Download - It’s All In The Mind!€¦ · Hypnotherapy, Practitioner in Time Line Therapy & attended Anthony Robbins Mastery University & ZLeadership Academy, alongside a whole heap of other

Page 1: It’s All In The Mind!€¦ · Hypnotherapy, Practitioner in Time Line Therapy & attended Anthony Robbins Mastery University & ZLeadership Academy, alongside a whole heap of other

It’s All In The Mind!

The Keys to Seeing

Pure Profit Potential

In Everything You Do…

& Realising Technology Is…

Page 2: It’s All In The Mind!€¦ · Hypnotherapy, Practitioner in Time Line Therapy & attended Anthony Robbins Mastery University & ZLeadership Academy, alongside a whole heap of other

Meet the Pro

Mo Latin. The guy who produced the last two ‘PT Business

Bootcamp’ workshop events, recorded them & turned them into a range of audio & ebook products for ‘The PT Business Gym’… & will do the same with productising this telesummit event.

During 18 years as a Freelance Sound Engineer & Music Producer, Mo qualified as an NVQ Trainer/Assessor in the Music Technology Industry, training hundreds of complete beginners & industry professionals in sound recording & music production.

In 2005 he discovered ‘Personal development’ when he attended a massive 4 day event with Anthony Robbins at the London Excel Centre – 12,000 people… doing challenging but very cool stuff… like walking on fire! This life-changing event, with world class audio-visual production, pushed a big red button in Mo’s mind that said… ‘I want that – I want to work on production for events like this… be the dude at the back with the most powerful finger in the room!

I press a button – 10,000 people get up & dance… laugh or cry… Very cool.’

This event also re-awakened a long ‘forgotten’ interest in human beings (!) … about finding out how we work, how we think, what motivates us & why. & so a new journey began for the inspired firewalker…

2005-6 was intense… a lot of fun… & very expensive! A pocket full of credit cards led to seminar after seminar after seminar… London… Barcelona… L.A…. Gold Coast in Oz… Fiji… San Diego… on an accelerated quest of personal discovery… a mission to shed layers of who he really wasn’t… & to find out what lay beneath – a mission still unfinished.

During that time Mo also trained in ‘life coaching’ (for want of a better name), as a Master Practitioner in NLP & Hypnotherapy, Practitioner in Time Line Therapy & attended Anthony Robbins ‘Mastery University’ & ‘Leadership Academy’, alongside a whole heap of other seminars & training events…. & qualified as a ‘CELTA’ Teacher (Teaching English to non- English speakers).

So back to ‘the big red button’ at that ‘London Excel’ event.

In 2005 another journey began. Mo went to a coaching event that had really bad sound! So bad it had to be fixed… so a short conversation with the event promoter led to instant improvement in the audio quality in the room – much to the relief of the audience – & the start to a hugely successful career in event production, first running events for an internet marketer, producing training weekends every few weeks, moving on to working with world class events companies, speakers, trainers & business folk… including the guy who inspired it all – Anthony Robbins.

Mo has worked with the best of the best – producing events, recording & filming them… & turning them into highly profitable products & internet video marketing. He has also sat through thous&s of hours of top business training seminars & personal development events… so he’s learned a thing or two from some of the most successful people on earth – strategies he has applied with his clients & in his own audio-visual businesses – ‘AskTheAVPro’, (event production services), ‘SuperEasyAV’ (audio & video for complete beginners) & his latest creation ‘AVDFY’ (Audio & Video ‘Done For You’).

Page 3: It’s All In The Mind!€¦ · Hypnotherapy, Practitioner in Time Line Therapy & attended Anthony Robbins Mastery University & ZLeadership Academy, alongside a whole heap of other

The Audio-Video Mindset

How To Think About Your Everyday Business As An Audio-Video Goldmine.

o Identify three key areas of specialist information or education that you share or deliver that is highly valuable to your market, clients and future prospects?

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What ‘Tools’ Do You Already Have That Can Capture Your Knowledge To Sell?

o Text tools

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o Audio Tools

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o Video Tools

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3 _______________________________________________________

Click to ‘Profit Finder’ Click to ‘3D Flip Page Video Brochure’

Page 4: It’s All In The Mind!€¦ · Hypnotherapy, Practitioner in Time Line Therapy & attended Anthony Robbins Mastery University & ZLeadership Academy, alongside a whole heap of other

How To Get Real About Technology…. & The Truth About ‘Technophobia’

o What technology do you already comfortably use 2 or 3 times a week?

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Where Are Your Opportunities To Effortlessly Create Profitable Content Right Now?

o Write down three ways in which you already deliver high value specialist information or education in your normal working week

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SuperEasy Step-By-Step Strategies To Leverage What You Say & What You Do

o What could you do this week to capture what you do in text, audio or video?

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DIY or DFY: What Works For YOU & Is The Best Use Of YOUR Time?

o Your top three ideas for products & marketing: Do It Yourself or Done For You? Think about YOUR skills & where you want to focus your time & energy.

Idea 1: DIY or DFY?

Idea 2: DIY or DFY?

Idea 3: DIY or DFY?

Click to ‘Profit Finder’ Click to ‘3D Flip Page Video Brochure’