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THE Department ofCommunicationsDeputy Minister,Stella Ndabeni-Abra-hams handed over a

satellite television set at JSSken-jana Senior Secondary School inDutywa and another to MiltonMbekela High School in Qunulast week.

The platform features variouslearning channels which wouldenhance the learning experienceand enable learners to be part ofthe digital global village.Ndabeni-Abrahams, in part-

nershipwith PlatcoDigital, havebeen working on a social respon-sibility programme to roll outsatellite television sets in ruralschools throughout the country.“We want to ensure that our

learners are having access tonew technology so that theycould get better results at the endof theyear.These televisionswillassist learners to get more infor-mation for their studies,” shesaid.Principal of the school, Noma-

wabo Sanqu said they werepleasedwith such a gift from thisdepartment. “We are sure thatour leaners will get the best re-sults. We are always doing wellat the endof the year, but thenewsystem will assist us a lot.”According to her theywere the

pride of Mbhashe, since JS Sken-janana’s learners always gotgood Grade 12 results. She saidthis was the best opportunity toensure that they pull up theirsocks, so that they could achieveeven more.The Department of Educa-

tion’s District Director, MbuleloSafa confirmed that JS Skenjanaalways got great results.He said theywere sure that the

new television would be a greathelp to the school as well as toother schools in the area.

Schoolgets satellite TV

The Deputy Minister for Communications Stella Ndabeni­Abrahams showing a learner a satellite televison they will use to access information.PHOTO: SIMBONGILE MDLEDLE

Mbhashe Mayor, CouncillorNonceba Mfecane at JSSkenjana SSS during thehanding over of a satellitetelevision.PHOTO:BABALWA NDLANYA.

2 NewsJuly 24, 2014Isolomzi Express


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AMAPOLISA akuCentane othuke kwaphelanasecepheni ngelixa ezithela phezulu kwezi-jumba zentsangu ebezibotshwe kakuhle, em-va kokutswetywa iindlebe kwiVillage iKaiFarm.

Oku kukhokelele ekubeni amapolisa an-qakule avalele amabhinqa amabiniaphakathi kweminyaka engama 35 ukuyakwengama 37 kulandela ukufunyanwa kwa-wonentsangu exabisa i-R6000 kwimalike zob-umnyama. Ukanti le ntsangu isikali sayo si-yi-5620 kg. Amapolisa avule ityala lokush-ishina ngentsangu ukanti kulindeleke ukubaabatyholwa bavele ngoLwesithathu phambikwenkundla yamatyala yakuCentane.Othethela amapolisa eClaster yaseGcuwa,

uCaptain Jackson Manatha ukuqinisekisileukubanjwa kwala manina angabarhanelwa.“Bazakuvela enkundlenikungekudalangezi-tyholo zokushishina ngomthunziweenkukhu.”


Amapolisa akuCentane ngelixa ebonisa ngenqwaba yentsangu efunyenwe kwabasetyhini. IFOTO:ITHUNYELWE

In accordance with the editorial policy of the Mthatha Express, we invitereaders to comment on mistakes in the newspaper and shall correctsignificant errors as soon as possible. Send info to the Ombudsman ofMedia24’s Local Press, George Claassen, at [email protected] orcall him at 0 021 851 3232. Readers can also contact the SA PressOmbudsman at 0 011 484 3612/8 or e-mail [email protected].


FROM the people who brought you Citizen Journalist, now comesthe new and exciting initiative for our young writers – YouthJourno.Youth Journo is a programmepresented byMedia24’s LocalNewspapers, of which OP Koerante forms part of, that gives highschool students the opportunity to share their schools’ news withthe rest of the community online. But it is not only restricted toschool news – anything that is of importance to teenagers could besubmitted under Youth Journo on ourwebsite, whether it be datingtips, book or CD reviews or more serious matters like drug abuseamong teenagers. To launch this exciting project, OP Koerantewillbe giving away a laptop to a school that submits the most YouthJourno entries online. To enter for this competition, learners – orrather Youth Journo’s – would have to go to our website to tell uswhy their school is the best (only online entries will be accepted).

How to enterGo to The Youth Journo (or his/her parent) mustregister as a user on the website and then click on “Tell Your Story”.

The online form you need to fill in is as easy to use as Facebook. The YouthJourno must remember to fill in his/her name and surname, upload a photoof himself or herself and also mention the school’s name somewhere in the

story. Stories should be at least 250 words.What the school does with the laptop, is totally up to them.

For further information, contact the Online Editor, Tanya van Zyl at0 041 503 6059 or send an e-mail to [email protected].

Become our Youth Journo today


THE Butterworth police have found the body of an un-known male person which was already partially decom-posed at Transido premises in Butterworth, on Monday,July 14. The deceased is estimated to be about 40 yearsof age and there were visible injuries to the body. The

cause of death is not yet known.

An inquest docket hadbeenopenedby theButterworthpolice.Anyone looking for a missing person fitting the de-

scription should contact the Butterworth police stationon 0 047 401 1100.

Unknownman (40) found dead

3NewsJuly 24, 2014Isolomzi Express



Project Reference Number: ENGX/1403 RMP


OPPORTUNITY TO PARTICIPATE:(especially communities adjacent the dam includes: Zazulwana,Ingxalathi as well as Mzantsi)

Butterworth Community Hall on Wednesday, 31 July 2014 from14:00pm – 16:00pm

For more information, or to confirm your attendance please contact:

Engineerex (Pty) Ltd hasbeen appointed by the Department of Water Affairs to undertake thedevelopment of the RMP and associated Business Plan for the GcuwaWeir / Dam.RMPwill comeupwith plans that will guide how the damcanbeused to benefit the local communities, protect the users while keeping thedam in good condition so as tomaintain the primary purpose of the dam.

The Gcuwa Weir is located in Butterworth Town under Mnquma LocalMunicipality within the Amathole District Municipality in Eastern CapeProvince.

All Interested and Affected Parties

are invited to a public meeting that will beheld at

to share information and to allow I&APs to participatein the development of RMP.

MrAluwani Khuswana: Engineerex (Pty) Ltd,

P.O. Box 12107,DieHoewes, 0163

Tel: 012 667 1085

Fax: 086 605 6697

Email:[email protected]

Department:Water Affairs:REPUBLIC OF SOUTH AFRICA



SUPPORTERS of various jus-tice organizations, includingthe Sonke Gender Justice Net-work and the Idutywa Wom-en’s Support Group, gatheredoutside Butterworth Magis-trate’s Court to give support tofamily members of a womanwho was allegedly murderedby her boyfriend in Decemberlast year.

These organizations weremarching to voice their angerover ongoing domestic vio-lence.The accused had allegedly

stabbed the deceased multipletimes in the upper body witha 30cm dagger.Nkosinathi Xabadiya ap-

peared before ButterworthMagistrate’s Court for themurder of Sandiswa Mhlawu-li. His case had been remand-ed to August 12 and the ac-cused had been granted bail ofR1000.ASonkeGenderJusticeNet-

work spokesperson, PatrickGodana, said they weremarching with the intentionof giving support to the familyof the deceased. “The family ofthe deceased is not gettingsupport and counselling, eventhough theywere traumatizedby the incident. This case hastaken a long time but we wantto tell men that theymust stopabusing women because whatthey are doing is painful.”The Express heard that the

deceased was dating the ac-cused before she allegedly de-cided to part ways with the ac-cused, who refused to bedumped. Villagers and mem-bers of Sonke Gender Justicewanted to know why the sus-pect was not behind bars.The Magistrate postponed

the case as more evidence wasneeded from the doctor whoexamined the deceased.

Organisations support victim’s family

Members from different organisations marched outside Butterworth Magistrate Court. PHOTO:BABALWA NDLANYA.


EAST Griqualand land claims repre-sentative, Cyril George Ganger-dine,,is disputing that the whole ofKwaZulu Natal land belongs to KingGoodwill Zwelithini but claims thatmost of the land belongs to theKhoisan people.

AmaMpondo King ZanozukoTyelovuyo Sigcau, has, however, dis-missed Gangerdine’s claims and saidhe was distorting the information ofland claims.Thiswas after reports that the Zulu

King was about to launch South Afri-can’s biggest claim for land that wasunder control of the Zulus in 1838.Sigcau said they were set to lodge

a claim for the land starting fromPort Shepstone, Harding, Kokstad,Swartberg, Matatiele, Mount Fletch-er and Underberg.“We know that these areas belong

to the land of AmaMpondo and it iswell-documented. The late KingFaku’s grave is in Marburg outsidePort Shepstone and our intention isto claim back our land,” said KingSigcau.Gangardine said theZuluKingcan-

not claim the Griqualand (Kokstad).He said they will deal with this

matter even in the ConstitutionalCourt and the Khoisan will stand fortheir rights.

“Therewas a certain region calledno man’s land when Adam Kokcame here in the East Griqualand.“It was made up of three districts,

Mount Currie district (Kokstad),Matatiele, Umzimkhulu and part ofHarding district.“When you talk about no man’s

land, itmeans that therewasnobodywho lives there. It is alsoproven thatthroughout KwaZulu Natal you willfindBushmandrawings and the spe-cialists will tell you that how old arethose drawings. “It shows that Zulu-land belongs to the Khoisan,” saidGangerdine.But King Sigcau disput-ed Gangerdine’s claims and saidwhen Griquas arrived in the EastGriqualand they asked for a piece ofland from King Faku of amaMpon-do. He also dismissed claims thatKing Goodwill Zwelithini and theNhlangwini Royal house have landin that part of Eastern Cape whichthey want to claim back.Gangerdine said the drawings

which are found all over KwaZuluNatal were providing further evi-dence that the Khoisan were thefirst people in South Africa beforeNguni tribes arrived fromNorthernAfrican countries.He advised all South Africans to

sit around the table or to call the sec-ond Convening of the ConventionforDemocratic SouthAfrica (CODE-SA) to discuss the issue of land.

Land claim opens a can of worms

East Griqualand land claims represent­ative Cyril George Gangerdine.PHOTO: KHAYA MAGENU

4 NewsJuly 24, 2014Isolomzi Express


ASpart of walking inNelsonMan-dela’s footsteps of goodwill, Ex-press publications decided to openits heart to help the NcedisizweOldAgeProject inLukholoLocali-ty, Mbizana, by filling cracks inthe walls and painting the centreon July 18.

This Old Age Project which has50 members was identified by Ex-press employees who saw the needfor assistance at the centre. Theelders were extremely pleasedthat their centre was now decent,beautiful and clean.

Members of the project whowere present while the Expressteam was at work, made sure thatall the things needed during thepainting were provided, like wa-ter and a ladder.A local professional painter,

Ndumiso Magidela, agreed tohelp, as did Nkosinathi Nyathi.Mzize Noqhamza, a member of

the centre, acknowledged the helpof the Express team on behalf ofNcedisizwe and said the effort inhelping them was highly appreci-ated. “What you did here today isnot for us, but for you. You willreap the fruits of this goodwill,”concluded Noqhamza.

Expresspitches inonMandelaDay

This is what the centre looked like before being painted. Filling the crackson the wall is Greg Nota of Express. PHOTO: PHINDILE GQELE

Greg Nota (right) with volunteers who were assisting him in painting the centre, Ndumiso Magidela, a painter by profes­sion, who agreed to give his assistance free of charge (left) and Nkosinathi Nyathi (middle). PHOTO: PHINDILE GQELE


THEPresident of theRepublic of SouthAfrica,Jacob Zuma, has spent his 67minutes on Inter-national Mandela Day in the Eastern Capehome village of the late Dr Nelson Mandela.

Nelson Mandela Day was marked by theUnited Nations to be celebrated globally,whereby people got involved in assisting thosewho are in need. Zuma started in Qunu andproceeded to kuMvezo Great Place, where heofficially opened a Museum and met with thetraditional leadership of the AbaThembu.From Mvezo Great Place, where Dr Nelson

Mandelawas born, Zumawent on to themulti-million rand Nelson Mandela School of Sci-ence and Technology in Mvezo.Before addressing the audience at the Nel-

sonMandelaSchool ofScienceandTechnologyauditorium, Zuma unveiled a statue of NelsonMandela. The president first started by takingpart in a cleaning up campaign, accompaniedby National Minister of Arts and Culture,Nathi Mthethwa, Eastern Cape Premier Pu-mulloMasualle andmanydignitaries fromna-tional government.Addressing the audience, President Zuma

thanked theAbaThembunation for producinga charismatic leader like tataNelsonMandela.“This isnot adayof speeches, but adayofworkand a very important day for South Africans,because this country is enjoying the rare prac-tice of their hero whose legacy is celebratedworld-wide. We decided as the country to re-member uTata by cleaning up our country,”said Zuma. Zuma describedMandela as a manwho did good things for his country and whostood up for the truth until the last moment.“He did good things for liberating this coun-

try andmade us knownworldwide because hewas an international icon.”He called on SouthAfricans to be united and build the nation andadhere to the teachings of Tata NelsonMande-la. “This is a time of pain for South Africansbecause it is the first year we are celebratinghis birthwithout Tata.” He said all SouthAfri-cans needed to follow in the footsteps of inkosiDalibhunga (Nelson Mandela) who loved hisnation.The grandson of the late TataMandela, Nko-

si Zwelivelile Mandla Mandela expressed hisgratitude to the South African government forkeeping the legacy of his grandfather alive.

President Zuma spends his 67minutes inMvezo

President Jacob Zuma taking part in a cleaning campaign at Qunu on Mandela Day. PHOTO: SIMBONGILE MDLEDLE

5NewsJuly 24, 2014Isolomzi Express

Stormvictims receivenewhouses

Councillor Simfunile Budu and KSD Housing Manager, Liziwe Mkwali, handing over the keys toMasithembele Tokwana. PHOTO: SUPPLIED


THIRTEEN families from Gxididi and Mpind-weni localities in Mthatha, who fell victim toaheavy stormhitting the area in 2010, receivednew houses last week.

The houses were handed over by the KingSabata Dalindyebo Municipality in partner-shipwith theprovincialDepartment ofHumanSettlements.

KSD Executive Mayor, Councillor Non-koliso Ngqongwa, assured other victims whowere still waiting for their houses, that theywould get their permanent structures in duetime. “The municipality will continue rollingout houses to all the wards of KSD and tomor-row, the municipality will be introducing acontractor which has been tasked to build 1188houses for the residents of ward 25 and ward27,” said Ngqongwa.

She added that the beneficiaries were veryexcited when they were handed their housekeys. They had been residing in temporarystructures since the storm damaged theirhouses in 2010. She also apologized for the de-lay. “The delay to the provision of these per-manent structures is attributed to the longlist of storm victims. We are happy that theones that are ready are being handed over,”said Ngqongwa.

One of the beneficiaries, MasithembeleTokwana, said she would be moving instraight away. “I thank the government forproviding me with this house, I am so happythat I got my house while I’m still alive andI amnot going towaste any time, I ammovingin today,” said the excited Gogo.

Human Settlements has already built about100 houses for victims of the 2010 disaster.Each victim got a 40 square meter, four roomhouse worth R85 000.

6 NewsJuly 24, 2014Isolomzi Express

Kennedy Chitula MwangeSALES EXECUTIVE

82 Blakeway Street, MthathaOffice: (047) 050 4430Fax: (041) 503 6256Cell: 073 478 7899

E-mail: [email protected]



PUPILS from the Zithenjini Junior Second-ary School in Dutywa received tracksuitsand schools bags from the Amathole DistrictMunicipality (ADM) last week.

Since winter has seen temperatures plum-meting, these less fortunate pupils fromZithenjini were lucky to receive tracksuitsthat would keep them warm when going toschool. According to the Mayor of the Mb-hashe local Municipality, NoncebaMfecane,their aim was to assist pupils from thisschool, since they had realized that these pu-pils were coming from poor families.

“TheADMalso assisted this school by sup-plying two toilets. Previously the school onlyhad four toilets. Two toiltets were used byteachers and the other two had to be sharedby the pupils,” said Mfecane.According to Mfecane all pupils (158) re-

ceived school bags and shoes, while 98 pupilsalso received tracksuits.One of the pupils who got a tracksuit, Luy-

anda Mkhaliphi, said he was very happyabout what the ADMhad done for them. “Wewill be like other children who are comingfrom better off families now, because of thesupport we got from the ADM.We don’t havewords to express how we feel to about whatthe municipality did for us.”

Pupils receive tracksuits

Pupils from Zithenjini JSS wearing the tracksuits they receive from ADM. PHOTO: SUPPLIED


THE Eastern Cape Liquor Board (ECLB)changed the lives of childrenat the Siyakhana Youth Cen-tre by donating toys and gro-ceries as part of their 67 min-utes initiative.

Nandipha Sondati fromECLB said they had decided tomake a contribution to thishome, since they were a gov-ernment institution lookingafter people with alcohol ad-diction. “Sometimes childrenare ending up here because ofalcohol. This is why we’ve de-cided to assist them.”The Manager of the centre,

Nonceba Matsha, said theywere grateful of the supportthey got from ECLB. “It is ablessing to us to be visited bythese stakeholders and this is giving us hopethat we will manage to fulfill our dreams forthis centre.”She said the centre was currently funded

by the Department of Social Development,but theywere still inviting other institutionsto assist them.Matsha said theywere speech-

less about what the ECLB didfor the centre, because theydidn’t know that they could getsuch support from them.TheAreaManager for theDe-

partment of Social Develop-ment, Siziwe Mvinjelwa, saidthey aprececiated the effortmade by ECLB to assist thiscentre. She said as SocialWork-ers they had a responsibility toensure that everybody is get-ting support.“Some of the children are

here because of alcohol abusein their homes, creating an un-stable and unsafe situation forthem to live in. We then bringthem to the centre.”Mvinjelwa said other chil-

dren here had been abused.“We are happy to see that there are people

who still care about others, because nowa-days people seem not to be thinking of thosein need, but only of themselves.”

ECLBdonates toysandgroceries

The Manager of Siyakha­na Youth Centre, NoncebaMatsha doing welcomingremarks. PHOTO: BABALWANDLANYA

The staff of SiyakhanaYouth Centre, SAB staff

and ECLB stading behindthe grocery that wasdonated by ECLB.


7EntertainmentJuly 24, 2014Isolomzi Express

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SURELY dear reader you know about the say-ing that says when days are dark friends arefew?

That’s what we noticed about a guy whomwe used to see driving with his friends allnight long when we we were still grooving.

They were going to almost all the nightclubs of UTA in one night.

Wawubona nje ukuba there was a good rela-tionship kula majita ehlala endawonye, maraamanye babengenazikari. Nina gossip teamnanibabona nisiyaphi? Kaloku as you knowwe are always on the street looking for gossipnews not booze or girls and we are gettingpaid for that. Aish, da man is suffering nowand we don’t know where his friends are now

when he is in that situation.Even though he has no car presently but he

still loves mnandi places even though hisfriends are nowhere to be found.

We met him in Chicago as he was trying togo back to his room.

He told us that he tried to phone the guywhom he used to ‘jujuma’ with, but he wasnot picking up his cell phone and he was men-tioning his name.

And we know the man he was alwaysputting pressure on the guy to move from oneplace to another with his car.

Shame we felt bad and helped by transport-ing him to his room in Norwood.

This is UTA ke ndoda during your affordingdays friends are all over you but when things

are bad they just vanish and not help evenwhen you need help. Ask uGesh esafika lawayene friends all over but once his vehiclewas involved in an accident in Tutor Nda-mase robots they were nowhere to be found.

Mara ke if uphinde wagrand ntwana baza-kuphinde bavele befuna ukusebenzisa kwa-khona. Pasop.

Watch out for these herbalists

We fail to understand why people don’twant to listen because we have been tellingthem about these brothers from our neigh-bouring countries but it seems as if abantubakuthi abafuni kumamela.

Recently we met a guy who was crying that

Wherearehis friendsnow?


SHOPRITE group held its 8th annual TOP-stars at Sun International-Hemingwaysrecently.

Workers shine

his savings had been robbed by these guyswho promised him that he would become amillionaire. Kwathiwa makakhuphe yonkeimali ebank to add more fortunes to it.

Naso ke naso isiyatha esikhulu sesixelelwaukuba imali engaka masingayikhuphi marayena wafostela kuhle kukaMzeke Mzeke kubauboniswe imali ibigcwele ibagkwathiwauku-ba angakhupha le isebankini inganyeyakhele ebeyibona. Engaqale anikwe le seyikhonanje phambi kokuba aye kukhupha le yakhe.Shame, our people are….ai shame, bazakuthisiyabathuka.

Nditsho entsomini akukho mntu wakewathi elihlwempu wenza omnye isetyebi, sobantu bakuthi yekani obuyatha kuba ayikhole nto.

Xa umntu ezakunika iimpuku zemali usay-ifunelani imali ezakuwinisa iLotto ungabonikwalapha kuye ukuba lo mntu akakudingiukuwina iLotto kuba unezinto zakhe.

Ungavele uthi ubona ukhandlaza ehambangenyawo erenta iqokobhe le matshisi le ndluathi uzakukutyebisa nawe uvume lo ntokodwa uyazibonela nje nawe ukuba uyaze-dlulela kulo mntu nalapha asebenzela khonaakukho nto ithi angakunika izityhwentywezemali. Mfethu umphile lo R80 000 lo gqirhayincame. Iqale phantsi mara usebenzengengqondo yakho iyeke ukukuxelela izintoezingasoze zenzeke.

Uvumile moss.

TOPstars is a singing competitionfor all Shoprite Group workers aimedat using singing as a tool for ordinaryworks to be exposed to goal setting andempowerment and for workers to real-ize their talent. Contestants camefrom as far as Butterworth to take partin the competition. They came fromdifferent Shoprite Group chain stores

including Hungry Lion, OK Furnitures, Us-ave, MediRite and Shoprite Liquorshop.

Masilakhe Konongo, who impressed thejudges with his opera music, walked away asthe 2014 Eastern Cape finalist who will com-pete in the competition’s grand finale in CapeTown on October 18.

Konongo from Highway Mdantsane Sho-prite said it has always been his dream to ex-pose his talent. “I started singing opera in2005. When I’m not at work I make sure I aminvolved in opera singing, choral choirs andarts and culture projects. It is my passion.Shoprite has given me an opportunity toshowcase my talent in other provinces andthat’s great exposure,” said Konongo.

In its 8th annual TOPstars competition,a first ever TOPstars CD entitled Allstarshas been launched. TOPstar public rela-tions officer, Robyn Oliver, said the art-ists were hand-picked from previous win-ners and other participants performing onthe collaborative album. “The first singlefrom the album is African Party and is asong accompanying the first TOPstarsmusic video,” said Oliver.

Renowned music and television person-ality, Meinie Grove and her AmaGrooveproduction team who produced the TOP-stars competition, said she was proud ofthe workers who took part in the competi-tion.

Seen here are Arno Abeln, Deputy Divisional Manager at Shoprite EC, FelicityLodewyk from Shoprite Group head office, Masilakhe Konongo the TOPstarwinner and Jo-Ann Daniels the TOPstar embassador


8 NewsJuly 24, 2014Isolomzi Express


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IN an endeavour to promote and developboxing in the entire OR Tambo region,former boxing legend, Abraham S’khen-jane, has introduced his boxing promo-tions company, Punch for PunchProduc-tion Boxing Promotions, in Mthatha lastweek.

S’khenjana’s main aim is to developboxing talent in the OR Tambo regionand to expose young talent in boxing.

S’khenjane said there were many tal-ented youngsters in the OR Tambo re-gion, but that they lacked exposure,since there was no promotion companyin the area.

“We only get promoters fromEast Lon-

doncominghere and theyhave their ownagendas.My company’s targetwill be thedeep rural areaswhere Iwas born. Iwantto ensure that the boxers there get the op-portunity to display their talent. I estab-lished this company after seeing thatboxing here is not growing because noone is promoting it. I want to produce in-ternational champions from this regionand addmore Konco’s here,” said Skhen-jane.

He called on government to investmore inboxing and saidhewouldbe talk-ing to the municipalities in the OR Tam-bo District to introduce boxing tourna-ments in their wards as part of develop-ing boxing in rural areas.

This former Transkei champ is cur-rentlyworking alone, but he appealed to

Campaign topromote local boxing

Abraham Sikhenjana.PHOTO: SIM MDLEDLE

government and theDepartment of Sportto take part in the development of boxingin this region. “This is for our region andfor our children, soweneed to join handsto put our talent in the limelight.”

He said he wished that governmentwould bring back boxing to schools. “Iflearners could participate in boxingtournaments at schools level, it would beeasier to get exposure and to climb theladder to professional boxing.”

He said his first step is to host boxingtournaments throughout the region inan attempt to recruit boxers.


THROUGH her enthusiasm and love of run-ning, Elsie Tobo (76) of the Ncedisizwe OldAge Project in the Lukholo locality in Bizanastill rakes in the medals.

Tobo’s love for running started when shewas at primary school. Since 2009 she haswon no fewer than nine medals and a certifi-cate for her running in the Golden Games.

She said she first started by participatingin races for older people in 2009 in Bizanawhen shewon the 100m race. Shewas chosen

to represent Bizana in 2010 in East London,where she won the 400m event. Although shewas reluctant, she agreed to participate andcame first.

Hereafter she attended other races in PortElizabeth in 2011, Rustenburg in 2012 and Jo-hannesburg in 2013 where she participatedin 100, 200, 400 and 800m events and finishedfirst in every single race.

Tobo said she had enjoyed keeping fit all herlife. “Running keeps me youthful. Young peo-ple shouldexercisebecause ithelpsone tokeepfit and be healthy. They should also stop doingdrugs and drinking alcohol and rather involvethemselves in sport,” said Tobo.

On Friday, July 18, Golden games selec-tions were held in Bizana where a team thatwill represent Bizana in East London waschosen. Tobo was one of the athletes.

Runner (76) still rakes in goldmedals

Old people running for Goldengames selectionsPHOTO: PHINDILE GQELE