Download - Items of Interest. IRS LTOIiE.PIIKIM.OFLTII.MASS.. IT W… · A School Committee Cor nered. lUichmomi Gazette.


A S c h o o l C o m m it t e e C o r ­n e r e d .

lUichmomi Gazette. J A t an examination of a public school on

Staten Island, the teacher, justly proud of his scholars, addressing tho audience, said : “ Lculiua nn'i gentlemen, to prove tliat the boys nre not crammed for tho occasion. I will direct ono of tboin to open tho arithme­tic a t random und road out tlm lirst problem. Then I shall invito a gentleman out of tho audience to work out tho sum on tho board, und to commit intentional errors, whicii, yon will observe, tho boys will instantly de­tect. John Hm ith, open tho book and reud tho first question!"

Tho scholar obeyod and road out: “ Addflftoon sixteenths und nine elevenths.”

Tho toucher turned to tho audienco andsaid: "N ow , Supervisor --------, will youstop to tho blackboard and work it out?”

Tlio supervisor thou hesitated, then said, "C ertain ly ,” and advanced a step but paus­ed and asked tho toachor, “ is it fair to put tho childron to so difficult a problem?”

" Oh, never fear,” replied the toachor, “ they will be oquul to it.” “ Very well,” said the supervisor, “ go on.” Tlio boy be­gun tlui question, “ Add fifteen sixteenth—”.

" No, no I” said thb supervisor, “ I will not bo a party to overtaxing tho children's brains. I havo conscientious scruples against it. This forcing system is ruining tho rising generation 1” and ho gavo back tho chalk and loft tho room.~ “ Well Judgo Castloton, will you favor us?’’ asked tho teaehor, tendering the chalk. “ I would do so with pleasure,” replied tho judgo, but 1 have a caso comiug ou iu my court in a minute or two,” and he left.

" Assessor Middleton, wo must fall back on you ” said tlio teaehor, smiling. ",Oh,” said tho assessor, I pass—I mean I doclino in fav­or of Collector X .” “ Woll that will do,” re­plied tho toachor; “ Air. Collector will you favor u s!"

“ I would certain ly--that is—of courso,’> replied tho collector, “ but—uhuml I think it should bo referred to a commit—Why, bless mol I’il novel' catch it. Good bye? Homo o th ­er timo!” And ho left.

"I know Justice Southfield will not refuse!” suid tho teacher, and tho justice stepped prom ptly up to tho blackboard amidst a round of appl.auso from tho audience. The scholar a^jiiu began to road tho sum, “Add flf toen-sixtoonth!—”

A dozen hands Wont up os tho judgo mado tho first figures.

“Well w hat is it?” oskod the teacher.“He's got tho denominator oil top of tho

lino!” cried the boys in chorus.“ Very good, boys, vory good; 1 soe you

nro attontive;” said tho judgo, ns ho rubbed out tho figures, turuud rod, and bogan again, but wus interrupted by the class calling out:

“ Now he’s got tho numerator and denom­inator under tho Hue!”

“Aha! you young rogues, You’re sharp,I see!” said thu judge, jocosely, uud aguiu commenced.

That ain’t a fraction a t all! I t’s ono thou­sand five hundred uiul sixteen!” wus tho cry th a t huilod tho judge’s new combination of figures.

“ Really, Mr. Teacher,” ejaculated tho judgo, “ I must compimont you on tho won­derful proficiency of your scholars in algebra! X won’t tire their pationeo any more.”

“ Oh, go on,” said tho toachor, and again tiie judgo wrote somo figures in off-liuud m anner.

"T liut a in 't a faction! I t’s six thousuud ouo hundred and fifty-one!” yolled tlio boys.

" Air Teaehor.” said tho judgo, “ it would bo ungenerous on my purt, und imply an un ­worthy suspicion as to your efficiency, to put thoso extraordinarily bright children to additional tests; I would not—I could—Oh ! oxouse mo I There’s Brown! I have inijxirtunt buisnosH witli him I Sheriff ! 1 wunt to seo you,” and ho loft.

Homo days aftorwurds a boy was brought beforo Justice Southfield for throwing stones ln tho street. “ John ,” said tho judge stern­ly “woro you tlio boy tbut laughed in school ou Monday, whilo I was Working tha t prob­lem?” Yes, sir 1 ” waa tlio reply. John got th irty days.—

T h o C ity o f R o s e s .

1 don 't believe there is uny region on earth .where rosos grow in such abundance, vari- oty, beauty aud sweetness as thoy do in this (Now Orleans) country. A Mississippi gentleman, to whom I have been indebted for information on various subjects, tolls ino th a t thoro is growing and in bloom a t bis homo this rubmont a Lumarquo rose vino SO foot long. Tho stem is eight inches through in the thickest part, l t is twined around u vornndu, und its gorgeous clusters of creum- tlntod rosos aro splendid to behold. A t Now Orleuus tho Marshal Noil roses causo tho Northerner to storo in speechless wuuder. I saw oue of tho plunts that must have boon fifty foot loug. I havo soon vines of tho sumo rose th a t long in tho North, but they wore acrnggy uud leun-lookiug nnd in tho florists’ groonhousoH. A t Now Orleans thoy run wild and revol liko a midsummer night’s dream. Tho blossoms grow iu georgoous clusters of hulf a dozen or moro, and the flow­ers are so luigo tliat they would moro than cover the top of u large-sized coffee cup. A singlo one of tho pale gold beauties will fill a room w ith perfume. Tbey ure as plenty down horq us “ whits' top” in u Northern luoadow. A ud they sell for ono dollar a bad up North I

In some of tho private citizens’ yards in Now Orleans there are as many as u hundred different kinds of roses all iu bloom a t once. They do uot require protection from cold ut uuy timo cither. They all stand out doors in tho open ground, mul m any varieties bloom more or less all tho w inter through. The rose is a favorite flower a t New Orleans. A t the Jockey Club races wo saw dozens ol hand­somely dressed ladies w itli exquisite bunches of rosebuds ut their belts and elsowhore .in thoir dress —the swoet, lovely flower that na­ture made; none of your abominable arti­ficial things.

Tlie rose the French inhabitants of Now Orleans are fondest of for decorations is call­od tho “Gold of O phir.” Northern florists have it, but it is uot Common. The bud is especially prized for its beauty, l t is a small­ish rose, of a very pale pink, shading off to­ward the heart in deep, rich color. Faint streaks of crimson touch tho outer petals. I t is ouo of the loveliest roses 1 ever saw.

I t e m s o f I n t e r e s t .—The probe wus invented by Esculapius. —Tho Atlantic cable is 5,300 miles in

length. j—Amethysts wero found in Kerry, Ire­

land, in 1755.Chi Tries woro first planted in Britain 100

years B. C.—Glass windows were first introduced in­

to Englund in tho 6th century.—Young English ladies walk ubout Lou­

don ulono now, after a fushiou unknown tw enty years ago.

—A Virginia snako, killed the othor day, contained sixty two young snakes, aggre­gating thirty-eight foet in length.

—Patrick Troy, being about to die,at Joliet caused a priest and two frionds to carry him out to a shed. There ho moved a board uud $3,500 rollod forth.

—Tho umbulauco is comparatively a mod­ern iuventiou, duo mainly to tho French. We find uo trace of regularly-organized mil­itary hospitals until tho timo of Henry IV.

—Lady Brossoy is the owner of the largest and most perfect moleskin saequo over mode, l t contuins over 1,000 skins, and tho price of 200 guineas, or moro tlmn $1,000 has boon of­fered for it.

—A Denver wife, tired of waiting for bor husband to como homo a t night, followed him iu his various walks about tho city, un­til hor indignation wns worked up to thu propor pitch, and then Bho gavo him u cow- hiding.

—Providence is happy now. An English visitor has recontly said “ th a t of all cities of tho world, save Vienna, the women he met oil tho streets of Providence were the most charming in thoir person, dress and manners.

—Tho white men have visited tho moun­tain of burning cool on tho Nuvajo Reserva­tion, Arizona. They aro tho first white men wlio have ever soon it. Thoy say it soems to havo beon burning for several hundred years.

—In the Scotch Highlands forty years ago tho pooplo wore cleared out to mako way for shoep. Owing to competition from Aus­tralia, wool became barely worth half what it was, so that sheep havo sinco had to give way to deor.

—Edward Rosnor’s wifo desortod him flvo days after tho marriage, ut Farmington, Mo., drove him to suicide by her heartless perfidy, and married his rival one day after becoming a widow ; yet sho claims his en­tire estate, aud will get it, thoro being no oth­er heirs. __

H o w P ilg r im W e a k e n e d .It used to bo said of Pilgrim, who was a

resident of Clinton county, Mich., for th irty yoars that ho nover puid a debt in his life, nnd further, th a t no ono over found a way to make him. Tho nearest ho ovor camo to such a climax was whon a neighbor found bim mired in a swamp in tho woods, two milos from any houso. Pilgrim was over his knees nnd slowly going down, whon ac­cidentally discovered, und the situation offer­ed tho neighbor just tho chance ho wanted. Taking a seat on u log near by, ho said:

Pilgrim, you owo mo $16.”“ I t’s outlawed,” was tho reply.“ 1 can’t help that. I t was a just debt and

you’ve got to pay it or PU leave you to sink out of sight.”

“ 1 never pay outlawed debts,” was the grim reply.

“ Then down you go,” said tho creditor, os ho started away.

Of course ho did not moan to leuvo old Pilgrim to die, but ho wanted to give him a scare. Ho thoroforo hid in the bushoB where ho could sec him, and during tho two hours lio was thoro tho debtor went dowu until on­ly head and shoulders were ubovo tho swamp. I t wanted only an hour to sundown whou tho creditor came forward and said;

“ Pilgrim you’re in a bad fix.”“ Yes rather bad.”“ Unless you have help you’ll bo out of

sight in two hours.”“ Looks thut way to mo, too”“ Now then, will you pay that debt?”“ I t ’s outlawed.”“ I can’t help that, you owe mo $16. Will

you pay it if I ’ll help you out ?”Pilgrim glanced around at tho darkening

forest, uud soerucd to fully realize ilis situa­tion; but after a moment’s reflection lie cull­ed out:

“ I’ll toll you w hat PU do. i ’ll wait till I go down to my chin, and then if no ono else happens along, or tho boys do not como this way aftor tho cows, I’ll give you my note for $10. puyablo in a yoar. How’s that?”

“ I’ll let you go down, and bo hanged to you!” roared tho creditor us ho moved away.

“ Hold on! hold on!” callod Pilgrim, I for­got to say th a t tho note must ho without in­terest; aud you must agree not to sue on it.”

He was uctuully down to his chiu whon tho neighbor returned w ith help, but he was not In a debt-paying mood. On tho contra­ry, When ho found th a t his boots had boon loftiu tho mire behind him, he growled out:

“ 1 don’t say us I shall Aio any of you for tho valuo of them boots, I won’t agree not to bring iu tho claim if wo over make a horse- trade.”

F a r a d a y ’s L o s t C u p .Air. Pentecost, tho ovaugolist, replying to

tho charge of foUy mado against thoso who believe that God will raise the dead, gave thisbouutiful illustration; “ Thero is a story told of a workman of tho groat chemist Far­aday. One day ho knocked into a j a r of acid a little silver cup. It disappeared, was ea t­en up by tho acid, and could not be found. The question came up whether it could ovor bo found. Ono said ho could find it, another said it wus hold in solution and them was no possibility of finding i t The groat chem­ist came in, and put some chemical into tho jar, and in a moment every particle of tho silver was precipitated to tho bottom. He lifted it out a shapeless mass, sent It to tho silversmith, and the cup was restored. If Faraday could precipitute tha t silver nnd restore tha t cup, I believe God can restore my sleeping nnd scattered dust.

—The highest hopes and interest of the race rest on tlio purity, health and strength of womanhood. We take pleasure in refer­ring our readers to tho remarkable efficacy of Lydia E. Piukhani's Vegetable Compound in all that class of diseases from which w men suffer so much.

T e n M in u te s W ith t h o L a d ie s .—Old-fashioned blue is coming iu again.—Among novelties brought out in London

are parasols of straw ..—French costumes grow moro bouffant

and aesthetic dresses bocomo more and more clinging.

— considered bad form to wear the bustle eloso up to the waist—tho correct thing being to fasten it somo inches below the waist.

—A great many wrappers mado from fun- cy blankets are boing prepared for uso a t the seaside. Red, bluo and gray blankets are alike used for these, nnd the borders form the trimming.

—It is a great urt to do up an umbrella properly, au a rt in which fow persons are proficient. First see tha t every fold is straight and thou roll from the top down keeping tho hand over it and fasten with the strap, which should be tight, before releas­ing your hold.

—Quito inexpensive but vory charming little dresses can be made for little girls by purchasing American surah, which cau bo had in all tbe delicate shades of baby blue, rose, pink, cherry, or fawn color, and mak­ing perfectly plain princesse slips of this fabric, ovor which can bo worn' different dresses of dotted 8 wiss,raull, organdie, orpa- tisto, trimmed w ith dainty ruffles of somo fancy laco and little bows of ribbon match­ing tho shade of the slip . Tho American surahs aro of good width and are now reduc­ed to about half thoir former price.

HOUSEHOLD HINTS.—If you havo a gardon, do not throw

away tho soapsuds from the laundry: keep It to use as a fertilizer for your flower bods.

—A nice way to prepare potatoes for breakfast is, cut cold boiled ones in square pieces, and dip thorn iu beaten eggs, aud put thorn on a buttered pie plate in the oven ; when they are hot und brown send them to the table.

—Thoso who object to the odors of many of tho disinfectants usod a t tho presont day will find charcoal unobjectionable on this account; and it is said to absorb gases in a surprising way ; pieces can bo laid ou plutes and put out of sight in a sick room.

—Caper sauce is nothing moro nor less than drawn buttor sauce w ith two or three tnblospoonfuls of French capers added ; put them in beforo you take tho sauce from the fire ; lemon juice m ay be added if you choose. The capers como in bottles ready for uso.

—An economical splasher for overy-day uso, behind tile wushstund, is made of en- nniolled cloth ; tho edgo may bo prettily fin­ished with scallops of scarlet flannel ; theso may bo pasted to tho odgo with a littlo mucil­age. This is so oHsily kept clean thut it Is a very successful appendage to tho wash- stand.

—An excellent way to wash black cam­bric and calico dresses is first to prepare wator for it thus : To four quarts of cold water allow u pint of wheat b ra n ; boil it for half un hour, then strain it and wash tho dress in i t ; do not use soap unless there are grenro spots, and thun only on thoso. Biua tho starch deeply and iron on tho wrong side.

—A very easy way to poach oggs Is to sot boiling wntor iu your muffin tins and sot them on tho hottest part of the stove; break tho oggs in a saucer, then drop ono iu each tin ; iu two or threo mlnutos thoy will bo done, and can bo taken up ono a t a timo in good shape with the help of a small strainer; season with butter, poppor and salt.

—Welsh ruroblt is delicious when mado af­tor this rule : Half a pound of ehoeso, threo eggs, ono small cup of broad crumbs, two tablespoonfuls of melted buttor, mustard uud salt to taste. A fter beating tbu choeso in an earthen dish add the other ingredients, then spread on tho top of slices of bread, toasted or not us you choose, and set iu tho oven to melt.

—Bj( a printer's error, tho reador of “ Household Hints ” was recently advised to put iu tho center of an apple-pattor pudding a layer of " ferns !” Howovor plousing and unique this may seem to tho truly icsthotie tho avorago cook m ay bo glad to know that a layer of fru it is w hat was recommended.

—Currant fritters are mado of ouo cup aud a half of bread crumbs, ono tublespoen- ful aud a hulf of flour, ono cup anil a half of sweet milk, ouo quarter of a pound of well- washed English currants (drain tho currants thoroughly), two eggs, two tublepoonfuls of sugnr, a small lump of butter. F lavor with cinnamon or uutrnog to suit your taste; drop iu spoonfuls iu hot lard and fry until dono. E at with wiuo and sugar.

—Says tho Brooklyn Eagle: Mr. It. C. Moore, of Messrs. Vcrnam & Co., 84 New street, Now York, was almost instantly re­lieved by St. Jacobs Oil of severe pain fol­lowing an attack of pleurisy. Tho reraody acted like magic.

D o u b le - h e a d e d L o v e m a k ln g .Tho Evans Centre Uoublu-heuilod mon­

strosity has boon visited by the enterprising oil region reporter, and lu un alleged Inter­view w ith ono of her heads ho was informed that her hood had boon asked in marriage by a youug physician of considerable fame. She had given him w hat sho sup]>osed to bo her heart, but the othor head, which detest­ed tho doctor and suspected him of wooing for tho sako of gotting a monstrosity to bot­tle for his medical museum, objected to the gift, claiming that the heart belonged to her, anil th a t she wonted to bestow it upon the object of hor choice, a young law student. As there Is only oue heart for these two hoads the controversy over the ownership became more violent every day. By a fa­ta lity each head detects the object of the other head's choice, and to avoid unpleasant­ness during their respective courtships thoy huvo adopted tho following novel p la n : Whon tho doctor calls to pay his respects ho chloroforms the head that rlislikos him, and during the period of insensibility ho and the head he loves do thoir billing and cooing. When the law student calls tho other head takes other, and by th is means ]>eaco is pre­served aud harmony prevails.

—In tho'constraction of railroads a t pres­ent going on in Texas, 20,000 men and 100,- 000 mul. - tnd horses are employed. About 2 ,0 0 0 m i l e s ■ ff road are under contract.

—A gentleman of Ht. Louis named Baliy hns applied to huvo his name changed to Bar bee, the orthodox pronunciation of Baby, because his f.llmv-citizens persist in calling him Buby.

Hough ou Huts.Tho thing desired found at. last. Ask

Druggists for “ Rough on Rats.” I t clears out mice rats, roaches, flies, bed-bugs. 15c. boxes.

—A t tho close of tho w ar two women at Penfield, Go., began farm ing w ith an old blind horso. Now they owu a good planta­tion, well stocked, and have eighteen or tw enty bales of cotton on hand. One a t­tended to the farm, while tho other manag­ed the household affairs.

Skinny Men.Wells’ Health ltenewer. Absolute cure for

norvous debility and weakness of tho gener­ative functions. $1 a t druggists. Prepaid by express, $1.25, 6 for $5. E. 8 . WELLS, Jersey City, N. J.

—Tho barmaids of London held a meeting a short timo ago to protest against thoir long hours of Bervico uml the hnrd work that Is imposed upon them. The girls do not ask any increase in wages and aro not in favor of the “ early closing ” movement, but they wish thoir employors to hire another relay of maids.

“ BUCHLPAIBA.BNow, quick, complete cure 4 duys, urinary

affections, smarting, frequent or difficult urinntion, kidney diseases. $1 at druggists. Prepaid by express, $1.25, 6 for $5. E. S. WELLS, Jersey City, N. J.

—Tlie brido of a Green Bay (Wis.) wed­ding was astounded by receiving from a friend a pair of trousers, with the message : ‘ Loaned for tho p art you aro to play.” Tho briile-groom construed the garm ent us an in­sult nnd the guosts unanimously agreod that somo decisive form of resentment ought to bo shown. Whilo tho excitement was high tho friend nrrived in equul perturbation nnd explained thnt tho trousers should have gono for a fellow to w ear in an am ateur enter­tainment, whilo n piece of silverwuro should have como to the wedding. He hail hastily whipped tho blundering messenger, nnd would submit himself to uny punishment the brido might inflict. Sho made him wait for a kiss until overyboily else had been served.


Neuralgia, Sciatica, Lumbago, Backache, Soreness of tbe Chest,

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Direction* ln Eleven Language*.SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS AND DBALEB8 IN MEDICINE,▲. V O G E L E R Sc CO.,

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F A N N I N G M U X SReceived the Centennial Diploma and Grand Medal;

The a rt connoiseur and oxhibitor, Prof Cromwell, was cured of rheumatism by 8 t. Jacobs Oil.—Norfolk Virginian.

alio Paris Award in 1878, for D u r a b i l i t y , R a p i d , i t y , E c o n o m y and JijBH T W O R K . They claagperfectly Oatr, Cheat, C ockl, and all foul matter a * of Wheat and Barley; grade and separata ail kinds ol grain for market or feeding, and will lave any ono annually their coat. Lowett freight, procured for purchaser.. Addreet,

D IC K E Y A P E A S E . toOT&etemi,RACINE. WI*.

a . W. HOOVER, Agent,

L Y D I A E . P I N K H A W I ’ 8^VEGETABLE COMPOUND.IsaPojitlveCnre

for all thoro Palate! CwplalaM on, WoshooMOOooaoaemon tooarhoa. female p.polatloa.* I* will euro entirely Hia worrt tortn of female 0®w plaints, all ovarian trouble.. InRemmatton and rieera tion, rallpig and I'iaplaeementa, and tbe conaosoent Spinal Weakness, and la particularly adapted to tbo Change ot life .

It will dlMolvo and erpel tnmore from the uteru. ta an early (tag . of development. The tendency to eaa. ceroua humoretheroli cheeked very apeedlly hy tie nee.

lt remove, falntneea, (latnleney. deetroyoall craving for .Umulante, and relieve# weakneae of tha stomach. It cures llloatlng, noadaehea, Nervous Proatratloa, General Debility, Bleeplomnaaa, Depreeel oa and Indi­gestion.

That fooling of bearing down, causing pain, weight ahd backache, ta always ponuam-ntly cured hy He uae

It will at all tlmei and undar all otremnatanoea set te harmony with tha law. that govern tbe female ayatem.

For the cure of Kidney Complaint# of allher ear te l. Compound la uniurpuaed.

ly d ia k . r i N E n t i r i vfof.ta b lk r * « .POUND 1. prepared at t » and «J4 Woetern Arenac, Lynn, Mom. Prico |I . SU b ottle for* , •antbym eil tn the form of pllln, aleo In tho form of loaengee, ea receipt of price, *1 per bor for either. Mr*, rtnkham freely anawora All letter, of Inquiry. Baud for pamph­let. Addrea. aa above. Jfmrion IAle ftwar.

u -------------No family should bo without LYDIA K. PINXtTAll'S

LIVER PI LIA. They Oure eonittpatloa. bUioueneee aad torpidity of the Uver. K cents per boa.

0 - Said h r oil Drmggtet*. -tt*

TO BUT T O U R -L U M i i i— AT—

LOCKPORT.We guarantee to sell at

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C a jt L o t s— O F-

P iles ! P iles ! P iles !A Sure Cure F ou n d nt L ast No One N eed Sutler !

A sure C ure fo r B lind, B leeding, I tc h ­ing and U lcera ted P ile s lius been d is­covered by I)r. W illiam , (a n In d ian rem edy,) called E r . W illiam ’s Indluu O in tm en t. A sing le b o x bus cu red thu w o rst chronic cnee o f 25 o r 30 years s tand ing . N o one need suffer five m in­u tes a f te r ap p ly in g th is w onderfu l so o th ing m edicine. L otions, in s tru ­m ents, e lec tuaries, do m ore harm than good. W illiam 's O in tm en t abso rbs th e tum ors, a llay s th e in tense itch ing , (p a r­ticu la rly a t n ig h t a f te r g e tt in g w arm iu bed ,) ac ts as a po u ltice , g ives in s ta n t and painless re lic t, and is p repared only fo r P iles, itch in g of th e p riva te parts ,

id 'fo r no th ing else.Head w lm t th e H on. J . M. C oflinbcr-

r y ,o f Clevelund, suys a b o u t D r. W il­liam ’s Ind ian P ile R em edy: 1 have used scores of P ile C ures, and i t affords me p leasure to sav th a t I havo never found an y th in g w hich gave such im m ediate and p e rm an en t re lie f as D r. W illiam ’s In d ian O in tm ent.

F o r sale bv a ll d ru g g is ts o r m ailed on receip t of price, * 1 .0 0 .

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W a ters ’ Orchestral O r g a n sa n r n t b o m o s t H E A U T rF r i. InhT Y l.R M nnd

l ’KUFKCT In TON H av er mn.Io, T hey contain every Im provem ent n e c a su ry fo r u grot -elan* OKU AN, Including o u r G 'c iib ra lrd OUCIIKSv T ltA L B T O F , w h irh la a Flux Im ita tio n a f lh n Ilum un Ynlrei nlao w ith o r w ith o u t i Chiron o f 3 0 U ella ,lunrd lu pvrftT tliu ru iony w lih lh te Iteeita. p roducing u a te to c th u lh mnglcml . n d e lectrify ing . tV A TB M fcll AU.HOMC “ NEW 1'AVOItlTli, C I K d t M l . i i d H U M ’K T O K . • IANS.Id unl<t*o i r v t e l l k . r , , romlilno PC U - IT V n f VOICING w ith CKK AT IO I.U N 1 n f TONK. anltnhle fu r Parlay . School a r C h u rc h . 1’r lrca 9 3 0 . # 0 0 , 0 7 3 , gbA, $ (OO, upw ard .

W A T E R S P I A N O S .

H A R P . Prion.w ith stoo l,C aver and B n ah .B onrd an d Whlppodriroly RIOto Up w a rd . ’ PIANO nnd OUO AN W ARRANTEDfl YKAUn, ta g lva K nttr# M a ri.r^ tto n . r r t r a a ■•ly Low. M outh ly laata lroen ta roealvad. I ll.C .a ta lo eeeP ree . AflBNT* W A N T IB .

h o Wa o e w a V i J # K S * « n j

EXCBIARO, Kvary lUtrai

We cotitlnun to art asflnlirtt/yra for Patents, Caveats, I'rade Marks, Copyrights, etc.. for the United States. Canada, Cuba, England, Fraum, Ginnany, elr. Wa tiavii had t l i l r t y - l i » o y e a r s ’ c x p c r l e u c e .

Patents i ibtaintd thn sigh us ara noticed lo theRct- kxiiHC AMERICAN. This largu and splendid Illus­trated weekly pater, $3.‘JO a year,show, the lTogreaHa Ncleni'e, 1. very Interesting, and has an enormour circulation. Address MUNN A (X>., Patent Ik.lirltors, pub’s, of Soikntimc amskican, 37 Park Itow, S’ew Y.jk- Hqnd tssik al»>ut Patents free.________ ^

T H E G I X J P I N S U L K Y P L O WC T O H S C S A U V O M A T Z O J B X Z .T .





Iry Plow iiMtrkod * «ow arte la

Uw I nr I o tbo CnltPd HUU*.h a h a c h i i w a

HCCCKSU »*• "-o i **•*tti«n »u y of b*r I mplwuwi. t •»- •r Iniroducod lo Mu WMUirn farmer. Hutr-ee*taelwayaOn If ba i*«tof mrrli, en l lo nu- et.lirary fhe minuet efmpflrUg C’HtaiaUnt with the perfonw- ence of I te wurte te wwauUel.Hu nimple In the Olljrfn ta tte •pur el Ion Uiet th# imekflli 4 tea UM ltB l well ee the ekiilr l plowmen eud with gu<wt r» volte.

O N K L I f lR O n Y l _____Irernr, e« the plow* are r#l*#4 ..*i oTy* fffOMfci »at#m#ti«#ar Hy etmr-tp toaretnx# *rnng. --------

7-1. frame work te >U #f »ro#-tiwto |t#*», iron Whtol.: 8TROJVC A«l» Dl’RABLB I* COMHTMDf • TlOIV, end of ti Iffftt draft the Ueaa frarrylag the Urt ver ou aa ##ey •##!, wUcm Lw Its* lull vtswr iA wu** *m4*smr

«>4 that ffl an If <■»•! V> wimlata depth of pkrtriof a®8 *•

if »t u*m ' a* the ordinary haa i-ptow dotnx ttl-— *rw.— . .ITH Hl’PmiOH WORK ow th.i done by tha ordinary luM plow win pay tt* ««et la • An*u erep, hy raaaan af ni* ntilfwrra depth etui n»tl, aud tba freedom fmtn anptowad rpote, *e tha M<»w le Wsted Inel? tte H»* around aad ran *o« be thrown out by Ur4 ep .te or reek rrowtn of ereede ar Tinea. TWKWTY TBR CKMTa•eu ba aoouuaUalied daily than hy eay otharrydeBB.


D E E K E Ss C O M P A N Y , M O L I N E * 1 U J N Q H L