Download - Isotherm Energy Overview

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Sustainable Power (and Water) for a Growing World

August 30, 2016

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Energy and Fuel Consumption is Growing (Quads)

Energy Consumption Map (Source: EIA Energy Atlas)

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Hotter, Rising Seas, Worse Storms, Water Issues

“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.” ― Albert Einstein

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Source: United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), “Global Trends in Renewable Energy Investment 2016” report, prepared by Frankfurt School – UNEP Centre and Bloomberg New Energy Finance

“Continued and increased investment inrenewables is not only good for people andplanet, but will be a key element inachieving international targets on climatechange and sustainable development.”

“By adopting the Sustainable DevelopmentGoals last year, the world pledged to endpoverty, promote sustainable development,and to ensure healthier lives and access toaffordable, sustainable, clean energy forall.”

“Continued and increased investment inrenewables will be a significant part ofdelivering on that promise.”

$286 billion (USD) invested in renewables in 2015 Since 2004, over $2.3 trillion (USD) total investment Energy storage is critical to increasing adoption of

renewable power generation In 2015, 250MW of utility-scale electricity storage

was installed worldwide, up from 160MW in 2014

More Renewables = Need for Energy Storage

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Variability of Wind & Solar = Need Storage

“What we have before us are some breathtaking opportunities disguised as insoluble problems.” ― John Gardner

Source: National Renewable Energy Laboratory, US Dept of Energy

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Provide secure reliable energy…Generate water for drinking and agriculture…Recycle biowaste and produce beneficial byproducts…In an environmentally sustainable way?

Anywhere on the globe.24 hours per day, 365 days per year.



Our Vision: What if we could…

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Our Solution:

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Storage TechnologyEnergy Density




Hydrogen 40,000 Up to 40% Compressed, Unlimited life, Storage times >1 yr

Zinc-Air Battery 375 40-50% 300 cycles life, Years storage time (Sealed)

Lithium Ion Battery 160-250 93-97% 10,000 cycles life, 7-14 months half storage time

Flow Battery 40-70 60-85% 20 yr life, 5-10 days half storage (self-discharge)

Pb-Acid Battery 30-40 70-92% 1000 cycles life, 4-25 months half storage times

Ultracapacitors 1-12 90-98% 106 cycles or 10-15 years life, 1.3 month half storage

Sources: Ricardo plc; SBI; DOE

Why Hydrogen Energy Storage?

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Our Architecture Approach

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Our Software IP: Architecture Options

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Example System Model (Storage Mode; Day)

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Example System Model (Generation; Night)

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Energy Storage Market Segments

Microgrid & Off-The-Grid

Mobile/ Trans-portation

Grid/ Stationary Storage


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From Our Blog… Spring 2016

Matt Moran is a Managing Partner at Isotherm Energy and has been developing power,

thermal, and fluid systems since 1982. He has a passion for the business and

engineering of technology development and its integration into commercial products.

Matt was the Sector Manager for Energy and Materials at NASA Glenn Research Center

where he worked for over 30 years. He has also co-founded or been a key contributor

to five technology based start-ups; and provided R&D and engineering consulting to

many industrial, government and research organizations. More about Matt here…

Nicole Moran is a Managing Partner at Isotherm Energy and has more than 20 years

of automotive industry experience. She has led product launches at both OEM and

supply chain companies ensuring timing, quality and price targets are met. Nicole was

part of the program management and launch team for the initial offering of Ford’s

Hybrid Escape SUV. Prior to becoming the majority owner at Isotherm Energy, she

supervised the program management team at an automotive subsystems supplier

with global operations. More about Nicole here…

Management Team