Download - Issue No. 34 June 2017 NewSheet - St Mary Magdalen Sheet · Issue No. 34 June 2017 ongratulations, ... At hristmas we celebrate the kingdom of God coming to the earth as Jesus, ...

Page 1: Issue No. 34 June 2017 NewSheet - St Mary Magdalen Sheet · Issue No. 34 June 2017 ongratulations, ... At hristmas we celebrate the kingdom of God coming to the earth as Jesus, ...



Issue No. 34 June 2017

Congratulations, James & Hayley

Loving God, Loving People St Mary Magdalen Church, Sheet, Petersfield Registered Charity No. 1128244

Our own James White and

Hayley Denyer were

married in church on

Saturday 29th April.

They had issued an open

invitation to the church

family to attend the cere-

mony and a number of reg-

ulars (not least, the choir)

were there to share in their

special day. The smiles on

their faces say it all: it was

a truly joyous occasion and

we wish the new Mr and

Mrs White a long, blessed

and healthy life together.

Our congratulations also to

another couple previously

married at Sheet, Chris &

Jenna Coombes, on the

birth of their son Jacob,

who behaved immaculately

on his first visit to church!

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Pentecost gets none of the hype and commercialism that Christmas or Easter attract, but

what we celebrate at this time of year – the pouring out of the Holy Spirit on ordinary,

everyday people – is just as important as Jesus’ birth, death and resurrection. For it is the Spirit who brings home

to us in the here and now the reality of the rescue and freedom which Jesus has brought.

At Christmas we celebrate the kingdom of God coming to the earth as Jesus, King of the kingdom, is born. But, as

Jesus tells Nicodemus, it is only as we are born of the Spirit that we enter the kingdom for ourselves. (John 3:5-8)

At Easter we celebrate Jesus’ wonderful victory over sin and death. But it is the work of the Spirit in our lives

that means we ourselves participate in this victory, which in turn gives us hope of resurrection. (Romans 8:11)

It is by God’s Spirit living in us that we share in Jesus’ life. It is by God’s Spirit living in us that we are adopted into

God’s family, know we are God’s children and can talk to him intimately, crying, ‘Abba, Father’. (Romans 8:15,16)

Christians are meant to live in the presence and power of the Spirit of God. The Holy Spirit helps us to confess Jesus

as Lord (1 Corinthians 12:3), empowers us to serve God with supernatural power (1 Cor 12:4-11), binds us together as

the body of Christ (1 Cor 12:12-13), helps us to pray (Romans 8:26), and even intercedes for us with God the Father

(Rom 8:27). The Spirit guides us (Galatians 5:25) and transforms us, helping us to live like Jesus (Gal 5:22-23).

All of this could be seen as a very individual thing. And of course we can and do experience the Spirit as individuals.

But the first Pentecost was a pouring out of the Spirit on a group of Jesus’ followers as they were gathered to pray.

And it led to a shared life together, focused on teaching, fellowship, breaking of bread, prayer and practical sharing

to ensure no-one was hungry or needy (Acts 2:42-47). And so we speak of Pentecost as the birthday of the Church.

So the Spirit brings us into a new relationship with God and with one another. But it didn’t stop there. God is a God

of mission, reaching out in love to all he has made, to heal, to rescue and make himself known. So we shouldn’t be

surprised to discover that the Spirit drives the church out in mission. As those first Christians lived out their new

faith together by the power of the Spirit, ‘the Lord added to their number those who were being saved’ (Acts 2;47).

So my prayer this Pentecost is that we may be filled with the Spirit of God and that this will deepen our relation-

ship with our heavenly Father and with each other as brothers and sisters in His family. And it is that we too,

both individually and as a church, will be motivated and empowered to make his ways known in the world and

be used to help others come to know him. You can read about some of the ways we believe God is calling us to

do this in our Mission Action Plan leaflet. Thank you for being part of this. And if you’d like help in discovering

more about how you might be involved, I’d love to hear from you.

PS. My Pentecost challenge! If you don’t usually get round to reading the Bible at home – or even if you do – why

not take five minutes a day for a few days this Pentecost to look up the Bible references above and reflect on

them, being open to what the Spirit might want to say to you and praying for a deeper experience of Him?

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On Sunday 7th May, Sofia preached at both

services, tackling the thorny topic of suffering

with sensitivity and wisdom. At the opening of

her sermon, she said this:

During my visit here I have learnt a lot about

the differences between our churches, but

also about our similarities. We pray, we

sing, we talk about God and try to get to

know him through his Son Jesus Christ. We

read the scriptures and try to learn what it

can mean to us today in 2017 in Sheet, in

Stockholm and around the world. By visit-

ing here I have learnt a lot about how our

language, culture and context (differ), but in

the end we all live the same lives….

This curate exchange has certainly made a real

connection between Christians from opposite

ends of Europe. Many people were touched

and impressed by their meeting with Sofia and

it was good for us to hear these words too:

St Mary Magdalen Sheet is now a place

where I have friends.

Tack Tack & Adjö, Sofia!

[ in other words, Thank-you and Goodbye! ]

Swedish curate Revd Sofia Backsten completed her two-

week stay with us on 8th May, before flying back to Stock-

holm to find out how Max had fared in her home parish.

[We’ll hear more about that in next month’s NewSheet.]

As well as Sunday services at Sheet, Sofia visited a Sheet

prayer meeting, Parents & Toddlers at the Vicarage,

Reveal, a home group, Wednesday Communion, }OPEN{,

a Sunday tea (for seniors), YA and Costa drop-in (for

young people) and a Deanery Synod meeting, as well as

observing a wedding and a funeral….. And that wasn’t all.

The diocese arranged a two-day trip to the Isle of Wight,

where Sofia met Bishop Christopher at a service to mark

35 years of the IoW Hospice. She also learned about the

organisation of church life on the island and the ministry to


Sofia was very grateful to all who gave her hospitality. The

visits to different people in their own homes gave her a

really valuable insight into English ways as well as the

faith stories of individuals.

[You will be pleased to hear she also managed to fit in

sightseeing trips to Idsworth, Chalton, Winchester,

Chawton and Portsmouth and a brief visit to the beach!]

Sofia takes the microphone for a brief

interview in The 10 O’Clock Service

Sofia shakes Thelma Berry’s hand at the door after

her sermon. The service included a baptism -

coincidentally of a lovely little girl named Sofia!

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At The Half Moon, London Road, Sheet

Service followed by tea and cake

Thursdays, 2.30 - 4.30pm

JUNE 8th and 22nd JULY 13th and 27th


For more details, contact Julie Slade on 01730 269160

or email [email protected]

We give 10% of our income away. This will

amount to £12,804 this year, as it depends on

our income from the previous year.

We are still appealing for money to ensure we

can employ David Loveless as our full-time

Youth Worker for a further 3 years, all the way

to 2020.

We had a deficit of £2,394 in 2016, despite

increases in regular giving. We are hoping to

pay our way this year and secure reserves of


Generous legacies from much-loved church

members Gladys Fiander and Adrienne Spiers

are funding our part-time Seniors Chaplain.

Hilary Bonney has retired as our PACT

representative with Petersfield Area Churches

Together after doing sterling work for many

years. She hands over to Jenny Parkes.

Philip Poulter has stepped down after 5

years as Treasurer, handing over to Peter Gaut.

Philip still has one more year to serve on PCC

before taking a well-deserved rest.

After years of much-valued service, Ambrose

Barber, Tim Horne, Shaun Whelan and

Nigel Williams left the PCC at the end of the

last Council year in April.

Our teams of visitors have now knocked on

around 1,700 doors in the parish. About 50%

of people come to the door and of those,

around two-thirds have a specific request for

prayer. Those requests are then included in

our services the following Sunday.

Our Mission Action Plan has been approved by

the PCC and copies are available now.

It embodies our mission statement and values,

summed up as ‘Loving God, Loving People’.

From the Annual Meeting

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A Vicar’s Life…

… is not all about long hours at the computer, managing

a team, discussing church heating, visiting parishioners

and meetings with the Archdeacon! Our pictures show

Richard at May’s ‘Messy Church’, obviously enjoying a

break from the week’s usual challenges. (Although, to be

fair, he did have to sing for his supper, telling the story of

Daniel to an audience of children and their parents

before the craft and meal.)

Messy Church was started in our own diocese, just down

the road in Waterlooville. Lucy Moore had the idea of an

after-school monthly meeting for children and parents

with craft, a chance to celebrate and a meal.

The next Messy Church is at Petersfield Methodist,

3:00 - 5:15 pm on Tuesday 20th. June. Prepare...

Concentrate... … Enjoy!

A Toddler’s Life … isn’t just about stories, singing and playing at

Toddling Tortoises in the Village Hall on Sunday

mornings, or making hand-print lions at Messy

Church once a month.

Thanks to Jo Saunders’ hospitality, on Thursday

mornings there’s play inside the vicarage to enjoy

and a whole big beautiful garden to explore. There

are even trees to sit in, as you can see!

Pre-school Families Worker Suzy Cross welcomes

all toddlers to the Tortoises on Sundays and to the

Thursday morning group. Do contact her on 01730

301126 or at [email protected] for more details.

Pictures by Karen Glanville

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***** STAR PAGE******

The monthly page for The Ark, SMART and Young-at-Heart.

The Sunday after Pentecost is ‘Trinity Sunday’.

On that day, we celebrate the amazing fact that

our God is one God but three persons: God the

Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit.

On Sunday 4th June we celebrate Pentecost. That’s the name of the Jewish festival Jesus’ friends were cele-

brating when the Holy Spirit was given to them. Pentecost is the 50th day of Passover. Because Easter is close to

Passover, Pentecost Sunday is always 7 weeks - or 49 days - after Easter Day. If you are confused about the num-

bers, remember that the Jews always counted the first day as number 1, not zero. That’s why they said

Jesus was raised on the 3rd day, rather than 2 days after he was crucified. Friday = day 1, Saturday = day 2 and

Sunday = day 3! ****************************************************************

Another difference is that we think each day starts in the morning. The Jews count the evening as

the beginning of the day to come. Each 24-hour day runs from nightfall to nightfall. So if you

were born after nightfall on 4th June, your Jewish birthday would be 5th June!

Our Pentecost as Christians is really important because God the Holy Spirit is with each of God’s

people all day every day and the coming of the Holy Spirit for every one of us started on that day.

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Calling All Actors! On all but the last of the Summer Sundays (ie 30 July to 27

August inclusive) we shall be working our way through the

life of Joseph, whose experiences have so much to teach us

today. While the appropriate passage from Genesis will be

read as usual at The 8 O’Clock Service, The 10 O’Clock Ser-

vice will include a dramatic presentation of each episode.

Linda Clist is inviting anyone who would like to take part

to volunteer as soon as possible. She’s happy to confirm

that there will be no discrimination on the grounds of age,

gender or experience and you don’t even have to remember

your lines! The cast will vary from week to week, so it’s fine

if you’re available for just one or two weeks of the five.

Did you know…? If you miss a service, you can usually

catch up with the sermon on our web-

site ? Just go to the Down-

loads page and follow the instructions.

There are large-print hymn sheets at

every 10 O’Clock Service. Do ask a wel-

comer if you prefer to sit for some of

the songs or find it easier to read on the

page rather than the screen.

As well as the streamers, there are toys,

books and colouring available at the

back of church each week.

Families are of course very welcome to

sit wherever suits them in church.

If you have an email address, Rebecca

can send you the Sheet sheet of weekly

notices and the monthly link to

NewSheet - in full colour - every month.

Put your name down NOW for the


What is it? A week of school holiday mornings full of fun, craft, singing, stories & sport When is it? 31 July to 4 August 2017 9:15am - 12 noon Where is it? The Petersfield School Who can go? 0-7s, with a parent or carer (job-share with a friend!) 8-11s on their own Can I help? YES! As a junior helper if under 16; as an adult helper as long as you have a DBS How do I book? There are forms at the back of church or look online:

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Services for June

Services for July Sunday 2 The 8 O’Clock Service The 10 O’Clock Service

Sunday 9 The 8 O’Clock Service BCP The 10 O’Clock Service with Communion

Sunday 16 The 8 O’Clock Service The 10 O’Clock Service with Communion 6pm Evensong

Sunday 23 The 8 O’Clock Service BCP 11am at Sheet Rec St Mary Magdalen FESTIVAL SERVICE

Sunday 30 The 8 O’Clock Service The 10 O’Clock Service with Together Communion Summer Sunday 1

From the Registers Baptism Sofia PENWARDEN (7 May)

Wedding Hayley DENYER & James WHITE

(29 April)


Marilyn WADHAM (24 May)

NewSheet is free, but a donation of 20p per copy would cover basic costs. (There’s a slot in the wall near the church door.) To receive NewSheet in full

colour (at no cost to the church) join the church email list at [email protected] Feedback, letters and contributions are welcome. Please deliver to

[email protected] to the pigeonhole at the back of church or to the Parish Office. Material for publication will be edited as necessary.

Copy date for the JULY/AUGUST issue is MONDAY 19th JUNE . Editor: Linda Clist 01730 262312

Vicar Revd Richard Saunders 263673 [email protected] Hon Clergy Revd Mick Micklethwaite 893303

Curate Revd Max Cross 301126 [email protected] Lay Ministers Linda Clist 262312 & Bob Slade 269160

Youth Worker David Loveless 302695 [email protected] Pre-school Families Worker Suzy Cross 301126

Churchwardens Karen Glanville & Philip Taylor [email protected] Seniors Chaplain / Pastoral Co-ordr Julie Slade 269160

Parish Administrator Rebecca Whelan 302695 [email protected] Parish Office 2 Pulens Lane, open Wed - Fri mornings

Wednesdays 9am Short Communion

8pm Reveal at Winton House


Mondays 29th MAY & 3rd JULY 8pm - 9pm

Praise and Prayer

Saturdays 3rd June & 1st JULY

6pm - 7pm }OPEN{ informal worship open to all

Pentecost Sunday 4 Filled with the Spirit

The 8 O’Clock Service


The 10 O’Clock Service

inc ‘The Ark’ (for 0-10s) &

Upper Room (for 11+)

Trinity Sunday 11 Faith in a sceptical world

The 8 O’Clock Service

BCP Communion

The 10 O’Clock Service

with Communion (& optional prayers for healing),

inc ‘The Ark’ + Upper Room

Sunday 18 Sharing faith with those closest

Father’s Day

The 8 O’Clock Service


10 O’Clock Together

6pm Choral Evensong

Sunday 25 Faith around the world

The 8 O’Clock Service

BCP Communion

The 10 O’Clock Service

with Communion, inc ‘The Ark’ & Upper Room

with a speaker telling us more about ‘Connected

Church’ as we connect with Christians in Uganda

NewSheet The next issue, professionally printed in colour, will be distributed free to every home in the parish.