Download - ISSUE 8 - Bulgari · 8 Life in BVLGARI Issue 8 «Nel 2009 – racconta Clau-dio Tesauro, Presidente di Save the Children Italia – per il centoventicinquesimo anniversario della

Page 1: ISSUE 8 - Bulgari · 8 Life in BVLGARI Issue 8 «Nel 2009 – racconta Clau-dio Tesauro, Presidente di Save the Children Italia – per il centoventicinquesimo anniversario della

I S S U E 8

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edited by MEMORIA PUBLISHING GROUPin collaboration with BVLGARI

EDITORIAL AND CREATIVE DIRECTION Carlo Mazzoni;ART DIRECTION Giulio Vescovi/itsallgood; GRAPHIC DESIGN Susanna Mollica; FASHION DIRECTOR Lorenzo Posocco;MANAGING DIRECTION Martina Pagani; PRODUCER Barbara Centazzo; ILLUSTRATIONS Lulu*; Jaume Vilardell;TEXTS Cesare Cunaccia;PUBLISHING Alberta Vianello;SPECIAL THANKS Ottavia Bondoni, Andrea Prato, Giuseppe Sileo

PHOTOGRAPHY Michael Avedon; Alessandro Bigi; Michele Gastl; Gianuzzi&Marino; Mark Rabadan


8Rosie Huntington-Whiteley

illustration by Lulu*

10Claudio Tesauro

illustration by Lulu*

12A Conversation about Bulgari

illustration by Lulu*

16Eyes on Me

photography by Guido Mocafico

32Divine Signs

illustration by Jaume Vilardell

40Shards of Light

photography by Mark Rabadan


photography by Michele Gastlset design by Mauro Seresini


photography by Michael Avedonstyling by Lorenzo Posocco


photography by Gianuzzi&Marino

96Supreme Radiance

photography by Michael Avedonstyling by Lorenzo Posocco


photography by Oliver Astrologo


118Product Summary

Cover PhotoGuido Mocafico

Page 5: ISSUE 8 - Bulgari · 8 Life in BVLGARI Issue 8 «Nel 2009 – racconta Clau-dio Tesauro, Presidente di Save the Children Italia – per il centoventicinquesimo anniversario della

With the beginning of summer, we have arrived midway in a year that has allowed us to celebrate many new products. After the new B.zero1 jewels, a magnificent High Jewellery collection was launched in June expressing Bulgari’s creative inspiration and the inimitable spirit of a brand that is an emblem of allure and reflects the historical heritage and lifestyle of Rome and the Mediterranean.

In jewellery, 2016 is also a year celebrating the serpent. With its new collection, Bulgari has reinterpreted one of its most iconic designs. Inspired by the jewels of the Egyptian queen Cleopatra and redesigned in the forties, this year Serpenti celebrates the magnetic gaze of the animal captured in the central element of the head, which has been transformed into a precious new pendant for the collection. Bulgari interprets the allure of the serpent, a symbol of seduction, through bold contemporary style and superb artisan workmanship. This seductive power also emerges in accessories. The Serpenti Forever bag once again confirms an irresistible icon celebrated in this special year by our beautiful new Ambassador of Accessories, Rosie Huntington-Whiteley.

More surprises and new challenges await us in the second half of the year, and we look forward to sharing with you the amazing new creations and all of the allure of the Bulgari world!

Jean-Christophe BabinCEO of BVLGARI GROUP

Page 6: ISSUE 8 - Bulgari · 8 Life in BVLGARI Issue 8 «Nel 2009 – racconta Clau-dio Tesauro, Presidente di Save the Children Italia – per il centoventicinquesimo anniversario della

Rosie Huntington-Whiteley, attrice e modella britannica, dalla stagione Autunno/Inverno 2016 è la nuova Accessories Ambassador della Maison Bulgari. «Mi sento molto onorata per il

ruolo di ambasciatrice degli Accessori Bulgari – afferma Rosie –, un marchio che ho sempre amato per tutto ciò che rappresenta e per l’heritage che possiede. Bul-gari, per me, è sinonimo di savoir-faire unito a un’ecce-zionale ricerca stilistica che non può che essere italiana. Quando porto degli orec-chini o indosso una borsa e degli occhiali Bulgari, mi rendo conto ogni volta di quanto possano aggiun-gere in termini di bellezza e allure». Nata a Plymouth nel 1987, cresce a Tavistock, dove

viene scoperta appena sedi-cenne. La sua carriera inizia velocemente, dopo il trasfe-rimento a New York City. Non si contano le campagne e le sfilate per i maggiori marchi mondiali, i servizi e i redazionali di cui è protago-nista. Tra le undici donne del Calendario Pirelli di Terry Richardson nel 2010. Rosie, bionda, tratti regolarissimi, fisicità perfetta, è una bel-lezza iconica, ma al tempo stesso intensa e moderna. L’iconico Serpente Bulgari sigla anche il suo accesso-rio preferito: «Adoro la mia borsa Serpenti Forever con onici nere. – Afferma – È un modello perfetto per poter passare dal giorno alla sera. Elegante, cool, unico». Eletta per ben due volte modella dell’anno agli Elle Style Awards, nel 2011 debutta al cinema in Trans-formers: Dark of the Moon, ma si afferma pienamente nel ruolo di Angharad in Mad Max: Fury Road, film di George Miller, vincitore di sei premi Oscar nell’e-dizione 2016. «Che cosa significa il serpente per me? – Conclude – È l’emblema della saggezza, della vita e dell’eternità, che parla un

linguaggio atemporale. Il serpente è l’icona Bulgari per eccellenza».

British actress/model Rosie Huntington-Whiteley is Bul-gari’s new Accessories Am-bassador for the Fall/Winter 2016 season. «I’m very honored to be the Accessories Ambas-sador for Bulgari, a brand that I have always loved for its heritage and everything it represents,» says Rosie. «To me, Bulgari is savoir-faire com-bined with exceptional stylis-tic research that could only be Italian. When I wear Bulgari earrings, sunglasses or a bag, I realize each time how much they add in terms of beauty and allure.» Born in Plymouth, U.K., in 1987, she grew up in Tavistock, where she was dis-covered when she was merely sixteen. Her career progressed rapidly after she moved to New York City. She has appeared in countless advertising cam-paigns and runway shows for international brands and has been featured in numerous photo spreads and magazine articles. She was one of the eleven women featured in the Pirelli Calendar shot by Terry

Richardson in 2010. With her blonde hair, flawless features and perfect body, Rosie is an iconic yet intense and mod-ern beauty. The iconic Bulgari Serpente also decorates her favorite accessory. «I adore my Serpenti Forever bag with black onyx,» she says. «It is the perfect bag from day to night: elegant, cool, and unique.» Elected twice as Model of the Year at the Elle Style Awards, in 2011 she made her film de-but in Transformers: Dark of the Moon, but made a name for herself as an actress with the role of Angharad in Mad Max: Fury Road by George Miller, which won six Oscars in 2016. «What does the ser-pent mean to me?» she ponders the question and replies: «It’s an emblem of wisdom, life, and eternity. It speaks a timeless language. The serpent is the Bulgari icon par excellence.»

自 20 16年秋冬季开始,英国


特莉(Ros ie Hunt ing ton-Whiteley)将成为宝格丽全新的










丽,更富有吸引力。” 罗茜·汉









森(Terry Richardson)为倍耐








(Serpenti Forever)包包,无



无二。” 罗茜曾两次在Elle风格




的是饰演由乔治·米勒(George Miller)执导电影《疯狂的麦克

斯 : 狂 暴 之 路 》 中 的 安 加 拉







Rosie Huntington-Whiteley is

Bulgari’s new Accessories



text by Cesare Cunaccia

8 Life in BVLGARI Issue 8

Page 7: ISSUE 8 - Bulgari · 8 Life in BVLGARI Issue 8 «Nel 2009 – racconta Clau-dio Tesauro, Presidente di Save the Children Italia – per il centoventicinquesimo anniversario della

«Nel 2009 – racconta Clau-dio Tesauro, Presidente di Save the Children Italia – per il centoventicinquesimo anniversario della fonda-zione, Bulgari ha scelto di sostenere, a livello mon-diale, Save the Children. La Maison ha pensato che la bellezza di un gioiello – un ciondolo, un anello e un bracciale, quest’ultimo in aggiunta a maggio 2016 – insieme al coinvolgimento di personalità e celebrities, potevano fare la differenza per tanti bambini in ogni parte del globo. Un per-corso che Bulgari e STC stanno facendo insieme con un obiettivo comune, che anima ogni azione: i diritti dei bambini. Creare gioielli che rappresentino questo impegno è un importante atto di concretezza che dà, a chi lo indossa, la pos-sibilità di testimoniare il proprio coinvolgimento personale. I nostri risul-tati spingono verso sfide sempre più impegnative e ambiziose». Sono stati rag-giunti oltre novecento mila bambini in ventinove Paesi diversi, implementando più di settanta progetti di educazione di base e di prima infanzia, includendo

bambini con disabilità o appartenenti a minoranze. «Una delle nostre maggiori sfide oggi – continua Clau-dio Tesauro – è quella di investire nella formazione di adolescenti in condizioni di forte vulnerabilità al fine di garantire le competenze professionali necessarie per cambiare il corso della loro vita». Oltre a ciò STC si occupa di fronteggiare le Emergenze. L’indomani del tragico terremoto del Nepal, gli Ambasciatori della partnership tra STC e Bulgari, tra cui Adrien Brody, Jon Kortajarena, Lilly zu Sayn-Wittgenstein-Berleburg, hanno prestato il loro aiuto: «Credo che il senso di questo impegno sia racchiuso nelle parole di Isabella Ferrari, che nel suo diario di viaggio in Nepal ha scritto ‘Non è vero che siamo una goccia nell’o-ceano. Quando proviamo ad aiutare chi ha perso tutto, diventiamo l’oceano stesso’». Conclude Tesauro parlando del coinvolgi-mento dei dipendenti di Bulgari in questa partner-ship: «Sono oltre duecento i membri dello staff dell’a-zienda che hanno avuto modo di visitare i programmi

di Save the Children realiz-zati grazie a Bulgari. Sono diventati essi stessi testimo-nial dell’impegno aziendale a favore dell’infanzia e, allo stesso tempo, è stata un’oc-casione per accrescere il loro senso di appartenenza alla Maison».

«In 2009, for the one hundred and fiftieth anniversary of its foundation, Bulgari decided to become an international spon-sor of Save the Children,» said Claudio Tesauro, President of Save the Children Italia. «The Maison thought that a beau-tiful jewel – a necklace, ring and now a bracelet, which was added in May 2016 – and the involvement of personalities and celebrities could make a difference for countless chil-dren around the globe. Bul-gari and Save the Children created this partnership with a common objective that in-spires every action: children’s rights. Creating jewellery that represents this commitment is an important act of substance that gives the wearer an op-portunity to show her per-sonal involvement. Our results have convinced us to embrace even more difficult and ambi-

tious challenges.» Over nine hundred thousand children in twenty-nine countries have been reached through the im-plementation of over seventy projects promoting basic ed-

ucation and infant care, also for children with disabilities or those belonging to a minority. «One of our biggest challenges today is investing in the edu-cation of adolescents living in very vulnerable conditions, to allow them to acquire the nec-essary professional skills that can change their lives,» con-tinued Claudio Tesauro. Save the Children is also involved in emergency operations. Af-ter the tragic earthquake in Nepal, the Ambassadors of the partnership between Save

the Children and Bulgari, including Adrien Brody, Jon Kortajarena, and Lilly zu Sayn-Wittgenstein-Berleburg, offered their help. «I believe that the sense of this commit-ment is represented by the words of Isabella Ferrari, who wrote in her travel diary while in Nepal, ‘It is not true that we are a drop in the ocean. When we try to help someone who has lost everything, we become the ocean.’ Over two hundred employees had the chance to visit Save the Children pro-grams implemented thanks to Bulgari,» concluded Tesauro, speaking about Bulgari staff involved in this partnership. «They themselves became tes-timonials of the company’s

commitment to help children, and it was also an occasion to reinforce their connection with the maison.»





克劳迪奥·泰萨乌罗(Claudio Tesauro)表示:“在宝格丽看


















克 劳 迪 奥 · 泰 萨 乌 罗 继 续 说












(Jo n Ko r t a j a r e n a和德国


维特根斯坦(Lil ly zu Sayn-Wittgenstein-Berleburg)。


(Isabella Ferrari)所说的话表













Creating jewellery that represents the commitment

between Bulgari and STC is an

important act of substance

CLAUDIO TESAUROillustration by Lulu*

text by Cesare Cunaccia

10 Life in BVLGARI Issue 8

Page 8: ISSUE 8 - Bulgari · 8 Life in BVLGARI Issue 8 «Nel 2009 – racconta Clau-dio Tesauro, Presidente di Save the Children Italia – per il centoventicinquesimo anniversario della

Tra passato, presente e futuro, Carla Liuni, Execu-tive Vice President Global Marketing & Communica-tion di Bulgari, racconta l’evoluzione storica ed este-tica della Maison sempre predisposta all’avanguardia.

Conduzione famigliare e gestione managerialeLa Maison Bulgari nasce da un’impresa famigliare che nel corso di tre generazioni ha attraversato la storia del Novecento evolvendosi in una dimensione internazio-nale e forgiando al tempo stesso uno stile distin-tivo, radicato nella cultura mediterranea e capace di anticipare le tendenze. Nel 2011 l’azienda è confluita in un’altra grande famiglia, il Gruppo LVMH, da sempre attento a valorizzare la sto-ria e i codici stilistici delle oltre sessanta maison che ne fanno parte. Questa lun-gimiranza imprenditoriale ha consentito a Bulgari di mantenere intatti i valori di creatività e innovazione che

ci caratterizzano. Allo stesso tempo, appartenere a un gruppo così prestigioso ci ha permesso di affermarci ancora di più come brand globale del lusso in virtù di sinergie nei mercati in cui eravamo già presenti e in quelli più promettenti nei quali investire. Heritage BulgariBulgari ha scritto pagine nella storia della gioielleria con intuizioni all’avanguar-dia sul modo di vivere e concepire i gioielli: per Bul-gari, infatti, il gioiello deve essere piacevole non solo da ammirare ma anche da indossare. In questo senso, il design più innovativo, l’esplosione dei colori, la rivisitazione delle radici greco-romane della Maison e la sperimentazione con i materiali si sono abbinati a una manifattura impec-cabile e a uno studio dei volumi che facessero per-cepire il gioiello come una seconda pelle. L’ispirazione è andata sempre di pari

passo con il clima culturale e sociale delle diverse epo-che: mi riferisco ad esempio alla creatività Bulgari degli anni Settanta, quando un’e-stetica grafica e colorata si ispirava alla mostra King Tut del 1976 al Metropolitan di

New York; all’ecclettismo nei temi, frutto delle sug-gestioni della Pop Art. Lo spirito pionieristico di Bul-gari continua a esprimersi con successo ancora oggi: in gioielleria abbiamo rein-ventato in chiave moderna e colorata l’antico taglio takhti delle pietre, mentre le ultime creazioni Serpenti di alta gioielleria affiancano il legno snakewood all’oro rosa. Solo due esempi di come il marchio sappia

mantenere sempre vive le proprie icone e codici stilistici, evolvendosi ma rimanendo fedele a sé stesso.

Gioielli imprescindibiliLe creazioni che ho amato in passato oggi mi piacciono per gli stessi motivi. L’a-nello�, lanciato più di sedici anni fa, è ancora oggi moderno e sorprendente in tutte le versioni che si sono succedute: in ceramica, in marmo, fino all’ultima ver-sione nei tre ori. Serpenti è un altro motivo dal cari-sma insuperato sia nelle creazioni heritage sia nelle reinterpretazioni di gioielli e di orologi. Le creazioni Monete racchiudono l’abi-lità di Bulgari nel tradurre motivi classici in un lin-guaggio contemporaneo.

Alta GioielleriaL’antichissima tecnica della cera persa è ancora oggi utilizzata – certo, con mac-chinari avanzatissimi. Ieri come oggi, la rifinitura dei

singoli pezzi che compon-gono il gioiello, nonché della creazione nel suo insieme, è effettuata com-pletamente a mano, perché solo l’insostituibile sensi-bilità degli occhi e del tatto dell’artigiano orafo riesce a ottenere quell’umana per-fezione, impensabile per una macchina. SerpentiUn motivo iconico come Serpenti è sempre stato al centro di tante iniziative ed eventi, non ultime le splen-dide installazioni luminose sulle facciate dei negozi, di grande impatto visivo. Quest’anno abbiamo voluto fare un ulteriore omaggio a questo segno così impor-tante nella storia della Maison attraverso il pre-zioso libro Serpenti in Art, un progetto editoriale ide-ato da Bulgari per illustrare come il motivo del ser-pente abbia ispirato anche tanti protagonisti di spicco dell’arte contemporanea, vuoi per le sue caratteristi-che squisitamente estetiche, vuoi per i molteplici signifi-cati – seduzione, rinascita, saggezza, trasformazione – ad esso associati attra-verso le epoche e le civiltà. Bulgari, del resto, è sempre stato un Marchio sensibile alle contaminazioni fra il mondo dell’arte e quello del gioiello. Oltre alle opere d’arte nel libro sono pre-senti anche scatti suggestivi di creazioni Serpenti della Bulgari Heritage Collection affiancati da bozzetti d’e-poca, per far capire come anche nel mondo della gioielleria il serpente può essere concepito e realiz-zato come un’opera d’arte. Il motivo del serpente continua naturalmente a ispirarci ancora oggi nei molteplici aspetti che lo rendono così affascinante: le nuove collezioni del 2016 su gioielli, orologi e acces-sori ne sono una prova e

sono certa che il futuro ci riserverà ulteriori sorprese creative! B.zero1L’anello� è un pezzo relativamente recente di Bulgari che ha cambiato la storia della gioielleria. Lan-ciato nel 1999, è il primo gioiello divenuto un oggetto di design, e per questo si è trasformato in un’osses-sione di mercato rimasta a oggi immutata.� rap-presenta l’essenza dello stile Bulgari nella commistione fra le radici romane del Brand – presenti nelle linee inconfondibili del Colosseo che l’anello richiama – e la capacità di reinterpretarle in chiave contemporanea. ViperLa decisione di lanciare degli accessori a firma Bul-gari risale agli anni Novanta, con l’obiettivo di trasferire la creatività del marchio anche ad altre categorie di prodotto, certamente più accessibili, ma che allo stesso tempo dovevano incorporare tutta la multi sfaccettata eccellenza della Maison. I motivi e i temi più celebri del Marchio in gio-ielleria – Serpenti, il doppio logo BVLGARI BVLGARI, e altri – sono stati rivisitati in chiave chic e metropoli-tana, rimanendo allo stesso tempo riconoscibili. Credo la chiave del successo delle borse Bulgari sia da un lato la coerenza con i codici del brand e dall’altro una creatività estremamente contemporanea. La colle-zione Serpenti Forever in continua ascesa così come l’ultimo modello Viper – apprezzato tantissimo dalla stampa – sono una riprova del nostro successo. La culturaBulgari continuerà anche nei prossimi anni a sostenere progetti di mecenatismo culturale, volti a valorizzare

o restituire alla Città Eterna i suoi monumenti in tutta la loro bellezza. Oltre alla sca-linata di Trinità dei Monti, anche gli splendidi mosaici pavimentali delle Terme di Caracalla sono stati restau-rati grazie al contributo di Bulgari, un omaggio del resto quasi ‘dovuto’ visto che sono stati di ispirazione per la nostra collezione di gioielli DIVAS’ DREAM. Sempre in tema di legame di Bulgari con Roma, da novembre di quest’anno allestiremo a Madrid una mostra che racconterà, attra-verso gioielli e dipinti del Settecento e dell’Ottocento, come tanti dettagli artistici e architettonici della Città

Eterna abbiano ispirato la creatività di Bulgari. Lungo il percorso espositivo, Roma apparirà quindi ritratta nei suoi angoli significativi e, al contempo, trasfigurata in gioielli che la richia-mano pur avendo una loro connotazione stilistica. Molti dei quadri in mostra proverranno proprio dalle collezioni di musei romani: un modo in più quindi per far conoscere le tante bellezze che la città offre, all’aria aperta, negli spazi museali e… nelle creazioni Bulgari.

Carla Liuni, the Executive Vice President of Global Marketing & Communication at Bulgari, talks about the historical and aesthetic evolution of this pi-oneering brand as well as its past, present and future.

A family-owned business with a managerial approachBulgari, which started out as a family-run business, evolved in the 20th century: in just three generations it transformed into an international enterprise while forging its distinctive trend-setting style rooted in Mediterranean culture. In 2011 the company joined another large family – LVMH Group – which has always valued and promoted the history and style of its over sixty luxury brands. LVMH Group’s far-sighted entrepreneurial approach has allowed Bulgari to preserve its distinctive creativity and innovation. At the same time, belonging to such a prestigious group has allowed Bulgari to become even more success-ful as a global luxury brand through synergetic actions in established markets and in promising new ones for future investments. Bulgari’s heritage Bulgari wrote pages in the history of jewellery with its avant-garde intuitions of how jewellery is experienced and designed. For Bulgari, in fact, jewellery must not only be pleasing to the eye but also pleasurable to wear. In this sense, the most innovative de-sign, a burst of vibrant colours, a reinterpretation of the mai-son’s Greek-Roman roots, and experimentation with materi-als are combined with flawless workmanship and a study of volumes to make the jewel seem like a second skin. Inspiration has always gone hand in hand with the cultural and social climate of various periods: for example, Bulgari’s creativity in the seventies when its colourful, graphic aesthetic was inspired by the King Tut exhibit at the Metropolitan Museum of New York in 1976 and its eclectic themes inspired by Pop Art. Bulgari’s pioneering spirit is still successfully expressed today: we gave the ancient takhti cut of stones a modern, more colourful interpreta-

«Bulgari wrote pages in the

history of jewellery»


«Jewellery must not only be

pleasing to the eye but

also pleasurable to wear»

12 Life in BVLGARI Issue 8 Issue 8 Life in BVLGARI 13

Page 9: ISSUE 8 - Bulgari · 8 Life in BVLGARI Issue 8 «Nel 2009 – racconta Clau-dio Tesauro, Presidente di Save the Children Italia – per il centoventicinquesimo anniversario della

tion in jewellery, while the lat-est Serpenti High Jewellery creations combine snakewood and rose gold. These are just two examples of how the brand keeps its icons and styles alive and evolving while staying true to itself.

Essential jewelsI still love the creations I loved in the past for the same reasons. The B.zero1 ring launched over sixteen years ago is still modern and amazing in every version: ceramic, marble and the new three-gold version. Serpenti is another theme with unequalled charisma, both in its heritage creations and the reinterpreta-tions of jewellery and watches. The Monete creations reveal Bulgari’s ability to transform classic motifs into a contempo-rary language. High JewelleryThe ancient lost wax tech-nique is still used today – with state-of-the-art machinery, of course. Today as in the past, the refinishing of each piece and assembly of the jewel are completely performed by hand because only the artisan gold-smith’s keen eyes and sensitive touch can obtain that perfec-tion which is unthinkable for a machine. SerpentiThe iconic Serpenti motif has always been the protagonist of many projects and events, including the splendid and vis-ually striking light installations on our boutique façades. This year we wanted to pay homage to this theme which has been so important in the history of the maison through Serpenti in Art, an editorial project con-ceived by Bulgari to illustrate how the serpent theme has also inspired many influential ex-ponents of contemporary art due to its exquisitely aesthetic characteristics and its myriad meanings – seduction, rebirth, wisdom and transformation – associated with it through the ages and civilizations. Bulgari

has always been interested in how the worlds of art and jewellery have influenced each other. Besides the works of art featured in the book, there are also remarkable photos of Serpenti creations from the Bulgari Heritage Collection accompanied by sketches of the period to show how the ser-pent can also be conceived as a work of art in the jewellery world. Of course, the serpent motif still inspires us today in many aspects that make it so fascinating: the new 2016 col-

lections of jewellery, watches, and accessories are further proof of this, and I’m certain that more creative surprises are in store in the future! B.zero1The B.zero1 ring is a relatively recent piece by Bulgari that changed the history of jew-ellery-making. Launched in 1999, it was the first jewel to be-come a design object, which is why the market is still obsessed with it. B.zero1 is the essence of Bulgari style: a blend of the brand’s Roman roots – present in the unmistakable lines of the Colosseum that the ring evokes – and its ability to reinterpret them in a modern way. ViperThe decision to launch Bulgari accessories dates back to the nineties, with the objective of transferring the brand’s crea-tivity to other product catego-ries that were certainly more accessible yet also had to incor-porate the maison’s multi-fac-eted excellence. The brand’s most famous motifs and themes in jewellery – Serpenti, the BVLGARI BVLGARI double

logo and others – were given a chic, cosmopolitan re-inter-pretation that was nevertheless recognizable. I believe the key to the success of Bulgari bags is, on one hand, their reflection of the brand’s style and, on the other, their extremely modern creativity. The increasingly popular Serpenti Forever collection and the latest style Viper – which the press loves – confirm our success. CultureBulgari will continue to spon-sor cultural projects in the fu-ture that seek to promote or restore the monuments of the Eternal City to their original glory. Besides its restoration of the Spanish Steps, Bulgari also helped restore the splen-did mosaic pavements of the Caracalla Baths, which was the ‘right thing’ to do because these mosaics were inspira-tion for our DIVAS’ DREAM jewellery collection. Always regarding Bulgari’s ties with Rome, we will create an ex-hibit in Madrid in November 2016 that will show, through the jewellery and paintings of the 18th and 19th centuries, how many artistic and architectural details of Rome inspired Bul-gari creativity. The exhibit will present the most significant areas of Rome appearing in works of art and transfigured into jewellery evoking them while preserving their distinc-tive style. Many of the paintings on display will come from the collections of Roman muse-ums. It is a way to introduce the many beautiful things that Rome has to offer – outdoors, in museums, and in Bulgari creations.


拉·路易尼(Carla Liuni)对我





































和图形美学的灵感来自 1976年







更 强 的 宝 石 重 新 塑 造 古 老 的

takht i切割方式。另外,最新













色 金 款 式 仍 然 令 人 惊 叹 不




是 另 一 个 无 与 伦 比 的 经


























和文明的多重寓意 – 魅惑、重










在 很 多 方 面 启 发 着 创 意 灵
















的图案和主题 – Serpenti蛇形、BVLGARI BVLGARI双标识和其它风格元素以时尚和






充 分 反 映 出 当 代 时 尚 的 创

意。Serpenti Forever蛇形手袋












的资助,因为我们的DIVASʼ DREAM系列珠宝的创意灵感就















«Rome: the Eternal City

that has always inspired

creativity of the Maison»






«Serpent theme – seduction,

rebirth, wisdom and


14 Life in BVLGARI Issue 8

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EYES ON MEphotography by Guido Mocafico

High Jewellery Serpenti necklace16 Life in BVLGARI Issue 8

Page 11: ISSUE 8 - Bulgari · 8 Life in BVLGARI Issue 8 «Nel 2009 – racconta Clau-dio Tesauro, Presidente di Save the Children Italia – per il centoventicinquesimo anniversario della

Serpenti Incantati watch;

opposite page:

Serpenti Incantati watches

Page 12: ISSUE 8 - Bulgari · 8 Life in BVLGARI Issue 8 «Nel 2009 – racconta Clau-dio Tesauro, Presidente di Save the Children Italia – per il centoventicinquesimo anniversario della

Serpenti necklace

Page 13: ISSUE 8 - Bulgari · 8 Life in BVLGARI Issue 8 «Nel 2009 – racconta Clau-dio Tesauro, Presidente di Save the Children Italia – per il centoventicinquesimo anniversario della

Serpenti necklace and bracelet

Page 14: ISSUE 8 - Bulgari · 8 Life in BVLGARI Issue 8 «Nel 2009 – racconta Clau-dio Tesauro, Presidente di Save the Children Italia – per il centoventicinquesimo anniversario della

Serpenti necklaces

Page 15: ISSUE 8 - Bulgari · 8 Life in BVLGARI Issue 8 «Nel 2009 – racconta Clau-dio Tesauro, Presidente di Save the Children Italia – per il centoventicinquesimo anniversario della

Serpenti Spiga watch;

opposite page:

Serpenti Tubogas watch

Page 16: ISSUE 8 - Bulgari · 8 Life in BVLGARI Issue 8 «Nel 2009 – racconta Clau-dio Tesauro, Presidente di Save the Children Italia – per il centoventicinquesimo anniversario della

High Jewellery Serpenti necklace

Page 17: ISSUE 8 - Bulgari · 8 Life in BVLGARI Issue 8 «Nel 2009 – racconta Clau-dio Tesauro, Presidente di Save the Children Italia – per il centoventicinquesimo anniversario della

"Serpenti Forever" flap cover bag

Page 18: ISSUE 8 - Bulgari · 8 Life in BVLGARI Issue 8 «Nel 2009 – racconta Clau-dio Tesauro, Presidente di Save the Children Italia – per il centoventicinquesimo anniversario della

Il serpente, tema fortemente simbolico nell’universo della gioielleria, con il suo immaginario attraversa epo-che e ambiti culturali. Oltre al fascino e alle infinite suggestioni che incarna, assomma in sé un mosaico di magiche sfumature. Rap-presenta l’eternità, il ciclo

della natura, la guarigione, la saggezza e la conoscenza di cui è guardiano. Custode di un potere primordiale, il serpente ama celarsi nelle profondità del la terra . Quando ne emerge, diviene suggello della vita stessa. Creatura arcana e mutevole, dalle movenze eleganti e sinuose, scintillante consi-stenza di scaglie metalliche e occhi di diamante o rubino,

è legato alla luna e ai suoi gradi di trasformazione, così come al fascino femminile. Quindi anche all’arte della seduzione, alla tentazione, come ci raccontano infinite fiabe e mitologie. Ecco per-ché già il mondo classico ha trasformato il serpente in monile per eccellenza, specie per anelli e bracciali. Cleopatra, nella propria identificazione con la dea Iside, lo fece totalmente suo. Il serpente si manife-sta tra le allegorie bizantine e nel fulgore creativo del Rinascimento, riemerge nel Settecento, grazie agli scavi di Pompei ed Ercolano. Infine, diviene leitmotiv per il Decadentismo della Salomè di Wilde, icona tra gli ori barbarici e orientali di Klimt, di Odilon Redon e Franz von Stuck. Per la Maison Bulgari è un segno di appartenenza assoluto, icona di un’intera cosmo-logia intessuta di pura bellezza e di un’emozione unica e fatale.

The image of the serpent, a strong symbolic theme in the jewellery world, has passed through epochs and different areas of culture. Besides its al-lure and the myriad moods that it incarnates, it is a mosaic of

magical nuances. It represents eternity, the cycle of nature, healing, wisdom, and knowl-edge of which it is the guard-ian. The custodian of a primor-dial power, the serpent loves to hide within the depths of the earth. When it emerges, it be-comes a symbol of life itself. An archaic and ever-changing creature with elegant, sinuous movements, composed of metal scales and with diamond or ruby eyes, it is tied to the moon and to its different levels of transformation as mercurial as feminine charm. It is also tied to the art of seduction and temptation, as narrated in countless fables and leg-ends. That is why already in ancient days the serpent was transformed into jewellery, especially rings and bracelets. Cleopatra, identifying with the goddess Isis, made the snake her own personal symbol. The serpent appears in Byzantine allegories and in the creative splendour of the Renaissance. Thanks to the excavation of Pompeii and Herculaneum, it re-emerged in the 18th century. Finally, it became a leitmotif for the Decadent movement of Wilde’s Salome and an icon amidst the Barbarian and oriental gold of Klimt, Odilon Redon and Franz von Stuck. For Bulgari, it is a hallmark and icon of an entire cosmol-ogy, an object of sheer beauty

and a unique and irresistible emotion.



























然 而 出 。 此 外 , 蛇 在 王 尔 德




迪隆·雷东(Odilon Redon)

和弗朗兹·冯·斯图克(Franz von Stuck)作品里的标志。对




An archaic and ever-changing creature with

elegant, sinuous movements, composed

of metal scales and with diamond

or ruby eyes

DIVINE SIGNSillustration by Jaume Vilardell

The small Spotted Leaf-Nosed Snake

is relatively unknown due to its

nocturnal habits and shyness.

It spends most of its time burrowing

underground and it hibernates in the

late fall and winter. It lives in sandy or

rocky environments. Its snout is blunt

and its scales are triangular

32 Life in BVLGARI Issue 8

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The small Taiwan Slug Snake lives in

the mountains or damp forests.

A nocturnal predator, it mainly eats

land slugs (hence its name).

It is non-venomous and

does not bite, but if it is captured it

uses its tail as protection

The Banded Krait has a powerful

neurotoxin in its venom. It is a

nocturnal predator and is also called

the “two-step snake” because its

venom can kill in less than an hour

Page 20: ISSUE 8 - Bulgari · 8 Life in BVLGARI Issue 8 «Nel 2009 – racconta Clau-dio Tesauro, Presidente di Save the Children Italia – per il centoventicinquesimo anniversario della

The name of the Ring-Necked Snake

derives from the colored band around

its neck. The snake is mildly venomous

and is known for its defense posture

in which it exposes its ventral surface.

The male differs from the female

of the species due to small tubercles

on the scales behind the mouth

Page 21: ISSUE 8 - Bulgari · 8 Life in BVLGARI Issue 8 «Nel 2009 – racconta Clau-dio Tesauro, Presidente di Save the Children Italia – per il centoventicinquesimo anniversario della

The Rainbow Water Snake is a fresh

water snake with a stocky body and

a very small head and beady eyes.

Its valvular nostrils allow it to survive

under water where it hunts frogs

and tadpoles. Its mild venom is not

harmful to humans

The Red-Bellied Snake is small and

shy. It is usually found underneath

piles of leaves and generally in forests

and very humid areas. It rarely bites

but if it is threatened, it flattens

its body and curls its lip in warning.

It only interacts with other serpents

during the mating phase

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SHARDS OF LIGHTphotography by Mark Rabadan

Serpenti rings40 Life in BVLGARI Issue 8

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Serpenti earrings, collar and ring;

opposite page:

Serpenti earrings and rings

Page 24: ISSUE 8 - Bulgari · 8 Life in BVLGARI Issue 8 «Nel 2009 – racconta Clau-dio Tesauro, Presidente di Save the Children Italia – per il centoventicinquesimo anniversario della

Serpenti sautoir and ring;

opposite page:

Serpenti rings and necklace

Page 25: ISSUE 8 - Bulgari · 8 Life in BVLGARI Issue 8 «Nel 2009 – racconta Clau-dio Tesauro, Presidente di Save the Children Italia – per il centoventicinquesimo anniversario della

Serpenti rings;

opposite page:

Serpenti earrings and rings

Photographer’s assistant

Mattia Pasin;


Nicholas James @Green Apple;


Martina D'Andrea @Atomo,


Dasha Matkova @Women Paris

Page 26: ISSUE 8 - Bulgari · 8 Life in BVLGARI Issue 8 «Nel 2009 – racconta Clau-dio Tesauro, Presidente di Save the Children Italia – per il centoventicinquesimo anniversario della

SINUOSITYphotography by Michele Gastlset design by Mauro Seresini

DIVAS' DREAM necklace and bracelet48 Life in BVLGARI Issue 8

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Page 28: ISSUE 8 - Bulgari · 8 Life in BVLGARI Issue 8 «Nel 2009 – racconta Clau-dio Tesauro, Presidente di Save the Children Italia – per il centoventicinquesimo anniversario della

DIVAS' DREAM necklace and watch

Page 29: ISSUE 8 - Bulgari · 8 Life in BVLGARI Issue 8 «Nel 2009 – racconta Clau-dio Tesauro, Presidente di Save the Children Italia – per il centoventicinquesimo anniversario della


bangle bracelets and ring

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Page 31: ISSUE 8 - Bulgari · 8 Life in BVLGARI Issue 8 «Nel 2009 – racconta Clau-dio Tesauro, Presidente di Save the Children Italia – per il centoventicinquesimo anniversario della

DIVAS' DREAM bracelet and earrings;


Page 32: ISSUE 8 - Bulgari · 8 Life in BVLGARI Issue 8 «Nel 2009 – racconta Clau-dio Tesauro, Presidente di Save the Children Italia – per il centoventicinquesimo anniversario della

BVLGARI BVLGARI bracelet and rings

Page 33: ISSUE 8 - Bulgari · 8 Life in BVLGARI Issue 8 «Nel 2009 – racconta Clau-dio Tesauro, Presidente di Save the Children Italia – per il centoventicinquesimo anniversario della

DIVAS' DREAM necklace

Page 34: ISSUE 8 - Bulgari · 8 Life in BVLGARI Issue 8 «Nel 2009 – racconta Clau-dio Tesauro, Presidente di Save the Children Italia – per il centoventicinquesimo anniversario della


Photographer assistant

Francesca Imperiali;Post production Adamo Moses

Page 35: ISSUE 8 - Bulgari · 8 Life in BVLGARI Issue 8 «Nel 2009 – racconta Clau-dio Tesauro, Presidente di Save the Children Italia – per il centoventicinquesimo anniversario della

Miriam Leone, bellezza siciliana dai capelli rossi, giovane ed affermata attrice, ha iniziato la sua carriera con la vittoria alla sessantanove-sima edizione del Concorso Miss Italia, nel 2008, dove convince tutti non solo per la indubbia bellezza ma anche per la capacità comu-nicativa e la preparazione culturale. Molte le pellicole cinematografiche e le fiction cui ha partecipato – in que-sto ambito da ricordare sono le interpretazioni nella serie cult 1992 e nel serial poliziesco Non uccidere. Alla domanda su quali saranno i nuovi progetti, Miriam risponde: «Cerco di fare un passo dopo l’altro. Preferi-sco non parlare dei progetti a cui devo ancora iniziare a lavorare. Non prospetto la vita al futuro, ma mi pro-pongo di costruirla giorno per giorno». In tema di moda e gioielli, Miriam Leone con-fida che le piace ricercare innanzitutto l’originalità, la creatività e l’anima – che sia un gioiello o un abito, que-sta è la condizione unica e assoluta. «Apprezzo il lavoro di alcuni giovani designer e amo i gioielli d’epoca, anche tribali. Ammiro le grandi maison, come Bulgari , perché sanno unire un altis-simo livello artigiano con

veri e propri oggetti d’arte, capaci di entrare per sempre nell’immaginario collettivo globale e di scolpirsi nella memoria e nell’emozione di tutti. Classici che si rin-novano costantemente». Il suo legame con Bulgari, fedele alla propria pecu-liare e suggestiva maniera di esprimersi, Miriam Leone lo esplicita con parole e immagini dense di signifi-cato e fortemente evocative. «Bulgari per me è il sogno, i colori. È un film. È Eli-zabeth Taylor e Richard Burton, è eleganza. Monica Vitti. È il mio Paese, l’Italia. È unicità».

Miriam Leone, the stunning young red-haired actress from Sicily, began her career win-ning the sixty-ninth edition of the Miss Italia beauty pageant in 2008, where she convinced everyone not only of her un-questionable beauty but also of her communicational skills and cultural preparation. She has appeared in many films and popular TV series, such as the cult series 1992 and the police series Non Uccidere. When asked about new pro-jects, Miriam answers, «I try to take one step at a time. I prefer not talking about projects that

I haven’t begun yet. I don’t imagine my life in the future, but I intend to build it day by day». Regarding fashion and jewellery, Miriam Leone con-fesses that she seeks, first and foremost, originality, creativ-ity, and soul – whether it’s a dress or jewellery, this is the one and only condition. «I ad-mire the work of several young

designers and I love antique jewellery, even with tribal mo-tifs. I admire famous maisons such as Bulgari because they combine superb artisan work-manship with genuine objects of art that enter the collec-tive imagination worldwide and remain in the minds and hearts of everyone. They are classics that are constantly re-newed». True to her particular and impressive communicative style, Miriam Leone describes her relationship with Bulgari through evocative words and images full of meaning. «To me, Bulgari is a dream. Col-ours. A film. Elizabeth Taylor and Richard Burton. Ele-gance. Monica Vitti. Bulgari is

my country, Italy. It is unique.»

米 利 安 · 里 昂 ( M i r i a m Leone),一位来自西西里岛的

































优 美 高 雅 。 莫 尼 卡 · 维 蒂

(Monica Vitti)。它象征我的


«Bulgari is my country,

Italy. It is unique»

DIVINEphotography by Michael Avedon

styling by Lorenzo PosoccoHigh Jewellery Serpenti

necklace and ring;

dress Aquilano.Rimondi66 Life in BVLGARI Issue 8

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High Jewellery Serpenti

necklace and rings;

dress Aquilano.Rimondi;

opposite page:

High Jewellery Serpenti watch;

dress Lucio Vanotti

Page 37: ISSUE 8 - Bulgari · 8 Life in BVLGARI Issue 8 «Nel 2009 – racconta Clau-dio Tesauro, Presidente di Save the Children Italia – per il centoventicinquesimo anniversario della

Serpenti Tubogas 5-twirl watch;

dress Madame Pauline vintage

Page 38: ISSUE 8 - Bulgari · 8 Life in BVLGARI Issue 8 «Nel 2009 – racconta Clau-dio Tesauro, Presidente di Save the Children Italia – per il centoventicinquesimo anniversario della

High Jewellery Serpenti bracelet;

dress Lucio Vanotti;

opposite page:

High Jewellery Serpenti watch;

dress Luisa Beccaria

Page 39: ISSUE 8 - Bulgari · 8 Life in BVLGARI Issue 8 «Nel 2009 – racconta Clau-dio Tesauro, Presidente di Save the Children Italia – per il centoventicinquesimo anniversario della

High Jewellery Serpenti watch;

dress Luisa Beccaria

Page 40: ISSUE 8 - Bulgari · 8 Life in BVLGARI Issue 8 «Nel 2009 – racconta Clau-dio Tesauro, Presidente di Save the Children Italia – per il centoventicinquesimo anniversario della

High Jewellery Serpenti

necklace and bracelet;

dress Madame Pauline vintage;

opposite page:

High Jewellery Serpenti necklace;

dress Aquilano.Rimondi

Page 41: ISSUE 8 - Bulgari · 8 Life in BVLGARI Issue 8 «Nel 2009 – racconta Clau-dio Tesauro, Presidente di Save the Children Italia – per il centoventicinquesimo anniversario della

High Jewellery Serpenti necklace;

dress Luisa Beccaria

Page 42: ISSUE 8 - Bulgari · 8 Life in BVLGARI Issue 8 «Nel 2009 – racconta Clau-dio Tesauro, Presidente di Save the Children Italia – per il centoventicinquesimo anniversario della

High Jewellery Serpenti necklace;

dress Uel Camilo

Page 43: ISSUE 8 - Bulgari · 8 Life in BVLGARI Issue 8 «Nel 2009 – racconta Clau-dio Tesauro, Presidente di Save the Children Italia – per il centoventicinquesimo anniversario della

High Jewellery Serpenti

sautoir and bracelet;

dress Madame Pauline vintage;

opposite page:

High Jewellery Serpenti necklace;

dress Uel Camilo

Page 44: ISSUE 8 - Bulgari · 8 Life in BVLGARI Issue 8 «Nel 2009 – racconta Clau-dio Tesauro, Presidente di Save the Children Italia – per il centoventicinquesimo anniversario della

Serpenti Incantati watch;

dress Lucio Vanotti;

opposite page:

Serpenti Incantati watch;

dress Lucio Vanotti

Page 45: ISSUE 8 - Bulgari · 8 Life in BVLGARI Issue 8 «Nel 2009 – racconta Clau-dio Tesauro, Presidente di Save the Children Italia – per il centoventicinquesimo anniversario della

High Jewellery Serpenti necklace,

ring and earrings;

dress Uel Camilo

Photographer’s assistant

Riccardo Ferri;Stylist’s assistants

Andrea Prato, Giuseppe Sileo;

Set designer Emanuela Rota;

Make-up Simone Belli @Simone Belli Agency;

Hair Domenica Ricciardi @Simone Belli Agency;

Manicure Isabella Avenali @MKS;

Talent Miriam Leone @Upgradeartist

Page 46: ISSUE 8 - Bulgari · 8 Life in BVLGARI Issue 8 «Nel 2009 – racconta Clau-dio Tesauro, Presidente di Save the Children Italia – per il centoventicinquesimo anniversario della

Il gruppo scultoreo, che raf-figura Laocoonte e i suoi figli stretti dalla morsa dei serpenti marini, racchiude in sé tutta la vibrante evoca-zione del mondo classico e insieme emana una dinamica espressionista che parla un linguaggio moderno. Que-sto calco settecentesco, in gesso, a grandezza naturale, è custodito nel Camaron d’Oro del cinquecentesco Palazzo Grimani di S. Maria Formosa, che porta il nome della famiglia veneziana che ne fece luogo d’arte. Il gesso, intriso dall’abba-gliante luminosità che filtra dalla serliana retrostante, riproduce l’originale mar-moreo databile al I Secolo a.C., rinvenuto nel 1506 sul Colle Oppio a Roma e oggi conservato al Museo Pio-Clementino dei Musei Vaticani. L’opera esercitò un influsso ispirativo rivo-luzionario sugli artisti dell’epoca. Il Laocoonte riproduce una drammatica danza di vita e di morte. I corpi in torsione eviden-ziano il terrore e lo sforzo fisico del sacerdote troiano e dei suoi figli nel cercare di liberarsi dagli spaventosi, splendidi, ed enormi rettili fatti scaturire dal mare dalla

vendetta di Atena – come si racconta nell’Eneide. Il vir-tuosismo dell’esecuzione del gruppo si risolve in un parossismo emotivo tea-trale al contempo realistico

e metafisico. I serpenti si annodano e avvolgono tutta la composizione, come lacci inarrestabili, unendo i tre nudi maschili in un fatale abbraccio. Il gruppo scul-toreo è un raggiungimento artistico che diviene pura epica e pathos.

The statue of Laocoön and his sons trapped within the writhing coils of sea-serpents is a vibrant evocation of the classical world that simulta-neously conveys an expres-sionist dynamic which speaks

a modern language. This 18th century full-scale plaster cast is in the Camaron d’Oro of the 16th century Palazzo Grimani di S. Maria Formosa, which bears the name of the Venetian family that transformed the building into a museum. The plaster cast, bathed in bril-liant light filtering through the Serliana window behind it, reproduces the original marble group dated to the 1st century A.D., unearthed in 1506 on the Oppian Hill in Rome and now preserved in the Pio-Clementino Museum of the Vatican Museums. The work had a revolutionary inspirational effect upon the artists of the day. The Laocoön group portrays a dramatic dance of life and death. The twisted bodies express the ter-ror and physical effort of the Trojan priest and his sons try-ing to free themselves from the fearsome, splendid, huge rep-tiles released from the sea by Athena in vengeance, as told in the Aeneid. The masterful execution of the group creates a dramatic emotional parox-ysm that is both realistic and metaphysical. The serpents coil and wrap around the en-tire composition like unstop-pable cords, uniting the three male nudes in a deadly em-

brace. The group is an artistic achievement that is pure epic and pathos.








丽玛尼宫(Palazzo Grimani di S. Maria Formosa)的金色大厅

























The serpents coil and

wrap around the entire

composition like unstoppable


LAOCOÖNphotography by Gianuzzi&Marino

88 Life in BVLGARI Issue 8

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Page 50: ISSUE 8 - Bulgari · 8 Life in BVLGARI Issue 8 «Nel 2009 – racconta Clau-dio Tesauro, Presidente di Save the Children Italia – per il centoventicinquesimo anniversario della

SUPREME RADIANCEphotography by Michael Avedon

styling by Lorenzo Posocco Flap cover


96 Life in BVLGARI Issue 8

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Serpenti earring,

"Serpenti Viper" top handle bag

Page 52: ISSUE 8 - Bulgari · 8 Life in BVLGARI Issue 8 «Nel 2009 – racconta Clau-dio Tesauro, Presidente di Save the Children Italia – per il centoventicinquesimo anniversario della

Serpenti cat-eye acetate frame,

Serpenti Tubogas bracelet,

"Serpenti Forever" flap cover

Page 53: ISSUE 8 - Bulgari · 8 Life in BVLGARI Issue 8 «Nel 2009 – racconta Clau-dio Tesauro, Presidente di Save the Children Italia – per il centoventicinquesimo anniversario della

B.zero1 bracelets,

B.zero1 four-band ring,

"Serpenti Forever" flap cover bag,



opposite page:

Serpenti cat-eye acetate frame,

Serpenti Tubogas bracelet,

Serpenti Tubogas ring,

"Serpenti Forever" flap cover bag

Page 54: ISSUE 8 - Bulgari · 8 Life in BVLGARI Issue 8 «Nel 2009 – racconta Clau-dio Tesauro, Presidente di Save the Children Italia – per il centoventicinquesimo anniversario della




Signature Bag

Page 55: ISSUE 8 - Bulgari · 8 Life in BVLGARI Issue 8 «Nel 2009 – racconta Clau-dio Tesauro, Presidente di Save the Children Italia – per il centoventicinquesimo anniversario della

Serpenti Tubogas necklace,

"Serpenti Forever" flap cover bag

Photographer’s assistants

Riccardo Ferri, Alessandro Vullo;

Digital assistant Lorenzo Mascher;

Stylist assistant Giuseppe Sileo;

Set designer Cristina Panata;

Hair stylist Ali Pirzadeh @clm;

Make-up Polly Osmond @Premier;

Groomer Luigi Rizzello @Massimo Serini; Talents

Rosie Huntington-Whiteley,

Jon Kortajarena

Page 56: ISSUE 8 - Bulgari · 8 Life in BVLGARI Issue 8 «Nel 2009 – racconta Clau-dio Tesauro, Presidente di Save the Children Italia – per il centoventicinquesimo anniversario della

La mostra SERPENTIForm esplora i simboli e la cre-atività legati al tema del serpente, motivo al centro della storia della Maison Bulgari e del suo prestigio internazionale. Nelle sale del Museo di Roma-Palazzo Braschi, fino all’8 maggio 2016, si dipana un’esperienza multisensoriale e una polie-drica narrazione intorno all’ispirazione che il ser-pente trasmette all’arte di ogni ambito e tempo. Oltre quaranta esemplari di Haute Joaillerie Serpenti Bul-gari, dagli anni ’60 a oggi, sono al centro di un eclet-tico itinerario che spazia da statue classiche dei Musei Capitolini ad antichi monili provenienti da Pompei e dal Museo Archeologico di Napoli, fino al moderno e al contemporaneo. Il polimate-rismo di Joana Vasconcelos dialoga con il colorismo fairy pop di Niki de Saint Phalle, dipinti e sculture di Alexander Calder si affian-cano all’astrattismo di Paul Klee, mentre i graffiti di Keith Haring si rispecchiano nel linguaggio immediato e contemporaneo di una video-installazione di Mat Collishaw. La fotografia è rappresentata da figure car-dine, tra arte e moda, quali il genio maledetto di Robert Mapplethorpe e la plasticità erotica di Helmut Newton. La tarsia tessile Quattro ser-penti del futurista Fortunato

Depero si raccorda al tap-peto Amiamo il Serpente del designer Piero Fornasetti. Non mancano abiti di scena indossati da Elizabeth Taylor in Cleopatra, di Joseph Man-kiewicz. SERPENTIForm è un appassionante viaggio nella multiforme, sinuosa ispirazione artistica nel segno del serpente, un mosaico di suggestioni ed evocazioni.

The SERPENTIForm exhibit explores the symbols and cre-ativity tied to the theme of the snake, a motif at the core of Bulgari’s history and inter-national prestige. The rooms of the Museum of Rome at Palazzo Braschi offer a mul-tisensory experience, telling a versatile story about the in-spiration that the serpent has transmitted to art in every area and epoch. Over forty Bul-gari Serpenti High Jewellery pieces, from the sixties to the present day, are at the centre of an itinerary that ranges from classic statues of the Capito-line Museums to ancient jewels from Pompeii and the Naples National Archaeological Mu-seum as well as modern, con-temporary pieces. The mixed media art of Joana Vasconce-los dialogues with the colourful pop fairy style of Niki de Saint Phalle, paintings and sculp-tures by Alexander Calder are placed next to the abstraction-

ism of Paul Klee, while Keith Haring’s graffiti is reflected in the contemporary language of a video-installation by Mat Collishaw. Photography is represented by pivotal figures of art and fashion, such as the wicked genius of Robert Map-plethorpe and the erotic plas-ticity of Helmut Newton. The Quattro serpenti (Four sna-kes) textile intarsia by futurist Fortunato Depero is linked to the Amiamo il Serpente (We love the snake) rug by designer Piero Fornasetti. The exhibit also presents costumes worn by Elizabeth Taylor in Cleopatra. SERPENTIForm is a passionate journey ex-ploring multiform artistic ex-pressions inspired by the snake in a mosaic of moods and evocations.





在 布 拉 斯 奇 宫 ( P a l a z z o Braschi)罗马博物馆举办的展览







出 了 来 自 卡 比 托 利 欧 博 物 馆

(Musei Capitolini)的古典雕




(Joana Vasconcelos)的多媒

体艺术与妮基·桑法勒(Niki de Saint Phalle)多彩的波普艺术


(Alexander Calder)的绘画和

雕塑与保罗·克利(Paul Klee)的抽象主义作品毗邻而置,而凯

斯·哈林(Keith Haring)的涂


(Mat Collishaw)视频装置艺




普(Robert Mapplethorpe)和性感摄影大师赫尔穆特·牛顿

(Helmut Newton)塑造的形


托 · 德 佩 罗 ( Fo r t u n a t o Depero)创作的针织挂画《四条


师 皮 耶 罗 佛 纳 塞 堤 ( P i e r o Fornasetti)的画毯《我们爱







A multisensory experience,

telling a versatile story

about the inspiration that the serpent has

transmitted to art in every

area and epoch

SERPENTIFORMphotography by Oliver Astrologo

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Lilly Sayn Wittgenstein BerleburgMilan, Bulgari dinner and after party during the Milan Fashion Week F/W 2016

Caroline VreelandMilan, Bulgari dinner and after party during the Milan Fashion Week F/W 2016

Tina LeungMilan, Bulgari dinner and after party during the Milan Fashion Week F/W 2016



Jean-Christophe Babin and Marisela FedericiRome, SERPENTIForm Exhibition at Palazzo Braschi

Paolo BulgariRome, SERPENTIForm Exhibition at Palazzo Braschi

Michael AvedonMilan, Bulgari dinner and after party during the Milan Fashion Week F/W 2016

Nicola BulgariRome, SERPENTIForm Exhibition at Palazzo Braschi


Carla Liuni, Rosie Huntington-Whiteley, Stéphane Gerschel,Mireya Lopez MontoyaMilan, Bulgari dinner and after party during the Milan Fashion Week F/W 2016


Milan, Fashion Week F/W 2016 Accessories Presentation

Basel, Bulgari at Baselworld 2016Olga Kurylenko and Luke EvansBasel, Bulgari Cocktail at Baselworld 2016 San Francisco, Epicurea at Atelier Crenn

Roberto di Pinto and Dominique CrennSan Francisco, Epicurea at Atelier Crenn

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Serpenti bracelet in 18 kt white gold with 2 pear shaped emeralds and pavé diamonds.

Serpenti necklace in 18 kt white gold with 1 round brilliant cut diamond, 2 pear shaped emeralds and pavé diamonds.

Serpenti necklace in 18 kt pink gold set with 2 pear shaped amethysts.

Serpenti necklace in 18 kt white gold set with 1 round brilliant cut diamond, 2 pear shaped emeralds and pavé diamonds.

Serpenti necklace in 18 kt pink gold with 2 pear shaped rubellites, 1 round brilliant cut diamond and pavé diamonds.



26 right page: Serpenti Tubogas watch. Quartz movement. 35 mm 18 kt pink gold curved case set with brilliant cut diamonds. 18 kt pink gold crown set with a cabochon cut pink rubellite. Black opaline dial with guilloché soleil treatment. Single-spiral 18 kt pink gold bracelet.

left page: Serpenti Spiga watch. Quartz movement. 35 mm black ceramic curved case with 18 kt pink gold bezel set with brilliant cut diamonds. 18 kt pink gold crown. Black lacquered polished dial. Single-spiral black ceramic bracelet with 18 kt pink gold elements.

High Jewellery Serpenti necklace in white gold set with 2 pear shaped emeralds (1.73 ct), and fancy step cut and pavé diamonds (15.19 ct).

Serpenti Incantati watch. Quartz movement. 30 mm 18 kt white gold case set with brilliant cut diamonds. Snow-pavé diamond dial. 18 kt white gold bracelet set with brilliant cut diamonds.

Serpenti Incantati watch. Quartz movement. 30 mm 18 kt pink gold case set with brilliant cut diamonds and rubellites. Snow-pavé diamond dial. 18 kt pink gold bracelet set with brilliant cut diamonds.



20 Serpenti necklace in 18 kt pink gold set with 2 pear shaped rubellites, 1 round brilliant cut diamond and pavé diamonds.

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right page:Serpenti earrings in 18 kt pink gold with rubellite eyes and pavé-set head (0.60 ct).

Serpenti collar in 18 kt pink gold with rubellite eyes and pavé-set head and chain (3.40 ct).

Serpenti ring in 18 kt pink gold with amethyst eyes.

left page:Serpenti earrings in 18 kt pink gold with malachite eyes and pavé-set head (0.15 ct).

Serpenti ring in 18 kt pink gold with rubellite eyes and pavé-set head (0.25 ct).

Serpenti band ring in 18 kt pink gold with rubellite eyes and pavé-set head (0.25 ct).

Serpenti ring in 18 kt pink gold with rubellite eyes and full pavé-set head (0.75 ct).

right page:Serpenti sautoir in 18 kt pink gold with malachite elements.

Serpenti ring in 18 kt pink gold with malachite eyes and pavé-set head (0.10 ct).

left page:Serpenti band ring in 18 kt pink gold with rubellite eyes and pavé-set head (0.25 ct).

Serpenti ring in 18 kt pink gold with rubellite eyes and pavé-set head (0.25 ct).

Serpenti necklace in 18 kt pink gold with rubellite eyes and pavé-set head (1.50 ct).



46 right page:Serpenti band ring in 18 kt pink gold with rubellite eyes and pavé-set head (0.25 ct).

Serpenti ring in 18 kt pink gold with rubellite eyes and pavé-set head (0.25 ct).

left page:Serpenti earrings in 18 kt pink gold with malachite eyes and pavé-set head (0.15 ct).

Serpenti ring in 18 kt pink gold with malachite eyes and pavé-set head (0.10 ct).

Serpenti ring in 18 kt pink gold with amethyst eyes.

High Jewellery Serpenti necklace in platinum with 12 marquise brilliant cut diamonds (9.54 ct) and 28 round, pear and marquise shaped emeralds (35.42 ct) and round and pavé diamonds (11.03 ct).

“Serpenti Forever” flap cover bag in plum amethyst calf leather featuring a quilted scaglie motif. Brass light gold plated tempting snake head closure in plum amethyst matt enamel, with eyes in black onyx.



40 Serpenti band ring in 18 kt pink gold with rubellite eyes and pavé-set head (0.25 ct).

Serpenti ring in 18 kt pink gold with rubellite eyes and pavé-set head (0.25 ct).

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BVLGARI BVLGARI bangle bracelet in 18 kt pink gold with diamonds.

BVLGARI BVLGARI bangle bracelet in 18 kt white gold with diamonds.

BVLGARI BVLGARI ring in 18 kt white gold with diamond.

BVLGARI BVLGARI LADY ROMAN SORBETS watch. Mechanical movement with automatic winding. 33 mm steel case with diamond paved bezel. Steel crown set with a cabochon cut pink stone. White mother-of-pearl dial set with diamond indexes. Mat coral alligator strap.

BVLGARI BVLGARI LADY ROMAN SORBETS watch. Mechanical movement with automatic winding. 33 mm steel case. Steel crown set with a cabochon cut pink stone. White mother-of-pearl dial set with diamond indexes. Mat sky blue alligator strap.



58 PICCOLA LVCEA watch. Quartz movement. 23 mm, 18 kt pink gold case set with brilliant cut diamonds. 18 kt pink gold crown set with a pink cabochon cut stone and diamond. White mother-of-pearl dial set with diamond indexes. 18 kt pink gold bracelet set with brilliant cut diamonds.

DIVASʼ DREAM bracelet in 18 kt pink gold with mother-of-pearl and pavé diamonds.

DIVASʼ DREAM earrings in 18 kt pink gold with pavé diamonds.

DIVASʼ DREAM bracelet in 18 kt pink gold with malachite and mother-of-pearl.

DIVASʼ DREAM necklace in 18 kt pink gold with malachite and pavé diamonds.

BVLGARI BVLGARI LADY watch. Quartz movement. 26 mm steel case. Steel crown set with a cabochon cut pink stone. Anthracite satiné soleil dial set with diamond indexes. Steel bracelet.

BVLGARI BVLGARI LADY watch. Mechanical movement with automatic winding. 33 mm steel case with 18 kt pink gold bezel. Brown soleil lacquered dial set with diamond indexes. Steel and 18 kt pink gold bracelet.



52 DIVASʼ DREAM necklace in 18 kt pink gold with pink sapphires and pavé diamonds.

DIVASʼ DREAM watch. Quartz movement. 39 mm 18 kt pink gold case set with brilliant cut diamonds. White mother-of-pearl dial. Satin strap with 18 kt pink gold folding clasp set with brilliant cut diamonds.

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High Jewellery Serpenti necklace in pink gold set with 2 pear shaped emeralds (1.83 ct), 44 fancy cabochon cut amethysts (7.07 ct) and pavé diamonds (11.16 ct).

High Jewellery Serpenti ring in pink gold set with 2 pear shaped emeralds (0.30 ct), 3 fancy cabochon cut amethysts and pavé diamonds (1.46 ct).

right page:High Jewellery Serpenti watch. Quartz movement. 40 mm 18 kt white gold case set with diamonds and 2 pear shaped emeralds. 18 kt gold dial set with brilliant cut diamonds. 1-twirl 18 kt white gold bracelet set with brilliant cut diamonds.

left page:High Jewellery Serpenti ring in platinum set with 1 oval cut emerald (3.58 ct) and pavé diamonds (1.08 ct).

High Jewellery Serpenti ring in white gold with 2 pear shaped emeralds (0.29 ct) and pavé diamonds (1.65 ct).

High Jewellery Serpenti necklace in white gold set with 2 pear shaped emeralds (1.73 ct), and fancy step cut and pavé diamonds (15.19 ct).



70 Serpenti Tubogas watch. Quartz movement. 35 mm steel curved case with 18 kt pink gold bezel set with brilliant cut diamonds. 18 kt pink gold crown set with a cabochon cut pink rubellite. Silver opaline dial with guilloché soleil treatment. 5-twirl 18 kt pink gold and steel bracelet.

BVLGARI BVLGARI ring in 18 kt pink gold with blue sapphires and tsavorites.

BVLGARI BVLGARI ring in 18 kt white gold with amethysts and pink tourmalines.

BVLGARI BVLGARI bracelet in 18 kt pink gold with amethysts and pink tourmalines.

DIVASʼ DREAM necklace in 18 kt pink gold with pavé diamonds.



64 PICCOLA LVCEA watch. Quartz movement. 23 mm 18 kt white gold case set with brilliant cut diamonds. 18 kt white gold crown set with a pink cabochon cutstone and diamond. Snow-pavé diamond dial. 18 kt white gold bracelet set with brilliant cut diamonds.

LVCEA watch. Mechanical movement with automatic winding. 33 mm steel case. Steel crown set with a pink cabochon cut stone and diamond. Blue dial witha guilloché soleil treatment set with diamond indexes. Date aperture. Steel bracelet.

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High Jewellery Serpenti necklace in white and yellow gold with 55 marquise brilliant cut diamonds (11.22 ct), 71 round and pear shaped rubies (2.69 ct) and pavé diamonds (8.94 ct).


right page:High Jewellery Serpenti watch. Quartz movement. 40 mm 18 kt pink gold case set with brilliant cut diamonds, 2 pear shaped rubies and coated with pink and beige lacquer. 18 kt gold dial set with diamonds. 1-twirl 18 kt pink gold bracelet set with brilliant cut diamonds and coated with pink and beige lacquer.

left page:High Jewellery Serpenti bracelet in white gold set with 120 fancy shaped, cabochon cut emeralds (5.88 ct), and pavé diamonds (25.77 ct).

High Jewellery Serpenti watch. Quartz movement. 40 mm 18 kt pink gold case set with brilliant cut diamonds, 2 pear shaped rubies and coated with pink and beige lacquer. 18 kt gold dial set with diamonds. 1-twirl 18 kt pink gold bracelet set with brilliant cut diamonds and coated with pink and beige lacquer.



76 right page:High Jewellery Serpenti necklace in white gold with 2 pear shaped diamonds (0.85 ct) and pavé diamonds (74.83 ct).

left page:High Jewellery Serpenti necklace in pink gold and snakewood elements with 2 pear brilliant cut diamonds (0.88 ct) and pavé diamonds (17.31 ct).

High Jewellery Serpenti bracelet in pink gold and snakewood elements with 2 pear brilliant cut diamonds (0.60 ct) and pavé diamonds (12.49 ct).

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right page:Serpenti Incantati watch. Quartz movement. 30 mm 18 kt white gold case set with brilliant cut diamonds. Snow-pavé diamond dial. 18 kt white gold bracelet set with brilliant cut diamonds.

left page:Serpenti Incantati watch. Quartz movement. 30 mm 18 kt pink gold case set with brilliant cut diamonds and rubellites. Snow-pavé diamond dial. Satin strap with 18 kt pink gold ardillon buckle set with diamonds.

High Jewellery Serpenti earrings in white gold set with 140 cabochon cut sapphires (7.45 ct) and pavé diamonds (2.95 ct).

High Jewellery Serpenti necklace in white gold set with 88 fancy shaped, cabochon cut sapphires (6.21 ct) and pavé diamonds (7.70 ct).

High Jewellery Serpenti ring in platinum set with 1 cushion cut blue sapphire (4.80 ct) and pavé diamonds (1.15 ct).


8682 right page:High Jewellery Serpenti necklace in white gold set with 1 pear shaped, cabochon cut tanzanite (33.74 ct), 6 tanzanite beads (21.49 ct), 10 pear and round shaped emerald beads (21.77 ct) and pavé diamonds (38.15 ct).

left page:High Jewellery Serpenti sautoir in pink gold set with 31 fancy cut malachites and pavé diamonds (13.07 ct).

High Jewellery Serpenti bracelet in pink gold set with fancy cut malachites and pavé diamonds (8.23 ct).

High Jewellery Serpenti necklace in white gold set with 1 pear shaped, cabochon cut tanzanite (33.74 ct), 6 tanzanite beads (21.49 ct), 10 pear and round shaped emerald beads (21.77 ct) and pavé diamonds (38.15 ct).


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Multicolored enamel Serpenti scales are set on the outline of this cat-eye acetate frame. The sleek metal temples add a touch of contemporary design.

Serpenti Tubogas bracelet in 18 kt pink gold with pavé diamonds.

“Serpenti Forever” flap cover in black and gold “metal crush” stardust python skin. Brass light gold plated tempting snake head closure in golden glitter and shiny black enamel, with eyes in black onyx.


102 Carbon, 18 kt pink gold bezel and crown set with ceramic, transparent case back. Lacquered polished dial with hand-applied indexes. Integrated rubber strap with steel ardillon buckle treated with black Diamond Like Carbon. Water-resistant up to 100 metres.

right page:Multicolored enamel Serpenti scales are set on the outline of this cat-eye acetate frame. The sleek metal temples add a touch of contemporary design.

Serpenti Tubogas bracelet in 18 kt pink gold with pavé diamonds.

Serpenti Tubogas ring in 18 kt pink gold with pavé diamonds.

“Serpenti Forever” flap cover bag in ruby red calf leather. Brass light gold plated snake head closure in black and white enamel with eyes in green malachite.

left page:B.zero1 bracelet in 18 kt yellow gold.

B.zero1 bracelet in 18 kt yellow gold and steel.

B.zero1 four-band ring in 18 kt pink, white and yellow gold.

“Serpenti Forever” flap cover bag in sunflower citrine calf leather featuring the "Scaglie Studs" motif in black onyx. Brass light gold plated hardware and tempting snake head closure in sunflower citrine enamel, with eyes in black onyx.

OCTO ULTRANERO VELOCISSIMO watch. Mechanical manufacture high-frequency chronograph (5Hz) with silicon escapement, automatic winding and date, BVL 328 - Velocissimo caliber decorated with perlage, côtes de Genève and chamfering finishing. 50-hour power reserve. 41 mm steel case treated with black Diamond Like

SERPENTI earrings in 18 kt white gold with full pavé diamonds.

“Serpenti Viper” top handle bag in raspberry agate and black shiny crocodile skin. Brass light gold plated hardware and snap closure in black shiny enamel with iconic “Scaglie” design and lateral push buttons in green malachite stones.


96 Flap cover BVLGARI BVLGARI Signature Bag in raspberry agate dégradé python skin with brass light gold plated metal parts. Black “Perspicio” bar, iconic double logo motif and magnetic closure finished in black enamel.

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BVLGARI BVLGARI necklace in 18 kt pink gold with carnelian, malachite, mother-of-pearl and lapis lazuli.

BVLGARI BVLGARI ring in 18 kt pink gold with pavé diamonds.

Flap cover BVLGARI BVLGARI Signature Bag in royal sapphire and gold shiny python skin with brass light gold plated metal parts. Black “Perspicio” bar, iconic double logo motif and magnetic closure finished in black enamel.


106 Serpenti Tubogas necklace in 18 kt pink gold with pavé diamonds.

“Serpenti Forever” flap cover bag in black astrakhan and desert quartz mink furs. Brass light gold plated tempting snake head closure in desert quartz enamel, with eyes in black onyx.

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