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Issues in Public AdministrationMPA 509

Lecture 2by Khursheed Yusuf

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AGENDA Preview of the Last Lecture Part 1: Meaning, Nature and Scope Views about Public Administration Views about Public Administration as a Field of Practice Views about Public Administration as a Field of Study Example about Public Administration as a Field of study An applied Discipline Views about Public Administration-As an Art and Science Definitions The Difference between Public and Private Administration.

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Part I:Meaning, Nature, Scope and Significance of Public


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There is, however, a core of diverse meanings of terms administration and public administration, linked with the origin of the word administration.

Administration has originated from Latin verb ministrare, strengthened by the preposition ad-, meaning „to serve”. Words „minister” and „ministration” also conform that „servant” aspect of the derivatives of ministrare. Therefore, administration always means a certain service or executive activity, carried out with respect to somebody and/or something more important.

What is Public Administration?

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Views of Public Administration

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The Concept of Public Administration

Luther GulickAdministration has to do with getting things done; with the accomplishment of defined objectives.George E. BerkleyAdministration is a process involving human beings jointly engaged in working towards common goals.Keith HendersonAdministration is the arrangement of men and materials in the rational carrying out of purposes.

Two essential elements of administration: collective effort common purpose

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The Concept of Public Administration

Administration is an universal process and occurs in diverse institutional settings. Based on its institutional settings, administration is divided into: public administration (refers to the administration which operates in governmental setting) private administration (refers to the administration which operates in non-governmental setting)

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Woodrow Wilson Public administration is detailed and systematic

execution of the law excludes policy formulation as well as elected officials

Russell—the public interest Whatever governments do for good or ill. It is

public administration’s political context that makes it public--that distinguishes it from private or business administration.

Other definitions

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Definitions of PublicAdministration

Waldo, 1955

PA is the organization and management of men and materials to achieve the purposes of government PA is the art and science of management as applied to the affairs of the state

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Definition of PublicAdministration

According to Waldo (1955), Public Administration has dual usages: as a field of practice and a field of study. The meaning invoked is the activity or process of administering public affairs and carrying out governmental functions.

Example of Public Administration practices Enacting a law Making decision on the best policy concerning an issue Formulating the plan Maintaining law and order Processing of claims Building roads and bridges Issuance of license Setting standard and Processes

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Definition of PublicAdministration

Caiden, 1971

is a cooperative group effort in a public setting covers all three branches – executive, legislative and judicial and interrelationships has important role in the formulation of public policy and is , thus, part of the political process as a field of study and practice , it has been influenced by human relations approach is closely associated with numerous private groups and individuals in providing services to the community

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Definition of PublicAdministration

Fry, 1989

PA is policy-making. It is not autonomous, exclusive or isolated policy making.

PA is one of a number of basic political processes by which this people achieves and controls governance

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Rossenbloom, 1989

Definition of PublicAdministration

PA is the action part of government. The means by which the purposes and goals of government are realized. PA as a field is mainly concerned with the means for implementing political values PA differs from political science in its emphasis on bureaucratic structure and behavior and its methodologies PA differs from administrative science in the evaluative techniques used by non profit organizations because profit-seeking organizations are considerably less constrained in considering public interest in their decision-making structures and the behavior of their administrators

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Definition of PublicAdministration Public

De Guzman, 1993

From a very broad perspective, PA may be viewed to refer not only in activities carrying out or implementing policies and programs of the government but also to the processes and contents of these policies and programs From a broader perspective, PA may refer to the cooperative human action whether within the public bureaucracy, the private sector or in nongovernmental organizations aimed at delivering services to the people

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The Concept of Public AdministrationDavid H. Rosenbloom, Robert S. KravchukPublic administration […] is difficult to define. […] In part, this is be-cause public administration covers such a vast amount of activity. Public administration jobs range from the exploration of outer space to sweeping the streets. Some public administrators are highly educated professionals, who may be at the forefront of their fields of specializa-tion; others possess few skills that differentiate them from the mass of the citizenry. Some public administrators make policies that have a nationwide impact and may benefit millions of people; others have virtually no responsibility for policy making and simply carry out mundane governmental tasks like word processing, filing, and record keeping. Public administrators are doctors, lawyers, scientists, engi-neers, accountants, budgeters, policy analysts, personnel officers, ma-nagers, clerks, keyboarders, manual laborers, and individuals engaged in a host of other occupations and functions.[…] public administration as a category is so abstract and varied that it can only be described in vague, general, amorphous, and somewhat competing terms.

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What is also considered an applied discipline?

It has practical use for government, particularly in improving government performance it prepares persons for careers in public service and trains them to be good public administrators

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Views of Public AdministrationAs: Both an Art and a Science

As an Art:

PA involves creativity, leadership, a good sense of the intangibles in administration.

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Views of Public AdministrationAs: Both an Art and a Science

As a Science:

There is a body of knowledge or theories that can explain or predict phenomenon or variables in the field of PA The PA theories and concepts are built on empirical research using systematic methods These theories can be used not only to explain but also improve the art and practice of PA (Bautista, 1990)

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The Concept of Public Administration

Administration is an universal process and occurs in diverse institutional settings. Based on its institutional settings, administration is divided into: public administration (refers to the administration which operates in governmental setting) private administration (refers to the administration which operates in non-governmental setting)

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Criteria Public Administration Private Administration1.Relations to environment

subject to public scrutiny; public demand and expectations; political pressures

Less exposed to public inspection; internal processes are kept from public; response to public guided by market dynamics

2. Accountability Accountable to the public; transparency in transactions is expected

management accountable to owners of firms/corporations

3. Measure of performance

general public satisfaction is the gauge in the improvement in the quality of life

profit is bottomline

4. Nature of goods and services

open to all availment based on ones ability to pay

Public and Private Administration

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The Concept of Public Administration

Woodrow WilsonPublic administration is a detailed and systematic execution of law. Every particular application of law is an act of administration. […] Administration is the most obvious part of the government; it is the government in action; it is the executive, the operative, the most visible part of the government.Edgar N. GladdenPublic administration is concerned with the administration of the government.Marshall E. DimockPublic administration is the fulfillment or enforcement of public policy as declared by the competent authorities. It deals with the problems and powers of the organizations and techniques of management involved in carrying out the law and policies formulated by the policy-making agencies of government. Public administration is the law in action. It is the executive side of a government.

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The Concept of Public Administration

Felix A. Nigro

Public administration: (1)is a cooperative group effort in a public setting; (2)covers all three branches – executive,

legislative, and judicial – and their interrelationships;

(3) has an important role in the formulation of public policy, and is thus part of a political process; (4) is different in significant ways from private administration; and(5) is closely associated with numerous private groups and individuals in providing services to the community.

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The Concept of Public Administration

The Constitution of the Republic of PolandArt. 10

1. The system of government of the Republic of Poland shall be based on the separation of and balance be-tween the legislative, executive and judicial powers.

2. Legislative power shall be vested in the Sejm and the Senate, executive power shall be vested in the Pre-sident of the Republic of Poland and the Council of Ministers, and the judicial power shall be vested in courts and tribunals.

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War cemetery. Lest we should dream that we may die in vain!

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The Concept of Public Administration

Characteristics of public administration:•acting on behalf of the state or another public authority, to which the state has ceded a part of its power • administrative coercion – performing a function with the possibility of applying public power to enforce decisions• political nature in Poland e.g. when the government is dismissed, the governors of the provinces resign• acting on the basis and within the limits of law •(a rule applicable to individuals )• a continuous and stable operation• employing mainly professional personnel •(in particular a corps of civil servants)

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The Concept of Public Administration

Political system



Public administration

Civil society (citizens)

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Summary:What is Public Administration Public administration is what government does. Public administration is both direct and

indirect. Public administration is a phase in the policy-

making cycle. Public administration is implementing the public

interest. Public administration is doing collectively that

which cannot be done so well individually. Because public administration is what a state

does, it is both created and bound by an instrument of the law.

Public administration is the law in action. Public administration is regulation.

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The Quote of the Day

German public administration scholar Stein, • the modern state

is an administrative state:

Administrationis what I cannot name.