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Page 1: Issue 7

trojaneertrojaneerCenter Grove High School Vol. XLX, Issue 71.28.11


Injuries take toll on student-athletes (page 8)

-Steph Wolfred helps make prom dream (page 4)

-New semester, no bookstore (page 2)

An applicant interested in a job opening comes equipped with a resume and work portfolio of sorts. A high school student comes equipped with a transcript. Both the resume and transcript take years to build up, accenting on the accomplishments and successes of the individual. Although one may walk into an inter-view confident with a notable resume, a job offer is not guaranteed. In much of the same way, the high school student’s transcript can be somewhat misleading. A prestigious grade point average does not necessarily mean one will be guaranteed acceptance into the school of his or her choice. With college acceptance becoming more competitive for a limited number of spots in each graduating class, many students have stepped up their game in order to make their application stand out from the masses. These students have chosen courses identical to those offered freshman year at college campuses around the country. Center

Grove High School currently offers a wide variety of Ad-vanced Placement (AP) classes. Tests are offered each upcoming spring for students enrolled in AP classes. The tests are given a score one through five. Universities may then reward credit toward college classes depending on what score the student received. A law was recently passed in Indiana requiring that all state universities reward the student with college credit upon receiv-ing a minimum score of 3. The credit may not necessarily go towards the student’s major. In this case, it will count as an elec-

tive credit instead. Regardless of the case, credit is now guaranteed. “I take AP classes to qualify for the Academic Honors diploma and hopefully earn college credit,” senior Anna Win-

chester said. Although these classes can be well worth it in the long run, Winchester does admit to the demand-ing workload that is required.

“There is definitely more homework and reading outside of class. The teachers expect more from you as a student,” Winchester said. AP classes offer students a chance to further explore

a curriculum he or she may want to major in in college. “I recommend taking AP classes about subjects that [students] are interested in,” com-ments senior Tahid Ali. In the case of senior Jonas Zeko-nis, AP classes led him to a decision for his future plans. “AP Biology helped me to realize what I wanted to study in college. I am now going to major in biology next year at Indiana University,” Zekonis said. However, he is not completely for

this sometimes overly ambitious academic course load. “Getting an A in a regular class is better than getting a C in an AP class,” Zekonis said. “Take a balance that will boost, not hurt your GPA.” Advanced Placement? Or just Added Pressure? Many students have different views. College credit is up for grabs, but extra work is required.

Students weigh A.P. options

Stiring the Social Pot...

“There are two reasons sites are blocked for students; one, schools are required by law to block inappropriate content on the web for their students. Two, sites that are heavy bandwidth utilizers such as streaming audio are not feasible at the student level unless a teacher is utilizing it for educational purposes (i.e. podcasting, etc.) in the classroom. The problem is never with one user who wants to pull up an Internet Radio site but when there are 7450 students all vying for the same network bandwidth, that is where the issue lies,” Julie Bo-henkamp, Technology Director said. Many students have noticed the decreasing amount of accessible sites within the past couple of months. After talking to many students, some agree with the restrictions while others do not see the need for “over-blocking.” But the rumor of more blocked sites may not necessarily be true. “We initiated a new web filter system this past summer. We went from a product called SmartFilter to another product called Lightspeed. There was a reason that we went with the Lightspeed filter. Lightspeed gave us the added functionality of installing the software agent on any district laptop. The agent would then require any laptop that leaves our school site to connect back to the school’s filter. This would allow us to expand our 1:1 takehome laptop projects for the future. As with any transition we are working out the details of the project. The sites that have recently been blocked were blocked in past years,” Bohnenkamp said. We hear the same question all around the school, why are all these sites blocked? “The district’s filter is able to catego-rize sites. Sites are blocked by category within the software system. There are two reasons to block a site: Inappro-priate content not related to education or Heavy Internet Bandwidth utiliza-tion. We can then physically go into the software and “open” a site if it should be open even though it was categorized as a blocked site,” Bohnenkamp said.

Technology restraints for the benefit of all


Though many of us may think that our favorites sites being blocked is a pun-ishment, it is truly on a benefit to our education. “We actually would like to encour-age and teach “responsible use” for students as there is no possible way to filter all of the content on the web. Our department works towards the “due dili-gence” of delivering the safest network possible. In fact, Internet Safety is now a requirement by the state to be taught in our schools. We have been developing curriculum on this topic that begins at the elementary level,” Bohnenkamp said. The Technology department hopes to allow access to the sites that they believe students and teachers alike will benefit from the use of. “Our ultimate goal is to keep open any site that teachers or students need for educational purposes for their classroom instruction or for student research. Any site that is blocked that is needed for instruction should be brought to our attention by a classroom teacher or principal and we review the content and the bandwidth utilization to analyze the possible opening of the site,” Bohnen-kamp said. Many of us would hope to have the game, music, and popular sites back, but department sees more value in the qual-ity of the sites, rather than the quantity. “Our goal is to find solutions to prob-lems. For example, Youtube has many videos of educational value and many that are deemed inappropriate. We have recently launched the “Educational Video Library” where teachers can designate specific videos from Youtube to utilize for classroom instruction through this site to deem them as “safe videos” that are ac-cessible to students at http://lightspeed/safevideos,” Bohnenkamp said. It is not a matter of whether we think it is fair or not, but rather what is safe and what we really need to be seeing on the internet. Maybe having these sites blocked with help us concentrate on the work in front of us, rather than the music in our headphones, or games dancing on the screen.

Carissa Dresslar posted on your wall...It seems like people will say things over facebook that they would never say in person.

Alex Buckley posted on your wall...People use facebook to get attention and start arguments.

Kristen Southern commented on your post...Facebook drama seems to be a rising problem among today’s teens.

Kristen Southern commented on your post...Buckley has been in facebook drama before.

It started in October when he sent me a message. When it started being more public other people got involved and it just escalated till it was blown out of proportion.Kristen Southern commented on your post...Hensley wants to reinforce the fact that everything on the internet is permanent.

Krista Hensley posted on your wall...Once something has been posted, it’s open to the public. People get involved who need not be.

Hensley also thinks that today’s society misuses facebook regularly.

I find it horrific and cowardly when facebook is used to bully, threaten, or humiliate other people. It is a social networking site used to con-nect with friends and family, not to put other people down.Kristen Southern commented on your post...Students also think that today’s society misuses facebook regularly.

Due to technology, tone can be taken in different ways so something can seem snobbish and mean.Kristen Southern commented on your post...But once the damage is done, it can’t be completely restored.

Once something is posted on the Internet it cannot be taken back.Kristen Southern commented on your post...Hensley is worried that what happens on facebook now will effect her students futures.

Krista Hensley posted on your wall...If facebook is used appropriately, as a social network to keep friends up to date, it is fine. However I am very disturbed by the lack of ethi-cal choices made when posting.”Kristen Southern commented on your post...For Hensley, facebook profiles should reflect the creator as a person.

When you post on facebook, it reflects to how you are as a person. It bothers me that teens do not realize or care about that.Kristen Southern commented on your post...Some Center Grove students feel the same.

Krista Hensley commented on your post...

Alex Buckley commented on your post...

Teens do not realize that facebook is used by potential employers and colleges. If they are not taught what not to say now, it could affect their future, in ways they may not have thought of.

Krista Hensley commented on your post...

Kristen Southern commented on your post...

Krista Hensley commented on your post...

Krista Hensley commented on your post...

Krista Hensley commented on your post...

Krista Hensley posted on your wall...Facebook is not your diary, journal, or the place you share everything. Students need to know what to keep private and what is ok to share with the public.

Page 2: Issue 7

2NewsNews the trojaneer

Friday, January 28, 2011

Here in Danville, Ind. the former Carmel High School basket-ball players are still fighting for resolutions in court for allegedly assaulting a boy on a bus and in a locker room. The boy who started the assault, Brandon Hoge, was released with a fine of one dollar, 180 days of probation, and 40 hours of community service. Several parents and other students are upset with his punishment. In Waterloo, Ind., four people died and an infant was hurt when a train hit an SUV. The SUV crashed into a highway median, veered down an embankment and landed upside down right in the path of an oncoming train. The train pushed the SUV 2,000 feet before stopping 25 miles north of Fort Wayne.

Shootings have been going on all over the United States re-cently. For instance, on January Jan. 5 in Phoenix, Ariz. Police arrested a gunman for firing shots at a local mall. He barricaded himself in a fast-food restaurant with hostages. Although the shooter later identified as Adam Hernandez, fired shots, no one was harmed. Also in Arizona, congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords was shot in the back of the head when she was meeting with constitu-ents. The shooting happened outside a Tucson supermarket. Six people were killed, including a federal judge, and 14 others were wounded. If it were not for the 60-year-old woman who took his magazine that held the extra bullets, several others would have been severely injured or dead. Her alleged shooter has been iden-tified as Jared Lee Loughner. In Arkansas, the deaths of 5,000 red-winged blackbirds have been blamed on New Year’s Eve fireworks. There have also been more cases found in Tennessee, Louisiana and Kentucky. A few days after the Arkansas bird deaths, 450 starlings and black-birds were found dead along a highway in Louisiana. People be-lieve the birds could have been killed by human causes such as fireworks, power lines and collisions with vehicles. In similar events, 100,000 fish were killed in the Arkansas River, only 125 miles away from where the birds were found.

In other parts of the world, such as Australia, unforeseen weather has taken everyone by surprise. The Australian flash floods have led to the death of several and the trapping of oth-ers under cars. These floods are the worst Australia has seen in decades. The waters have reached depths of 26 feet and continue to rise.




In the news today

In the news today

“When I changed classes, I be-came stressed because I changed from the loving Mr. Maguire to the slightly passive aggressive Mr. Browning,” said junior Nick McGuire. As students begin to worry about classes for next year one problem that comes to student’s minds are class changes. Stu-dents could have a completely different schedule, teachers, and classmates. This is nothing new for Center Grove students, but something that may be new is being scheduled for two classes

at the same time or not being in a class that they were in last se-mester. As second semester gets roll-ing, the guidance office becomes flooded with students trying to rearrange their new, mixed up schedules. “We have up to 100 kids coming in to rearrange their schedules, but only 25 to 30 have legitimate reasons,” Guidance Department Chair Pam Price said. The scheduling system at Cen-ter Grove is done by a computer. After all students have submit-

New year, new semester, new classes?


“With the failure of the 2010 referendum, Center Grove is go-ing to start experiencing budget cuts through out the school sys-tem,” Principal Matt Shockley said. The high school now faces such cuts. Before winter break, signs were placed throughout the halls of CG forewarning the closure of the bookstore. The ad-ministration had decided to cut the bookstore and condense the office assistant position from a full time to a part time job. “Before winter break, the of-fice assistant managed the book-store and other various tasks around the office. But now with that position working part time, it would be difficult to maintain the bookstore,” said Shockley. When the referendum failed to


It was impossible not to feel the absence of the four missing days of break. In an exchange, the teachers union voted that students received 4 more days in summer while losing them in winter break. Their initial goal was that students wouldn’t have enough time to really forget the knowledge they gathered in the first semester, as well as try to balance the number of days in each semester. However, end-

Pencils, Pens, Paper, no moreCG students mourn loss of bookstore

pass, the school board suggested several areas to cut in order to decrease the school system’s budget. The administration then decides what can realistically be cut with the least harm to the system. The bookstore seemed to fit this mold. “The bookstore was not a profit generating venture. Its main point was to provide a student service,” said Shockley. He re-inforced that students will have to plan ahead and go to the store the night before to purchase needed school supplies. There are mixed emotions in the Center Grove student body in not having a bookstore. “It is a bummer not having a bookstore, but at the same time it’s important for the school

corporation to have a balanced budget,” said senior Morgyn Thompson. “I showed up to school com-pletely clueless that the book-store was closing,” Junior Mitch Mappes said. “The bookstore has always been a place where I could buy a few pencils and an occasional notebook. It always brightened up my day,” Mappes said. Right now there are no current plans to reopen the bookstore. However, the lost and found can still be accessed by talking to Mrs. McOuat in the Guidance office. Parking passes can also be purchased in the main office. The bookstore cut can only make one wonder: How will future cuts affect our school?


Break shortens, students hedge plansing school on Dec. 22, many stu-dents were unpleased with the new changes in break. “I felt like the shorter break made it harder to plan vaca-tions. Summer break is already long enough,” Junior Jake Mil-ligan said. “I hated how late we start-ed break. It made me feel too rushed before Christmas. There was no lead in time.” Senior Jacy Sermersheim said. Our neighboring schools, Greenwood, Perry Meridian, and

Southport, started their break on Dec. 17. Even our rival school, Carmel, received the luxury of having a Dec. 17 start. “I agree that the break did feel rather rushed. However, a lot of the breaks are just determined by the calendar year. Next year’s schedule will be similar, as we get out on the 21st. ” Principal Matt Shockley said. The Teachers Union and the Teachers Association determine a school year schedule, which gets approved by the school

board. “I would rather have kept the couple days in winter break. Summer break is already so long that you, one, don’t even no-tice the extension and, two, you don’t need the extra break time,” Freshman Catherine Klimes said. For those ABC Family: 25 Days of Christmas lovers who look forward to the heartwarming episodes, with CG’s late break, students only got to experience 12 percent of Christmas reruns,

compared to the 36 percent that Southport, Greenwood, Perry Meridian and Carmel got to ex-perience. Unfortunately, stu-dents really are Grinches here, because they probably missed that episode. So, for all you late shoppers who were stressed this Christ-mas, you might want to start your Christmas shopping in the summer, because next Christmas looks to have the same stressed out results.

ted their schedule requests, the requests get tallied up. This helps determined the different sections of a class and how many classes a teacher will have and what classes a teacher will teach. Once these two steps have been performed, the class choices and schedule request get uploaded into the school’s scheduling sys-tem on the computer. Because the system is done by a com-puter, problems can be created here. “The computer doesn’t know what classes are hard classes and what classes are easy classes, so it may put them all the hard classes on one day and all the easy classes on another,” Price said. Most of the problems students have are from conflicts, hard classes, and not having enough students for the classes. If there aren’t enough students for the class, the class gets canceled when the classes and teachers are being assessed. When the schedule is actually changed, it becomes a frustration for stu-dents and teachers. “It is more difficult for a student who got switched to my class be-cause they have to readjust to my rules and expectations,” chemis-try teacher Jennifer Pickell said. Each department does what they can to help students who have changed. For example, the English Department requests that their students have the same teachers. The science depart-ment helps by trying to teach the same things at the same times. “Some teachers like the change. It gives them an opportunity to change things in their class-rooms that they may have want-ed to change,” English teacher Karen Davis said. No matter what the situation, teachers and counselors do their best to help students be comfort-able at school.

Closed Jan. 4, the shelves of the bookstore remain empty. Students no lon-ger have a place to turn to for last minute supplies. photo by Hannah Furrow

Students join the long waiting lists for guidance counselor appointments in order to resolve the overwhelming conflict in their second semester schedules. These mix-ups have ranged from having two classes scheduled for one period, to being put into a class the student didn’t request. photo by Hannah Furrow

compiled by Alli Chamberlain

Page 3: Issue 7

3 OpinionOpinionthe trojaneer

Friday, January 28, 2011

byAlecDietzOpinion Writer

trojaneerContact InformationMailing Address: 2717 S. Morgantown Road, Greenwood, IN 46143

Phone: (317) 881-0581, Ext. 4175

E-mail: Staff members of the Trojaneer may be contacted by using their first name_last name and appending For example Lucas Matney will recieve email at [email protected].

Responding to the Trojaneer [[email protected]] Letters to the Editors will be accepted for the Feb. 4 edition of the Trojaneer until January 31. Letters may be turned in to adviser Melissa Warner or Editors-in-Chief Craig Lotz and Ben Whitehead. All letters must be signed and include contact information for the writer. Anonymous letters will not be published. Letters may not contain personal attacks against individuals or any libelous material. The Trojaneer staff regards the right to edit letters for grammatical mis-takes and length. Writers should strive to keep letters to less than 250 words.

PurposeThe Trojaneer is a student-run publication distributed to faculty and staff at Center Grove High School with a press run of 2,400 copies. The Trojaneer strives to provide the Center Grove community with timely, factual, entertaining, and relevant information in an unbiased fashion, The paper serves as a public forum. Opinions expressed in the newspaper are not necesarily those of Center Grove High School nor the Center Grove Community School Corporation’s faculty, staff or administration.

CredentialsThe Trojaneer is a member of the Indiana High School Press Association and the National Scholastic Press Association.

AdvertisingBusinesses may advertise in the Trojaneer if their advertise-ments adhere to the newspaper’s guidelines. All ads must be tastefully designed, while containing no libelous material. Advertisements of alcohol and tobacco is strictly prohibited. A full copy of the newspaper’s advertising policy is available upon request in Room 175 at Center Grove High School.

Editors in Chief:

Managing Editor

Page Editors:

Photo EditorBusiness MgrWebsite Mgr


Staff Writers:

Craig LotzBen WhiteheadLindsey Winneroski

Ben BaconLucas MatneyBecky Miller

Hannah FurrowShawna MillerJulie Joson

Rileigh CoxHannah Duke

Mackenzie DeanElaina MellotChris CollinsKeaton WrightMatt SaundersAlec DietzVincent WilliamsAllison ChamberlainLuke CalvertMackenzie ThompsonSavannah Lorentzen

Trish BartonMariah Hester

Jessica EdelmanZach Whitehead

Jessica GottliebTyler SykesHannah MorganRonni MeierAlex JabreNick MarleyDelaney BurnettAbbi StiffeyScott SuttonKristen Southern

byMackenzieThompsonOpinion Writer

byMattSaundersOpinion Writer

You are what

Shoes not only are for the protections of one’s tender feet, but they also have a knack for defining the wearer. Students try to determine the type of music, lifestyle, economic stand-

ing, social class, age, gender, personality and career all based on the piece of rubber found on a person’s sole. In high school it is common to judge and be judged purely based on appearance. In the mind of most of our society, what we wear is typically thought to define the type of people we are. The following is a list of shoes and the feet stereotypical found in them: Nike’s are worn by the always sarcastic male teenager, who listens to Mac Millers’ “Nikes on my feet” through his beats by dre. He makes sure his Nikes are always spotless in all of their multi-colored glory. The disgrace of having a matching pair to a friend is a cause for fret, and usually ends in a new pair of Nikes. These shoes rarely get action on the b-ball court but are always worn to school. Toms are for the kid trying to better the world, or at least act they like they are trying to, one needy child at a time. They enjoy the thought of contributing to a good cause. A large chunk of change for a piece of cloth with a rubber sole, Toms are seen on the easy going kids. These kids dress comfortably yet stylish, and are known to have good taste and an artistic side to them. Moccasins can be found on the tiny toes of girls and on the elongated feet of boys. These slip-ons are for the most laid back of kids, who listen to soft indie rock. This unisex trend mainly can be found on the students who are more prone to slack off, putting off work until the last possible second because they are too busy daydreaming. They are usually seen with jeans and a Goodwill find t-shirt with wolves or some wild animal on the front. Uggs, the most common of boots seen on the heels of teenage girls and even adults, can be found under at least five desks in one classroom. What is the appeal of these boxy shoes that give no shape to the body, but that of a large calf and clubbed foot? “They are warm and cute” being the common response by teenage girls. Though their warmness is undeniable, why is it such a faux pas if a girl is caught in an off brand pair of “Fuggs”, especially if she is saving herself from the $180 price tag? Snow Boots are worn by the kids who continue to follow word-for-word the ideas and thoughts of their

parents, afraid to slightly stray from their commanding words. These kids are always prepared for the worst, a double pair of socks included. Flip-flops are for the girl seeking a shoe she can throw on quickly, with no one in mind of impressing by her appearance. Cheap and quick is her shoe motto, and trying to im-press others with her sense of style is unheard of. Slides are the male equivalent of flip flops. Often paired with ankle socks and Jordan basketball shorts, even the most un-athletic of students wear slides. Stilettos are for the girl who wants attention in school. Everyone knows how impractical high heels are on three flights of stairs accompanied by a 30-pound back-pack, 500 rushing kids, and slippery pavements. This girl wants the attention from her classmates, and why not? Admiration is a commonly desired emotion by all, and by wearing stilettos there will be an ample amount of attention in the halls. Shapes-Ups are for the person who wants to show off to their friends that they are trying to follow a healthy lifestyle, by constantly working on their physicality 24/7.Really the type of person to wear Shape-Ups does not care about their appearance if they are being worn in situations outside of the gym. Oxfords are dress shoes for the stylish kid who strives to look put together daily. Oxford wearers focus on what they look like, and gain their inspiration from maga-zines and “real” fashion in their mind. They scoff at the flips flops and Ugg wearing ninnies. Oxford wearers work hard in their classes hoping to get past the pains of high school so they can find more Oxford wearing friends in college.The question of why we judge others by their appear-ance relates back to the culture that we live in. Our culture is based on appearance; a person interested in looking put together is more likely to relate with an-other well put together person, rather than with a more relaxed person. Whether we realize it or not, judgments purely based on appearance alter our perceptions on the new people we meet in our lives.

There are a lot of ways to look at Facebook, but we need to admit that it is extremely amusing. In only a few years, Facebook completely has changed the way the world

interacts with each other and shaped the definition of what it means to be cool. Bored with your life? With Facebook you can check out other people’s lives without them even knowing! Old and young alike, everyone has a Facebook and everybody can now know everybody. The Facebook status is the most important aspect of this website. Facebook asks, “what’s on your mind”, and we can do nothing but respond with song lyrics, deep thought, a bible verse, or some-

thing about Taylor Gang. If you ever need inspira-tion, log on to Facebook and I’m sure you’ll find a status that tells you to keep your head up,

things will get better. More important is the “Like” button, which tells people that you like what you have to say. Are you socially important? If so then people will like your statuses/pictures. Everybody feels bad for the status that never received even a courtesy like. Lately it seems a lot of Center Grove students’ statuses are centered around the Deezy Crew and the Hot Dogs, and all the the other white kids from the suburbs who are in a “ facebook gang”. I love the suburbs! Facebook users are of all ages and backgrounds, which isn’t always a great thing. How did senior citizens find out how to use a computer and more importantly why do senior citizens have Facebooks? Grandmas and Grandpas are commenting on their grandchildren’s pictures and statuses which seems strange to me. My Grandma is offended that I won’t accept her friend request, and I have no one to thank except Facebook. Facebook also proves that the drama in high school doesn’t stop in adult-hood. Sub-urban mom’s can now gossip with each other on the internet while they ac-cess Facebook from their cell phones and drink martinis at Louie’s. Maybe it has something to do with feeling young again? Facebook allows adults to feel apart of a technological savvy generation, as well as look up their old high school sweethearts only to find that they have become over-weight and divorced with three kids. So why is Facebook all the rage? It’s the fact that you can creep on really anyone without their knowl-edge. Nobody likes it when you have to be friends with the person to see his/her photos. Facebook al-lows you to know a person’s likes, dislikes, interests, relationship status, family, religious views, back-ground, and location on earth without ever meeting them or let alone leaving your home. I have learned so much worthless information about my fellow students over the year since I’ve had a Facebook, its pathetic. I don’t want to play on a virtual farm with you. I don’t want you to answer questions about me. Everyone is connected and everyone knows every-one. The world is flat.

It’s January again! We’re in a new year and with it come the resolutions. This is the time when people have a good excuse to stop their bad habits and start developing healthier ones. More people

will call Jenny this month than any other time this year. Most New Year’s resolutions are made by middle-aged people trying to lose 10 pounds, but we high schoolers can take part in the tradition also. Personally, I made my first ever New Year’s resolution this year. I committed myself to reading at least once a day, and I have already discovered the wonderful world of Sher-lock Holmes mysteries. Some of my peers have also made commitments. Junior Kent Kraus said, “If I drop about 40 lbs. that’ll be good.” Weight loss seems to be a popular goal each January, but some would like to do the opposite.“I need to start lifting so I can put on some more weight,” said Junior Brock Koehler. Brock also said that he would not only like to be “more sweet and lov-ing” but also “stop trying to care too much.”Echoing that attitude, Parker Settle said, “My goal for 2011 is to stop being a good person.” Some students are not so excited about the opportu-nity that comes with the new year. When asked about his resolution, Junior Charlie Richert said, “I would just forget it in a week. I live in the now.”If you haven’t made a resolution yet but would still like to, it’s not too late! Any time is great to start developing healthy habits or try something new. According to, the most popular resolution

is to spend more time with family and friends. You can never spend too much time with the people you love, so this is a great idea. If you want to get creative with your resolution (or you are perfect), there are millions of other ideas out there. Here are a few to get you brainstorming:Learn to play a musical instrument, make your bed every day, don’t small talk about the weather for a year, move to Canada, don’t eat fast food, catch a Poke’mon, watch soccer, watch a different news channel, wear dark-rimmed glasses, write a blog, limit your facebook time, find extraterrestrial life, watch a tv show every week, live in the woods, read a random Wikipedia ar-ticle every day, laugh every day, re-arrange your room, circumnavigate the world, climb a mountain, don’t get arrested for a year, drive the speed limit once, make a Twitter, learn a new word every day, stop saying “like” so much, eat breakfast every day, go on a mission trip, give up chocolate, eat your veggies, start writing in cursive, change your middle name, recycle more, beat Poke’mon Snap, drink more water, travel somewhere you’ve never been, beat your dad in arm wrestling, mow your lawn in a new pattern every time, catch a Digimon, wear moccasins, make a new secret handshake, go to the moon, say hi to people you don’t know, read this article.This list is only the edge of a sea of possible resolutions you could make for 2011. Just make sure you choose something that’s legal and possible. Godspeed!

Facebook and the social


The start of something new: make a new year’s resolution

So why is Facebook all the rage? It’s the fact that you can creep on really any-one without their knowledge.

My Grandma is of-fended that I won’t accept her friend re-quest, and I have no one to thank except Facebook.

Cynicism Speaks:you feet:

How the shoes you wearcan give others an

impression of yourpersonality

Page 4: Issue 7

4FeaturesFeatures the trojaneer

Friday, January 28, 2011

“Photography captures beauty in even the most insignificant things. I would hate to miss all the beauty God has blessed us with on Earth. Through photography, I can grasp that vision for people to appreciate where ever they might be,” Lauren Delk said. A photograph is a way to capture a memory, but for senior Lauren Delk it is a hobby, a vision and a passion. Around the school, many fellow peers know her

for taking their senior pictures. First, Lauren will meet with the senior and

discuss ideas for their pictures. “After we have some ideas we go get lost and I take around 300 pictures then, we go to lunch,” Delk said. When the photo shoot is complete, the senior and Lauren return to her house where the favorites are selected. Finally, she spends time editing the top picks. “ I use Photoshop to edit pictures. I love to dream up an idea from creations

in Photoshop,” Delk said. The edit-ing leaves the photos looking crisp and sharp and the outcome leaves the senior pictures looking excellent. Outside of this pursuit, Delk also has many other photog-raphy jobs and internships. She is also a collec-tor of vintage cameras and enjoys restoring

them. With all of these hobbies, scenes from around the world are the favorite for her to capture. “I’ve shot all over the U.S. including Alaska, Mexico, Spain, Italy, Greece and many other places. Soon to be Hawaii and Nicaragua,” Delk said. Her success in photography is an outcome of her being a natural at capturing picturesque moments. “I set up my first shoot in a closet with cardboard backgrounds and Bar-bies as models,” Delk said. From this small beginning, her skills have grown and have become rather professional. Lauren gives much respect and credit to her mentor Chris Williams. “ I began to work for Chris four years ago at Action Photos Indy and then began to develop my own passion. He’s been a huge support and a great teacher,” Delk said. The hobby of photography has devel-oped into quite a love for Lauren. Just like other students spend many hours practicing sports or playing an instru-ment, Delk has found getting lost with her camera as the perfect pastime. “ I usually try to get lost driving all around Indy. I’ve ended up in ended up in fields, towns, fountains, and trespass-

ing on private property,” Delk said. “I take pictures as often as possible. Eventually, my fingers go through shut-ter withdraw and I have to get out a camera,” Delk said. As for the future, Lauren knows she’ll always have photography as a hobby and a camera close by. She has goals of possibly getting her work published in a magazine or in a gallery some day. For now, she is content with having her hobby take her wherever her photo-graphic eyes lead her. “I don’t think I’ll ever stop loving pho-tography no matter where life takes me,” Delk said.

Senior’s passion for photography turns into potential careerLauren Delk’s hobby takes her all over the worldbyMackenzieDeanFeatures Writer

Lauren has an extensive collection of antique cameras. Photos by Jessie Edelman

Senior Lauren Delk has worked at Action Photo Indy for four years.

There’s something enchanting about watching a woman try on a bride’s gown. It’s magical to see a woman enter a dressing room as a nothing more than a plain jane and exit as a princess. For all the high school girls who aren’t to that age yet, Prom dress shopping is much the same. Senior Steph Wolfred gets to be a part of these magical moments every day. Wolfred works as a sales person at RaeL-ynn’s boutique – voted one of the top 10 Prom stores in the United States. “Mainly I sell dresses and help people find their perfect dress,” Wolfred said.

The boutique had a special Midnight

Madness event on December 30th from 7:00 pm to midnight. “Everything in the store was 10 to 50 percent off and the girls drew a

piece of paper from a bucket to see how much they got off their dress,” Wolfred said. “One girl even won the free dress, which was really exciting.” A few of Wolfred’s friends came to Mid-night Madness. Seniors Taylor Bibler, Shawna Miller, Lauren Delk, and Tori Ries all got 10 percent off their Prom dress that night. “We all found our dresses, looking freaking awesome in them if I do say so myself, and had an awesome time,” Bibler said. Midnight Madness is one of RaeLynn’s

busiest days, but Wolfred loves how busy her job is, even if it wears her out. “It is fun to see people come in and try on dresses and get really excited about it,” Wolfed said. “It can be chaotic but it is worth it if you

are passionate about it.” Wolfred loves so many aspects of her job. It’s hard for her to say what she loves most about RaeLynn’s. “I like going to work and being able to wear my own clothes and dress up. I like opening the boxes of dresses and seeing what is new in the store,” Wolfred said. “I love interacting with customers and helping them find what they are looking for since prom is such a big event in high school, and most of all I love the atmo-sphere and all the people I work with, which is probably my favorite part of my job.” It may seem ridiculous that several girls have already gotten their dresses, but beginning in January, the talk of CG is Prom. Granted, these last 5 months are uneventful and there’s really nothing else to discuss… “Well we start talking about it when-ever,” Bibler said. “But actually finding a dress and getting everything ready, well it’s obvious my friends and I like to get a jump on things.” Wolfred advises girls to start looking, because dresses get sold quickly toward the end of January and no one else from your high school can have your same dress if it’s from RaeLynn’s. “I would love to see everyone come in,” Wolfred said. Wolfred hung flyers for Midnight Madness through the halls of CG and is already spreading the word for their

sale in February – as a good sales person should. “I know Steph absolutely loves working there and it’s so completely perfect for her there,” Bibler said.

Sales associate at RaeLynn’s helps girls find

Prom by the Numbers

$6.6 billion: Amount Ameri-cans spend yearly on prom

$250-$400: Average amount spent by girls on a prom dress

$80-$180: Average amount spent by boys on a tuxedo

$50 to $175: Average amount girls spend on their hairstyle

$60-$80: Average prom ticket price with a meal included

Source: St. Paul Star Tribune

byHannahMorganFeatures Writer

While many students from Center Grove were spending time at home over the holidays with family, Hillary Degen-hardt spent her winter break in Russia. Accompanied by her mom, Degenhardt traveled to visit her sister, Jess, a Center Grove graduate who is working with the Boaz Project, a Christian humanitarian aid organization that helps with orphans in Russia and India. “My sister will be there for a year. While [in Russia], she also learns Rus-sian,” Degenhardt said. This was not Degenhardt’s first experi-ence with the Boaz Project. As a sopho-more, she had also worked with it for a week, where she went to the orphanage everyday. “My favorite part was definitely going to the orphanages because I got to be with my sister. Even though my mom and I didn’t get to know the kids, like I had in past experiences, it was great to see the impact my sister and the Boaz Project had on the kids,” Degenhart said.

She continued to explain the life of an orphan in Russia with a story about her sister working with the children in the orphanages.

“We were working with a group of ten to twelve year old boys, and my sister always starts with sessions like counsel-ing to get to know them before hand be-cause the boys tend to fight. She started explaining resolutions in America, and they had a hard time setting goals. A worker in the orphanage walked by and told her that they don’t have any goals. The interpreters told us that the boys were muttering to themselves that they did have goals. In Russia, orphans are less valued as people. People ask why we don’t just send money over to Russia to help the children, but with the Boaz Proj-ect, we spend time with the kids, which means more than any amount of money could buy.” While there, Jess and Hillary Degen-hart went sledding, ice-skating, and celebrated the new year with her friends for over six hours. “It was interesting being in a foreign country during New Years. At midnight,

they watch the president give a speech and sing the national anthem.” Degen-hardt said. They also visited Moscow, where they saw the Red Square, the Kremlin, and St. Basil’s with colored domes. As for the orphanages, they worked on crafts with the children of three different orphanages. The hospitality of people was as-tounding to Degenhart, and she did not have a complaint about it. “The people are great. [And] inter-preters are the most wonderful people on the planet!” Many of the interpreters there were college students, and it surprised De-genhart how many more people knew English in Russia than Americans knew Russian. Because of school, Hillary Degenhart had to depart from her sister January 4th. “I missed just one day of school,” De-genhart said, “but it was totally worth it! I hate missing school and make-up work, but I had a great time.”

Senior volunteers in Russia over winter breakSenior volunteers in Russia over winter breakHillary Degenhardt works with orphaned children to develop characterbyElainaMellottFeatures Writer

Hillary (center), Jess (right), and their mother (left) in front of St. Basil’s Cathedral in Moscow. Photo by Jessie Edelman

Steph Wolfred plays an active role in finding the perfect prom dress. Photo by Jessie Edelman

their dream dressesSenior Steph Wolfred knows the ins and outs of evening gowns

Page 5: Issue 7

5 EntertainmentEntertainmentthe trojaneer

Friday, January 28, 2010

Just another day at

by AlexJabreEntertainmentWriter

It’s hard to imagine The Office without Steve Carell. He has provided mul-tiple laughs with all of his blunders. It will be sad to see Carell leave, but I love all the other characters just as much. I think it will make a huge impact on the show, but it could also open up a lot of doors for the writers. The cast is probably the best part about this show. I’m not really sure why this show has gotten so popular. It’s hilarious and brilliantly casted. Every-thing is great about it! You wouldn’t think that a show revolving around office workers at a paper company would be very interesting, would you? It certainly doesn’t sound like the recipe for a hugely popular TV series, but “The Office” has become something of a global phenomenon even from its very modest roots. A remake of the BBC series of the same name, it is a devastatingly accurate sitcom that scrutinizes in awkward moments, wildly sarcastic humor, and uncomfortable confrontations bound to make you squirm in your seat. So basically, it’s like your life. At first glance it seems as if the show is without a plot, but if you look close-ly, you’ll realize that it’s a delicate slice of human nature brought together by a wide plethora of unique and diverse characters who all share the same goal: getting through the workday. This workday just happens to involve the incidents at the Dunder Mifflin Paper Company, run by the incomparable Michael Scott (Steve Carell). Michael is both an unusual mentor filled with madcap ideas and an ec-centric idiot worth avoiding; he consistently proves himself to be the world’s weirdest boss on a day-to-day basis. He has an assistant named Dwight (Rainn Wilson), a mega-nerd who near-worships him and seems to have no sense of humor whatsoever. And there’s also a cute little workplace romance that goes on between the laid-back sales rep Jim (John Krasinski) and the nice but kind-of-boring receptionist Pam (Jenna Fischer) who both speak the same language of quiet desperation. Throughout each season, the cast has been uniformly excellent, and even the minor characters leave a lasting wallop. Whether it be the unjustifiably mistreated Stanley (Leslie David Baker), the bald and humorously voiced Kevin (Brain Baumgartner), the pragmatic temp Ryan (B.J. Novak), the

nasty and malevolent Angela (Angela Kinsey), the obsessively clingy Kelly (Mindy Kaling), or Michael’s neurotic love interest Jan (Melora Hardin) among others. “The cast is definitely the best part about the show,” says Senior Kelley James. “It’s brilliantly casted.” What makes “The Office” so terrific is essentially what makes it so relatable. The show’s characters are not necessarily brave action heroes like Jack Bauer or Benjamin Linus; they’re flawed and human, kind of like us. The show doesn’t always ask us to like them, although it hopes that we can at least empathize with them and their faults.But mostly, “The Office” is just ridiculously funny and consistently filled with hilarious, gut-busting laughs. And certain episodes, like its wonderful pilot, “The Dundies,” “Christmas Party,” “The Injury,” “Gay Witch Hunt,” “The Job,” “Goodbye Toby,” and “Niagara” (when Jim and Pam get hitched) play as their own self-contained gems. The way it has influenced a new wave of primetime comedy is staggering? Unfortunately, we won’t be returning to the show next season, and that’s a real shame. He is undoubtedly the show’s integral protagonist and true heart, and Carell does a fantastic job of portraying Michael as both an unusual mentor with madcap methods of getting things done and a genuinely good person who just wants to do what’s best for everyone. Carrying on without him seems like an unwise idea; like “Seinfeld” without Kramer, “True Blood” without Sookie, “Lost” without Jack, or “The Simpsons” without Homer. It’d be better to end the show on a high note with him still in it, rather than continue on with the series and watch it slowly fizzle out. And you have to wonder: what more can you do in an office that you haven’t already done in seven seasons? All the same, “The Office” is still one of the defining shows of the past decade and has influenced a new wave of primetime comedy unlike anything before it. Oddly enough, it seems as if every country has their own version of the show with a similar set-up. France has “Le Bureau,” Germany has “Stromberg,” and Canada has “La Job,” among others. I guess it’s kind of like work – it’s just something you have to do. Has influences a new wave of primetime comedy with its droll, self-effacing humor, shaky mockumentary feel, breaking the fourth wall. Spontaneously inspired directing. Outstanding Comedy Series at the Emmys. “It’s hard to imagine “The Office” without Carell,” says James. “It will make a huge impact on the show, but it could also open up a lot of doors for the writers.” Very true. It could open up to new things. It’s hard to imagine The Office without Steve Carell. He has provided mul-tiple laughs with all of his blunders. It will be sad to see Carell leave, but I love all the other characters just as much. I think it will make a huge impact on the show, but it could also open up a lot of doors for the writers.

by ChrisCollinsEntertainmentWriter

The 10th season of American Idol premieres on Jan. 19, 2011 on Fox. This season’s episodes will be on Wednesdays and Thursdays, instead of Tuesdays and Wednesdays. This season is much anticipated, with several big changes taking place. The most noticeable change to the show is the new Judges’ panel. On Jan. 11, 2010, Simon Cowell, a judge since the show’s origin, announced he would not be returning as a judge, to focus on other projects, most notably the lunching of the American version of hit British singing competition The X-Factor. Ellen DeGeneres announced her official resignation on July 29, 2010. Kara DioGuardi announced on Sept. 3, 2010, that she would not be returning for this season. On September 22, 2010, it was announced that Steven Tyler and Jennifer Lopez would be filling in the empty judge positions, joining Randy Jackson, the only remaining original judge. Another change for the show was the change in partner-ship. After the departure of Simon Cowell at the end of the 9th season, the affiliation between Sony Music Enter-tainment and American Idol also came to an end. A new partnership between American Idol and Universal Music Group now exists. This means that the winner will be signed to Interscope Records. Interscope’s affiliates, A&M Records and Geffen records, will also have a part in the pro-motion and distribution of the albums of the show’s finalists. Because of the show’s new partnership, many new staff are being brought in. Jimmy Lovine, chairmen of the Interscope-Geffen-A&M label group will be working directly with contestants, having been given a role as the in-house mentor for the show. In addition to Lovine, a team of Universal Music-associated songwriters and producers, such as Rodney “Darkchild” Jerkins, Timbaland, and Alex da Kid, will be working with the contestants. The new team will allegedly allow the contestants to take on and perform original material and arrangements when singing live, whereas past contestants were limited to solely cover songs. Allowing the contestants to have more of a variety of choices in picking their music, could change the opinion of the audience listening, if the music

is written by the contestants themseleves. The contestants of this season will compete in several new challenges, including promoting themselves, and working with a band and dancers for an awards show-style performance. These changes may be implemented in place of the traditional semi-finals part of the competition. An early idea for a challenge was to have the contestants make music videos, but for season 10, this will not be the case.

In the intial auditions, there are 3 challenging sets of cuts. The number of contestants entering the beginning

can have more than 10,000 people from each city, but only 100 to 200 in each city can make

it past this round. Only 10 to 40 people can move onto Hollywood.

The next challenge is picking a song from a list and performing it, then some-times performing it with a small group. In addition to the new personnel and challenges, there were several rule changes for the show. This is the first

season where 15 year olds may audition. Also, there will be no restrictions on the

number of male or female contestants, this being the first time since season 3 to not have

a set equality rule. American Idol was created after the British show,

Pop Idol, which was created after the Popstars from Aus-tralia. American Idol started in 2002, and then is scheduled to end in 2011. The show has created many stars such as: Kelly Clarkson, Ruben Studdard, Fantasia Barrino, Carrie Underwood, Taylor Hicks, Jordin Sparks, David Cook, Kris Allen, and Lee DeWyze. The previous judges used to be Paula Abdul from 2002-2009, Randy Jackson from 2002-2011, Simon Cowell from 2002-2010, Kara DioGuardi from 2009-2010, Ellen DeGeneres in 2010, and the newest judges including Randy Jackson, Jennifer Lopez, and Steven Tyler. The presenter is currently still Ryan Seacrest.

The 10th season

of American Idol premieres on Jan.

19, 2011 on Fox.

Page 6: Issue 7

6AdvertisingAdvertising the trojaneer

Friday, January 28, 2011


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Page 7: Issue 7

7 SportsSportsthe trojaneer

Friday, January 28, 2011 cott’s port pot

byScottSuttonSports Columnist

S I feel a little like Bob Kravitz for repeat-edly praising a sports team on their good fortunes, but let’s face it, the basketball team deserves the accolades. Those of you who have attended any of the past few games know exactly what I mean. Let us reflect on the dominance that is the Center Grove basketball team, shall we. Over Christmas break, the Trojans traveled to New Castle to participate in the high caliber Hall of Fame Classic. Skeptics weren’t ready to fathom CG winning the tournament seeing as they were the only unranked team in their respective class. The Trojans squared off first against the former 3A No. 3 Washington Warriors led by the 6’11’’ IU recruit Cody Zeller. With an effective defensive strategy by Coach Cliff Hawk-ins, the Trojans, more specifically senior Mark Kwiatkowski, shut down Zeller and made it to the HOF Championship game against the formerly 4A No. 2 Blooming-ton South Panthers. Always a dominate team, the Panthers gave the Trojans a lot to handle, but thanks to a clutch performance by senior Jonny Marlin in the closing seconds of regulation and also the first overtime, CG was able to quiet the doubters and prevail the HOF Champions, while also snapping the Panthers impressive 53-game winning streak. On top of this, Marlin and senior Andy Smeathers were among the select few elected to the All-HOF team and senior Ben Whitehead was honored with the Richard P. Jen-nings Award and was inducted into the Indiana Basketball Hall of Fame. Riding high after the tournament, Center Grove faced off against the hated and always tough Carmel Greyhounds. Carmel did not give CG any breathing room throughout the game. But as you and I know, our basketball team is the epitome of the word clutch. Putting down the Greyhounds was anything but an easy task, but just like any child-hood story, the good guy always prevails the victor. The bus ride home must not have been too enjoyable for the defeated Greyhounds as they tucked their tails between their legs and retreated back to the pretentious city of Carmel. Once more, the Trojans proved they are the only team worth anything in Johnson County last weekend in the County Tournament. In a feeling of déjà vu, the Trojans once again chopped down the Woodmen of Greenwood with relative ease. The next night, they faced their only “challenge” in the Whiteland Warriors. The Warriors definitely had confidence since the last time these two teams met where CG barely squeaked by. However, that was not the case this time. Backed by an incredible student section, the Trojans scalped the Warriors by a substantial amount and won the title of Johnson County Champions once again. I will reiterate once again my confi-dence in the Trojans the remainder of this year. What could possibly stand in their way? As long as the team can stay healthy and have their impact players continue to play like they are, I sense a roadtrip to the state tournament in our school’s future. One last thing, to the students who have been attending the games recently, kudos to you and your desire to be a great fan section. The basketball team needs our support, so lets keep it up.

All We Do is Win

On Jan. 10 the second biggest football game behind the super bowl took place; The NCAA BCS Championship. #1 Au-burn went against #2 Oregon to battle it out on the gridiron. It was a battle for the ages in college football. The fast paced Oregon Duck’s offense went against the biggest defensive line they had ever faced in Auburn. “I was rooting for Oregon to win throughout the whole game, they are more exciting to watch and have a high powered offense that can strike at any-time like a cobra in the jungle. “ However, because of the awful BCS system both teams had not played for 37 days, so Oregon was a little off and was not able to strike like a cobra in the jungle. Side note Oregon has sweet uni-forms,” senior Cameron Hardin said. In the beginning of the game, both teams had the jitters. They could not settle down from the hype of the crown and the excitement of playing in the

SEC Dominance:championship game. In the first quarter alone there were three interceptions, one by Auburn and two by Oregon. “I was joining the Oregon bandwagon this game. The Southeastern Conference (SEC) demolished the Big 10 all year. I wanted some revenge,” junior Parker Settle said. The whole game was a defensive struggle. Neither team could gain momentum. The score of the game was a field goal by Oregon and then Auburn took the lead with a touchdown. The lead was being taken back and forth by both teams through-out the game. “Honestly I did not really care who won

but I would have to say that I am happy Auburn won because Cam Newton is the next Michael Vick,” sophomore Jacob Catt said. The SEC has won the National Cham-pionship games five years in a row. In 2010 the Alabama Crimson Tide won, in

2009 it was the Florida Gators in 2008 it as the Louisiana State Tigers, and in 2007 it was the Florida Gators again. The SEC consists of 12 teams and since it creation in 1932 they have won 162 total team national champi-onships “I wanted Oregon to win be-cause I am tired of seeing teams from the SEC win the National Championship,” sophomore Vince DeFabis said. There were so many contro-versial calls in that game, which could have changed the outcome of the game, but the referees are only human and cannot call

everything. “The Oregon Ducks should have won

that game. They could have played a better game but I think some of the calls were ridiculous. Plus Oregon is genuinely awesome,” sophomore Max Humbert said. The most controversial call of the game, in the eyes of Oregon fans, would have been at the end of the game. Au-burn’s running back Michael Dyer was tackled but not officially ruled down so he got up and turned a five-yard run into a 37 yarder. This play helped set up the game winning field goal. On the replay it showed Dyer’s hand and wrist down on the ground, which should have been called but was not. With two seconds left in the game and after a knee from Auburn’s quarterback Cam Newton; the Tigers went to attempt the game winning 19-yard field goal. Wes Byrum got a good snap and kicked the ball perfectly, it sailed right through the uprights securing the title of National champions for Auburn. The final score was Auburn’s 22 to Oregon’s 19. This victory capped the end of another very successful bowl season for the SEC.

byNickMarleySports Writer

Since its beginnings, many talented athletes have walked the halls of Center Grove High School. It is rare, however, to find nation-al athletes in the mix of any student body population. This year, Center Grove is the home to three national weightlifters: sophomore Christy Cox, junior Autumn Ferrando, and senior Charlie Brauchla. The three weightlifters have been practicing for countless hours to prepare themselves for Junior Nationals in Hous-ton, Texas. “We have been training four times a week after school and on the weekends. We go through our workouts and do a couple variations of both lifts we use in competition to improve our overall strength,” Cox said. The two main lifts that Cox, Ferrando, and Brauchla have been working on are called the snatch and the clean and jerk. “Each lift requires you to pull the bar off of the ground. Then you either snatch the bar (put the bar on your chest and stand back up) or press it over your

Center Grove Weightlifters Go for GoldbyJessicaGottliebSports Writer

Three Center Grove Students participated in The USA Weightlifting National Junior Championships in Hous-ton, Texas.

head,” Ferrando said. On Jan. 15, Cox, Fer-rando, and Brauchla, performed both of these lifts in the Junior Nation-als Qualifying rounds. Each of the Center Grove weightlifters exceeded the requirements in qualifiers, which means that they will be moving on to the USA Weightlifting National Junior Championships. This competition is only for the best weightlifters in the country. The Championship rounds will be held on

February 18-20. Each of the Center Grove competitors will continue preparing for this round with high expecta-tions set out for themselves. “I knew I could easily meet the weight requirements at Quiaifiers and go to nationals. I’m hoping for first place if not

second at Junior Nationals,” Ferrando said. For Ferrando, competitive weight lift-ing is nothing new. “Last year I won state for weight lifting at Brownsburg. I’m hoping that I can get first if not second at Junior Nationals,” Ferrando said. Aside from weight lifting, Cox, Ferran-do, and Brauchla excel in other sports at Center Grove. Cox plays varsity volley-ball, Ferrando does fall varsity cheerlead-ing and is a member of Sound System show choir, and Brauchla plays baseball. Weight lifting helps each of them excel in the sports and activities they participate in. “Weight lifting helps basically with my

overall endurance. It helps me stay in shape for show choir, which you need a lot of en-durance for. It also makes me stronger for cheerleading,” Ferrando said. In everything that they do, Cox, Ferrando, and Brauchla put up a fierce competi-tion. As they head towards Junior Nationals, they prepare with the goal to be the best

in the nation. Sophmore, Cristy Cox, who is among one of the weightlifters

Senior, Charlie Brauchla, represents Center Grove weightlifting

Center Grove weight room, where the three athletes began to lift. “Weightlifting keeps you healthy and in shape”, said Ferrando.

Auburn outlasts Oregon to win the SEC’s fifth straight national title

SEC Dominance2011






SEC Dominance:

Page 8: Issue 7

SportsSports the trojaneer

Friday, January 28, 2011

CG’s own health teacher takes coach-ing talents to the professional levelbyRonniMeierSportsWriter

injured athletes

Concussion: these injuries have seen incredible attention in the past decade, mostly from the hard hits delivered by football players. Although concussion is a broad term, it usually refers to the swelling or bruising of the brain. Scien-tists and physicians have tried to combat the rise in concussions with improve-ments in protective equipment, like helmets in baseball and football. Recovery Time:Varies greatly depending on the sever-ity of the injury

Meniscus tear/sprain: the menis-cus is cartilage that surrounds the knee. Recovery Time: With a tear and no surgery, the ath-lete can play according to their own pain tolerance. With surgery, you’re looking at 4-6 weeksACL tear: the anterior cruciate liga-ment (ACL) is one of the four neces-sary ligaments for knee stability and mobilityRecovery Time:The remainder of the season

K n e eAnkle Sprain: the human ankle is composed of many ligaments. A sprain occurs when a ligament is stretched un-naturally too far.Recovery Time:5-10 daysBroken Ankle: a doctor typically refers to either the tibia or fibula bone when discussing a broken ankle. The in-jury occurs usually from similar motions that cause an ankle sprain.Recovery Tine:Varies depending on the severity

A n k l e H e a d

Looking for some Drive? Come check out Indianap-olis’s new ABA team, the Indianapolis Drive, coached by Center Grove Health & PE Teacher Brent Harrell.

The original ABA (American Basketball Association) was established in 1967, competing with the NBA, until the ABA-NBA Merger, and four teams from the ABA were absorbed into the NBA: the New York Nets, Denver Nuggets, the San An-tonio Spurs, and the Indiana Pacers. Until five years ago when they fell to financial reasons, the Indianapolis Legends represent-ed Indiana in the ABA league, coached by Billy Keller. Now, looking to put the pieces back to-gether, Coach Harrell, owner Tim Hicks, and Indianapolis Drive begin their season with high hopes. “I originally was the assistant coach at UIndy. Devin Williams and Dijon Knight, former players of mine, called and let me know that the Drive was looking for a Coach. I went through the in-terviewing process and they offered me the job,” Harrell said. This semi-pro basketball team is already 1-2 in their 18 game season. “Obviously, this is our first year, and everything is a work in progress. Our season will take us to places like Chicago, Detroit, Kansas City, and Pittsburg. This is a new venture, and I am very ex-cited to be a part of it. All of our guys are so motivated and am-bitious,” Harrell said. Some of the recognizable names on the Drive include Av-ery Jukes (Player of National Championship Runner-Up But-ler), George Tandy (All Confer-ence player for Cleveland St.), Daniel Artest (brother of fiery Laker’s player, Ron Artest), Devin Williams (University

of Indianapolis), Dijon Knight (University of Indianapolis), and Curtis Thomas (All-American player from Indiana Tech). “Many of these kids, their ambitions are to go to the NBA or overseas. These guys are trying to get contracts, and there will be professional scouts at the games,” Harrell explained.

The Drive’s season goes through March. Tickets are $10, and they play at the charter school of 34th street… for now. A floor is being built, and the goal is to play at the fair grounds, where the Legends played. “It is pro-basketball. There is a lot of talent out there, and tickets are well priced for a family to watch some real basketball.” Harrell and all of his players are signed to one-year contracts. Tryouts are hosted on a year-by-year bias, since the rosters are subject to change constantly. How-ever, Harrell is happy where he is right now. “Of course, I am going to miss the college atmosphere, but moving from assistant to head coach is really mo-tivating. My goal would be to head coach back at the college level,” Harrell said. Feeling ‘driven’? Make sure to check out the Drive’s

home page at A list of ABA teams and schedules can be found at .

There is nothing more dev-astating to a team’s mo-mentum than an injury. This year, the girls basket-ball team, at all levels, has been through the train-ing room and is just now getting back. Here’s their story...

Being a freshman at Center Grove High School can sometimes be rough. You have to lean how to navigate massive bodies of people in the hallway, you have to know where you’re going, you have to remember that tommorrow doesn’t in-clude the same classes as today. There’s a lot to adjust to, especially if you’re in a sport or extra-curricular. Now, try having to adjust to all the havoc of the high school while balancing a sport, while you’re dizzy and can’t remember where you put the gloves that are on your hands. Welcome to the life of Center Grove freshman Paige Anderson. Ander-son plays girl’s basketball for the Trojans, or does now. For about a month she was sidelined with a concussion. A concus-sion is obtained, typically, from a blow to the head. Anderson recieved one before the season even started in practice. Although it was not nearly as intense as Anderson’s, junior boys basketball player Joe Reed suffered a concussion against

Perry Meridean on Jan 4. According to Dave Bucholtz, athletic trainer at the high school, recovering from a concussion can vary depending on the severity and because there is no way of expediting recovery. Sophomore Shelby Shaeffer came onto the scene this year in the fall when she made some of the flashiest, most athletic plays Center Grove powderpuff has ever seen. First though, Schaeffer is a basketball player for coach Shawn Sanders. As just a sophomore, Shaeffer started the season get-ting very impressive playing time, and well earned. Then, injury struck. Shaeffer broke bones in her foot, keeping her off the court for the better half of the girl’s season. Also obtaining injuries this winter: Chris Collins (wrestling)- broken noseSpencer Hays (wrestling)- sprained MCLJohn Degenhardt (basketball)- sprained ankleHaley Townsend (swimming)- various broken bones and abrasions

Freshman Paige Anderson (below) looks before attacking the offensive glass. photosbyHannah Duke

Sophomore Shelby Shaeffer follows through with perfect form at the free throw line in a game against Perry Meridian this year