Download - Issue 3 PiP - ALSG · ALSG’s medical education & training programmes improve outcomes for people in life-threatening situations, anywhere along the health care pathway ...

Page 1: Issue 3 PiP - ALSG · ALSG’s medical education & training programmes improve outcomes for people in life-threatening situations, anywhere along the health care pathway ...

Online modular education through our VLE: six e-modules

Module 1: Epidemiology

Module 2: Underpinning principles

Module 3: Legislative frameworks

Module 4: Clinical topics A

Module 5: Clinical topics B

Module 6: Special circumstances

Meta module: Communication

It is recommended that you take the modules in order.

The course is delivered on an on-line learning platform and each topic has a variety of modalities including text, videos, case studies, e-scenarios, interactive activities and reflective logs.

A nationally recognised two year online educational programme for specialty trainees:

To provide the competencies required for on-going child protection practice.

Further consolidates on the competencies acquired in the ‘Child Protection: Recognition and Response in Child Protection’ programme.

All of the learning outcomes have been mapped directly to the RCPCH HST core competencies at level three.

CPiP Child Protection in Practice (SGC Level 3)

CPiP curriculum and key information

Modular online programme, cost £50 per module. Module 4 and 5 are combined at £50 for both.

Assessment and certification

At the end of each module, you will be issued with a certificate of completion. A full course certificate will be issued when you have completed all six modules.

Candidate criteria and eligibility

The aim of the CPiP course is to provide specialty trainees with the competencies required for their on-going child protection practice. You must be an ST4-ST7 in paediatrics or equivalent and have completed the Child Protection Recognition and Response (CPRR) course. Candidates who have not undertaken this course will be required to undertake elements of it on-line prior to commencing the Child Protection in Practice programme. Please see the RCPCH website for further information on the safeguarding educational programmes and their SGC levels.

Issue 3 - November 2017

“What we want to see is increased consistency and quality in education and training and consequently in people’s outcomes and experiences...Service delivery and education and training are fundamentally interlinked.” 2

This package was developed as a collaboration between RCPCH, ALSG and NSPCC. It is supported and maintained in partnership by RCPCH and ALSG. BSPD contribute the dental elements.

Page 2: Issue 3 PiP - ALSG · ALSG’s medical education & training programmes improve outcomes for people in life-threatening situations, anywhere along the health care pathway ...

A L S G ’ s m e d i c a l e d u c a t i o n & t r a i n i n g p r o g r a m m e s i m p r o v e o u t c o m e s f o r p e o p l e i n l i f e - t h r e a t e n i n g

s i t u a t i o n s , a n y w h e r e a l o n g t h e h e a l t h c a r e p a t h w a y , a n y w h e r e i n t h e w o r l d .

Important course updates and references

There are currently no course updates or references for CPiP

Courses to consider

You may also wish to consider the following courses:

APLS - Advanced Paediatric Life Support -

NAPSTaR - Neonatal, Adult and Paediatric Safe Transfer and Retrieval -


Publications -

Testimonials -

Information for educators and managers

This course has been jointly developed by Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health (RCPCH), Advanced Life Support Group (ALSG) and National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children (NSPCC). As charities, we invest any surpluses in educational resources and we work as partners to develop exceptionally high quality programmes.

Continuous Professional Development

Revised guidance from the Academy of Medical Royal Colleges emphasises that the focus of CPD should be on its quality and reflection of its impact on a clinician’s practice, rather than the amount of time spent on the activity and that the responsibility for identifying CPD requirements rests with the individual and should be based on their personal areas of practice and personal development plan agreed at their annual appraisal. Although one 'CPD credit' will normally equate to one hour of educational activity, the amount of educational activity obtained from a specific event may vary Between individuals depending on an individual’s specific learning outcomes.

ALSG Centre for Training and Development, 29-31 Ellesmere Street, Swinton, Manchester, M27 0LA, UK Tel +44 (0)161 794 1999

Charity no. 1095478 Company no. 4580873

1 INTERCOLLEGIATE DOCUMENT Third edition: March 2014, Safeguarding children and young people: roles and competences for health care staff

2Moore et al, 2013, NHS Future Forum Education and Training– next stage, London.

“To protect children and young people from harm, all healthcare staff must

have the competences to recognise child maltreatment and to take effective

action as appropriate to their role” 1

Booking a course

To book your next course, simply scan this code using your smart phone or visit us online at