Download - It based project


2. OVERVIEWIn this lesson, we shall discuss about four types of IT-basedprojects which can effectively be used in orderto engage students in activities of a higher plane ofthinking.To be noted is the fact that these projects differ on thespecific process and skills employed, also in theultimate activity or platform used to communicatecompleted products to others. 3. It is to be understood that theseprojects do not address all of thethinking skills shown previously in theThinking Skills Framework. But theseprojects represent constructivistapproach to instruction. 4. FOUR IT-BASED PROJECTI. RESOURCE-BASEDPROJECTSII. SIMPLE CREATIONSIII. GUIDED HYPERMEDIAPROJECTSIV. WEB-BASED PROJECTS 5. The teacher steps outof the traditional roleof being an contentexpert andinformation provider,and instead lets thestudents find theirown facts andinformation.I. RESOURCE-BASEDPROJECTS 6. The General flow of events in Resource-BasedProjects1. The teacher determines the topic for theexamination of class (e.g. the definition of theman)2. The teacher presents the problem to the class.3. The students find information on theproblem/questions.4. Students organize their information in response tothe problem/questions. 7. Relating to finding information, tsthe centralprinciple is to make the students go beyond thetextbook and curriculum materials.Students are also encouraged to go to thelibrary, particularly to the modern extensionof the modern library, the internet. 8. TRADITIONAL LEARNING MODEL RESOURCE-BASED LEARNING MODELTeacher is expert & informationproviderTeacher is a guide & facilitatorTextbook is key source of informationSource are varied(print, video, internet ,etc.)Focus on facts information ispackaged In neat parcelsFocus on learninginquiry/quest/discoveryThe product is the be-all and end-allof learningEmphasis of processAssessment in quantitativeAssessment is quantitative andqualitative 9. II.SIMPLE CREATIONS 10. Students can also be assigned to create theirsoftware materials to supplement the need forrelevant and effective materials.Of course, thereare available software materials such as creativewriter (by microsoft) on writing, kidWork Deluxe(by Davidson) on drawing and painting, andMediaWeave by Humanities software0 onmultimedia. 11. Creating is more consonant with planning,making, assembling, designing, or building.Creativity is said to combine three kind ofskills/abilities: Analyzing Synthesizing Promoting 12. To develop creativity, the following five key tasksmay be recommended:1. Define the tasks2. Brainstorm3. Judge the ideas4. Act5. Adopt flexibility 13. The Upgraded Project MethodGiven these complex thinking skills, the modern day teachercan now be guided on his goal to help student achievehigher level thinking skills and creativity beyond theordinary benchmark of the students passing, even excellingachievement test. 14. Project Method For Higher LearningOutcomes Consists in having the students work onprojects with depth, complexity, duration andrelevance to the real world. 15. Project Method There is a tighter link between the use ofprojects for simply coming up with products tohaving the students undergo the process ofcomplex/higher thinking under the framework of theconstructivist paradigm. 16. The Process The process of project implementationtakes the students to the steps, efforts,and experiences in project completion. 17. Guided HypermediaProjectsAs an instructive tool, such as in theproduction by students of power-pointpresentation of a selective topic. 18. As a communication tool, such aswhen students do a multimediapresentation ( with text, graphics,photos, audio narration,interviews, video clips, etc. tosimulate a television news show. 19. Web Based Project 20. Web Based ProjectStudents can be made to create and postwebpages on a given topic. But creating webpages, even single page webpages, maybe too sophisticated and time consuming for theaverage students 21. However, that posting of webpages in theInternet allows the students a wideraudience.They can also be linked with other relatedcites in the Internet.But as of now, this creativity project may betoo ambitious tool as a tool in theteaching-learning process. 22. If kids come to us from strong, healthy functioningfamilies, it makes our job easier.If they do not come to us from strong, healthy,functioning families, it makes our job more important.-Barbara Colorose