Download - ISAAC Meeting

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Introduction and Welcome Meeting!

Irvine Students Against Animal Cruelty


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Introduction + Mission Statement

Ice breaker + Fact Exchange

Introduction to Animal Rights

Goals For the Year

Board Members

Tabling + Membership

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WelcomeThank You For Coming!

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Meatless Mondays

Every Monday At Dining Halls-Mesa, Pippin, Brandywine

We offer the information you need to start each week with healthy, environmentally friendly, meat-free alternatives.


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City Council

Tonight 4pm-8pm

Please Attend after meeting!

Our Support is needed to protect Animals In our Town!

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Mission Statement

Irvine Students Against Animal Cruelty (ISAAC) is a club dedicated to raising awareness about and actively trying to change the plight of non-human animals in our society. Though campus and community outreach, promoting veg*ism, volunteering and activism, we aim to inform people about the various ways animals are used in our society and the cruelties involved in producing animal products. We similarly aim to promote humane alternatives to animal products, inform people about how raising animals for food affects the environment, and to stress the health benefits associated with veg*ism.

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Ice BreakerDid everyone get a card?

Read your Card

Meet at least 3 other people and exchange


Year in School


And Your Animal Cruelty Fact!

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Introduction To Animal Rights

Animals Face Cruelty and Maltreatment in These Industries:





Companion Animals

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Goals For The Year

Increase Membership



Movie Screenings/Viewings



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Board MembersCurrently Looking to Fill These Positions

Vice-President-Second in command. This person is the go to person when the president is unavailable. This position requires the person to be at all meetings and work closely with the President to keep everything in the club organized.

Secretary-This position requires a person that will update facebook, the ISAAC website, and takes notes at every meeting in order to keep all members up to date with stuff going on with ISAAC, hence the updating facebook and website info.

Event Coordinator-This position requires an organized person. This person will reserve spots for tabling, events, bake sale, fundraiser, etc. as well as help organize an event or organize at least one big event per quarter.

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Tabling + MembershipTabling

Table to Spread Awareness

Table to Advertise For Events

Table to Raise Money


Membership dues are $5 A quarter or $12 for the whole year

All money goes to the club

Help pay for Flyers, events etc