disaster-relief organizations beating a path to his door).

Richard Lackey —“inventor” and former medical missionary — is the President of the Global Food Exchange.

Lackey has been committed to medical mission trips for the past 25 years — helping with emergency surgeries all over the world.

Surprisingly, at the same time that he was travelling around the world saving disaster victim lives, he was also trading stocks, bonds and commodities.

He got so good at this that he created private equity funds, which led to starting a trading company, hiring 128 traders, and developing a proprietary software system that ultimately was bought by E-Trade.

He has managed 5 hedge funds that cover everything from short equity to international holdings.

And then, Lackey brought all this experience in medical missions and investing and financial management to bear upon the problem of disaster relief.

He melded these skills to create the perfect solution to save millions of lives around the world.

He took a very complicated situation — destruction of buildings, loss of life, politics, logistics, and medical care — and turned all that on its head so that relief organizations could save 30 to 50 percent on their operations.

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And now, investors can make 60 percent by investing in GFE food containers.

Conservatively speaking, that means 12 to 15 percent profit on your money every year, in a high-demand fast-growing market!

Sound pretty brilliant? It sure is, and…

I’m not the only one who thinks GFE is revolutionary!Lackey has attracted some of the brightest people to sit on the Global Food

Exchange board, and they’ve been eager to do so.

World Vision is the world’s biggest benefactor of UN resources. With over $1.0 Billion in worldwide grants and donations last year, they are very effective at dealing with government agencies and navigating the world’s political landscape.

When the former Senior Vice President of World Vision, Dr.Chris Pitt, discovered Global Food Exchange he instantly realized its immense benefits.

Pitt not only made sure that World Vision became a buying member, but he insisted on joining the board!

He instantly saw that Lackey had solved a problem that every disaster relief organization faces: time and supplies vs. costs.

Also, Nancy Tuor, Executive Director of CH2M Hill (the third largest logistics company in the world and FEMA contractor) recently joined the board. She saw GFE was a giant leap forward in solving this life-threatening global problem.

Tuor says, “GFE is the perfect solution.”

These are just some of the talented people on your team! And right there is your validation that this is a true game-changer!

Now, let’s get to the really exciting part…Prudent investors like you can participate in the ownership of

GFE food containers through the Global Food Security Fund, LLC that I created last year as a licensed distributor.

We then put our containers on the “Craigslist” of the Global Food Exchange system, to let government agencies and disaster relief organizations know where our containers are located and what they’ll cost.

When disaster strikes, these agencies and organizations will log on to the Global Food Exchange website and locate the nearest containers to buy and ship to the disaster sites.

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With disasters striking practically every day, the demand for these low-cost food containers could not be greater, and they’ll be buying our containers.

But I understand there is still more to know (like how this is also be a great hedge against inflation). And that’s why I encourage you to call and speak with me personally.

I know you’ll have questions. And of course in this short space I can’t provide all of the answers.

But I want you to know everything. And that’s why I have a detailed memorandum for you. Plus, a DVD presentation that presents this incredible story — and opportunity — in far greater detail.

But I’m sure you can see that the big picture is very exciting. And this special opportunity to make a rock solid 12% to 15% annual return, doing something good and important for the people of the world, feels right.

Please call me today and get all the answers, so you can know for certain that it’s right for you. Call 800-440-5622 to get your memorandum, your DVD, and to have me personally answer all of your questions. Of course, there is no obligation.

There are good profits to be made and lives to be saved, but as Richard Lackey often says we are, “Doing well by doing good.”

I look forward to hearing from you. Working together, we can make a difference in the lives of millions of people around the world (and make a lot of money along the way).


Thom Garlock

P.S. If you fax in your Fast Response form in the next 6 days, I’ll not only send you the Memorandum and the DVD. But I will also send you my free report that will give you the Top 10 actions you can take TODAY to increase the value of your retirement account.

P.P.S. There are a limited number of shares in the fund so call me right now at 800-440-5622 so I can personally answer your questions and send out your package right away. The best time to act is right now!

This is not an offer to buy or sell securities. The offering is made only to qualified investors who request a private offering memorandum. Before investing carefully consider the investment objectives, risks and expenses. To request an offering memorandum, call Thom Garlock at 800-440-5622. ©2013 Global Food Exchange™